Nothing + Nothing = Zip

I had nothing in the way of energy yesterday, so I wound up doing nothing all day. Which adds up to zip. Just one of those days. I did visit the neighbor Jeff’s place in the evening and enjoyed some conversation, cold beers, and yes, karaoke.

The view from Jeff’s place.

Jeff also prepared an excellent meal featuring grilled beef tenderloin and a twice-baked potato. It was a good time, and I stumbled home a little drunker than usual.

I’m back in the swing of things today, joining Swan for a 6K candy walk. I’ve got a feeding to attend later at Hideaway and the annual VFW Beach Bash beauty contest after that. You gotta enjoy life while you can, right?

Today’s Quora Q&A:

Q: If you had to describe your current life as a movie, which movie would you choose?

A: Leaving Las Vegas.

(I felt that way at one time, especially in the first year after Jee Yeun left me, but that is no longer the case.)

Today’s funnies:

If I could go back in time, I might just stay there.

Until we meet again.

2 thoughts on “Nothing + Nothing = Zip

  1. Sometimes, it’s good just to throttle back so you can meet the next day with renewed energy. Me, I try not to beat myself up too much about occasional lapses, but I know that, if those lapses become a habit, then something is out of whack. Just this weekend, I skipped the stairs on Friday, and when I did them on Saturday, I took a breather at the 14th floor before continuing up to 26. Tomorrow (Monday), I’ll go up without stopping, and if I have the strength, I’ll go back down to B1 and climb up to the 6th floor—what I call 1.25 staircases.

    1 staircase = B1 to 26
    1.25 = B1 to 26 + B1 to 6
    1.5 = B1 to 26 + B1 to 14
    1.75 = B1 to 26 + B1 to 22
    2 = B1 to 26 twice

    The goal is to be able to do 3 staircases by summer. If I can do that, the big hills along the Four Rivers trail will be nothing.

    I’ve thought about your “stairs are boring” comment. I find it impossible to be bored when I’m gasping for breath and wiping sweat off my brow. I also appreciate the “rigidity” of the staircase format, which makes it easier to measure my progress.

    Anyway, have a good 6K.

  2. It sounds like you have developed a good plan to enhance endurance–good luck with the implementation. I’m beginning to fear that my COPD has advanced, and my weakness and inability to tackle hill climbs is my new normal. Hopefully, I’m wrong about that, and this too shall pass in time. Still, cutting myself some slack now and then when I take a rest day is good advice.

    I think having the goals you’ve set, twenty-six floors to climb conveniently located outside your door, and freedom from worry about the weather trumps any stairstep boredom issues. I just recalled the hours I used to spend on a treadmill, which is the epitome of getting nowhere fast. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

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