Being neighborly

A morning valley walk and a pleasant evening eating and drinking at my next-door neighbor’s place. And I’ve got the pictures to prove it!

Gary and Ed were my Friday hiking buddies.
Our route took us through a slummy neighborhood we rarely visit
But as usual, the people we encountered were all friendly.
Easter Mountain as seen from the valley floor
The floor of which I speak
Cookie recipients
Throwing shade
A good portion of the year it’s too wet to walk here. No problem yesterday.
And after the hike Gary and Ed help me initiate my rooftop table with some beers and chicken nuggets.

Gary came back later and gifted me a case of beer. Said he felt guilty drinking mine without reciprocation. Thanks again!

I fired up the oven and prepared some stuff to share at the cookout party next door.

Corn bread muffins (OMG! I just now noticed there is a fly on one of these. Yuck!)
And brownies

There were no leftovers, so I’ll take that as a positive sign they turned out good. (The flies liked them for sure!)

I was one of the early arrivals. We gathered round a table outside, had some chat, and watched the sun go down.

The guy seated on the right also lives in Alta Vista and is currently in the early stages of building a house on my old street, Shenandoah Bend. But the coincidences didn’t end there. As we became acquainted, it turned out he also grew up in Southern California. When he mentioned he graduated from Westminster High School, I about fell out of my chair. So did I! His name is Mike Smith, and he graduated in 1966. I finished in 1973, so we didn’t attend together. Still, we shared memories of the local haunts and hangouts in our neck of the woods. He was professionally involved in the music industry and talked about many of the famous bands he worked with. I’m not sure what the odds of meeting a fellow WHS Lion in the PI might be, but it must be astronomical.

My neighbor Jeff shares the same view from his house as I do, but I’m rarely home at this time of day. Here’s one of the beer o’clock sun shortly after my arrival.
Jeff firing up the grill
Some appetizers…
Hanging out
A group shot
Dinner is served. The meat was outstanding, and I especially enjoyed Jeff’s twice-baked potato, his specialty.

And then the music box turned into a videoke machine. That’s usually not to my liking, but the volume was kept at a reasonable level.

And these two lasses were amazing singers. Honestly, the best videoke performance I’ve ever heard. They sounded like professionals. Well done!

It was nice to stumble on home when my night was over. A little too drunk to do anything but go to sleep, but it was a nice change of pace to take a night off from the bars. Swan wants to get one of those music machines for our rooftop, so I reckon there will be some drunken singing in my future. Nothing wrong with that. Unless you’re my neighbor. But I’ll fix that by inviting him to join us.

So, I’m taking a break from the Star Trek humor today.

I never said I wouldn’t be punny!

I guess that’s just about enough for now. I’ll post tomorrow, but then I’m taking a break from blogging until next year.

That’s the way I like it

Uh-huh, uh-huh.

As days go, yesterday was a good one. Swan told me she was going to go to Olongapo to look for a table and chairs for our rooftop. I suggested she check out Waltermart in Subic instead. Then I said, “Let’s walk there,” and she surprisingly agreed. So, off we went.

Off we go!
An Easter Mountain view
On the streets of San Isidro
A cookie delivery
On a country road
What more do you need?
Profound words in a nation known for its littered streets.
A neutered tree.
Easter’s ass side
On the Govic Highway
A Fiesta subdivision
Life on the riverside
Swan on a bridge
On the streets of barangay Magnan Vaca in Subic town
Arriving at our destination at last!
The way we went
The stats from our walk

Swan says she’s never walked that far before, and she was pretty wiped out when we were finished. Kudos to her for making the effort. We’ll see if I can get her out again sometime in the future.

Our trip was not in vain as I purchased a table and six chairs for my rooftop.

I called my driver to carry us and the furniture back home. I also had him stop at Barretto’s newest eatery so we could grab some lunch.

Yep, yesterday was the grand opening of our McDonald’s franchise.
My celebratory lunch: Quarter Pounder, fries, apple pie, Coke Zero, and a chocolate sundae for dessert.

I guess I must hate myself if this meme on Facebook is to be believed:

After our healthy meal (Swan had chicken), we carried the new furniture up the stairs.

Up we go, with Lucky and Buddy supervising the effort.
Set up and ready for a party!
The view from the roof

Swan rested most of the afternoon, and I headed out at beer o’clock for Cheap Charlies. I enjoyed some cold liquid refreshment, and then I moseyed over to John’s place to meet Swan for some dinner.

I was planning on getting a pulled pork sandwich, but as I perused the menu, the Philly cheesesteak called out to me.

I wasn’t disappointed. Swan had a lamb burger and said it was good.

We did our nightcap at Alaska Club, bought some lady drinks for our waitresses, then called it a night.

Good times!

And then I woke up to another fine morning.

I always give the boys a few minutes of leash freedom during the morning dog walk.

It’s Friday, but I won’t be going out tonight. Got an invite from the guy next door to join them for a cookout and it didn’t seem neighborly to decline. I’ll be bringing a batch of brownies and some cornbread muffins as my contribution to the meal. And beer, of course.

Hope to see you back here tomorrow for another update.

Feeding time

For three years running now, the hiking group has sponsored a charity event for the Aeta people’s village in barangay Old Cabalan, Olongapo.

The village is located near the Iram elementary school, shown at the top of this map.

A teacher I know, Grace, turns our cash donation (25,000 pesos this year) into bags of food to be distributed to the locals. Swan and her friends participated this year, collecting additional rice and food donations, and they prepared a spaghetti lunch with a drink for the children. It was an impressive effort I was proud to be a part of.

That’s Grace on my left. We met at her school, then caravanned over dicey roads to the Aeta village.
My driver’s car had low ground clearance, and at one point, he asked us to lighten the load by walking.
We offloaded the goods that Swan and her friends had gathered and carried them to the village in this trike.
Hoofing it down to the village
And across the bridge to the village.
Some hungry Aeta kids.
Preparing the handouts
Soup is on the fire
The gathering crowd
Still stacking
Still waiting
Almost ready
Nice scenery around the village
A thank you to the contributors
And the requisite prayer.
Let the giving begin!
I reckon there were a hundred or so in attendance
Behind the scenes
Our custom is to take a hike while the food distribution is taking place. So, over the water we go!
Just Troy, Gary, and me yesterday for the walk
A peaceful domestic scene along the way
Another water crossing. Gary embraces the freedom of wet feet.
Our navigator, Scott, was unable to join us this year, so we just followed this dirt road.
This guy followed us from the village to be our guide. He didn’t speak a word of English, though.
It’s not as pretty as a tree, but it’s still an impressive sight.
On the road
And when we’d had enough of going uphill, we turned around and went back down.
Gary did the rocks across this time.
Back to the village where the handouts were still in progress
Swan and friends handing out spaghetti and drinks.
Kids enjoying their meal
Me and the guys walked back to the school, where the cars were parked, and had some beers and snacks.
There were kids in the ‘hood to share some treats with.

And that was that until next year.

The beer o’clock sun telling me I had another feeding to attend to.

Joy said only four girls were working yesterday, so not much food was needed. She suggested a pizza, and that worked for me. I brought Choco Pies for dessert. Mission accomplished.

Swan met me at Wet Spot for the nightcap, and I treated her and Aine to some Sit-n-Bull. Then home for another episode of “Shameless” (Netflix is working on my TV again. Yay!) and then off to bed.

And a scenic view from this morning’s dog walk. Life is good!

I saw something yesterday that said we have two jobs in life. To learn and to cope. I’m not too good at either, but at least I’m still in the game.

This is actually one of the jokes in my repertoire. I know I didn’t create the joke, but coming upon it in a visual rendition is really weird. On Facebook, no less. Oh well. I’m old, and so are all of the jokes I tell.

But stuff like this is ageless:

Today’s song is an old favorite from Mary Chapin Carpenter. Hadn’t heard it in a while, but I thought of it when Swan told me to “shut up and hug her” this afternoon. So, here you go:

A big it on the beach

And by “it,” I mean a good time. No, I don’t need to check my white privilege–I know a big it when I see one.

Swan made me a lunch of Polish sausage and fries, but it didn’t go down so well.

I hate when that happens!

Swan was sweet and made me another batch.

The local 7/11 convenience store is hiring. Get a load of these requirements:

A college education to be a store clerk. No wonder poor girls have to find work in the bars.

Let’s go to the beach now, shall we?

Getting there from my house looks like this.
Just under 2K door-to-raft
Objective achieved!

It was a bit of a mixed bag on the Kokomo floating bar yesterday. When I arrived, the music was ear-splittingly loud. Lots of other customers, and no one seemed to be complaining, so I figured I’d just down my beer and leave. I did mention to my waitress that the volume was so high the music was actually distorting. She went and talked to the waitress holding the control, and the volume was reduced–still too loud, but probably not damaging to my ears.

I still enjoyed the views and rocking motion during my visit.

Although I didn’t stay long enough to watch the sun go down.

Swan messaged that she was with some friends at Laharnyz, a little further up Baloy Beach.

So I headed back to shore
There she is! This is a beach bar that I very rarely visit for some reason.
Laharnyz does afford nice beach and bay views. Maybe I’ll visit more often.
That ship (Navy?) I saw from the Arizona floater on Sunday is still anchored offshore.
A surprisingly large crowd of foreigners were hanging out on the beach seats.
And there was even a bit of rainbow pointing to the pot of gold atop Kalaklan Ridge.

My pal Erik messaged me that McCoy’s, another beach bar, was having a “food festival” and invited us to see him there. So, Swan and I made our way up the beach.

Well, pretty good at least.
The party was in full swing when we arrived at McCoy’s.
The pigs (there were three) gave their all to ensure none of the guests went home hungry.

I didn’t go home hungry, but Swan says I was a little drunk. I don’t remember.

I did take this pic of the full moon from my front porch last night.

My Fitbit says I had a good night’s sleep (seven and a half hours!), and I awoke to find the moon stalking me.

This time, it was looking at me from my back patio. Talk about coming full circle!
See you next time!

A good day out at the Aeta village in Old Cabalan (Olongapo) with some food baskets distributed and a short hike. More on that tomorrow. Now, I must prepare for the feeding at Hideaway.

He must be a big man.

Candy is dandy and liquor is quicker

Another day, another Christmas. Here’s what you missed:

Christmas dinner on the grill
The view from the grilling area
Dinner on the plate
Aunt Pat’s fruit salad for dessert

And Facebook sent me a memory from Christmas ten years ago.

A lifetime ago. House in South Carolina, wife, family and friends, and no clue that it would all come crashing down two years later. Such is life, but it still hurts to think about it.

But, on a brighter note, I had the Hash Candy Run to attend.

Forty-eight Hashers in attendance.
Led by Santa Claus (aka 18 Kilo Ass)
Let’s roll!
Luckily this wasn’t an arresting development, just a meet and greet.
Where’s the kids? That’s my Hash shirt from my Korea days with the Humphreys Hangover Hash House Harriers.
Here comes Santa Claus, but that’s not Santa Claus lane.
Santa at work
Making Christmas a little sweeter for the locals.
Down by the water
On the streets of Matain
Mr. Popularity
But even the Elves have some fans.
It was the hottest Christmas I can remember yesterday.
It’s all about the children.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
We handed out a shitload of candy during our trek.
A villiage in Calapacuan
A couple “girls” with something extra.
The candyman can!
Heading for San Isidro
Easter on Christmas
A lovely flower
The stakes are high. I hope no one takes a fence!
And still on we walk.
Candy brings smiles. Ain’t that sweet?
Heading On-Home
Hash Gash
Hares on the ice!
I asked Swan how she liked the Hash. She said, “I enjoyed handing out candy.” It was a long, hot slog for her, and I don’t think the Hash songs fit with her conservative nature.
The After-Hash gathering at It Doesn’t Matter.

There was also a Hash on Christmas Day back in 1995.

We seem rather tame by comparison.
Yesterday’s full trail was a little over 8K.

Anyway, it was something different and an enjoyable way to spend the afternoon. The cold beers at the end were especially refreshing.

So, here’s a parting gift before I go.

You must have saw that coming!

I’m not hearing any complaints.

Okay, I’ll stop now.

Champagne don't drive me crazy
Cocaine don't make me lazy
Ain't nobody's business but my own

Candy is dandy and liquor is quicker
You can drink all the liquor down at Costa Rica
Ain't nobody's business but your own
This song came to mind for the first time in years when I was thinking of a title for this post. It also brought back the memory of seeing Taj Mahal live at a small club in Huntington Beach, California called The Golden Bear. That must have been 1975 or so.

And so this is Christmas

Have yourself a merry one!

I’ll be doing the annual Hash Candy Run later, so let’s get today’s post out of the way.

Today the Hashers will be walking the streets of Barretto and the surrounding communities handing out candy to the children we encounter. Santa (aka 18 Kilo Ass) will be in attendance as well. And Swan will be joining in on the fun, so I’m looking forward to our first Hash together.

We may have gone a tad overboard on our candy purchases, but we have a charity event on Wednesday, and we’ll give away any leftovers then.
Here is some of what Swan and her friends have gathered for the Wednesday outing to a native Aeta village in Olongapo. I made a sizeable cash donation to the event sponsor on behalf of our Barretto hiking groups and she is putting together food baskets for the community.

I received a sweet Christmas card from my sweetie:

We’ve only just begun!

In keeping with my holiday tradition, I prepared a batch of my Aunt Pat’s recipe World Famous fruit salad this morning.

The ingredients. The recipe calls for a sour cream base, but alas, sour cream is a rare commodity in these parts. I substituted plain yogurt which lacks the tangy flavor, but you gotta make due sometimes.

Santa’s helper (Swan) gifted me a backpack and two hats:

And this new shirt. Yep, I’m a lucky man.

And here’s the rundown on how I spent my Christmas Eve.

It started with a walk, of course; my Standard Sunday Solo Stroll through the Naugsol Valley and back.
I encountered many more children than usual–all hoping for “biscuits.”
Now I know how Santa Claus feels.
These deliveries were all in the first kilometer of my hike. I was worried that demand would exceed supply.
But then things quieted down some.
Merry Christmas, Easter!
Another delivery
The bridges don’t get much dicier than this one.
The Naugsol Valley and the Kalaklan Ridge.
It had been awhile since my last Bridge #4 crossing.
A quiet morning on the upper stretch of Sawmill Road.
I ended my journey at the Puregold market in a fruitless search for sour cream.
What a pleasant 7K stroll looks like.

Hideaway Bar was having a Christmas party and I left home an hour earlier than usual to add my contribution to the food offerings. Well, Jewel Cafe supplied the eats, I just paid for them. I did bring a batch of brownies and some Oreo cookies to add to the mix.

The place was packed like I’d never seen before. I was lucky the gals had the foresight to reserve my seat.
Me and the well-fed Hideaway crew

When it came time to depart Hideaway, I hit the beach instead of the highway.

Still enough daylight to make a couple more beers on the Arizona floating bar worthwhile.
The view from my barstool
Barretto beach
The Kalaklan Ridge seems to be stalking me lately. I’ll see you next year, I promise!
Zoomed in on what appeared to be a Navy vessel anchored in the bay.
There goes the sun again!

When darkness falls on the floater, I head for shore. I decided It Doesn’t Matter would be a nice venue for my nightcap. It turned out to be even nicer than I expected when I got a message from a young woman wanting to join me.

Nice to see you again, Swan!

Soon enough, Swan needed to depart for her family event in Subic, and I was at my limit for beer ingestion. We said our goodnights and went our separate ways. I had blueberry cheesecake to keep me company when I got home. Netflix still won’t connect to my TV for some reason, so I watched a “Shameless” episode on my laptop. Then it was off to bed for another good nights sleep. Being able to breathe through my nose again seems to help with that.

And that brings you up to date. I plan to grill some ribeye steaks for a pre-Hash Christmas lunch. Thanks for coming by, and check back tomorrow for another update to the story of my so-called life.

You knew it was coming!

And since it is Christmas, let me gift you with another one:

I don’t even know how to use Google maps.
Sorry ’bout that!

Merry Christmas!

Still the same

And hopefully plenty more to come. Here’s how the Eve of Christmas Eve went down.

It should come as no surprise that my day started with a hike. Saturday is one of my solo days, but I did change the trail I walk for variety’s sake, and it turned out to be a pleasant 8K jaunt.

I took a little used backway out of the neighborhood. It was totally overgrown where the pavement ended, but I waded through the tall grass by virtue of where I remembered the trail to be. That could have ended badly, but it didn’t.
Here’s something you don’t see every day. I guess the rainy season is really over.
The backside of my house as seen from the street below.
A San Isidro street scene
Crossing Bridge #3
A low-rent rendezvous
Narrowing my options
Back on the highway
Detouring to the seldom visited Purok 13 to make a cookie delivery
Mission accomplished
The map of my journey

As I am wont to do, I finished my hike at Sit-n-Bull to grab some lunch to go.

I sat down near the dessert refrigerators and the last of the pecan pies called out to me to be rescued.
And so I did.
Sit-n-Bull has a great crew of waitresses. For some reason, they all looked a little horny yesterday.
My El Padre burrito is on the plate and ready to be devoured.

When it was time for me to head into town for my imbibing ritual, Swan said she would join me later when she finished a kitchen project (yes, she is a good cook, too.) I hadn’t visited Cheap Charlies in a while, so I started there.

The view on my way
And the view from Cheap Charlies

I, of course, bought my two regulars, Alma and Nerissa, a lady drink. And I gave them both a generous “Merry Christmas” tip when I departed. I had seen my neighbor and fellow Hasher Simon (Leech My Nuggets) on the rooftop of BarCelona, so I decided to join him there for my next beer.

I hadn’t noticed that Simon’s wife was with him, but they graciously allowed me to join them at their table.

My BarCelona view. That’s Cheap Charlies on the right.
The after sundown view.

Swan joined me at BarCelona and met Simon and the wife, who is also a Hasher. Swan will be attending tomorrow’s special Christmas Candy Run, and I’m looking forward to having her there.

After a couple more beers, I was ready for a change of scenery, so we moved downstairs to Alaska. We were the only customers when we arrived, and as I sometimes do, I rewarded the eight dancers on stage for their efforts with a 50 peso tip. My regular waitresses also joined Swan and me at our table for a drink.

Me and my gal.
With our Alaska tablemates.

I’m happy that Swan gets along with the bargirls and doesn’t display any signs of jealousy or the like. I’ve told her she is always welcome to join me when I’m out in the bars, but if she would rather not, I’m totally fine with that, too. Swan says during Christmas break, when she has no tutoring duties to perform, she wants to spend the time with me. Ain’t that sweet?

We did our nightcap at Wet Spot and treated Aine and Irene to a lady drink before departing for home.

I was welcomed home to this blueberry cheesecake Swan had prepared before coming out to join me.
It was so yum I couldn’t resist having two slices.

And now it is Christmas Eve. In Filipino culture, this is a bigger day than Christmas itself. Families gather together and stay up until midnight to celebrate the birth of Christ. Swan will be spending the night with her family in Subic. I was invited to join them, but that’s really not my thing. I’m sending a batch of brownies in my place. I’m going to maybe invite them here to my place for a New Year’s Eve celebration.

I’ll be attending the Hideaway Bar Christmas party this afternoon and will, of course, be conducting the regular Sunday feeding.

My seat at the party has been reserved!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

Just filling in the hours, however comfortably and well.

What are those Star Trek dudes up to today?

Back with more tomorrow!

Just another town along the road

Only me and Gary showed up for the Friday group hike, but we put in our steps with a pleasant walk through Matain, Calapacuan, San Isidro, and Santo Tomas. Here’s some of what we saw along the way:

Opening next week!
Let’s get outta town!
The subdivision streets are better than the highway.
I can see Alta Vista from here! (on the hill in the background)
A dirty road
A nice view of the Kalaklan ridgeline.
A narrow trail lined with water hoses.
We call it Black Rock for a reason.
Some off pavement fun
The rest of the group
A brief visit to the Govic Highway
A bloomin’ good time
A familiar view
A familiar bridge (#2)
A San Isidro backstreet
Baskets for sale. There’s a trike under there somewhere.
I can see my house from Bridge #1.
“Downtown” Santo Tomas
I paused at the fish market to get a picture and the gal in the blue apron greeted me with a hearty “hello, sir John.” Then she asked me if I was feeling better after the operation. I’m standing there thinking, who the hell is this? She looked vaguely familiar and I assume at one time she must have worked in a bar I frequent, but where and when I have no clue. That actually happens to me quite often.
Heading back home to Barretto
Just shy of 8K start to finish

A healthy start to the day. How did it finish? Like this:

I began my Friday evening with an invite to the Alley Cats bar for their Christmas party. It’s been a while since my last visit, and there has been an almost complete turnover in staff. The same owners and the dart players were all familiar, so catching up with folks was nice. The party was supposed to start at five, with a tournament at six. I knew I wouldn’t be participating in dart action, so I planned to meet up with Swan when I left Alley Cats. Alas, there was a delay in the food prep, and folks didn’t start eating until six, so I bailed out on the best part of the party. I did at least contribute a batch of brownies to the mix.

Some of my fellow partygoers.
Owners Flor and Dean gifted me with this new cap. Thanks!

Swan messaged that she was with some friends at BarCelona and asked that I meet them there, so off I went.

It’s always pleasant on the rooftop at BarCelona.

After a couple of beers with the group, my missing the food at Alley Cats began to invade my thoughts in the form of hunger pangs. I suggested to Swan that we pay our tab and give Mugshots a try. And that is just what we did.

I’m a very infrequent visitor to Mugshots, even though it is a nice venue with a good kitchen. We ordered up fried chicken wings and buffalo wings. Both were quite tasty. Once again I was surprised that the bar staff, waitresses, and owner all greeted me by name. I mean, it’s nice to be recognized, but a little disconcerting for some reason. Anyway, no other customers during our visit, which doesn’t bode well for a Friday night. Hopefully they did better later.

As is our custom, we headed for home after Mugshots and arrived around 8:30. I caught an episode of “Shameless” then hit the hay.

Oh, speaking of “Shameless,” my fellow traveler Scott sent me a clip from a Season 9 episode (I’m only on Season 6) featuring the late Bob Saget remembering his Navy days in Subic Bay. It’s hilarious and is worth the three-minute investment of time:

And you thought I was bad!

And now it is Saturday. I began the day with a hot cup of coffee and this view from my desk:

I’m trying hard to live in the moment and be glad for the blessings life bestows.

We shall see what the rest of Saturday holds in store. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Don’t you hate when that happens?

And a bonus pun:

I was going to use Jackson Brown’s “The Road” for today’s song, but discovered I’ve used it before. So, here’s another old favorite from the days of my childhood listening along with my daddy’s record player.

I still love it after all these years.

Remember when

There wasn’t much about yesterday that will make it memorable, mostly just more of the same old, same old. A boring 6K solo street walk to start the day, lasagna for lunch, a blog post, and a nap. My plans for the evening included visiting Whiskey Girl to wish my favorites, Jenn and Kim, a merry Christmas. I also baked up a batch of brownies to share with the crew.

The sun started screaming, “It’s beer o’clock!” so I headed into town.

Whiskey Girl doesn’t open until 6:00 p.m., so I sat my ass down at Sloppy Joe’s to wait it out.

It might be said that this was my first beer, but I don’t count that way.
After all, practice makes perfect.

My pal Chris and his gal Shie were there, so I had some company I didn’t have to pay for. Chris got control of the music remote and asked what I wanted to hear. I recalled that the forty-first anniversary of the death of Marty Robbins had recently occurred, so I suggested we play one of his songs as a tribute. Judging that the Sloppy crowd might not appreciate old fashioned country western music, I selected a more mainstream tune, “Don’t Worry”:

The song is from 1961, and my father was a big Marty Robbins fan. I still remember him coming home from work, putting an album on the record player, opening a beer, and sitting back in his easy chair to relax and enjoy the music. It’s funny the things you remember from your childhood when some days it’s hard to remember your name.

So, beers were drank, music was played (I also requested some Doors songs), and time passed. A few minutes before six, I headed up the highway to take care of my business at Whiskey Girl. I arrived a couple of minutes early, but the sliding steel door was still closed and locked. Some guy did arrive on a motorbike right at six to open the door, but since none of the staff were waiting to get inside, I knew it was pointless to pursue the effort.

Meanwhile, I got a message from Swan saying she was going to meet Aine at Wet Spot at 7 p.m. Apparently, Aine had asked to “borrow” some money, and Swan had consented to accommodate some, but not all, of the request. What Swan does with her money is none of my business, but we both know it is unlikely ever to be repaid. Anyway, with my Whiskey Girl plans foiled, I told Swan I would see her at Wet Spot.

I arrived at Wet Spot and put my “buy one, get one” coupon to work. I bought Irene, my waitress, a lady drink but when Aine approached the table, I told her Swan would be arriving soon, and she took the hint and departed. When Swan got there, Aine came back, but then one of her regulars arrived, and I was more than happy to have him buying Aine’s lady drinks all night. I used my savings (and a 10% discount coupon) to order dinner for me, Swan and Irene for delivery from Sit-n-Bull. The brownies I’d baked were shared with all the girls and seemed appreciated. We drank until a little after eight, Swan slipped Aine the “loan” in the CR, and we departed for home. I watched another episode of “Shameless” and then enjoyed a good night’s sleep.

As I say, there was nothing special about the day, but nothing wrong with it either. As far as I remember anyway.

My buddy Scott provided me a map of the portions of Kalaklan Ridge that we have Hashed in the past.

End-to-end on the green line is 14K. I’ve walked probably 8K of that trail. So far.

I also seemed to recall that a group that had hiked from Barretto to Angeles City (80K) had used the Kalaklan Ridge trail. Turns out my memory was mostly faulty. They went thisaway:

They did that trek back in 2014. I wish I had been around to join them. Nowadays, if I ever had the gumption to do a multiday hike, I’d need to be able to stay in motels along the way. And have frequent rest stops. I think I could do 10K in the morning and 10K in the afternoon (with a nap in between). So, I could walk to AC in four days under those conditions.

This YouTube video of that adventure is a good watch:

“It took 3 years to find this route, it’s not on any produced maps and only 4 people have the trail. The route is all off road and follows many animal paths and little known trails straight over the top of the Zambales Mountains. This was completed on 25th Feb 2014 and only 4 of us had the courage and ability to undertake it.”

The days when I had the physical ability to tackle a hike this are just a memory now.

In checking for title duplication, I came across this post from 2007 telling the story of my boss’ death and the obituary I wrote. Not all memories are happy ones.

Speaking of memories, Facebook let loose an onslaught of them today:

A darting adventure in Osaka, Japan circa 2011
A dart league championship in 2012
Hanging with the staff at Shenanigans in 2013.
The 8th Army Commanding General, Thomas Vandal, visits our office in 2016. Sadly, he passed away the first year after his retirement.
My last Christmas as a working man in Korea, 2017

Time moves on, and perhaps one day, I will look back at the memories I’m making now.

‘Tis the season
Well, we all know that Eve prefers a snake…

And I didn’t forget your Star Wars Trek pun:

At least they weren’t memes!

Alright then, it’s time to leave the past behind and get on with the rest of today. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow!

Up, up, and away!

A fun-filled Wednesday is in the books, jam-packed with healthy activities that any retired old-timer is sure to appreciate. At least this one did.

I kicked things off with the Wednesday Walkers for an enjoyable morning hike. Only three of us in attendance this week and I led the group up into the hills on a trail I haven’t attempted in way too long.

That’s the hill I’m referring to, as seen from upstairs at the Oasis Bar. I’d sit there sipping a beer and thinking, “I need to get back up there.” And now I have.

It turns out not many others have been making that climb either. We were surprised at how overgrown and hard to find the trail had become. We went off course a couple of times but plowed ahead through the tall thatch grass until we reconnected with the desired path.

My fellow adventurers, Gary and Ed.
We fought our way to the top for views like this one.
A bit further on, things cleared out some. But not for long.
But we trudged on regardless. The tall building is the Central Park Reef Hotel.
And yes, we did encounter a trash pile.
The Easter Mountain shot
I was enamored with a couple of trees I saw. Like this one with a dwarf-like trunk but still standing tall and proud.
“I get knocked down, but I get up again, you’re never gonna keep me down…”
Coming back down to civilization on the other side.
An impressive job of wood stacking.
Steppin’ on down
A comfortable 5K jaunt. I feared I was destined to become a flatlander, so I’m happy to be tackling some uphills again.

There was no rest for the weary when the hike was done. I went home for lunch and a shower, then headed back out to the VFW to participate in some dart league action. My game was every bit as good as I expected it would be. Our team did win the match by a lopsided score of 11-2. And I was directly responsible for those two losses. On the bright side, I guess that makes me the best player on our opponent’s team.

I’m not the darter I used to be, that’s for sure.
But I was indeed better than a forfeit.
And how about this outshot to win the team game? That’s an 88 out–triple 20, single 20, double 4. And no, I didn’t throw it, but my teammate did. Good job!

After darts, I made my way to Hideaway for the Wednesday feeding of the crew. I brought along a new dessert I found at the Pure Gold supermarket.

The girls must have liked them; they were gone in no time.
Chowin’ down

After Hideaway, I went to the Green Room and used my 50% off coupon on some beers. The coupon was also good at Wet Spot next door (same owner), so I went there and had some more beers. One of the reasons I don’t play dart league is it requires an early 2 p.m. start to my beer drinking (and don’t suggest I play without my “aiming fluid”; that defeats the purpose!). That’s my excuse for being a little more inebriated than usual. I didn’t do anything stupid, though, unless buying some food for my two favorites and pecan pie for me is dumb. And I did have a 15% discount coupon for Sit-n-Bull, so it was practically a steal!

Home and in bed before nine; that’s how I roll these days.

And it is nice to wake up early and enjoy the morning sky.

I’m happy to report that the money the bank “stole” from my account has now been returned. Two days is much better than two weeks!

Commenter Kevin Kim was asking about the Kalaklan Ridge. I’m still trying to find a good map, but I’ve hiked it for several kilometers without issue. One thing I’ve never seen up there are motorcycles (it’s impassable for cars), but I came across this video of some bikers having a Kalaklan adventure. It gives you an idea of what the trail is like, at least on the most commonly traveled portion.

I’ll be making the journey up here again one day soon.

I also found this video showing the Barretto beachfront, warts and all. Yeah, it ain’t exactly pristine, but I’m glad I’m here.

Coincidentally, that hill in the background of this video screenshot is the one I climbed yesterday. One of my photos shows the Central Park Reef Hotel from the top.

Are you ready for today’s lame pun? Here you go:

A good joke would dwarf this one.

That’s all I’ve got for today. More to come tamale.

It’s now or never

This is my last best opportunity to post today, so let’s get to it. Luckily, there isn’t much to say. The early start is dictated by my participation with the Wednesday Walkers at 0830 this morning, to be followed this afternoon with the rare dart league appearance. Yeah, I got drafted to fill in again. Haven’t thrown since the last time I was asked, so I’ll likely live up to my nickname of “better than a forfeit.” We shall see.

Yesterday saw me complete my grocery shopping chore, supplementing my Royal experience with a trip to Pure Gold as well.

Eight bags of these sweets to hand out to the kiddies at next week’s annual Hash Candy Run.

I also finally made a successful ATM cash withdrawal. Speaking of which, I visited the BPI bank branch where the ATM didn’t dispense any money, but my US bank account had the funds withdrawn. I assumed it would be an easy fix (just show me the money), but it doesn’t work that way. There was “complaint form” paperwork to complete and an investigation to be conducted, and if my complaint is validated, the money will be returned to my account “in two weeks.” Ironically, I had an uncle who was a bank robber. Never expected the bank to rob me, though.

My lazy afternoon included beginning Season 6 of “Shameless.” I’m sticking with it even though the show is seemingly all about sex, booze, and drugs. Hmm, I guess I just answered why. But seriously, despite its repetitive plot lines, the underlying stories keep it interesting.

And then me and my gal hoofed it out to Baloy Beach to spend some time on the Kokomo floating bar.

That would be us.
The sun was still relatively high in the sky when we arrived a little after four.
That’s Kalaklan Ridge in the background. Now that I can breathe again, I’ll need to climb that sucker one day soon.

When we first arrived, there was only one table of tattooed drunks, but the music was blasting at insane levels, and I was thinking this was going to be a short visit. But they departed before I downed my first beer, then the volume went down, and the song selection improved. Go figure.

The drunks got this gal drunk before they departed, and she wound up dancing on the bar. I’m glad she didn’t fall off.

Swan drank red wine, I had San Mig Light (about three bottles per each glass of wine), and we soaked up the on-the-water ambiance as we passed the time.

You can only piss in the CR on the floating bar. I shit you not.
Here I go with my sunset shots again
Getting down!
See you next time!
Riding the raft back to shore
I shall return!

We enjoyed dinner at D’Kudos, then caught a trike for home. Life is good!

Maybe I’ll have time to find a better joke for tomorrow…

Been there, done that

Yesterday’s Hash was like a stroll down memory lane. I had participated in scouting the trail during the Wednesday and Friday group hikes last week, so there was nothing new for me to see. Of course, I knew what I DIDN’T want to see again and avoided those sections, including the big hill climb to the jungle. I still wound up with a pleasant 4K+ trek and lots of cold beers at the One Three Resort when I was finished. Wanna see the pictures? Okay, here goes:

Instructions from the Hare. I’m setting up my Map My Walk app.
Off we go through the backstreets of Subic town.
Multiple bridge crossings
Over the river
Auditioning for a role in The Walking Dead
Another bridge
Street walkers
That waterside berm was narrow and treacherous in places. As far as I know, no one fell in, though.
Walk this way
I could hear the creaking when I crossed, but it didn’t break
See you on the other side!
Blow My Pipe is heading for the hills
Decision time at the junction–left to go up and over, straight for a mostly flat walk in town. Easy choice for me.
Besides I had cookies to deliver
Sixty pesos to put a smile on a face is a bargain!
Grounded at the abandoned M&M Resort.
Passing through the neighborhood
The last bridge of the day
Getting trashed
Heading On-Home
Nearing the end of the trail
The beer was cold and wet, just the way I like it!
A bay view at One Three Resort
Circle up!
It’s nice on ice!
Four Hash birthdays celebrated yesterday. That’s our Grandmaster, Demolition Derby.
Blow My Pipe
I don’t remember her name.
And Pubic Head
Into the bay to wash off all that cake!
Something’s going down with these girls.
And so ends another Hash.

Getting back to Barretto from Calapadayan after dark (and after a few beers) can be a bit of an adventure. Two Jeepneys passed me by, already overflowing with passengers. Then a trike pulled up, and I asked how much to Barretto. I was shocked when he said seventy pesos. I told him, “I’ll give you a hundred!” He dropped me at It Doesn’t Matter for the after-Hash gathering.

I ordered some food for take-out from Myleen’s and was pleasantly surprised to see they had pumpkin pie on the menu. How could I say no? I went to sleep with a full belly last night.

It’s pun time:

Hits you from behind!
I’d give her a pearl necklace instead!

That’s it for today folks.

You can count on it

Yesterday featured another fruitless quest for cash, a Hideaway feeding, and some quality time spent floating on the water. Yep, just another day in the life here in my version of paradise.

I don’t know if it is related to the enhanced breathing, but I’ve been feeling a tad more energetic of late. Hence, when contemplating my Sunday solo walk, I was willing to make the perilous journey on the National Highway to SBMA (the old Navy base) in an attempt to extract funds from the ATM at Harbor Point Mall. It had been quite some time since I’d walked this route because the heavy traffic and narrow shoulders made it less enjoyable than most of my hikes. Still, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Coincidentally, Facebook memories reminded me of a walk I did three years ago where I took a photograph every one thousand steps. That may have been the last time I used that technique (nowadays, I use the 1.6K method), so I thought, why not give it a shot this time?

Ready? Here goes:

First step out my front door
1000 steps: leaving the ‘hood, heading for the highway
2000 steps: On the National Highway in “downtown” Barretto
3000 steps: the soon to re-open hospital. It will certainly be more convenient than Baypointe.
4000 steps: a rare moment of light traffic on the highway
5000 steps: still highway trekking
6000 steps: a highway view
7000 steps: feeling grave
8000 steps: the wide-open spaces of SBMA
9000 steps: made it to Harbor Point Mall
The route I waked
Stats from the hike. Less than 12 minutes per kilometer–highway speed!

So, I get to the ATM at the BPI bank branch, insert my card, punch in the numbers, the machine makes the usual whirring sound as it counts the money, and then–nothing. A receipt comes out saying the cash could not be dispensed. I turned the machine over to the person waiting behind me and wished them good luck. I waited to see what would happen, and her transaction went through. Okay then, I’ll try again. She suggested I only withdraw 10,000 pesos, so I gave that a try. Nope, no dice. What’s up with that? So, I got home and checked my bank account, and it showed 30,000 pesos in ATM withdrawals. It seems BPI withdrew my funds and then didn’t dispense any money to me. Hopefully, they will self-correct the error; otherwise, I’ll visit the branch tomorrow.

Frustrating, to be sure, but nothing to be done but make the best of it. I did that by paying a visit to the Burger King inside the mall and having myself a meal.

A Whopper meal, to be specific.

I briefly considered walking back home, but I took a taxi instead. These are unmetered taxis, so I always ask the fare first, and when the driver said 500 pesos, I told him I usually only pay 400 and started to get out. He came back with 450, and I said okay. When I arrived home I gave him a 500 peso note and told him, Merry Christmas, keep the change.

Later in the afternoon, I baked a batch of brownies for the Hideaway girls and had their desired meals delivered from Jewel Cafe.

Joy devouring her chef salad
More Hideaway diners enjoying their bounty

I left a little earlier than usual so I could enjoy the sunset from the Arizona floating bar.

The Barretto beachfront
Waiting for my ride to the floater
Welcome aboard!

The floating bar was very busy when I first arrived, and once again there was a large group of free spenders having a good time. I guess I was either remembered or putting out a vibe, because none of the unoccupied girls wasted anytime trying to extract lady drinks from me. Didn’t matter to me, I had company on the way.

More guests arriving. Swan wasn’t on this one, though.
Ah, there she is!
That’s what I like!

We stayed until dark, then headed ashore. Had a nightcap at Oasis, then triked home for some smoothies and a little Netflix entertainment. I’ve been sleeping better, too–over seven hours a night the past few days.

And now it is Hash Monday. The trail is in Subic, and I’ve already been involved in the scouting, so I know what I’m in for. I’m going to take the easy route and avoid the jungle I encountered on Friday’s hike.

I can see that.
Yep, even on lowly blogs like this one.

See you all tomorrow.

I took it to the limit

A 10K walk to Subic town and back was pretty much all I had in me, but I got it done. Well, everything except the purpose of the walk:

My efforts to replenish my cash supply proved fruitless.

I did take note of a new eatery nearby:

The name doesn’t entice me to want to give it a try.

I finished the walk at Sit-n-Bull and brought home an El Padre burrito as a reward for my efforts, fruitless though they proved to be.

The stats from the hike. I’ve got my pace back up to the twelve-minute per kilometer range again, albeit on a flat highway walk.
There and back again
Not a bad day’s work.

The highlight of the evening hours was dinner at John’s place with Swan.

We dined in the rooftop bar and enjoyed the view from there.
Pulled pork and wine for Swan.
A closer view of the best pulled pork sandwich in town.
I had a hankering for the Korean-style chicken wings.

I’ve had worse Saturdays, that’s for sure.

I live in that house in the middle, as seen on my Sunday morning dog walk.

I guess you have to give credit where credit is due, but Biden is doing the work of three men.

Hmm, why didn’t I think of that?

Anyhoo, another quest for cash this morning. I’ll share that adventure tomorrow. I also have the Sunday Hideaway feeding ahead of me, and I’m thinking a return visit to the Arizona floating bar might be just what I need. Stay tuned!

Jungle love

Back out with the Friday hiking group yesterday. Scott, Troy, and Jim are the Hares for Monday’s Hash, so we all joined in for some scouting and trail marking in preparation. The trail begins in Subic town and ends at the One Three Resort, our On-Home venue in Calapadayan.

As I mentioned yesterday, the trail includes a pretty significant hill climb. I was curious how my body would react to that and was pleasantly surprised that I made it up with no more difficulty than would be expected for an old man engaged in strenuous activity. The breathing part was unimpaired. Once we made it to the top, the “fun” started. There was no path to be found in the jungle-like undergrowth, so we were forced to bushwhack a trail as best we could. That was the most challenging part of the day for me. Bending under low branches, tripping on vines, and forcing my way through bushes is tiring work.

As we continued to make our way forward, we heard a voice calling out to us. It was a local armed with a machete doing god knows what out in this wilderness. We made our way to where he was waiting, admitted we were lost, and he led us to the path that took us in the direction we needed to go. We successfully navigated our way back down to Calapadayan and caught a Jeepney back to Barretto. It was quite an adventure.

Exiting the Jeepney in Subic town
Heading for the hills. And yes, it must have been trash day.
Where the climbing begins.
Harder than it looks, but doable.
Trouble ahead
Making your way through this shit sucks big time.
Nothing to be done but plow forward and make your own path. Retreat is not an option!
The guy in the green hat came out of nowhere and showed us the way.
We got this!
Heading down
Laying some powder for Monday’s Hash.
The view from here
A walk in the park, comparatively speaking.
Nearing our destination
Back in civilization
Happy cookie recipients
Clear nostrils are a beautiful sight, don’t you think?
A challenging but satisfying 4K trek.

A good start to the day and a good finish with Swan at the SOB competition. Her friend seemed to enjoy it as well. Lots of beers, then home to bed and another good night’s sleep. I could get used to living this way. Oh wait, I am!

I said it FOUR times…

Today’s punny:

More of the usual tomorrow. See you then!

Two in a row from the Steve Miller Band…

Back to normal, see?

I’m back to doing my solo street walks.

My four days of doctor-mandated post-operative rest have ended, and I celebrated by hitting the road.

Hello again, Easter Mountain
The rice is still on the street, but at least now it is in bags.
Having grown up in the 60s, I’m addicted to flower power.
The road ahead of me.
The signage is up at the new McDonald’s on the corner of Baloy Road and National Highway. I can envision stumbling in on a drunken night for a Big Mac and fries. I understand they are shooting for a grand opening before the new year arrives.
Here’s the Gods-eye view of my path.

This morning, I successfully completed my first hill climb in over a month with the Friday group. It wasn’t easy, but it never was. Even my fellow hikers commented that I was breathing quietly these days.

As for my nighttime activities, I was never all that much incapacitated, but I’m definitely back fully in the swing of things. I started my evening at Sloppy Joe’s, where I reviewed the status of my remaining SOB coupons. Two were due to expire at midnight–a “buy one, get one” at Green Room and a five hundred peso voucher at Whiskey Girl. I planned to move next door to Green Room, drinking for an hour until 6 p.m. when Whiskey Girl opened for business. I finished my third Sloppy beer, said goodnight to Troy and Chris, and headed for Green Room.

I settled into a seat at my favorite table and ordered a Zero. As time went on (and beers went down), I began to reconsider my plan. Five hundred pesos of free customer drinks is a great bargain, but it requires walking to Whiskey Girl to use it. And it was happy hour until 9 p.m. at WG, which meant my beers were half-price. There was no way I would be able to drink five hundred pesos worth of beer in one night. Plus, my regulars there would be expecting me to quench their thirst for lady drinks. Doing the math, I determined that staying at Green Room doing the “buy one, get one” for the remainder of my time out was the best deal. I ordered some lumpia for the girls to share, had a GRO backrub, and enjoyed watching the girls play pool.

When it came time to pay the piper, I was surprised that my tab was a little over a thousand pesos. I had the waitress double-check the amount, and she said, “Three lady drinks, ten beers, and I was charged for five.” Wow! Turns out I’m drinking better than normal! I don’t usually count my beers, but ten in one sitting is quite a feat. I wasn’t feeling any pain, but I wasn’t falling down drunk either. That’s the advantage of a low-alcohol beer.

Back home, in bed at 8:30 and woke up at 4:00. Just like the good ol’ days. It’s nice to be back!

I say it’s wise to enjoy it while you can!

Things are back to normal with Swan, too. She’s joining me at the SOB tonight and bringing along a girlfriend. Should be fun!

Oh, and Lucky has found a new love. Swan even walks him with me and Buddy every morning.

And here is one of life’s mysteries I’ve often contemplated:

One of these days I’ll fridger it out.

And then there is this:

Reminds me of my favorite fruit joke:What do you get when you cross a tangerine with a submarine? A naval orange.” Hmm, now that I think about it, that’s not so funny after all.

Oh well, bad humor is also the normal around here. I hope you’ll come back for more!

Lucky man

It occurs to me that even on the most mundane of days, I am living a life of comfort and ease. Sometimes, it is worthwhile to take a moment and embrace the goodness that surrounds me. I am a lucky man, indeed.

I never grow tired of Mother Nature’s clock reminding me that beer o’clock has arrived.

First up was the trek to Hideaway Bar for the Wednesday feeding. I made stops at Shamboli’s Pizza and Dunkin’ Donuts along the way.

A 16″ Hawaiian Feast was devoured within minutes of arrival.
A dozen donuts didn’t last long, either.

With the feeding mission accomplished, it was time to plan my next move. Initially, I considered doing the Arizona floating bar since it was practically next door. But I noted it was going to be dark soon, and for me, it is the bay views that make the floating experience worthwhile. I’ll come back when I can start earlier.

So, I settled for the highway view from Oasis Bar instead.

Swan joined me at Oasis when her church service was over. When we were ready to move on, I planned to introduce her to the Green Room, but alas, all the good seats were taken. So we went next door to Wet Spot instead. I had some coupons from last week’s SOB to expend and elected to use the “buy a lady drink, get a customer drink” ticket. As usual, I was buying lady drinks for my waitress Irene and my old pal Aine, who is Swan’s bestie when we visit. I got two beers for every round of lady drinks, so it was a pretty good deal for everyone.

I also had a coupon for a free blow job shooter and Irene volunteered to be the recipient.

It is a combination of two liquors (Kahlua and Bailey’s) with whipped cream on top and looks like this. The custom is for the drink to be downed hands-free. Yeah, you use your mouth to do a blowjob.
Irene expertly demonstrates how it is done.

I ordered some finger foods from the Sit-n-Bull waitress for the girls to share (I had a 15% discount coupon to use).

I went with the mini burgers and fries.
Fun times!

Everything was fine when we first got home. I sat on the couch with Swan and turned on the TV to watch some “Shameless.” And then something happened.

I have no idea what I said or did, and Swan isn’t talking.

Not sure how this will resolve itself. I took a long walk this morning to think things over, and I’m still not clear on how to proceed. I’m definitely reminded that I despise the drama that seems to be inherent in relationships. Perhaps I’m better off alone.

UPDATE: We talked. She thought I was mad and so she was giving me “space.” I told her that doesn’t work with me and that it is better to talk it through at the time. Perhaps we have learned our lesson.

I’ll drink to that!

Livin’ large

Well, when you are small-minded, everything seems large. And being alive is always a big thing. So, a post about my evening on Baloy Beach and my morning dog walk is HUGE! Alright, who am I fooling? Still, it is what it is, and that’s better than nothing, so here goes.

After some internal debate about where to do my beer time, I elected to start out at the Kokomo’s floating bar. The 2K walk to get there was pretty much the extent of my exercise for the day.

The final part of the journey…riding the raft out to the floating bar.
A two-man crew propels the raft by pulling on ropes anchored on shore and on the bar. Must be hard work making multiple trips a day.

Part of the reason I chose the Kokomo floater was to try and assess whether I like it better than the new Arizona floater. For example, Arizona charges me 125 pesos for a San Miguel Zero, my preferred beer. Kokomo doesn’t serve Zero (despite my repeated requests) and charges me 120 for a San Mig Light. Arizona wins that category. As for the vibe, it is still too close to call. I thought the music was too loud yesterday at Kokomo, and the playlist wasn’t really to my liking. At the Grand Opening of Arizona, I was allowed to play the music from my Spotify app and was rewarded with a couple of free beers as a thank-you gesture. Yeah, I’m leaning toward Arizona, and after the feeding tonight at Hideaway, I’ll pop in to confirm that judgment.

A nice view from my seat at the bar
And I always enjoy watching the sun go down
Going down in a blaze of glory
See you tomorrow!

Oh, and I had a special guest join me during my time aboard.

Thanks for coming out, Swan.

When my stomach said, “Feed me,” we headed ashore and grabbed some seats at Treasure Island.

I had a chef salad. (I say chef salad; Grammarly says “chef’s salad.” A Google search shows it both ways. Who’s wrong?
Swan had a grilled chicken dish.
Ain’t we sweet?

Early to home, early to bed, early to rise.

Lookin’ out my back door this morning.

Doctor’s orders that I take it easy through tomorrow, so I bailed on the Wednesday Walkers group hike. But I wanted to get some morning exercise, so I did an elongated dog walk.

It looked like this from heaven.
Almost 2K in the ‘hood.
A view from the walk.

Back home and nothing much to do to fill the hours I normally hike. I watched a couple more episodes of “Shameless” and baked a cake.

A carrot-raisin cake.

I’m not sure why, but Swan wanted me to try a new look.

Nothing to get wigged out about…

I always do a quick search in an attempt to avoid duplicating post titles. A week after my move here in May 2018, I wrote a post called Living large. And today, I am Livin’ large. That’s different enough for my purposes. I also came across the post about my first-ever Hash run. That brought back some fun memories, even though the woman I was with that day wound up scamming me for a thousand bucks and then ghosted me. Ah, tuition in the school of hard knocks can be expensive. But I learned my lesson. Mostly.

I’ve told this joke before. Nice to find it in a meme I can share here.

No more bleeding from the nose, and my sinuses feel almost completely clear. There’s a good chance I’ll be back to post again tomorrow. Although I do have to cross the highway tonight. Life goes on.

A progress report

WARNING: This post contains some ugly photos of me, so I advise running away as fast as possible!

Coming home alive from the hospital was my primary goal. With that achieved, I’m striving for my nose innards to heal properly and to get back to being a fully functional breather.

The way I looked when I got home from the hospital.

I was oozing blood, mostly from the left nostril. The doctor said that’s normal.

How my pillow looked on Monday morning.

After the polyps were removed, the doctor had packed my nose with something absorbent to reduce the bleeding. On Monday, that material in the right nostril started falling out. My caregiver, Teri, contacted the doctor’s office, and was given guidance on how to remove the wayward material. I was a little nervous about it, but told her to proceed as instructed. So, Teri squirted some water up my nostril, grabbed the material with tweezers and began to pull.

OUCH! Oh shit. That hurt like a motherfucker. I guess the dried blood had congealed around the packing, and the removal felt like ripping a scab off a wound.

That’s some of the packing material hanging by a thread after being pulled from my nose. Must have been six inches of it. And there was more, but I told Teri I’d had enough for one day.

It was Hash Monday, but I knew I was in no condition to do the trail. But I decided that shouldn’t stop me from drinking some beers at the On-Home venue, Blue Butterfly. So, at 3 p.m. I headed out on my own 2K trek to get there.

I made it and got to see my pal, Max, just back from The Netherlands, to boot.

I didn’t participate in the Hash Circle, choosing to remain outdoors, sipping my beer, and buying lady drinks for the hard-working waitresses. When the Hash ended, I walked up the highway to Sit-n-Bull and got some pecan pie to bring home with me.

I spent some time on the patio with Swan and then watched a couple of episodes of “Shameless” before hitting the hay. Enjoyed a decent night’s sleep without as much bleeding.

My view after awakening this morning.
And the view of me when I awoke.

It may not look like it, but that was progress–a much-reduced blood flow.

So, I had an 8 a.m. appointment with the doctor who performed the surgery. We were both on time, and she was ready to remove the remainder of the nose packing. And it hurt every bit as much as it had when Teri started the process on Monday.

But my nose is empty now, and I can breathe easily through it again for the first time in months. My blood oxygen level, which had been in the low to mid-90s, is now at 97, and I can feel the difference. I haven’t even needed my nebulizer today.

Almost as handsome now as I ever was!

I’m still not quite right, though. Still lacking energy, and my thinking is more fuzzy than usual. I read that can be one of the side effects of general anesthesia, especially in older people. Well, maybe ignorance will be bliss.

The doctor says I must take it easy for the next three days and refrain from eating or drinking anything hot. So, I’ll wait until Friday to start hiking again and continue to enjoy icy-cold San Miguel Zeros in the meantime.

After leaving the doctor’s office in San Marcelino, my driver took me to the immigration office in Olongapo, where I was granted permission to continue living in the Philippines for the next sixty days. Then I completed my weekly grocery shopping at Royal, and now I’m ready to get on with the rest of my life.

What will it be–the Arizona floating bar or Kokomo’s? Or maybe I should just drink on solid ground tonight. Decisions, decisions.

The truth is no laughing matter.

Facebook memories carried me back to the last time all my family was in the same place at the same time.

Mama, brother Greg, me with a beard, brother Keith, and Dad.

And here’s the funny:

Okay, maybe not that funny, but that’s all I’ve got today.

Putting the cart before the whore

I think this drawing captures what motivates many of the girls to work in the bars.

Let’s talk some about bargirls and their customers. Obviously, not everyone is the same, so much of what I have to say about the bar scene will be generalizations but are based on many years of first-hand observations.

So, let’s start with the roles females fill when employed in a bar:

Waitress: They take and deliver your order. In most establishments, they are permitted to accept a lady drink from a customer and can sit with the customer while they drink it, although they may be required to wait on other customers at the same time.

Guest Relations Officer (GRO): These gals are hired to sit and drink with customers during their visit to the bar as long as the customer is buying them lady drinks.

Bartenders: They fill the drink orders and usually accept a lady drink, although they typically have to stay behind the bar and continue performing their duties.

Dancers: They entertain customers from a stage and are available to provide company to customers who purchase them a lady drink.

And a couple of other relevant definitions:

Lady drink: A customer purchased drink from which the female employee earns a commission. A single lady drink is served in a cocktail glass and may or may not contain any actual alcohol. Prices vary, but in Barretto a single lady drink is around 180 pesos, and the commission paid to the bargirl is around 80 pesos. A bottled lady drink is called a double and in most bars costs 300 pesos and the recipient earns a higher commission. I personally will not spend more than 200 pesos for lady drink.

Early Work Release (EWR)/Barfine: This is the price you pay to take a girl out of the bar before her shift has ended. Many bars have gone to the EWR model to avoid being accused of promoting prostitution, which is illegal in the Philippines. The way an EWR works is the bargirl and the customer negotiate a price for “take out.” The gal will arrange a “short time” price (a couple of hours) or a “long time” overnight price. It’s been quite some time since I’ve paid a girl to leave the bar with me, but I understand the going rate these days is in the 3000-5000 peso range. When the girl returns to duty, she pays the bar a penalty for leaving work early, which I understand is usually 1000 pesos. Anything taking place outside of the bar is between two consenting adults. A barfine is essentially the same thing, except the customer pays a set fee to the bar directly to take the girl out, and the girl is given a commission when she returns to duty.

So, that’s the system; whether you as a customer participate is entirely up to you. I’d say 50% or less play the lady drink game in the bars I frequent. Depending on my mood, I tend to buy lady drinks for my favorites, as often as not. What do I get for my money? Some chat, some joking around, and the satisfaction that comes with the knowledge that those lady commissions can make a big difference to a girl struggling to make ends meet. That’s why I sometimes think of it as an act of charity, although I acknowledge it doesn’t really meet that definition. The girl is just doing her job for that money, and it is earned, not gifted. I sometimes buy the drinks even when I’d be just as happy without the company. That’s just how I roll.

So, what’s the attraction? Yes, some of the girls can be aggressive and mercenary, and those tactics just don’t work for me. I don’t like being asked for a lady drink, I prefer to offer. My standard method is to sit down and order a beer. If the waitress is friendly and engages in chat while I enjoy my beer, I tend to get a drink for her when I order my second beer. Then we go from there, but usually I do two beers for every lady drink I buy. And what do I get for that money? Nothing, really. Some girls are better than others at engaging in conversation, but usually it’s all very much meaningless small talk. Then why do I play the game? Because I can. In most of the bars I frequent, my regulars know me, greet me, and take good care of me during my visit. Perhaps it is all pretending and fake, but I get to enjoy myself for a few dollars. Bottom line, it is worth it to me and makes the girls happy. I’d call that a win-win.

My first exposure to the bargirl culture was when I moved to Korea in 2005. That first weekend, I was exploring the streets of Itaewon in the afternoon. I needed to pee and saw a bar was open (I can’t remember the name now, and it is long gone), so I went in and used the toilet, then ordered a beer. As I was sitting at the bar, a young Korean woman came and sat next to me, and we started chatting. She was very friendly and was telling me about all the things I could see and do in Korea. Naturally, I offered her a drink when I ordered another beer. And we sat there and talked and drank for a couple of hours. When it was time for me to depart, I got my bill and almost fainted when I saw the bottom line: 300,000 Won ($300.) The sweet young lady sitting beside me was enjoying beverages costing 20,000 Won each! I had never heard of a lady drink until that day. That was the first and last time I bought a twenty-dollar drink.

I was still living in Seoul in 2009 when I did a post here about juicy bars and prostitution in Korea. I had a couple of tourist visits to the Philippines by then, so I could compare and contrast aspects of the bar scene in both countries. At that time, lots of Filipinas were being imported to Korea to work the bars near the Army bases. I tried to answer the question of whether they were being trafficked or otherwise exploited. Give it a read if you are so inclined.

That’s Sheryl; my first ever barfine back in 2008 during a visit to Angeles City.

My style in those days was to take my barfine out to dinner and shopping, going for what was called a GFE–girlfriend experience. The hard core mongers would take the girls from the bar straight to the hotel, do the dirty deed, then send them on their way. One guy told me, “I don’t pay the girls for sex; I pay them to leave in the morning.” That approach never appealed to me, and the mongers called people like me “Captain Saveaho.” Anyway, I’m having dinner with Sheryl on one of our “dates” and she out of the blue said, “I hate my father.” I asked her why and she told me he had abandoned the family and it was up to her to support her brothers and sisters doing a job she hated. The “whore” pulling the cart at the beginning of this post reminds me of Sheryl’s story. In her case, the story had a happy ending. I helped her with tuition to earn her caregiver license. She graduated, left the bar life behind, and married an Australian. You can read more of her story here with photos from my best ever day as a tourist in the Philippines.

I’m retelling the story of Sheryl to make the broader point about bargirls. Most of the ones I’ve met are doing the job they do because it pays the bills and helps put food on the table. There are good girls and bad girls in the bars, but by and large, they are desperate young women doing they best they can. I don’t judge them and don’t mind helping them out via drink commissions when I visit the bars. I’m not pretending it is anything more than that, but being treated rudely or disrespectfully is a surefire way to close my wallet.

In my opinion, the bargirls are not necessarily being exploited, although I think their compensation is unfair. No one is forcing them to take a job in the bar, but there are no other options for many. A waitress/GRO earns 200-300 pesos daily ($4-$6) plus tips and drink commissions. Many bars have drink quotas, and failure to get enough lady drinks results in a reduction in an already paltry salary. I don’t pretend to be changing the world for them when I throw a lady drink or two their way, but it is better than nothing. In keeping with my selfish nature, it makes me feel good to help them earn a little extra money. If my doing so perpetuates a cycle of poverty, then shame on me. I just don’t see it that way.

Good thing it doesn’t end with an “e”…