The day started with a Friday group hike and ended with a dance competition. Try putting those bookends on your mantle!
The hike began quite a way from our usual meeting place at 7/11 on Baloy, which is just a few minutes walk from my house. This time we started at Barretto High School on Rizal Extension. I opted to take the most direct route, which means taking a path through the hills behind Alta Vista. That also required hiking it alone, which always makes me nervous because one slip, trip, or fall can have disastrous consequences if no one is around to assist you. I was extra cautious and completed the forty-minute trek without incident. And then the real fun began.
Our group headed up a path to Kalaklan ridge but didn’t go all the way to the top. Instead, we walked a trail midway up that paralleled Rizal Extension. It had been a while since I’d gone this way, and after the initial climb, it was quite pleasant. On the way back down some algae-covered steps, Scott slipped and came down hard. At first, he thought his ankle was broken, but thankfully that proved not to be the case. We took it slow the rest of the way down to the road, and he caught a trike home from there. Again, if that had happened when he was up there alone, he would have been screwed big time.
I’ll share photos from the hike at the end of this post.
Friday means attending the SOB dance competition, and this week the venue was Alaska Club. I left home around 4:00 p.m. to grab a bite to eat and be in line when the doors opened at 5:00.
The roast chicken salad at Mango’s hit the spot.
Everything went according to plan, and I was the first to sign up for the SOB, which allowed me to select a comfortable seat with a nice view. I was doing the gin and soda drinks, so I needed to pace myself. It seems like one drink every 30 minutes is about right.
As usual, I was asked to serve as a judge. No problem with that for me.
When things kicked off, the bar was packed. I guess we have a lot of tourists in town this week because several were doing the “two-week millionaire” routine. One guy was throwing cash on stage during the performance, which seemed a little rude to me. I mean, it’s fine when the girls are dancing for customers, but not so much during a competition. In my opinion, at least.
What was shocking to me was the amount of money the guy was tossing. I mean, I’ve seen lots of 20 peso notes, sometimes 50s, but never a 500 ($10) before. There are a couple of 100s there too. Anyway, the girls ignored the money until they completed their routine, then one of them picked it up and said, “thank you, sir.” Generous, indeed!
Another customer was throwing buckets of balls. I think I’ve mentioned this before. Some bars (including Alaska) have a small bucket of balls on the table. You can toss them to the girls for a 300 peso charge. The girls then scramble around, trying to pick up as many of the balls as possible. I understand they get 5 pesos for each ball they recover. I’ve never counted the number of balls in the bucket, but the bar obviously makes money on the toss as well. Anyhow, this guy kept throwing the buckets, seven or eight of them at least, so that adds up to a fair amount of money. I have just rarely seen the local expats engage in free spending like that.
That’s not to say that the expat community are all cheapskates, but most of us are more discreet in our giving. For example, I slipped each of the Alaska dancers (the ones not competing) a 50 peso note. Probably a better deal for them than scrambling around on the floor for a fuckin’ ping pong ball.
As is my custom, I picked one of the Alaska girls to be my companion during the show and rewarded her with lady drinks. This is Regina; my regular gal was “on leave,” which I assume means barfined. Regina played her role to my satisfaction.
By the time things wrapped up at 8:00 p.m. (Alaska took first), I was feeling no pain. That didn’t stop me from having a final drink at Queen Victoria before grabbing a trike for home.
Alaska, 1st PlaceVoodoo, 2nd PlaceWet Spot, 3rd Place
That covers the alcoholic portion of my life; let’s do the walkaholic part now:
This shows the trail beginning and ending at my place, which it did for me.Gathering up across the street from the high schoolAnd we are off!Marching up Rizal ExtensionContemplating the climb to comeUp we go!There’s no easy way uphill, but I’ve had worseThat’s more to my likingWe did not get lost like we did on Wednesday, but things didn’t go exactly according to plan either.Um, what happened to the trail? It was here a minute ago.Okay, everyone, spread out and search the areaBack on the trail, such as it isSome dreams dieThat would be an interesting lifestyle. Actually, I plan to put something like this on the lot at my future blue house as a room for one of my helpers.This shelter was constructed recently (at least it wasn’t here the last time we came this way)—no idea who uses it way out here in the middle of nowhere.There’s Scott shortly before the fall……and shortly after the fall. Glad it wasn’t worse.Four bowsersAfter Scott got down and headed home, the rest of us continued on and took the My Bitch trail back to Alta VistaWhat’s everybody looking at?Just paying our respects to Easter mountainAnother shelter for the wearyHomeward boundStarted with seven and finished with five (Almoranus bailed when we passed near his house)
And that’s the way the day went. Scott says he has some pain and swelling in the ankle, but it looks like nothing time won’t heal.
And now, it is time to shower up and discover what Saturday night has planned for me.
I had a 15% discount coupon for Sit-n-Bull due to expire soon, so I decided to splurge a bit on the Wednesday feeding at Hideaway. Lasagna for Joy, tacos, chicken wings, chicken fingers, and lumpia for the rest of the crew. Even with the discount, it came to over 1600 pesos ($30). Still, I often spend that much on myself during a night out, so I’ll revel in the feeling good from seeing those smiling faces.
Joy couldn’t resist one of the tacos.But she still enjoyed her lasagna.
I stayed at Hideaway a little longer than usual and played Joy in pool again. This time I won! That’s surprising because she is a good shot. I still had four balls on the table when Joy missed the winning shot at the 8-ball, then I ran the table for the victory. As they say, it is better to be lucky than good.
Walking up the highway after Hideaway, I decided to pay a rare visit to Blue Butterfly for my nightcap before heading home. I was surprised to be warmly greeted by Tanya, who used to come to the Hash occasionally. Naturally, I invited her to join me for a drink at my table. Another waitress approached and greeted me by name. She was vaguely familiar looking, but I’ll be damned if I have a clue as to who she is. I bought her a drink as well. Then a vendor came by selling balut (fertilized duck eggs), so I got some for the girls to enjoy.
Sucking it out. That’s one Filipino delicacy I have no interest in trying. Reminds me of an aborted fetus for some reason.Maybe that’s the reason. (this photo is from the Wiki link above)
I had a couple of drinks, then Tanya hailed a trike for me, and it took my drunk ass home. I’m still looking for the sweet spot when I’m drinking gin and sodas.
I’m doing okay on my informal diet plan so far, I think. I had a few strips of bacon before my hike, an orange, and some seaweed chips as a snack after the hike, and then limited myself to two small tacos (one corn shell, on soft) for dinner. And no beers. I won’t know until I do my weekly weigh-in on Sunday if going without is making a difference.
Ya gotta do what ya gotta do
In the morning hours, I was huffing and puffing with the Wednesday Walkers group out Subic way. The thing about the Wednesday/Friday hikes is that we have a general idea in mind but no actual trail like at the Hash. Sometimes that leads to adventure. Yesterday, we got stymied multiple times by deadends as we searched in vain for a path down off the mountain that used to be there (we did it over a year ago), but it is apparently so little used that the jungle vines have overgrown it. We eventually retreated and took another path down, and it turned out fine—all part of the fun. I reckon even Lewis and Clark had some deadheads when they ventured out west. Not that I’m comparing our group to theirs–we don’t have anyone like Pocohantus to guide us.
Here are some photos from our quest:
Walk this way! You can see our unsuccessful probes up the mountain before admitting defeat and coming back down.The adventure began with a Jeepney ride to Subic townMe in the JeepOut of the JeepOver the riverHeading for the hillsScott and I had Hared a Hash trail out this way some time ago, but things change.The pavement ended but not our climbA homemade landfillHere comes that old, fat, slow guyIt’s a jungle out thereBut the views are niceSubic town and the Keppel shipyard down belowGoats on a ropeA life of isolation for this residentBut at least he has that hot calendar for those lonely nightsHeading for troubleYou can’t get there from here. Apparently.Giving up and turning aroundThis trail ought to get us there. It did. Eventually.This farm family let us shortcut through their place. I gave some cookies as a thank you.Heading through the crops on the way to the roadOne final obstacle. Damn, I can’t believe the belly on that guy.Over the river againBoarding the JeepneyHomeward bound
Things don’t always go as planned, but that means it doesn’t get boring. I’d call that a good day!
Another interesting chat with Gen today, but I’ll need to process my thinking a little clearer before I can decide what exactly I’m feeling. If anything.
Not so fast, Bozo!
Stay tuned!
Well it's a strange old game you learn it slow
One step forward and it's back you go
You're standing on the throttle
You're standing on the brake
In the groove 'til you make a mistake
Sometimes you're the windshield
Sometimes you're the bug
Sometimes it all comes together baby
Sometimes you're just a fool in love
Sometimes you're the Louisville Slugger
Sometimes you're the ball
Sometimes it all comes together
Sometimes you're gonna lose it all
You gotta know happy - you gotta know glad
Because you're gonna know lonely
And you're gonna know sad
When you're rippin' and you're ridin'
And you're coming on strong
You start slippin' and slidin'
And it all goes wrong because
Sometimes you're the windshield
Sometimes you're the bug
Sometimes it all comes together baby
Sometimes you're just a fool in love
Sometimes you're the Louisville Slugger
Sometimes you're the ball
Sometimes it all comes together
Sometimes you're gonna lose it all
One day you got the glory and then you got none
One day you're a diamond and then you're a stone
Everything can change in the blink of an eye
So let the good times roll before we say goodbye because
Sometimes you're the windshield
Sometimes you're the bug
Sometimes it all comes together baby
Sometimes you're just a fool in love
Sometimes you're the Louisville Slugger
Sometimes you're the ball
Sometimes it all comes together
Sometimes you're gonna lose it all
Sometimes you're the windshield
Sometimes you're the bug
Sometimes it all comes together baby
Sometimes you're just a fool in love
Took care of some business yesterday, including getting a 60-day extension on my tourist visa. My very tentative thinking is that between now and March 5, when I’m due to renew, I’ll take a trip out of the country, perhaps to Vietnam. We’ll see. I’ll be going to the mountain city of Baguio next month to participate in the La Union Hash Valentine’s run. I’ve been there twice before and enjoyed it. And I also want to plan a trip to Bohol sometime this month. It’s been at the top of my list of places I want to see in the Philippines since before the scamdemic. No more excuses now.
My shopping trip to Royal went without incident. The five sale items in my cart all rang up with the appropriate discount. I’ll keep watching, though.
One of the deals I couldn’t resist was shredded cheese at a reasonable price.The picture is crap, but I think you can still make out the price of that turkey breast meat. Over a hundred bucks for 5kgs of turkey. Nope!
I felt like crap all day, low energy, and lethargic. Took two naps without much result. Got out the thermometer and saw I was running a low-grade fever of 38.1C. Popped a couple of aspirins and got on with my life.
Well, I’m on a beer hiatus these days, but me and my old friend Gin have been mixing it up with soda water and getting along just fine.
The only issue with my new drinking routine is that it costs me twice as much because my method is one shot of gin in a tall glass and a whole can of soda water to add to the mix. It’s worth it because it allows me to both reduce the strength of my drink and slows the rate of consumption some. I had a coupon for Green Room that gave me two free drinks if I bought a lady drink, so I actually saved money on that deal.
After Green Room, I crossed the highway and checked my barber and was actually able to take a chair!
I hadn’t had a haircut since last year!
A couple more drinks at IDM, three at Cheap Charlies, and a nightcap at Voodoo. I wasn’t drunk, and it wasn’t even 8:00 yet, but I’d had enough, so I called it a night.
It’s probably too early to call this significant news, but I have been chatting with a woman I “met” on Facebook. An interesting gal who seems smart and witty. She also told me she likes to hike. I’m intrigued and want to learn more.
Her name is Gen which is kinda funny, given my new drinking routine. Thirty-two years old and lives in Subic. We haven’t met yet because she’s been with family in Baguio for the holidays. She plans to be back next week, and I’ve promised her a dinner date.
Gen is studying Korean because she hopes to find work there as an OFW. That would be consistent with my luck–I moved to the Philippines from Korea to find a woman, meet her, and then she moves to Korea. But that’s getting way ahead of myself. She did offer to be my tutor if I wanted to learn Tagalog.
We had a funny exchange in our chat last night. She asked me where I was, and I truthfully answered, “It Doesn’t Matter.” She responded, “okay, sorry to have asked.” I was laughing at her reaction and sent her this picture:
I guess Gen still didn’t get it because she wrote, “maybe it is better if you just say it’s none of my business.” Alright, I explained again that it was the name of the bar I was at, and I thought it was funny how she reacted. She finally understood and said it was funny but also reiterated that she didn’t mean to intrude on my privacy; she was just checking in on me. A bit of a red flag, perhaps, but we moved on and continued a pleasant chat throughout the evening.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to learning more about Gen when we meet in person next week.
Facebook memories showed me in action at a dart tourney in Itaewon way back in 2012. I was a big man in the darts community back in those days. Lost some of the weight and a lot of the passion for the game.
Speaking of Facebook and the passage of time, I shared this on my page:
I thought it was kinda funny in a sad way, but my old friend Jeremy left this comment:
Yeah. People say shit that they don’t mean all the time, especially when they’re drunk, high, or otherwise intoxicated. Of course, in the first several months of any relationship, the love chemical, oxytocin, that the body produces is going to be in excess. Hence, the expression ‘drunk in love’. In fact, researchers have found that oxytocin make lovers feel positive drunk-like effects such as being relaxed, happy, and more confident as well as the negative effects such as aggression, jealousy, and arrogance.
However, this is necessary for the human propagation as a species. If we didnt have oxytocin, then we’d probably never mate (willingly). It just happens that many, especially the young (or inexperienced) don’t understand the thoughts and feelings that accompany the increase in oxytocin, so they say stupid shit like the above. To avoid having negative thoughts about the people who say such nonsense, it’s good to understand that they’re voicing an inebriated fantasy rather than making a sober, analyzed decision. This will make it hurt less IF forever doesn’t last until death did you part.
That sounds more cynical than even I’ve become, although I guess the “inebriated fantasy” is a shoe that might fit me. I tried to lighten the mood by asking, “Do you need a prescription for oxytocin? I could use some right about now.” It didn’t work:
you can get a prescription for oxytocin. However, studies suggest that it might be bad for those suffering from anxiety and depression, but you can also increase it naturally by physical touch (doesn’t need to be sexual, but it can result from masturbation), social interaction, massages, petting animals… basically, being generally happy. However, alcohol isn’t conducive to happiness from the standpoint of the physical body. You might feel good due to the inebriation, but it increases cortisol, a stress hormone, anxiety, depression, etc.
The exercise that you do (long hikes) is great for increasing your oxytocin levels, but all your gains are nullified by all of the alcohol consumption, both from a physical and mental standpoint.
All I could say to that was, “oh well, I guess I’m doomed.”
I do have some love in my life; they even like to take a morning walk with me.
My good Buddy and my Lucky boyAnd all of our walks have a portion where I free them from the leash (no houses, no cars). It’s their favorite part!
And that’s about all I’ve got for today’s post about the third.
Okay, so what if it was the only day of the year so far? It was still the best one.
Started out with my Standard Solitary Sunday Stroll, watched the sun go down from Baloy Beach, and finished my evening in the company of a beautiful young woman. Then I went home alone. Let’s go back in time in reverse chronological order.
That’s me passed out drunk on the floor when I got home. Oh, wait. That’s Buddy having some sweet dreams.Back on the gin and soda water for the foreseeable future. They don’t call it a beer belly for nothin’And that’s sweet Jenn, one of the Snackbar girls. When I teasingly suggested that I might consider hiring her for my girlfriend vacancy, she revealed how much she makes on an average night. Wow! Those lady drink commissions do add up. Perhaps I can’t compete in the marketplace after all.Oh, but I would if I could! Jenn is really good at her job.
My buddy Ron messaged me with an invite to join him at McCoy’s on Baloy. A change of scenery is a good thing now and then, and I hadn’t been there since last year (damn, that line never gets old, does it?).
Boys on the beachThe view from our hutLots of folks spending their New Year’s holiday at the beachLook to the right, and you can watch the sun going downLook to the left, and you can see a rainbow.Look straight ahead, and you can see the sparkling water in Subic Bay. Sorry if that ass is blocking the view.The best sunset of the year, for sure!
Nothing special about the morning hike, although I hadn’t walked that far since last year. (okay, I’ll stop now. Promise!)
7.5 Kilometers on very familiar ground
I decided to take a photograph of the different roads and paths I walked along the way. Warning: these are pretty boring.
Leaving the house on my street, Shenandoah BendTaking the pathway out of Alta VistaThe old dirt roadA different dirt roadPavement in San IsidroAnother no-name streetUp the alleyBridge #2Finally! A road I know the name of–SawmillThank you!The Govic HighwaySierra Hills subdivisionAnd the Santa Monica subdivisionCrossing the river on the National HighwayA road that ends in the squatter villageIn said villageThe road to Alta VistaIn Alta VistaThe shortcut to my streetAnd finally, back on my street again.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you! Actually, it’s a little more pleasant on Relive, so have at it if you are a glutton for punishment.
Yesterday was also the fifth anniversary of the beginning of my Hash career. I was visiting from Korea in preparation for my planned move five months later. Here are some photos from that historic event:
Loaded up in the long gone Hashmobile. As much as I hated riding back there, I do miss having transport to the trailhead.My first On-On!It was a tough trail (I don’t remember who the Hare was). I thought the last descent was going to kill me. I wound up sliding down on my ass.Losing my virginity at the Hash circle. That’s Gem next to me, a girl I met from Manila on a dating site. She scammed me for a thousand dollars and then disappeared a few months after I moved here. One of those expensive lessons I hope I’ve learned.“What doesn’t go in you, goes on you. Just like a blowjob.” I recall I managed to drink it all down in one go, so I stayed dry.
Good times.
And finally, I mentioned in an earlier post about being impressed by a Queen Vic dancer named Irish. The SOB sponsor has some pictures up, and I wanted to share a couple of her in action.
That’s Irish up front putting on the moves.And then she transformed into a gymnastTransitioning to the splits. Her other lips were down on the floor a couple of seconds later. I think she’d be a great top!
So, that’s how my year started out. Here’s to keeping all that positive momentum going!
…and in with the new. Well, the year didn’t end with a bang (I went home alone as usual), but by my low standards, it was a nice last night on the roller coaster called 2022.
Let me extend to my readers my sincere best wishes for a happy and healthy New Year. May all your dreams come true in 2023!
Here’s how I ended the year. I needed a cash infusion, so I walked the 6K to the ATM in Subic town. After waiting in line, the first machine was out of cash, so I got in line for the second. I settled for 10,000 pesos (rather than the 20,000 I prefer) the machine was willing to dispense. Hopefully, that will get me through the weekend, but I burned through a lot of cash last night.
Just how did I spend over $100 in a single night? Glad you asked! It started with the feeding at Hideaway Bar. Seeing as how it was the night we celebrate the passing of a year, I wanted to do something a little out of the ordinary food-wise. So, I went to the Jewel cafe and ordered an eclectic mix of food items: spaghetti and meatballs, pork chops, pork sisig, and fried chicken. I also brought along the chocolate cake I’d baked at home. The gals loved the food, and caught up in the spirit of the moment, I rang the bell, thereby purchasing a lady drink for all the crew. Happy New Year!
Joy devours whatever it is that she is eating.
Joy also gave me a homemade New Year’s card, which was a first for me.
Gwapo is my nickname at Hideaway, going back to the days when Jessa worked there. It’s Tagalog for “handsome”–hey, if the moniker fits, wear it!The outside of the card. Ain’t that sweet?Nicely done! I was actually quite touched by the message. And oh yeah, “bitches” is my nickname for the girls…i.e., “get the bitch a drink!”
I played a game of pool for the first time in forever and lost as usual. I was impressed with how well Joy plays, though. I guess it comes with working in a bar.
When I departed Hideaway, I planned on dropping in at Blue Butterfly, but as I approached, I changed my mind and walked on by. Instead, I climbed the stairs to Cheap Charlies and spent some time with one of my favorites there, Maya.
I fed her lady drinks, and she pretended to find whatever I talked about interesting.
I actually told Maya about my idea of hiring a girlfriend, and she seemed to think it was doable. I asked her if there was anyone in the bar she’d recommend, and she didn’t hesitate before answering, “no.” Anyway, I’m only half serious about the concept, but I’m keeping my options open.
I had intended to go to Whiskey Girl as my next stop but was surprised to discover they were closed on a Saturday night and New Year’s Eve to boot. Then I looked across the street and saw that Queen Victoria was also closed. New Year’s here is not a party day but a family day, and I guess all the girls want to be home with loved ones–to hell with their favorite customers! Heh, I don’t blame them.
So, I was out of options. And Snackbar is conveniently located next to the nearest trike stand, so that’s where I went to continue my holiday beer-drinking revelry. They had a party going on, that’s for sure. Jenn joined me for drinks; then I bought some for my other old favorites (Lydell wasn’t working). The owner greeted me warmly, and it felt *almost* like old times.
I hadn’t been there since the aborted Christmas party, so I was presented the gift I had walked out on:
A new wallet! A timely gift, for sure, as my old wallet was beginning to come apart at the seams. Thank you, ma’am Paula.I was also presented with a lovely 2023 Snackbar calendar. Thanks again!
There was a raffle, and my ticket was drawn for this:
A bottle of red wine. I’m no connoisseur, but I seem to recall Carlo Rossi being a respected brand.
So, I wound up staying past my bedtime, but not so late that I couldn’t be safe and sound asleep in my bed at midnight. Probably a good thing; when I woke a little after one to pee, I could still hear the celebration noises outside.
Well, it’s a new year, and I’ll try and find new vices.
So, here we are on day one of the new year, or more aptly perhaps, the first day of the rest of my life. And one of my goals is to extend that life long enough to continue to enjoy as many New Year’s celebrations as possible. To that end, I’ve resolved to focus more on my health and, hopefully, find fixes for my two major issues–chronic sinus congestion and my COPD. I suspect the two may be related. The lungs are especially concerning–these past couple of nights; I’ve experienced shortness of breath while simply walking between bars. That’s reminiscent of my pre-diagnosis days, and I’m worried that my condition may be getting worse. So, I’ll be making an appointment with my doctor for a consultation and referral for tests/X-rays to find out what is going on.
I bought this spirometer to monitor my lung capacity on an ongoing basis.And I’ve upgraded my nebulizer that lately I’ve been using three times a day.
My other resolution is to exercise some self-discipline. I don’t think it is any secret that I’ve totally let myself go. I hadn’t even bothered to step on the scale for months before I did this morning. I’ve seen the pictures, and my beer belly is ridiculous. But it is not just the beer. After a night of drinking, I go home and gorge myself on ice cream and other sweet treats. I don’t want to go back to where I was as a morbidly obese man weighing 270 pounds. That brings with it a whole other host of potential health problems. I actually wonder if my breathing may be impacted by the extra pounds as well.
Anyway, self-discipline will start at the grocery store–I’m not going to purchase items that are going to tempt me to go off-diet. And I’m giving up the beer for a while, although Monday’s Hash will be a cheat day out of necessity (it’s all that is offered). Now, I’m not saying I’m giving up drinking; I’m just going back to my gin and soda days and the low-carb lifestyle. I’ll eat and drink more responsibly and do an informal intermittent fasting routine.
So, I’ll be weighing in every Sunday morning until I achieve my weight reduction goal (or die trying). My target is 195. Today the scale told me I weigh 225.3 pounds. Yeah, Wow, I was surprised I was that far gone too. How long will it take to lose 30 pounds? I guess we are about to find out.
Here’s my message for 2023: Bring it on, bitch! I’m going to make this life I’m living the best it can be. Let’s see how that works out for me.
Time for a little catch-up, not that there is much to be missed in this nothingness I call life. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not complaining. As Kris Kristofferson sang long ago, “nothin’ ain’t worth nothin’, but it’s free.”
Yesterday’s post was devoted to the Aeta outreach and hike to Mamueng Falls. As such, I didn’t get the chance to detail my Wednesday night activities.
Yes, I fed the crew at Hideaway Bar as expected. Joy had requested the pork chops from Mango’s (she’s pictured enjoying the mashed potatoes). The other girls got a Hawaiian pizza. I didn’t have time to bake after the Olongapo event, so it was Oreo cookies and Choco Pies for dessert.
With the new year approaching, I have decided to embark on an expedition to visit bars I haven’t seen in quite some time. Next door to Hideaway at the Arizona Resort is Redz Pub. My last time there was in October 2021, when it had the “honor” of being the first in the Bars of Barretto reviews. It’s currently ranked #32 (out of thirty-four bars), and I saw nothing last night that would warrant a revision–unless it is downward. Well, two girls there knew me by name from the long-ago Arizona Floating Bar days, but both were fat and unattractive. I had one beer, paid my tab, and left. And oh yeah, the beer was 120 pesos, making Redz Pub the most expensive bar for customer drinks in town. Quite the honor. Not!
I also visited Whiskey Girl and enjoyed the company of waitress Jenn. I’ve got to say, she is quite the snuggler, and damn, I’ve really missed having someone in this life to cuddle with. And I guess that planted the seed for a thought that’s been growing in my brain ever since. Still not fully developed, and maybe it will never be ripe for implementation, but when I wake up and can’t get back to sleep, it is something to think about in those early morning hours. More on that a bit later.
I finished my Wednesday night at Queen Victoria. It’s a strange bar; the girls seem to have me set on ignore. Well, to be fair, Irish was with a customer, and most of the others don’t interest me at all. I heard the band start playing in the back room, and there was a female lead singer, so I went to have a closer look.
Actually, they had two female singers. You know, I’m not big on bar bands, and while this one wasn’t bad, the mix was off–by that, I mean the lead guitar was too loud, sounding a little distorted and drowning out the other instruments and singers. I finished my beer, left a tip, and headed for home.
Which brings us to yesterday. Again, nothing really out of the ordinary–did my solo walk, had a nap, blogged, and then headed out to the bars.
Well, my helper did prepare me this lunch of what she called Asian meatballs. Pretty good.I *think* this is the one where I used the food mode on my phone camera. Clearly (unclearly) not as good as the first shot.
I left the house a bit earlier than usual because I had a delivery to make at It Doesn’t Matter.
A mutual acquaintance from Angeles City had asked to get this gift from him to my pal Sean. Mission accomplished.
I stayed for a couple of beers, then crossed the highway, hoping to get a haircut. Nope, my barber was still occupied with other customers; that’s three times in a row now. So, I walked up the highway to a beauty salon and asked about a haircut–“three people ahead of you, sir.” Damn, this town needs more barbers!
Seeing as how I was on the far side of town and also craving a pulled pork sandwich, I paid a visit to John’s place.
I wasn’t disappointed with the food. But what about this shot in food mode?They tasted the same, of course, but this is how the food looked in regular focus. Which shot do you prefer?
After my meal, I walked back to the barbershop, and there was still a woman in the chair. Fuck it; I went upstairs to Cheap Charlies to drown my sorrows. Sitting there alone with three gals surrounding me. The back rub was very nice, but the reality of the whole scene is growing a little wearisome. I want a gal who pretends to like me at my side even when I’m not buying her drinks. Alma, my CC favorite, asked me why I looked so sad. I told her I wasn’t sad, just contemplative. I doubt she understood what I meant.
I had gotten a message earlier in the week that Flor, the owner of Alley Cats’ partner, had gotten me a Christmas gift, and I should come by to get it. I missed the Christmas party there because I was at Hideaway’s party. Well, times change, and without me playing darts these days, there isn’t much reason for me to go to Alley Cats.
My gift hat. It’s the thought that counts (I’m not a New York fan).
I didn’t have a gift to offer in return, so instead, I bought all the girls working a lady drink. That cost me over a thousand pesos, so I guess we can call it even.
And speaking of hats, I was also gifted this one by Grace, the sponsor of Wednesday’s Aeta outreach. I actually like it quite a lot. Better than a MAGA, that’s for sure.
They were having trivia night at Alley Cats, which I’ve never enjoyed but last night reminded me of how my brainpower has been reduced. I couldn’t think of the answers, even when I knew them if you know what I mean. Anyway, I didn’t stay long.
My last stop was Queen Victoria again. And the bartender’s shirt seemed to be sending me a message:
Yeah, that’s my goal. Just got to figure out how to get there.
And then he turned around:
And there you go.
So, how do I reconcile those sentiments with my desire to have a companion by my side, at least occasionally? Well, this thought occurred to me. The girls who are so good at faking it are only making 300 pesos a day. I can pay more than that and give them better hours and working conditions. Yeah, you heard me; my big idea is hiring a girlfriend. I’m not even looking for a live-in, maybe just two or three overnights a week. I’m looking for some cuddles, and I’d like to have someone to cook for and maybe travel with me occasionally. And yeah, company on my barhops would be nice, too. Anyway, it’s just an idea that I haven’t thought through yet, but maybe it could work. No breakups or broken hearts; if things aren’t working, I can emulate Trump and say, “you’re fired!”
Another option I’m going to pursue is the dating site Filipina Cupid. I had good luck there meeting gals I liked back when I was still living in Korea. That’s where I met Loraine. Oh, wait. That didn’t work out so well for me, did it? Well, it will be different this time. I hope. Actually, it is just an easy way to meet non-bargirls who live close enough to me where we can actually go on dates. I’d quit the site over three years ago but signed up as a premium member for one-year this morning (a little over a hundred bucks). You can’t chat or get messages from the women there if you are not a premium subscriber (the women don’t have to be). Anyway, I’m going to give it a try and see what happens.
I do need to update my profile and pictures. Haven’t gotten around to that yet. These are the ones I’m thinking about using:
How will they be able to resist those manly charms? You never know unless you try. The worst-case scenario is that I’ll come to actually appreciate being alone all the time. There’s value in that.
SOB tonight, and I’d better head out now if I’m going to get a good seat. Stay tuned; some exciting days are bound to be right around the corner!
Grocery shopping as usual. And as usual, the sale price didn’t register. When I pointed that out to the cashier, he rang it up AGAIN at full price. I admit I lost it a bit at that point. The supervisor eventually came over and removed the double overcharge,and entered the correct price. Still, as a customer, I shouldn’t have to monitor integrity. They are a bunch of scammers.
Didn’t do much else until I left the house for a haircut. Which I didn’t get because my barber was engaged with some female customers’ hair. I went across the street to IDM, but two beers later, he was still working on her hair. So, I climbed the stairs to Cheap Charlies and waited it out over the course of three more beers. And guess what? The barber STILL was working on that woman’s hair, so I gave up.
Wasn’t sure what to do next, so I decided to have some dinner and think it over.
That’s the enchilada plate at Sit-n-Bull.
I using my 15% discount coupon courtesy of the SOB, and I went all in and ordered dessert as well (something I rarely do since I always have ice cream at home).
The waitress knew I love the pecan pie, and she made sure I knew they had some in stock. I asked her to warm it up in the microwave and plop a scoop of ice cream on top. It was quite delicious.
After my meal, I used by “buy one, get one” coupon at Voodoo. Then I went up the highway to Wet Spot. It was pretty dead, but I had a couple more beers there anyway. My upstairs neighbor was playing pool next door at Green Room, so I popped in to say hello. Two beers later, I was on my way home.
I made it an early night because I have a busy day today. Up early to prepare my after-hike snacks (sandwich, chips, apples with cheese, and Oreo cookies). Oh yeah, I’m bringing some beer too.
Pre-hike is the outreach event at the Aeta village. That should be an interesting experience.
So, I’ll definitely have something of substance to write about tomorrow!
Commenter Brandon made a joking remark about liquor and poker on yesterday’s post. Which brought back this memory from my trip to Pattaya, Thailand, way back in 2016:
The Xmas pub crawl. Once again, the map has proven to be a struggle for me. Problem this time is the locations are so close together that the map distorts the location. For example, Cheap Charlies and Hot Zone are directly across the highway from each other. But the map put Hot Zone on bottom, and it should be on top. I don’t know why. So, I’m still a work in progress when it comes to maps, but at least this time, you can see in what order I visited the bars.
My Christmas day festivities began with the buffet luncheon at Mango’s. They started serving at noon, and I arrived a little after 1 p.m. The place was packed, and every table was full. I had made a reservation for two but hadn’t been able to find a date to accompany me. I was fully prepared to just bail and eat elsewhere, but then I spotted a seat reserved in my name.
At the bar, but that suits me just fine. They know me too well, it seems. I was wondering how they guessed I’d be without a companion, but technically the barstool next to me was vacant, so they had their bases covered.
I went through the buffet line and got about the last of the turkey, some ham, and several other side dishes.
My plate almost runneth over. And yes, you could go back for seconds.And here’s a close-up of that shrimp appetizer. Unusual for a holiday platter but actually pretty tasty.
I had three beers with my meal. I didn’t go for the pie (pumpkin and apple) dessert because I was feeling quite full, unlike my Thanksgiving experience. At one point as I sat there, the bartender asked me why I looked so sad. Hmm, I wasn’t feeling any sadder than usual; I guess it’s just my natural resting bitch face.
After my meal, I headed up the highway to It Doesn’t Matter. Along the way, I observed that about half the bars were closed for the holiday. It was also much earlier in the afternoon than I usually start drinking, so others hadn’t opened it yet.
IDM was open, but there were very few customers present. One of them was my pal Chris, and I sat with him and chatted some. My regular waitress Agnes was absent, so I didn’t feel obligated to buy lady drinks. Chris decided to go for a massage, and I was bored, so finished my third beer and left.
Next up was Cheap Charlies. My regular back rubber Eunice went to work with her talented hands, and Jonalyn, a girl I crushed on once without reciprocation, took a seat beside me. Beers and lady drinks were our modes of celebrating the birth of Jesus Christo.
The outside view from Cheap CharliesAnd the inside view. That’s Eunice on the left, and the skinny one on the right is Jonalyn.
I saw Hot Zone was opening across the street, so I finished my third beer and said my goodbyes. I had a 500 peso voucher coupon from the SOB to use. I got there right when they opened, and the dancers were still working on their makeup. A food buffet was also being offered, but I was still full. The Belgian chocolate guy came in, so I bought 500 pesos worth and shared it with the girls. Four beers later, my coupon was done, and so was I. At Hot Zone. Next stop, Wet Spot.
Again, not much happening in the bars on Christmas. I bought my regular waitress a lady drink and enjoyed two more beers. It wasn’t quite eight o’clock, but given my early start, I was feeling no pain. Plus, I had that fruit salad waiting for me at home. Alas, when I exited Wet Spot, there was not a trike to be found. Oh well, I’ll just hoof it down the road until I find one. There’s another trike stand next door to Alaska Club, but it was empty as well.
Desperate times call for desperate measures, so I went into Sloppy Joe’s and had another beer. After I finished that one, I saw an available trike and grabbed it for the ride home.
So, if you are keeping score at home, that makes sixteen beers in seven hours (at least, that’s what I remember). Not bad for an old fucker celebrating Christmas alone.
My evening treat. Not the best batch I’ve made, but not bad given the improvisions I had to make with ingredients (i.e., the marshmallows are too big, the fresh coconut lacked texture and sweetness, and walnuts aren’t as good as pecans). Still, my helper shared some with the upstairs neighbors, and they posted on my Facebook how much they enjoyed it.
This morning I got a message from a guy I know who lives in Angeles City now that he was in town and had a gift for me. So, we met up at Harley’s on Baloy for a bit.
A custom-made DeSantis 2024 shirt. My pal said he had a dozen made for the former Trump fans he knows. Well, I was never a fan of Trump, but he was better than the alternative choice (both times). I’ll gladly support DeSantis if he runs for President.
Today’s Hash is our annual Candy Run. I’m still not clear on why we are doing it AFTER Christmas, but candy is dandy, and I’m sure the kids we see will be happy for the sweets. 18 Kilo Ass is once again playing the role of Santa Claus.
I hope I have enough candy! I figure the Baby Ruth’s will go to any sexy single mamas out there that I encounter. Hey, a guy can dream.
And we’ll all be dressed in red.
My Hash uniform for the day.
And that’s pretty much where things stand as of now.
Nothing wrong with that.
There's got to be a morning after
If we can hold on through the night
We have a chance to find the sunshine
Let's keep on looking for the light
Oh, can't you see the morning after?
It's waiting right outside the storm
Why don't we cross the bridge together
And find a place that's safe and warm?
First things first, Merry Christmas to you wherever you may be in this wide, wide world.
And so, Christmas has arrived at last. Here’s what went down on the eve of this momentous day.
I completed the rounds of giving envelopes to the security and maintenance staff of the subdivision. They are certainly deserving and seemed appreciative. Yeah, when you add in the bargirls and my sponsorships, I burned through some cash this season. No regrets, though. It feels good to help those less fortunate, even in a small way. One big project remaining next week– the Aeta village outreach our hiking group will be part of. Fifty+ families for that event, then a hike to some waterfalls with the village chief as our guide. Looking forward to that.
Just before I headed out for my morning walk yesterday, I got a message from “Maria,” one of my former “friends with benefits” program participants. I’d been ignoring her pleas for help these past couple of months because she struck me as being selfish, dishonest, and generally unworthy. But in the spirit of the season, I responded to her “Merry Christmas” message with a the same to you. And, of course, she wanted help so she could provide a Christmas meal for her children. I had no interest in her providing me with any “services,” but I figured I’d contribute 1000 pesos so her family could enjoy a happy holiday. She lives in the squatter village right outside Alta Vista, so I told her to be out on the street when I walked by in fifteen minutes. There she was, waiting as I approached. Six months pregnant by the way she looked. She said she was “shy” to tell me. I just shook my head, gave her the money, wished her well, and walked on. I doubt she even knows who the father is. Hmm, let me do the math. Nope, not me!
Sorry for you folks dealing with a cold winter.And it is great to see progress being made on the restoration of the Kokomo’s floating bar. At least it is back on the water. Rumor has it that it will be operational at the end of January. Ah, something to look forward to in the new year.
After my hike, I got busy in the kitchen.
Brownies for the “party” at Snackbar.And a carrot cake for me.
Now, I do my baking the old-fashioned way. From a box. But that doesn’t mean I don’t occasionally go off-recipe. For this cake, I added raisins and walnuts to the mix. The cake tasted fine, and I like the texture and crunchiness of the walnuts. Now, I like raisins just fine, but I guess because of their weight, they wound up on the bottom crust of the cake. When I removed the cake from the pan, some of those old grapes were left behind.
Still, it was a worthy effort, and I did enjoy having something sweet inside of me when I went to sleep last night.
So, a few days ago, the Snack bar owner sent a message inviting me to the Christmas party. And then, early yesterday morning, the gal running the party messaged me asking if I would be a judge for some contest they were having. I asked what time the party started, and she said 4:00 and the contest would begin at 5:00 or so. Alright then, sounds like a plan. I brought the brownies and some gift envelopes.
Each is filled with a 500 peso gift offering. Yeah, it’s not a lot (although more than a day’s wages), but it is the thought that counts, right?
So, I don’t know what went wrong, but the party had not started by 5:30, and I was getting restless. Yeah, I just wasn’t feeling it.
This is not to say the girls weren’t nice. I’ve got some history with this bar, and I just didn’t want to deal with the memories last night.
I handed out a couple of envelopes to my favorites and moved on to It Doesn’t Matter. A couple of more beers and an envelope for Agnes there. Joy messaged me asking if “Santa” was going to visit Hideaway, and I decided, “why not?” The bar is closed today (my regular feeding day), so I fed the gals last night instead.
I also wanted to say Merry Christmas to my favorites at Cheap Charlies, so that was my next stop. Beers and lady drinks flowed, and I handed out a couple more envelopes. I had one left to give away, and I wanted to reward my waitress at Wet Spot. That required dodging some traffic on the highway, but I lived to tell about it.
Daddy Dave showed up, and we had a pleasant conversation as we imbibed our alcoholic beverages. The clock struck 9:00, and that meant time for me to bail, so I caught a trike for home. Gave the driver 150 pesos for the ride and wished him a Merry Christmas. He seemed pleased with that.
And now it’s Christmas. I’ve got a lunch buffet reservation at Mango’s, and I need to head out that way soon. But I busied myself in the kitchen again, preparing my only remaining Christmas tradition: my Aunt Pat’s Recipe World Famous Fruit Salad.
Bananas and a Granny Smith apple.A can of fruit cocktailMandarin orangesSour creamFresh buko (coconut). The original recipe calls for the dry shredded kind you find in a bag. That’s not available here for some reason.Walnuts. I prefer pecans, but I can’t find those anywhere here, either.And some marshmallows to help sweeten things up.Mix it all together, and it looks like this. I’m letting it ferment in the fridge, so all those flavors blend together. it will be my drunken indulgence tonight.
Speaking of which, drinking alone (even with a bargirl beside you, you are still emotionally alone) can sometimes feel depressing. And I really wasn’t happy about the way the party thing worked out (I got a message from a friend around 8:00 showing the party in full swing), but upon reflection, it was probably for the best that I wasn’t there. That’s the past; I need to keep it there.
Words to the wise. My new year’s resolution is to wise up.
Anyway, time to head to Mango’s for my Christmas meal. And after that? Well, I think I’m going to throw caution to the wind and drink like a madman this afternoon. I’m not going quit until I’m comfortably numb. We’ll see how that works out for me.
There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become comfortably numb
Another fun-filled day here in paradise. I joined the Friday hiking group and suggested we do the moderately easy My Bitch trail, and they all agreed. The only real climb was in the beginning, getting up into and through Alta Vista. I’ve done that hundreds of times. But yesterday, I was huffing and puffing and practically breathless fifteen minutes into the hike. I considered bailing (I was practically next door to my place), but I didn’t want to give up without a fight. Heh, I was going to keep walking until my last breath! Nothing that dramatic, but definitely cause for concern. I’ll be taking a renewed focus on my health issues in the new year.
Anyway, it was a good hike, and I’ll share some photos from the trail at the end of this post. The other big event on my calendar was attending the weekly SOB dance contest. And at this time of year, I can’t help thinking that even the routine feels special.
Have a Beery Christmas and a Happy New Beer!
Apparently, the Christmas season has seen the departure of a lot of the regulars. It seemed we only had about half the crowd that attended last week’s event. It was still a nice show, of course, just not as many were there at Queen Victoria to enjoy it. I got enough beer drinking in to make the ending a little fuzzy, but my fellow judges deemed Wet Spot the winner, with Voodoo second and Queen Vic third. I think. I’ll post some photos when they become available.
I paid a visit to my pal Max’s weekly dance party after the SOB, and he was also experiencing a significant reduction in patronage on Christmas Eve eve. I guess that’s to be expected, especially when a large portion of his target audience is Filipino. The locals head home to the provinces to spend the holiday with family.
A couple of more beers with Max as a show of support, then I caught a trike and headed for home.
I drank my money’s worth, I’m sure.
Speaking of trikes, I ride one every night to get home after my beer-consumption rituals. So, I found this trike-themed holiday song enjoyable. Perhaps you will as well.
After watching this, I’ll be sure to pay a premium on top of the premium fare I already provide tonight and tomorrow. Merry Christmas!
Walking into town (no trikes available in Alta Vista unless you call for one), I always enjoy the scenery from on high.
Seriously, notwithstanding all my petty bitching and moaning, I am blessed to live in such a beautiful place.Construction on the house directly in front of me continues apace. No one is working today, though, and the silence is almost deafening. I’ll have to sing Silent Night when I get home tonight.I was pleasantly surprised to be gifted this box of holiday cupcakes by my doctor friends. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a Christmas present from any of my physicians over the years. Thank you!
Oh, and one of the attendees just posted this video of the Queen Victoria team’s routine from last night. Enjoy it if you dare.
That girl in front is Irish, one of my Queen Vic favorites. I bought her some drinks after the show.
Okay, that leaves the hike photos.
This is the trail I walked. The group wanted to do one more climb, and I didn’t feel like I had one in me, so I said so long and walked the road back into town, finishing once again at Sit-n-Bull.A half dozen Friday hikers this week.Movin’ on out of the neighborhoodInto the woodsAre you waiting for me?Your time will come again next year, Easter.My mountain friend Olivia’s daughter and kids were there to receive the cookie delivery.I don’t know whether he’s gonna be Christmas dinner for Olivia’s family.A final view before parting with my hiking company.They went up, and I took the long road down and into town.
Been busy this afternoon in the kitchen. Baked a batch of brownies for the Christmas party at Snackbar today. And I experimented with a carrot cake for me. I’ll let you know how it comes out on Christmas.
Don’t forget to leave a beer and pretzels out for Santa tonight.
A wild and crazy day, at least by my standards. I started with my usual Thursday solo walk and then did a bar hop in the evening. Hmm, that doesn’t sound all that wild and crazy after all. Here’s how it went down:
About 7.5K starting at my house and ending at Sit-n-BullLeaving Alta Vista the back wayCookies for the kiddies in Marian HillsIt just ain’t your time of year, Easter mountainCrossing bridge #4Beware of the watch doll!Over the river again on bridge #2And once more, on bridge #1On the streets of Santo TomasAnd back to Barretto on the National HighwayR&R at Sit-n-Bull
Speaking of hikes, I left out my favorite photo from the Wednesday hike post.
A carabao wasactually doing something besides standing around menacingly.
I got home, did my everyday routines (napping and blogging), and then you know what it was time for:
You guessed it
Here’s what my bar hop looked like:
Not bad for a beginner. I’m talking about making maps, not the drinking part.Still not there yet; I need a version showing street names,I think, and maybe local landmarks.
Anyway, Whiskey Girl was my first stop, and I arrived right at the 5:00 p.m. opening time. My old dart mate Mark is managing the place now, so we had a good chat. My drinking companion was waitress Jenn, and we had an interesting talk about the bargirl lifestyle and some of the unique challenges the girls face. She appreciated the fact that Mark didn’t hassle her when she recently declined to go with a customer. Apparently, that’s not always been the case with other managers. Jenn also told me that when she first started working, “take out” wasn’t available. The flip side of the coin is that is the best opportunity for the girls to make a decent salary. I don’t have an issue with it as long as the girl isn’t coerced into taking part.
I was using a “buy one, get one” coupon and also bought some drinks for Jenn and one for the mamasan. The first time I’d done that, mamasan was surprised because she said she didn’t think I liked her. I assured her that was not the case and it was nice to get to know her a little better. Before leaving, I gave Jenn a Christmas gift envelope.
The next stop was Alaska Club. Owner Jerry always shouts out a warm greeting, and the girls are always sweet to me too. My coupon was good for all the SOB bars, so the bottles of beer kept on coming, and I was not feeling any pain. I called my favorite dancer, Marissa, down from the stage to join me. I also gave all the dancers a 50 peso tip for working hard to entertain me. Marissa mentioned that she goes to the gym with one of the other dancers, and I thought I should have her join us. I mistakenly pointed to the wrong dancer, and rather than be an ass and send her back; I had her and the gym partner join my table.
The threesome. That’s Marissa on the left. I don’t remember the names of the other two.One for all and all for one! That is, as long as I’m buying.The four remaining Alaska dancers that didn’t fit at my table.
It was a good time, and I’ll be seeing Marissa again tonight at the SOB. I wasn’t finished with the fun yet, though. I made Wet Spot my next venue.
As soon as I took my seat, my regular waitress was there again, apologizing for the poor service I had inadvertently received the night before. She explained she had been distracted by another task and that it wouldn’t happen again. I reassured her that my issue hadn’t been with her; it was the other waitresses just sitting around ignoring me that peeved me. Anyway, stellar service last night, and all is well now.
I had an errand to attend to near Mugshots (yes, a bargirl in financial distress), so I popped in and had a beer with the waitress I know there. I was pretty much maxed out at this point, and bedtime was approaching, so I nixed the idea I had about making Hot Zone my last stop and went home instead.
As I was writing this bar hop report, this song started playing in my head:
Now, I'm a jet fuel genius - I can solve the world's problems
Without even trying
I got dozens of friends and the fun never ends
That is, as long as I'm buying
Is it any wonder I'm not the president
Is it any wonder I'm null and void?
Is it any wonder I've got
Too much time on my hands?
It's ticking away with my sanity
I've got too much time on my hands
It's hard to believe such a calamity
I got too much time on my hands
And it's ticking away, ticking away from me
I don’t know if anyone else does this, but lately, when I wake up in the wee hours of the morning after a night like last night, I start talking to myself. I mean, out loud, as if I were having a conversation. And I guess, in a way, I am. But at least that person in my head seems to see things for what they are, and it all makes sense when he’s explaining it to me. No need to go into details here, but things are what they are, and everything is going to work out fine. I think I’m beginning to achieve the Zen that comes with acceptance. (I know next to nothing about Buddhism, so if that use of Zen is in the wrong context, I’m sure one of my readers will set me straight)
Anyway, another drunken SOB is on tap for tonight, this time at Queen Victoria. It’s good to know the house will be safe while I’m away.
I reckon at least some of my loyal readers are wondering how my “date” went yesterday. Here’s the lowdown:
“April” was scheduled to arrive at 3:00. Shortly before the appointed hour, she messaged me to say she’d be late. I asked how late, and she eventually responded she’d arrive at 4:00. Okay, well, my balls were in the crockpot, so that was no big deal. I turned off the gas but left the bread in the oven. Did the same on the stovetop with the corn. The brussel sprouts were in the microwave to melt some cheese on top, and I left them there. The meal was salvageable, at least.
Except when April arrived, she wasn’t hungry, saying she ate with her kids before leaving home. Okay, that’s on me because I hadn’t told her I was cooking. Instead, we had a beer and sat on the patio, enjoying the view until the sinking sun got in our eyes and chased us back inside. While sitting at the kitchen table, I asked April the purpose of her visit. To her credit, she was honest in her response: money.
She wasn’t quite that blunt, instead phrasing it as her bar not allowing barfines, so she thought I might like a “happy ending” in exchange for some cash. I wasn’t really surprised that that was her intent, although I will admit to some level of disappointment. The whole meal thing had been my way of maintaining the illusion of a date, just in case that was her intention. So, she got what she came for, and perhaps I got lucky in the sense that I didn’t get strung along and played for a fool again. Plus, I managed to pace myself and avoid the dreaded breathing attack. That’s a whole other kind of happy ending.
April messaged me today, saying she wants to see me again when I have free time. Hmm, maybe I should turn that around on her and say I’d be happy to see her when her time is free. Who knows what will happen next? Anyway, one day at a time.
My view as I was leaving the neighborhood for the Sunday feeding
After sending April on her way with money in her pocket, I salvaged the remains of the meal and carried some of the leftovers with me to Hideaway. I also ordered the girls a Hawaiian pizza from Shamboli’s and brought along a batch of brownies. I must say, my balls were quite popular with the girls.
Joy gnawing on the cob
After Hideaway, I visited Mugshots again. I really do enjoy the ambiance and comfort of this bar. They were playing some country tunes last night, my waitress was rubbing my back, and I was at peace with the world. Does that mean I surrendered? I don’t know. Why fight it? I’m just going to go with the flow and see where it takes me.
Come Christmas; it will be taking me here:
I made a reservation for two. No idea who my date might be, but I’m not worried about it. I’m usually not a big fan of buffet-style meals, but they work well for getting your fill of traditional holiday foods.
Nothing special about my regular Solitary Sunday Stroll. I modified my usual route some and did the photo every 1.6K (one mile) thing.
A little over 6K all in. And yes, I took a trike back up the hill to Alta Vista at the end. Sue me.Bridge #2 at 1.6K.The Matain River was looking especially lovely, doncha think?My view of Easter mountain at 3.2KSanta Monica subdivision at 4.8KIt’s an eclectic mix of decrepit and nice in this neighborhood.At the entrance to Alta Vista from the National Highway.Across the highway is the 7/11, Snackbar, Baloy Beach Road, and, most important at this time yesterday, the trike stand.
I was finally able to get my Relive app to sync with my Map My Walk app on the new phone, so have at it if you are so inclined:
And now it is another beautiful morning here on Hash Monday.
As seen on today’s dog walk.And now the boys are chillin’.
It’s a Leech My Nuggets trail, and that means long and hard. There may be a shortcut in my future. We’ll see.
For I shall always let thee do,
In generous love, just what I please.
Peace comes, and discord flies away,
Love’s bright day follows hatred’s night;
For I am ready to admit
That you are wrong and I am right.
I’ve had a flurry of people contacting me through Facebook Messenger that I’ve never met before. It’s not all that unusual, I suppose, Christmas season seems to enhance all those desperate circumstances faced by the less fortunate. I’ve gotten better at limiting my responses to people I at least know something about, but sometimes I take a misstep. Like yesterday morning.
It started with a message from “Beth” asking if we could get together. I didn’t recall ever meeting her, but there was something familiar about her profile picture. I went and scrolled through her Facebook page, and then her last name rang a bell. I asked if she was the daughter of Wanda (a Hash acquaintance). She responded that she was. Okay, this just got weird. How old are you? (That’s a very important question if you want to stay out of jail). She told me she was twenty-two. That at least matched the birthdate she had on FB. I could see she had two young kids from the FB pics, so the odds were good that she was at least eighteen. Why do you want to meet? I don’t have money for milk or diapers. Figures.
I told Beth I was getting ready to go for a hike, and she asked if she could wait for me at my house. Alright, she did seem legitimately desperate. What about your mother? Beth says they haven’t talked for a long time. Hmm. I don’t know what got into me, but I decided to throw caution to the wind and let her come over. I figured I could always hike after, whatever after turned out to be. And exercise can take many forms, right?
So, I gave Beth directions to my place and waited for her arrival by trike. Naturally, she got lost in the subdivision, despite the ease of getting here (basically three right turns). I walked out to find her and saw her walking on the wrong part of my street (she had turned left instead of right), and OMG, she didn’t look anything like the photos I had seen. She was as fat as an American woman. I brought her to the house, and she sat on the couch and was unwilling or unable to engage in any kind of conversation. Well, she did manage to ask me for my WiFi password. I gave it to her, and then she buried her nose in her phone as if I weren’t even there. That’s okay; one look at her and all my evil thoughts had quickly run far away.
I’ve often said there are worse things than being alone, and Beth was a good example of that. I gave her 1000 pesos and transportation money and told her to leave. She seemed surprised. Well, she got what she needed for milk and diapers, and there was nothing I needed from her. I guess that makes it a win-win.
Later in the day, I made a date with a girl from another bar I met. I’m not completely sure of her intentions, but I think this is just a legitimate getting to know each other better outside of work encounter. I do plan to ask her to eat my balls, though.
I’ll serve them with Brussel sprouts, corn on the cob, and garlic bread.
She’s due to arrive this afternoon at 3:00 p.m. I’ll be prepared for whatever she has in mind, but I hope she is interested in more than just the bulge in my pants (my wallet).
I always hate it when the first word a woman utters after sex is “already?”
I started my Saturday evening beer drinking at Cheap Charlies. Then when it was time to eat, I went to John’s place.
I had a craving for the best pulled pork sandwich in town.
John’s recliner was empty, and I asked the waitress regarding his whereabouts. She said he was playing pool at Alaska Club. That’s a good sign. Later on, I saw him walking on the highway with his wife. So, he’s up and around. Today he posted this on Facebook:
I am considering of restart of pizza. We used to make it before, but I didn’t like my own pizza too much.
First reason was flour. All I could’ve gotton locally was heavey all- purpose flour, which didnt have the right texture of pizza dough.
2nd reason was because I was moving right across Shambolis.
But Shambolis is moving away and I also found importer in Manila who imports real Italian, non GMO, 00 pizza flour. I had them send it via Victory Liner. Among all flour they carry, we had them ship the best one, CAPUTO brand, appx 4 times more expensive than flour I can get locally, but I am sure it will suit my taste. I intend to use pure Italian tomato & Flour only.
So I will do some practice and start making pizza again. This time, we’ll be different. We’ll start poolish. For toppings, we are thinking of Birria, Kung Pao pizza which will be new invetion and Hawaiian with home made smoked ham, bacon and cheese pizza.
While I was at John’s, Joy messaged me and said none of the girls had gotten a lady drink all day long at Hideaway. That’s pretty sad for a Saturday night. Plus, the girls all rely on those drink commissions to make ends meet. Being the foolish generous man that I am, I paid a surprise visit to the bar and rang the bell (that gives each girl working a drink). Hey, it’s a small thing and still makes a difference.
Bargirls have a tough job, and many of them are doing that work to support their families back in the provinces. Yes, there are users and scammers among them, but I think this picture accurately depicts why most of them are working in the bars.
When I was finished at Hideaway, I made a surprise return visit to Mugshots and once again enjoyed spending some time with Mae. Not the cutest girl in town by a longshot, but she’s fun to be around. Looking forward to getting to know her better.
I made Sloppy Joe’s my stop for the night, thinking I’d enjoy a cold beer with a highway view. Alas, a drunk Filipino on the street came up to the bar and started being loud and obnoxious. I did my best to ignore him, but my patience was really being tested. Thankfully, one of the waitresses called a manager (the guy appeared to be twice the size of the drunk), and the situation was quickly de-escalated. Drunk as he was, he could see the outcome was not going to be in his favor.
Facebook memories continue to show me pics of myself from those long ago days gone by.
Brother, can you spare a dime?
And finally, let me share those photos of the winners from Friday’s SOB:
Voodoo finished in 3rd PlaceWet Spot took 2nd.This Wet Spot gal was so hot she was melting wax!And this week’s champs, the Whiskey Girls!
Here’s a video of the Whiskey Girl team in action:
I saw this guy hanging out in front of the Divi Mart store.
So, I took Joy shopping yesterday to get presents for her kids. And I bought a gift for her as well.
Toys all loaded up in the sleigh, er, I mean, trike.And Joy’s gift loaded up on the back.
Joy was always bitching about working so hard washing the family clothes by hand on her only day off. I hope this new washing machine will make that part of her life a little easier.
My mountain mama friend’s children were able to participate in the school Christmas party with funding from Santa’s helper.And all the way out in Bohol province, the kids were lining up for some eatsand treatsa crazy foreigner sponsored.
Well, they say it is better to give than receive, and I can attest that providing a simple pleasure makes me feel good in a big way. And I’m just getting started.
The envelopes are arriving daily…gift solicitations from the maintenance staff, trash collectors, and security guards are waiting to be fulfilled.
I was planning to go do some shopping for myself at the mall, but a big accident out on the highway en route to Olongapo changed my mind.
I was moving faster, walking than the traffic heading out of Barretto. No way I’m getting in a Jeepney to sit in that mess.
I did a short walk around town instead, then grabbed lunch at Sit-n-Bull and headed home. After resting up some, I checked my To Do List and saw it was time to get busy.
At least in this regard, I’ve overcome my procrastination problem!
I decided to make IDM my first stop of the day.
From my house to the bar, 1.36 kilometers.Easy peasy…
There was a big spender present in the bar, and he was buying all the waitresses drinks. I don’t mind at all, even though it slows service some. The girls were earning their commissions, and that made them happy. I drank for an hour and spent less than 500 pesos, half I’ve what it would be if I were paying for company. And my pal Jim was there, so I had someone to chat with anyway.
When I’d had my fill, I decided to cross the highway and check out Showgirl bar again.
I’ll write up a review tomorrow.
The bartender I had met on my first visit during Saturday’s birthday bar crawl was working but didn’t seem all that happy to see me again. Not unhappy either, just disinterested. Well, she hadn’t responded to my Facebook friend request either, so I got the message. One beer, and I was out of there.
Where to next? Mugshots was overdue a visit, so I headed on over. I had my first beer in the outdoor seating area. They were hanging new signage, which was my first clue that this bar had undergone yet another reinvention–it is now a full-on videoke bar. It is no longer staffed with multiple bargirls, just a couple of waitresses. One of them came outside and chatted with me while I drank my beer. I tried to ignore her at first, but she had some wit and charm about her, so when my bottle was empty, I went inside with her and ordered another along with one for her.
Meet Mae. She laughs at my jokes too.
I’m not keen on videoke joints, but no one was singing during my visit last night. Mae’s laughter was all the music I needed. Mugshots is a well-appointed bar and very comfortable. A few more beers, and I might have even been tempted to sing some of my favorites. I’ll need to update my review to reflect the changes the bar has undergone, but I had a good time last night, and I’ll definitely be back for more.
I finished my night at Wet Spot (had a free beer coupon I needed to use) and enjoyed a very pleasant chat with owner Dave. I really hope I have his energy at 80!
And then my beer clock ran out of time, so I triked on home. For all my faults, I know when to say when.
I am still working on my bar hop maps. I need to do better than this in the future.
And now I’m facing another SOB Friday. Tonight’s venue is Whiskey Girl, so I’m looking forward to a good time.
And the wheel in the sky keeps on turnin’. See you here tomorrow. I hope (I’ll be crossing the highway at least once).
The Wednesday Walkers group yesterday consisted of one other participant and me. So, I took her for a 6K street walk and fed her some lunch when we finished.
My hiking buddy, LydellWalking the streets of the Santa Monica subdivisionInto Sierra HillsOnto Govic HighwayUp the alleyBarangay MatainThe bayThe banks of the bayBack on the National HighwayI walked those planksLunch at Subiza resort on Baloy BeachThe lunchtime view
I have nothing further to report regarding my status in Lydell’s life. I don’t have a clue what is going on. I guess that says more than enough about where we are. Or are not.
I had a 15% discount coupon for Sit-n-Bull, so decided to splurge for last night’s feeding at Hideaway. A big lasagna dinner for Joy, chicken wings, chicken fingers, and lumpia for the girls, and a box of Choco Pies for dessert. Everything got eaten, so I guess they must have liked the meal.
Joy seemed to enjoy her lasagna almost as much as that customer did watching her eat it.
When I’d had my fill of beers at Hideaway, I went out in search of a place to enjoy a nightcap. It occurred to me it had been a while since my last visit to Alaska Club, so I made that my destination.
Several months ago, I had met an interesting dancer there named Marissa. And then she disappeared. She was back last night and remembered me more than I did her. It was nice to get reacquainted. Marissa told me she had been back in her hometown (Bacolod City, Visayas) building a house. I asked if she had a foreigner sponsor, and she said no, she was using the money she had saved while working at Alaska. That’s why she’s back now, to earn more to finish the house and open a business. Pretty impressive. She also found my jokes hilarious, which either means I’m funny as hell or that she is very good at her job.
Welcome back, Marissa. See you Friday at the SOB.
Oh, and I saw John Kim (the foodie guy) at Alaska playing in the pool tournament. He looked a lot better, and the fact that he was out of his recliner and moving around is a positive development.
On the subject of illness, I came across this article talking about COPD and mental health issues: Not being isolated helps people with COPD maintain good mental health. Speaking from personal experience, I was crazy long before I was diagnosed, so I’m not seeing the connection. But that said, I do get out and about and have some social connections (as reported in today’s post, for example). True, they are shallow and meaningless, but maybe so am I. Still, I crave a relationship like I had with Jee Yeun–someone to share my life with and take care of me. Of course, we saw how that turned out. Well, that breakup led me here, for better or worse. If the COPD doesn’t kill me, something else will. The challenge is holding out as long as possible. I’d like to experience 80 before I die. It’s good to have goals!
Tuesday proved to be somewhat of a pain in the ass. And I’m not just talking about being sore from Monday’s Hash crash. Living without a smartphone is dumb, so I endeavored to get mine fixed. The first shop didn’t have the needed parts in stock but promised to have them by the afternoon. Tried a couple of other places with the same result, except they’d need three or more days to get the parts. So, I sent my helper back to the first place in Olongapo, and they, too, suddenly needed three days to get what my phone needed to live again. Plus, they wanted payment in advance. My helper walked away from that deal but left her phone number. Somehow I don’t think they’ll be calling.
Choosing not to live the solitary life of the phoneless, I purchased a new Samsung A23, a step or two down from my previous model, an A53. My plan is that when my old phone is repaired and good as new again, I’ll relegate my new phone to backup duty should I ever again find myself in this situation.
Things haven’t been easy as I’ve gone through the replacement process. When I last upgraded to the A53, I was able to transfer all the data and apps from the old phone to the new one. That wasn’t an option this time, so I’ve been adding the apps I need one at a time. My real problem is that I don’t remember the security info like passwords, which has been a hassle resetting to new ones. I’m not a genius when it comes to technology anyway, but damn, the app would send a code I need to my phone or email, and when I went to retrieve it, I couldn’t get back to where I had been to enter the code. I had much more success working this from home with the laptop and phone in tandem.
Oh, well. I didn’t break any bones, which would have been much more painful than trying to restore data on a phone. I’m going to just count my blessings and be happy that this is the worst thing to happen to me recently. I’m a lucky man!
I took my first photos with the new phone from my vantage point at Cheap Charlies.
Maybe it’s just me, but this doesn’t seem as crisp as my old phone camera.Here’s one using the zoom
Then I got hungry, so I crossed the highway for a bite to eat at Sit-n-Bull.
The roast beef dip with a cole slaw side looks okay, I guess. I didn’t use the food setting because it wouldn’t capture the whole plate. Or I wasn’t using it right. One of those.
After my meal, I headed over to Whiskey Girl to expend some SOB coupons. I had a “buy a lady’s drink, get two customer drinks,” and waitress Jen was so kind as to join me at my table to share the bounty. She’s definitely a snuggle bunny, and that was what my achy body needed. I was so comfortable I wound up buying two lady drinks.
I finished my evening at Snackbar, and the company was good there too.
Lydell on the right, Heidi in the middle, and the 18-year-old What’s Her Name? on the left.
Despite the temptations, I made it home by bedtime. Alone again, naturally.
Via Facebook comes the reminder that I wasn’t living such a solitary life six years ago.
I was the boss man and had to keep an eye on things there in the office. Our last Christmas on Yongsan.
Speaking of my working life, I received an email from an 8th Army colonel asking for a reference on a candidate who’s applied for my once again vacant Director, HRM position. His candidate is a good one, and I highly recommend her for the job.
My job now is to keep you, my readers, entertained. Even if it is in an “I’m glad I’m not him” kind of way.
And speaking of adding value, I actually read something today that was thought-provoking, even in my weary and worn-out brain. It’s entitled:Are you the same person you used to be? The article’s basic premise is that people tend to divide themselves into two categories: continuers or dividers. Or, more precisely, seeing your life as having been lived on a continuum from childhood to the present. Alternatively, dividers see their lives as chapters in an ongoing story, with many changes taking place over time.
Thinking of my life, I’m definitely in the dividers category. I’m not who I was as a child, young adult, or middle-aged man. And this being elderly thing is a whole other world. I actually did a series of posts here called “One lifetime, many lives.” I’ve still got a couple of chapters left to write.
Anyway, that’s how I see it. I also see it’s time for me to get ready for my Wednesday feeding at Hideaway Bar. Thanks for stopping by!
I wish that were true, but I’m learning the hard way that people believe what they want to believe.
There are certainly pluses to small-town living. There is a comfort level with being part of a community, being recognized and welcomed by name when you are out and about. The downside that goes with that familiarity is that everyone knows your business, or at least they think they do. And then there are the rotten few who spread lies and rumors intended to disparage you and undermine the perception of your character. That impact is exacerbated in a place where talk is cheap, and people tend to believe whatever they hear. Or so it would appear.
I’m far from a saint, but I’m not ashamed of who I am and what I do. I don’t like to talk or appear to be bragging about some of my charity projects, but I’m proud to be making at least some difference in the lives I’m able to touch. But for whatever reason, doing good deeds doesn’t seem to be of interest to the folks who engage in malicious gossip. Go figure.
I guess what generated this rant was learning that these unfounded stories have had negative impacts on how I’m perceived and the way I’m treated by some people. I chatted with Lydell on Messenger for the first time in several days this morning. She told me she had given me the cold shoulder because someone had told her I had a girlfriend. I told her that someone had lied to her. The fact that she chose to believe that lie rather than ask me about it is probably a clear indication that our “relationship” was doomed to failure before it ever really began.
My friend “Judy” treated me to lunch yesterday. It was her way of saying thanks upon receiving her first payday from a job she got because I purchased the required laptop for her. Over the course of our conversation, the topic of Lydell came up (she wanted to know what happened), and then Judy told me that when we first met, she had been warned that I had “girlfriends” in every bar in town. She admitted that put her off the idea of dating me.
I guess truth and innocence don’t come into play when it ruins a good story. It seems shameful that people accept the lies without even making a cursory attempt to ascertain the truth. Again, I don’t claim to be an angel, but I don’t cheat, and I don’t lie. I hang out in bars, and I buy some lady drinks. Maybe I engage in some “flirty” chitchat, but I’m not grabbing ass or paying to fuck a bargirl. Back when I last had a girlfriend, I ended my “friends with benefits” project and didn’t even accept massages from the mountain friend I support. It just sucks to have potential relationships destroyed based on lies and rumors, but that’s the way things seem to go in my little town.
Or just go ahead and believe whatever the fuck you want.
In other news, I got fired from Xoom, a money transfer service I regularly use. It started when a $500. transfer intended to fund a charity project for a native Aeta village in Olongapo was rejected. The rejection notice asked me to provide additional information regarding the recipient and the purpose of the transaction. I provided the requested information, assuming the problem would be resolved. Okay, I get it. Maintaining security and avoiding fraudulent transfers is a legitimate concern. I was astounded when I received this email:
Based on a thorough review of your transactions and/or your recipient’s transactions, we have decided to close your Xoom account.
No warning. No appeal. Just canceled. It’s a shame, too, because I used Xoom regularly to pay my helper and for sending money to other individuals “experiencing emergencies.” It just seems extreme to eliminate my account in response to my inquiry. Well, I guess they can do what they want, but damn.
My view on the way to my lunch meeting.My view during the lunch meeting at the Central Park Reef hotel. I just love those infinity pools. Where does the pool end and the bay begin?
It’s Friday, and that means another SOB experience is on tap, this time at Voodoo Lounge.
And after the SOB, I’ll be attending this dance party hosted by my friend and blog reader, Max.
Max is looking for a niche, or void to be filled, in the Barretto market. There are no discos or dance clubs here presently, so this is a test run to see if he can generate any interest. Discos are not my thing, and as an old fucker, I’m not the target audience anyway. But I’m going to check it out as a show of support. It will be interesting to see if some of the locals want to hang out amongst the foreigners. Good luck to Max! He’s put a lot of hard work into pulling this together, and as he says, it will be, if nothing else, educational.
Had a nice threesome yesterday with Scott and Martin. I’m talking about hiking, you pervs! Only three Wednesday Walkers were in attendance, so we rode out to Naugsol in Scott’s car, then hoofed it to Tibag and back. We only make it out this way once or twice a year, and I always enjoy it. There is just something about this area that resonates with me for some reason. Other than it being out in the middle of fucking nowhere with nothing to do, no bars, and no other foreigners, I could almost fantasize about living the life of a Tibagger. But not for long. Pictures from the adventure at the end of this post.
My feeding plans for HIdeaway were stymied when I discovered that the Jewel restaurant is closed on Wednesdays. So, it was chicken, pork, and rice takeout from one of the shops on the highway instead. I baked the brownies, of course.
Joy attacking an innocent brownie.
I finished the night at Queen Victoria again and shared a drink with my Irish friend. And I discovered something interesting about her that I hadn’t noticed when we first met.
She says she is 4 feet, 8 inches tall. Felt shorter than that (I’m 6’1″). I’ve heard it said that good things come in small packages.I’ve also been told the only thing better than long legs wrapped around your back are short legs trying. I guess there is only one way to find out for sure. But not last night.
Oh, and speaking of women, I forgot to post a picture of the one I met at Royal yesterday.
A real cutie, even if she didn’t have much to say. Wanted to sniff her hair but couldn’t catch a whiff. She was paper thin too.
Welp, we are full on into the holiday season now, and I’ve definitely got the spirit.
Why, yes. Yes, it is!
Alright, that pretty much covers the alcoholic portion of the day; here’s the walkaholic part:
Just under 8K altogether. Mostly pavement, with a long uphill grade getting to Tibag. We sometimes will cross the river and take the dirt pathways back, but we opted not to yesterday in deference to the wild thatch grass–we weren’t confident we’d be able to find the trail.My fellow hikers posing for this post.And we are off!A piggy headed to the market. Soon to be Lechon, no doubt.Living the simple life.Sharing cookies (me) and candy (Martin) with the local folks.The mountain vistas are one of the things I really enjoy out here.Trudging ever onwardThe last time we were out this way, the powerline towers were still under construction. And upon closer inspection, there was still work being done. I cannot imagine doing that job.On our return trip, we met the guys who climbed those towers and expressed our appreciation for their bravery.Even the ubiquitous litter was more interesting than normal.We don’t need no education.Almost like a walk in the parkA bridge crossing we opted not to take.I can see a poser from here!The school in “downtown” Tibag.Some rest in the shadeThe off-road portion of our hike.Out of town in the countryside once again.Hung out to dry on a barbed wire fence.Came across a compound full of native Aeta people.Martin and I offered up some sweet peace offerings.I’ve never seen a chapel quite like this one. I think Jesus would approve.Heading back to NaugsolNot sure what this military checkpoint is all about; one armed soldier manned it. Maybe there is some NPA (National People’s Army, a commie terror group) activity out this way.Keeping my eyes open for those commie bastards, just in case!The river.First one back to the car!
It was another good day for an old man in paradise.
Tuesdays are pretty much my nothing day, by which I mean to say even more nothing than my other days. Grocery shopping replaces my morning walk, and that’s not a lot to blog about. Well, I did catch the scamming bastards not honoring the posted sale prices once again. These days I keep all the items that are marked down on the shelves in one place in my cart and watch as the cashier scans them. And sure enough, the full price rang up on all of them. It just seems to me this must be intentional. If you can make a big deal out of posting signs on the shelf showing the discount, you can sure as hell update the price in the scanner database. It pisses me off, and I’ve been warning my fellow Royal shoppers.
I came across an article confirming that when I say “y’all,” I speak the King’s English. Just wanted y’all to know that in case you were thinking I was just some cracker spouting redneck talk. Just sayin’ that dawg won’t hunt. Alrighty then, I’m fixin’ to let go of this subject and move on now.
Today’s Facebook memories carried me back to the final year of my working life.
Glad for what I had, and now I’m glad for what I have.I miss the people, not the work, so much.
I’m not sure what to make of this:
I’m not a pie chef, but seeing these makes me strangely hungry.
Saw this flower on today’s hike, and it reminded me of something.
Maybe it’s time to find a girlfriend.
Speaking of hiking, Scott shared a handy color code we can use when deciding on which trail to take.
It’s good to be in the green zone. I’ll post about today’s hike tomorrow.
Alright, this post isn’t totally without substance. I attended a birthday party yesterday at Alley Cats bar for owner Dean. I’m not going to try and sort out the pronouns, she was born a female, so I’ll say she and her. Knowing Dean, she won’t be offended. It’s been months since my last visit to Alley Cats, as I’ve had no reason to go since retiring from playing darts. But Dean messaged me an invite to her party, and I appreciated that. I’d been going to the bar three days a week (at least) for over four years, and she is the first person who even bothered to check in with me. That’s the difference between bar friends and real friends in a nutshell.
My view on the way to Alley Cats.The gathering crowd at Alley Cats.Some of the food.More of the food. Those brownies on the right were my contribution.Lechon was the star of the food table, though. A Filipino favorite!The birthday person, Dean.
I guess I got a little forward and asked the waitress if she would give me some head.
She brought me this. Talk about a pig in a poke.
A dart tournament followed the party, but I did not stay for that. Headed up the highway to a relatively new bar called Sloppy Joe’s and had a couple of beers there. I’ll do a Bars of Barretto review tomorrow.
I finished my night at Queen Victoria, where I met an Irish girl.
Well, her name is Irish anyway.
Bedtime rolled around, so I made my way back home. Alone. As usual. I’m thinking it is time to change my luck. We’ll see how that works out for me.
Time to shower up now and get ready for another night on the town. Those girls at Hideaway Bar aren’t going to feed themselves. That’s because they know I’m coming.
I had some unexpected company for my Sunday stroll. Bhel messaged me asking if she and a friend could join me. Me being me, I asked, “for an orgy?” But no, it was just the walk they were interested in. As it turned out, I may as well have been alone–the girls yakked in Tagalog the whole way, and most of the time, they were slow-poking fifty yards behind me. Not that I cared all that much, I was getting my steps in; that’s what matters.
I did the usual roundabout through the Naugsol valley, over to Govic, through Santa Monica, and back to Barretto–a little over 8K altogether.
That’s how it looked from a Google-eyed view.
I only took one photo during the hike; I’ve done it so many times there is really nothing new to see, but I had a glance into the future from my Govic highway vantage point.
Had to use maximum zoom, but that’s my blue house (the one up on the hill)
We finished the hike at Sit-n-Bull, where I treated my companions to lunch.
I went with the chicken enchilada, and it filled the void as intended.
I was in for a bit of a shock when I discovered that Bhel’s friend is a waitress at Sit-n-Bull. She knew me as a customer, but I didn’t recognize her at all. That’s a problem I have with my feeble brain these days–when I see someone outside of their usual context, I usually don’t recognize them. I get greeted by people on the street all the time, and I have no clue how they know me. Ah well, I’ve got the generic nod and “how ya been?” down pat these days.
In the afternoon, I prepared for my feeding day at Hideaway Bar by baking a chocolate cake. On the way there, I ordered a pizza at Shamboli’s and picked up a roast chicken at Chooks to Go.
The cake came out funky looking with that big knob on top. Not sure how or why that happened. The taste was fine, though, and I guess that’s most important.The chicken went fast.And how can you go wrong with Hawaiian?A chick and her chickenNice smile, though.
I had a friendly chat with Gary, one of the Hideaway regulars. It turns out he reads my blog and claims to like it. Well, it is nice to have fans, but it does somewhat deflate the idea that I have some anonymity here. It’s okay; I’ll continue to call them as I see them; no turning back now!
I stopped by IDM and had a couple more beers with Martin and Chris. Yes, I bought Agnes a drink too. While there, I got a message from Lydell asking me where I was. I smilingly responded, “It Doesn’t Matter.” Unfortunately, she was familiar with the name and told me to enjoy myself at IDM. Oh, well.
I decided to surprise Lydell with a visit to Snackbar. Turns out, the surprise was on me. She didn’t seem particularly excited to see me, but when I bought her a drink, she dutifully sat down next to me. And ignored me. Damn, I wish she cared about me as much as she seemed to love her phone. Anyway, I haven’t really said much about our “relationship” here because I don’t really have a clue what she is thinking and feeling. But I took her actions last night to be a clear indication that I am wasting my time. So, I’ll act accordingly and waste my time on someone else.
It seems to be my destiny, and you know what? More and more, I’m okay with it.
Oh, as I walked down the highway on my way to Snackbar, I encountered not one but two street-walking prostitutes. That’s something you rarely see in Barretto. They were actually both pretty cute, but I wasn’t tempted. When you bring a freelancing stranger into your home, nothing good comes of it. If I were going to go that route, I’d get a hotel room to take care of business. Much safer, though, to just take a girl out of the bar where there is some accountability for their behavior, not to mention the STD tests they are required to get on a regular basis.
I guess thinking about that Real McCoys television show got me wondering about where I was when I watched it way back then. And in a mind-boggling revelation, I actually remembered my address: 6152 Chickasaw Drive, Westminster, CA 92683. We lived in a subdivision called Indian Village (all the streets were named after Native American tribes). I’d never Googled an address before, but by golly, when I did, I found this:
That’s our house! Or was from 1960 until 1963 or so. I don’t know what the circumstances were that caused my parents to sell and move into an older rental (13892 Milton Avenue–hey, I’m on a roll!), but I suspect it was around the time The Rite Spot closed, and my father had to find a new job in route sales.
I decided to look up the first house I purchased as a young father of two back in 1980.
202 San Carolos Road, Prescott, AZ. The pride of homeownership died when the marriage did.
So bizarre that I can’t remember things that matter, but useless info like old addresses is readily accessible. Maybe it’s a vestige of my long-ago life as a letter carrier.