Are you hungry, man?

I thought I was, so I looked in the freezer to find something quick and easy to prepare. Then I remembered I’d bought a TV dinner, sort of on whim (was surprised to see it in Royal), and figured now was as good a time as any to pop it into the microwave.

Thanks for giving this blessing today, Lord…
Wait a minute! That’s not how it looked on the box!

It didn’t taste as good as I remembered, either. Oh well, sometimes those strolls down memory lane don’t go as planned. Best to leave the past in the past, I suppose.

Speaking of strolls, had a good one at yesterday’s Hash. And when I say good, I mean, good and hard. The “sane” group I hike with sliced about 1.5K off a 6K, Leech My Nuggets, trail. But that still left us with three climbs and two steep and slippery downs. (If you are wondering about the disparity between the number of ups and downs, the hike ended in Alta Vista after the third climb). And when I bitch and moan about the DOWNHILL more than the ascent, you know it had to be wicked bad. It wasn’t just the steepness going down, although that was tough, damn it was slippery as hell too. The grass and leaves are always something to be reckoned with, but yesterday there were loose rocks and pebbles underfoot as well. Gave a whole new meaning to “rock and roll” and I was moving along, kinda like a rolling stone.

Obviously, I lived to tell about it. I had also been worried about how my recent illness would impact my durability and stamina, but once I finished the first climb, it felt like I’d gotten my second wind. Leech My Nuggets always lays a tough trail, so it feels like a special accomplishment to make it to the end. The end was at Leech’s newly constructed house, and he threw a nice On-Home party, including a tasty spread of food, for his fellow Hashers.

Here’s the story in pictures (most of which aren’t mine):

The way it was for us.
The first climb of the day began here…
A Barretto/Bay view…
Up amongst the rooftops…
Enjoy that level path while you can…
The first down actually wasn’t too bad...
Leech is known for his always well-marked trails.
Marching towards our second climb of the afternoon…
Okay, here we go…
Oddly enough, sometimes it seemed more slippery going across, rather than down, the hillside…
Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground.
Easier said than done…
A brief respite…
You guys coming?
It appears that Pubic Head (behind the tree) is on all fours. Again.
Oh, a portion of the trail included walking through a creek bed. That’s never a good time!
No broken bones. That leg looks fine to me. Almost tasty…
Greetings to you, Easter mountain.
Commencing the final climb of the afternoon.
On-Home and on the ice.
Helping to deflower our virgin Hasher…
Thanks for having over to the house, Leech (that’s him on the right in yellow).

Man, I thought maybe I’d sweated out the last of this bug that’s been bugging me, but I still have almost no energy. I took a nap before sitting down to write this post, and I’ll be damned, but I feel like I need another one now. Ah well, one of the benefits of being I retired I suppose–time is my bitch. At least until I run out of time. No time soon I hope.

2 thoughts on “Are you hungry, man?

  1. Congrats on surviving a difficult hike! I find walking along angled surfaces, with one foot always higher than the other, a real pain in the ass. Sorry to hear about the slippage, but you seem to have made it without breaking anything, so all’s well that ends well. Better to be among the rolling stones than to become one.

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