How about when it is marked so poorly no one can follow it? I honestly don’t get why a Hare can’t be bothered to leave some powder and/or chalk marks at regular intervals along the chosen path. Certainly as a minimum, there ought to be clear indications of the intended directions at every junction and turning point. Yesterday’s trail, and I’m using that term loosely, was barely marked at all, which resulted in lots of missed opportunities. Hell, even us short-cutters couldn’t find the trail as intended, so we had no idea what we were unintentionally missing. Very disappointing and unnecessary.
Still managed about 7.5K on the afternoon, which was enough to wear me out. Next week is the Easter mountain climb and I’m honestly wondering if I have the strength and stamina necessary for that hike. As of now, my intention is to give it a go, I just hope I’m feeling more energetic by then. It was announced during the Hash circle last night that one of our members, Cum On My Boat, is potentially suffering from a COVID-related illness and has self-quarantined. She was one of the people I shared a vehicle to and from Angeles City a couple of weeks ago. And now she’s the second passenger in that car to fall ill, not including me. She actually didn’t start feeling any symptoms until Friday, the day after the birthday I also attended along with 50 or so other guests. That’s gonna be one hell of a contact tracing effort! Anyway, I’m still not reading much into this and I still don’t see any reason to believe I’ve got something more serious than a flu-like bug. It’s just all a little closer to home than I prefer.
To the Hash pictures then:
This trail seems to be marked much better than the one we had to try and follow.Our “sane” Hash group continues to grow each week. On-On! It was mostly an urban trail. One moderate climb (we intentionally missed another) and then finding our own way down because the trail was so poorly marked.Rollin’ on up…The climb begins.Playing catch up…Resting near the top.Back on the streets of San Isidro…Are we there yet?“Jesus can’t go Hashing ’cause He’s hanging on a cross…” is an actual Hash song lyric. Yeah, we’re gonna burn in Hell for sure…Move those asses, ladies!I’ve got some cookies in my bag. And I did ask mama first!Our canine Hasher “Doggy Style”.Our first time at this On-Home venue, Smokes and Bottles. They seemed very happy to have us there.The Gash always seem to have fun wherever we are.A belated Happy Birthday, Hash-style…Congrats to Anal Intruder on the occasion of her 69th run with Subic Bay Hash.
Anyway, I bitch and moan like the cantankerous old fuck that I am. The trail sucked yesterday, but I was outdoors in the fresh air and I still managed to enjoy myself. Of course, lots of beers afterward in a very nice establishment made forgetting the negatives all the easier.
I had an encounter with Joy this afternoon, and I’ll tell you about that tomorrow.
I thought I was, so I looked in the freezer to find something quick and easy to prepare. Then I remembered I’d bought a TV dinner, sort of on whim (was surprised to see it in Royal), and figured now was as good a time as any to pop it into the microwave.
Thanks for giving this blessing today, Lord…Wait a minute! That’s not how it looked on the box!
It didn’t taste as good as I remembered, either. Oh well, sometimes those strolls down memory lane don’t go as planned. Best to leave the past in the past, I suppose.
Speaking of strolls, had a good one at yesterday’s Hash. And when I say good, I mean, good and hard. The “sane” group I hike with sliced about 1.5K off a 6K, Leech My Nuggets, trail. But that still left us with three climbs and two steep and slippery downs. (If you are wondering about the disparity between the number of ups and downs, the hike ended in Alta Vista after the third climb). And when I bitch and moan about the DOWNHILL more than the ascent, you know it had to be wicked bad. It wasn’t just the steepness going down, although that was tough, damn it was slippery as hell too. The grass and leaves are always something to be reckoned with, but yesterday there were loose rocks and pebbles underfoot as well. Gave a whole new meaning to “rock and roll” and I was moving along, kinda like a rolling stone.
Obviously, I lived to tell about it. I had also been worried about how my recent illness would impact my durability and stamina, but once I finished the first climb, it felt like I’d gotten my second wind. Leech My Nuggets always lays a tough trail, so it feels like a special accomplishment to make it to the end. The end was at Leech’s newly constructed house, and he threw a nice On-Home party, including a tasty spread of food, for his fellow Hashers.
Here’s the story in pictures (most of which aren’t mine):
The way it was for us.The first climb of the day began here…Upsadaisy…A Barretto/Bay view…Up amongst the rooftops…Enjoy that level path while you can…The first down actually wasn’t too bad...Leech is known for his always well-marked trails.Marching towards our second climb of the afternoon…Helter-Skelter…Okay, here we go…Oddly enough, sometimes it seemed more slippery going across, rather than down, the hillside…Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground.Easier said than done…A brief respite…You guys coming?It appears that Pubic Head (behind the tree) is on all fours. Again.Oh, a portion of the trail included walking through a creek bed. That’s never a good time!No broken bones. That leg looks fine to me. Almost tasty…Greetings to you, Easter mountain.Commencing the final climb of the afternoon.On-Home and on the ice.Helping to deflower our virgin Hasher…Thanks for having over to the house, Leech (that’s him on the right in yellow).
Man, I thought maybe I’d sweated out the last of this bug that’s been bugging me, but I still have almost no energy. I took a nap before sitting down to write this post, and I’ll be damned, but I feel like I need another one now. Ah well, one of the benefits of being I retired I suppose–time is my bitch. At least until I run out of time. No time soon I hope.
It was good to be back on familiar ground at yesterday’s Hash. The trail technically started at the VFW, but since we knew it was going through Alta Vista a group of us just met up at my house. It was actually a nice and pretty easy hike up and over Black Rock mountain, then on out to our On-Home at Hunter Jo’s Inn in Calapadayan.
There was a second hill we bypassed. The Hare’s had provided a rope to assist with the climb, but we said nope to that and took the long way around instead. Afterward, the Hare asked if we had done the rope climb and we admitted we hadn’t. He said he had considered marking the way went as an “easy” version of the trail, but realized anyone inclined to take the easy route would already know which way to go. He was right about that!
I don’t recall ever doing three Hashes in a row before, but I have now for sure. Today is my off day so I’m getting recharged for tomorrow’s hike with the Wednesday Walkers. Here are the photos from yesterday:
The path we walked.Gathering up and getting ready to head out from my house…This is only a three-foot drop, but that’s a bit more than I’m comfortable jumping. After contemplating my options and considering possible consequences, I sat on my ass and scooted down. All that I hurt was my pride.Across a mostly dry rice paddy…Ducks on a pond.A brief jaunt on the GOVIC highway.Beyond that gate lies the steep climb we bypassed.Courtesy of someone else’s Facebook page, here’s what that climb looked like.This is the way we chose to go. Can you see the difference?Almost to the top of Black Rock...Taking a rest and enjoying the best views in the Subic area.Selfie time. What do you mean I’m blocking the view?Fine. Happy now?Looking back from whence we came. That’s Alta Vista on the hill on the far side of the valley. And yes, I can see Black Rock from my upstairs bedroom window.Alright time to head to the bottom. Our way up was not nearly as steep as this way down.Steady as she goes. Actually, when it is dry out this rock face provides much better footing than a lot of surfaces. Not slippery at all.Still, unless you can defy gravity it’s a bit tricky in places.Cookies for the family living at the bottom of the hill.A hop, skip, and a jump over the creek.The narrow streets of Calapacuan.The neighbors shouted “one at a time!” at this crossing...But this bridge was sturdy enough for us all.A final push towards the highway…Then a leisurely stroll On-HomeHares on ice.Deflowering some virgins. The one in yellow was my favorite. Damn my imagination!And then the sun set on another day of Hashing.
I’ll be back tomorrow with some tales about the latest weirdness in my life. In the meantime, there is this:
I’m really not an anti-vaxxer and will be willing to get the shot(s) if it restores my freedom to travel. But still, I don’t get how the left says this isn’t okay…Please don’t trash this post.
Toe. Although I guess technically I walked a little over two miles to see a camel toe show.
Different Hash kennels have different personalities it seems. At the Subic Hash, we are irreverent and not PC at all. La Union, on the other hand, bills itself as a family Hash. They would never countenance some of the songs we sing in Subic. In fact, they asked some of us with crude names to not use them when we participated in one of their Hashes. This Corona group is WAY out there on the spectrum when it comes to sexual innuendo, and dare I say it, exploitation. The camel toe contest was an example of that. They also did a “big dickus” thing that I thankfully didn’t stick around for. Anyway, I’m no prude and I wasn’t offended, but some of the shenanigans were tiresome and made the circle last much longer than I like.
With that said, I’ll share some pictures I took of the camel toe event. It was hard to get good shots from where I was standing and the girls seemed more inclined to show their butts than their pussies, but here’s what I got:
The contestants.Participant #1backside.And upfront…#2 back…and side…didn’t manage a front shot on this one.Only shot I got of #3.Number 4 from a distance...And closer up…The only shot I got of #5.And the final contestant, #6.Yowzah!
Everyone has their own idea about what’s hot or not, but damn, #6 tripped my triggers. I’d actually noticed her long before the contest started and wished that…well, never mind. The other thing that stood out to me was her boyfriend, a guy who looks older than me and not in good physical shape, forced her to participate. She resisted and refused until he physically pulled her out of the chair and into the circle. Not a pleasant thing to see. Having said that, once she was in the competition she put forth some effort to win. Not in the slutty way some of the gals tried, i.e. twerking and the like, she just strutted her stuff with dignity. Let that hot body do all the talking as it were. Well, she did pull those shorts up some I guess to emphasize the feature that was being judged. It looked good from my perspective!
And the majority of folks in attendance apparently agreed, as #6 won the contest.
And there you have the promised camel toe post. You know, it seems to me cameltoe should be one word, But my spellchecker says that ain’t right. Sorta like this I guess:
Back home safe and sound. Well, as sound as I’m ever gonna be anyway. Now that I’m done with the Corona Hash weekend, it is time to gear up for today’s Subic Hash. So, let me do a quick down and dirty about yesterday’s happenings in Angeles.
We all gathered at the appointed time and place, the Premiere Hotel in AC. There were three Jeepneys parked in a lot and one nearby parked on the street. There was no one around from the Corona Hash to provide any guidance. At the appointed departure time of 1:30, a Hasher from La Union went over to the Jeepney on the street and the driver was heard to have said “this Jeep is for the easy trail”. So, the Hasher came back and relayed the information that anyone doing the short trail should board the street parked Jeepney and everyone else in the other three. About eight folks boarded the easy Jeep and five other people got in with me and my driver. I told my driver to follow the street-parked Jeepney to the trail. And so we waited. And waited.
As 2:00 p.m. neared I went over to the Jeepney and spoke with the driver. His English was very hard to understand, but I thought he said “waiting for 2 more”. That pissed me off, why should we wait on folks who couldn’t arrive on time? Still, nothing I could do about it, and not knowing where the “easy” was starting, we had to follow the Jeepney driver. When 2:00 passed I went over to a couple of Hashers sitting outside the sign-up venue. I asked if they could shed any light on the situation. They said we are Angeles City hashers and the Jeep is for Angeles Hashers, not the Corona Hash. Apparently what the driver had told the La Union Hasher was “this is for AC trail”, not easy trail. Well, fuck! I went and told the unhappy folks waiting in the Jeep that we were screwed. Now what? Went back to my car and discussed the situation with my riders. We had the GPS coordinates for the Corona Hash On-Home location, for all the good that did me with my non-existent tech skills. Well, not a problem for the Dutchman, Max (Nosy Bastard). I gave him my phone and in just a couple of minutes, we had a map to where we needed to go. I gave the paper with the coordinates on it to the other stranded Hashers and suggested they see if a cab could take them there. We pulled out and thirty minutes later arrived where we should have been 40 minutes earlier.
So we took off to do the short trail, which was incorporated into the long trail as was done on Saturday. There was steep, but not real long, climb to the top of the ridge. What made it more difficult for me was that the trail was covered in a powdery volcanic dust (Mount Pinatubo was only 11km away). Breathing that shit in got my lungs into full-on coughing mode. For the first time in a long time I needed to use the emergency inhaler that I carry for situations like this. A couple of squirts did seem to help, as did reaching the top relatively quickly.
After that, it was a nice hike along the ridgeline, then back down a not too steep path leading to the road that took us to the On-Home camp. Around 4.5K for the short trail Whatever temptation I may have felt to do the long trail was canceled by our late start. Probably a good thing because even the fastest of the Subic Hashers on the long trail arrived a good bit after we finished the short one, notwithstanding our late start.
And it the all’s well that end’s well category, those unfortunate Hashers we left behind in Angeles were able to contact the Corona Hash leader by phone. He sent a Jeepney to pick them up and they arrived in time to tackle the short trail as well.
The Hash circle on the other hand was another tiresome affair; longwinded, egotistical MC’s dragging things out much longer than necessary. My fear that this would happen is why I had my driver come a day early. By 6:30 I had had enough and bailed out early, forgoing the already paid for dinner portion of the Hash. There was one highlight, a camel toe contest, that I’ll cover in a subsequent post.
Here are some photos from yesterday’s adventure:
We are On-On! Everyone else was long gone, so just the 5 of us on trail.No pictures from the climb, it was all I could do to breathe.That’s Leech My Pussy making her way along the ridge.Goats on a hillside. Ain’t life grand?One of the mountain views I enjoyed.Proudly marching forward.You can perhaps see the powdery dirt we encountered in places. Felt like walking on a sandy beach. Each footstep kicked up a small cloud of dust which my lungs did not appreciate.The majority of the trail was good old fashioned packed dirt, just the way I like it.There was some tall thatch grass in places too.Alright, you already know which direction I turned…The long trail was reported to be extraordinarily scenic. Our trail wasn’t bad though…I rather fancied this flowering tree…A banana farm in the middle of nowhere...None of us had ever walked through a gully quite like this one before.We speculated as to whether its formation may have somehow been related to the volcanic eruption in 1991. None of us being geologists, the question went unanswered.Following Fuck Buddy on home...The Subic Bay Hashers in attendance to help the Corona Hash celebrate it’s first anniversary.The long and mostly boring Hash circle in progress…Here’s a little teaser–the camel toe contestants. I’ll let you speculate on who one for now. More pictures and commentary tomorrow!
And that was the day. I’m told the circle continued after the meal and the proceedings finally finished around 10 p.m. So glad I planned ahead. And now it is time to do it again here with the Subic Hash.
The title of this post pretty much sums up my first experience with the Corona Hash House Harriers here in Angeles City.
First to the good–I rather enjoyed the trail. I took the shorter version and found it to be just about right for me; one climb, a somewhat challenging creek side portion, and an interesting walk through a village of the Aeta native people. I *almost* regretted not taking the turn for the long trail until I learned later that it included a knee-high river crossing. Who wants wet shoes for today’s hike?
The bad part came after the actual Hash hike. The circle started late, and was overwrought and over long. Apparently, there is some bad blood between the breakaway Corona hashers and the original Angeles City Hash. So we had to listen to songs and commentary bashing the latter for a good portion of the circle. There were four other Hash groups in attendance (La Union, Subic, and two from Manila) and they all took turns doing their shtick, which rapidly became quite boring. And it just went on and on and on. I grew increasingly agitated because I was tired and hungry. When the circle FINALLY concluded, we had to walk up a steep hill to reach the Jeepneys for transport back to town. No fun after a few hours of drinking–I was pissed under two definitions of the word. Almost three, as I really had to pee during the ride back.
Anyway, we’ll see how it goes today. I had my driver arrive early so he can provide transportation back to town if I can’t endure another Hash circle reaching it’s conclusion. This is the big one-year anniversary event for the Corona Hash and will include an on-site after-circle dinner. Could make for a long day, let’s hope they keep it fun and interesting. Yes, I know I sound like a grumpy old man. I’m afraid that shoe might just fit.
Here are the photos from yesterday’s adventure:
The unique comfort of riding in a Jeepney.The Jeepney in which we rode. There were three all together.Written instructions left by the Hare. The long trail split off at about the 3.5K point. The junction wasn’t marked as well as it could have been. Some people did the long trail because they didn’t see the markers for the short trail. And we are On-On!It’s always nice to have some new vistas to enjoy.The first portion was on a road……which gave way to a path……through a mountain valley.A traffic jam at the first of several creek crossings. Jumping rock-to-rock made for some slow going…Still waiting my turn to cross…Once across, we followed the creek bed for quite some distance, crossing over from one side to the other frequently.The rocky banks were indeed slippery in places.The babbling brook in all her glory.Buddy Fucker, Fuck Buddy, and Jessa (no Hash name yet).One last crossing……then we left the creek behind for good.We climbed back up to the ridgeline…The entered this Aeta village…The native children were very friendly.Picture time with the strangers…Burn, baby, burn! ‘Tis the season.We didn’t miss this critical turn…On-Down!And finally the On-Home is in sight.Hanging out prior to the circle……standing around waiting for the circle.And at last the circle finally began. Then it seemed like it would never end.When the circle finally did end, we had to climb a big ass hill to catch a ride.
So, there was a group dinner back in town that I skipped. Had a mediocre chicken sandwich at a sports pub near my hotel instead. As usual, I was in bed by 9:00 p.m.
Time to grab some lunch now and get ready for today’s trail. I’ll try and keep a positive attitude and have some fun. If not, I’ll bitch and moan about it here tomorrow. Fair enough?
I am happy to report that there were no casualties during yesterday’s Hash. Well, one guy didn’t finish until after 5:00 (we started at 2:30) and we got a little worried about him. He’s one of us slow oldsters, but that’s even slower than normal. He said he’d taken three falls along the way on loose leaves and the like and needed a rest along the trail as well. I was disappointed to learn he’d been out there alone the whole time too. His girlfriend, along with most of the other females, opted to not do the trail and stick to the pavement. I felt bad for the guy, but what are you going to do?
Feedback from the other Hashers was mostly positive, so there’s that. There were a couple of places we could have made the trail markings clearer, but that’s the way it goes sometimes. The Hash circle seemed to go well, notwithstanding the time I spent on the ice as one of the Hares. My chili sold out again and I got lots of compliments on that. People even noticed that I used both pinto and kidney beans. Maybe I’ll enter the chili cookoff competition this year! (kidding)
Chili con carne in the crockpot. With frijoles chilenos.Laying down that powder!Chatting with the locals…Climb every mountain…A Hare’s ass on ice.A view from our On-Home at the Alta Vista Community Center.Don’t let the sun go down on me.The ever-present Easter mountain.Free beer for all the Hashers!Chillin’ with my neighbor…With my fellow Hares–Blow My Pipe and Pubic Head.
Speaking of Hashing, next weekend I’ll be in Angeles City to help the Corona Hash celebrate it’s first anniversary. Kind of a last minute decision on my part to join a pretty large contingent coming from the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers. I’m a little nervous because the Corona Hash broke away from the Angeles City Hash in part, as I understand it, because the AC Hash wasn’t adventurous enough and had easy trails. Well, I don’t know the area very well so shortcutting might not be an option, but I’m going to give it a go anyway.
I must say though that just making a hotel reservation this morning proved to be quite the adventure in and of itself. First I went to the webpage of my preferred hotel (or at least the one most guys from Subic are staying at) and booked a room for three nights. Then I got a message that a deposit for one night’s lodging had to be transferred into the hotel’s bank by Thursday. WTF? Isn’t that what credit cards are for? Anyway, I don’t know the procedure for doing a bank transfer and I don’t plan to learn.
So, I booked through Agoda, which is how I used to roll in those long-ago days when I actually could travel and needed to make hotel reservations. Max, the guy who drinks poisoned water, is going with me and he secured a room as well through He shared the price he got and I wanted to compare the rate with Agoda. That’s when I realized that I had booked a room for Thursday night only–I’m arriving on Friday. Geez, not sure how I screwed that up. So, I went in a canceled that reservation and made a new one for the weekend. Then just before I left the house to go shopping, I got a message from Agoda that “something had gone wrong” and my reservation was canceled. I figured I’d deal with it when I got back home.
After finishing my grocery shopping, I checked with Agoda and still had no confirmation. To hell with that, let’s see how does. Easy as pie! Had the booking, confirmation, and an app for my phone so I didn’t have to print the confirmation. While I was playing with my new phone app, I noticed something that seemed a little off somehow. So, I looked at the calendar. I’d been making reservations all morning for NEXT weekend, not THIS weekend when I’m actually traveling. Jesus. So, I canceled the reservation and made the correct one this time. And it was actually about twenty dollars cheaper. Maybe I’ll use that money to get my head examined. Or change my name to Biden.
Groceries came in at $300. again, still too much, but better than $400 I was spending.
Now I’m going to take a walk to Baloy beach. Nothing too unusual about that except this time I’m going to be looking to see what’s available for rent. I think I’d rather stay in my overpriced house here than go through the hassle of moving, but I’ve made up my mind that I’m not going to suffer any rent increase whatsoever when the lease expires in June. So, if the landlady is to be believed, there’s a move in my future.
I’ve got some updated begging stories, but I’ll save those for another day.
Just back from a three hour jaunt in the mountains around Barretto to help mark today’s Hash trail with my fellow Hares, Pubic Head and Blow My Pipe. The regular trail is just a little over 6K with two decent climbs. By decent, I mean not insane. We also added a 1.5K loop with another climb for those who prefer a longer trail.
It looks like this.
I’ll need to shower up then head out to the VFW for the 2:30 send-off. Then I’ll make my way back to the Alta Vista Community Center for our On-Home activities. Makes for a long day, won’t even have time for my nap!
A couple of photos from the trail:
Good morning, Easter mountain!The lonely life of a Hare.But that trail ain’t gonna mark itself.One of my regular cookie stops. The kids were waiting, almost as if they had Hash radar…Anyway, we got it done and it all seemed to go well. Best trail ever!
In other news, I posted this on Facebook last night:
Along with the post, I wrote: “I’ve been saying this to the pussies and Karen’s from day 1”. I figured that would explode a head or two. The ex-wife #3 was one of them.
Carol responded: “I don’t think you have s good grasp on the concept of “Karen”.” Um, I can’t think of a better example of how Karens act. To better make my point I responded with an example I had personally experienced.
Oh, probably better than you. I posted a picture showing my dinner at a “speakeasy” that stayed open during lockdown for select customers like me. One of my facebook “friends” saw the photo and outed the restaurant by name. What a fuckin’ Karen! My being there had no impact on him while he hid like the pussy he is in his basement. I was born a free man and I choose to die as one should that become necessary.
Of course, when a lefty has no response, they just double down. Carol said: “yeah that’s not a Karen. You however are a scofflaw.” Okay, it was getting late and I had been drinking. So, I went “there” with a hypothetical: “Suedbeck [Carol’s maiden name}, that’s German right? Wonder if your ancestors had Jewish neighbors. I’m sure they wouldn’t be scofflaws and not report them. Geez, you’ve gone completely off the deep end.” Carol responded with laughing emojis and said she must have struck a nerve. Maybe I should have just let it go, but I didn’t.
That you could defend these idiotic policies makes me sad for you, that’s true. I will proudly wear the mantle of “scofflaw” whenever the government tries to impose strictures that imperil my freedom. It is what patriots do. So, run along now and keep doing what you are told by those who claim to know better than you.
Now, Carol and I have been fighting over politics since I abandoned liberal dogma shortly after 9/11/2001. It wasn’t the reason our marriage failed, but it didn’t help matters much either. What she said next was the typical crap I should expect, but it still surprises me that anyone could be so defiantly ignorant:
yeah Timothy McVey thought he was a patriot. And Benedict Arnold. And the idiots that stormed the Capitol. Being dumb, reckless and inconsiderate does not make you a patriot. It just makes you dumb, reckless and inconsiderate.
See what I mean? Oh well, it’s pointless to argue with someone who sees the world through those lenses. I closed out my argument with this:
keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about your surrender. That you would compare having a meal and a beer during lockdown with blowing up a building tells me there is no point in further discussion of this topic. Be a sheep if that is your lot in life. #donttreadonme#livefreeordie
And of course, Carol had to get in the last word: “baaa”. Well, at least she has embraced what she has become. Sadly, she is not alone.
Anyway, sorry for the detour into politics. I don’t engage often these days and the above exchange demonstrates the pointlessness of trying. Scary times.
Back tomorrow with more LTG goodness. Or whatever it is you call this crap.
Another Monday, another Hash run. That makes 69 in a row if you are keeping score. I’m not, but Pubic Head posts the stats every week and that number jumped out at me for some reason. Go figure. Anyway, nothing else to do each week until I can start traveling once again.
So, I left the house at 1:30 to head over to the VFW, the alleged starting point of the trail. I noticed the Hares, Vienna Sausage (Guenter), and Fuck a Duck, were marking trail here in Alta Vista. I knew that had to be the end portion so I was hopeful that I’d find the beginning of the trail marked at VFW. Nope. Just more bullshit from the Hare. Anyway, I signed up and paid my fees, then waited for other members of the “safe and sane” group to arrive. I noticed two of the Angeles City Hashers departing early (prior to 2:00 and well before the “official” 2:30 starting time), so they clearly knew where the trail began. I asked Anal Receptive, one of the runners and part of the Hare’s “in-crowd” if he knew where the trail started. He did too. Now recall that when I specifically asked the Hare where to start he declined to answer, instead telling me to wait until 2:30 with everyone else. So yeah, I was taking this crap personally.
My group arrived and we took off. I already had an alternative trail in mind, but I wanted to check out the area Anal Intruder indicated was the starting point. And sure enough, it was. Seeing as how we were there, we took it. Almost straight up–over 60% grade according to Google Earth. We did the climb at a diagonal angle for the most part, but it was a slippery and treacherous mess. We got to the top without incident or injury though. I’d been on this mountain numerous times, but never knew the up we had just taken existed. Why would I? I know of at least two other ways to the summit that are not insane.
Our group consists of older gents like me, some womenfolk, and others who prefer to enjoy a hike without dealing with Hares who want to outdo each other in making things as difficult as possible. Now don’t get me wrong, I know there are Hashers who want the kind of challenge that Guenter provides, and that’s fine. I’d say that our group outnumbers those folks though and that’s why we band together and shortcut as we deem appropriate. Yesterday was no exception.
So, it was a little ironic that after our climb we found ourselves on the trail I was planning to use as the alternative had we not been able to locate Guenter’s path. All’s well that end’s well I suppose and we were On-On! Here are some photos from the hike (I forgot to turn on my tracker so alas, there will be no Relive video):
Guenter’s trail in orange, our alternative path in purple. As you can see the original trail has lots of ups and downs. Our group sliced most of those off. We probably did about 1/3 of the Hare’s trail, but still got in more than 5K.That first climb really was a motherfucker though.How we looked when we reached the top.A nice view of where we came from though…The “Safe and Sane” group of Hashers. Actually, we started with two more. Flaming Asshole and Western Union Sperm Bank got too far ahead of the pack and missed our first shortcut. Their nightmare tales of what they experienced confirmed that we did the sane thing.A good portion of our bypass was taking the familiar and comfortable “My Bitch” trail. Interestingly, towards the end, Guenter’s trail once again intersected with ours.Hello again, Easter mountain.Fucking Cupcake on trail.With Buddy Fucker close behind.Cum Together, Nosey Bastard, Nosey Angel, and Black And Dick Her, waiting on the slowpokes to catch up.On-On we go!Heading back down…Show us the way Pubic Head…Another decision point. Stay on the Hare’s trail or not? When in doubt, shortcut! And that’s what we did!
As we passed through Alta Vista on our way to the On-Home at Queen Victoria, the group popped over to my place for a cold beer and to kill a few minutes. The Hash tradition is no drinking Hash beer before the first runner returns. We needed to give the suckers who did the long trail a chance to catch up!
Oh yeah, there’s another group of Hashers known as “socialites”. They don’t do any trail whatsoever. They get rewarded with some time on the ice.
After the Hash circle rituals were completed, a few of us headed over to Palm Tree for some grub.
I had pork chops but they weren’t nearly as good as the ones Mango’s serves next door.
And after beers and food, the Filipinas with us wanted to go to a videoke place to sing. The one next door was closed, so we hoofed it up the highway to McCoy’s where we enjoyed buckets of beer and I treated the audience to my croonings.
I did my renditions of “Crazy” by Patsy Cline and “I started a joke” by the Bee Gees. Yeah, I must have been drunk.
As hard as it is to believe, I stayed out until well after 9:00. That’s a very rare event for this oldtimer.
Anyway, it all turned out for the best. I did a trail that was mostly enjoyable and I did it my way and at a time of my choosing. Better luck next time Guenter!
Made it through another Hash alive. But before I get to that, here’s a quick update on the “mama” situation. The landlady gave me back half my money and says if and when she rents the place again she’ll give me the other half. That’s more than I expected. I saw mama last night camped out near the local 7/11 store and I provided her the standard 100 pesos to buy food. We did our usual greetings and acted as if the room thing never happened. So, it appears that all is well and right with the relationship.
To the Hash then. We had nine folks in our “lame, lazy, and sane” group. We met up and headed out for the trail an hour before the official start time. In fact, we walked from our meetup to the trailhead, thereby adding about 1.5 kilometers to the original trail. We fixed that by shortcutting one of the loops of similar length–the one going down the mountain then back up again. It’s always a hard climb when you do the big mountain, but our version of the trail was just about right–one big up and one smaller one. With our earlier start and our shortcut, we arrived On-Home just about the same time as the first runner returned. The beer flowed, I ordered take-out from Sit-n-Bull, and all was good.
Here are some photos for your viewing pleasure:
The green line is the trail that Leech My Nuggets laid. The purple shows our enhancements.The “WHIOW” group (We’ll Hash It Our Way) waiting to get started. A fresh coat of asphalt had just been laid (you can see the rolling machine above). The road was still hot and sticky as we commenced our hike.And we are On-On the wet asphalt.We arrived safely at the official starting point of the trail. The main body of Hasher’s would follow an hour later in the Hashmobile…Let’s get this show on the road!The climb began with some steps…Lots and lots of steps.The steps gave way but the climb was just beginning…Then we did a diagonal walk across a jagged rockface.Even within our small group, you’ve got the fast ones and the rest of us. Nice of them to wait on us though…Finally made it to the top of our first climb, only to encounter a dreaded checkpoint. We sent someone ahead to find the true trail while we rested.Yep, I do believe this must be the right trail! Props to Leech for always making his intentions known.I always find it disconcerting to be going down in the wrong direction (which means we’ll have to climb back up), especially after just completing a tough uphill.But passing through this yard did afford the opportunity to make a cookies delivery…Another thing about downhills, they can be treacherously slippery. Just ask Pubic Head after this fall. He must have skidded five yards after landing on his ass.But the good news is he got back on his feet again and carried on…Geraldine, one of our newer Hashers, seems to be enjoying herself…At least the second climb was mostly steps and not too long…Back up top with a view of home…“The beer is thataway! Let’s go!”Coming back down the mountain…Nosey Bastard is heading for our On-Home at the VFW…And Buddy Fucker ain’t far behind…Be careful, Geraldine…it’s slippery!At last, the final few steps of our downhill journey…It does tend to be more scenic on the mountain though…
Anyway, it was a good trail, hard but not insane. Feel free to Relive it:
It’s showing 9K because I started the tracker from my house. The actual trail was around 7.5
An interesting side note, by my count there were at least three other groups from the Subic Hash yesterday doing their own thing on the mountain. People seem to be voting with their feet. Maybe it’s always been that way. The feedback I’m getting from long-time members is to just keep on doing what we are doing without making it an “official” alternative. That’s fine with me. Vienna Sausage (Guenter) is the Hare again next week so I will once again be free to roam as I please.
Or so it would appear. Or maybe it’s natural for a German to want to eclipse an Austrian. Even if it wasn’t just an old fashioned pissing contest, the outcome was pretty much a fiasco. Clusterfucks like what occurred yesterday left me shaking my head in wonder and fearing for the future.
Do I have your attention now? Alright, good. Perhaps my introductory paragraph contains some amount of hyperbole, but I seriously do have doubts and concerns about the direction my beloved Hash seems to have taken. Here’s why:
Almoranas was the Hare. In my experience, he does a poor job marking a trail, but the trail itself, while usually challenging, is not over the top. That wasn’t the case yesterday. It seems he wanted to outdo Guenter’s monster trail from last week. So, he laid an 11K + path that included two outrageous climbs. And unlike Guenter, he didn’t provide an alternative trail or warn anyone what they were in for. That, in my opinion, is pure bullshit. Moreover, I think it is dangerous and irresponsible. The Subic Hash kennel primarily consists of old retired fuckers, women, inexperienced hikers, and an assortment of visitors from out of town. Now, we do have a handful of really strong individuals who can handle hikes like this without difficulty; but they are definitely in the minority. To not give a heads up to the folks who would struggle with an arduous hike, nor offer any other option is just plain wrong. That’s how I see it anyway.
The feedback on the trail during the circle was universally negative. The ones who like a hard trail were unhappy that it was so poorly marked. Others thought it was too long and too difficult to complete in the allotted timeframe (Guenter had started his long trail two hours early). Of course, we didn’t get to hear from the six Hashers that weren’t back yet when the circle started. The final three got back after dark. That’s just scary to think about them making their way down a mountain in the dark.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I believe the primary responsibility of the Hare is to lay a trail with the safety of your fellow Hashers in mind. Poorly marked trails get people lost. Long and hard trails that can’t be finished by sundown are inexcusable.
I’m not sure what the answer is here. I’m not really in favor of hamstringing the Hares overmuch, they are volunteers after all. Perhaps it is time to make what I do (and had the foresight to do yesterday) “official”–we provide at least one trail each week that everyone can do. There were seven in my group yesterday. We did about 6.5K and at our slow pace, it took nearly two and half hours to complete. Even at that, we got back “On-Home” before the first of the runners on the long trail did. I don’t think the Hares like it when people like me undermine their efforts by making our own trail. All I can say to that is, “fuck you, I’ll do whatever I think is best for me”.
Sorry for the rant. Here are pictures from the alternative trail:
The purple line is Almaranus’ crazy trail. The green line is what the sane people did. We were on the “official” trail for the first 2K (the flat part). And yes indeed, it was very poorly marked. We had one good climb on our trail, plenty challenging, but only half of Almaranus’ FIRST climb.In the beginning, it was narrow going…Making our way down into Alta Vista.In the ‘hood.Heading for the valley.In the valley.Making our way up…Part of our climb took us up the proverbial creek.Mother Mary must have blessed us, for we made it through the day without incident. Once we made it to the top, we followed My Bitch back to town.See you up close and personal real soon, Easter mountain!I thought our trail was pretty close to perfect. Worked up a good sweat but also enjoyed the hike. There are walking groups on Wednesday and Saturday that do insane hikes. Why attempt that at the Hash?We even took a rest break on our trail… During the Hash circle on the roof at Hot Zone. That’s Almaranas second from the left and Guenther on the far right.And so are their Hash trails.
Anyway, I’ve got a group I can walk with regardless of whoever the Hare might be. Anyone of like mind is welcome to join us. Next week, Leech My Nuggets is the Hare. He always lays a well-marked trail and tells you upfront what you can expect. Once when he was the Hare I got in the truck to head out to the start of his trail. He said, “John, I don’t think you want to do my long trail today.” That’s the way to Hare! Leech told us his trail next week is 7.5K. I’m sure there will be ample opportunity to shortcut should the need arise.
A free man hikes where he wants and posts what he wants.
Survived yet another Hash run yesterday. This one was a bit over 6K and took me right at two hours to complete. Guenter (Vienna Sausage) was the Hare, so of course, the trail featured a hellacious climb. On the other hand compared to his “hard” trail (yes, he did two) I got off easy. The other trail was insane, even by Guenter standards. I honestly have great admiration for those who even attempted that 4 hours long, 400-meter climb.
The trail I did had a ring of familiarity. One portion (the up) I had done on my first-ever Hash back on January 1, 2018. And once we came down off the mountain, we did a section of the oft-traveled My Bitch on the way to our On-Home at the Alta Vista community center. And yes, we did shortcut around a second climb and also avoided a dreaded creekbed walk. I call that keeping it sane.
The pictures tell the story better than I can:
The “regular” trail. The yellow line is the path we didn’t take.Scott (Pubic Head) has a map app that somehow measures the grade. In this case, our climb was 34%. My app says we went up 220 meters. I’ve done higher and steeper climbs so I’m not complaining about this one. Much.Getting started. We left early and only had four in our group. Surprisingly, no one passed us as is usually the case. I guess all the fast Hashers were doing the insane trail.On up…On-On!A view from the mountain. Still going up…Black And Dickher looks tired…You can’t see the forest for those trees…Pubic Head making his way down…Making a cookie delivery…On Rizal Extension heading for My Bitch.A view from My Bitch.Taking a detour around someone’s uling (charcoal) making operation.Hashing is not a game although sometimes you encounter a strong off fence.Finally made it back On-Home and the beer drinking commenced.We had a contingent from Angeles City join us.The gal in glasses is named Whatever You Want. Today she has requested to meet with me and I have agreed to hear her sad tale. I expect the worst, but she’s too cute to just say no.Time to circle up. Get those losers on the ice!Vienna Sausage earned the Hashit. Much deserved!It was also his birthday, so we made him a cake in the traditional Hash fashion.And then the sun went down.
Feel free to Relive the adventure:
So the title of this post brought back to mind the movie starring Peter Sellers. I can’t even remember the last time I thought of that film, but when it came out in 1979 I was a mailman in Prescott, Arizona. I recall some of my fellow carriers raving about how hilarious and yet insightful the story was. I enjoyed it myself but will have to go back as see it again to remember what all the fuss was about.
Here’s the trailer:
Alright, time to meet up with Kate. I’ll let you know what that was all about tomorrow.
We pulled it off successfully. No one got irrevocably lost or injured and most folks seemed to enjoy the trail. The only complaints I heard were that it was “too easy” or “too short”. A couple of Hashers missed one of the early turns but they were able to reconnect with the true trail further on. I think the confusion for them wasn’t in a lack of trail markings but rather anticipating where the trail was going to go and being wrong. When we explained where they had messed up it was “but we’ve never been that way before!”. Precisely.
Anyway, we did our duty and I’ve got the photos to prove it:
The way it was laid. That red line shows where a few folks missed the turn early on. Right at 5K with two moderate climbs.Our starting point and On-Home was the new VFW location. First time we’ve used it for a Hash. A little cramped with 43 Hashers in attendance, but it worked out okay.My fellow Hares, Pubic Head, and Blow My Pipe.
I believe in a well-marked trail and my philosophy is better to have too many marks than not enough. We were somewhat limited in the amount of powder we could carry but made up for that with lots of chalk marks on trees and posts.
Chalk on a post…the zero indicates this was trail #1430.Powder on the ground. I lay powder to clearly indicate the right path at intersections and at other places where a chalk mark might be difficult to see.Toilet paper in the grass. Sometimes we will use TP where other markings would be ineffective. We will also wrap it around barbed wire or other obstacles the Hashers may encounter on trail.Beginning the first climb of the day up uneven and broken stairs…Nearly to the top of the first up…And coming down the other side of the mountain…Me huffing and puffing my way up the second climb a container of powder in hand…Almost to the top…We had a couple of virgin Hashers on the trail. That’s Annabelle and Mengie, both waitresses at Alley Cats. (the photos were taken by someone else, we marked in the morning and weren’t on trail with the Hashers…)Luckily the tall thatch grass was limited to a small section of the trail…And of course, Easter mountain kept us under her watchful eye. At least for the first half of the trail.The final downhill stretch…And my personal favorite trail marking…Beer Near!My shoes took a powder so to speak…
We started marking the trail at 10:00 and finished around 12:30. I had time go home, shower up, and get back to the On-Home at 2:00. I gave the Hashers their marching orders and sent them On-On at the appointed 2:30 start time. Went across the street to Sit-n-Bull for a light late lunch and a couple of beers. I saw the first of the runners, Leech My Nuggets, complete the trail in 50 minutes. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. I think everyone was back no later than 4:00.
It’s always a fun On-Home activity to photobomb the ladies…The Hares did their obligatory time on ice to the chorus of “Shitty Trail” And we initiated our two virgins in the traditional manner.I may be wearing a cap but I was having a good Hare day!
Once the beer ran out, I meandered up the street to the Palm Tree resort, sat on the upstairs deck, and enjoyed me a fine sunset. Nice way to end the day!
Shitty Trail (A Song For The Hares) S-H-I-T-T-Y T-R-A-I-L Shitty trail (It sucked) Shitty trail (really fucked) The Hares have laid another shitty trail I would rather drink a beer than hash your shitty trail, S-H-I-T-T-Y T-R-A-I-L Drink it Down down, down down down down Down down, down down down down…
I knew I would be busy this morning preparing the trail for today’s Hash so I thought I would post something last night. Apparently, Windows took issue with that plan:
It must have been a lot better than what you usually see here…
Yes, I’m just kidding around. I do my drunk posting on Facebook, not here. Anyway, I am fixing to head out to spread some powder on the ground and put chalk arrows on the trees. I’ll share the results of that effort here tomorrow.
Otherwise, nothing much to report. A quiet night for me. A couple of beers at Cheap Charlies, a couple more at a new place called McCoy’s, then headed home to grill up some dinner.
A thin but oh so tender ribeye, a tasty corn muffin, and some mixed veggies. I meant to do some baked beans (out of the can of course) but had a Biden moment and forgot.
I did have a nice memory from six years ago via Facebook:
The best game of 501 I ever did throw. Haven’t come close to that since. I’m not half the darter I used to be.
Well, I guess that remains to be seen but there was at least a happy ending to the drama I posted about yesterday. The landlord apologized to the downstairs widow and rehired her. I’m glad she came to her senses and I expect the widow will have learned a lesson about respecting private property and controlling her adult offspring.
Speaking of the children, here’s an unexpected epilog to the story. During the drinking session with the daughter and her boyfriend the other night she mentioned she was hoping to find a job. I must have been drunk because I don’t really remember telling her that the owner of Hunter’s Jo Inn was looking to hire staff. Well, what I said was that Hunter Jo’s was going to be the On-Home for Monday’s Hash and if she wanted to join us I would introduce her to the owner. My group of Hashers met me at the house and as was were preparing to head out, guess who said she was coming along? I was actually surprised because as I said, I forgot I invited her.
Meet Endai, our newest Hasher.
She did the trail without complaint, got deflowered successfully during the Hash virgin ritual, interviewed with the owner’s wife, and was given a job offer on the spot. She accepted and starts today.
As for the Hash, it went well too. As I mentioned, my group of like-minded individuals (we leave when we want, walk slow, and shortcut at will) left my place at 2:00, and then we met up with Scott on the My Bitch trail at a location we call “the old man’s house”. That was where we picked up the official Hash trail as laid by the Hare, Leech My Nuggets.
Leech always does a good job, especially with marking the trail. That was a good thing yesterday because 30 minutes prior to starting we had a heavy rain shower. That caused a lot of the powder and chalk to fade, but there was also shredded paper and strings to follow. An interesting trail as well, parts of which I had never done before. I especially enjoyed that. And as is my wont, I bypassed the last hill climb and opted to walk the rest of the way to our On-Home via the highway.
What remains of the Old Man’s House. When I first started hiking on My Bitch it was still occupied by a solitary and sad looking old man. He died a couple of years ago now and little by little his house has been scavenged. Oh well, he doesn’t need it anymore and perhaps it has provided a roof over someone else’s head.Heading out on the official trail.This section was new to me. Had no idea someone was living way out here in the middle of nowhere.Come on up here, Pubic Head, the weather is fine. Actually, this part was muddy and slippery.A stroll through the woods.And it is always kinda cool when a new trail leads you to a place you recognize. Walked by here many times before on my way to Marian Hills. Never knew there was another way to go…Well, here we go over the river and we’ve been through the woods–grandma’s house must be next!I’m A Flaming Asshole.We crossed this rice paddy and managed to keep our feet dry…And we all passed safely over this rickety bridge. Heading On-Home through the backstreets of Calapacuan…1–2–3–KIMCHI!And here we are at Hunter’s Jo Inn……featuring bay views like this one.
And so concluded a good day on trail. I’m pretty sure next week’s trail will be the best one ever. These three guys are going to Hare:
Here is the report concerning my participation in the one thousand four hundred twenty-eighth running of the Subic Bay Hash.
As the title of this post suggests, it was a good trail overall. It began with a climb from hell though. I’d done that up once before so I knew what I was in for and I wasn’t disappointed. Chants of “never again” with each step up did seem to give me a helping push. I guess it’s kinda like that story “The Little Engine That Won’t”. Yeah, I’m being a little overly dramatic. It was harder and steeper than I like but I did make it to the top so there’s that.
Once the initial climb was completed it was pretty much smooth sailing. The trail was well-marked and familiar (we’d done some of it a couple of months ago on one of our group hikes). There was a second uphill portion but that was a breeze compared to the first one. It was a relatively short trail at just over 6K, although I had an additional 2K walk from my house to the starting point.
This was the first Hash with the newly established starting time of 2:30. A few of us said fuck that and started at 1:30. I’m a slow old fart and I don’t like starting later and always being among the last to finish. It took us around two and a half hours to complete the short trail, so we got back On-Home a little before 4:00 p.m. The runners and others started arriving shortly thereafter. So, the early start worked out well for us. I don’t want to be stuck up on the mountain with dusk falling and I hate when the beer supply is exhausted before I can drink my money’s worth. So I expect early departures are going to be the norm for me.
Alright, let’s let the pictures do the rest of the talking, shall we? I’ll start with the Relive video to give some context. This one is from Pubic Head’s (Scott) app because I thought his turned out better than mine. Most of the photos are his as well.
You can follow the elevation gains with the graph at the top left corner.The route we took. The yellow line is the long trail we didn’t take. It adds another 1.5K or so and another big climb.Here is where it all began.And we are On-On!What madness is this?Come on Pubic Head! If I can do it, you can do it!That’s my not happy with this climb face. But then there is this. 3/4 of the way up and people are living here. That climb is just another routine part of the harsh conditions that come with the territory.At least they have nice views. That’s the National highway way down there.More civilization a tad further up the trail……and cookies to dispense.Then we came to a fork in the trail and made the left turn…Made it to the top and enjoyed a brief respite walking along the ridgeline…Marching onward!I’m A Flaming Asshole and Black And Dick Her trying to decipher a trail marking. After much discussion, it was decided to go straight.Our group for the afternoon…Another mountain home.I’m not sure what’s going on here…maybe Pubic Head had gas…Even caught a fleeting glimpse of Easter mountain out on the horizon.Good job from the Hares! We always knew which way to go…That’s me at the Great Wall of Barretto.The view from The Wall.Time to head back down. Show us the way, Gary.Got to get under that barbed wire fence first though…About halfway down we passed through the yard of our old friends the Rolly family.Friendly folk who always give us a warm greeting…Burn it down! Burn it all down!We were all *ahem* tired by this point… (you can see the re-purposed tires I hope)30 minutes later we arrived On-Home at Queen Victoria…Beers were drunk……and bullshit was dispensed.
Yesterday’s Hash didn’t quite go the way I planned. For one thing, I spilled a little blood on trail. I get scratches pretty frequently and once I got stitches after a run-in with barbed wire. But this time I managed to get a rather painful scrape on my elbow. Nothing like keeping things fresh and new, right?
It hurt worse than it looks. Or maybe I’m just a pussy. It has been interesting to discover just how many things there are to bump your elbow against during the day.
Another thing that happened was that despite my best intentions, I did not complete the 9-kilometer trail as planned. The way it was set up was that the Hashmobile would drop you at the start of the 6K trail, or you could walk the 3K to that point for a longer hike. Well, I hate riding in the truck enough that it made the additional distance palatable. So, off we went.
My group included the usual suspects–oldsters, Hash virgins, and folks who just prefer a pleasant hiking experience. And on flat ground, I can do a 9K without much problem. I was aware that there were two climbs between the start and the On-Home but I figured I could always bypass them if I wasn’t feeling like doing a hill when I got there.
So we are On-On!
Right after we had begun the trail the Hare, I’m A Fucking Cupcake, caught up to us to ask if we realized we were doing the long trail. We assured him that this was our intention. He appeared genuinely surprised, then shrugged and wished us well. We continued on and then maybe ten minutes into the hike along the riverside we hit a wall. Literally.
The wall of which I speak.The problem came here. We had to scurry down a five-foot or so embankment then scramble up the other side. I couldn’t get a good footing for the up part and don’t possess the upper body strength to pull myself to the top. I eventually lost my grip and slid down backward scraping my elbow in the process.
After that incident though, the trail was actually quite enjoyable. I was familiar with the area, in fact, I had been in the vicinity for my Sunday stroll, but had never walked these particular paths before. I really enjoy the seeing something new aspect of Hashing.
At around 4K there was a water stop. The Hare and the truck were there and cold water was provided. That was a nice touch. We were given the opportunity to ride back to the On-Home from there, but everyone (including the virgins who appeared tired) opted to continue on. And that’s just what we did. Until we didn’t.
We were on the trail another kilometer or so from the water stop when once again the Hare appeared seemingly out of nowhere. He seemed a little concerned for our well-being and suggested we make a turn further on up the trail and then meet the truck on the highway. I figured we could see how we felt once we reached that point and then decide what to do. Maybe the virgins would be ready to ride by then at least.
Apparently, there was some misunderstanding because we made the turn, hit the pavement, but there was no truck in sight. So nothing to do but continue on up the road. And then a couple of kilometers later we spotted the truck parked up ahead.
There you are! Well, not quite. The Hare had gone out looking for us. Turns out we weren’t supposed to turn when and where we did. Oh well.
I walked on up the trail where the Hare had gone for a way but saw no sign of him. My Fitbit advised me that I had reached my daily step count goal of 20,000 so I shrugged and headed back for the truck. Which while in the process of turning around had stalled and wouldn’t restart. Luckily we were able to push it to the downhill part of the road where the driver, Cunt Hunter, was able to do a clutch start. So we all loaded up in the back and went to pick up the Hare who had ended his search for us further up the highway.
And then we drove back to the On-Home which was the long and uncomfortable ride I had hoped to avoid to begin with. Ah well, the best-laid plans and all that. Anyway, Pubic Head and I plan to take the Wednesday walking group to the portion of the trail we missed yesterday and give it a try.
Here are some more photos from the day:
To be continued tomorrow! We did maybe 3/4 of it…That’s me waiting to get started.Some of the others milling about our meet-up location.Onward we march!I’m A Flaming Asshole and I Suck Dick. (not me, that’s their Hash names).Here’s a twofer…my ass and Easter mountain in the same shot. You are welcome!Crossing the river the easy way…Left to right: our two virgins, Black And Dick Her, and Western Union Sperm Bank.Living in the middle of nowhere illustrated.It was a mostly enjoyable, albeit abbreviated, hike.What are you looking at?A babe in the woods…Shootin’ the shit with Pubic Head at the On-Home.Cum On My Boat did the mountain trail and got an injury…Initiating our virgins. I wonder if they’ll be back? My money’s on no. When the Hash circle was completed and the beer ran out, I headed to Mangos for a dinner of roast chicken and coleslaw.And so ends another Hash post…
Well, turns out I made the right call in deciding NOT to do the Hare’s trail at yesterday’s Hash. My group did a hike of similar length but reached our On-Home destination almost an hour earlier than most and a couple of hours before the last of the Hashers arrived. There seemed to be a consensus that both the climb and the downhill were extreme. Granted, some folks like that kind of challenge. I am not among them.
During the after-party at BarCelona, Guenter chided me for not having attempted his trail. I shrugged it off saying I’m a free man and I go where I please. Another Hasher who did the trail chimed in and said it was not an appropriate trail for someone as notoriously slow as I am. Thanks, I think.
The yellow line is the trail as set by the Hares. The green line is the faux trail my group did. Our trails did join together for the last half kilometer though. You can probably discern the difference in our climbs, both in elevation and duration, from this photo.My group left from Alta Vista…On-On!And onward.Are you ready for this climb?Let’s do it!Our climb was easier but still plenty challenging…Well, lookee here, we’ve found the trail laid by the Hares…Good job, Hashers! Our On-Home was at Derelick’s house on Rizal Extension. He’s in poor health and wasn’t able to join us. I went inside and said hello and he really didn’t look good. Get well soon!Paying the piper…The Hares, Vienna Sausage and Fuck A Duck, on ice. Right where they belong!The initiation ritual for two virgin Hashers…Leech My Nuggets helps his girl, Leech My Pussy, celebrate 69 Hash runs…Oh, Peniscolada is having a birthday? Ain’t that sweet?Looks like the Gash gals want to make her a cake!And so they did.Captain Prickhard got the Hashit…
Once the Hash circle activities were completed I made my way to Sit-n-Bull for some nourishment.
The French dip sandwich hit the spot…
Then it was up to the rooftop of BarCelona for an after-Hash party.
A lot of Hashers had gone across the street to Cheap Charlies. They soon saw the error of their ways and joined us.Watching the sunset behind the now-defunct Central Park Reef hotel. What a waste!This post is NOT fake. It’s from the real trail. So there!
A long Hash trail yesterday, despite us oldsters and a couple of newbies taking a bit of a “shortcut”. What we did was avoid some of the climbs but that added more distance. Still, I think we made the right call even though my group was the last to finish.
Leech My Nuggets was the Hare and as usual, he provided a well-marked and challenging trail without the insanity Vienna Sausage (Guenter) is known for. Well, Leech did do something I particularly despise–checkpoints. Five of them at least. A checkpoint is placed at an intersection with one or more other trails. Rather than clearly mark the direction to be taken, the Hare requires the Hashers to exhaust each possibility in order to determine the proper path. It is basically just a process of elimination–you walk up a trail and if you don’t see any marks for a while, you turn around and explore the next trail. So this adds both time and steps to the effort of completing the journey and is especially frustrating when you are already at the back of the pack. Checkpoints were originally intended to keep the Hashers in a tighter group by slowing down the runners and letting the walkers catch up. But they don’t work that way here because an important part of the equation is missing. The runners are supposed to indicate the proper trail once they find it, but that never happens because no one carries chalk or powder on trail. Anyway, I hate even one checkpoint, and having five to contend with kinda chilled my buzz.
Here are some photos from the day’s journey:
The trail as intended by the Hare. We made some modifications to better suit our needs and preferences.Waiting to get started.Why are we waiting?And at last, we are On-On…Starting our ascent through some houses off Abra street…It was a steep climb, can you tell?I liked it better once the up was more meandering…Ever onward as Bilbo Baggins might say…These ducks refused to line up in a row for me…Country living…Fresh air…And nice views…The kids saw me coming and started hollering ‘candy! candy!”It’s nice to be remembered.Other than the checkpoints, Leech marked a good trail…Hey, these photos don’t take themselves…Almost there…Looks cozy…Our virgins. I’m betting they won’t be back…The final kilometer…On-Home at the Alta Vista Community Center at last. And this is a twofer: Easter mountain looms in the background.Time for some liquid refreshment… Oh, my chili sold out again…even at 100 pesos a bowl!The Hare, Leech My Nuggets, and his gal Leech My Pussy.Our canine member, Doggy Style, enjoys his time on the ice. Go figure…It’s been quite some time since I accumulated this many steps in one day.And that’s about enough for this post, don’t you think?
Yesterday’s Candy Run Hash was for all appearances quite a success. Especially if you measure success by the smiles on the faces of the children we encountered. I’ll let the photos do the talking:
Your humble Hares, Pubic Head, and Cum Together are joined by My Boyfriend Sucks Dick for this photo op.Our urban trail was only 4K in deference to Santa’s advanced years.Hashers gathering at our meetup location.Santa to his helper: “sit on my lap and we’ll talk about the first thing that pops up”. To which the helper responded: “that’s not a very big subject!”A group photo of the 39 Hashers in attendance.And we are On-On!Making our way through the sometimes narrow streets of Barretto…Her Hash name is Fuck My Ass. I always ask her what her name is and when she tells me I say “maybe later”. It is a sweet ass though!Don’t worry, we got your back, Santa.Candy is dandy!For the naughty girls on Santa’s list, I suppose…No child left behind…Everybody loves Santa.Gathering for another group shot about halfway through our trek.A sweet success.Santa is coming!Let’s see those smiles!Something for everyone it seems.I thought there was no way I’d run out of goodies but here at the end, I was in rationing mode. Luckily I could tell the kids, Santa has candy!I guess the highlight of the Hash circle was recognizing three birthdays in the Hash tradition. Congrats to Pubic Head, Demolition Derby, and Blow My Pipe.Afterward, some of us gravitated over to Beach Please, arriving in time for sunset…And then the sun came up this morning. The circle remains unbroken.
Merry Christmas from the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers!