Afternoon delight

Here’s how my Sunday Funday went down.

Started the morning with an abbreviated walk on the streets of Barretto.

It’s usually an 8K trek, but the Hashmobile pulled up alongside me, and I was offered a ride. It resolved the debate in my mind about whether to eat at Sit-n-Bull or walk on home. I liked the third option best.

When I arrived home, I got busy filling my crockpot with the ingredients for a batch of chili. Then I showered up and prepared for the arrival of an afternoon visitor.

Marla finally overcame my resistance, and I agreed to have a get-together at 1 p.m.

She’s got a certain style and grace about her. I mean, I know it’s all about the money, but money is never mentioned. None of the usual sob stories about hungry kids or bills to pay. Just “I want to see you” and “I want to be with you” entreaties. And of course, she accompanies her requests with some pictures emphasizing her ASSets. I held out as long as I could, but after all, I’m just a man.

I’ll give her this; she’s a real pro. Once we got down to business, she was quick to cater to my wants and desires. I didn’t last long. What was missing was any type of emotional connection, and for me, that ultimately makes the experience less than satisfying. Oh well, I expect my resistance will hold for at least a couple more weeks unless something better comes along.

When beer o’clock came around, I made my way to It Doesn’t Matter. Sat at the owner’s table with a couple of other guys I know and did some socializing. It was raffle Sunday, so I bought six tickets. When it came time to do the drawing, once again, three of the six tickets were winners. I came away with a 200 peso discount at IDM and dinner for two (Thai food) at Jurassic, located way out in Calapadayan. It might be worth the trip if I can find a date. I also won another packet of discount coupons for various bars around town.

One of the coupons was for Cheap Charlies. Since being ignored by the girls on my last visit, I hadn’t been back there. I decided to end the boycott, but I would ignore the girls this time. Instead of waiting to be served, I went directly to the bar and ordered a beer, bypassing the waitress. Alma, who was only guilty by association, was soon by my side. After the way I had been treated, I told her that my days of buying lady drinks at Cheap Charlies were over. That didn’t dissuade her from staying and chatting, though. And when it came time for my second drink, I relented and let her get a lady drink too. A bit later, another girl came and started the back rubbing routine. I ignored her at first, then told her of my disappointment in her previous behavior. She insisted she had been occupied with another customer that night. Oh well, it was really my fault for pretending I was ever anything more than a source of drink commissions. In the end, I bought her a drink as well. So much for my intention to be a hard ass. I guess I do enjoy playing the game.

Me and my Cheap Charlies cohorts.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking, baby?”
Oops! I guess not. Oh well.

Anyway, it’s all in fun. Just don’t take any of it seriously.

aOnly on days that end in “y”

As soon as I walked outside from Cheap Charlies, the skies opened up, and the rain came down. Luckily, there was a trike waiting for me across the street. That kept some of the rain off me on the ride home.

I was hungry and knew supper was waiting for me in the crockpot.

A small batch for a lonely bachelor.
Chili and corn muffins! Tasted better than it looks. It had more tang than usual because I didn’t adjust the seasoning for the reduced volume. I liked it that way, though.

I did my traditional Monday beach walk this morning, right at 5K roundtrip.

Lots of folks out enjoying the morning sun and sand.
It’s good to be alive.

I’ve got the Hash coming up this afternoon. A Guenter trail and the “sane” Hash group are already plotting our shortcuts. Look for a full report tomorrow.

No one is knocking at my door. Chatted with Lyn in Angeles last night and expressed my hope she’d be coming to visit soon. She said she needs to go back to work. I suggested she look for work here in Barretto. I don’t think she’s interested in doing that. Or in me.


4 thoughts on “Afternoon delight

  1. Congratulations 🎊 👏 on your afternoon delight 😊

    At least now you can admit that you enjoy playing the game.
    Although I am pretty sure that you’re the target and they’re the players, it’s still a great game.

    You have a stellar reputation such that even the presence of a big spender doesn’t make the girls forget you

  2. Chili looks good! I’m looking closely at your crock pot for the first time and noticing it’s elliptical, the way mine is. Wonder if it’s the same brand.

  3. James, yes, the game is all about separating the customer from his pesos. The fun part is making them work to make you feel “special”. The girls don’t forget the guys willing to participate–the more you spend the more they “love” you…

  4. Kev, all my slow cookers have had that shape, including the brand name “Crockpot”. When I needed to replace the Crockpot I brought with me it would have cost like $150. to get one shipped here. It took a while, but I found the slow cooker I have now at a department store. The brand is Kyowa which I’ve never heard of. It works fine but doesn’t have a timer option, just heat settings.

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