What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.–Ralph Waldo Emerson
Sorry to see you go, Alan
Yesterday afternoon we raised a glass in a farewell toast to a respected member of the Barretto expat community, Alan Magowan. Alan passed away earlier this week in England, where he had recently returned for cancer treatment. His suffering is over now, and may he Rest in Peace.
I was somewhat better acquainted with his long-standing girlfriend, Christine, a bestie of my ex, Marissa. It was sad to see her in tears, but that’s the way of death, it seems–no more suffering for the deceased, but the pain lives on in those who loved him. I gave her a hug and told her that if she ever needed anything, to let me know. She has big changes ahead of her, but I know she has a good heart and a strong will; she’ll get through this.
The gathering was at Harley’s, a venue I enjoy but seldom visit.
While waiting for the event to commence, I spent some time on the back patio taking in the bay views. That’s the Kalaklan ridge in the background; it’s a bitch to climb, but worth the effort once you make it up top.Another water view. I envy the folks who live in that place on the water. The house ain’t much to look at, but I’d spend all my time on the back porch anyway.The pub is a popular hangout for Brits and Aussies who enjoy watching “football” and rugby on the big screen TVsAnd some of the best bar signage I’ve seen
When the ceremony for Alan was completed, I headed down Baloy Road to another venue I occasionally enjoy.
The Kokomos floating barA typical Saturday afternoon at the beachLots of boats and ships on the bay yesterdayAnd then this big-ass catamaran came cruising by and stopped near the floating bar.I’d say Roam is a good name for a sailboat. Lots of folks aboardhaving a good time.
And then, they were all transported to the floating bar in the sailboat’s dinghy. Took two trips.
And they brought their party atmosphere with them.Watching the sun go downI’d heard rumors about floaters in the bay water, and there they are!Time for me to head ashore and get some grubJohan’s is right next door to KokomosI gave their Mexican Taco a try. Too big to fit in my mouth, so I ate the innards with a fork and broke off parts of the shell to get the crunch. It was spicy and tasty, but I prefer a more traditional size.
After Johan’s, I caught a trike to Queen Victoria for my nightcap and spent a little time with Angie. It was a nice way to end my night out. I came home and watched the first episode of Season Two of Lucifer. When I tried to watch the second episode this morning, I realized that I didn’t remember much from episode one, so I had to rewatch that first. A good lesson to remember–don’t drink and watch TV–it’s a waste of time.
At one o’clock this afternoon, I’ll attend Bob’s wake at It Doesn’t Matter. Then I have the Hideaway feeding to take care of. I expect I won’t be watching any TV tonight.
And I’ll close with this Facebook memory from five years ago:
My farewell party in Seoul just prior to my move to the Philippines. Good times!
I guess it’s just a matter of pride with me because I’m sure no one would notice the difference, but I don’t want duplicate titles on posts here at LTG. So, part of my daily blogging ritual is searching to see if my proposed title has been used previously. And after all these years (4,580 posts), that is increasingly difficult. After ten minutes of trying different ideas today, I finally gave up and settled on “Whatchamacallit.” It turns out there is a proper spelling for that word which I had to look up—just another day in the life of a blogger.
My yesterday started with the Friday group hike, and we had another good turnout. Scott and I had talked about keeping it flat, but we had a few robust attendees who preferred something more challenging. We wound up picking a route that allowed the hill climbers to deviate from the pack and meet up again further down the trail. That actually worked out pretty well.
That path(s) we walked. The green line shows the two hilly deviations.Henceforth, I’ll call the hillclimbers “deviants.”Waiting to get startedAnd off we goMovin’ on up the highwayOn the backstreets of barangay MatainBaysideStandin’ on the dock of the bay…A bit of shade on a very hot dayWhatever floats your boatCourtsideBeachsideWatersideA narrow passageLeaving the bay behindAlgae are nature’s litterThe human varietyDeviants to the left, everyone else, follow me!Me, Angie, and photographer Scott were the only flat-earthers on this portion of the hike.Time out for a cookie deliveryWaiting for the deviants to come down from the hillsWith the group reunited, we proceeded with the invasion of CalapacuanNo need to cow-erYour walkaholic chronicler…
A good day on trail.
My nighttime persona began the heavy lifting of San Miguel Zero bottles at Sloppy Joe’s. Good friends, good music, cold beer–does it get any better than that? Well, Mary messaged that she wanted to join me. Apparently, my Friday nights belong to her now. Oh, well, the more, the merrier, I suppose.
I opted not to attend the SOB last night. The Thumbstar bar does this thing called the SOP, which is really nothing more than a pissing contest with the SOB group. That being said, Thumbstar does offer a “buy one, take one” on drinks and food, and the food is decent. So, when the hunger bell rang, we survived a highway crossing and settled in for some half-price fun. Mary and I had chicken burgers, and I bought the waitresses some chicken wings. Good times.
Mary had never been to Whiskey Girl, so we made that our next and last stop for the night. It was kind of funny because my waitress confided to me that she almost asked for ID before serving Mary an alcoholic beverage. Yeah, she’s young but looks even younger. During our visit, the Whiskey Girl dance team returned from the SOB competition and excitedly announced that they had won once again–that makes three weeks in a row.
Congratulations, ladies!
Mary spent the night at my place but kept her pants on. Yeah, she literally slept in her jeans. I took that as a pretty clear sign she wasn’t interested in any hanky-panky with me. And that’s fine; these days, I want the passion to be reciprocated, not paid for. I’m helping out with some school expenses, but that’s with no strings attached. If she doesn’t want to fool around with Grandpa, I don’t have a problem with it.
Before bed, we watched two more episodes of Lucifer together. Interestingly, Mary had been watching the series on Netflix as well, and coincidentally we were both up to Season One, Episode Eleven, at the same time, so that worked out well.
I didn’t feel like cooking this morning, so after the dog walk, I took Mary to Sit-n-Bull for breakfast.
I had the pancake platter.
After eating, Mary caught a Jeepney for home, and I took some steps to start my standard Saturday street walk. Except, my knee issue flared up again, and this time it was worse than ever. Still no pain, but it was numb, and I was limping. I also felt like I was going to keel over from a collapsed knee at any moment. So, I cut my walk short and headed home. But, before I could make it all the way up the hill, I had to stop and sit down for a while. I was still limping a bit when I continued, but I felt like I had better balance. I got home and took a nap, and the knee felt normal again.
This afternoon I will be paying a visit to Harley’s on Baloy to participate in raising a glass in memory of Alan, the Brit who passed away earlier this week. I also hope to check on his gal Christine, who doesn’t appear (based on FB postings) to be doing so well. After seventeen years together, I’m sure Alan’s passing left a big hole in her soul. I hope she finds a healthy way to fill that void.
I wonder what is going to happen next. I don’t have a feeling of impending doom or anything quite that dramatic, but I also can’t stymie the awareness that someone is going to be next, and I fit that dynamic. All I can think to do about that is to keep on living until I’m not around to care anymore. So, let’s get on with it!
I arrived at Whiskey Girl for the second-anniversary celebration about thirty minutes before opening, so I chilled next door at the Outback pool bar to pass the time. I returned to WG when the doors opened and plopped down at a stage front table to enjoy the festivities.
I had my VIP ticket, which entitled me to drink for free from 5 to 6 p.m., so I went to work to swallow every drop of value I could before time ran out. A raffle was on the agenda for later in the evening, so I received a ticket with every beer. That made it easy to keep track of what I consumed. And now I know the rate at which I drink (when the beer is free anyway) is five bottles per hour. I couldn’t help but smile at the symmetry of my drinking speed and my walking speed of five kilometers per hour. As I like to say, I’m a walkaholic by day and an alcoholic at night. Hey, if you are going to do something, do it well, right?
I’d brought a batch of my brownies to share with the hard-working girls, and they seemed to enjoy them. Cookies for the kids, brownies for the brown knees. It’s nice to have balance in life.
My waitress friend and cuddle bunny Jenn wasn’t working (she’s still on a barfine), but another waitress volunteered to fill the void–literally–she sat down next to me and started to rub my leg. Naturally, I bought her a drink.
Is the glass half full or half empty?
My new waitress friend got up without a word and disappeared. I assumed she was either in the CR or taking care of a customer. She never returned to finish her drink, and I learned later that she had gone on a barfine with another customer. I’ve railed about that kind of behavior before–have the courtesy to finish your over-priced drink or at least to say, “Sorry, I have to go; my regular customer is here.” I’m always okay with that. Anyway, I didn’t let the rude behavior spoil my celebratory mood, but she’ll never earn another drink commission from me again, either.
The Whiskey Girl dance team has won the last two SOB dance competitions, and they put on their performance for the crowd last night (the place was packed, indeed). It was a great show, and I enjoyed watching it from my front-row seat. I felt some kind of reward was in order, so I called down my favorite dancer to join me for a drink.
A little long in the tooth, perhaps, but a smoking hot body and a very talented dancer.
The guy at the table next to me called the other four dancers down, and he bought them all bottled lady drinks, aka doubles, at 300 pesos each (I was paying 180 for my singles). I asked my new dancer friend if she felt slighted by my cheap Charlie ways, and she told me not at all. I explained that I wouldn’t pay 300 for a beer as a matter of principle, but I had no problem buying two singles so that she would not lose out on the commission end. I actually wound up buying her three and gave a very nice tip, so she seemed happy.
The first raffle of the night was at 7 p.m., and I wasn’t drawn, despite the massive number of tickets with my name on them from my beer and lady drink purchases. The next drawing wasn’t until 8:00, and given my consumption rate, I knew I wouldn’t be up for that. Besides, I had one more stop to make before going home–a nightcap at Queen Victoria.
I’d promised my new friend Angie I would come by and have a drink with her, and I try to be a man of my word. I really do enjoy her company, even if she’s not the cutest girl in the bar. She hadn’t had dinner, so I sprang for a pizza from Shamboli’s for her and her co-workers.
Yep, you can’t go wrong when you buy Filipinas a pineapple-laced Hawaiian pizza.
I didn’t stay long, but Angie said she would be joining today’s hike, and she showed up on time and everything. It’s kind of a weird dance we are doing. Angie has asked me twice if I wanted a massage, and both times I have declined. I’m just in this place right now where I don’t want to pay for physical affection–at least not directly. Yeah, I know, that is so unlike me. Maybe it is just a phase I’m going through, or maybe I’m just hoping to find someone who wants to touch me for the mutual pleasure it would bring us. Hey, it could happen!
Facebook memories reminded me of that time five years ago when I kicked Kevin Kim’s ass.
Technically, it was the trail I chose to climb Namsan in Seoul that did the ass-kicking, but it was still a good time.
Ten years ago, I thought I’d settled into my American life with my Korean wife. Had my nice little house all set up for my darting fanaticism, and it felt like I was living the dream.
Dreams die, and so did I. Or at least the person I was back then is long gone. I don’t even play darts anymore.
And John Kim posted this update on his Facebook page:
Luckily all my surgeries went well and now I am getting dialysis regularly. I have no pain and I must again appreciate for all the support. You guys saved me when I really wanted to give it up. Thank you.
Study says, average dialysis patient make it to 5 years. I have no complaints on that. Instead of getting all depressed, I want to live well for next five years. I love what I do, so I am lucky in that department. But I don’t want to be remembered as just a workaholic to my loved ones. I need to spend some time with them other than working together.
Starting from next week, John’s Sushi And Steakhouse will be closed on Wednesday. I want to and need to spend some time with my family and my coworkers. I want to see more of Zambales with them, before I am not able to move around. I hope you guys understand.
Well, I’m glad he’ll be around six days a week!
I’ve carved out some time for the devil in my life every day. I’m really enjoying Luciferso far. I’m not a reviewer like the esteemed Mr. Kim, but I know what I like, and this show appeals on several levels–good acting and an exciting storyline with a mix of police detective work and Biblical references. It sounds crazy, but it works. I was born in Los Angeles, where the series is based, and the aerial views and street scenes bring back memories from my youth. (I was raised south of LA in Orange County but spent lots of time in the big city at Dodger Stadium and rock concert venues.)
Thanks for reading; I’ll be back with more tomorrow, including photos from today’s group hike.
What other way is there to go? Here’s how I rolled yesterday.
A good hike with the Wednesday Walkers to start my day. Not too long (under 6K) but with two decent climbs that kept the sweat glands pumping.
And we are off! Largest turnout we’ve had in quite a whileGoing off-roadThrough a villageAnd up the first hillA view from the topFor you Easter Mountain junkiesI don’t know if I was just slower than usual or if the group was more energetic, but I was lagging far behind all morning.Thankfully, no issues with the knee.On one side, the valleyOn the other, the bay. Not much of a house, perhaps, but you gotta love looking out the back door.Down we goBack in the flatlandsThe group waits on me (again) in Marian HillsThe survivors back in Alta VistaThe route we walkedThe lunch my helper prepared for me when I got back home from the hike.
A nap, a blog post, and another episode of Lucifer while the brownies were baking, then it was time to head for the Wednesday feeding at Hideaway.
Pork lumpia and fried chickenWith pizzaSome of the hungry Hideaway girls in actionIt looks like it was good.
I was more generous than usual last night, buying all the girls a drink and several for Joy. My bar tab was almost 2000 pesos, and the food was another 2000 pesos. The Hideaway feeding has become my costly “charity” project, and obviously, the money could be better spent on those truly in need. But what am I gonna do? The gals look forward to being fed every Wednesday and Sunday, and I don’t want to let them down. I guess I’ll count it as a blessing that I can afford to indulge them.
After Hideaway, I walked across town to do my nightcap at Whiskey Girl. The last couple of times I’d visited, my cuddler Jenn was with another customer. I found out last night she has been on a two-week barfine (so far). Well, good for her. That’s why she’s there, and that’s how she makes a living. I’ve got no grounds to be selfishly disappointed because I didn’t get my squeeze. Actually, Whiskey Girl is celebrating its two-year anniversary tonight, and I’ve got a VIP ticket (free drinks from 5 until 6 p.m.), so I’ll be there for that. And I’m sure I’ll find a suitable substitute for Jenn. That’s the way the game is played in the bars, and rumor has it I’m a player.
I posted a comment on a post about the Go Fund Me page Bob’s motorcycle club has started on his behalf, asking if there would be a donation box at Sunday’s wake. Bob’s widow sent me a message saying there would be but requested that I make the donation directly to her (apparently, someone has been stealing from the box). I told her I would be happy to do so, and she thanked me, saying it was much needed and much appreciated. That’s one thing about dying–your problems are over, but not so much for the ones you leave behind.
That’s the way it was. And soon, I’ll discover what’s to be. I’ll share what I find out here tomorrow. See you then!
Well, technically, it was a needle that stung me with an injection of B complex vitamins in my left butt cheek.
So, I consulted Dr. Jo and her physician husband for their advice on the intermittent numbness issue I’ve been experiencing in my left knee/leg. After some poking, prodding, and manipulation it does not appear that I have muscle or joint damage. They concluded that it is likely a nerve issue which will require an ultrasound test to confirm. They also suggested I add some B vitamins to my daily meds ingestion ritual and gave me the shot to get me started. I teasingly told Dr. Jo, “I didn’t have any pain when I came here today and now you have fixed that. Good job!”
That’s actually the good news in all this, I haven’t had to deal with pain. The numbness/tingly feeling is a bit disconcerting, but I can walk through that. The concern that prompted the doctor’s visit was having the knee collapse and causing a fall. The ramifications of that happening up on the mountain is scary as hell. It is somewhat comforting that this issue seems to be fleeting–I felt it briefly in the supermarket yesterday but had no issues on a rather challenging hike this morning. So, we’ll see. Looking at it from a positive perspective, if this is the worst I have to complain about, I’m doing pretty good for an old fucker.
I woke up to the sad news this morning that another person I’ve known here has passed away. Alan was a long-time resident and former manager at the Palm Tree Resort (that’s where I met him) and an all-around good guy. He had returned to the UK a couple of weeks ago for some medical treatment (I think it was prostate related). This morning his sister posted that Alan had died in his sleep last night. I feel very bad for his sweetheart Christine who was devoted to him. I sent her my condolences and told her to let me know if she needs any kind of help. She is facing tough times I’m sure.
I sometimes joke about the Barretto expat community resembling a retirement village. Most of us here are retired old farts, so it shouldn’t really be all that surprising that the death rate among us is going to be relatively high. I’m not all that morbidly inclined, but I can’t help but wonder who is going to be next, recognizing that one day it will be me. A good reminder to make the best of the time you have before it runs out. I’m not sure I make the best use of my time, but I try to do the things I enjoy best. Maybe that’s enough.
I’m not a big fan of Facebook and don’t engage there nearly as much as I used to. And don’t get me started on what a total douchebag Mark Zuckerman has proven himself to be. Still, it has its value in some ways. For example, it helps you keep in touch with old friends you might not otherwise ever hear from again after you’ve moved away–I routinely send birthday greetings to folks back in the USA and Korea that I’ll probably never see again in person. For some reason, I was thinking of an old friend from my Prescott, AZ days, Joe Heydorn. I did a search on Facebook and found an account that I thought might be him, so I sent him a message:
Remember me? I was the best man at your wedding sometime last century.
Six weeks later, I got this response:
Hello, John. It was exactly 40 years ago yesterday. Thanks to your training, I did 37+ years with the USPS. I’ll never forgive you.
HaHa! Well, I’m glad to hear he’s doing well.
And of course, the other thing Facebook provides me is a flashback with its daily “memories” feature. I was pretty much a fucked up mess during my last year in Korea which is all on me and something I really regret–wasting what could have been some of the best times of my life. So, five years ago (about two weeks before I moved to the PI) I posted this:
It seems to be taking longer than I hoped, but I think I’m finally getting there.
Tonight I’ll continue down the road to my destiny. I’ll begin the evening with my Hideaway feeding and then decide where I might drown my sorrows next. I’m joking (mostly) about that second part–I’m over the sorrows and well into the acceptance mode. This week I had a gal beseeching me for a “second chance” and didn’t relent on my denial. When she kept pleading “Why?” I simply responded, “Because I don’t need the drama that comes with you.” That seemed to shut her up.
Alright, that’s it for now. I’m going to go spend some time with Lucifer.
I’m not calling yesterday’s Hare, Leech My Nuggets, the Devil or anything, but it was hot and hellish on the Hash trail yesterday. Or at least the half of it I did was. Still got in a tad over 7K, including the walk from my place. I’ll put up the photos from the hike at the end of this post.
So, Angie (the gal I recently met at Queen Victoria) brought her friend Rose along to join us on the Hash trail. They arrived at my place a little after 11:00 a.m. and I had my helper fry up some chicken wings for our lunch (I heated some broccoli for our side dish). With lunch out of the way, there was still an hour to kill before it was time to head out for the Hash. It had been months since I’d turned on my TV, but I wanted to keep my guests entertained, so I started scrolling through the offerings on Netflix. I admit some of the shows looked interesting and I also noticed the new season of Manifest is available. I guess the fact that I’ve not felt compelled to continue where I left off last year is a review of sorts. Anyway, Rose said she liked scary shows, so we clicked on a series called Lucifer.
I’d never even heard of this show, but it ran for six seasons (three on Fox and three more on Netflix. I found the first episode of season one very entertaining and enjoyable, enough so that I’m thinking about squeezing an hour or two into my daily routine to put that Netflix subscription I’m paying for to use. Stay tuned.
Heading out for the Hash with Angie (on the left) and her pal RoseYesterday’s trail. The green line is the shortcut the “sane” group tookGathering up at the starting pointAnd we are On-On!The trail featured a hellacious climb near the startThe hill was like an Eveready battery, it just kept going, and going, and going…Are we there yet?A rest break near the topAnd then continuing the questEventually, things flattened out someLeech’s trail continued up to the top of Kalaklan ridge near that tower, but the “sane” among us said “fuck that” and took our shortcutCookies and candy for the kids that live up here. I’m only out this way once every three months or so, but damn, they seem to know when I’m coming. Hearing them squeal when they spot me does fill my heart with joy.Time to make our way back downThe downs, at least for me, can be every bit as difficult as the ups. Thankfully, this trek wasn’t so bad.Heading back to townOn-Home this week was at Johansson’s. Rose was a Hasher in Angeles several years ago and has a Hash name, Morning Dew. This was Angie’s third Hash, and first in a long time. They both professed to have a good time and say they want to come back again.Both of my guests forgot that if you complement the Hash trail you have to join the Hare on the ice.Rose had to sit again later because as a named Hasher she is required to wear Hash attire.You might say this image captures the essence of the Hash Circle spiritThis would be the PG version
Anyway, it was a good day on trail overall. My guests drank enough to make the 300 pesos entrance fee a bargain (especially since I paid). Oh, and I just remembered this incident. Someone (we didn’t see who) had dropped a 500 peso bill just outside the front door at Johansson’s. Angie rushed out to pick it up, and when she sat down she exclaimed, “Now I can buy milk for my baby.” I was thinking whoever dropped the money would likely be looking for it, and I was curious to see what Angie would do. Sure enough, a gal was walking around near the door and I asked her what was she looking for. “I dropped my 500 pesos somewhere.” Angie immediately said, “I found it” and returned the money. Good for her. I gave her 1000 pesos and said you can now buy twice as much milk for being honest. Oh, and later on I put the money dropper on the ice for “littering.” Heh.
Rose and Angie were still finishing their beers when I told them goodnight and headed out. I was hungry (I’d bought them something to eat earlier) and had a hankering for my favorite from Mangos:
Yep, I’m talking about the grilled pork chops. I was not disappointed.
Did my nightcap at Sloppy Joe’s just across the highway. Only one other customer and the waitress said the Hashers had all gone to It Doesn’t Matter. Yeah, I figured but I wasn’t wanting to walk that far. Had my beer and caught a trike for home.
Speaking of It Doesn’t Matter, looks like I’ll be spending Sunday afternoon there this week:
We raised a glass for him at the Hash as well. Bob’s Hash name is Ride It Up My Ass. It was funnier when he was alive.
I’m going to visit Dr. Jo this afternoon to discuss some issues I’m having with my left knee and leg. No pain, but occasionally numb and tingly. I was in a walk-it-off mode yesterday morning, at least until my knee collapsed and I found myself sprawled on the ground. I was worried about doing the Hash but had no issues on the hike. This morning at the grocery store, it went tingly again. Makes me nervous that the knee might give out at the wrong time and place and I’ll be in deep doo-doo. My internet sleuthing didn’t turn up anything consistent with my symptoms, so we’ll see what the good doctor has to say.
Sees ya all tomorrey then. (Yeah, it’s probably brain damage)
It’s Hash Monday, and it seems that Angie (the gal from Queen Vic) is indeed going to join me for today’s adventure. The trail starts on Banaba Street, which is about 40 minutes away from my house on foot, assuming I shortcut over the mountain, as is my current plan. So, time is of the essence this morning hence this limited post about last night’s feeding at Hideaway Bar.
My Sunday custom is to order off the menu at Jewel Cafe and then have the food delivered to Hideaway. Last night’s selections:
I also brought some chili and cornbread from home. The dessert was Choco Pies and Oreo cookies.
A taste of my chiliA bite of my cornbreadA prawn soon to be goneSay goodbye to the Choco Pie
The girls seemed to enjoy their meal, and I, of course, enjoyed seeing their satisfied faces.
After the food was gone, I challenged Joy to a game of pool.
Give me a break!
I don’t play that often, and when I do, I usually suck. I made a couple of shots that surprised me and managed to prevail in my battle with Joy. Jen challenged me next, and although it was a close game, she won in the end. Ah, well.
I did my nightcap at Cheap Charlies and watched the world go by for a bit.
Nerissa was there to keep me company as well. I made it an early night, coming home at 8 p.m.
Pretty exciting life, huh?
Leech My Nuggets is the Hare for today’s Hash, and as usual, he’s laid out a challenging trail. Also, as usual, I’ll be shortcutting. Of course, my walk to the start will add some distance, but that’s okay. I’ll let you know how things turn out tomorrow.
Having some log-on issues again, hopefully this post will find the light of day when I hit publish. The only way to find out is to write one, so here goes.
A short 5K solo street walk in the morning and a visit from Mary in the afternoon were the highlights of the daytime hours. But let’s talk about Saturday night, even if there wasn’t anything extraordinary about it. Still, a typical night on the town beats sitting around feeling miserable, right?
I didn’t have a date, but I wasn’t alone.
I walked to the far side of town and grabbed some grub at John’s place. It was nice to see him up and about and on his feet again. I perused the menu and went with my old favorite, the pulled pork sandwich. And John’s is the best one in town.
As yummy as it looks. Or maybe more so, given my lack of photography skills.
I got bored while my meal was being prepared and decided to snap pictures of the menu for my foodie reader(s) to enjoy. Again, sorry for the lack of quality, but you’ll at least get an idea of what’s on offer.
Hungry yet?
With my stomach full, it was time to get to work. I dropped into It Doesn’t Matter to see if there was any news regarding a gathering to honor Bob’s memory. Apparently, there was a viewing taking place at the funeral parlor at that moment.
This photo is from a friend’s FB page. I’m not interested in seeing the remains, but I would like to raise a glass to honor Bob’s memory. Still no word on whether such an event will occur.
I finished my one beer at IDM and moved on.
This coupon from Friday’s SOB was burning a hole in my pocket. It wasn’t 5 p.m. yet, so the only SOB bar open for early birds like me was The Green Room. Fine, let’s go!
The sports bar ambiance of The Green Room is comfortable, the waitresses are friendly, the music is good, and the beer is cold. I always sit near the pool table, and watching people play can be entertaining (no dancers in this bar). And then I did something I don’t recall ever having done before in a bar:
I ordered a cup of coffee. No, it wasn’t Starbucks, just a packet of instant. The night was young and I was yawning like crazy. The coffee did seem to perk me up some.
I managed to spend 500 pesos of the 750 on the coupon and decided it was time to move on down the highway. Next stop, Sloppy Joe’s. I gotta say, if I updated my Bars of Barretto rankings, this joint would be my new number one.
My pal Chris was handling the music again, and I was enjoying hearing my old favorites from the 60s and 70s once more. Lousy picture, but that’s Jim Morrison of The Doors on the big screen. Yeah, the music videos are pretty cool to see as well.My other viewpoint from the barstool is the National Highway. Watching traffic can be entertaining as well (and a little scary at times). That’s Barretto’s finest hotel across the street.And something else that’s always nice to see is a round of shots for all the customers courtesy of the manager. Thanks for that!
I had chatted with Angie earlier in the day and told her I’d try to pop into Queen Victoria to see her on my home. Being a man of my word, I made Queen Vic my nightcap venue. When I first sat down at the bar, Irish approached me, but I told her sorry, I’m here to see Angie. And soon enough, Angie was there at my side. I really enjoyed her company last night, and I hope she really does join me at the Hash on Monday.
Having now exhausted the remainder of my coupon (and then some), I caught a trike for home, once again arriving prior to my self-imposed 9 p.m. curfew. I had some pecan pie from Sit-n-Bull in the fridge, so I warmed it up in the microwave, slapped a couple of scoops of vanilla ice cream on top, and indulged my sweet tooth before dragging my fat ass to bed.
Speaking of curfews, FB memories showed me a post I’d made on this date in 2020 at the height of the scamdemic craziness. I was kind of proud of the fact that I saw through the bullshit from the beginning and also a little surprised that Facebook hadn’t censored it at Uncle Sam’s bidding.
Those were the days. Hopefully, everyone has wised up to the con now.
And now I’m in the arms of a quiet Sunday.
Took the boys for their morning walkEnjoyed the bay view from the ‘hoodThen took myself on a 7K solitary Sunday stroll
I’ve got a batch of chili in the crockpot, and I’ll bake up some cornbread to enjoy with it when I return from my Sunday evening drinking duties, starting with feeding the girls at Hideaway.
Life is good. We’ll see if it gets gooder.
This came up on the playlist that Spotify suggested. Hmm, I can relate, even if I’m not Charlie Rich fan.
Try as I might, I just can’t seem to avoid drama, even if it doesn’t directly involve me.
Mary invited herself to join me for last night’s SOB, and I accepted her invitation. After the show, she wanted to come home with me, and I didn’t resist that overture either. I went to bed, and she lay beside me, busy on her phone. I actually found it rather irritating because I was feeling a little frisky. Anyway, suddenly, she sprang up and said she had to go. Apparently, her drug-addicted uncle had beat up her grandmother. This has been going on for some time. Why anyone would tolerate that kind of behavior is a mystery to me, but I guess Granny can’t find a way to tell her son to fuck off. The bottom line for me was I woke up alone again this morning.
My part-time helper, who lives in the maid’s room downstairs, messaged me with a plea for 6,000 pesos to bail her brother out of jail. He got busted in a drug raid at his friend’s house in Subic. His story is he wasn’t aware his friend was involved with drugs and is an innocent victim in all of this. He’s making other allegations of police corruption, but methinks he might be protesting too much. If you choose to run with the wrong crowd, this kind of thing will happen. Anyway, I made the loan because it would suck to be stuck in a Filipino jail indefinitely waiting for a trial, especially if you are innocent. If he is guilty, he’ll be back in soon enough. One of my friends with benefits got busted for drugs, and I ceased all contact with her after that. I do not want to be around anyone doing illegal shit; the potential consequences for innocent bystanders are too severe.
This morning Darlene messaged me pleading for a second chance. I didn’t give her one but tried to be nice in my rejection. Her parting shot was that I give up too quickly. I bit my tongue and let it go. Who needs the drama?
Hmm, I see now that I was writing about darts drama back in 2018. I feel a little bad about that now because the Drama King I wrote about died a few months later.
UPDATE: I was just chatting with one of the Cheap Charlies gals I know, and she said lots of the staff there are afraid of me because I throw “tantrums.” Shit. Maybe I attract drama because I’m so dramatic. Still, whenever I’ve been upset in Cheap Charlies, I had valid reasons. But I guess that is also a matter of perspective. Something to think about.
No drama involved with the Friday group hike. The closest we came was a new landowner who has chosen to erect fences that interfered with the My Bitch trail. We were able to find a walk-around this time, but this kind of thing doesn’t bode well for the future.
This kind of fence.
It was an otherwise pleasant hike. Here are some photos from along the way:
Our path, as seen from aboveThis week’s iteration of the Friday hikersAn Alta Vista passageThen into the hillsAnother hot day. Much better in the shade.Hello, Easter mountainArriving at my mountain friend Olivia’s placeIt was Olivia’s birthday, and her kids and grandkids were there. That’s Jennifer and her baby.Just passing throughBottled inLooks cozyHeading back down to the valleyPaying our respects to Mother MaryHow now, brown cow?Just about doneSee you next time, EM!
The SOB was at Alaska Club last night. Before the show, I went to Angel’s Bakery next door for something to eat.
It’s been quite some time since I last ate there, but this roast chicken salad was outstanding.
The SOB went well, with the Whiskey Girl team taking first place. A very close contest this week.
That’s me at 35 years old, enjoying a cold can of Busch beer. Hey, all the cool dudes were doing it.
Alright, let’s see what Saturday night holds in store. Thanks for dropping in.
Yeah, things don’t always go the way we hope they will, but then, life would be pretty boring if everything went according to plan every time. And it also occurs to me that some of those things that go wrong may actually be blessings in disguise. I get down in the dumps occasionally, but it is easy to find reminders that I truly am a lucky man. As long as I keep waking up each morning, I’m still in the game. Ultimately, experiencing all that life throws at you, good and bad, makes living worthwhile. I’m resolved to continue my journey as long as I can and see where this road I’m traveling on leads me. Experiencing the adventure is the greatest blessing of all.
None of the above musings has anything to do with the TikTok video Mary sent me. She’s an attractive, sweet, and intelligent young woman, but I’ve known from the beginning she’s not the one for me. I’m continuing to support some of her educational goals and needs, and we sometimes share companionship hours, but that’s all there is and all that it will ever be.
Joy wanted to spend her day off with me, but I ignored the request. I enjoy Joy’s company, but I prefer to confine it to the feeding days at Hideaway. I’m not sure why that is, but I suspect it is because I’ve lost interest in scenarios that involve payment for services rendered. I mean, I get that you always pay one way or another, but I prefer pretending that intimacy is coming from the heart, not the wallet.
I saw Nerissa briefly last night, and it was fine chatting and laughing with her. But whatever interest I had in a possible relationship is gone now. Ever since she revealed her drama queen tendencies, I knew I was better off without her. There are worse things than being alone.
And more and more, I’m coming to accept that being alone is my destiny. My date with Darlene seemed to underscore those feelings. I want to emphasize my acknowledgment that I’m as much or more to blame for my romantic failures as anyone else. I am what I am, and I’m unwilling to compromise or settle for anything less than what I want. Of course, if I actually knew what the fuck I wanted and expected, I’d be a lot further down the road to finding it. Anyway, here’s the lowdown on our first and presumably last date.
She was thirty minutes late for our agreed-upon meetup time and location. I cut her some slack because she had to rely on public transportation, including two different jeepneys, to get to Barretto.
I was not physically attracted to her. That’s all on me, obviously. I was not expecting a “love at first sight” scenario, but she also didn’t look anything like what I imagined. Her Date In Asia profile said her body type was slim, and that’s pretty much what I prefer.
Darlene was shy about having her picture taken.But I snuck this one as she exited the CR. I’m not being critical of her appearance; just noting that we define “slim” quite differently.
Anyway, we met at the 7/11, and Darlene agreed to walk to the floating bar on Baloy, so I give her props for that. She had never been to a floating bar and was excited about the experience. The water was rough, and it took her a while to adapt to the motion, but before too long, she was having a good time. I was a little surprised to see her order a Red Horse beer, that’s a favorite of the locals, but it is also high in alcohol content (8% if I recall correctly). So, it wasn’t long before she was feeling buzzed.
We both enjoyed watching the sun go down.
Darlene laughed at my jokes, liked my deep voice, and held her own in our conversations and interactions with the bar staff. In other words, she was good company, and I enjoyed our time together on the floater.
When it came time to eat, I took her to Treasure Island. From what I recall, we had a nice meal and more beers. In fact, I realized it was time to call it a night before she had too much to drink. We caught a trike back to the 7/11 jeepney stop, and I gave her some money to take a trike the rest of the way home from Olongapo (didn’t want her to have to make that transfer to another jeep). Darlene did mention she was feeling dizzy and wanted to wait a bit before going home, but a jeepney pulled up, and I thought it best that she take it.
She sent me a nasty message later that night saying it was wrong of me to have her ride the jeep while not feeling well. I responded, “Sorry.” The next day, she accepted my apology and said she had fun, and I said I had fun too. Then the next day, she sent a message asking for my help. She decided she wants to return to Qatar to work and needed to travel to Manila to complete the application and paperwork requirements. So, I wired her 3500 pesos, and she thanked me profusely. I do want to note that she was not begging and offered to provide services (she is a certified caregiver by trade) in return for the money. I told her that wasn’t necessary, and I was glad to help her achieve her goals.
So, I guess one way to assess the date’s success is to note that Darlene was the first woman who didn’t want to stay in the same country as me after our meeting. Would I have considered going out with her again? Perhaps, but probably with the understanding that we were just together as friends. Again, I enjoyed her company but didn’t feel a romantic attraction. But seriously, I think she knew we weren’t right for each other romantically, so she was ready to move on to a life as an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker).
So, what’s next? Well, hopefully not this:
If you are not a pervert and didn’t look up her skirt, take a gander now. She’s a girl with something extra!
But maybe this:
This is Angie, who works at Queen Victoria bar
I saw Angie for the second time last night, and we had a nice conversation. She’s early 40s and showed me a picture of her 20-year-old daughter, who is working at Wet Spot. I was thankful that her daughter is not one of the girls I ply with drinks there.
A photo from my first meeting with Angie, which coincidentally took place after my first (and last) date with Darlene.
Anyway, Angie has been Hashing before and wants to Hash again. And she is off on Mondays. I told her I would be happy to sponsor her (i.e., pay the 300 peso entry fee) anytime she wants to attend. We are also Facebook friends now. So, we’ll see if she is only in it for the drinks or if maybe I’ll have a Hash buddy to hike with.
Some people may think my life is pathetic, and perhaps it is, but it is the best damn life I currently have, and I intend to make the most of it. One way or another.
The Wednesday Walkers loaded up in a jeepney and traveled to the far side of Subic, starting our hike in the Philseco area. We then marched through the backroads, fields, hills, and dales, making our way to the Babaytay section of Castillejos. A hot day, but a pleasant change of scenery and an enjoyable 8+ kilometer hike.
The path we tookin the jeepneyOut of the jeepneyHitting the roadScott on the roadThat’s where a former Hasher I had the hots for in 2018 lives. She chose someone else over me. And this is how that’s working out for her. I feel sad for her but not pity.And she did get (another) kid out of the deal, something I could never give her.Up the roadHeading for the hillsWaiting on the slowpokesOff the pavementUp we go!The old fat guy in the groupThey are building a bypass road that will provide a shortcut to the shipyard in Cawag.Someday no one will remember what was here before the road.Oh, yeah? Just watch us!The view from hereEarly traffic on the new roadHeading back to the greeneryA beautiful day to be out of townCookie time!A murky pondOn the road againAnother cookie deliveryGreen acresFlatlandsIf you say soRoad workOver the riverA tree that is even older than meWaiting on a bus back to Barretto.
A good day on trail.
When beer o’clock came around, I headed out to Hideaway for the Wednesday feeding. Last night’s menu was pizza, pork liempo, fried chicken, rice, and freshly baked brownies. The food was gone in a flash, so no pictures.
Well, except for this one of Joy’s satisfied face
I was in one of “those” moods last night and decided to take my melancholy attitude elsewhere. Walking down the highway, it struck me as appropriate to show my respect to Bob by lifting a bottle to his memory.
In retrospect, probably not a good idea. That’s the “boss’s table” where he always sat. It just won’t ever be the same without him.The ashtray with Bob’s motorcycle club logo
Anyway, I had one beer and left. Too soon for me now, but I imagine there will be a wake or other sendoff for him soon that I will attend.
I parked my ass at Sloppy Joe’s next, and the place was rockin’. Chris was in charge of the music and playing tunes that helped us old fuckers recall the happy days of our youth. When the people I knew left, I went next door to Alaska to say hi to Virginia.
I was very disappointed to receive the silent treatment from her, despite paying for two lady drinks. Honestly, it was so bad I resolved never to buy her another one.I finished my beer and left.
To her credit, Virginia did message me this morning to apologize, saying she had a headache last night. Well, she could have told me that then and maybe I’d been a tad more understanding. She’s lost her status as my favorite in Alaska now, and IF I go back there in the future, I’ll pick someone else to drink with.
Not a great way to end the night, but it’s a brand new day today, and I won’t let yesterday intrude on my pursuit of a good time today. And yes, I know I owe you a report on my date this week. I’m still working through my thoughts on that event, but perhaps I’ll have something to share tomorrow.
Sad tidings have come to our little town with the news of Bob Kuehl’s tragic death. Bob was the owner of the It Doesn’t Matter bar and an avid motorcycling enthusiast. It was the latter that ultimately led to his passing. Bob was a member of a biker club called the Eight Demons, and they were making a cross-country tour of the PI. Out on the distant island of Mindoro, Bob was attempting to pass a slower-moving vehicle on his big Harley-Davidson when he had a head-on collision with an oncoming car. Bob died in the hospital yesterday.
Bob was well-known and well-liked throughout the community. I understand he was 62 years of age when he died.He leaves behind his lovely wife, Luna. I don’t know if he has family back in the USA.
Bob’s untimely death is a stark reminder that you never know which day will be your last one on Earth. From all appearances, Bob lived his life to the fullest and did it his way on his terms. Riding that Harley was one of his passions, and perhaps some comfort can be found in knowing he was doing what he loved to do at the end of his life.
Rest in Peace, Bob. You will be missed by all whose lives you touched.
A pretty laid-back Hash trail yesterday, with one moderate climb and a mellow down. That suits me just fine. I started the trail ahead of the pack and left the Hash circle before it was over. Ah, the freedom to do what you want, when you want, with whoever you want is definitely underrated.
The trail started at the VFW, then up into the hills on the My Bitch path, down into Marian Hills, back through Alta Vista, then out to Baloy Beach for the On-Home at Da’Kudos.The Harriers gather for instructions from the HareOn-On!The climb beginsSteppin’ it upIt got a bit steep in places, but not for longOnce up top, it was almost like a stroll in the parkA Barretto viewAnd another from on highTree huggerThe Easter Mountain shotFolks doing some work in the wildernessIt was a well-marked and easy-to-follow trailIt was hot in the sunshine yesterdayThat’s Alta Vista off in the distanceGoing downThe long and the short of it. I chose short.Cookie delivery in Marian HillsLeaving Marian HillsOn the streets of Alta VistaThe trail included a beer stop at SnackbarI made it On-Home to Da’KudosCalamari for dinnerAnd beer for dessert.Time to circle upHares on the iceTo be honest, I sometimes find the circle rituals a bit too much. But I also tend to be not all that sociable, so who am I to judge? The floating bar was enticing me,and before the circle ended, I had made my escape.Three birthday girls getting the cake treatmentSunset on the beachSunset on the waterThe floater wasn’t too busy yesterdayThe Hash circle, as seen from my new and improved vantage point
After a few beers on board, I walked up the beach to McCoy’s for my nightcap. I even sang a couple of videoke songs. All in all, a pretty fine day.
I’ll be back on Baloy this afternoon for my first date with Darlene, the gal I “met” on Date In Asia. Looking forward to seeing her in person. When I was telling her about the Hash, she must have done a Google search because she sent me some pictures of me at the Hash. And they were from my blog! It’s a little scary to think she may be reading my diary, but since she hasn’t backed out of the date, maybe I haven’t scared her away. Yet.
Here’s a post covering events other than my stumble down memory lane that I shared earlier today.
The feeding went well at Hideaway last night. As is becoming my Sunday modus operandi, the grub came courtesy of the Jewel Cafe. Fair prices, good food, and they deliver!
Three orders of garlic prawns with riceTwo orders of chicken wingsShanghai lumpiaChicken fingersAnd pork sizzling sisigSee you later, prawn. Well, actually, I hope not!
I’ve already recounted my journey through the past at the Green Room, but there was something else to report from there–The winner of the Miss Fralics beauty pageant at the FRA in San Antonio is one of the guest relations officers (GRO) from Green Room.
Sorry, I don’t recall her name at the moment. I do recognize her ass when I see it, though–completely covered in a tattoo...
So, congratulations to Miss Whatshername!
UPDATE: Her name is Damian Valencia. So, congrats to you, Damian. Or should I say, Maganda!
It’s Hash Monday again, so we’ll see if I have happy trails to report tomorrow. Until then, I’ll leave you this bit of wisdom:
Don’t be dismayed by good-byes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes, is certain for those who are friends.
Richard bach
July 2010. I was scheduled to retire in September, so I traveled to the Philippines to start processing my retirement visa and look for a place to live. I did the visa paperwork in Angeles, then came to Barretto and stayed at the Arizona Resort. I had planned to be in Manila for the final couple of days to meet a gal I’d been chatting with online named Eva. And then, in the middle of the trip, everything changed. Forever. And last night, an event occurred that has me trying to remember what happened back then and why.
So, after the Sunday feeding at Hideaway, I went to The Green Room for my nightcap. I sat down and ordered my beer, and then an unfamiliar waitress approached and showed me her phone displaying the photo posted above, “Is that you?” she asked. I responded, yes, it is. Where did you get that? The waitress told me she used to work at Arizona and asked if I remembered her. I honestly told her that I did not. She gave me a few additional details about how and where we met (that’s her in the photo with me back in July of 2010), and it all started to come back to me in bits and pieces.
Her name is Anne. I met her in the Score Bar, which was on the premises at Arizona. I still don’t recall if I had barfined her (paid to have her spend the night with me) at some point during my visit, but the afternoon those pictures were taken, I was sitting in Arizona’s outdoor restaurant near the pool. I saw Anne and a couple of the other Score girls swimming and invited her to join me for lunch. I remember being sick during the trip as well. There is still a bit of a black hole as to what caused me to cancel the remainder of my stay and fly back to Korea earlier than scheduled. I recall that when I told Eva I wasn’t going to meet her in Manila after all, she cried.
Talking with Anne again last night, nearly thirteen years later, was almost surreal. It did help bring to mind my final evening of that fateful trip. I was in Score Bar and feeling ill. Anne was with me at my table. She could tell I was sick and offered to care for me that night, and I accepted. We both knew there would be no sex involved. But what I now remember was maybe the sweetest hours I’ve ever experienced with a Filipina–lying beside her while she rubbed my head and sang to me in a hauntingly beautiful voice until I fell asleep. It was magical.
We had breakfast the next morning, and then it was time for me to depart for the airport. As I hugged her goodbye, tears were streaming down her face. I guess we both knew we would never meet again. Until we did last night.
Nice to see you again, Anne. And thanks for the memories!
You may have noticed Anne’s pictures from all those years ago were from a photo album. I guess our meeting was important enough to her that she wanted to preserve the memory. The implications of that are a little too scary to contemplate, but it is touching. We are now friends on Facebook, and she sent me a couple more photos to refresh my memory.
What can I say? I have impeccable taste.Some of the crew from Score Bar. It’s long gone now.
So, this morning I went on a quest for answers as to what happened and why. I figured I must have told the story here at LTG, but I was wrong about that. Back in those days, this blog wasn’t much of a diary. There is a bunch of political crap, dart league updates, and big gaps between posts. On July 21, 2010, I had this to say:
Anyway, I am a tad disconcerted right now but I’m going to see it through and wait until I get back home to decide what the hell to do.
Not to worry, but I’ve got some kind of bug. I played darts yesterday afternoon in the Subic league (went 2-2 but should have done better) then went back to the room and went to bed. And stayed there for 14 hours (with occasional trips to the CR)
I didn’t post again until July 27, and that was about darts in Seoul, so I was home again by then. And then, on the 28th, I had this cryptic post:
Dreams die.
New dreams emerge.
It’s the freakin’ circle of life.
So, I have decided to postpone retirement until 2 January 2011.
Time to work on Plan “B”.
What the hell was going on with me? I didn’t bother even to try and answer that question until August 20:
Fact is I do start feeling guilty when I don’t take care of business here at LTG. I’ve just been pretty much without motivation for anything lately accept sitting on my lazy ass. As I’ve speculated on why that might be the best I’ve come up with is that the uncertainty of my future has left me more than a little disconcerted. And when I get to feeling this way, I tend to retreat and ignore. Tantamount to putting my hands over my ears and screaming LA LA LA! at the top of my voice.
Anyway, I make it sound worse than it is. It’s not like sitting on my lazy ass doing nothing is all that bad. Still, there are things to be done and decisions to be made and at some point I need to get on with the doing and deciding.
As folks who care know, last months trip to the Philippines was not exactly a disaster, but it didn’t go as planned either. Not only did I not find a suitable place to live, I came away questioning whether I wanted to live there period. Which kinda sorta undermined the dream I’d been pursuing for these past several years.
Upon my return from that ill-fated trip I had to postpone my retirement date and recalibrate my future plans. It was more than a little embarassing seeing as how my farewell luncheon had been scheduled and my replacement had been selected.
January 2, 2011 is the new big day. And no excuses, I will no doubt about it, unquestionably, effectuate my retirement on that date. I really mean it this time.
What I am going to do and where I will be on January 3, 2011 remains to be seen.
Stay tuned.
Well, that certainly clears things up, doesn’t it? I couldn’t find anything else to document what occurred back then, so I’ll have to rely on my Biden-like memory. This is what I *think* happened.
I had been living with Jee Yeun since sometime in 2009. She was aware of my plans to retire and live in the Philippines. She said she wanted to stay with me until I left. I agreed. The trip I made to the PI in July 2010 was in final preparation for my move after my September retirement. Looking back now, I think Jee Yeun had somehow found out about Eva and went nuts, calling me and crying her heart out. As noted above, I had been sick and was also disappointed that I hadn’t found suitable housing. And I think maybe Jee Yeun’s pleadings made me realize that she truly loved me and caused me to reevaluate my feelings for her. Anyway, something in me snapped, and I just decided to take a step back and reconsider my options.
So, I delayed my retirement, then moved back to the USA instead of the Philippines and took Jee Yeun with me. And here I am all these years later, living in the Philippines and still trying to recover from the heartbreak that flowed from that decision.
Memory Lane is chock full of potholes, that’s for sure.
I’m sure my regular readers will discern which one I’m referring to…
It was a nice afternoon attending the annual Fralics (pronounced frolics) hosted by the FRA branch in San Antonio. Yesterday’s main event was the chili cookoff, with eight teams competing for the honor of creating the best chili, at least in the eyes of the judges.
The stage is set. There is a beauty contest today, but I opted not to make the trip back this year. Probably should have just arranged to spend the night. Oh well, next year.I was one of the sponsors for the golf tournament this year.We arrived a little after noon, and I was hungry, so I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich.Working girls working that grillThe fruits of their laborI really enjoy hanging out here at the FRA/GarageBar and GrillA big Old GlorySaw some old friends from Alley Cats barStill cooking…Burners off at 2:00 p.m.My pal Dave’s creationLooks good to me!Dave’s entourageOne of the competitors. I don’t know why, but this reminded me of the last time I had diarrhea.Just before the time bell rings
So, at 2:00, samples from each contestant were provided to the judges. Then attendees were invited to grab a taste from each pot while supplies last. I think I managed five of the eight.
Dave’s creation. At first, I thought it was too bland, but a couple of minutes later, the green chili kicked in, and I could feel the burn in my mouth.I couldn’t keep track of the contestant numbers, but this one was good too.I don’t know, and I don’t care. Ignorant and apathetic!The last two I tried. Hey, if it ain’t got beans like the one on the right, it ain’t chili. Yeah, yeah, I know there’s a school of thought that REAL Mexican chiliis beanless. But this ain’t Mexico.
And then the winners were announced.
My personal favorite finished 3rd.
The team from the VFW in Angeles got first. Sorry, I don’t remember which one was their entry; I did try it, though.
Here’s the thing, I’m no judge of what makes chili good. To me, it’s all a matter of taste. And what I like may not suit your preferences. Another thing I noticed was that eating from multiple bowls of different concoctions also impacts the flavor. I mentioned how Dave’s batch seemed bland at first but had a tangy aftertaste. If you took a bite of something else right away, you’d miss out on that effect. Later, one of the judges we know said they considered spiciness a key element–the spicier, the better. That’s a standard I totally disagree with, but whatever.
Third place is plenty good for me…
After the event, we made the drive back to Barretto, but it felt too early to go home on a Saturday night. So, we had my driver drop us off at Sloppy Joe’s.
Let the good times roll!
That’s it for now. I will be doing the Sunday feeding at Hideaway and see where the evening takes me from there. Full report tomorrow!
Sultans of Swing is one of my favorite songs, but how is it relevant to today’s post? Well, I did use a line from the lyrics as a caption. Listen for it!
I’m heading out to San Antonio soon, so I need to fill the void here at LTG before I leave. I’m pretty sure I won’t be in any condition to write when I return this evening. So, here’s the lowdown since my previous post.
I checked into my room at The Pub Hotel. I’ve stayed here on previous occasions when I was enduring an extended power or water outage at home.
Clean, comfortable, and cheap–paid 1700 pesos ($34) for my stay last night.A view from my roomAnd another. Not exactly postcard material. Damn, do they even make postcards anymore? It’s weird to be old and outdated.
Anyway, I got what I came for at The Pub–a shower, a toilet I can flush, and a good night’s sleep. I did have some issues with the wifi. I was on the third floor, accessible only by stairs. I didn’t ask about the password when I checked in, so I had to go back to the lobby. The receptionist said it was on the room key fob. It wasn’t, so she handed me a slip of paper. When I got back to the room later that night, the password didn’t work. So, it was back to the lobby once more. The same receptionist said to try it with a five or a seven (the password contained a 6) so, I went back upstairs, and still a no-go. Fuck it. I wasn’t going to stay all night without internet access (my phone wouldn’t make a mobile hotspot for some reason, either). I packed up my laptop (planning to come back to shower in the morning, I left everything else in the room) and went back downstairs. There was a male receptionist this time, and I told him how disappointed I was with a hotel that didn’t provide working wifi. He apologized and said, “Let me help you with that, sir,” so we headed upstairs once more. It took a few minutes, but he was successful in getting both my phone and my laptop connected to the wifi. Woo-hoo, I got to sleep in the room I paid for, after all!
After my shower, I dressed and prepared to attend the SOB event at Queen Victoria. I had time to grab some dinner, so I ordered fish and chips at the Outback pool bar.
My dinner view
While I was dining, a woman greeted me by name as she passed and went to talk with the bar manager. When she left, the manager asked me how I knew her, and I honestly responded damned if I know. It turns out she used to work at Mugshots bar, and I guess I met her there. She was applying for work at Outback, and I gave her a recommendation. I mean, if she remembered my name after a brief one-time visit to Mugshots, she’s got what it takes to make customers feel at home.
Queen Victoria is right across the highway from Outback, and I successfully managed a crossing of the busy road without getting squashed. The SOB was entertaining, and I had a good tablemate to chat with. Whiskey Girl finished first, and all the bars placed where I had voted them, so I must have judged correctly. No pictures to share, sorry!
During a break in the show, one of the guys sitting behind me asked about the Hash and whether he could attend. I told him everyone was welcome and where and when we meet. He thanked me, and I asked him how he knew I was a Hasher. “I read your blog.” After all these years, it still astounds me to run into a complete stranger (this guy lives in Malaysia) that knows all about me from the diary of my life that is Long Time Gone.
After the SOB, I decided to continue on the path to drunkenness with a visit to Sloppy Joe’s. And I’ll be damned if it didn’t happen again–another encounter with a stranger who follows LTG. Now, remember that I only get about 200 unique visitors a day, so it’s not like I’m famous or anything like that guy who writes Big Hominids Hairy Chasms. To meet two of my readers in a single night in a little backwater town like Barretto must be astronomically against all odds. So much for the safety of anonymity.
Anyway, there were some real-life acquaintances at Sloppy Joes’s, including a Hash friend, Dave, who will be participating in today’s chili cookoff. Good luck and see you there. It was also another Hasher’s birthday, and Dave was buying everyone drinks in her honor. After downing a couple of shots of something, I knew I’d best be getting back to the hotel while I still could. (I already told the part where I almost had to leave the hotel in pursuit of internet access. It turns out I’d rather be home with no water than trapped without the comfort of the world wide web at my fingertips. Anyway, all’s well that ends well.)
This morning on my way to breakfast, I ran into Dave loading his car with supplies for the trip to San Antonio and the chili cookoff.
That’s a lot of ingredients! And all fresh, too, not a can in sight.
About that breakfast.
It’s been a long time since I’ve had pancakes or sausage. Too long.Thank you, Sit-n-Bull
And then this photo popped up in my Facebook memories today:
That was April 15, 2012, somewhere on the west coast of South Korea.Bridget Werner died of a heart attack in 2016. Her son, Christopher, died two years later. And Jee Yuen ended the life I was living back then when she left me. And this life I’m living here is what I have left.Everything changes.
Just a song before I go
A lesson to be learned
Traveling twice the speed of sound
It's easy to get burned
'Twas in another lifetime
One of toil and blood
When blackness was a virtue
The road was full of mud
I came in from the wilderness
A creature void of form
"Come in," she said, "I'll give ya
Shelter from the storm"
We’ve had unseasonable rain these past two days. Whether that’s related to my current water outage, I can’t say. As I understand the third-hand version of events, Subic Water has a broken pipeline somewhere, and they’ll fix it as soon as they can find it. In the meantime, the residents of Alta Vista can’t flush a toilet or take a shower. In a display of just how confident I am that the problem will be resolved promptly, I’ve already booked a room for tonight.
My “date” with Nerissa went okay except for her arriving ten minutes late to our agreed-upon rendevous location at the 7/11 on Baloy Road. I got there ten minutes early because that’s what being on-time means to me. Filipinas are so notorious for being late that they even have a name for it–Filipina time. I was disappointed that Nerissa wasn’t an exception to the rule.
Anyway, she made some amends when she suggested that we walk to Baloy Beach, so that’s what we did. She’d never been to the floating bar, so we started out there. Given the stormy weather, we were the only customers. The water was rougher than normal as well, so the bar was rockin’, but not in the good kind of way. I was a little worried at first that Nerissa was going to experience a bout of seasickness, but she adapted quickly and wound up enjoying the motion.
Stormy seasBaloy Beach resorts, Kokomo’s, Da’Kudos, and Treasure IslandWith no passengers to ferry to and from shore, the raft operator did a little fishing.And he caught one! A small one that I would have thrown back when I was a fisherman, but to each his own.
So, we enjoyed a few beers on board, and then it was time for dinner. I took Nerissa to Da’Kudos, which has the same owner and menu as one of my favorites, Mango’s. Alas, but not the same kitchen crew. I ordered the grilled pork chops, and Nerissa went with seafood chowder and fried calamari. It took over forty-five minutes to get our food. The food itself was okay, but not really worth the wait. We ate and left.
I took Nerissa for a nighttime beach walk which was surprisingly pleasant. My sight isn’t that good, but I saw something floating in the dark water and jokingly said, “It’s a dead body!” A voice responded, “No, I’m okay.” That gave me a startle and a chuckle because I didn’t really think it was a human.
I took Nerissa to McCoy’s beach bar for our nightcap. She wanted to videoke and said for me to go first. Well, I was drunk enough to be in a singing mood, so I did my rendition of Patsy Cline’s Crazy, one of my videoke standards.
I grew up on music like this; Patsy Cline was one of my Dad’s favorites.
We needed to get some assistance with making additional song selections, but the bar staff at McCoy’s couldn’t be bothered to pay us any attention. I was also drunk enough to let that fact of life here piss me off, so we finished our beers and left. Walked back to the trike stand on the National Highway, where I intended to put Nerissa in one for her ride home, but she insisted on riding with me, then dropping me off at home and continuing on her way. Okay, fine, so that’s what we did.
I had a message from Nerissa when I woke up, saying she made it home safely and thanking me for the night out. You’re welcome.
I had a nice chat with Hazel, the gal I met on Date In Asia, this morning. I’m looking forward to meeting her in person next week. I think she is too. Not a bargirl, early 30s, licensed caregiver, and has worked in several countries overseas. The kind of girl my readers have suggested would be more to my liking. One step at a time, but we are off to a positive start, I think.
None of the Friday hikers were up for a walk in the rain, so I did my standard solo street walk in Barretto.
7.51K of wet street walking
I saw a lot of pussy on this morning’s hike too:
Sorry if I disappointed you!
And when I got home, my Buddy boy was so excited to see me:
Whatever he’s dreaming about appears to have put a smile on his face.
Oh, I almost forgot about my lunch yesterday–a turkey dinner with all the fixins.
Hungry Man dinners are not nearly as good as I remember thinking they were.
Now I guess I’ll go pack my bag, then head into town for a shower. I’m doing the SOB tonight for the first time in a month or so, and I’m almost looking forward to it. And since I’m staying in a hotel room nearby, my drunken stumble home shouldn’t be a problem. Well, except for the crossing the highway part.
I’m leaving for San Antonio and the Fralics at the Fleet Reserve Association (FRA) at noon. Tomorrow’s main event is the chili cookoff, so we’ll see how that goes. Mary invited herself along, but that’s okay. What kind of Sugar Daddy would I be if I said no?
This one made me laugh for some reason.
During my walk this morning, that Bob Dylan tune that provided the title and introduction for today’s post came up on a playlist Spotify suggested for me. I hadn’t heard it for decades, and I rather enjoyed listening to it again. Perhaps you will too.
Well, I'm living in a foreign country
But I'm bound to cross the line
Beauty walks a razor's edge
Someday I'll make it mine
If I could only turn back the clock
To when God and her were born
"Come in," she said, "I'll give ya
Shelter from the storm"
Took a walk on the wet side yesterday morning. The Wednesday Walkers group did a beach walk from Barretto to the lighthouse just outside the entrance to the old Navy base. It’s probably been a year since I last ventured out this way, and I was surprised just how much things have changed, and not in a good way.
The Wednesday Walkers who showed up yesterday
The first thing that happened was our normal beach access was blocked by a locked gate. So, we walked through the Outback Hotel pool area to reach the sand, which is uncouth, but I’ll stop in for a beer or two soon to make up for it.
Having achieved our waterside objective, we discovered we had arrived at high tide. I knew that was going to mean wet feet at some point in the hike, and that point turned out to be immediate. The water was higher than where the fence line ended, so I waded on out and around it.
My fellow hikers opted to hop the fence. I didn’t bother because I knew what lay ahead, including two river crossings. Sometimes at low tide, there are ways across that keep you dry, but not on this day.On the beachOn the waterIn the water. Man, it is hard to complain about getting wet feet when you see a man in a wheelchair enjoying being rolled into the bay.A low-maintenance pier.A joint US-Philippine military drill is taking place this week—the largest joint exercise ever between the two countries. Hopefully, China gets the message.The first river crossing. No way over that wall. Welcome to the freedom of having wet feet!Water wasn’t the only obstacle; there were also rocks to climb over.A little tricky but doable.Up and over, and watch out for the burning pile of rubbish!Enjoying the viewAnd then there was this. Whether it was intentional or not, it sucked to have to jump into water that luckily ONLY came to just above my knees. I suspected the property owner on the other side didn’t like people walking on “his” beach, so he made passage difficult by destroying the walkway.Back on the beachThen back in the water. Some construction had the beach blocked past the waterline.Looks like someone forgot about high tideBeachy keeno!The last time I passed this way, that house was occupied. Things change.This property is owned by the Gordons, one of Olongapo’s most powerful political families. The caretaker made it very clear we were not welcome.The end is near.The end (for him) is hereThe lighthouse objective is achieved!SBMA, aka The old Navy base
And that’s where we ended the hike. Caught a Jeepney back to Barretto and grabbed some lunch at Sit-n-Bull.
When it was time to feed the girls at Hideaway, I stopped at the Andoks chicken store and gathered some foodstuffs.
Roast chickenFried chickenAnd some pork liempoWith my brownies for dessert, of course.In Joy
My bar tab at Hideaway was over 2000 pesos. I was a little overly generous on the lady drinks, I suppose. So, the money I fritter away in the bar made me feel a little guilty about the money I’m declining to fritter away on the gals besieging me with their requests for assistance. That’s my excuse for ending my night at Wet Spot and slipping Aine the cash she had requested. But I did make clear to her it would be the last time. And, while the Messenger connection worked for her request for help, it apparently couldn’t transmit a thank you. Good to know.
On a more positive note, I have achieved the level of status at Wet Spot that affords me the benefit of a personalized beer coozy. Hooray for me!
As usual, I was up early this morning and catching up with the blogs I follow. That’s where I saw the news on Kevin Kim’s Big Hominid site that Elon Musk had destroyed a BBC “reporter.” And it didn’t take long for the memes to pop up on my Facebook feed. Here are a couple of my favorites:
Heh!Buried alive!
In other news, Nerissa asked if we could get together on her day off, which is today. I figured, sure, why not? It’s my floating bar day on Baloy, so I invited her to join me, and afterward, I’ll treat her to dinner, probably at Da’Kudos. Not to worry, she is completely in the friend zone with me. Not sure what I am to her, nor does it matter.
I’ve also been chatting with a gal I just met on the Date In Asia site. I’m not getting ahead of myself with her, but she checks all the boxes with no red flags so far. I am looking forward to our first date, which will have to be next week since I’ve already made plans for the weekend. Should be fun to see if we have any chemistry when we meet in person.
Hey, maybe things are finally going to get interesting around here!
There is something very weird going on. I’ve been here almost five years and have never seen anything like it. Maybe it’s all coincidence, but damn, it makes me feel like I need to reevaluate what being generous means. Or revisit Rule #1 (don’t be a sucker). I’m not saying that all the pleadings are illegitimate, but I’m starting to feel overwhelmed, and I’m going to have to toughen up.
#1. Joy’s phone needed to be repaired, and I agreed to meet her at the repair shop. Anticipating that the repairs would cost more than the phone was worth, I erased my backup phone and brought it with me. Enjoy your almost-new Samsung A-23 Joy.
#2. Maria wanted to give me a massage so she could buy milk for her baby. I told her I was busy.
#3. MJ needed medicine for her daughter and wanted to give me a massage to earn extra money. I told her I wasn’t in the mood but gave her an additional 500 pesos in her weekly “allowance” for the meds.
#4. Mary’s grandmother was sick, and she needed to take her to the doctor. To be fair, it was the first time Mary had ever directly asked me for cash. I gave it to her.
#5. Agnes messaged me that her electricity had been shut off, and her kids were crying because it was so hot in the house. In a weak moment, I agreed to help her out, and she met me at Annex bar to pick up the money. While she was there, I bought her a mango juice and asked if she was working tomorrow. She matter-of-factly told me that she was taking the day off to run errands. I was gobsmacked. You don’t have money to pay your electric bill, but you take time off work anyway? It didn’t appear she understood the connection. In that moment, I realized I had just violated Rule #1.
#6. Mae wanted to come see me because she lacked the funds to pay for the baby she is about to give birth to. That’s right, she’s 8+ months pregnant and wants to fool around for money. I didn’t even respond.
#7. Aine needs money to pay her bills and wanted to give me the opportunity to provide her with 1500 pesos to do so. I’ll give her credit that her request was more of an offer than blatant begging, but I still chose not to respond.
Again, it is not unusual for me to get these kinds of requests. But getting all of these in one day was borderline overwhelming. I’ve always tried to do what I can to help people in need, but I live on a budget and can’t help everyone. I’ve been providing regular support for MJ, but it seems like it is never enough. That’s frustrating. And the requests from people I don’t know that well, like bargirl acquaintances, are irritating. I’m not completely unsympathetic to their tales of woe, but the voice in my head is screaming, “And why, exactly, is that my responsibility to pay for?”
Anyway, that’s my rant for today. I need to toughen up. I’ve blocked people in the past, and I’ll probably reinstitute that practice when I feel like the only thing we have in common is my money.
In other news, I grilled some steaks yesterday for the first time in several months.
Steaks on the grillSteaks ready to come off the grillSteak on the plate
So, the meat was tender and flavorful. And about as thick as a slice of luncheon meat. I gave that feedback to the local vendor I bought them from, and she said I could request to have the meat sliced as thick as I wanted. Well, okay then, I’ll give them another try. Those four thin steaks would have been okay as two. The only problem is they ain’t cheap…that’s 2200 pesos ($44.) worth of beef in the first photo above.
Oh well, what else am I going to spend the money on, needy bargirls? I need to reevaluate my priorities, I suppose.
My Tuesday night bar crawl took me to Cheap Charlies, Annex, Sloppy Joe’s (rapidly becoming my favorite bar), and Alaska. We (with my pal Chris) had control of the music last night and played more of our favorites. Other patrons shouted out their requests, and it made for some interactive fun. I’d gone to Alaska to see Virginia (damn, I love that line), but she had been tabled by another customer. That’s the way it works in the girly bar business–first cum, first served) and I have no issues with that. Seeing the other dancers on stage with forlorn expressions that I wasn’t picking a substitute drinking partner made me a little sad for them, so I had my waitress bring me some 50 peso notes, and I handed out eight of them to the girls. Yeah, it’s a small thing, but better than nothing. I certainly would have spent more than that on drinks for Virginia, so win-win!