One thousand five hundred runs by the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers. And I’ve got the hat to prove it!Fading memories. This is the third milestone cap I have received since my Hash “career” began on January 1, 2018. Coincidentally, yesterday was also my 200th run with the SBH3.
The Hares, Leech My Nuggets, Vienna Sausage, and Fuck A Duck laid a well-marked and quite impressive trail, featuring a 10+K long version and a 6+K version more suitable for us “sane” Hashers. There was even a portion that was new to me, something that I appreciate but is becoming pretty rare after 200 runs.
As usual, I’ll tell the story of the Hash run in pictures:
The trail for run #1500. The green line is the short version, avoiding that bitch of a climb to the top of Kalaklan ridge.The Hashmobile died, so we rented two Jeepneys for transport to the start of the trail. It may not look like it, but the ride is WAY more comfortable than being crammed in the back of a truck.Jeep #2 arriving at the drop-off point.Hashers disembarking.And we are On-On!The trail began with a river crossing on bridge #4.Pubic Head and Black And Dick Her bringing up the rear. No pun intended.A nice flat beginning as we skirted the edge of the Naugsol valley.The group begins to spread out as the faster Hashers take the lead.I’m at the head of my only little pack.What lies before us.We’ll have to go up eventually, but not just yet.Through the tall grass.A nice spot to rest.An 18 Kilo poser.A house in the middle of nowhere. I honestly don’t know how they manage it.A couple of Swedes from out of town joined in the fun.I’m not sure what’s going on here (not my photo), but the climb, while not steep, was a long and steady slog. I’m not sure which is worse. With steep, you get it over with quicker, at least.Onward and upward.Kevin, does this qualify as a, shit, what are those outdoor gazebo-like things called again? I want to say Shinto, but that’s not right…It’s a good thing this is the short trail; it kicked my ass pretty hard as it was.But things did flatten out eventually.A hazy view from up top.Easter mountain was on the far side of the valley, but I still felt obligated to snap a photo.Some of the Gash (female Hashsers) did a little harvesting on trail. They paid for their “crime” with some time on the ice.The final push up to Alta Vista.On-Home at the Alta Vista clubhouse.The view from my poolside seat.Me in said seat.Circle up!
There were a couple of glitches–the food arrived late, and the beer ran out early; that’s the way it goes sometimes. Since I hadn’t gotten my fill of beer when the Hash was over, I hoofed it out to the Snackbar for a couple more.
Cold and wet, just the way I like it!
Alright, I know most of you don’t come here to see pictures of me.
I hope this shot of my lovely waitress will satisfy your craving.
And then eight o’clock was approaching, so I paid my tab and caught a trike to take my soggy ass home where it belonged.
You must go and stand your trials
You have to stand it by yourself
Nobody else can stand it for you
You have to stand it by yourself.
Oh, you gotta walk that lonesome valley
Oh, you gotta walk it by yourself
Nobody else is gonna walk it for you
You gotta walk, walk it by yourself.
Well, it’s Hash Monday, so I won’t be walking alone. My advance peek at the trail does show it going through the Naugsol valley, though. It’s a Gunther/Leech trail, so it won’t be easy. The On-Home is at the Alta Vista country club, so at least I won’t have far to go when the Hash is over.
Last night was more of the same old, same old. Beers for me and drinks for a couple of the girls at IDM. They gave me a nice leg and shoulder rub in return, so that was pleasant. One of them might be crushing on me, and I admit, having someone at my side who likes to touch would be comforting. But I’m a selfish bastard, and I don’t want to take on the burden of four(!) kids. I’ll just settle for some bar companionship instead,
After I left IDM, I encountered “mama.” I didn’t have any small money on me, so I took her into a nearby market and let her buy a few things, got my change, and gave her the usual 100 pesos. Ah, the satisfaction that comes from making the world just a little bit better for someone is worth so much more than I spend. Yes, I understand that it is kind of perverted to use charity to make you feel better about yourself, but that’s just the way I roll.
I decided to have a couple of more beers before catching the trike home, so I popped into Mango’s. Got there in time to enjoy the sunset.
The beauty that surrounds me makes it hard to embrace my latent depression. Best medicine ever!
Speaking of beauty, there was a woman sitting a couple of stools down from me who really grabbed my attention. She wasn’t dressed sexy or anything like that; there was just something about her that attracted me. At first, I figured she was waiting to meet someone, but then I saw she ordered something off the menu and was dining alone. It occurred to me that I ought to strike up a conversation and see if she might welcome some company. In the end, I didn’t have the courage to do so. The fact that I’m still thinking about her this morning may be an indicator that I made a mistake. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. I guess the easy game with bargirls has ruined me.
The waitress had offered me a menu when I arrived, but I declined because I was cooking at home. To answer the question posed in the title of this post, the beef was in the crockpot.
The pot roast came out just the way I like it–tender meat and flavorable veggies. I remembered to add the pepperoncini this time which adds a little tanginess to the mix. Looking forward to the leftovers for lunch today.
I haven’t been sleeping all that well the past few days. Been waking up in the middle of the night and needing to use the nebulizer to restore easy breathing. Then I get serenaded by that damn gecko when I try to go back to sleep. I did manage a six hours of sleep last night, so that’s progress.
Banana nut muffins for breakfast……and then a pleasant beach walk on Baloy.Need to walk fast enough to outpace that damn dementia!
We are starting the Hash a couple of hours earlier than normal today. In part because we are celebrating the 1500th running of the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers. And also, the long trail is over 10K and includes a tough climb up to Kalaklan ridge. The short trail is a 6K version with a somewhat lesser climb. You can read all about it here tomorrow.
According to my blog stats, I’ve lost nearly a third of my readers over these past few weeks. Can’t say that I blame them. Still, a big thank you to the faithful few who check in regularly to see what’s going on in my so-called life. Maybe one of these days something of interest will take place. Hey, you never know; it could happen!
I met the newest doctor(s) in town this morning. A husband and wife team, although technically, the husband doesn’t practice medicine. An American trained in the USA is not eligible for licensing here in the PI. The wife, a Filipina, runs the show. I was actually quite impressed with both of them. A thorough intake interview and then some suggestions for natural vitamin remedies that may eventually allow me to reduce some of my prescription drug intakes. I got a shot of B1 in the butt and something else through a drip bag in my arm, for starters. I confessed to my doc that I haven’t been vaccinated, and she responded, “neither have I.” That led us into a nice chat about the downsides, including potential long-term health risks, such as blood clots in my case. Anyway, it was a fascinating discussion with two medical professionals who see things pretty much the way I do regarding the scamdemic. I still may not have any choice but to get the jab since I need to leave the country soon in order to renew my visa. We’ll see. Anyway, I’m looking forward to traveling the road to better health with these two.
Speaking of doctor visits, Facebook reminded me of the Hash run four years ago that left me in stitches:
An unfortunate encounter with barbed wire.I guess it could have been worse.
I came across this article that says that slower walking speed is associated with a higher risk of dementia. That’s pretty scary, given that I’m almost always last on our hikes. Some of that slowness can be blamed on my forays into picture taking, but I’m just not that fast, especially on uphill sections. The article talks about becoming slower as a warning sign, so I paid closer attention to my speed on my walk yesterday.
Right at 12 minutes a kilometer, that’s a little faster than my normal. Granted, this was an all-flat street walk, but still.
I forget what I was going to say next. *ahem*
My Saturday evening activities included beer drinking in an assortment of venues. Started at Hideaway Bar.
Joy has gone with a new hairstyle featuring bangs. It makes her look even younger than her twenty-four years of age.I had a pizza delivered for the hard-working gals at Hideaway. Yeah, it’s Hawaiian. I had a slice, though, and it was pretty good.
I had a special coupon for Hot Zone: buy one customer drink, get one customer drink, ALL NIGHT LONG. Well, Hot Zone doesn’t open until 6:00 p.m., but when the time arrived, I hoofed on over to try and get my money’s worth. After I sat down and placed my order, I was surprised to see Anna come in with a Hot Zone uniform. I’ve known her since before I moved here; she lives just outside of Alta Vista and works as a housekeeper for one of my neighbors. And all the time I’ve known her, she’s been a Wet Spot girl. I’m not clear on the circumstances, but she’s now a Hot Zone dancer. Naturally, I sat her down and set her up with a lady drink. My two-for-one deal had suddenly become much more expensive, and after my third free beer (and three LDs for Anna), I reckoned it was time to move on. Damn, those coupons are actually costing me money!
I still had one more stop to make along the way–Alaska Club. My new favorite, Karen, was working the door and invited me in. We shared some drinks and laughter. I was really pleasantly surprised to learn she’ll be participating in next week’s SOB dance contest–the first one since the scamdemic lockdown back in 2020. One more step towards normalcy.
Man, she trips all my triggers! My sense is that she feels just the opposite.Karen is happier with me than she’ll ever know!
It’s good to be alive, anyway. I’m going to try and keep it going for a while longer. Hopefully, my new docs will help me find a way to do that.
Or is Mother Nature calling me a fucker? This is the sound I’ve been hearing in the wee hours of the morning these past few days. At first, I thought it was some weird phone alert coming from my helper’s room. I asked her about it, and she said it was a lizard at the vacant house next door. She said it was called a “tokay.” So, I looked it up on the internet, and this is what I learned.
Fuck you too, loudmouth!
A gecko heckle, whaddya gonna do? And yes, if that’s the worst I can come up with to complain about, I am living a charmed life indeed!
An enjoyable Friday group hike with a twist–we followed a marked trail.
This group is doing a “fun run” leaving from the Alta Vista Clubhouse at 0600 tomorrow morning. When I saw the ribbons hanging in the trees on my morning dog walk, I knew where I wanted to lead our group.
Well, it turned out that the trail was very familiar, most of it on the portion of My Bitch that we regularly hike. Still, it was nice not to have any tough climbs to impede our enjoyment. I had actually intended to join the group for the Sunday morning fun run, I’m up early anyway, but I have a doctor’s appointment at 10:00 a.m., so that would be pushing my luck. This is a new clinic in town, and I was surprised that it had Sunday hours, but if the doctor is in, then so am I.
I’ll upload the photos from the hike at the end of this post. At the end of our hike, I invited the group over for some beverages and snacks.
I made up some cheese nachos and my helper fried up some chicken wings. We all sat on the back patio and enjoyed the view.
Yesterday, my other big event was my plan to help the mountain girl I support celebrate her birthday. We agreed to meet at the Arizona resort at 3:00 p.m. She hadn’t shown by 3:15, so I messaged her asking if she was coming. While I was waiting for a response, the “Dick” who sabotaged my previous relationship walked in and joined a group at the next table. We ignored each other, but it accelerated my already souring mood. I paid for my beer and left. Outside on the highway, I finally heard back from my date. It seems the brake on her motorscooter broke, and she had to walk rather than ride to our meeting. That’s not good. She lives on the mountain at the far end of Rizal Extension–that’s at least a 30-minute walk. I told her to take a trike, and I’d pay the fare. Of course, she’ll have to walk a ways to get to a place the trikes can access. She finally arrived at 3:45. I cut her some slack, seeing as how it was her birthday, and she can’t be blamed for defective transportation. Still, it would have been polite to message me, but she’s a Filipina, after all.
Instead of Arizona, I took her to John’s place to dine. We sat in the air-conditioned dining room in the window seats. A nice highway view from there. I was impressed when she ordered the pulled pork sandwich, one of my favorites on the menu. Disappointed she didn’t eat much of it, but she did get the leftovers for take-out.
I had the bulgogi, and it was most excellent, even at the recently increased price of 550 pesos. Beef has gone through the roof here lately.Happy birthday, MJ! Looking good for a 36-year -old mother of three!
During a lull in the dinner time conversation (and we don’t communicate all that well, I have difficulty understanding her sometimes), I pondered what she’d be like as a girlfriend. I know she would take good care of me and my needs; she has a good and loving heart. I pictured putting up a little one-bedroom nipa hut on her mountaintop with those million-dollar views. But when I considered the inconveniences that come with an isolated life, I knew I would not be happy. For one thing, it’s too far to walk to the bars, and most trikes can’t make it up the steep hill to carry your drunk ass home. I’d best stay put for now. I’ll will, of course, continue to provide weekly food stipends for her and the kids.
After our meal, I took her to the Goldilocks bakery and bought her a birthday cake. Also gave her some birthday money as a gift (she said she’ll use it to fix her scooter), and we said our goodbyes. She met up with some friends, and they enjoyed an evening at Baloy Beach. I’m glad she had a happy birthday.
After our parting, I spent some time at It Doesn’t Matter. The place was packed with bikers from the local motorcycle club. Not Hell’s Angels, thankfully, just a bunch of friendly guys (with their hot girlfriends) enjoying adult beverages in the midst of a Barretto bar hop. My waitress, Agnes, took good care of me, and I, of course, rewarded her with lady drinks. Martin (18 Kilo Ass) was there, and we had a nice chat. I had another drink coupon burning a hole in my pocket, and so I moved on to my next venue.
Wet Spot. It had been several weeks since my last visit and the “misunderstanding” that resulted with my favorite there, Aine. I wasn’t sure how’d she react to my return, but I need not have worried–she acted like nothing had happened. She sat down next to me, I ordered up a lady drink, and it was all business as usual. I asked if she was hungry, she said she was, so I ordered her a cheeseburger from Sit-n-Bull conveniently located next door (they actually have a waitress from Sit-n-Bull serving the bars). She seemed happy enough when she was doing her snuggle and cuddle routine, and what can I say, I liked it too. The manager sent me over a beer which kept me in place long enough to buy a second round of lady drinks. Later, owner Dave came in, having just returned from a trip to Amsterdam and Cincinnati, his two former hometowns. We had a nice chat and he bought me a beer too.
Aine told me she has a birthday next week (she’s turning 40!) and I promised I’d come by with a birthday cake and help her celebrate. She really is fun to hang out with–at least in the bar. And that’s the only experience we’ve shared. So far. (That’s not exactly foreshadowing, because I don’t have a clue what might happen next. I don’t usually do “take-out” from the bars, but I’m tempted to make an exception in her case. Stay tuned.)
I’d started early, so as is my custom, I finished early. Had a bit of a rough night at home, but I’ll elaborate on that in tomorrow’s post. Now, let’s get to those hiking photos, shall we?
The 5K path we followed…well, a little longer because we started at the 7/11.Our merry band of hikers.On the streets of Alta Vista.We passed by my old house. I ran into the landlord’s cousin last night and mentioned I’d like to come back someday.Passing by the clubhouse, the “official” start of tomorrow’s fun run.The trail was very easy to follow, marked with these yellow ribbons.It will be interesting to see if anyone removes them at the conclusion of tomorrow’s run.Into the high cotton…This tree was the junction where the short 3K trail veered off.I always enjoy hiking My Bitch.A brief rest and cookie delivery for my friend Olivia and her family.Through the woods.What’s not to like?Scott and Linda catching some shade.Hello again, Easter mountain.Onward we march!Back on flat land.Everybody has to wait for the guy taking these photos…well, except for the ones Scott took.Like this one of a cookie delivery tn Marian Hills.The path back up to Alta Vista.Arriving at my place.Rehydration and nourishment with the gang.
That lizard only barks at night. Bastard.
Anyway, it was about as good a day as they get around here. I ain’t complaining. Much.
Western Union was not accepting my transactions, so I used another service to wire my rent to the landlord’s bank account. I also sent $350 to a friend in Bohol for her son’s school tuition. I did that last year too. Paying for education is one of the more satisfying acts of charity. At least it can potentially make a difference in someone’s life.
I had made tentative plans to meet up with my newest Facebook friend, Gwenie. I just wasn’t feeling it, so I tried to back out. She said she was already dressed and ready to go. That made me feel bad, so I agreed to a late lunch at Sit-n-Bull.
She insists we met while I was hiking in her neighborhood. I think I’d remember that.
Anyway, it was a nice enough lunch. No bells or whistles for me, but I’ll probably consent to a future massage.
I had the Hawaiian chicken breast, and Gwenie did a quesadilla. She pronounced it “dill-a,” and so did the waitress. I corrected them both saying it was disrespectful to 500 years of Spanish domination to pronounce the double “ll” sound that should be silent.
After lunch, I gave Gwenie 500 pesos for the rejected massage and another 50 for trike fare home. She seemed happy with that.
My next stop was Hideaway Bar. Joy’s youngest has a birthday today, and she asked for some help to make the day special. I gave her 1000 pesos and a couple of lady drinks.
Agnes from It Doesn’t Matter had messaged me earlier in the day that she had three sick children and no money for medicine. She came into town and met me at Blue Butterfly. She stayed for a couple of drinks and left with the 1000 pesos she came for.
I wasn’t sure where I was going to go after I left Blue Butterfly. Then I had to go, and the closest place to pee was Cheap Charlies. So that’s where I went. After I took care of business, I stayed for a beer. I noticed that my homeless friend “mama” was camped out across the highway. I sent my waitress down to give her the standard daily 100 pesos. I rewarded my waitress with a lady drink for her assistance.
It was only 7:30, but I’d had enough. Paid my tab, caught a trike, and was home before 8:00. Sometimes that’s just the way I roll.
Maybe my Friday will be a little less normal. You never know what will happen next.
Lived through another day in the life. Started with the Wednesday Walkers group hike, assuming three participants constitute a “group.” Still, we had a nice hot climb up the Great Wall of Barretto on a beautiful day. Pictures at the end of this post.
In dart league, we faced off with the second-place team in a match that would determine the league champion. We lost 9-4. I played sloppy darts and lost at least one game I should have won, but even so, the final outcome would have been the same. Bottom line, they are the better team and earned their victory. Congrats to the Alley Wildcats team.
After darts, I went to It Doesn’t Matter. They were having a memorial gathering for the recently deceased JR.
“Giddy up!” was one of JR’s classic sayings.The purpose of the gathering, although poorly worded and spelled on this banner, was to party and drink in JR’s honor. Our host was his best friend, and he said that one day he and JR talked about how they wanted to be remembered when they passed. This party is what JR asked for.The outside area was packed.A large crowd inside as well.
Bob said JR would have loved this. Mission accomplished!
There is still a lot of controversy surrounding the manner of JR’s death. The official autopsy results have not been released. The consensus of the expat community is that this wasn’t a suicide. I’m not convinced either way. If the rumors are true that he had other knife wounds, then I’m going with murder. The embassy and a veteran’s group here are also involved in finding answers and representing JR’s interests. I’ll update when additional information becomes available.
It was a very long day of drinking, having started at 1:00 p.m. for darts. I somehow made it until 8:30, then headed home to sleep it all off. Woke up this morning to a brand new day, and I’ll make the most of it.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure it will involve drinking at some point.
To the pictures from the Wednesday Walkers hike then:
A little Genesis.About a third of the way up.Looking back down from whence we came.Finally reached the steps of the Great Wall.Barretto in all her glory as seen from The Wall.I would love to live up here IF there was easy access to the top. I was thinking about the cable cars that carry folks to Namsan in Seoul and how perfect that would be. Build it and a condo tower, and I’ll be the first to buy!This would work.Carry on!A group selfie at another vista point. Martin to the left and Scott on the right.That’s Easter mountain in the distance.Heading for the way back down.The path that takes us home to Barretto.
I can almost hear my readers asking, “aren’t they all?” Yeah, pretty much. But Tuesdays even more so. Instead of hiking, I do my grocery shopping. Nothing much I can say about that. Well, here is this week’s inflationary example:
This can of nuts was an overpriced $8.75 two weeks ago. Now it is $10.25. I gave it a big nope and moved on.
The mountain girl I sponsor came by in the afternoon to give me a massage. During the happy ending, I became breathless, and she had to stop. Should have used my nebulizer before she started. I’m getting a little worried about my lung capacity of late, and I had my helper renew a prescription for a drug I stopped taking several months ago. Hopefully, that will help. And yes, I’m also making a doctor’s appointment.
Speaking of massages, I got a Facebook friend request from this girl:
We had a couple of mutual friends, so I figured, why not? Chatted a bit, and she wants to come to give me a massage. I told her that would have to wait. Maybe Thursday.
Speaking of my helper, I found out she got married last week in Manila. She didn’t tell me; someone posted photos on FB. I congratulated her this morning. She says she is not quitting her job; he is going back to the states. I guess the plan is for her to get a visa to join him eventually. Best wishes to them both.
I totally sucked at darts last night. Some of the worst I can remember throwing. Two matches and out. Today is the big league match against Alley Cats with first place for the season on the line. Damn, I hope I throw better than I have been.
After the darts disaster, I took a long walk up the highway to John’s place. He had posted on Facebook about a new sandwich he was making:
John calls it a “USDA Short Rib Pulled Beef BBQ Grilled Cheese Sandwich.”The meat before pulling.
I don’t think I’d ever had that kind of meat on bread, so I gave it a try:
That’s how mine looked. It was indeed quite tasty.
I was tired and beered out of my meal, so I caught a trike on home.
I used to love making coffee for my ex:
She was special in so many ways.
Speaking of the past, Facebook reminded me that this is who I used to be:
Good times!
This apparently is a true story:
You are in the USA; speak English! (yeah, I know, I’m here, and I don’t speak Tagalog).
My pal Scott shared his photo album for the month of May, and there are some very nice shots of the local landscape. Give it a look if you are interested.
That’s it from here for now. Thanks for dropping by.
Run #1499 of the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers is in the books. Feedback on the trail I helped Hare was positive for the most part. Next week’s Hare, Leech My Nuggets called it a “pussy trail” but conceded it was well-marked. A few Hashers missed a critical junction, but others said they had no trouble finding it. The folks that like challenging climbs didn’t get one, but 7K pushed the boundaries for people used to shorter hikes. The truck ride out to the start was crowded and very uncomfortable, not to mention unsafe. I’ll be pushing the idea that we should hire Jeepneys for transportation at our next leadership meeting.
It was an interesting experience walking my own trail the day after we had laid powder, paper, and chalk to show the way. In my view, we did an adequate job, but there were places I thought the marking could have been clearer. I still believe there is value in making an initial trail setting the day before the Hash and then doing a follow-up on the morning of the Hash. That way, you could refresh powder where it had been washed or swept away and clear up any ambiguities in showing the intended path. I wasn’t able to convince my fellow Hares of the value of this approach, so perhaps in the future, I’ll be making the second trip alone. It’s all good; just looking for ways to provide the best experience possible for my Hashing brothers and sisters.
To the photos then:
The path we laid. Beginning at Bridge #4 on Sawmill Road, going around Easter mountain, and ending on Baloy Beach.The ride out to the start took about twenty minutes and was very uncomfortable.And also unsafe. At least the guys standing in front have a metal framework to hold onto. The guy holding onto the guy in front of him doesn’t have that stability. Losing your balance and falling out of the truck would likely be fatal.We had the good fortune to all disembark safely.“Gather round and let me tell you what’s in store for you poor souls.”And we are On-On!Through the open fields…Just follow the trail and see where it leads…Uh oh, a goat block! No kidding.They are all going My Way. Well, mine and Pubichead’s.No tolls are required for smiling faces!Making our way to the highway.Into this little shanty village…My kind of climb.And then back down again.Leaving my mark on the world. Well, on this abandoned suitcase anyway.On the wall.Chalk and powder show the way to go.You coming, Gasman?Going down for the last time.The empty sidewalks of this sleepy village in the foothills.The local watering hole. (the well on the right…that building is a sari-sari, but maybe they have the local brew, Red Horse, available there.The final stretch on the backstreets of Matain.Loading up the boat. A lot more comfortable than the Hashmobile!On the shore at Baloy Beach after a successful river crossing.On-Home at Da’Kudos.A roast chicken salad for my after-hike dinner.Chillin’ out waiting for the Hash circle to commence.Hares on the ice. The woman was a newbie who confessed to liking the trail. If you admit that, you join the Hares on the ice.Then they sang us this song: S-H-I, T-T-Y, T-R-A-I-L. Shitty trail (it sucked!) Shitty trail (it really sucked!) The Hares have laid another shitty trail. I would rather drink this beer than run your shitty trail. S-H-I, T-T-Y, T-R-A-I-LA newly named Hasher. Meet Harry Fucker.(someone had said he looked like Harry Potter)Deflowering a couple of Hash virgins.And then the sun went down on another Hash Monday.Hare today, gone tomorrow.
But lots of time to think deep thoughts when you are walking alone.
While I was walking yesterday, I passed two old men engaged in a game of chess. I’m not sure why, but it triggered a chain of thoughts on what life is really all about. I suppose it is no great insight that so much of our time on earth is nothing more than filling in the hours of every day. The manner in which we do so pretty much defines who and what we are. During our working life, a goodly portion of the day is filled with earning a living. Having a job or career that is satisfying makes a difference, but feeding the family has its own kind of worthiness, regardless of whether you like your job or not. It’s those other hours outside of work or sleep that give meaning to this thing we call life.
As I said, nothing new or astounding in these thoughts, but I did look back at how I’ve lived those hours. I recalled as a youngster playing board games like Monopoly and Risk. I also learned to play chess, but that was never a passion. As a teenager and young adult, I was big-time into softball and racquetball. And, of course, there were those years when I escaped into a drug-fueled fantasy world. I learned to ski, liked to camp out, and take cross country drives. The responsibilities of being a parent took their share of time as well. It was nice to look back and reflect on ways I’ve filled in time throughout my life.
Naturally, that led me to thinking about how I spend the hours in my old age. I don’t really ponder so much about how having less life ahead of you than behind you matters or makes each hour somehow more precious. Retirement affords the opportunity to expend time the way you want rather than dancing to the whims of your employer. The question arises, though, am I using them wisely? As my regular readers know, I spend my days engaged in walking, drinking, darting, and pursuing ill-fated romances. I guess I spend a fair amount of time here on the internet as well. Hopefully, as the scamdemic draws to a close, I’ll be able to once again invest some time in travel adventures. Is that enough? It is for me, at least for now.
That doesn’t mean you can’t change things up now and again. The desire for something new led me to forego my typical Saturday night in Barretto. Instead, I walked the 4K out to Calapadayan for the soft opening of a new outdoor bar called Poseidon. Heh, you knew I wasn’t going to not drink beer, didn’t you?
The 2+2 resort is nearby. I’ve never been here before, but it looks interesting.From my vantage point, watching the signage being uploaded.Some of my fellow attendees took advantage of the comfortable couch seating area.Poseidon is right on the bay, so views like this one abound.The next-door neighbors.Speaking of lovely views, Jay and his crew from Hot Zone dropped by.And they entertained us with a dance performance.The sun went down, and we partied on.
It was definitely a nice change of pace. Too far out to be a regular stop for me, but I had a good time and won’t hesitate to drop in when I’m in the area.
Alright, I’m running out of time. Need to get to It Doesn’t Matter before the raffle. I’ll be back with more tomorrow!
It turned out to be a very nice visit to the Castillejos countryside. Five of us road rode the Hash truck out to join the dozen or so folks who had camped out the night before. They were waiting and ready to hike when we arrived. Lots of pictures to share, so let’s get on with it.
Our hike…the deviation (orange line) was for those of us who chose not to climb to the top of the hill.Loading up at the VFW for the ride out to Castillejos.Enjoying the scenery along the way.Arriving at the campground.First impression.Daniel and his dog holding down the fort.Some of the gals hanging out in the shade.A river runs through it.These huts were available for 300 pesos ($6) per day. We rented three.The campers all pitched tents amongst the huts.Looks cozy and comfortable enough, I suppose.The group gathered up for a photo before the hike.Let’s roll!On the road again.Out in the country.The mountain view.The river view.A grove view.Taking it up the old dirt road.Flower view.Cactus view.And a cow view. Seen enough?The hill to be climbed. Our campsite is on the other side.Now it is just a matter of getting there.You coming, Scott?Looming large.Going up.And up.Posers.So far, so good.Some of us bailed at this point and went around rather than over the hill.That speck is Jim at the summit.Heading back to camp after doing the roundabout way.Chillaxin’ after the hike.Scott chillaxin’ in the river.What’s cookin’?Reggie is.And so is Shyrel.I never had occasion to cross that bridge. Thankfully.Good food, cold beer, nice views. It made for a great day.Alas, all good things must come to an end. Time to load up and head out.Ice chests in the truck…And so am I. More beers to drink on the ride home.
That was the day. Took a much-needed nap when I got home. Then it was out for my Friday night. Started with dinner at John’s place:
The Philly cheesesteak this time.I ordered up some Korean-style chicken wings for take-out and fed the girls at the Hideaway Bar.
Next stop was Cheap Charlies.
The most interesting thing to see was the Friday night traffic backup coming into town. Barretto/Subic are the new weekend getaway for those urban dwellers down south. Makes for a bit of a pain in the ass for us residents, but it is good for business.
The night then took a strange turn, but that’s a story for another day.
A quick morning post before I head out for today’s Sausage Walk out in the wilds of Castillejos. Not sure I’ll be in shape to post when I get back this afternoon. So, here goes.
Another typical day in the life here in my little town.
My weekly street walk.The pace appears slower than it actually was. I stopped at Angel’s Bakery for some sausage and buns but didn’t pause the tracker.
And yes, I had some afternoon delight as well.
Joy came to visit.When we were done with what she came for, I treated her to lunch at Sit-n-Bull. Quesadilla for her (I had a bite, and it was delicious. She kept calling it a quesa-dill a. So much for Spanish influence on a culture they dominated for 400 years.I had the Maui chicken burger. Delightful as usual.
It’s always a nice treat when you are not dining alone. Avoids misunderstandings like this too:
I hate when that happens.
Jim showed up at It Doesn’t Matter, and we enjoyed some beers and chat together. Then we made a rare appearance at Hot Zone and had a nice visit with owner Jay. Still a lot of controversy surrounding the “suicide” of JR. More on that as it develops.
Jim went home, and I finished my night at Alaska Club. They always make me feel at home there.
This morning was all about prepping for today’s adventure.
Made myself a hearty breakfast.And made sure I had all the requirements for today’s after-hike cookout.And baked up a batch of brownies for dessert.All packed up and ready to roll!Beyond a shadow of a doubt.
It should be fun exploring new territory and, of course, grilling out with the group. Full report and photos tomorrow. Assuming I survive the day.
…to add the “s” to walker. Only Troy and I showed up for the hike yesterday, but the Wednesday Walkers marched on anyway. A lot of the group is preparing for our special event “sausage walk” on Friday, I suppose. There is also a campout tonight out where we’ll be hiking. I’m not going to do that particular activity. I’m a creature of comfort these days.
Daniel is already there, getting set up for a night on the river in Castillejos.
Photos from yesterday’s hike later in this post.
Here’s a shot of my Lucky boy working on his tan.
In darts, we beat the team from Blue Butterfly 11-2 yesterday. Next week we go head-to-head with our second place rivals in a winner-takes-all match. We will need to bring our best game if we have any hope of winning.
It occurred to me that I’ve never actually eaten at our dart league sponsor’s venue, Lagoon. I rectified that yesterday. The posted daily special was a “grilled meat platter,” so I gave it a try.
Beef, pork, and chicken. All quite tender and tasty. It was a lot of meat for 450 pesos ($9.) and it filled the void in my belly satisfactorily.
After my meal, I headed up the beach for some beers at McCoy’s.
Sand and bay…On the beach.And on the water.The bar, the videoke, and young women singing.So, I made the best of it.And watched the sun go down.I very rarely eat at McCoy’s, but some of these specials looked interesting. I saw some of them being served to the ladies behind me and the portions looked small. Of course, I had just gorged myself at Lagoon, so it didn’t matter to me. Maybe next time.
After a couple of beers, I hoofed it back to Barretto. Stopped at the Snackbar because it was there, and she wasn’t. I had a pleasant enough time telling my old jokes to new faces. Finished my night at Outback. My bartender friend says she is going to Hash on Monday. I hope she does. I’m one of the Hares, so I probably won’t be hiking the trail during the Hash though.
Alright then, here are the pictures from the Wednesday Walkers:
The way we went. Basically, just a pleasant flat valley walk.Our “group” for the day.Heading into Alta Vista.Heading out of Alta Vista.Walking the plank.The puddled streets of San Isidro.Cookie stop.The mountain that towers over the valley.The grass that towers over the hiker.I’m always wary around a horny carabao.Down in the valley, the valley so low.A ridgeline to be hiked another day.Shade is good to find. It was a hot motherfucker yesterday.A stretch on Sawmill road.On Bridge #3.Pausing for the traditional group shot.Heading back home.
You can Relive it all here if you’d like:
That’s how my yesterday went. I’ll tell you about today, tomorrow. I’m expecting some Joy this afternoon.
Another lazy Tuesday is in the books. This one had a nice start, as seen during the dog walk:
The end of that rainbow appears to be right on top of my house. When I got back home, alas, there was no pot of gold to be found.Not sure if you can make it out in this photo, but this was actually a double rainbow, although the one in the back isn’t very bright.Daboys wait patiently while I fumble with the camera.
A nothing kind of day, all I accomplished was paying inflated prices for my groceries. Things are going to get real ugly, I expect. Let’s go, Brandon!
My darts didn’t show up last night. I can’t remember the last time I played so poorly. Hope I do better in dart league today.
Dart league teammates and friends for life. As long as it lasted.Thanks for the memories. You are missed.
After darts, I headed over to Mango’s for some grub.
You guessed it–grilled pork chops.
And that was that. Today I have the Wednesday Walkers hike followed by dart league. I reckon I’ll hang out at Baloy Beach afterward and enjoy me some adult beverages.
This is the best damn life I’ve got. Might as well enjoy it.
Not that kind. This is a Hash post. Sorry to disappoint.
I was anticipating a challenging trail, and Guenter didn’t disappoint. And that’s just the half of it. Our “sane” group elected to bypass this first portion of the trail that featured a climb to the top of Kalaklan ridge on a path everyone calls “motherfucker”. No thanks! Even so, the remaining portion featured two climbs and steep descents. In fact, the last down I hadn’t attempted since my virgin Hash way back when. Yesterday was a good reminder of why. Anyway, I lived to tell about it, so let’s get on with the story in pictures:
The white line is the way our group chose–hiking up Rizal Extension to where it intersected with the purple trail. Rizal was all uphill (about a 100M gain in elevation) but at a relatively gentle slope. Regardless, I was huffing and puffing before we ever left the pavement.I hate riding in the Hashmobile. Getting out isn’t much fun either.Is everybody here?The big guys in our group–18 Kilo Ass and Gasman.They’ll be leading our special “sausage walk” in Castillejos on Friday.Working our way up Rizal Ext.The upper echelon of Rizal…I was already breathing heavily.Off the road now, and the real climbing begins. My poor lungs!On up!Having fun, Dripping Pussy?The view from here.Our path took us past the house of my mountain friend, MJ. Nice to see you again!You can see Easter mountain from MJ’s front yard.Onward we march.The first climb is done.A pause for a photo of the sane group of Hashers.And now to get down from here.Overcast skies helped with the heat, but I was still soaked with sweat.Watch out for spiders!.In the valley.Doing the best you can with what you have.One more climb to go.Getting there.The end is almost in sight.That really gets my goat!Sticking together through the ups and downs.Mountain vista.It was a well-marked trail. Good job, Vienna Sausage, and Fuck A Duck.Leech My Nuggets did the entire trail, and this is where he passed us short cutters.The end is almost in sight. I really mean it this time!And there it is, Barrio Barretto in all her glory. On-Home is at Guenter’s place, but how do we get there from here?What’s Up Doc says, “We just go down, silly. Let’s do it!”Okay, if you say so.Damn, that’s a steep ass down.I lived to Hash another day.The view from Guenter’s place.The view of gash on ice.
After the circle, I stopped by for a couple more beers at IDM. Then I popped into Sit-n-Bull to get some takeout.
The pulled pork sandwich was one of the daily specials.And the rarely available pecan pie. I added the ice cream.
In unrelated news, I didn’t lose any weight this week. Go figure.
Started the morning with an abbreviated walk on the streets of Barretto.
It’s usually an 8K trek, but the Hashmobile pulled up alongside me, and I was offered a ride. It resolved the debate in my mind about whether to eat at Sit-n-Bull or walk on home. I liked the third option best.
When I arrived home, I got busy filling my crockpot with the ingredients for a batch of chili. Then I showered up and prepared for the arrival of an afternoon visitor.
Marla finally overcame my resistance, and I agreed to have a get-together at 1 p.m.
She’s got a certain style and grace about her. I mean, I know it’s all about the money, but money is never mentioned. None of the usual sob stories about hungry kids or bills to pay. Just “I want to see you” and “I want to be with you” entreaties. And of course, she accompanies her requests with some pictures emphasizing her ASSets. I held out as long as I could, but after all, I’m just a man.
I’ll give her this; she’s a real pro. Once we got down to business, she was quick to cater to my wants and desires. I didn’t last long. What was missing was any type of emotional connection, and for me, that ultimately makes the experience less than satisfying. Oh well, I expect my resistance will hold for at least a couple more weeks unless something better comes along.
When beer o’clock came around, I made my way to It Doesn’t Matter. Sat at the owner’s table with a couple of other guys I know and did some socializing. It was raffle Sunday, so I bought six tickets. When it came time to do the drawing, once again, three of the six tickets were winners. I came away with a 200 peso discount at IDM and dinner for two (Thai food) at Jurassic, located way out in Calapadayan. It might be worth the trip if I can find a date. I also won another packet of discount coupons for various bars around town.
One of the coupons was for Cheap Charlies. Since being ignored by the girls on my last visit, I hadn’t been back there. I decided to end the boycott, but I would ignore the girls this time. Instead of waiting to be served, I went directly to the bar and ordered a beer, bypassing the waitress. Alma, who was only guilty by association, was soon by my side. After the way I had been treated, I told her that my days of buying lady drinks at Cheap Charlies were over. That didn’t dissuade her from staying and chatting, though. And when it came time for my second drink, I relented and let her get a lady drink too. A bit later, another girl came and started the back rubbing routine. I ignored her at first, then told her of my disappointment in her previous behavior. She insisted she had been occupied with another customer that night. Oh well, it was really my fault for pretending I was ever anything more than a source of drink commissions. In the end, I bought her a drink as well. So much for my intention to be a hard ass. I guess I do enjoy playing the game.
Me and my Cheap Charlies cohorts.“Are you thinking what I’m thinking, baby?”Oops! I guess not. Oh well.
Anyway, it’s all in fun. Just don’t take any of it seriously.
aOnly on days that end in “y”
As soon as I walked outside from Cheap Charlies, the skies opened up, and the rain came down. Luckily, there was a trike waiting for me across the street. That kept some of the rain off me on the ride home.
I was hungry and knew supper was waiting for me in the crockpot.
A small batch for a lonely bachelor.Chili and corn muffins! Tasted better than it looks. It had more tang than usual because I didn’t adjust the seasoning for the reduced volume. I liked it that way, though.
I did my traditional Monday beach walk this morning, right at 5K roundtrip.
Lots of folks out enjoying the morning sun and sand.It’s good to be alive.
I’ve got the Hash coming up this afternoon. A Guenter trail and the “sane” Hash group are already plotting our shortcuts. Look for a full report tomorrow.
No one is knocking at my door. Chatted with Lyn in Angeles last night and expressed my hope she’d be coming to visit soon. She said she needs to go back to work. I suggested she look for work here in Barretto. I don’t think she’s interested in doing that. Or in me.
Just a quick update on JR. His death was the talk of the town last night. There is a lot of speculation, but the evidence supports that the throat-slashing was self-inflicted. I can imagine it being a drunken impulse responding to some severe emotional stress. Reading his Facebook condolences was very touching. He served with the US Army all over the world, including Somalia, Bosnia, Germany, and Korea. He was well-respected by his subordinates. A good man has gone too soon for sure.
Thank you for your service. You’ll be missed.
I dropped into It Doesn’t Matter. Bob, the owner, was best friends with JR. In fact, JR spent the last night of his life at IDM. There was definitely a sad vibe as folks came in to offer Bob their condolences. I left after two beers.
I decided to grab a bite to eat at John’s place. Went with the ribeye beef burger and onion rings. Also ordered some fish tacos and Korean chicken wings for the gals at my next stop, Hideaway Bar.
Watching the clouds roll in while waiting for my dinner to be served.
So, I made Joy and her friends at Hideaway happy by satiating their hunger and thirst. Well, it’s Saturday night, might as well pretend I’m a big spender.
My last stop of the evening was Alaska Club. It was just one other guy in the bar and me, and he was playing pool with the owner, Jerry. Since I’d blown my cash at Hideaway, I couldn’t treat the dancers to a drink, but I did give them each a fifty peso tip. It must be damn hard to stand up there and pretend to dance when you don’t have an audience.
I also met a new waitress at Alaska. Only 24 and very cute. During the course of our conversation, I learned that she is a cherry girl (virgin). Yeah, that’s not going to work. The funny thing (for me) was that her name is Karen. My first love and high school sweetheart was named Karen.
The new Karen got a kick out of this photo of me and the old Karen circa 1972, especially those bell-bottom pants.
I teased my new friend that meeting her tonight must have been fate: Karen was my first love, and now I’d found a Karen to be my last love. Sadly, she wasn’t buying it.
It was a good time hanging out with Miss Karen. I’ll have to drop in to see her more often.
I had a nice chat this morning with my high school Karen telling her about my fun with the new Karen I’d met. She got a kick out of that. We shared some laughs and memories about the long-ago night I’d taken her to Huntington Beach to see the submarine races. The back seat of my mom’s 1969 Plymouth Fury is where I made a woman out of her. Those were the days!
Saturday morning, I took my standard solo hike through San Isidro.
I shortened it up some in deference to the heat, though.
There is nothing new to see or photograph on this trail, so I figured I’d document the various blossoming flowers before the season ends.
The flowers are the ones in red.Fulfilling the cliche.These are purdy, doncha think?Old habits die hard.Ground flower.How many flowers do you see?I was too bushed to cross the road for a closeup.An explosion of beauty.This one has a different look about it.An example of white supremacy?Yellow fever.Because it was there.Flower trees.It was a sunny day.Up on the roof.Imprisoned flowers.And finally, right here in my front yard.
Hope you enjoyed the show. Until next time then, peace out!
I changed things up some and hoofed out to Olongapo to visit the mall. I really did need to buy more socks. Not sure why they are hard to find, maybe because most everyone wears flip-flops around here.
On the road.Dodging traffic on the National highway…Seeing dead people along the way.Crossing the “shit” river as it was known back in the Navy days.See you Tuesday, Royal.Gordon Hospital is known to us expats as the place you go to die.
So, passing through SBMA with the police out in force and the typical Nazi-like attitude to slavemask requirements, I kept mine on my chin to pull it up whenever I saw the need. Then some pissed-off asshole came up behind me and started giving me shit.
Okay, maybe that was all in my imagination.I made it safely to my destination and was able to purchase nine new pairs of socks. No luck in the shoe department; the largest size available was a 10.
Here’s the Relive version of the hike:
I started my evening entertainment at It Doesn’t Matter. I had planned on having a couple of drinks there, then heading up the highway to John’s place for some grub. Mother Nature interceded with a downpour of rain. That’s three straight nights; it looks like the rainy season came early this year. I was without an umbrella, so I made my way to Sit-n-Bull, which was much closer.
I don’t normally order chicken parmesan, but it was one of the daily specials, so I figured I’d give it a try. It was good.
My waitress wanted ice cream (yes, I spoiled her), but Sit-n-Bull was out of stock. Went to the market next door and bought a half-gallon of the requested Double Dutch, whatever that is. Made some girls happy for five bucks. I’ll call that a win.
Went next to The Green Room, thinking I might see Marie. She wasn’t there, but some new girl kept me company. Her name tag said “Shy,” and she was just 19. Not enough in common to get me to stay for a second drink.
At darts on Wednesday, our opponents had a player who works at Thumbstar as a waitress. I wanted to get to know her a bit better, and I had a coupon to expend, so that was my next stop. She was there, so I sat her down and shared some drink bounty with her. I was surprised to learn she is 46. That’s older than my daughter, for goodness sakes. Still very attractive, though. All my jokes were new to her, so I enjoyed sharing my repertoire.
Nine o’clock was fast approaching, so I called it a night. Found a trike relatively quickly to carry me home in the rain. And that was my Thirstday.
A great hike today to a place I’ve never been before–The Three Crosses. More on that tomorrow. A couple of other things of interest you might enjoy as well. I’m running late for darts now, so come back and see what I’m talking about next time.
I’m not doing the “On this day” series, but I will share a post from May 20, 2014, where I was celebrating 2000 posts here at LTG. I’m over 4000 now, and there is no end in sight. Stick around; it can only get better!
I survived another whacked Wednesday intact. That’s more than I can say for my hiking buddy, Chris. He did the Wednesday Walkers group Hash as usual. I saw him later in the afternoon while I was on my way to darts enjoying a beer in front of the Snackbar. This morning I learned that Chris took a fall while walking home (he lives on Baloy Beach) and broke his leg. It’s going to require surgery to repair. Get well soon, Chris. It was kind of weird because during our hike yesterday, Chris told me the story of a friend of his who fell off his balcony and died. So, from that perspective, we can say that Chris is lucky it wasn’t worse. I don’t envy him the pain and suffering that lies ahead during his recovery. He’ll be missed on our upcoming hikes.
It was a nice hike, doing most of what I avoided on Monday’s Hash, but in the opposite direction. Photos to follow at the end of this post.
Darts went as well as can be expected; we won 13-0 for the second week in a row. Probably lucky we were playing the worst team in the league because, as a team, we threw like shit, and the games were a lot closer than they should have been. We are done for if we play that poorly in two weeks against the second-place team. Hopefully, we get it together by then.
I got introduced to a published author during the dart match. He graciously sent me a draft of his latest novel this morning. I’ll let you know what I think after I give it a read.
After darts, I went across the street to Da’Kudos for some dinner. I went with the enchilada plate, and it was good enough but not great. The next stop was McCoy’s on the beach. I had to tolerate the videoke again, but at least the gal singing was a cutie. I threw her some smiles from the bar, and she smiled back. The guy next to her wasn’t smiling, though.
The Beach view was nice……and so was the bay view.
Well, after an afternoon of drinking, my judgment was somewhat impaired, and I found myself sitting at the Snackbar, a place I used to frequent with my ex. They had done some remodeling since my last visit.
The wall mural featuring Mount Fiji was a nice touch. The owner used to live in Japan.The Snackbar wasn’t open when I did my Bars of Barretto feature. A couple of other new places have opened as well, so I’ll plan on doing an update soon.That’s my drunk and sad face. The ex wasn’t there, but the place was full of memories of when she was. I need to learn to stay away.I don’t know shit about any of that. But it’s okay; I’ll just keep on keepin’ on.
It started raining hard again, and so I was trapped at the Snackbar longer than my “one beer and out” plan. I guess it was still just one beer; I had a gin and soda while waiting for a break in the storm.
When the rain turned to a sprinkle, I headed out. I wasn’t sure where I’d go next, but I did have a pocketful of drink coupons from Sunday’s raffle. When I passed by the Carwash resto-bar, she was there. I waved and kept on walking. Seeing her in my state of mind would have just been too painful.
I wound up stopping in at the Lux bar, another new joint in town. I visited during their grand opening and haven’t been back. It is actually very nice inside. Three dancers on stage. I grabbed a table seat and was joined by a GRO (guest relations officer) named Ruth shortly thereafter. She was actually very pleasant to chat with and quite sexy as well. Of course, she earned herself a lady drink. Or maybe it was two.
I probably should have gone home after Lux, but on my way to find a trike, I decided to have one for the road at Outback. So, that’s what I did, then called it a night and made it home safe and sound.
Let’s do those Wednesday Walkers photos, shall we?
Our trail.Heading up the highway.Over the river.Passed by Monday’s Hash On-Home venue, Yero’s.Then we began our climb up these stairs.Lots of uneven steps which makes the going even tougher.A short rest near the top.The view from here. You can spot Easter mountain there on the left.We had heavy rain on Tuesday night, and that left the trail quite muddy. I had what felt like an inch thick coating of mud on the bottoms of my shoes.We trudged on despite the mud.I thought this was a pretty combination.Shyrel stops at a local sari-sari for some liquid refreshment.Passing through a banana plantation.Then a view from Alta Vista on my way home.
You can Relive the hike here if you’d like:
And so concludes another hiking post.
I will leave you with this gem that gave me a chuckle:
Survived another week on the Hash trail. This one really wasn’t so bad. A challenging climb with lots of steps early on, then a steeper than normal descent. After that, practically a walk in the park. The overcast skies also kept the heat down some, that was a plus!
We did a new On-Home venue, a place called Yero’s, on the Subic side of the river. It was an outdoor resto-bar setup, which I prefer these days. The food was surprisingly good too. If it were more convenient to home, I’d likely be a frequent visitor.
As usual, we’ll let the pictures do the talking:
Our trail for the day. The purple line is the “shortcut” our group took. Not much shorter, but it avoided a second climb.Gathering up at the VFW.And we are On-On!The first flight of steps begins.Are you up for a climb?Step it up.The first flight ended, and then a second began.The stairs gave way to a trail, and the trail featured views like this one.Catching our collective breath.The final push to the top.Heading towards Four Corners on My Bitch.You coming, Pubic Head?The mountain family.Mountain mama Olivia is preparing a meal for her brood.Hello again.The beginning of the downhill.Steep it was.A couple of kids encountered on the way down.Cookie time!Did I mention it was steep?I got this!What’s Up Doc patiently awaits for us slowpokes to make it down.Flat earth!Over the river.Through the fields.That wall is a real pain in the ass to get down.In the shadow of Black Rock.The lonely life of a Hasher.Wide-open spaces.Ducks on a pond, er, puddle.On the Govic highway, headed for On-Home.First time at Yero’s. I expect we’ll be back.A full house of Hashers.The garlic parmesan wings were quite tasty.An example of the wall art featured at Yero’s. This one loosely translates to “I don’t give a fuck if you don’t think I’m handsome.”Perhaps you’ll notice the feature that led to What’s Up Doc getting her Hash name.Hanging out until it’s time to circle up.
So, that’s the way we rolled yesterday. Hope you enjoyed sharing the ride.
I’m going to work on rewriting these lyrics into a Hash song.
I needed a cash infusion yesterday, and I also needed exercise after my lazy Saturday, so I hoofed it on out to Subic town and raided the BPI ATM there.
There and back again was almost 10K.
It was a hot hike, and almost all of it was on the National highway, my least favorite place to walk. You need to be prepared to dodge a lot of traffic, an eclectic mix of cars, Jeepneys, trikes, and scooters at a moment’s notice. Not much beauty to be seen there either, but I did my best to find something worthy of a photograph along the way.
There was this blooming tree.This flowering bush.I guess this one is some kind of mixed-race hybrid.
And then, towards the end of the walk, I received a message from God.
I’m trying. I’m really trying!
I began my Sunday evening at It Doesn’t Matter. I once again purchased six raffle tickets for 500 pesos. During the drawing, I was pleasantly surprised to have my name called three times; each prize was for bar discount coupons at various venues around town. One of them was at IDM–500 pesos off my bar tab. So, I basically got the money invested in the raffle back, plus some “buy one, get one” bargains to be enjoyed. I’d call that a win!
After the drawing, I moved down to Wet Spot to have a chat with the gal that had professed her love for me. She wasn’t there when I arrived but showed up about thirty minutes later. As soon as she saw me, she took off and hid somewhere in the back. That seemed like rather bizarre behavior, but it was also nice to have her reveal the true nature of her character. Or at least to demonstrate that her definition of “love” does not translate in my world. I did wake up to this message from her this morning:
Sorry about last night.. sorry also about your broken heart.. i understand you not ready for a relationship for now.. i just feel a little hurt. Maybe i just forget my feelings for you.. but hope we can still be friends though.. like we used to sit together and laugh and joke lang.. see you again next time.. take care john
I wasn’t all that gracious in my response, telling her that I had come to talk and better understand her feelings. And that her behavior had given me the understanding I needed, and I thanked her for that.
Apparently, I was on some kind of roll because, for some unfathomable reason, I messaged my ex and asked how she was doing. She responded that she had seen me walking in Subic and called out to me, but I didn’t answer. I told her I had been wearing my headphones and jokingly added that I had been singing love songs to her as I walked. She sent one of those laughing emojis in response. And that’s where the conversation ended. In sober hindsight, I know that’s for the best. I’m likely still vulnerable enough to get sucked back in with the slightest encouragement from her. I’ve taken a vow to never again initiate contact. Maybe I’ve learned my lesson this time.
I didn’t stay out late last night because I had dinner cooking in the crockpot–a pot roast.
And this time, the meat was falling-apart tender, just the way I like it. I don’t know if it is because I took Kevin Kim’s advice and thoroughly defrosted the meat or if it is just a higher quality beef roast. Maybe both. I was pleased with the result, though and had some leftovers for breakfast.
Feeling energetic this morning, and so did a 5K Baloy Beach walk, despite the fact that I’ve got a Hash coming up this afternoon.
Life’s a beach sometimes.
And that’s where things stand as of now. See you tomorrow with a Hash report. In the meantime, here’s a flashback to the 1970s you might enjoyed. Is it any wonder I’m so fucked up?