Stung by a B in the ass

Well, technically, it was a needle that stung me with an injection of B complex vitamins in my left butt cheek.

So, I consulted Dr. Jo and her physician husband for their advice on the intermittent numbness issue I’ve been experiencing in my left knee/leg. After some poking, prodding, and manipulation it does not appear that I have muscle or joint damage. They concluded that it is likely a nerve issue which will require an ultrasound test to confirm. They also suggested I add some B vitamins to my daily meds ingestion ritual and gave me the shot to get me started. I teasingly told Dr. Jo, “I didn’t have any pain when I came here today and now you have fixed that. Good job!”

That’s actually the good news in all this, I haven’t had to deal with pain. The numbness/tingly feeling is a bit disconcerting, but I can walk through that. The concern that prompted the doctor’s visit was having the knee collapse and causing a fall. The ramifications of that happening up on the mountain is scary as hell. It is somewhat comforting that this issue seems to be fleeting–I felt it briefly in the supermarket yesterday but had no issues on a rather challenging hike this morning. So, we’ll see. Looking at it from a positive perspective, if this is the worst I have to complain about, I’m doing pretty good for an old fucker.

I woke up to the sad news this morning that another person I’ve known here has passed away. Alan was a long-time resident and former manager at the Palm Tree Resort (that’s where I met him) and an all-around good guy. He had returned to the UK a couple of weeks ago for some medical treatment (I think it was prostate related). This morning his sister posted that Alan had died in his sleep last night. I feel very bad for his sweetheart Christine who was devoted to him. I sent her my condolences and told her to let me know if she needs any kind of help. She is facing tough times I’m sure.

I sometimes joke about the Barretto expat community resembling a retirement village. Most of us here are retired old farts, so it shouldn’t really be all that surprising that the death rate among us is going to be relatively high. I’m not all that morbidly inclined, but I can’t help but wonder who is going to be next, recognizing that one day it will be me. A good reminder to make the best of the time you have before it runs out. I’m not sure I make the best use of my time, but I try to do the things I enjoy best. Maybe that’s enough.

I’m not a big fan of Facebook and don’t engage there nearly as much as I used to. And don’t get me started on what a total douchebag Mark Zuckerman has proven himself to be. Still, it has its value in some ways. For example, it helps you keep in touch with old friends you might not otherwise ever hear from again after you’ve moved away–I routinely send birthday greetings to folks back in the USA and Korea that I’ll probably never see again in person. For some reason, I was thinking of an old friend from my Prescott, AZ days, Joe Heydorn. I did a search on Facebook and found an account that I thought might be him, so I sent him a message:

Remember me? I was the best man at your wedding sometime last century.

Six weeks later, I got this response:

Hello, John. It was exactly 40 years ago yesterday. Thanks to your training, I did 37+ years with the USPS. I’ll never forgive you.

HaHa! Well, I’m glad to hear he’s doing well.

And of course, the other thing Facebook provides me is a flashback with its daily “memories” feature. I was pretty much a fucked up mess during my last year in Korea which is all on me and something I really regret–wasting what could have been some of the best times of my life. So, five years ago (about two weeks before I moved to the PI) I posted this:

It seems to be taking longer than I hoped, but I think I’m finally getting there.

Tonight I’ll continue down the road to my destiny. I’ll begin the evening with my Hideaway feeding and then decide where I might drown my sorrows next. I’m joking (mostly) about that second part–I’m over the sorrows and well into the acceptance mode. This week I had a gal beseeching me for a “second chance” and didn’t relent on my denial. When she kept pleading “Why?” I simply responded, “Because I don’t need the drama that comes with you.” That seemed to shut her up.

Alright, that’s it for now. I’m going to go spend some time with Lucifer.

6 thoughts on “Stung by a B in the ass

  1. I’ll be curious to find out what sort of neurological problem comes and goes like that. After my stroke, I began to associate buckling knees with brain issues, but as I said earlier, with a stroke, you’re talking about a persistent condition—chronic, not acute.

    Sorry to hear about Alan. I assume that’s Christine beside him in the pic.

    We all tumble over the edge of life’s conveyor belt eventually. We just don’t know where on the conveyor belt we are.

  2. Yeah, the intermittency is what is strange, no idea why it comes and goes.

    That is Christine beside Alan.

    The conveyor belt scenario might explain that voice I keep hearing shouting “Next!”

  3. Sorry to hear about Alan. Reinforces the importance of having affairs in order and having loved ones taken care of (if that is what a person desires).

    I have heard stories over and over here in Thailand about expats that pass away and his partner (invariably a Thai lady) is left out in the cold because they were never officially married, he had made no arrangements for her in case of his demise, etc etc.

    I realize that many times, the retired expat is living on a pension that was acquired prior to meeting (or even marrying) his partner, and that pension ends with his death, but other times, it is just a lack of planning.

  4. Brain, yes, sadly, that is the guess with many expats here as well. Living on tight budgets week-to-week and leaving nothing behind for their partner to carry on with when they depart this world. I understand that Alan and Christine were together for an amazing 17 years, and I hope he made arrangements to provide for her now that he is gone.

  5. Hi John,
    Its been a while, although i see you are still the same as ever reading back through some posts.
    Regarding your leg / knee issues, have the doctors considered Sciatica?
    Some of the symptoms you state match, i have been struggling with back problems over the past 6 months however they first showed up as similar symptoms in my left leg.
    After some scans it turned out for me it was a disc issue that was pinching the sciatic nerve and causing the problems.

    Take care and keep on rolling!!


  6. Hey, Thirsty; nice to hear from you again. Hope all is well with you and the family.

    Yeah, the nerves in the back are the primary suspect and I’m supposed to go to the local hospital for a scan to confirm that. It just seems odd that something like that would be intermittent, but what do I know?

    I hope they were able to resolve your Sciatica issues successfully. Thanks for reading!

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