I was lazing around the house this morning when the Asian Vision (cable/internet) truck rolled up. They were here to move my internet to the new place. Just yesterday I’d been told it would be 5-10 days before that happened. Oh well. They disconnected here and we headed up the road to my apartment. Had my internet hooked up in next to no time. What about the cable TV, I asked. Sorry, sir, there is no cable available here. What? We don’t have this section wired yet. Okay, I guess I don’t have to worry about the “fee” for downgrading my package. And the apartment already has a satellite dish installed that I can get turned on for TV.
The downside to this surprise was that I hadn’t even begun to pack, nor had I made arrangements to move my stuff. So, I called my neighbor Ed who is in charge of the Hash truck and he’s available tomorrow. Asked my new helper, Inday, about having her boyfriend bring a couple of friends over in the morning to do the heavy lifting. That leaves the packing.
My full-time helper, Teri, started packing up the kitchen…And I started packing out my bedroom.
It’s a pain in the ass, but by this time tomorrow I should be blogging from my new digs.
I also had a surprise when I visited the doctor today to review my test results. Every thing on the blood tests came back normal. Doctor Cayabyab also had no concerns with my chest x-ray, saying my lungs were consistent for a man of my age. Well, they’ve been consistently bad for several years, so I guess I was just ahead of my time. The only test outside of the normal range was my PSA screening, which came in at 4.2. Under 4 is considered acceptable, and over 4 can be a sign of prostate cancer or something else. Well, the last time I had a finger up my ass was before I left Korea, and back then I had an enlarged prostate that I’ve been taking meds for ever since. My doc here wasn’t concerned about the above normal reading, saying it was “close enough”. She did suggest I do another PSA screen in December to make sure it’s not climbing higher. Okay, then. You’re the doctor.
Oh, and the blood pressure thing–Kevin Kim was saying he doesn’t trust his BP machines reading. When I took mine at home this morning I got a 140/85. Took it again, and this time I was 127/73. Go figure. Then, right when I arrived at the doctor’s office they took my BP, and it was130/85, which’s normal for me. Then they took it again–131/81, almost same-same. Then they took it a THIRD time and it came out 123/71. So, I asked the doctor what was up–do they just take your BP until they get a number they like? She said they always take three readings and use the last one. She explained that when people first arrive they need time to relax and calm down from any outside activities which may elevate BP. That’s her story anyway. I do my own checks daily but look at my overall weekly average to see how I’m doing consistently.
But enough about me. I’ve got photos from Friday’s hike to share with y’all. We changed it up a bit by taking a Jeepney out to Olongapo City and hiking up the back side of the mountain to the ridge line. A short but challenging 6K trek.
Our toute up the mountain, across the ridge, and down the other side.Are we going to hike or to rob a bank? Hard to tell these days.Jeepneys aren’t the most comfortable mode of transportation, but it got us there after a 20-minute ride.Hooking up with the rest of our group (they had taken an earlier Jeepney).Let the climbing commence!It was a tough stair climb, made more difficult by the fact that the steps were uneven and randomly spaced. Made it hard to find a stepping up rhythm…And they went on and on……and on and on. Reminded me of the steps to Seoul Tower, although those steps were easier because of being properly engineered.Once the stairs gave way, we still had some climbing to do.Kinda missing those stairs now…Pushing on up.Reaching the top at last!See you next time Olongapo!Walking the ridgeline…Taking a break before heading down.Sisters…Sheryl and Jailbait (I don’t recall her real name, but I know she is just 17…)Some shade and some water hit the spot…A cookie delivery…Down we go…A Preying Manits in the wild…her real name is Do Na.Pretty as a picture though…A couple of distinguished gentlemen…the one in back is Do Na’s husband.Indistinguishable…You coming, Jim?Posers…Back on the pavement and headed for some beers…Some well-earned liuid refreshment at the end of our hike.
And that brings you up to date! Tomorrow’s post will be the first from my new venue. See you then!
It is better to give than receive, I’m told. So, I made a donation of urine and O+ blood at Baypointe Hospital yesterday. In return for my generosity, I’m being provided a slew of test results that may shed some light on how my soon-to-be 66-year-old body is holding on against my daily over indulgences of walking and drinking. Also got a chest x-ray that might reveal how much longer I’ll be capable of breathing. Sent my helper to pick up the results this afternoon and I’ll schedule a visit with the doctor for her insights into the state of my health.
That hospital visit was pretty much the highlight of my lazy Tuesday. Did some limited grocery shopping with the idea that the less I buy now, the less I’ll have to move later. When that later might be remains unresolved. I’m trying to time the move to coincide with the transfer of my cable TV/internet service. They want me to move first, then schedule a technician. Nope, when the technician calls to say he’s on his way I’ll carry the modem and wifi transmitter with me to the new house. Duh. Oh, and I want to downgrade my television service to basic since I rarely watch TV, and when I do, it’s on the internet. The cable company said there is a 1000 peso fee to change service levels. Bullsht. If push comes to shove, I’ll just cancel altogether and then call to establish service as a new customer. I’d tell them to fuck off completely but they are the only provider here in Alta Vista. We shall see how this plays out.
A typical evening out last night. Started at Cheap Charlies, then moved on to Mango’s.
Some stormy skies left the beach pretty much deserted.I was entertained watching this lass bury her boyfriend in the sand…Not sure why I found her performance so entertaining. Maybe I’m easily aroused amused.Had the Mango’s roast chicken with coleslaw for my dinner. Plenty left over to bring home to the help, too.
That’s about it from here. I’ve got Dive In on my radar for tonight and I’ll report on today’s Wednesday Walkers excursion tomorrow.
See you then! And oh yeah, Fuck You, Fauci!
The chickens are coming home to roost, you fraudulent bastard.
I might have mentioned that one of the repercussions associated with my upcoming move involves the folks currently living in my basement room. The mother, who is employed as a caretaker for the property owners, will be moving into the basement of the house next door. I’ve been supplementing her meager wages with a 1000 peso ($20) a week bonus, so she will be losing out on that after I’m gone. The real impact is on her daughter, Inday, who won’t be permitted by the landlord to join her mother when she moves. Inday is in her late 20s and unemployed. Her boyfriend, who has also been staying in my basement, is minimally employed in the construction trades. Inday is also a Hasher (Cum In My Basement) and we are Facebook friends. I’ve seen her increasingly desperate posts asking for leads on affordable housing in the area. Of course, with very little income there ain’t much they can afford. Although it is not my responsibility, I do feel bad about her situation.
I also probably mentioned that my part-time helper, Gina, left my employ a couple of months ago. And when I was checking out my new digs yesterday, including what is actually a pretty nice basement maid’s room, a thought occurred to me: I could offer Inday the part-time job, pay her the P1000 a week I was giving her mother, and let her (and the boyfriend) reside in my basement. I mentioned that possibility to Inday and she seemed grateful (her English isn’t that great). I saw her mom later and she thanked me profusely. So, it looks like I am going to have another helping hand around here.
Otherwise, not much else is going on. The rain has put a, um, damper on my walking activity, or at least provided a handy excuse for my laziness. One of those. I took advantage of a break in the storm yesterday and hustled down to Cheap Charlies.
The view from my stool. Those mountains (the Kalaklan ridge) in the background will be the destination for tomorrow’s Hash. Guenter is the Hare, but to his credit, he posted a map and possible shortcuts for those not up to the challenge of climbing up to the top, then down to Olongapo, then back up and down to Barretto again. I’ll do the first climb, walk the ridgeline, then come back down on a safe and sane trail.
Anyway, it was Saturday night so I played the role of big spender–lots of lady drinks and food for the girls. That’s kind of a once-a-week undertaking for me; I’m not rich, after all. Why all that generosity last night set me back a whopping $60! Yeah, I must be crazy, I know.
This morning on the dog walk I took the boys to see their new place. They didn’t pee on anything, so I’ll take that as a good sign. I’m going to need to rearrange some furniture to get everything to fit. It should be cozy (that’s the nice way to say “cramped”, right?). It’s gonna be a bit of an adjustment, but it will be fine once I’m settled in.
This is another not from my new house view, but I will be living on that street in the foreground. Close enough, right? I just liked the way the clouds looked floating there below the mountain.
I took myself out for a French lunch today at The Pub.
A French Dip sandwich served au jus and French fried potatoes. John Kim only uses quality ingredients and the beef was outstanding. To me, the au jus makes the sandwich, and I was not disappointed in this flavorful concoction. My only quibble was the lack of cheese on the sandwich. I saw you could order a cheese of your choosing for an extra 50P, but I assumed the French Dip would automatically include the cheese. My fault for not asking.
And that’s today’s installment from the story of my life. Thanks for dropping by, and remember, don’t let those masks slip! Right Dr. Fraudci?
The rent-paying saga has now come to an end. But there was one last gut-wrenching episode to that story. In yesterday’s post, I mentioned that Western Union had extracted nearly $3000. from my bank account as I had authorized for my move-in expenses at the new apartment. They also attempted a duplicate withdrawal which my bank rejected for non-sufficient funds and charged me a $29. fee for my failure to let WU rape me. Regardless, the rent money was out of my account and presumably on its way to my landlady’s bank account.
Not so fast! Late in the afternoon I received an email from Western Union advising:
We’re sorry to let you know that we canceled your recent transfer. We needed additional information from you to complete it but were unable to reach you at Not-A-Number(false).
Are you f’n kidding me? They unhelpfully provided a US 1-800 number to call if I had any questions. I was livid and drafted a nasty email response, then noticed that the fine print advised that responses to this email would not be seen and suggested contacting a customer service representative via their webpage. I went to the webpage and no email addresses were provided. You could call, mail a letter (people still do that?) or chat with someone online. So, I tried chat. After waiting a few minutes, I got connected with someone named Adhar. He took my basic information, asked me what the problem was, and after I explained he told me to hold while he looked into the issue. When he returned he told me I would have to call a 1-800 number. I explained that I was in the Philippines and couldn’t call a toll-free number in the USA. He came back and gave me a number that he claimed would work from here. It didn’t. That was thirty minutes of my life I’ll never get back.
Now what? I asked a local techy friend if there was a way to contact a toll-free number from my mobile phone. He said, “just add three zeros before the one”. Seriously? I tried it and it worked! So now I’m “talking” to some AI voice that assures me it will understand my responses. It took my name, my transaction number, and my issue–then told me to hold while I was transferred to an appropriate customer representative. Moments later I’m connected to a young-sounding woman speaking in accented but understandable English. She asked what my problem was and I let her have it–with both barrels. Yeah, a week’s worth of frustration came spewing out. In essence, I said, “you tell me the transfer was canceled because you need more information. And yet, you had enough info to withdraw the funds from my bank and are now refusing to send that money on to its final destination. Then you have the audacity to say I provided a false phone number. I’m talking to you from that non-existent number right now!” I was using my “BIG VOICE” which I’ve been told is both loud and intimating. I actually felt bad about it afterward and semi-apologized. To her credit, the CSR simply said she was sorry for the misunderstanding and proceeded to try and rectify the issues.
First, she said she needed to call me at the number I provided. “You want me to hang up?” I asked incredulously. “No,” she said, “stay on the line. I’ll be right back.” I’m not sure what she did, maybe dialed and go a busy signal. Anyway, when she returned she said that there are many fraudulent transfers to the Philippines and therefore it was necessary that I provide additional information about my transaction. Fine, fire away.
What is the money being sent to be used for? Paying two months rent and two months security deposit.
Who is the recipient? Karen van Scheck, the owner of the property.
Have you ever met her in person? No, I’m dealing with her agent who is a personal friend of mine.
How do you know this person owns the property? Um, because I know other tenants in the same building who have not encountered any issues with her or their wire transfer services. *Ahem*
Hold on, sir. Okay, I’ve submitted your responses and your wire transfer is now approved. When will the money arrive? It is there now, sir.
Thanks. Have a good day. *click*
Anyway, I get what they are trying to do–prevent me from ripped off. I still contend if my transaction was flagged as potentially fraudulent they should never have taken the money from my account. The landlady emailed me this morning saying the money was indeed in her bank account. And oh yeah, my bank responded to my message about the insufficient funds notice and said the $29 fee was being waived. Another victory!
This morning I met with Heidi, the landlady’s rep, and we did an inventory of the house contents. Then she gave me the keys:
I shit you not, these keys are how you access the locks in a two-bedroom (well, three, counting the maid’s room) apartment. One for the outside gate, two for the front door, one for every other door in the house, except the sliding door to the balcony which takes THREE separate keys to open! I’ve never seen anything like it.
I’ll figure it out. I’m going to need to get duplicates made to the essential doors–for the helpers and to hide outside for the inevitable drunken night when I lose mine. Ain’t life grand?
The view as I walked back to my old place from my new place. This is NOT the view I’ll be seeing from my apartment, however.
I’m going to start a slow transition to my new digs. Need to get the internet transferred before I move for one thing. I’m tentatively looking at Thursday next week for using the Hash truck to move my larger items. I don’t like moving, but doing it piecemeal might make it a little less burdensome.
In other news, Facebook reminded me of a painful memory from three years ago:
My first Hash crash resulted in stitches. Tripped over some ground level barbed wire.
Speaking of hiking, there was a Friday get-together yesterday. Given the recent heavy rains, we stayed down low and mostly on paved ground. One of the gals with us said the hike was “long and hard, just the way I like it!” You are welcome. Here are a few pictures:
At our meet-up location, the 7/11 on Baloy road.Only six of us braved the threatening weather. Only a few sprinkles during the hike and they were actually quite refreshing.“Watch out for the rocky road!” I scream.Black Rock ridge…Hey, wait for me!That’s better…There they go again. I was definitely the slowest walker in this herd. Plus, I was the only photographer this time.Back into Alta Vista and headed for lunch…Chillaxin’ at the Palm Tree resort.
As I mentioned, we didn’t get much rain during the hike. But right as we finished lunch the sky opened up and rain fell in torrents. I chose to walk home anyway and was soaked to the bone. Damn, I miss those sunny hot days! Kidding, I’ll take the rain for now. Ask me again next month!
Anytime this old fart can log 20K, it’s been a good day!
I am going to miss this view. Things change, life goes on.
A quick epilogue to yesterday’s rent-paying fiasco. I received a notice from my bank that a transaction had been rejected due to insufficient funds in my account. Well, that was my stopgap measure to keep Western Union from double-dipping. Seems to have worked although I was not happy about being gigged for the $29 bounced check fee. Oh well, lesson learned.
I spent yesterday evening at It Doesn’t Matter. It appears I enjoyed myself:
Those are my drink chits. Roan provided some female companionship–in exchange for lady drinks, of course.
I bought from the Yakult vendor and the peanut vendor, but not the ladies’ sportswear vendor. She had an interesting setup though:
I respect the creative ways folks are finding to try and earn a living in these troubled times. If the customers won’t come to your store, bring the store to them! A couple of the bargirls sampled her wares but I didn’t see any purchases…
My doctor’s appointment went about as I expected. She took some history, reviewed my prescriptions, and referred me to Bay Pointe hospital for some lab work. When I get those results she will review them with me and we’ll make a plan from there.
So, that’s that. Keeping this post short and sweet to make up for the torture I put y’all through yesterday.
Oh, has anyone else noticed the whole COVID narrative falling apart like an old building?
Regular readers are well aware of my fondness for going out every night–eating, drinking, and carousing with the ladies like a rich man. Well, those things come with a price and now I find myself in the unenviable position of having difficulty fulfilling my obligation to pay the rent on my new place. It was due on the first and remains unpaid as of now.
Here’s what happened. You may recall that last Sunday I initiated a wire transfer of the first and last month’s rent, plus two month’s security deposit via Western Union. That’s nearly $3000. at current exchange rates. Shortly thereafter I received an email from WU advising that I had failed to supply some required information. I clicked on the link in that email and it took me back to my submission but didn’t specify what was missing. I messed around with it for a while, then inadvertently submitted a SECOND transfer request. When I attempted to cancel the second transfer, I got a message advising it was “too late” to do so. What the hell? So, I went to my bank account and transferred money from checking to savings, leaving only enough for one wire transfer in the amount I owed my new landlady. Then I took a wait and see what happens approach.
Well, as of this morning, nothing happened. I had told my landlady to be on the lookout for funds coming via Western Union. She sent me a message last night saying nothing had arrived and mentioned the previous tenant had paid via Xoom without issues. By the way, my landlady is a Filipina living in the Netherlands, but the rent money goes into her Philippines bank account. That shouldn’t be a problem, just makes the process a little more complicated. Anyway, I told her if the funds had not been transferred from my account by this morning, I’d initiate a new action using the Xoom service. It wasn’t, so I did.
Nothing comes easy for an old-timer like me it seems, especially when it involves any kind of technical skills; like reading, writing, and following instructions. Turns out, Xoom is an affiliate of PayPal, so I had to use PayPal to log into Xoom. I didn’t recall having a PayPal account until I tried to create one and was told that my email address was already associated with PayPal. That started me on the process of getting a new password since I had no idea what the old one was. I got the emailed security code, plugged it in, and hooray, was able to change my password! After that, it was no problem getting into Xoom and completing the form required to initiate a wire transfer.
Now, Xoom does things a bit differently than WU. They don’t charge a fee for the transfer itself, they just gouge you on the exchange rate (they are upfront about that). So, with WU the dollar to peso rate was 47.63 or so. With Xoom, it was 45.10. With the amount I was sending that made a significant difference in cost, but what are you going to do? I submitted the transfer, got a notice that it was approved, and the landlady would have her money in a matter of hours. What a relief!
And then I got an email from Xoom. My transfer had been cancelled due to “security concerns”. They gave me a number to call, which doesn’t do me much good from the Philippines (no, I don’t know how to do international calls from my mobile phone either). I sent an email explaining I was trying to pay the rent and asking what steps I could take to resolve their security concerns? Their response was they’d get back to me maybe tomorrow.
Now what? Well, a friend here had mentioned he uses World Remit, so I logged onto their site and registered an account. But when I tried to set up a transfer from my U.S. bank, the Philippines did not appear on the list of countries I could send money to. WTF? I assume the problem may have something to do with my having a Philippines address, but I don’t know why that should matter. I was too frustrated by this point to be bothered with trying to resolve the issue.
A company called Wise (formerly TransferWise) was my last option. I was pretty impressed with the ease with which the submission requirements could be accomplished (or maybe I was just getting good at it by now). In next to no time at all, I was ready to make the transfer. Well, there was one thing that made me cringe. They use a third party to extract the funds from my bank account “for my protection and security.” This third-party app needed my bank account log-in and password. I did a Google search of the third party and Wise and found nothing derogatory. So, I gritted my teeth and supplied the information. I’m going to go to my bank account and change the password, so I should be okay. And just like that, I had the message that the wire transfer was in process. Even got a link to a way to track the progress online. Then a little later an email telling me the transfer was taking longer than normal, but the money should be in the landlady’s account by tomorrow. Alright then, mission accomplished!
I’ve been checking my bank account throughout the day watching to see if and when the money is withdrawn. And finally, just before I sat down to write this post, the three thousand bucks had been removed from my checking account. By WESTERN UNION! Aw, shit. I thought after four days of no contact they were out of the picture. So, now what? I went back to Wise and canceled that transfer. I guess it is safe to assume the money is finally on the way to the landlady. I’m anxiously awaiting her confirmation of receipt.
Next month’s rent ought to go easier at least. I’m an old hand at this now. I do believe I’ll be using Wise next time though, they were the easiest of the lot and I like their tracking feature. Although maybe not since I’d have to change my bank account password every month. It’s getting hard for me to remember my name these days.
Pretty much.
In other news, I made it through last night’s tropical storm unscathed. It didn’t really kick in until after my bedtime, but I was awakened a little after midnight by the sound of the wind’s fury and the rain pounding down on the roof. I was still awake when the power went out. I figured it’s o’dark-thirty and a storm is raging. What are the odds this is going to get fixed anytime soon? Well, fifteen minutes later the fan came back on and I returned to sleep in the relative comfort of its breeze.
My neighbor and fellow Hasher, Simon (Leech My Nuggets), was not as fortunate. When I walked past his house this morning, I saw this:
Simon is currently out of town, so I sent him this photo. He wasn’t happy to see the damage to his new water tank on his new house but thanked me for letting him know.
Kevin Kim posted a funny video of this brothers in uniform–The Grammar Police. I know I could be arrested at any moment for the crappy way I write the crap I post here. The history of the Grammar Cops goes way back to the Egyptian times as this rare drawing demonstrates:
And don’t forget the comma!
Alright, I promised some pics from the Wednesday Walkers hike yesterday. We trekked up Kalaklan ridge again, but took an unfamiliar route. There is no easy way up, but comparatively speaking, this one wasn’t too bad. We did about 7.5K all told. It didn’t start raining until we were down from the mountain at least. Lucky us!
Our up was at the lower end of the ridge (there to the far right side) so, while steep, it wasn’t as long. Of course, once we were on the ridge road, it was a long slog uphill to the top.Thirteen lucky hikers showed up for our trek.The first couple of kilometers were on the highway……but we made the best of it.As usual, our climb began with stairsteps…A narrow passageway……leading to a cluster of houses.This picture is a good reminder…we may call our hikes “hard”, but the locals live hard every day. They are halfway up the mountain, so getting any supplies and staples is a massive hassle. This woman is doing her laundry by hand with well water. We go marching by without a care in the world. It still gets to me sometimes.And now the real climbing begins.Harder than it looks……but not as hard as washing your clothes by hand I reckon.I made it to the ridge road at last!Hello Olongapo CityStill Olongapo, but looking toward the Gordon Heights area of the city.As our faces demonstrate, these hikes are serious business. What dedication!Marching up the ridge road…That diva rocks!I found Waldo!A sure sign we are near the top of the ridge…Our reward at the end of hard climb…The unobstructed view.Time to make our way back down the mountain…I didn’t forget you Easter mountain.Steady as she goes.Now, this kid was amazing. He cut all that wood with his bolo blade, a job in and of itself. I asked if he was going to carry that bundle by himself, he looked at me like “of course, how else am I going to get it home.” Damn, nothing but respect.Keep on keepin’ on!Back towards civilization, such as it is.Almost down and done.
The last of the hike was in the rain, but by then I was so hot and sweaty it was a relief. Still, it was a good day in the Philippines.
This was a rather substantial post, at least by my standards, doncha think?
Yesterday afternoon I’m minding my own business, just walking up the highway to get a haircut from my bakla (transgender) barber. The next thing I know the skies have opened up and water is pouring down on me from above. Luckily, I was right across the street from Cheap Charlies when the deluge began, so I made a dash for the relative safety of the bar.
A wise man once said, “It is far better to be on the inside looking out during a rainstorm.”
Of course, there are other dangers every bit as severe as the rain. I count thirsty bargirls as one of them. With few customers in the bar, I promptly became the target of their attentions in pursuit of the coveted lady drink commission. Alas, my resistance proved futile, and drink they did.
No was not an option it seemed.
Eventually, the rain stopped and I was able to make my escape with a lightened wallet. Back on the street and hungry now, I made my way over to Sit-n-Bull for some dinner. One of the daily specials was Salisbury steak, a dish I hadn’t tried for quite some time. I ordered it up and enjoyed a cold brew while the cook did his work.
Every bit as tasty as it looks. That’s baked beans and coleslaw on the side. Also came with a dinner roll.
With my hunger satiated but still thirsty, I headed over to Palm Tree for beer and beach views. I wasn’t disappointed.
A pretty good crowd for a late in the day Tuesday afternoon.The view towards Baloy.And as the sun went down it was a “sailor’s delight” kind of night.
Finished the night with a couple more at Queen Victoria and then on to the house ahead of my 9:00 p.m. bedtime.
Speaking of the rain, it is raining as I write this. And if the forecasts are to be believed, lots more rain is in my immediate future.
It seems like only yesterday that I was complaining about the heat….
And it looks like tomorrow is really going to blow too.
Our first tropical storm of the season is heading this way.
Oh well, it could always be worse. Oh, shit! It is. Saw this post on Facebook from the Barangay Captain:
We are reminding everyone that there are a lot of jellyfish / guinea fowl in our seaside, all are prohibited from bathing in our sea in Barretto.
What the fuck is a “guinea fowl” anyway? Oh, I guess it’s like a chicken. Not sure why that would preclude you from “bathing in our sea”, but whatever. These would likely keep me out of the water though:
This pic is from the barangay FB post. I remember jellyfish from my days on Huntington Beach as a kid. Getting stung ain’t no fun!
Apparently all those folks I saw on the beach and in the water yesterday didn’t get the message. Or maybe it’s just a bunch of overblown nonsense. There are other reasons I’d avoid the waters of Subic Bay, but that’s just because I’ve been upriver and seen the shit washing downstream. No thanks!
I’ve got a doctor’s appointment in the morning. Actually, I’ve been feeling better lately. Sleeping better, too. My helper (who is a certified caregiver) procured some hydrochloride tablets that seem to have cured whatever was itching me. Still, I need to get the annual physical I haven’t had for a couple of years now. We’ll see what the doctor has to say about my future.
That’s the report from here. I’ll tell you about the Wednesday Walkers hike tomorrow. Now I have to contend with the rain as I make my weekly journey out to Dive In. Heh, who knows? Maybe I’ll meet a rainy day love.
Rainy day people always seem to know when you’re feeling blue High stepping strutters who land in the gutters sometimes need one too Take it or leave it, or try to believe it If you’ve been down too long Rainy day lovers don’t hide love inside they just pass it on
I survived another Hash yesterday. Barely. I exaggerate, but damn, at the start, it was as hot as I remember it ever being. Later in the day some clouds rolled in and thunder rumbled, but no raindrops fell on my sweaty head. If the weather forecasts are to be believed, we’ll be seeing some monsoon-like rains here by next week. Can hardly wait!
The trail itself was on the short side, around 5K. It featured two moderate climbs, a lot of which consisted of steps. The biggest challenge was the portions that were covered in bamboo leaves, making the path treacherously slippery. Despite my best efforts to be prudent, I did take a fall. It could have been worse, but as I was sliding down the steep side of the mountain on my ass, I managed to reach out and grab a tree trunk. It was tough enough getting back up on the trail from where I wound up–not sure what I would have done had I slid all the way down to the bottom. And to think that just the other day I was complaining about the lack of excitement in my life. Yesterday’s adventure ought to hold me over in that regard for a while, I reckon.
Let’s go to the photos, shall we?
Yesterday’s Hash trail. The detour I took on my ass is not shown.We are called the “sick, lame, and insane” group because we leave early and shortcut as we please. I’d say that makes US the sane Hashers. It seems each week our group grows larger. I expect before long we will be the majority in the Subic Bay Hash.The first climb of the day begins.Looking back from whence we came.When the trail was like this I had no problems.But a lot of it was like this.Shortly after taking this photo is when I fell. My downhill right foot slipped out from under me, spinning me around, and dropping me on my ass. That’s when the ride down the hillside began. I was still gaining speed when I grabbed a tree to stop my momentum.Buddy Fucker encouraging me to hurry my slow ass up.Having reached the top, we began the journey back down.Standing tall in my element–flat ground!What’s a Hash without a rickety bridge crossing where one false step imperils life and limb?You can’t tell in this photo, but there was about an 8-foot drop to the creekbed below.Time for the second climb of the day…And it wasn’t all stairsteps…Rest time.Near the top of the climb up I heard a voice calling, “John, this way!” It was Olivia (on the left), my mountain family friend.The rest of the trail was the familiar and relatively easy “My Bitch.” Here’s the view of Easter mountain from there.
The On-Home was at the Alta Vista community center. Once again, my chili sold out; that’s the best review possible. Hmm, it just occurred to me the review could also mean, “I was so damn hungry I actually ate that shit!”. Well, there were other choices available:
A couple of the Hash Gash put in the time and effort to generate some cash from food sales.Hard at work preparing the kebabs…Our newest named Hasher: Get Your Rocks Off.My Hash crash cost me some time on the ice…We also initiated a virgin Hasher (the girl on the right).And we prepared the traditional Hash birthday cake for Salty Cum and Anal Receptive.
All in all, it was a pretty good day. Got some exercise, didn’t die falling down a mountain, and drank lots of beers. Does it get any better than that?
More of the same around here, but at least I got a little creative with the headline. Or stupid. Either way, it’s a fair description of my night.
I did not make it out to Baloy Beach yesterday. I was headed in that direction, then decided to detour to see if I could find “mama” and give her some food money. She wasn’t in the usual places though, and since I was already there I said “fuck it” and crossed the street to Mango’s. I don’t visit there as frequently as I used to, but the waitress still treated me like a regular. I took my usual beachside seat and settled in to drink some beers. Quite a few folks were out enjoying the sea and sand, almost all of them Filipino. The new normal I suppose. When hungry time came, I ordered up my favorite–grilled pork chops. Then the tables got full, the service got slow, and I got up and left.
As I was making my way up the highway I saw “mama” and gave her her allowance. She responded with her usual “I love you, papa” and all was right and normal in my world.
I still wasn’t quite ready to go home, so I popped into Outback. Instead of the indoor pub, I sat out at the poolside bar which also features a nice bay view. Enjoyed a couple of more brews and watched the sun go down.
That’s why I’m here.
I’m still dealing with those itching sensations. I’m working hard at learning to resist the urge to scratch which only seems to exacerbate the itch. Easier said than done, especially when I’m lying in bed. The worst is my hands, and my automatic response is to rub vigorously between the fingers. That feels good while I’m doing it, but leaves the hand sore and throbbing afterward. So, I managed to ignore the itch in my hand and the bottom of my foot by sending my mind to its happy place and eventually falling asleep. And then I dreamed about giving my hand a good and satisfying rubbing (hmm, that sounds unintentionally lewd), then I wake up, and I’ll be damned if I hadn’t been rubbing those hands for real in my sleep. Couldn’t go back to sleep with a throbbing hand, so I got up and went downstairs for some of this:
It’s seems to help a little at least.
So, that was my night. Joy arrived at the appointed time to accompany me on my morning walk. I’ll admit I was a little surprised and somewhat impressed with her initiative. I do enjoy some company on the trail and have fantasized about having a female companion who sincerely desires to share in my “hobby.” I decided to forego a mountain climb for her virgin hike but did undertake a good long two-hour trek. I was feeling it towards the end and she admitted her feet were tired as well.
It was nice to have something “new” to look at on my familiar pathway.
I know Joy must have been exhausted because when we reached the highway I asked if she wanted to visit the Jollibee across the street. She said, “no, I want to go back home.” Wow. When a Filipina declines some Jollibee, you know she must be out of it. I gave her Jeepney fare and a thousand pesos for her efforts. I did appreciate her joining me.
Once Joy arrived back at her place she sent me this photo:
Ouch! That’s quite a blister.
It will be interesting to see if she volunteers to join me in the future.
I got an email from my soon-to-be new landlord reminding me that I needed to pay two months’ deposit and the first and last month’s rent before I could move in on the first. That’s 140,000 pesos or $2963.00 at the current exchange rate. So, I opened up my Western Union app to see how to go about wiring money into the specified bank account. It turned out to be a very simple process. Received the confirmation and thought I was good to go. Then came home from the hike and had an email saying I hadn’t completed the transaction. What the hell? So, I opened up the link to see what I’d missed and wala (nothing). I messed around a while and wound up sending the money a second time. Oops. Went back to cancel that transaction and got a message saying that it couldn’t be reversed. Are you shitting me? Well, fuck that. I went to my bank account and transferred the money out of checking and into savings. There’s enough in checking for the first transaction, but not the second. We’ll see what happens next.
And that’s how my day has gone so far. Going to shower up and try and make it out to Baloy this afternoon. Or not. It Doesn’t Matter.
I drug my lazy ass out of the house yesterday afternoon with every intention of going directly to Cheap Charlies. Once I hit the highway though I decided to keep on going until I reached Dive In. Not sure why I’m starting to like that place so much, but it’s got a bit of a Cheers vibe going. Jessa, the bartender/ex-girlfriend, always calls me by her nickname for me, “Gwapo” (handsome). Gerlie, a woman I know from darts, was there with her man, and they bought me a beer before I’d even sat down. Once again, Jessa was being tended to by another patron, but a waitress named Lovely filled the void on the barstool next to me, so of course, I bought her a couple of lady drinks. Good times!
I stayed a little longer at Dive In than I had intended, but I had promised Eunice, one of my regulars at Cheap Charlies, that I’d be coming for a visit. Once I arrived and took my seat, I looked around and discovered she was with a customer buying her DOUBLE lady drinks (twice the price, twice the commission), something I never do. That’s the way it works though, first comes, first served. Fools that get jealous or upset about a bargirl doing her job should just stay home. Soon enough, I had a gal on either side of me wanting to take advantage of my generosity keep me company. They weren’t disappointed in that regard, I bought them lady drinks and some food.
I had the sweet and sour pork. Pretty tasty!One thing bars like Dive In can’t compete with is the view. I love the outdoor experience of watching the world go by without me…
I departed Cheap Charlies and made my way up the highway to Queen Victoria, the last bar I pass on my way home. It had been a while since my previous visit. Honestly, I’m not sure how they stay in business. Friday night, almost 8:00, and I’m the only customer. Not good.
This morning I was motivated to get back with the program. I hadn’t walked for two straight days and I told myself no more excuses. It wasn’t like I was planning to walk around the world, but I figured I could ease back into my routine with a walk around the barrio. I accomplished that objective and I have the pictures to prove it.
These are the streets I walked on my morning adventure:
Out my front door and onto Alta Vista Drive.A left turn onto Acadia…Through the guard gate, out of the subdivision, and onto Purok 13.A left turn put me on the National Highway…A slight detour onto Iloilo street.The power went off at my house this morning which precluded me from preparing breakfast. I popped into Jewel to remedy that situation.Decisions, decisions…I opted for the French toast.Hunger satisfied and back on the highway.Albay street…Then onto Daugupan street.Then up Gomez.And then it becomes Gomez Extension…Across Rizal……and over to Jasmine street.Past Columban College…Leaving Columban.Taking comfort in the knowledge that I’m safe from a tsunami.Plodding along Rizal Extension.The magic of Abra street.Back on the National Highway to begin the journey home.Up La Union street.Down this sidewalk…Through this backyard…Up these steps…And looking down on Alta Vista…Going home via Everglades street. This road also leads to my new place. See that house on the left? Same owners as mine. They just rented it to some fool from Manila for 60,000 ($1200.) a month. Will they find a similar sucker for mine? Stay tuned.
So, about an hour and a half of walking on mostly flat paved roads. It’s a start. Joy is going to join me for tomorrow’s hike (it was her idea) but I don’t think I’ll take her up a mountain just yet. We’ll see how it goes and how she does.
Not sure what’s on tap for this evening. I might do Baloy Beach, but without the floating bar it is not as enjoyable. I’ll just take it one step at a time.
As impossible as it may seem, I have done practically nothing over these past 24 hours. Even by my low standards, that’s quite the accomplishment. Here’s the rundown:
I attended a birthday party yesterday afternoon. It was a Filipina’s party and that meant lots of food and drinks and laughing brown-skinned beauties. I hung out with the guys and enjoyed some nice chats and copious amounts of beer. Drunk when I got back home and in bed before 9:00 p.m. As usual.
Didn’t feel like doing the Friday hike today, so I didn’t. I’m going to cut myself some slack and listen to my body more. I feel tired a lot so maybe I should rest more. Of course, my good intentions for doing something productive went by the wayside as well. I had thought about checking out a medical clinic here in Barretto this morning, but I took a nap instead.
When I got up I watched a couple more installments of Lonesome Dove. Damn, it’s a well-done show. Almost as good as the book. Thinking about that reminded me of when I used to be a rather voracious reader. These days I barely have the attention span to get through an interesting article I find on the internet. Still, two 90 minute episodes of a show I’ve seen before is something of an accomplishment I suppose.
I got a message from one of the gals at Cheap Charlies asking where I’ve been. Guess that means it is time to pay them a visit again. That should take care of my Friday night at least.
No real significance in my posting this, I just liked the sentiment.
Another typical day in the life. Beers at Dive In and a couple of drinks with Jessa. Then I headed out to Palm Tree, assuming it would be a good place to watch the sun and moon do their dance. I was wrong about that. I’m not sure where the moon was at the appointed hour, perhaps behind the mountain. Ah, well. Crossed the highway, grabbed my wings, went home and ate, then called it a night.
Sometimes I wish I had a woman in my life who loves me the way my Buddy boy does. Greets me with a hug when I come home at night, and another when I wake up in the morning.In Tagalog, bullshit translates as bola bola. If the mask fits, wear it asshole.I finally got to experience the Monte Cristo at the Pub this morning. Good, but not as good as I remember. I prefer honey as a dipping sauce to jelly…
Yesterday’s hike was a pleasant 6K. Well, it would have been more pleasant if I felt better, but I was still glad to be out and about. Here a few pics to give you the flavor of our morning.
We departed from my house. Scott joined us later on the trail.Easter mountain was looking good as usual.There isn’t much thatch grass left these days, most of it has been burned off. So, it was a little surprising to have this encounter.My favorite view on the day.A little slick on the down hill, right Scott?Waiting on the stragglers…We crossed this bridge when we came to it, then made our way back to Barretto. I wasn’t feeling up to the libations at Dynamite Dicks, so took a pass.Thank you for supporting this post.
That’s all I’ve got for now. More to come tomorrow.
I guess it’s time for me to find out what the hell is going on inside this old body of mine. I can’t cure what ails me until I know what’s causing my symptoms, so that means seeking the help of a medical professional. Here’s what I’ve been dealing with for the past several days:
Sinus congestion–I’m pretty sure this is related to my chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but it has been getting more severe. Most nights I wake up so clogged I need to come downstairs and use my nebulizer so my lungs can function more effectively. It used to be I only had this problem while sleeping, but lately, I’m congested during the daytime too.
Low energy–the lethargy and lack of stamina continue. Even the slightest climb leaves me huffing and puffing. Some days it takes all my willpower to even go out and attempt a hike, other days I say fuck it and stay home. That’s not like me, and I don’t like feeling that way.
Heart rate–one of the things I monitor on a daily basis is resting heart rate. It’s recently gone up from the low 60s to 75 beats per minute (bpm), the highest it’s been since I’ve been checking it. From what I’ve read, I don’t need to be concerned unless it goes to over 100 bpm, but the fact that it has risen so much so quickly makes me wonder why.
Itchy hands and feet–this is a very recently occurring problem, and it is especially bad at night. It’s not bites or skin issues (no rash or other marks), it is something internal. I hate this symptom the most because it makes it difficult to sleep at night. According to the internet, this kind of itchiness is sometimes related to kidney or liver disease. Well, I can’t imagine that any of my habits would affect my kidneys or liver, but you never know until you check.
Gonna see if I can schedule a full physical examination and consultation with a physician to discuss these issues and find a resolution I can live with. Stay tuned.
Despite my medical issues, I still managed to find a little Joy in my life. We had a pleasant lunch at Mango’s yesterday. I’ve got to give her credit, she is sticking to the script almost perfectly. Sure, she will occasionally hint around about something more, but when I say “that’s not what I’m looking for” she backs off immediately. She has also been very good about not asking for cash or other gifts. Joy does have a birthday coming up and I will reward her with a shopping excursion if she continues to play by the rules of the “friends with benefits program” we’ve established.
After lunch, Joy accompanied me back home. I was content to just cuddle for a bit and maybe take a nap. Joy wasn’t having that, and before long she made it, um, too hard for me to say no. That’s another thing in her favor–enthusiasm! And if she is faking those orgasms she deserves an academy award. Anyway, I sent her home with $70, some treats for her kids, and a smile on her face. We’ll meet again in two weeks and celebrate her 32nd birthday. So far, at least, we are both getting what we want and need.
For my evening entertainment, I visited It Doesn’t Matter. As is my custom I sat outside, but the place was hopping inside and out. I’m glad they are doing well in these difficult times. I might have been on my fourth beer or so when I see a young woman walking her dog. And lo and behold, it was Marick, the gal I bought the kimbap from last week. I asked if she would like to join me for a beer and she handed me her dog and came in to join me. We had a nice chat and I asked her why she didn’t come to the Hash anymore. She said she couldn’t afford the 350 peso entry fee. I mentioned that I sponsored several gals each week and she would be welcome to join in. She finished her beer and headed back to work. This morning Marick sent me a message asking if I would indeed sponsor her for the Hash? I told her “of course!”, and she said she’d see me there. It will be fun to see where this goes.
Will I live long enough to fall in love again? And if I do, will I die of a broken heart? I reckon there’s only one way to find out.
This afternoon I hear Dive In beckoning to me. Perhaps I’ll get the chance to share a drink or two with sweet Jessa. It’s also Wednesday, so that means some Korean wings from The Pub are in my future. Speaking of which, John Kim has introduced a new sandwich:
The Monte Cristo I’ve been craving all these years! I stopped in for one last night on the way home only to discover it is only available for breakfast or lunch. Oh well, I’ll go in the morning I suppose.
I’ll be back tomorrow with pictures from today’s Wednesday Walkers hike and any other adventures that might befall me tonight. See you then!
Three straight days of Hashing has resulted in three consecutive posts here about Hashing. I’m not sure which is harder to endure. This is the last one until next week, I promise!
Perhaps the most interesting thing to happen took place at our sign-up venue, the VFW. A youngish guy (comparatively speaking, probably in his 40s) came in and was asking about joining the Hash. I let the Grandmaster do the explaining, but later as the guy was leaving he said, “you’re McCrarey, aren’t you?” I nodded and asked how he knew my name, he responded “I’ve read your blog.” I asked him how he happened upon my humble ramblings and he told me he just did a Google search for pictures of Barretto. It’s a little scary being reminded that I’m not quite as anonymous as I think I am. Oh, well. From day one of blogging I believed if you didn’t put your name on what you wrote, it didn’t deserve to be read. Back then I was more political, having your name publically associated with what is essentially a diary is a little more uncomfortable. I’m not going to censor myself, although I might try to be a bit more discrete discreet on some topics so people other than me are not identifiable. It’s a small town and in some ways it’s small-minded.
The Hash trail itself was nothing to complain about. Familiar territory, but some new paths. That’s always a nice touch. Our shortcutting efforts backfired and we wound up adding a couple of extra kilometers in an effort to avoid a hot climb. That’s the way it goes sometimes. Here are some photos for your enjoyment:
We left the VFW and made our way to Alta Vista…walked the streets of the subdivision for a bit……and then headed on down to the valley.A bit of a steep descent ahead, so I got my camera ready to document any Hash crash…But ISD made it with no problem……and so did Pubic Head.Down then up.
And now a quick break in the action to meet the girls:
Hello there, Preying Mantis.Nice to see you, Cum In My Basement.Looking good, Whatever You Want.
Alright then, now where were we?
Oh yeah, we were Hashing.That seems to be a prominent landmark.We may be in the shadow of the mountain……but there ain’t much shade.
Things went awry for my group a short time later. We missed a right turn and took a left. So we made our own way back, but it wasn’t as pleasant as what the Hares had prepared for us.
It’s never much fun to hike the National Highway!On Home was also at the VFW. We had over 50 in attendance and, frankly, that’s more than this venue can handle comfortably. It was really frustrating because it seems the noise and chatter were amplified in such a way that the circle events could not be heard. I sat outside and sulkedinstead.
And there you have it. Still taking a break from darts, I might go back to that next week. Tonight I hear It Doesn’t Matter calling to me.
The Angeles City Corona Hash outstation run has been successfully completed. By that I mean it appears everyone survived which is never a sure thing when Guenter is the Hare. His trail took over 5 hours to complete and involved several big mountain climbs. A few folks came back covered in dirt and with some scrapes and bruises from falling. I’m told one of the downhills was so steep that sliding on your ass was the only viable way to get down. Well, not for me, but most of the folks who did that trail seemed to enjoy the challenge.
I got drafted to help mark the “sane” trail. It was a 6K jaunt up the paved road to Tibag and back again. We did have a 1K section that was off-road, but nothing real challenging other than the first half being gently all uphill. We started marking at 11:30 and finished just before the scheduled 1:00 p.m. start time (the folks braving Guenter’s long trail had started at 10:00). We were basically camping out riverside in the middle of nowhere so it was surprising when our group was confronted by a couple of armed soldiers. They asked what we were doing (hiking) and if we had a permit from the barangay in Naugsol (no). I guess they decided we were not terrorists or otherwise a threat because they wished us well and continued on with their patrol.
The only interesting event I experienced on the short trail was stepping on this:
Not exactly sure what it is…not really a nail, more like a piece of wire…maybe from a fence.
So, I’m walking along and I feel something sharp poking me in the foot, kind of like having a rock in your shoe, only pointed I shook my foot around some trying to dislodge whatever was stabbing me, to no avail. I had no choice but to remove my shoe.
This is the recreation of what I saw.
I stepped on that wire in such a way that it fit perfectly into the tread of my shoe, almost as if it was designed for that purpose. The short pointed end went through the sole of my shoe and poked me in the foot. It wasn’t quite long enough to penetrate through the cushion inside the shoe (or pierce my skin) but made it impossibly uncomfortable to walk. Pulling that wire out was reminiscent of the dentist trying to yank my tooth, but I managed to free my shoe of this unwanted intruder. Call it fate or maybe Karma, but that wire had to be perfectly positioned in the dirt and I had to step on it in precisely the right way in order for it to have the impact it did. What are the odds?
Let’s get to the good stuff–pictures from the Subic Hash Facebook page from yesterday’s event.
Guenter’s trail in yellow, the sane trail in blue.Since we were basically camping out, all our gear (beer and ice) had to be transported out to our outstation location.My fellow Hares, Buddy Fucker and Pubic Head.Let’s get this trail marked!In downtown Tibag, such as it is…The long slog up…No wonder I’m so slow…looks like I’m taking baby steps.Gave this hardworking family we encountered some cookies Heading back across the river to our campsite.Surrounded by some awesome mountains. I’d rather look at them than climb them!The Hashmobile arrives…Pubic Head guiding some late arrivals to the trailhead…Yougini grilling up some meats…Anal Intruder guarding the Hashmobile…Hiking the sane trail…People started returning from the long and short trails and it was beer o’clock!Building the camp fire…Happy campers.Chillaxin’Brown in white looks pretty good to me!And so does Preying Mantis…Washing off the dirt from the trail…Our improvised campground.The last returners…Circle up!Doing my time for some Hash crime…Sorry for the short post!
I’m running late for today’s Subic Hash. I’ll be back tomorrow with more!
Yesterday’s hike with the Corona Hashers from Angeles turned out to be a beach walk. Not real surprising, I suppose. I had it in mind that we would be hiking from the Treasure Island meet-up and finishing at the Da’ Kudos On-Home venue. That was true for the long (10K) trail, but the 5K trail I took required a truck ride out to barangay Kalaklan, then basically just following the beach all the way back to Baloy. I’d done that hike numerous times, but not recently. Yesterday was a good reminder of why I don’t take the beach route more often. I’ll let the pictures tell the story.
I really, really dislike riding in the Hashmobile. It’s as uncomfortable as it looks and my mind can’t help but think of all the potential disasters associated with this unsafe mode of travel.But we made it safely to the drop-off point and began our march to the beach.Making our way down from the highway……passing some shanties along the way……before finally arriving at the water.The tide was high.Looking for a way to get across an inconveniently placed river……but in the end wading proved to be the only option.The sand before the rocks…And what rocks they were! Always a pain in the ass to scramble over, but the high tide required taking a higher and more treacherous route.She’s got some mountain goat in her…The worst is over now.Glad to put that behind me…Oh, good. My shoes are almost dry and here’s another river crossing…Life’s a beach sometimes.Back On-Home at Da’ Kudos the Subic contingent gives a welcome to the visiting Hashers from Angeles City.And in return I was welcomed to have a seat on the ice.And then the sun set on another day of Hashing.
Today I’ll also being Hashing with the Angeles crew. This time we are meeting up in Tibag. There are three trails–long, medium, and short; I’ll be taking the short route which doesn’t involve climbing the highest mountain in the area (up to Tralala). Should be fun, regardless. I like the area and we will be doing a cookout and enjoying our beers out there in the wilds.
The Angeles City Hashers are in town this weekend doing an outstation event, featuring runs today and tomorrow. I’ll be participating in both. Today’s Hash starts at 3:00 with short (5K) and longer (10K) trails that the Hare promises are mostly flat. Well, I’m going to do the short trail because the circle starts at 5:00, and I’m not sure I can pull off 10K in two hours. The circle is scheduled to end at 6:00 and will be followed by a bar crawl. I’m still undecided about whether I’ll participate in that.
This may be a stretch for me, even on my best days. We’ll see. I guess I can always shortcut.
Anyway, since I’ve got a trail to do later on I opted not to do a morning walk. With some time to kill, I fired up the TV and watched the movie Groundhog Day. I’m not sure when I saw it last, but was a little surprised that the film debuted in 1993–28 years ago. Damn, that made me feel old. Of course, I remembered the story, but I had forgotten some of the scenes. So it was fun to see them again as if for the first time. I guess that should make me feel old too. I also couldn’t help but think how much my life parallels the plot of the film. Pretty much every day is some combination of walking and drinking, varying only in minor details like where I am and who is with me. Of course, Bill Murray’s character grew and developed through repetition in a way that is unlikely to occur in my life, but I don’t mind being what and who I am until I am no more. And there are enough wrinkles in the fabric of my mundane existence to keep things relatively interesting.
Here’s an example of what I mean. I have a friend named Marick (and yes, I wish she was more than that, but that’s another story), she’s got a small business where she makes and sells different kinds of food for her clientele, although I’ve never previously bought anything from her. I noticed she posted on her Facebook page yesterday morning that she was making kimbap.
I’m not ab expert, but it looks pretty good to me.I haven’t had kimbap since I left Korea, and I only occasionally ate it there. I’m just not big on rice.
So, yesterday afternoon as I was preparing to head out for my daily bar excursion I get a message from Marick. Seems she had three containers of kimbap unsold and she asked if I was interested in making a purchase. Well, I’m always willing to help out a friend, so I told her I would swing by her shop on my way to the bars.
It just seems I can’t tell a pretty girl no.
When I arrived she still had all three containers available, so I bought them for 150 pesos each. We chatted a bit and then I headed out with my bounty. I hadn’t really planned to visit Dive In but since I found myself on that side of town it was convenient to drop by to see Jessa and her crew. On my previous visits there hadn’t been many customers, but last night the place was packed. Jessa had a guy plying her with drinks, so at least I didn’t have to pay for the privilege. I had a couple of beers and shared my recently purchased kimbap with the staff. I had a couple of pieces and found it rather bland, but as I said, I’m not an expert on what it should taste like. The girls seemed to enjoy it okay, although when I left probably half of it was still unconsumed.
I wandered up the highway and decided to have a “real” meal at Mango’s. Got my regular beachside seat and set to work on meeting my beer consumption goals.
My Mango’s view.A view of my lonely life.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining. Got my porkchops to go and headed on home. Another Groundhog Day with a twist of kimbap and a lack of Jessa, just to change things up a bit.
Earlier in the day, I participated in the Friday group hike. The original intent was to do the Black Rock ridge, a climb I was dreading given my recent physical issues. I was resolved to at least make the attempt and retreat if necessary, but to my relief the people up front decided on a different course. We wound up with a mostly pleasant 8K hike. Here are some photos:
Our path.Movin’ on out.Yes, they are still doing that ignorant and valueless checkpoint.Getting off the highway.The path narrowsOur “big” climb.Halfway up Scott overcomes temptation…Free from the stairs at last!A group shot.Through the grass…Black Rock ridge will be there when we return.A lovely poem.Gash on the rocks…Heading back down…Cookies here……and cookies there.Your humble correspondent once again is bringing up the rear.Time for refreshments…Glad my days as a mattress salesman are over (and that they never began).Marching through town.And marching out of town.We didn’t start the fire!Almost there, up into Alta Vista.For you lovers of Easter mountain.Rehydration at Palm Tree.And so concludes another hiking post.
Even these walks have a Groundhog Day vibe, don’t they?
Hey, even in paradise sometimes things just don’t go according to plan. Take yesterday for example. Thursday is usually my long solitary walk day. Instead, I never left the house until late in the afternoon. Poor dogs! Well, I did let them outside to take care of business but they didn’t get their customary walk. Do I have any excuse for such laziness? Other than to argue being lazy wasn’t my motivation, no. I just didn’t feel up to doing much of anything at all. I spent a goodly part of the day in bed. I don’t know, maybe my body was just saying it needed a break. For the most part, though, it just felt like a wasted day.
I did manage a blog post and I also baked up a batch of cornbread. Around 4:30 I headed out to Cheap Charlies for my daily beer ration. About halfway there I was regretting my decision–it was hot and I didn’t feel like walking. I carried on though, but knew I wouldn’t be staying long; I had steaks to grill back at the house. And just over an hour later, I was home again and busy putting together my dinner menu: ribeyes, baked potato, broccoli, corn-on-the-cob, and cornbread.
And here’s how all that goodness looked on the plate.
Actually, I’m not happy with the steaks I’ve been getting from the meat lady. Sure, they are tender and USDA quality beef, but they are just too damn thin. Hell, they were falling apart when I turned them on the grill. I’m going to need to find a new source for my steaks. I was happy with the cornbread though, I hadn’t made a batch for quite some time. Had a chunk with my breakfast today and added a little honey on top. Yum!
Shortly after eating, the suckiness returned. I found myself short of breath. That used to happen quite often before I started my meds, but now it is unusual enough to be concerning. I did two doses of my bronchodilator juice with the nebulizer. That seemed to help.
And oh yeah, I have an ingrown fingernail on my thumb. It’s been a few days and last night it was swollen and extremely painful. My helper did her best to relieve the pressure and dig out the offending nail, but damn, it was excruciating. Luckily, if feels much better today. I’m even using my thumb for the keyboard space bar again!
So I go upstairs to bed, but I had difficulty sleeping. I had an itchy foot. I tried to ignore it to no avail. I finally got up and put some hydrocortisone on the offending area. I laid back down and then my leg began itching. I was thinking damn, the mosquitos are aggressive tonight, but when I looked for tell-tale signs of a bite, there weren’t any. No idea what the itching was all about, but it lasted through the night and resulted in a very fitful sleep.
Alright, I reckon that’s enough whining for one post. I know people who are dealing with some serious medical issues (welcome home from the hospital, Kevin!), and I am blessed indeed to be as healthy as I am. I do feel a lot better today and was able to participate in the Friday group hike, so there’s that. I also have a full weekend of Hashing ahead of me. I’ll share more about that tomorrow.
In the meantime, Facebook reminded me that I posted this gem back in 2013:
I think I’ve forgotten more than I ever knew about grammar…
A commenter left this on my Facebook page in response:
Yeah, it’s all good.
Well, it’s Friday night, so you know what that means. Time to go out and sweet talk the bargirls:
Damn, I hate when that happens!
Yeah, I’ve probably used that cartoon here before, but I can’t remember. That’s the nice thing about being forgetful–everything old is new again!
An interesting Wednesday Walkers group hike yesterday. I’ll get to that in a minute and share some photos from the day. But first, let’s talk about the beer!
Another good night of drinking, this time at Dive In with Jessa and the girls. I do enjoy Jessa’s company, but then again, I only see her once a week. Maybe that’s the secret! Had some beers, bought some lady drinks, played some pool, and fed the girls some pizza. Good times! When it came time for me to move on towards the house, I popped into The Pub for my weekly fix of chicken wings.
Tasty as usual!
After eating my fill, I headed upstairs and slept the peaceful sleep of the inebriated.
Speaking of being a drunk bastard, I came across this article today, which claims that ANY amount of alcohol causes damage to the brain. Well, in all seriousness, I have seen some deterioration in my cognitive abilities lately. These mostly manifest in small but irritating ways–frequent typos and misspellings, forgetfulness, and an occasional lack of clarity in my thought processes–sort of a fuzzy feeling in my head. Now, I’m 65 years old and some of this is likely just the natural decline that comes with aging. Maybe if I were still a working man I’d worry about it more. I’m retired and enjoying my life. And some of that enjoyment comes from downing a frosty cold bottle of beer or three. So, if I’m destined to become Biden-like and beer hastens my journey to dementia, so be it.
I’ll need to take this test again wearing my beer goggles.
And here’s the bottom line:
The science is settled!
Alright, now where was I? Oh yeah, the Wednesday hike. Our intention was to hike up to the Kalaklan ridge using a route we hadn’t taken recently. Our efforts were stymied initially by a locked gate, and later by a recently constructed fence. We eventually found an alternative way up, but then discovered we were somehow fenced in. No one was willing to retreat back down the steep trail we had just climbed, so we wandered around some looking of an opening in the fence. And then we encountered an old woman carrying a bolo knife (machete) who was not at all happy about our presence on “her land.” We explained we were just hiking through but she was having none of it. We tried to ignore her but she continued to follow us around yelling stuff in Tagalog. We had a couple of Filipinas with us and they translated that she was saying that previous hikers had damaged her fence (no doubt looking for a way out). She finally offered to escort us to “the gate.” With no other obvious option (other than damaging the fence) we reluctantly let her lead us partially down the mountain, where she unlocked the gate and pointed for us depart. I tried to give her a bag of cookies as a peace offering, but she refused and gestured for me to get off her land. And that is just what we did. Then we reclimbed the mountain on the other side of her fence and made it up to the ridge road with no further problems.
Here are some photos from the hike:
The trail we hiked. That noose-like line marks our retreat at the direction of the bolo-armed old woman.Our rather large group at our meet-up location. Actually, that guy in the sleeveless white shirt was a beggar we all ignored.So, we had intended to make our way up on the other side of that creek to the left. But the path was blocked by a locked gate.They say the longest journey begins with a single step. Our 5K hike started with a couple of hundred steps…When the steps ran out the going didn’t get any easier. Quite the opposite.On up. Watch those leaves, they are slippery!See that fence on the right? We were on the old woman’s turf and didn’t know it. Yet.Did I mention the climb was a steep mother fucker in places?At least it was mostly shady and there was a breeze. Kept it from feeling oppressively hot.After making our escape from the clutches of the old woman, we are on the right side of the fence.Go tell it on the mountain…Love this view. Our hike began on that highway you see way down below.On the ridge at last!A well-earned rest stop.On the Great Wall of Barretto.Bay view…Mountain view.That’s me demonstrating the “putting one foot in front of the other” technique.A final group shot from up top.Don’t want to disappoint you Easter mountain fans out there.Heading on down…Okay, I get they are siblings sharing a family resemblance, but damn, the exact same facial expression? A little scary if you ask me.And oh yeah, my bitching and moaning about how hard these hikes are? Look at what these gals are carrying up the mountain on their head, back, and shoulders. Damn impressive!Cookie time!Rehydration and lunch at Dynamite Dick’s.Our lovely waitress, Crystal. When I asked her if she was looking for a boyfriend she gave me an expressionless deadpan answer: “you’d be disappointed.”
You would be looking for great info about regular dental check ups. But I feel a little weird writing about my dental appointment while my friend Kevin Kim is in the hospital recovering from a stroke, but my visit with Dr. Barrera was the highlight of my day, so check over here to know my experience with a dental checkup.
First time with this dentist and I was quite impressed. Dr. Barrera is a very personable and friendly guy who made me feel at ease right away. People can also check 904implant.com/transformations for the best dental services. He was wearing one of those full-body protective suits, so I still don’t know what he looks like, but his English was so good and lacking an accent that I almost asked if he had been raised in the USA. Decided that would be rude so I didn’t. He engaged me in small talk as he prepared for the extraction and it turns out we know some of the same people and we are neighbors of our sort–he owns a lot in Alta Vista. I laughed when he told me about meeting one of my landlords and coming away feeling like the guy was on the shady side. He was surprised they’d been so stupid as to run off a long-term tenant in the manner that they did. Anyway, Dr. Barrera seems like a nice enough guy, but can he pull a tooth?
Turns out he can, but my tooth didn’t make it easy for him. The night before my appointment, a piece had broken off in my mouth. Other than a wisdom tooth, I’d never had a tooth extracted. I figured it would be like in the movies where you just grab it with the pliers and give a yank. Instead, I was in the chair for almost an hour. The tooth kept breaking apart which necessitated digging it out piece by piece. And I guess those roots didn’t want to give up their long-term residence. Dr. Barrera had numbed me up of course, but damn, some of that yanking and grinding was downright uncomfortable. But in the end, it all came out fine .It is always better to consult a emergency dentist Mineola at the earlier stage to avoid unbearable pain and suffering .
No pain to speak of today. I asked about an implant and Dr. Barrera advised I’d need to wait several weeks for the gums to completely heal. He also suggested a bridge might be a better option. So, I will be walking around with this hole in my head for some time to come it looks like. Still, it was not a bad experience under the circumstances. Doc Berrara sent me home with some pain pills I haven’t needed and advised me I should forego my Listerine mouthwash for a few days. He did say cold drinks would be fine, which was all I needed to hear! And oh yeah, the whole procedure cost me a grand total of 2500 pesos ($50.). Not bad!
Dynamite Dick’s is practically next door to the dentist’s office, and as I walked by Dick called out to me “what are you doing?” Told him I just had a tooth pulled and he insisted on buying me a beer. So, there I am drinking a cold one with the cotton pad still on my recently bleeding gum. I ditched the pad so as to properly enjoy my beer. Met another guy at the table named Mike. Turns out he retired and moved her in 2018 as well. He spent his working life at the US Postal Service, mostly as a letter carrier. Well met, indeed!
A few more beers at It Doesn’t Matter, then I was off to Sit-n-Bull for some dinner. A nightcap at Queen Victoria, then a trike ride on home. A good night’s sleep and no issues today. Life is good!