Beers and darts

Darts and beers. Filling in the hours, however comfortably and well.

Yesterday I completed my final match in Round 1 of the inaugural season of the Barretto Singles League. For Round 2, I’ll be taking the top six finishers for one division and the bottom six for the other division and everyone will play the others in their division twice. That’s the real season, this first round was essentially just to let people play into the division where they belong so things are fair, balanced, and competitive.

That said, I will either finish first or second in Round 1 play–Cristy has one more match to play and could still catch me. Not that it matters, I’ll be in the top division regardless. Actually, Cristy is throwing great darts of late and I consider her to be the top player in the league skills-wise. I’m still not satisfied with my consistency but I’m maybe needing to lower my expectations a bit. I remember being better than I am now but then again, my memory ain’t what it used to be either.

So, here’s an example of what I’m talking about. Yesterday I played Nancy. She’s a solid player but struggles at times (don’t we all?). I expect she will also finish in the top six. This is how our match came down:

So yeah, 12-4 is a big win for me and I’m happy to have done better in that regard than I expected. But the real indicator of how well you are throwing is how many marks you throw. Throwing tons (100 or more) in 501 and 301 generally means you are hitting your target with all three darts. Same with the cricket marks–a 7 mark will close two numbers and give you some points to boot. And 3 bulls in one shot is usually a game-winning throw. Yesterday I had 14 marks in 15 legs (games). Not bad, although my goal is at least one mark per leg.

On Tuesday I played Jo, another very good player. She has really impressed me with the improvement in her game I’ve witnessed this season.

I somehow managed to beat her 12-4, but I’d call that more luck than anything. Again, looking at the marks shows we were both off our games, only hitting 5 each in 15 legs. The final score could just as easily been reversed. So, that’s what I mean when I talk about how inconsistent I’ve been throwing. Anyway, I need to stop overthinking it, remember to relax and have fun, and just let the darts fly.

And enjoy the beers that I call aiming fluid!

After darts, I had my weekly fix of pork chops at Mangos and watched the sun go down on another day.

Life is good.

I was in bed at 7:30 last night, exhausted from all those beers I drank darts I threw. Up a little after 4:00 a.m. to start another day. Coffee and the internet, what a combination! I saw this and liked it:

I may not have all the answers but that won’t stop me from asking the questions.

And I posted these quotes from Martin Luther King to honor his birthday. A man who was clearly ahead of his time. The unity he devoted his life to achieving is exactly what is now being dismantled for reasons I honestly cannot fathom.

He dreamed of a day when a man would be judged by the quality of his character rather than the color of his skin. Saying that now would probably get him banned on Twitter.

But here in my world called the Philippines, there are other questions to consider:

Probably not enough!

Well, I’m kidding of course. After all, age is just a number. All the girls tell me so.

As I enjoyed my breakfast at Harley’s, looking out over the bay, it occurred to me–I am one lucky son-of-a-bitch. Perhaps I am finally beginning to grasp the concept of living in the moment and enjoying life for what it is.

Alright, time to head out for the Friday dart tournament at Alley Cats. I’m going to try and enjoy my game for what it is at the moment too!

Update: Cristy just finished her last match and sent me the scoresheet. It appears we are going to finish Round 1 tied. That’s pretty awesome!

3 thoughts on “Beers and darts

  1. Congrats on dong so well in your singles league. Keep working on consistency. I’ve been watching David Goggins videos of late; the guy is intimidating, but kind of inspiring. Maybe a dose of Goggins will help improve your darting. Or scare you away from darts entirely.

  2. Well, I’m consistently inconsistent at least. A second and a third-place finish in the last two tourneys against strong competition. So, I’m just trying to ride the rollercoaster and not let the downs affect my overall game. Just got to keep firing until you get back on track.

    I’d honestly never heard of David Goggins. I’ll definitely give him a look! Thanks.

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