A blooming idiot

I needed a cash infusion yesterday, and I also needed exercise after my lazy Saturday, so I hoofed it on out to Subic town and raided the BPI ATM there.

There and back again was almost 10K.

It was a hot hike, and almost all of it was on the National highway, my least favorite place to walk. You need to be prepared to dodge a lot of traffic, an eclectic mix of cars, Jeepneys, trikes, and scooters at a moment’s notice. Not much beauty to be seen there either, but I did my best to find something worthy of a photograph along the way.

There was this blooming tree.
This flowering bush.
I guess this one is some kind of mixed-race hybrid.

And then, towards the end of the walk, I received a message from God.

I’m trying. I’m really trying!

I began my Sunday evening at It Doesn’t Matter. I once again purchased six raffle tickets for 500 pesos. During the drawing, I was pleasantly surprised to have my name called three times; each prize was for bar discount coupons at various venues around town. One of them was at IDM–500 pesos off my bar tab. So, I basically got the money invested in the raffle back, plus some “buy one, get one” bargains to be enjoyed. I’d call that a win!

After the drawing, I moved down to Wet Spot to have a chat with the gal that had professed her love for me. She wasn’t there when I arrived but showed up about thirty minutes later. As soon as she saw me, she took off and hid somewhere in the back. That seemed like rather bizarre behavior, but it was also nice to have her reveal the true nature of her character. Or at least to demonstrate that her definition of “love” does not translate in my world. I did wake up to this message from her this morning:

Sorry about last night.. sorry also about your broken heart.. i understand you not ready for a relationship for now.. i just feel a little hurt. Maybe i just forget my feelings for you.. but hope we can still be friends though.. like we used to sit together and laugh and joke lang.. see you again next time.. take care john

I wasn’t all that gracious in my response, telling her that I had come to talk and better understand her feelings. And that her behavior had given me the understanding I needed, and I thanked her for that.

Apparently, I was on some kind of roll because, for some unfathomable reason, I messaged my ex and asked how she was doing. She responded that she had seen me walking in Subic and called out to me, but I didn’t answer. I told her I had been wearing my headphones and jokingly added that I had been singing love songs to her as I walked. She sent one of those laughing emojis in response. And that’s where the conversation ended. In sober hindsight, I know that’s for the best. I’m likely still vulnerable enough to get sucked back in with the slightest encouragement from her. I’ve taken a vow to never again initiate contact. Maybe I’ve learned my lesson this time.

I didn’t stay out late last night because I had dinner cooking in the crockpot–a pot roast.

And this time, the meat was falling-apart tender, just the way I like it. I don’t know if it is because I took Kevin Kim’s advice and thoroughly defrosted the meat or if it is just a higher quality beef roast. Maybe both. I was pleased with the result, though and had some leftovers for breakfast.

Feeling energetic this morning, and so did a 5K Baloy Beach walk, despite the fact that I’ve got a Hash coming up this afternoon.

Life’s a beach sometimes.

And that’s where things stand as of now. See you tomorrow with a Hash report. In the meantime, here’s a flashback to the 1970s you might enjoyed. Is it any wonder I’m so fucked up?

They are all older than me now.

4 thoughts on “A blooming idiot

  1. Life rolls on, and the beers roll in.

    Pot roast looks good!

    Sorry to harp on the lung issue, but I know you’ve dealt with COPD, and I can’t help but think of Leonard Nimoy, who had quit smoking decades earlier, yet his COPD caught up with him in the end. I don’t know much about that condition, but Nimoy’s case shows that it can be latent for long periods before randomly striking. That’s scary stuff, so please stay on top of your lung-related problems.

    Otherwise, walk on!

  2. When I was first diagnosed, I had level 2 COPD. I was advised that the lung damage was permanent, and the best I could hope for was to stop the COPD from advancing to the next level by living a healthier lifestyle. I’m still taking most of the meds I was prescribed back then that primarily deal with alleviating symptoms such as shortness of breath.

    My real concern now is that some of those symptoms are returning. Nothing like the bad old days when I’d have to sit down to catch my breath while walking. Still, I have to use my nebulizer on a daily basis instead of weekly. And coupled with my blood pressure rise, I’m concerned that something is going wrong. Hopefully, an adjustment in my meds will make a difference.

    Thanks for your concern!

  3. Translation:
    I was expecting some other dude who I bonked yesterday to show up any minute and give me more money, and thus your presence was ill-timed and inconvenient for me. I’d like to keep you on the back burner until he splits or finds something better, or I’m really desperate for cash, at which time my previously professed love will promptly reappear. In the meantime, maybe you can just give me a little money to prove there’s no hard feelings so I don’t have to keep pouting?

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