The way it went

Today we look back on yesterday as we look forward to a better tomorrow. Hmm, kind of a play on that old saying: “Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday”.

So, the dart league meeting. I arrived on time at the appointed hour. I didn’t do a headcount, but it appeared almost everyone was there already. I was still feeling ambivalent about the whole affair. Which is good, because whatever the outcome, I figured I’d be okay with it.

Since no one appeared prepared to take the lead, I kicked it off by saying I had no agenda but would be happy to answer any questions about what had happened and the way ahead. Espie, the newly added player, kicked things off by saying she was looking forward to playing and she hoped she would be accepted. She said it had hurt her feelings that other players were blaming her for the controversy. That prompted me to explain again how it came about that Espie was the one I chose as a replacement (she had tried to sign up prior to the start but I already had my twelve players, so I put her on the waiting list). I also reiterated that I had placed Espie in the top division because that is where she belongs. Mark then chimed in by telling the group that I had contacted him prior to placing Espie and asked if he’d be willing to drop down to the lower division and that he had readily agreed.

So, we still had a vacancy to fill. I had resigned as a player so that Espie could take my place, thereby diffusing the controversy of her placement in the upper-division. One name was brought up as being similar talent-wise as the guy who had quit. I pointed out that the vacancy was actually in the top division now since Mark had dropped down to the lower. I suggested that Mark could move back up or another good player like Gerlie could be recruited to play. At this point, Billy asked if I would be willing to rejoin. I told her I had no real desire to do so. Then she said that if I quit she was quitting. A couple of other players joined her in this stance, and suddenly all eyes were upon me. And so I caved and agreed to play out the season.

And that was pretty much it. One other player made a comment that he believed I’d misunderstood the concerns raised regarding Espie as a personal attack on my integrity. He assured me that wasn’t the intent. I accepted that explanation and conceded that perhaps I had overreacted.

The meeting adjourned, the regularly scheduled dart tournament commenced, and I participated. Finished third against strong competition in hard-fought and well-played matches. It was pretty enjoyable all-in-all.

The other news from yesterday concerns the Friday walking group. I led the pack on an 8K hike around the valley, through the Naugsol barangay, then back to my house for lunch. It was nice and mostly flat, although we had to do a bit of trailblazing at one point to detour around the still flooded rice paddies. You can Relive the adventure here:

A few photos from the trek:

Heading out with my fellow hikers Troy, Jim, and Scott.
On the trail we are.
Movin’ on out…
Coming down from as up as it got.
Making a trail where there ain’t one…
Easter mountain shows off her backside…
Of course, there were cookies for the kiddies along the way…
The smiles are sweeter than the cookies though.
Down in the valley, the valley so low…
We did have a river crossing, such as it was.
Wet from water is better than the mud of a rice paddy any day!
The long road home…
And the final push back up into Alta Vista.
When my fellow hikers rag on me for being so slow, I remind them that there are often advantages to small steps…

In unrelated news, I found this photo to be quite humorous:

Watching me, the porn, or both?

Not as funny as this one though:

Yep, we are fixin’ to get screwed good and hard.
Sorry this post is so lean. I couldn’t access Scott’s photos for some reason.

That’s it for now. Thanks for stopping by!

3 thoughts on “The way it went

  1. Glad all’s well that ends well.

    Now, poetic justice would be you winning the overall season. LOL

  2. It sounds as though the meeting ended amicably enough, and it’s good to know you’ve got loyalists who would be willing to leave if you left. I hope this doesn’t curdle into some sort of factionalism, but since all the people seemed to conduct themselves more or less decently during the meeting, I’m optimistic that you all can get through a season of darts without any more small-mindedness rearing its ugly head. As always, communication is key, and you all communicated your viewpoints at the meeting. Kudos.

    So are you still reluctant to play darts, given what’s happened, or are you going to go with the flow and enjoy the rest of the season?

  3. My intention is to put the unpleasantness behind me and carry on as always. So yes, I’ll be out there chucking my darts on a regular basis in search of the holy grail of consistency. Winning the league might be a stretch but it is a worthy goal for sure.

    Thanks for your support, guys!

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