Drama time

Try as I might, I just can’t seem to avoid drama, even if it doesn’t directly involve me.

Mary invited herself to join me for last night’s SOB, and I accepted her invitation. After the show, she wanted to come home with me, and I didn’t resist that overture either. I went to bed, and she lay beside me, busy on her phone. I actually found it rather irritating because I was feeling a little frisky. Anyway, suddenly, she sprang up and said she had to go. Apparently, her drug-addicted uncle had beat up her grandmother. This has been going on for some time. Why anyone would tolerate that kind of behavior is a mystery to me, but I guess Granny can’t find a way to tell her son to fuck off. The bottom line for me was I woke up alone again this morning.

My part-time helper, who lives in the maid’s room downstairs, messaged me with a plea for 6,000 pesos to bail her brother out of jail. He got busted in a drug raid at his friend’s house in Subic. His story is he wasn’t aware his friend was involved with drugs and is an innocent victim in all of this. He’s making other allegations of police corruption, but methinks he might be protesting too much. If you choose to run with the wrong crowd, this kind of thing will happen. Anyway, I made the loan because it would suck to be stuck in a Filipino jail indefinitely waiting for a trial, especially if you are innocent. If he is guilty, he’ll be back in soon enough. One of my friends with benefits got busted for drugs, and I ceased all contact with her after that. I do not want to be around anyone doing illegal shit; the potential consequences for innocent bystanders are too severe.

This morning Darlene messaged me pleading for a second chance. I didn’t give her one but tried to be nice in my rejection. Her parting shot was that I give up too quickly. I bit my tongue and let it go. Who needs the drama?

Hmm, I see now that I was writing about darts drama back in 2018. I feel a little bad about that now because the Drama King I wrote about died a few months later.

UPDATE: I was just chatting with one of the Cheap Charlies gals I know, and she said lots of the staff there are afraid of me because I throw “tantrums.” Shit. Maybe I attract drama because I’m so dramatic. Still, whenever I’ve been upset in Cheap Charlies, I had valid reasons. But I guess that is also a matter of perspective. Something to think about.

No drama involved with the Friday group hike. The closest we came was a new landowner who has chosen to erect fences that interfered with the My Bitch trail. We were able to find a walk-around this time, but this kind of thing doesn’t bode well for the future.

This kind of fence.

It was an otherwise pleasant hike. Here are some photos from along the way:

Our path, as seen from above
This week’s iteration of the Friday hikers
An Alta Vista passage
Then into the hills
Another hot day. Much better in the shade.
Hello, Easter mountain
Arriving at my mountain friend Olivia’s place
It was Olivia’s birthday, and her kids and grandkids were there. That’s Jennifer and her baby.
Just passing through
Bottled in
Looks cozy
Heading back down to the valley
Paying our respects to Mother Mary
How now, brown cow?
Just about done
See you next time, EM!

The SOB was at Alaska Club last night. Before the show, I went to Angel’s Bakery next door for something to eat.

It’s been quite some time since I last ate there, but this roast chicken salad was outstanding.

The SOB went well, with the Whiskey Girl team taking first place. A very close contest this week.

That’s me at 35 years old, enjoying a cold can of Busch beer. Hey, all the cool dudes were doing it.

Alright, let’s see what Saturday night holds in store. Thanks for dropping in.

11 thoughts on “Drama time

  1. re: the McCrarey temper

    I seem to recall, when we were walking the flat trail toward Bundang some years back, that whenever I tried to say something critical, you had a tendency to interrupt loudly because, I assume, you didn’t want to hear it. Heh. Sure, no one likes being criticized, but it was interesting to see such an automatically reflexive defense mechanism. Maybe there are some sharp edges to your personality that could use some sanding down, but I know one thing: alcohol isn’t going to help with that. Of course, at this point, you might be too set in your ways to make any significant changes. I can relate. Just remember who your friends (or paid friendly acquaintances) are and try not to scare the bargirls.

    Drugs, drugs, everywhere! How bad is the drug situation in the PI? Here in Korea, it’s apparently worse than I thought: the authorities are beginning to feel overwhelmed by the burgeoning problem. I knew North Korea had a meth and fentanyl thing going on; my boss says that, in some parts of North Korea, people actually gift each other meth, which is, I guess, the opiate of the masses. South of the DMZ, more and more young people are trying drugs, then getting hooked on them, thanks to initial curiosity and increasing availability.

    Anyway, yeah, that’s the kind of drama to stay away from… drugs, I mean. With Mary, you’re only—what—two degrees of separation from the drug problem, which kind of brings a toxic pall to your relationship with her. Based on things you’ve said about Mary’s history in the past, I get the impression that she’s surrounded by darkness. My initial impression of her was that she was simply too young for you despite her precociousness, but now, I’m getting almost a “curse” vibe from her. Either proceed with great caution or get the hell away, I’d say. The drug thing can be a black hole with you inadvertently caught in its gravity well.

    Nice pics of the walk. That’s a good-looking chicken salad. I feel sorry for the Blessed Virgin’s mangled face.

  2. On your satellite view of the trail, where is the fence that may potentially block your trail?

    What is the purpose of those plastic bottles on the fence posts? Keep birds from roosting there?

  3. I trip over my own dick again.

    but it was an interesting to see such an automatically reflexive defense mechanism.

    That should be:

    but it was interesting to see such an automatically reflexive defense mechanism.

  4. Maybe you should consider moving about a 100 miles away where you are unknown. There is always a short visit to Dennis in Thiland/Cambodia? to reset.
    I see you being gullible, but you see yourself as “charitable?” Think about this and come to a balance, if all your ladies will allow it.
    Just thinking. I have your best interests in mind.

  5. Jerry. Dennis is still in Cambodia, although I haven’t heard from him recently. As to the moving, I do have a Plan B, but I’m part of a community here, and for the most part, I’m enjoying myself. I’ve recently blocked some of the perpetual beggars, and I’m getting a little better at saying no, so that’s progress.

    As always, appreciate your insights and suggestions.

  6. Brian, from the pin that says “3rd family,” moving left until you reach the intersection with a road is the area where someone has bought the property and is erecting fences.

    Believe it or not, the purpose of the bottles is intended to be decorative. I’ve seen it at other shacks in the woods, too. Well, they are colorful. During the holidays, I’ve seen Christmas trees made out of similar bottles.

  7. Kevin, I have no recollection of anything other than a pleasant hike that day. No idea what my reaction to whatever you said was intended to convey, but I’m sure it wasn’t personal. I guess I can get a little intense when defending/debating a viewpoint, but I wouldn’t normally try to shut down contrary views. I apologize if I came across that way. That’s why I could never be a doctor–I have no patience! *ahem* Anyway, I should definitely work on my self-awareness and recognize how I might be perceived by others.

    Yes, drugs are a big problem in this country–mostly shabu (meth) from China. I think it is primarily confined to the poor, but that’s the majority of the population here. So, yeah, I don’t want to get dragged into that pit inadvertently through association with the wrong people. I don’t personally know anyone (local or foreigner) engaged with illegal drugs, but I would immediately end the relationship if I discovered they were using (like I did with the bargirl).

    As for Mary, she is anti-drug in a big way. She’s reported her uncle before and told if she suspected her father was using, she’d turn him in too. That’s actually a little scary. And yes, Mary has had a difficult upbringing and is estranged from her mother and other close relatives. That’s sad. So, I don’t mind helping her in her educational pursuits, but I’ve already recognized there is no potential relationship otherwise.

  8. My bad. Should not make ass-sumptions. Thought there might be several other “Barrittos” around.

  9. Jerry, my Barretto is a pretty unique blend of people and things to do, and I haven’t seen anything quite like it in my travels thus far. Angeles City is too much bars and too little scenic sites. La Union could work as it has similar qualities as Barretto (a Hash, some beaches and mountains, and a couple of bars), but it just feels out of the way and isolated somehow.

    Bottom line, at least for now is I haven’t seen any place I would rather be.

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