It only takes two…

…to add the “s” to walker. Only Troy and I showed up for the hike yesterday, but the Wednesday Walkers marched on anyway. A lot of the group is preparing for our special event “sausage walk” on Friday, I suppose. There is also a campout tonight out where we’ll be hiking. I’m not going to do that particular activity. I’m a creature of comfort these days.

Daniel is already there, getting set up for a night on the river in Castillejos.

Photos from yesterday’s hike later in this post.

Here’s a shot of my Lucky boy working on his tan.

In darts, we beat the team from Blue Butterfly 11-2 yesterday. Next week we go head-to-head with our second place rivals in a winner-takes-all match. We will need to bring our best game if we have any hope of winning.

It occurred to me that I’ve never actually eaten at our dart league sponsor’s venue, Lagoon. I rectified that yesterday. The posted daily special was a “grilled meat platter,” so I gave it a try.

Beef, pork, and chicken. All quite tender and tasty. It was a lot of meat for 450 pesos ($9.) and it filled the void in my belly satisfactorily.

After my meal, I headed up the beach for some beers at McCoy’s.

Sand and bay…
On the beach.
And on the water.
The bar, the videoke, and young women singing.
So, I made the best of it.
And watched the sun go down.
I very rarely eat at McCoy’s, but some of these specials looked interesting. I saw some of them being served to the ladies behind me and the portions looked small. Of course, I had just gorged myself at Lagoon, so it didn’t matter to me. Maybe next time.

After a couple of beers, I hoofed it back to Barretto. Stopped at the Snackbar because it was there, and she wasn’t. I had a pleasant enough time telling my old jokes to new faces. Finished my night at Outback. My bartender friend says she is going to Hash on Monday. I hope she does. I’m one of the Hares, so I probably won’t be hiking the trail during the Hash though.

Alright then, here are the pictures from the Wednesday Walkers:

The way we went. Basically, just a pleasant flat valley walk.
Our “group” for the day.
Heading into Alta Vista.
Heading out of Alta Vista.
Walking the plank.
The puddled streets of San Isidro.
Cookie stop.
The mountain that towers over the valley.
The grass that towers over the hiker.
I’m always wary around a horny carabao.
Down in the valley, the valley so low.
A ridgeline to be hiked another day.
Shade is good to find. It was a hot motherfucker yesterday.
A stretch on Sawmill road.
On Bridge #3.
Pausing for the traditional group shot.
Heading back home.

You can Relive it all here if you’d like:

That’s how my yesterday went. I’ll tell you about today, tomorrow. I’m expecting some Joy this afternoon.

Here we go again.

5 thoughts on “It only takes two…

  1. Daniel’s got a large, luxurious tent compared to my bivy (example here). That’s a mansion compared to my little coffin.

    Congrats on darts, and on the walk with Troy. Good luck with the upcoming trek!

  2. Thanks. Daniel is a big guy and I’m guessing he’s there with his wife and dog as well. I was surprised, I thought you had a tent you carried in your backpack…the one at the link looks too big for that.

  3. My bivy tent is literally the size of a coffin, only a little bit bigger than my own body. So yeah, I do carry it in my backpack, along with a foam mat and a rolled-up sleeping bag.

  4. Cool. Is it lighter or easier to pack than those round one-man popups?

    I used to be big into camping as a young man. These days, the discomfort outweighs the getting back to nature benefits. When this camping trip was being planned I briefly considered it then thought about the mosquitos, the lack of shower, flushing toilets, etc. Nope. I’ll enjoy the hike and the cookout this afternoon but was happy to wake up in my bedroom this morning.

  5. I’d say my bivy is indeed lighter than those one-man pop-ups. And it’s got no tent stakes or any of that other nonsense, aside from a groundsheet that serves as the bivy’s “footprint.”

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