Sixty bucks

It seems everyone has been posting their Easter sunrise photos. Here’s my contribution:

Okay, so technically it’s an Easter sunset, but does it really matter? Don’t be such a doubting Thomas! Anyway, that was the view from my perch at Cheap Charlies yesterday.

I don’t really live on a tight budget. I get my pension payment on the first of every month and I try to make it last until the next month’s deposit. Usually, I even have a few dollars left over to put into my savings account. On a daily basis I don’t even think about it, I spend whatever I feel like spending. Most nights out drinking I reckon I spend less than twenty dollars, including lady drinks. Once in a while though I get bit by the “big spender” bug. Like last night for instance.

Hanging out at Cheap Charlies and drinking beers in the fading hours of Easter Sunday. I bought a drink for my bartender friend, Jona, and several for my waitress, Tina. When I first arrived the place was pretty dead. The lack of customers doesn’t bother me, of course, but the gals that were working on the holiday didn’t seem happy about the lack of opportunity to make some commissions. After a couple more beers I started feeling sorry for the girls, so I called out to Jona to bring me a menu. Consultation over what the girls might like for Easter dinner resulted in my placing an order for chicken wings, Shanghai lumpia, and rice for eight hungry ladies. The bill came to 1400 pesos, less than $30. It doesn’t cost much to be popular here!

Everyone seemed much more cheerful with a full stomach and as the evening progressed more customers wandered in. I drank my fill and didn’t let Tina’s glass get empty. When I was ready to go, my drink tab totaled 1200 pesos. So, with generous tips for Jona and Tina, I was out another $30. Sixty bucks for a nice night of food and beverage, but no debauchery, is a bargain in my book. I certainly couldn’t replicate it in Korea or the USA for twice that amount.

Facebook had a couple of memories to share with me this morning:

Six years ago I was at Shenanigans in Itaewon with these two distinguished gentlemen, both published authors.
And eight years ago, I was in Las Vegas getting married. For the fourth (and last) time.

Time marches ever onward. These could be the best days of my life and I’ll only know it when I’m looking back. Actually, I don’t plan to fall into that trap again. I’m trying hard to live in the moment and make the best of each day. As long as I’ve got sixty bucks in my pocket, I should do alright.


Holy hell, I feel like a new man. Almost as if I was born again. It’s a good feeling to roll the stone of illness away and arise as a healthy man. I’m not saying it’s a miracle, but at least I’m not stuck hanging around the house and feeling cross now. Having my freedom to move about resurrected is a blessing that has lifted my spirits. Praise the healing power of faith in the restoration of good health. Alright, I don’t mean to make it sound like a religious experience or anything. Can I get an Amen to that?

Speaking of resurrection, I just had a weird encounter with a ghost from Easter past. I’ve gotten in the habit of doing a quick search to make sure I’ve not used the title for a post previously. Originally, I was going to call this one “Holy Hell”, but I discovered that last May I did a post with that name. The search results also brought up a post from June 2005 I called “And so begins the task“. This is how it begins:

Some things in life just don’t turn out the way we had imagined or intended. And sometimes the consequences for actions and bad decisions are harsh. Hell, devastating. The past few weeks I’ve felt my life spinning out of control and I have felt powerless to do a thing about it. I’m a dreaming man, and dreams for me die hard.

So I have been incredibly sad. Full of regret and remorse and a fair amount of self-loathing.

But that doesn’t change a thing. I have to take responsibility for my mistakes, just as I also must take responsibility for my life, such as it is. I am powerless to change the past. And I can not live in the past.

I know I can be a bit melodramatic at times, but damn, it seems like I must have been going through some serious shit. Except for the life of me, I can’t remember what the hell was going on back then. I thought maybe it was the end of marriage number three, but the timing doesn’t seem right. I had only been in Korea for six months at that point. Things ended with Carol when she declined to join me in Seoul, as we had agreed, after daughter Hillary returned from deployment in Afghanistan. That would have been well after June 2005. No idea what was going on when I wrote that post.

The other thing that stands out is that I quoted Kevin Kim’s Easter meditation: put it down at length in my post. It remains one of my all-time favorites of his, and the coincidence of me coming across it on Easter Sunday sixteen years later is a little mind-boggling.

Since I and a few people I know are all going through a painful period, each of us for various reasons, I thought it might be good to write about “putting it down.”

In Zen Buddhism, the maxim is “don’t make anything.” Your mind is so often the source of your troubles. You choose to face the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune either negatively or positively. Often, at the beginning of a troublesome period in your life, it is difficult to realize how responsible you are for your own choices. It’s easier to shift blame to your surroundings. But ultimately, the healthiest route out of the forest of troubles is to start by looking in a mirror. Behold what’s actually there; don’t needlessly manufacture problems for yourself and others.

I’m not a scriptural literalist, so I don’t believe Jesus rose from the dead. But the story of the passion and resurrection nevertheless holds power for me, because it’s a story about a man who put everything down, including his own life, for the sake of love. How many of us can claim to be ready and willing to do something like that? Not many, I suspect.

Most of us, like little children, cling desperately to our cherished notions, preconceptions, and delusions, unwilling to countenance truth and change. We face the world with fear, and create clever rationales for our spiritual cowardice. In a crisis period, this instinct intensifies. The ego swells to enormous size– everything is about getting hurt, everything is about me, me, me. The world doesn’t understand my pain, and only I am in pain!

I’ve felt like that before. I’ve looked out at a street full of people and wondered why they didn’t see my agony, which was plain as day to me. The world kept right on turning, resisting my egocentric interpretation of it.

And there’s a lesson in that. Life is change, ceaseless change. All we have is this moment. If we try to keep the past with us, we merely create more suffering for ourselves. If we try to hold on to our anger, or our hurt, or whatever it is we’re feeling, we poison ourselves.

It’s better simply to put it all down.

I must have taken Kevin’s words of wisdom to heart–I’ve put whatever it was that was troubling me back then so far down I don’t even remember what it was!

I did go back and look at some of my other posts from that timeframe looking for a clue and didn’t find one. But I did discover this:

In my personal life I am just filling time these days. Last night, my Air Force buddy, Jeff, called and interrupted a game of CIV so we could meet at Caroline’s for a couple of beers. We wound up playing darts. I can’t remember the last time I’ve tried to hit a dart board, but it has probably been over 20 years ago. I assumed my darts would be worse than my pool, but surprisingly I played pretty well. Not well enough to win (Jeff is really good), but most of the time it came down to who got the last bullseye first. I really enjoyed myself and I’m thinking with some practice I might actually be a decent player.

So, there you have it. I began my darts “career” on June 16, 2005. What a life!

Enough with the past, the future is now! Since I was feeling better by yesterday afternoon, and noting that my fever had be gone for 36 hours, I deemed it safe for me to venture out of the house for some, um, exercise. I took it easy on myself and did the short walk to Baloy Beach. Then I saw the floating bar and thought “why not?”. I told myself I would make sure to practice social distancing, just in case. And that’s just what I did!

It was late in the afternoon on a Saturday and the floater was in full swing. I secured a seat at the far end of the bar and safely observed the goings-on. The first thing I noticed was the crowd was not the usual locals I’m used to seeing around. Quite a few of them were actually young looking (yeah, that stands out in a community of retired fuckers) and it appeared they had brought their own womenfolk with them, much to the chagrin of the local bargirls present, no doubt.

This sailboat anchored about 50 yards off the stern of the floating bar also caught my eye. I wondered if some of my fellow patrons might have come via water. Sure enough, a short time later three of them jumped in the water and swam out to the boat, lifted anchor, and headed out to wherever. I assume they paid their tab…

Turns out the other guests on the floating bar had come up from Angeles City, which is currently on full lockdown. That means no bars or restaurants are open at all. I’m hearing reports from around town that it was a booming weekend for the Barretto bars as those with the means made their escape from AC. Good for them!

I wasn’t going to push my luck (or anyone else’s) so I confined myself to my seat in the open air floater. I don’t think it gets much safer than that. Had myself some beers and did what I do best–watched the sun go down.

Shortly thereafter, I caught a trike to take me on home. It was a nice, but brief, escape from my self-imposed custody.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I woke up feeling healthy and refreshed. I figured the best way to celebrate was a nice morning walk. Wanna join me?

Leaving my subdivision…
On the National highway…
Abra street.
Rizal extension…
A street with no name.
Columban College.
Jasmine street.
Gomez extension
Gomez street.
Daugupan street
Albay street.
Back to the National highway…
La Union street.
A passage through the village…
Hey, I can see my house from here! (on the left, behind the trees…)
Now, wasn’t that fun to be out and about again?

Thanks for coming along. Its nice to feel normal again. Not like this guy:

Sorry, Joe.

Nothing ain’t worth nothing…

…but it’s free.

I’m not sure you could squeeze any more emptiness into a day than I managed to do yesterday. Never left the house. Didn’t drink a beer. Slept for eleven and a half hours, pretty much double my daily dose. As for walking, here’s what my Fitbit had to say:

The fewest steps I’ve taken since I started wearing a tracker six years ago…

Comparatively speaking, I feel practically normal today. Whatever in the hell that is, I did the dog walk and was considering a modest morning hike, but then decided to not push myself today. I want this over and done with, once and for all. I think I’m close.

Outside the walls of my comfortable prison, the world appears to be going on as it always has. Or at least the begging requests (hungry and/or sick kids seem to be this week’s theme) continue apace. For the most part, I just ignore them and that seems to get the message across. I got a new one from Rose Ann this week that illustrates the mentality of some of these gals.

Some quick background on Rose, I met her long ago when she was working at Cheap Charlies. I wrote about the time I happened upon her outside of work:

Some long-ago day I was out on one of my walks and passing through one of the poorer sections of town. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a young woman’s backside. As I enjoyed the view she turned around and gave me a big smile. “Hello, John,” she said. I was dumbfounded and had no idea who she was. Seeing my confusion, she told me “I work at Cheap Charlies”. So, it took me a few visits before I could find that ass face again, but ever since I’ve enjoyed sharing a drink with her.

That’s Rose on the right…

Anyway, I’ve always been a little sweet on her and I still occasionally see her when i pass through the neighborhood on my hikes. She’s not been back to Cheap Charlies since the early days of the pandemic. She used to have an Australian “boyfriend” sending her support, but I guess that’s ended now (her Facebook status says “single” again). I know she has a couple of kids and I’m pretty sure she has a Filipino boyfriend/husband. Of course, none of that is any of my business, but she does occasionally initiate contact out of the blue. Usually when she wants or needs something.

Several months ago she was looking for work–did I need a housekeeper? I told her I have a live-in helper, but my masseuse had recently moved and I was looking for a replacement. She said she didn’t know how to do massage, but I told her that her shoulder rubs in Cheap Charlies were always very nice. She made it clear she wasn’t interested though, and that was that. This week I get a message saying her kids are hungry and she would like me to wire her P2500. I ignored the request. Later she came back asking for P1000, but I still wasn’t budging.

Then she got a little smarter, she actually chatted me up some. Asked about hiking, teased me about bringing her cookies, and the like. I invited her to join me on a hike, but she gave me a “some other time” response. Okay then. “Oh, by the way, can you loan me 500 pesos so I can buy food?” Sure, I told her, you gonna come by the house to pick it up? (we are 15 minutes apart on foot). “Can you wire the money?” No was my response, and I haven’t heard from her since.

That’s the part I don’t get. Why play me for a sucker? If you really need money for your hungry kids, come on over and give me a lousy massage and I’ll give you some cash. If you find the thought of touching me disgusting, then at least act like we are friends–join me on a hike, make me feel special. If that ain’t worth it to you, the bring your pathetic self to my house and pick up the cash in person. I live closer than any of the money exchange places you want me to wire it to. Why should I have to go through that hassle to give you money?

Anyway, that’s the latest example. Things must be tough, there have been several others.

In what I think is unrelated news, I learned a new term today: solo polyamory:

It described a person who is romantically involved with many people but is not seeking a committed relationship with anyone. What makes this different from casual dating is that they’re not looking for a partner, and the relationship isn’t expected to escalate to long-term commitments, like marriage or children. More important, the relationship isn’t seen as wasted time or lacking significance because it doesn’t lead to those things.

Hmm, kind of like my “friends with benefits” charity program. Honestly though, I think there are always strings attached. I’m pretty sure Joy wants more than I’m giving, both emotionally and financially, but she’s trying to figure out how to get there from here. You can’t. I’m sure she’ll figure that out soon enough. I’m not totally satisfied either, but it’s the best option available at the moment for a polyamorous bastard like me.

And that’s about all I’ve got for today. Well, other than this:

Man, I hate when that happens!

What’s so good about it?

My calendar promised me that I was going to have a good Friday. It hasn’t turned out that way. I have actually slept more than I’ve been awake today. And even after the naps, I don’t feel refreshed at all. I’ve been complaining about low energy levels for several days now, but I’ve never experienced anything like this before. Even if I wanted to go out tonight, and I don’t–that would be irresponsible, I honestly don’t think I could make the ten-minute walk to the nearest bar. I expect I’ll remain homebound at least until I can start feeling asymptomatic. I really, really hope that will happen sometime over the weekend, but perhaps I’m being overly optimistic. We’ll see.

As I mentioned in the comments to an earlier post, my fever has at least dropped back to the normal range. I’ve checked it several times today, and although it fluctuates some, it has not risen above 37.5 (it’s 37.1 as I write this). Other than the lethargy and some light-headedness, the other warning signs of COVID still don’t seem to be in evidence. Well, I’ve had a cough, albeit a wet one, and that’s pretty normal for me with my damaged lungs. So, I don’t think I have a lot to worry about, but I need to be cautious so as not to spread whatever this is to innocent bystanders.

And for the record, there are places I can go to get a quick and easy COVID-test. My fear remains, however, that a positive test result would create a shit storm of contact tracing and my potential confinement in a quarantine facility. That’s a nightmare I don’t want to endure. I’ll get through this at home.

I already miss the great outdoors!

See? I still have my sense of humor. Such as it is.

I’d hate to miss Monday’s Hash and break my consecutive hikes streak. Even in the best case scenario, I just don’t see me climbing Easter mountain though. Hopefully, I can do my own trail out to the On-Home, which would keep my record intact. We’ll see.

Back in the “good ol’ days”, like last night, I’d be looking forward to some beers in one of my favorite venues. I did the newest bar in town yesterday, and this is an actual text message exchange I had:

You out?


Where are you?

It doesn’t matter.

Okay, fine. Be that way!

Yeah, the bar name might tend to create some misunderstandings.

And yes, I did point out to the owner that he’s missing an apostrophe. Heh! A bar with bad punctuation. I should fit right in!

It’s funny and sad I guess. We take our normal routines for granted until something happens and everything changes. Still, I expect this is only gonna be a short term setback. Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got ’till it’s gone… Right, Joni Mitchell?

A fool’s game

I woke up feeling so special today. Not sure what’s up with that.

First things first–YES, COMMENTS ARE ALLOWED AND WELCOME HERE! Don’t let WordPress or whatever is responsible for saying otherwise dissuade you. I heard from a regular commenter this week that my platform rejected his comment. As of yesterday, he was able to comment again. I turned off one of my spam filters and added the “s” to my HTTP address, and hoped that would resolve future issues. But today I got this email:

I tried to comment, but there isn’t the verification of reading skills anymore and I got an error saying spam blocked. Anywho, I was going to say that there are probably few that like to pay for sex (even though this is what marriage often is), but that it sounded like you had found a win-win situation. Set boundaries, reinforce them, and be prepared to walk away if she gets crazy. QP1973

Thanks, QP. All I can ask is that you try again. And for anyone else experiencing this problem, please shoot me an email ( and let me know. I’ll try and get to the bottom of what is going on.

Not a whole lot else happening around here. Did the group hike yesterday and intentionally asked for a hard climb, just to see how my body would respond. Not well, as it turns out. Just don’t seem to have the lung capacity required to get me to the top without difficulty. That doesn’t bode well for Monday’s Easter mountain hike. We’ll see, I haven’t given up hope quite yet.

I didn’t do darts last night, instead choosing to drink my daily beer ration on the back deck of the Palm Tree resort hotel.

Our waitress at Dynamite Dick’s, our after-hike venue yesterday, was wearing this shirt. I asked her what she missed, so she turned around…
…this is the back of the shirt. I blurted out, I can relate, I miss my ex’s pussy…

Yeah, I’m funny when you’re drunk.

I apologize for the emptiness of this post. I had good intentions, but they day got away from me before I knew it. Started this morning when once again, I had to take a nap BEFORE my daily walk. Then another nap when I got back. And one more nap before I sat down to write this post. And now I have business in town. So, I’ll do a better job posting tomorrow. Or try to anyway.

I really need to get my shit together, that’s for sure.

Spreading Joy*

Hopefully, that’s all I’ve been spreading lately. I was surprised when a vehicle and driver I didn’t recognize pulled up in front of the house to take me grocery shopping yesterday. I found out later that my regular driver, Danny, isn’t feeling well. With Linda’s recently reported illness, that means everyone in the car on the trip to Angeles City has been under the weather. I can’t speak for the others, but I still don’t believe my ailment is COVID-related. Perhaps I’m being willfully ignorant in that regard, but I don’t think so based on what I’ve read. And I’m not even tempted to get a test, the accuracy of which is at best suspect.

So then, my big news from yesterday was the second physical meeting with Joy, my new friend with benefits. We’ve been chatting on a daily basis and that’s gone reasonably well. Joy has hinted around at some things I’m not comfortable with, but backs down right away when I reject her overtures. For example, she asked a few days ago if she could spend the night with me. I told her no, I was not interested in that kind of relationship. She played it off like she was teasing, and that’s fine. She seems to have got the message that whatever this is, it is never going to be more than this.

Anyway, Joy arrived at the appointed hour. I had promised her some lunch, so I asked her if she would like to eat my balls? She said she would later, but now could she have lunch please? Yeah, that really happened. She laughed when I put a bowl of meatballs in front of her. I have noticed, generally speaking, that for a purported “English-speaking” country, the level and quality of spoken English can be disappointing. I’ve noted that Joy and I often don’t understand each other, which can be a little frustrating. Says the man who speaks almost no Tagalog.

After lunch, we went upstairs. Joy offered me a massage and I, of course, accepted. She did a decent job for someone without training. When the massage was completed, she removed her clothes and laid down next to my naked body. And then nature took its course, and I must say, we synched very nicely and had a mutually enjoyable session of lovemaking. Well, it wasn’t about “love”, but you know what I mean.

Once the deed was done, we got dressed and came back downstairs and had a beer. I gave her the standard fee of 3000 pesos, then gave her an additional 2000 so she could have a nice birthday party for her daughter later this week. She seemed genuinely moved and gave me a big hug. We finished our beers and then she left to go home.

So, what is my assessment of our most recent encounter? As I mentioned, the sex was good. Better than good, actually, and I think part of that is because it wasn’t strictly a “pay for play” proposition. Also, after a month or so of low-intensity chats, we at least have a nice comfort level with one another. In that sense at least, my friend with benefits strategy paid off. I got some sexual satisfaction and Joy got the rent paid and money for her daughter. Win-win, right? Well, honestly, not quite. I mean, I have no complaints and it felt good to know that I’ve brought some, er, joy into Joy’s life. Still, truth be told it still feels a little hollow and meaningless. I’m not sure what I was expecting, but my almost perfectly executed strategy still leaves me unfulfilled. On the other hand, I’m not dealing with all the baggage that comes with having a girlfriend, so maybe I should just count my blessings and move on. It is what it is.

I reckon that’s about all the love I need right there.

*Hat tip to commenter Bob for suggesting the title for today’s post.

When is a trail not a trail?

How about when it is marked so poorly no one can follow it? I honestly don’t get why a Hare can’t be bothered to leave some powder and/or chalk marks at regular intervals along the chosen path. Certainly as a minimum, there ought to be clear indications of the intended directions at every junction and turning point. Yesterday’s trail, and I’m using that term loosely, was barely marked at all, which resulted in lots of missed opportunities. Hell, even us short-cutters couldn’t find the trail as intended, so we had no idea what we were unintentionally missing. Very disappointing and unnecessary.

Still managed about 7.5K on the afternoon, which was enough to wear me out. Next week is the Easter mountain climb and I’m honestly wondering if I have the strength and stamina necessary for that hike. As of now, my intention is to give it a go, I just hope I’m feeling more energetic by then. It was announced during the Hash circle last night that one of our members, Cum On My Boat, is potentially suffering from a COVID-related illness and has self-quarantined. She was one of the people I shared a vehicle to and from Angeles City a couple of weeks ago. And now she’s the second passenger in that car to fall ill, not including me. She actually didn’t start feeling any symptoms until Friday, the day after the birthday I also attended along with 50 or so other guests. That’s gonna be one hell of a contact tracing effort! Anyway, I’m still not reading much into this and I still don’t see any reason to believe I’ve got something more serious than a flu-like bug. It’s just all a little closer to home than I prefer.

To the Hash pictures then:

This trail seems to be marked much better than the one we had to try and follow.
Our “sane” Hash group continues to grow each week.
On-On! It was mostly an urban trail. One moderate climb (we intentionally missed another) and then finding our own way down because the trail was so poorly marked.
Rollin’ on up…
The climb begins.
Playing catch up…
Resting near the top.
Back on the streets of San Isidro…
Are we there yet?
“Jesus can’t go Hashing ’cause He’s hanging on a cross…” is an actual Hash song lyric. Yeah, we’re gonna burn in Hell for sure…
Move those asses, ladies!
I’ve got some cookies in my bag. And I did ask mama first!
Our canine Hasher “Doggy Style”.
Our first time at this On-Home venue, Smokes and Bottles. They seemed very happy to have us there.
The Gash always seem to have fun wherever we are.
A belated Happy Birthday, Hash-style…
Congrats to Anal Intruder on the occasion of her 69th run with Subic Bay Hash.

Anyway, I bitch and moan like the cantankerous old fuck that I am. The trail sucked yesterday, but I was outdoors in the fresh air and I still managed to enjoy myself. Of course, lots of beers afterward in a very nice establishment made forgetting the negatives all the easier.

I had an encounter with Joy this afternoon, and I’ll tell you about that tomorrow.

Stay tuned!

What are you gonna do?

Just keep on keepin’ on. What else can you do? As much as it seems that it’s all just more of the same, there’s enough different to keep it interesting. Or interesting enough for me, at least. These deep and meaningful thoughts (yes, I’m kidding) were triggered by the difficulty I had coming up with a title for this post that hadn’t been used previously. It took me like five tries to get this one. I guess that comes with the turf when you’ve been blogging for over 15 years. Can you imagine if I only posted when something new or exciting happened in my life? I’d be a long time gone for sure!

Anyway, let’s do this and see where it leads, shall we?

One of my favorite writers, Larry McMurtry, died this week. I remember seeing The Last Picture Show, a film based on one of his early novels, and thinking: man, that was really good. I wonder what they left out? So, I bought the book and was hooked. He will live on through his body of work. I don’t know that there is a better measure of success than that.

This illustrates the madness we are expected to swallow without question. How stupid do they think we are?
Hard to find a better description for this twat.

So, I guess I’ve started the house search in earnest. I’ve still not confirmed that my rent here will indeed be raised, but I have no reason to doubt it either. Hopefully, I will find out for sure today. In the meantime, a nice two-bedroom place here in Alta Vista is coming available in May. There’s an apartment upstairs and I prefer to have a place to myself. Then again, the guy who lives there is a Hasher and plays darts, so we are not strangers. We’ll see.

The way to find rentals here is through word of mouth and/or walking around until you spot a for rent sign. I mentioned to my waitress at Mango’s last night that I was in the market and she has a friend who might know a place. She sent some photos and it looked pretty good. They also have a thing like the key money in Korea–you pay a lump sum up front, live rent-free, then get the money back when you move out. The waitress mentioned 2.5 million pesos, which is over $50,000. I’d need a comfort level that I really would get that money back. On the other hand, after 5 years or so, I’d pretty much be breaking even. We’ll see.

This is the house on Baloy that I have some interest in. No word yet on availability.
I like that it is fenced and private. I think the boys would be happy there…

Cooked dinner at home last night.

Steaks on the grill…
…and steak on a plate.

I actually didn’t practice good grill control technique and had some grease fires to contend with. Made the meat a little more cooked than I prefer, but still satisfactory.

So, I was chatting with one of my unmet FB friends today. Wanted to show her my “good” side, so sent her this photo:

That was only 40 years ago.

She seemed impressed, so I sent her this one:

That was ten years ago. Everything changes.
And now I’ve wound up like this. What a ride it has been!

What’s going to happen next? Well, the Hash for one thing. Hopefully, my stamina will be adequate for today’s trail. And then next week we will be doing the annual climb up Easter mountain. Oh boy!

Bring it on, biatch!

Damn, I just ran out of gas. Gonna grab a nap before I head out for the Hash. Later, gators!

Yesterday’s hike. Nothing that exciting, but enjoy the street scenes if you are so inclined.

Sleeping around

But not in the good way. As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, it feels like Joe Biden has shut down the pipeline that delivers energy to my tired old body. By my reckoning, I had four hours of naps during the ten daylight hours when I would normally be active. Just past noon today and I’ve already had two hours of naps. So, it is kind of a dilemma. On the one hand, it would seem my body is telling me to give it a rest. But on the other, I’m thinking maybe some sweaty exercise will kill whatever this bug might be.

I had the best of intentions this morning. I got through the full thirty-minute dog walk. My routine is that I do another one and a half hours of walking afterward. I had decided to push myself today and do a long (for me) 10+K hike. Alas, once I got home with the dogs, I felt the energy drain from my body so I went upstairs and laid down. I woke an hour later and felt refreshed, so I figured it’s now or never, and off I went. I didn’t didn’t do any hills or anything difficult, but at around the 6K mark I developed pain in my right leg. So, I readjusted my route and headed for home, settling for an 8.5K walk. Still, that’s better than yesterday, so I’ll call it progress.

I had a hankering to get out of the house late in the afternoon yesterday, so I headed out to Baloy Beach.

The Kokomo’s floating bar to be precise.
Where I enjoyed bay and beach views…

The beers were cold and the gals were friendly, so I stuck around until the sun went down.

I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of views like this one.
Then I headed home under the light of a full moon…

Once I got home, I had some work to do. Namely, taking my baby back ribs out of the crockpot and into the oven for glazing. Boiled up some corn-on-cob and Brussel sprouts as well.

It tasted better than this photo makes it look. There is an art to food photography I suppose, but my main focus was getting the food into my stomach. I’m a little surprised I remembered to get a pic.

With a full belly, I headed upstairs for some sleep. You’d think all that daytime snoozing would have kept me awake all night, but that was not the case. Thankfully!

Let’s see what happens next!


I honestly have no idea what ails me, but I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. Yeah, whatever it was, or is, is back. The worst aspect of my condition is that I just don’t have any energy. This morning I had to do an abbreviated dog walk, came back home, then took a nap. I was up for an hour or so, then went upstairs and slept some more. Woke up, checked the computer, then decided to watch some TV. I fell asleep on the couch. That’s not like me at all and I hope I get over this lethargy soon. I need to walk!

Speaking of which, I did manage to get my Friday group hike in yesterday. Only four of us altogether, and Troy took the lead. He’s the Hare on Monday so we did part of his trail in reverse. I think we did around 7K, but by the time we got back to Alta Vista, I was whupped. I didn’t even have the energy to hoof it over to Cheap Charlies, so I invited the group to my place for beers and chicken nuggets. It was a good finish to the hike.

Our first climb of the day started here…
Some highway walking…
Trekking through a rice paddy. Thankfully, it was dry.
As her big day approaches, Easter mountain looms large…
Heading back to Alta Vista.

Last night I headed over to Alley Cats to play in the dart tourney. Once I arrived, I just wasn’t feeling it somehow. Not sure if that is a manifestation of my illness or something else. Finished my beer and left. I don’t think I’m going to play tonight either. Just not motivated.

I did, of course, enjoy me some Friday night beverages. Cheap Charlies to start, then over to Palm Tree, Went next door to Mango’s, and brought home some roast chicken for dinner. In bed before 9:00 as usual, but I slept poorly–a 59 sleep score on my Fitbit. I’m usually in the high 70s.

Anyway, it’s bound to get better one day soon.

The sunset as viewed from Palm Tree yesterday. Even when things are bad, they are good. I’m blessed.

They say it’s your birthday

So, I ventured out to Baloy Beach yesterday to help one of my buddies celebrate his birthday. Steve is an Aussie and knows how to party! He filled his house with thirty or so other like-minded souls, and the celebration was on! Lots of beer and good food made for an enjoyable afternoon.

Food on the grill…
…and food on the table!

What I didn’t know was that Steve’s wife, Viola, is celebrating her birthday today. So, it was a dual-purpose party.

The happy couple!
Ain’t they sweet?

I’ve only known Steve and Viola for year or so. But from all outward appearances, he’s living large and living right. He clearly loves his gal and she reciprocates. A lucky man! Oh, and in case you are wondering, Steve turned 69 yesterday. Viola is 28 today. But as the saying goes here, “age is just a number”.

How’s that for a birthday cake recognizing 69 trips around the sun?

I’d visited Steve’s place once before for his house-warming party. I observed then that he lives right across the street from my first-ever residence in the Philippines, a crappy one-bedroom apartment. Well, oddly enough, Viola mentioned that a house right up the street may be coming up for rent soon. From a distance, it looked like it might meet my requirements; a single-family house with a fenced yard, and plenty of room. If the price is truly what Viola said she heard (less than 30,000 pesos) I’d have to seriously consider making the move back to Baloy. There are downsides to Baloy, lacking ease of access is the one that drove me away the first time, but if I lived in Baloy I’d probably stay put most of the time. Lots of beach bars and other places to hang out and/or dine. I’d miss the views and comfort level I have in Alta Vista, but if my landlady plans to fuck me (and not in the good way) over rent, I’m outta here. Time will tell, I suppose. My lease is paid through June.

And there you have today’s installment in the tale of my so-called life.

Ten for us? Roger that.

The highlight of my yesterday was a 10K hike from the Waltermart in Subic town back to Barretto on the highways and byways and backroads between there and here. I’ve got the pictures to prove it which I’ll get to in a minute.

The other thing that happened is I met the owners of the newest bar in town. Actually, it’s an old bar known to most as T-Rose. T-Rose closed several months ago and a new bar opened in that location called McCoy’s. That venture only lasted a couple of months. In fact, it is the place I was singing in just a couple of days before they closed. Not that one event has anything to do with the other.

Anyway, I was walking by last night and noticed that the lights were on, so I popped in. I met Bob and Cliff, the new proprietors, who informed me the bar was not technically open yet, they had unlocked the doors so the dart league team (from the McCoy’s days) could play their scheduled match. Still, they invited me to have a seat and a beer and that’s what I did. It’s Bob’s first time in the bar business, but something he’s dreamed about for years. He said the deal they got on taking over the lease was too good to let pass. Bob says profit isn’t his motive, he just bored with being retired and the bar will be more of a hobby project. We did share stories of our customer experiences in other places and I think his philosophy will be consistent with what I like in a bar. I also like that he will emphasize good service. One way he will do that is by motivating the waitresses by allowing them to keep the tips they receive. This shared tip jar thing most bars use has long been a pet peeve of mine. If I can’t tip the gal who serves me, I’m less likely to tip. I think this is a good strategy which will benefit the staff and the customers. We’ll see.

I asked Bob the name of the place and he responded “it doesn’t matter”. I’m thinking that of course, it matters. When he saw my look of confusion he clarified that the name of the bar is It Doesn’t Matter. Ha! I like his sense of humor and wish him well. I’m looking forward to becoming a regular there. And anytime someone asks me where I’m going to be drinking, I will enjoy matter-of-factly answering “it doesn’t matter.”

To the hike, then:

Our mostly paved and relatively flat stroll.
Gathering up at our meeting point outside Alta Vista. Six of us altogether yesterday.
We had planned to travel out to Subic town via Jeepney. This one pulled over but didn’t have room for all of us. A few minutes later a commuter bus came by and we flagged it down. Much more comfortable for just a few pesos more.
It turned out to be an expensive ride for me though, and this picture captures that story, You can see the bus pulling away in the distance. And that’s me with my hands in my pockets realizing that one of my new vape pens must have fallen out of my pocket and onto the bus seat I was occupying. That’s $20. down the drain.
Nothing to do but march on…
Passing by Fiesta Homes, a large subdivision of relatively inexpensive homes catering to the working class Filipino.
A jampacked trike stand.
On the open road, that road being the GOVIC highway...
The turn-off for Naugsol. Seeing as how I’m a slow fuck, the other guys are waiting my arrival at the junction...
A rare sight indeed–trash in bags! Actually, those were recyclables and this is a way to scratch out a living.
This may be my favorite picture of Easter mountain.
Another junction, another group shot of impatient hikers…
Look at those smiles!
Baby says “I can open these!”
A riverside stroll…
The last time I crossed this bridge I swore “never again!”. I kept that vow yesterday.
Yes, this is much more to my liking…
Speaking of bridges, this one is a bridge to nowhere. They were in the process of building a bypass highway to Tibag. Then someone in the Transportation Department determined that such a route was “unfeasible” Hey, that’s the kind of government efficiency that makes the Philippines the Philippines.
You can bank on it…
And I ain’t last no more!
Another perspective on Easter mountain.
Riverside living,,,
I never saw a purple carabao, I never hope to see one…But lots of these black ones around.
The old dirt road…
Time to harvest those mangoes. Biggest damn ladder I think I’ve seen…
Hurry up, guys! I’m thirsty…
Cheap Charlies at last!
Ah, the pause that refreshes!

So, that’s the way it went down. As usual, thanks to Scott for most of these photos.

This afternoon I’ll be attending a birthday party out on Baloy Beach. Should be a good time.

Later, gators!

Nothing at all

For a man who is living a life devoid of meaning and purpose, I guess I’m doing alright. Makes it tough sometimes to meet my goal of a daily post here at LTG though. I hope you’ll indulge my journey into nothingness today. I’ll keep it short, if not sweet.

I made my debut on TikTok, courtesy of a Facebook friend who apparently has too much time on her hands. It’s me singing in a videoke joint a few weeks ago. It is really horrible, even by my low standards. I can’t say for certain that my rendition of this song was the proximate cause, but the bar closed down for good a couple of days later. You’ve been warned!

I must have been crazy to think I could pull this off.

I can’t believe you are still here! I promise I’ll never post something like that again!

Speaking of things that ain’t quite right, how about this sentence:

I saw a bald eagle in the wild a few years ago, and to be honest, it looked, even as it flew over the snakey river and the murmuring pines and the hemlocks—Canadian trees, according to Longfellow, whose “Evangeline,” is a poem of exile I adore—like a bigot.

That’s from a professional writer. I reckon it’s grammatically correct, but I found it grating and almost non-sensical. Yeah, yeah, I get the irony of ME complaining about bad writing. But I’m not getting paid for my drivel, so there! And no, I don’t usually indulge in the “literature” found on the Poetry Foundation webpage linked above. Althouse sent me there.

In news a little closer to home, I heard from Maria last night. She’s the one I tried to enlist in my “friends helping friends” program. Sadly, she apparently didn’t grasp the concept of give and take, and her repeated and frequent requests for money with no reciprocation drove me away. Anyway, I guess the rent is due again and NOW she wants to fuck me for money. The problem is, I never had any interest in that kind of arrangement. I wanted her to care about me and want to be with me because she cared. Or at least pretend she did. That money for sex thing is available all over town, it’s just not what I want to do. That she would make such a proposal after we had discussed the arrangement I was seeking (and she professed agreement with) is rather insulting. I was drunk when I got her message and chose to wait to respond when I was sober. I’m sober now and feeling like there is nothing left to say. I’m sorry she’s facing eviction, but if she had played along with my scheme she’d never have had to worry about the rent money again. Instead, she chose the scammer’s path, and I have no desire to violate Rule #1 on her behalf.

I’m starting to see some red flags with Joy as well, but I’ll see how I feel after our planned meeting next week. It could be that my concept of “sharing and caring” is just a pipe dream. We’ll see.

A third place finish in darts last night, about what we deserved. My partner and I didn’t play bad, but our opponents that beat us played better. Thems the breaks.

According to Facebook Memories, it was 8 years ago today I was getting my ass kicked at a tourney in Virginia Beach. I was bigger and better back then. MUCH bigger.

A Facebook friend posted some of her photos from yesterday’s Hash. I thought a couple of them better illustrated the difficulty of the trail than the ones I posted here did.

Harder than it looks…
…right, Pubic Head?
Follow me, boys!

Anyway, I’m not averse to goading my lefty friends and watching their heads explode. But sometimes they make it too easy. I posted the meme below yesterday, but my target was the Facebook “factcheckers” who are notoriously dishonest. Welp, Facebook hasn’t banned me (yet), but my open minded liberal friends didn’t like it much.

Here’s an actual comment left on this post: “Fake news, he didn’t fall, far right media lying as normal”.

Oh, well. I’m sure he’s a happy guy, ignorance being bliss and all.

That’s it for today. Thanks for dropping in and putting up with my nonsense. Engaging with y’all is one of the highlights of my day.

Are you hungry, man?

I thought I was, so I looked in the freezer to find something quick and easy to prepare. Then I remembered I’d bought a TV dinner, sort of on whim (was surprised to see it in Royal), and figured now was as good a time as any to pop it into the microwave.

Thanks for giving this blessing today, Lord…
Wait a minute! That’s not how it looked on the box!

It didn’t taste as good as I remembered, either. Oh well, sometimes those strolls down memory lane don’t go as planned. Best to leave the past in the past, I suppose.

Speaking of strolls, had a good one at yesterday’s Hash. And when I say good, I mean, good and hard. The “sane” group I hike with sliced about 1.5K off a 6K, Leech My Nuggets, trail. But that still left us with three climbs and two steep and slippery downs. (If you are wondering about the disparity between the number of ups and downs, the hike ended in Alta Vista after the third climb). And when I bitch and moan about the DOWNHILL more than the ascent, you know it had to be wicked bad. It wasn’t just the steepness going down, although that was tough, damn it was slippery as hell too. The grass and leaves are always something to be reckoned with, but yesterday there were loose rocks and pebbles underfoot as well. Gave a whole new meaning to “rock and roll” and I was moving along, kinda like a rolling stone.

Obviously, I lived to tell about it. I had also been worried about how my recent illness would impact my durability and stamina, but once I finished the first climb, it felt like I’d gotten my second wind. Leech My Nuggets always lays a tough trail, so it feels like a special accomplishment to make it to the end. The end was at Leech’s newly constructed house, and he threw a nice On-Home party, including a tasty spread of food, for his fellow Hashers.

Here’s the story in pictures (most of which aren’t mine):

The way it was for us.
The first climb of the day began here…
A Barretto/Bay view…
Up amongst the rooftops…
Enjoy that level path while you can…
The first down actually wasn’t too bad...
Leech is known for his always well-marked trails.
Marching towards our second climb of the afternoon…
Okay, here we go…
Oddly enough, sometimes it seemed more slippery going across, rather than down, the hillside…
Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground.
Easier said than done…
A brief respite…
You guys coming?
It appears that Pubic Head (behind the tree) is on all fours. Again.
Oh, a portion of the trail included walking through a creek bed. That’s never a good time!
No broken bones. That leg looks fine to me. Almost tasty…
Greetings to you, Easter mountain.
Commencing the final climb of the afternoon.
On-Home and on the ice.
Helping to deflower our virgin Hasher…
Thanks for having over to the house, Leech (that’s him on the right in yellow).

Man, I thought maybe I’d sweated out the last of this bug that’s been bugging me, but I still have almost no energy. I took a nap before sitting down to write this post, and I’ll be damned, but I feel like I need another one now. Ah well, one of the benefits of being I retired I suppose–time is my bitch. At least until I run out of time. No time soon I hope.


Resting in place, that’s about all I’ve been doing these past couple of days. I’m a wuss when it comes to being sick, so I reckon I should just be thankful that whatever it is that ails me is relatively minor. My temperature this morning was back down to the normal (for me) 36.4. The cough is also diminishing in frequency. The two main symptoms that remain are some body aches (shoulders and arms) and a lack of energy that leaves me feeling lethargic. Aspirin works for the pain and I have an excuse for being lazy–win-win!

So, based on my reasoned self-diagnosis, I’ve decided to participate in today’s Hash. At least as best as I am able. I’ve got a streak of 71 consecutive runs, currently the best in the pack, and I’m loathe to break that string. Well, at least until I can get on a fucking airplane again. Anyway, I’ll be prepared to shortcut/bail as necessary. Leech My Nuggets is the Hare and the On-Home is at his newly constructed house which just happens to be on the next street over from me. I won’t have any trouble getting home tonight!

Just how boring has my self-quarantine been? Well, I watched TV for the first time since being locked down last year. Okay, technically I watched TV shows, but I did so on my laptop. Yep, a 53-inch smart TV in the living room, and I was too damn lazy to move my sorry ass in there to watch on the big screen. Hey, I blame whatever it is that ails me. So, I went old school and watched some Alfred Hitchcock Presents and a couple of episodes from One Step Beyond. I’m so old I remember those series from when they were on the air. Both shows have held up pretty well I reckon, and it was cool to see the world from a late 50s perspective. And they were free on YouTube, although the frequent 5-second ads were annoying. It was a pleasant enough way to fill the time when I wasn’t napping, though.

A commenter on yesterday’s post, Kevin Kim, inadvertently reminded me of another of my unmet Facebook friends. I’ve not written about Bherna previously. We chatted for a while, and like the others, she was keen on setting up an in-person meeting.

Attractive enough, don’t you think?

We never did wind up getting together. Turns out she was just a little too honest. Why might that be a problem? Well, she let me know that she was a girl with something extra. That something being a penis. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t judge a person based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. But I’m a pussy bigot, it’s all I like, and all I want. In an effort to change my mind, Bherna sent me a video clip of her eating a banana. She does appear to be talented, but not enough to tempt me. Reminds me of the story about a guy who was dating a bakla (ladyboy). His friend asked him, “what makes you think she is a real girl?” He answered, “I can feel it inside of me”. Ouch!

That’s all I’ve got for today. Assuming I survive the Hash I’ll be back with more of this nothingness tomorrow.

Eat my balls!

I didn’t need no stinkin’ cookbook to make my crockpot meatballs.
Of course, it is hard to go wrong with my recipe. So simple even I can do it!
But be careful out there. Things are not always as they appear...

I played my singles league dart match against Jocelyn last night. Eked out a 9-7 victory, and was probably fortunate to have done so. A very frustrating night. I was off my game for one thing, but I was also handicapped by my darts not sticking properly in the dart board. I had lots of fall outs which are real game changers. Not sure what to do about it. I’ve recently replaced the points on my darts, but that doesn’t seem to have corrected the problem. Well, I’m to blame as well, I suppose. I don’t throw hard to begin with which just exacerbates the problem. I tried tossing my darts more forcefully, but that just caused me to lose accuracy (of which I have little to spare). I’m not making excuses, even when my darts stuck in the board I was playing like shit. Jocelyn keeps getting better and better, and I was down 2-5 before clawing my way back.

On the to-do list: 1. practice, practice, practice. 2. look for a replacement set of darts.

I can do better.

Here’s a quick update on my FB lady friends. Elley continues to message me with irritating regularity, despite my trying to ignore her. For example, last night:

Hello Can I sleep over to you ? I will take care of you sweetie Message me please

I willing to stay to you forever sweetie I hope you understand my feelings for you sweetie

Hello sweetie can I sleep over there now I’m little bit drunk I hope I stay with you at least this Night

Geez. No thank you! Well, she’s also asked a couple of times to bring her cousin over with her. Um, that gets my imagination humming, but I think prudence dictates that I stay far away from this one.

Now, Joy, on the other hand, seems to be normal enough that I may want to maintain a friendship with her. I’ve already committed to seeing her prior to her daughter’s birthday on April 2. That way she’ll have the funds for a celebration. But I’ve appreciated that Joy seems to genuinely care about my well-being (or at least does a good job pretending). She also volunteered to come over and take care of me while I’m under the weather. I declined of course, but I thought it was sweet of her to offer. She has also suggested some home remedies for my symptoms. And next time we meet she wants to give me a massage. She can also hold her own pretty well in a conversation. So, basically, Joy is offering to do the kind of things that I’d like to have done for me. In return, of course, I’ll give her the cash she so desperately needs. Depending on how things go I may “adopt” her as my charity project. Meaning I’ll go beyond the quid pro quo of money for sex and perhaps do some other things to make her life easier. We’ll see. What I don’t want to happen is for Joy to start acting like Elley–I’m not looking to get into a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with anyone. If I start getting those vibes, I’ll head for the hills.

Concerning my health, I seem to be doing somewhat better today. I had a rough night last night, body aches made it hard to get comfortable and sleep. My cough is still here, but I’m hacking up phlegm, so that’s not consistent with COVID symptoms. I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast this morning and I could taste it just fine. When I take my temperature, it is normally around 35.8. I watched it creep up throughout the day yesterday, and it peaked at 37.4 this morning. Just checked it again now, and it has dropped to 36.7. So, whatever this is, it seems like perhaps it has run it’s course, Or at least things are moving in the right direction. I’m staying close to home and taking it easy, just to be on the safe side.

Here are the latest COVID numbers for Olongapo City. We are doing quite well, it appears. Certainly, no big outbreaks like they are experiencing in Manila.

And that, dear readers, is just about all I’ve got for you today. Well, I found this both funny and sad

It makes you wander

See what I did there? Yeah, it’s an intentional play on words, not a screwup. Granted, with me you never can know for sure.

A rather typical Friday around here. A hike that featured some exploration and the adventure that seeking out new trails provides. Only 5.5K, which is on the short side for us, but damn, we are in the midst of “hot” season, and our trail was ample length to reduce us all to a sweaty mess. It won’t take many hikes like this one before I’m looking forward to rainy season. I’ll post some photos from the hike down below.

I didn’t play darts last night, opting instead for the ambiance that is uniquely Cheap Charlie’s. Beers, lady drinks, and some Foodies for dinner. The girls seemed to enjoy themselves, but then again, that’s their job I suppose.

That’s the bartender, Jona. She’s got a grace about her that I find quite attractive. Alas, that feeling does not appear to be mutual.
Luckily, I was able to drown my sorrows.
Watching the sun go down while the beer goes down is a synchronicity I rather enjoy.

What else have I got? It’s getting tough to leave comments on some blogs that require you to prove you aren’t a spambot.

Or maybe I’m just not “woke” enough…

Oh, and this is what I posted on Facebook to provoke my lefty “friends”:

It worked.

Alright, enough of that nonsense. Here are some photos from yesterday’s hike. As usual, photo credit is shared with Scott and Linda.

As I understand it, a lot of the path we hiked will be incorporated in Simon’s Hash trail on Monday…we just did it in reverse.
We left from my house. This flowering tree in the neighborhood is more stunning than I was able to capture with my limited photography skills.
Into the wild…
A couple of uphill climbs that were quite manageable. One steep-ass downhill was potentially a killer. Well, we all survived, but it was a pain in the ass…
Six of us adventure seekers were present.
A grassy knoll…
Kids in Marian Hills playing in the water from the well.
These girls were collecting some kind of wild nuts on the mountain. They also found some cookies.
Making my way back to civilization.
Turning the creek bed outside your house into a personal landfill. Only in the Philippines!
Linda crossing that bridge when she came to it.
Dynamite Dicks for liquid refreshment and lunch after our hike…
Sharing the cookie bounty with our friendly wait staff…

That was how my day went down. Today I’m feeling like shit. Have a cough and more lethargy than normal. My temperature is still under 37, but barely. I’m trying not to be paranoid. I am supposed to play darts this afternoon. I don’t want to cancel my match, but I also don’t want to be spreading bad news, if this is indeed bad news. We’ll see how I feel in an hour.

Are you talking to me?

UPDATE: Alright, my temperature seems to be holding steady at 36.7, so I’m going to go ahead and play my darts match.

Floating away

The exciting news in these parts is that the Kokomo’s floating bar on Baloy beach has reopened. Surprising really, given that the ridiculous COVID restrictions are still in place. Not sure how they pulled it off since only restaurants, not bars, are allowed to operate. Well, you can get food delivered from Treasure Island and Da’Kudos, so maybe that works.

Anyway, I spent an enjoyable evening on the water yesterday for the first time in over a year. Kokomo’s used to be one of three floating bars (along with Arizona and Blue Rock) and was my least favorite back in those glory days. Like I told the gals last night, Kokomo’s is now the best floating bar in town and has the prettiest women. There is something to be said for being the only game in town I suppose.

The floater as seen from the beach…
Ridin’ the raft to the bar.
Looking back at the beach…
A view from the floating bar…
And another.
Baloy beach...
A couple of the girls...
I wound up buying the crew dinner…
And then the sun set on another day in paradise.

It almost felt like things were back to normal. Today’s news, however, brings reports that Pamapagna, the next province over, has re-imposed draconian measures, including a ban on alcohol sales. Good thing I made it to Angeles last week! Anyway, don’t get me started on how completely idiotic this lockdown crap truly is. So far at least, the powers that be in Olongapo City and Zambales province have not seen fit to take similar actions limiting the freedom of the citizenry. Hopefully, that will remain the case. I wish there was a vaccination available that would cure the ignorance of elected officials, but until then, I’m going to keep on keepin’ on.

I reckon I better head out now for some beers while I still can!

Taking a tumble

Not to be confused with a roll in the hay. But I had one of those too. So, here’s the ups and downs, ins and outs, and the lowdown for the past 24 hours.

I changed my mind at the last minute and played in the Alley Cats darts tourney. Another big turnout which makes for a long night. Me and my partner made it to the finals but could not overcome the superior dart throwing of Billy and Nancy. No shame in second place though!

Max, one of the guys in our hiking groups and a fellow Hasher, didn’t join us yesterday. He reports having a cough, a fever, and generally feeling like shit. Given those symptoms, he has wisely chosen to self-quarantine for a while. Did I mention he was also in Angeles City last weekend? And that he rode with me in the car getting there and back? In what I’m sure is totally unrelated news, our hotel in AC was being used to house quarantined passengers arriving at the airport. Of course, we didn’t know this until we saw suspiciously placed chairs outside room doors where meals in Styrofoam containers were placed each morning and evening.

Just checked my temperature–36.4. No other symptoms except lethargy, but that’s not unusual for an old geezer like me. 17,000+ steps so far today. Let’s hope I’m just spreading good cheer!

So, I met Joy today. She seems very sweet, actually. Sexy too. She claims to have never eaten a burrito before and said she enjoyed the one I made for her. It might be true, she wanted to take home some leftovers to share with the family. Gave her some cash after we ate, but she still wanted to come upstairs with me. She’s a cuddly thing, and I like that. We got down to business, and being the gentleman that I am, I finished quickly so she could head back home. She seemed disappointed and had an “already?” look about her. No idea what’s up with that. She expressed some interest in getting together again sometime prior to her daughter’s birthday on April 1. I was non-committal, but I’d probably be willing to give her another go.

Oddly enough, I didn’t feel guilty at all. We both got what we came for. More or less. Today I received yet another unsolicited entreaty from another FB “friend” I’ve never met. So far the desire to respond is non-existent. Guess I am feeling satisfied.

Yesterday’s walking group hike went fine for the most part. Troy led us on a surprisingly difficult trail with two ups, and the first was a long-ass climb. Apparently, he’s scouting some possibilities for the trail he is gonna Hare soon. As seems to be the norm on our hikes, we lost the trail at one point and had to blaze our way down a steep hill. It was tough going, and about halfway down I lost my footing and took a pretty big tumble. I don’t recall ever having my hat and glasses come flying off during a fall. Luckily, I found both items in the grass and leaves. No injuries either, but it is that kind of crash that I fear when I hike alone. Anyway, I lived to write this post. You’re welcome!

The Hare (Vienna Sausage/Guenter) for our Easter trail is gearing up for that hike and posted this heads up today:

Well, I’ve done Easter mountain once, and there is no easy way. So, the “normal” trail is going to be hard. I don’t even want to think about what Guenter is calling the hard way up. Props on his nice artwork though. I understand he is a video game designer in real life.

If you want to see some photos from our Wednesday hike, here they are:

A tad over 7K all told. Most of it was flat other than that monster climb at the beginning and shorter moderate climb in the middle.
Only five of us on the hike this time.
Time to head for the hills.
We started with steps…
…lots and lots of steps…
...seemingly endless steps…
I wasn’t tired. Much.
The steps finally ended, but not our climb.
Getting there, one foot after the other.
Mountain views.
Posing with the flowers...
Dan in the grass…
Yes, kids. That’s what a German looks like…
Back on flat ground again. Anyone recognize that mountain in the background?
The beautiful Matain river in all her glory…
Back in “downtown” Barretto…
Beer time at Cheap Charlies. You can see the mud on my shirt from my tumble down the mountain…
That’s it for this post!

A new hobby?

Or maybe just a new pastime. I report, you decide. But before I get to that, here is how my lazy Tuesday went down:

As usual, I went to Royal for my weekly grocery shopping. I am happy to report that my tab was just a little over my $250. goal. I’d call that progress. $150 less than two weeks ago. That’s how much I’m saving without bringing my helpers along to fill the cart.

Back at home, I had to invoke Rule #1 again. This request was a bit more twisted than usual. A female Hasher, who is in a relationship with another Hasher, gave me her sad story and asked me for a “loan”. Seems her long-term boyfriend has put her on a budget and she can’t abide by that. Well, I sure as hell ain’t getting in the middle of that kind of domestic situation. And since she is in a relationship with someone I know, I can’t do my standard quid pro quo offer. I responded in my normal fashion to this type of request. Silence. I thought it was funny when I saw that an hour or so later she had deleted her message. Guess she was afraid I’d show it to the wrong person or something. Ah well, these are hard times for many but I’m working hard to lose my reputation as a sucker.

So, if I’m not a sucker, what does that make me? Here’s the latest weirdness to happen in my life. I’ve accepted several Facebook friend requests from women I’ve never previously met. The only connection we have is some mutual FB friends. A couple of them have been sending me messages since then asking me to meet them. For a while, I just ignored them. They persisted though, and I eventually sent some brief responses along the lines of “not today, busy”, “sorry, going out of town”, but they didn’t take the hint. It got me wondering about their motivation. Which led me to engage with Elley, just to see what her deal was.

Elley asked again to meet me. I asked her what she had in mind. She said I want to come see you at your house. I asked what she wanted to do. She said just drink with you. I told her I don’t drink this early in the day. She responded, okay we just boom-boom (local parlance for having sex). Well, pervert that I am I told her that sounds good. She said she would hop in a trike and come right away. I told her I paid P3000 for short time and she was happy with that amount. I asked how old she was and she told me 20.

She came, so did I, and then she left. I gave her some cookies to give her kid. This morning she sent a message that she wanted to go hiking with me on Sunday and see the mountains. I didn’t respond. This afternoon she asked if she could come over with her cousin. I asked why and she said they were bored. I told her I was busy today. She is not my type to be honest, although I did appreciate the offer to go hiking. The sex was okay, but nothing special. This is probably a one-and-done situation for me and Elley.

This afternoon I had a long and surprisingly enjoyable chat with the other new FB friend, Joy. She is 31 with two kids and is also in financial distress. During the course of our conversation I invited her to lunch tomorrow and she accepted. I’m going to make burritos. I made it clear that I was not looking for a relationship, but that I hoped we could be “friends with benefits”. She was shy about the sex for money thing, but I explained it wasn’t really like that. She needed help that I could provide. The sex was simply her way of saying “thank you”. That concept seemed to ease her mind. I might actually enjoy spending time with this one. We shall see.

Am I taking advantage of these gals? Should I feel guilty about it? You know, they are free to accept or reject my offers. They want and need my help, they have something I want and need in return. Seems like a win-win to me. Tomorrow with Joy I am going to take the same approach I did with Maria. I’ll give her the money at lunchtime. She can stay with me or go if she wants. I actually don’t like paying for sex, but I’ll gladly accept some intimacy’s offered in gratitude for my “generosity”. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway.

Ain’t life grand?

Sorry about that.