John Barrymore
“A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.”
“I dream of having no regrets”
John McCrarey
Sorry if I’ve used those quotes before. According to Facebook, I posted the Barrymore line five years ago. Eh, either way, it’s as true now as it ever was.
I’m not complaining about my lot in life though. Why should I? Here’s a glimpse into the 24 hours preceding this post. I report, you decide.
I started my Saturday evening by dining at one of my regular eateries, Sit-n-Bull. I ordered up one of my favorites, the large size pulled pork sandwich with a side of coleslaw, and I wasn’t disappointed. The owner, Ron, has some specials going on for the month of January–free refills on coffee (unheard of in these parts) and beers for 50 pesos. That’s the lowest price in town for beer, even Cheap Charlies has raised the price to 60 pesos.
After my meal and a couple of beers, I headed up the street to see what was happening at BarCelona. They had a decent crowd and at least one big spender was plying the staff with lady drinks. The gals were all happy of course and a few of them were drunk and loud. It was a little irritating though and the service was slow. I went out to sit on the rooftop as is my custom, but it was really breezy and chilly enough to be uncomfortable, so I moved back inside and sat at the bar.

One beer at BarCelona then I moved on up the highway to my beachside seat at Mangos. Quite a few customers there and judging by the parking lot, ICove hotel next door was packed again for the weekend. Almost exclusively Filipinos which seems to be the new normal. I had a few beers then headed on home. Played around on the internet some and was in bed by 9:00. On a Saturday night!
Early to bed and early to rise and all that. Up at 4:30 to catch up on the news of the world. It ain’t pretty. I’m increasingly concerned that we will either capitulate to China or there will be war. Xi’s threats against Taiwan are especially concerning. Of course, Biden is China’s bitch, bought and paid for, but it’s no sure thing when you are playing with fire. My guess is that President Duterte would side with China–he already jokes about the Philippines being a Chinese province. In the event of war, as an American living here, I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be pretty for me. Especially if China sent their Navy to take Subic Bay. Anyway, it’s in my mind but I honestly don’t lose sleep over it. It’s beyond my ability to control, so why worry overmuch?
After the dog walk, I headed out to Baloy Beach for breakfast. Visited Blue Rock, the hotel I often stayed in as a tourist. Hadn’t been there since before the lockdown. Once again, all the hotels I passed seemed to be incredibly busy, at least judging by the parking lots. Even Mangrove, one of the most expensive resorts was packed. And the beach was full of Sunday morning revelry and the partiers were almost exclusively Filipino. I judge that to be a good thing since it appears increasingly likely that tourists aren’t going to be allowed back here anytime soon. I also like the fact that the locals are giving their government a big “fuck you, we are sick of this bullshit”. Actions speak louder than words sometimes.

On the menu, it was listed as S.O.S. I asked my waitress if she could tell me what that stood for and she said she didn’t know. I didn’t want to talk shit to her so I didn’t tell her.
After breakfast, I took a longish walk up the National Highway, about 45 minutes up, then back again. It’s not my favorite walk for obvious reasons but I had made a big ATM withdrawal (gotta pay the help tomorrow) and I was uncomfortable walking the backstreets with a pocketful of money. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never felt threatened here at all, but why take unnecessary chances?

Back home, a little more internet, some work on the dart league stats, a bit of solitaire, a nap, and here I am closing the loop with you, my faithful readers.
Alright, confession time. I honestly try to avoid engaging in political debates as I think it is pointless. Still, these past few days I’ve not been able to resist triggering my lefty friends by posting the kind of memes that I saw directed at Trump and right-thinking people like me these past few years. And it is so easy too! The hypocrisy on the left still astounds me and their only defense seems to be “whataboutisms”. It’s just so obvious to point out if it was bad when Trump did it, it is bad when Biden does. *crickets*
Anyway, here are a couple of my recent grenades:

And finally, there is this which nicely illustrates why any effort to engage the left in a meaningful way is pretty much a waste of time.

Thank you for your indulgence. We’ll get back to normal around here soon. Promise!