In the shadow of the mountain

Three straight days of Hashing has resulted in three consecutive posts here about Hashing. I’m not sure which is harder to endure. This is the last one until next week, I promise!

Perhaps the most interesting thing to happen took place at our sign-up venue, the VFW. A youngish guy (comparatively speaking, probably in his 40s) came in and was asking about joining the Hash. I let the Grandmaster do the explaining, but later as the guy was leaving he said, “you’re McCrarey, aren’t you?” I nodded and asked how he knew my name, he responded “I’ve read your blog.” I asked him how he happened upon my humble ramblings and he told me he just did a Google search for pictures of Barretto. It’s a little scary being reminded that I’m not quite as anonymous as I think I am. Oh, well. From day one of blogging I believed if you didn’t put your name on what you wrote, it didn’t deserve to be read. Back then I was more political, having your name publically associated with what is essentially a diary is a little more uncomfortable. I’m not going to censor myself, although I might try to be a bit more discrete discreet on some topics so people other than me are not identifiable. It’s a small town and in some ways it’s small-minded.

The Hash trail itself was nothing to complain about. Familiar territory, but some new paths. That’s always a nice touch. Our shortcutting efforts backfired and we wound up adding a couple of extra kilometers in an effort to avoid a hot climb. That’s the way it goes sometimes. Here are some photos for your enjoyment:

We left the VFW and made our way to Alta Vista…
walked the streets of the subdivision for a bit…
…and then headed on down to the valley.
A bit of a steep descent ahead, so I got my camera ready to document any Hash crash…
But ISD made it with no problem…
…and so did Pubic Head.
Down then up.

And now a quick break in the action to meet the girls:

Hello there, Preying Mantis.
Nice to see you, Cum In My Basement.
Looking good, Whatever You Want.

Alright then, now where were we?

Oh yeah, we were Hashing.
That seems to be a prominent landmark.
We may be in the shadow of the mountain…
…but there ain’t much shade.

Things went awry for my group a short time later. We missed a right turn and took a left. So we made our own way back, but it wasn’t as pleasant as what the Hares had prepared for us.

It’s never much fun to hike the National Highway!
On Home was also at the VFW. We had over 50 in attendance and, frankly, that’s more than this venue can handle comfortably. It was really frustrating because it seems the noise and chatter were amplified in such a way that the circle events could not be heard. I sat outside and sulked instead.

And there you have it. Still taking a break from darts, I might go back to that next week. Tonight I hear It Doesn’t Matter calling to me.

6 thoughts on “In the shadow of the mountain

  1. “I might try to be a bit more discrete on some topics”

    I believe you mean “discreet,” i.e., taking precautions. (“Discrete” means “clearly different.”)

    Aside from that little faux pas, great pictures.

  2. Yes, I meant discreet. Yet another example of my addled brain, I truly do know the difference. The other day I typed “there” when I meant “their”. Thank goodness I caught that when I did a quick proofread…

  3. Re: the pic of the walk through your subdivision. Is that a pile of trash on the side of the road, or concrete bags (or similar) used for construction?

    Is there organized trash disposal? Obviously, up in the mountains, I would assume that the organized trash disposal is throwing it out on the nearest path, but why is it so bag in the town? People dont want to pay for trash removal? Laziness?

  4. Brian, that is in fact a construction site we are walking past. There is a weekly trash pickup provided by the barangay for $6. a month or so. Everyone in the subdivision uses trash cans for the most part. Trash pickup is also done in town but people take their trash to a collection point in makeshift bags. It’s quite the mess a day or two before it’s picked up. The only explanation I have for this “system” is that it’s the Philippines, that’s why.

  5. #HASHING. Well it’s a big part of your life and i enjoy watching you sweat so keep em coming. “you’re McCrarey, aren’t you”? Could have been followed by “well I’m Joy’s husband and I’lll see you outside”. I’ve always said you had some big cajones because you put it all out there. Probably the reason why this is the only blog I follow and have followed since the Hooker Hill days. Don’t change my friend. Lets talk chicas. The girl with the black shirt(2nd pic) has an Angelic face and Preying Mantis has a devilish body. Keep those gash pics coming too! Peace Out!

  6. Glad to be of service, Soju! Funny (sad) when she smiles and shows her teeth there are quite a few gaps. They yank teeth out without a care here it seems.

    And yes, I’ll keep calling it like I see it here on the blog. Might change some names to protect the guilty, but otherwise, look for more of the same.

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