Up on Cripple Creek

Looking back, I’ve been relatively lucky in life when it comes to health issues. In 68 years, I’ve only once been previously confined to a hospital. That was a nightmarish three days in Korea trying to cure some virus I picked up as a tourist in the Philippines. I shared a room with three other loud folks in Korea; at least this time, I had a room to myself. It was still a miserable experience, though.

The ordeal began with a no food or drinks after midnight mandate. And then I got to witness up close and personal the quirky methods employed at what is reputed to be one of the area’s better hospitals. My doctor told me to go to the emergency room at 0830 to secure admittance. Once there, I was taken to a curtained room in the ER and set up with an intravenous tube so a variety of drugs could be fed into my body.

That didn’t hurt much.
A water-like substance sharing space with my blood.

And then I sat in that curtained room for an hour or so before someone put me in a wheelchair and transported me to the third floor, wear my hospital room awaited.

I’ve had worse hotel rooms
And I had a decent view from the room.
And I also had Swan and my caregiver, Teri there to provide assistance and comfort.

Once I was settled into the room, a nurse came by to advise the surgery was scheduled for 12:30. Why in the hell was I directed to check in three hours in advance of the operation? I was hungry and cranky but powerless to do anything but submit to the Filipino way.

Around noon, the anesthesiologist came by the room to introduce himself and ask a few questions to ensure he administered the correct amount of knockout juice. I told him I had no allergies but that I was concerned about the COPD. He assured me he would closely monitor my blood oxygen levels throughout the procedure. He laughed and said when he found out his patient was an American, he assumed I’d be morbidly obese. It is a compliment that he did not consider me to be that fat.

At the appointed hour, I was transported by wheelchair to the operating room and then put on a bed for the procedure to be performed. I remember the inhalation mask being put over my mouth, being told to breathe deep, and then nothing else until I awoke two hours later in the recovery room. Of course, the waking up part was the critical thing.

I don’t remember this, but I was told that when I first started waking from the drug-induced slumber, I went a little crazy and started screaming to let me out of her. I heard when I climbed out of bed, I fell against the wall, and three or four attendants had to drag me back to the bed. I guess I went back to sleep after that.

My post-op appearance.

So, it’s been 24 hours since the surgery, and my nostrils are still oozing blood. The ENT says this is normal, and I have an appointment with her on Tuesday to remove those plugs she inserted where the polyps used to live.

I have felt like shit since the surgery. The nostrils don’t hurt, but wiping the blood off my lip every few minutes is a pain. I couldn’t sleep last night, which only added to the misery. My head hurts, I’m lethargic (more than usual), and my brain feels fuzzy (also more than usual). Still, after a year of clogged sinuses, the road to recovery will lead me to some better places. Here’s hoping!

And thanks to you, my readers, for your words of support and encouragement.

I dodged that bullet this time…

The last day…

…before this one was a good one. Here’s hoping the trend continues!

Yesterday featured a nice hike to start the day (pictures to follow) and finished with an SOB. Swan joined me for that event, and we had a good time.

Today is the day I go to the hospital. I’m not in a hurry, but I am fasting. Yeah, I can’t eat or drink until after the surgery. It will be good to get this over with—the operation, I mean. I joke, but I am feeling confident all will go well. Just want to get back to normal as soon as possible.

I decided not to write an obituary as a scheduled post. Blame it on laziness. I did find this old post, The end of the road, written on the eve of my first retirement back in 2010, that hits the highlights of my life up to then.

I plan to bring my laptop to the hospital with me so I can post some updates on my status from there. If you don’t hear from me tomorrow, it’s been nice knowing you!

Here are the photos from yesterday’s hike:

We met up at the 7/11 on Baloy Road. That new McDonald’s building is going up surprisingly fast. Is there a Big Mac in my future? And who’s that woman with the umbrella?
Hello, mama! Good to see you again. Here’s a hundred pesos; go have breakfast.
The path we walked from Subic town back to Calapadayan, around 5K with one hill.
Our band of six hikers–me, Jim, Todd, and Sheila. Scott’s behind the camera, and we are waiting for Brian to arrive.
Off we go
I was going to call this post “Seven Bridges Road,” but it’s been used already.
There was a bit of a traffic jam on this one. The situation was resolved when the trike stopped, and Todd and Sheila squeezed past.
The beginning of the first hill I’d attempted in a long time. It was an ass-kicker.
Scott got this shot of the locals mocking me as I ascended. Okay, maybe that was just my imagination.
On up!
Still going
Made it!
It is not unusual to encounter a cock along the way.
Lots of cookie recipients yesterday. That smile makes it all worthwhile.
Hello neighbor!
What goes up must come down.
Another bridge crossing
What used to be a pond
And what still is
You can bank on it!
A dicey crossing
Through the fields we go
I’m told that used to be some type of amusement park.
More satisfied cookie customers
You up for another bridge, Scott?
Water view
‘Tis the season
Movin’ on
I swear it wasn’t me! There must be some other John Mark around here.

Looking forward to breathing easier on my next hike!

Keep ’em coming!

Rock me on the water

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, we underwent a scheduled brownout yesterday, which meant no electricity from 8 until 5. I filled a couple of those hours with an 8K hike.

My standard solo Thursday walk through Naugsol valley, San Isidro, Santo Tomas, and back to Barretto.

My hike ended at Sit-n-Bull, and I had an early air-conditioned lunch.

The BBQ ham sandwich was one of the daily specials, so I went with that and a side of slaw.

I went home and took care of some business (blogging, etc.), but by one o’clock, I faced a dilemma. Without electricity, my only means of escape was my laptop. And it was there that I came upon a post on Facebook announcing the soft opening of the Arizona floating bar at noon. I pride myself on waiting for beer o’clock (around 4 p.m.) to arrive before I begin imbibing. But faced with the prospect of sitting in the hot and uncomfortable house for three hours with nothing to do (the laptop battery was almost out of juice), I was powerless to resist the urge to escape to the breezy waters of Subic Bay.

The Arizona Resort is at the far end of Barretto (Hideaway Bar is next door) but that’s no further away than the Kokomo’s floating bar on Baloy. The power outage was also impacting Baloy, so that wasn’t an option anyway.

This painting is on the wall in front of Arizona. I was struck by the coincidence of visiting the Arizona floater on the anniversary of the ship’s sinking.
The new Arizona floating bar. The old one was much larger (two floors) but was heavily damaged by a storm in 2019. It is good to have two floating bars again (there used to be three, but Blue Rock does not appear to be interested in getting back in the game).

So, I arrived on the beach at 1:30, but it seemed like my transport options to the floater were limited.

The raft to get there was under repairs. I felt a little guilty about interrupting the work, but when I said I needed a lift, they put away the tools and prepared to launch. I did at least help to push the raft back into the bay.

I was the first customer of the day when I boarded and was besieged with offers for a massage, but I declined them all. I ordered up my first Zero of the day and soaked up the views and ambiance that come with rocking on the water. And this floater did have a more pronounced movement than the Kokomo’s does. Maybe the water is deeper here.

Baloy Beach is on the other side of that peninsula. It’s the same bay but the perspectives seemed unique from this vantage point.
Barretto Beach
The Arizona Resort
Other guests began arriving as the afternoon progressed, including a couple of tables of big spenders.

I define big spenders as guys who table several girls and purchase multiple double lady drinks (bottles at 300 pesos each) for the girls. I’m sure the girls appreciate it, and if the guys are having fun that way, rock on! I, on the other hand, was buying single lady drinks for my waitress, but she did get several during my first couple of hours on board. And then something weird happened; at least, it was something I hadn’t previously experienced. I guess I wasn’t quick enough to refill her glass (I usually buy a lady drink when I order another beer), so she picked up her empty, wiped off the bar, and walked away without a word, not even a nice to meet you or a thank you. I smiled to myself later as I watched her flit around the big spender’s tables, scoring a drink for herself when they bought another round. It’s impressive how good she is at her job. But of course, I’ll never buy her another drink, not that she cares.

I had asked my caregiver to message Dr. Jo to tell her of my upcoming surgery and to ask if she had any advice. Dr. Jo responded:

Here are our words of advice: 1. Stay away from the bars for now; there’s a virus going around, safer not to catch it. 2. Limit alcohol intake 3. Eat healthy 4. Maybe don’t hike or do anything strenuous 5. Pray, meditate, and think positive🙏 Good luck! You’ll feel better after the procedure….looking forward to it 😁

So, in other words, I’m going to die. I ordered up another beer and watched the sun go down.

“Don’t let the sun go down on me…
…Although I search myself, it’s always someone else I see
…I’d just allow a fragment of your life to wander free
…But losing everything is like the sun going down on me

Swan had been busy taking care of business at her sister’s school in Subic, but she messaged me around 4:30 and I invited her to join me on the floater.

You can’t tell I’ve been drinking for almost four hours, can you?

But the fun wasn’t over yet. I figured putting some grub in my belly was an appropriate next step, and with the sun down and darkness surrounding us, it was a good time to abandon ship. John’s place was nearby by, so off we went.

I’d been craving a pulled pork sandwich. Swan had one, too. We were not disappointed.

I was pleasantly surprised when Swan suggested Wet Spot for the nightcap venue. It turns out that during our previous visit, Aine had told Swan she wasn’t feeling well, and Swan wanted to deliver some medicine to her. A glass of wine for Swan, two lady drinks, and a couple of beers later, we called it a night.

I was in bed before nine again but woke up at midnight. “Here we go again” I thought, but thankfully, I was able to fall asleep a short time later and finished with seven hours on the night.

And I awoke to another beautiful morning in the neighborhood.

A nice group hike in Subic town this morning, and the SOB is on tap for later this evening. Might as well live as if there is no tomorrow, right? I’ll find out soon enough!

Yep, I can’t avoid going under the knife any longer, either.


The Wednesday Walkers took a bus out to Castillejos and enjoyed a sweet 7K hike in an area I hadn’t seen before for the most part.

On the bus…
…off the bus.

A 15K journey that took thirty minutes in relative comfort (compared to a Jeepney).

Four of us made the trek yesterday
We had no proper business in Catillejos, so we took the Govic Highway.
The Govic is thataway. And by golly, there is a Four Square Church. I was raised in one of those, but the indoctrination didn’t take. I’ll never forget the symphony when the congregation started speaking in tongues.
Let the journey begin!
Jim, Scott, and Erik bringing up the rear
An attractive tree
I understand that was housing for the workers at the now defunct Hanjin shipyard.
Out in the countryside seeing things I’ve never seen before. I like it!
My offer of cookies was rejected.
The view from here.
The old dirt road
A river runs through it.
That place must get uncomfortable during rainy season
The owner of Johansson’s in Barretto lives here.
This blog is all about me blowing my horn.
Riding the bus back to Barretto after our hike.
The path we walked
My walk stats

Back home, Swan showed me a picture of a visitor we had downstairs.

Never seen one of those before. Hopefully, it eats snakes.
The sky reminding me that it is beer o’clock.

I did the Hideaway feeding featuring pizza and a roast chicken. I passed along the news that the Sunday feeding likely wouldn’t happen this week.

I went to Annex Bar for my next beer and Swan joined me there after her church service. Annex couldn’t provide the requested glass of red wine for Swan, so we took our business to Oasis. When it was time for the nightcap, Swan was down with going to Wet Spot, and she seemed to have a good time with her friend Aine. I brought home some Sit-n-Bull pecan pies for dessert.

I was in bed before nine, and lo and behold, I had the best night’s sleep I can recall.

I’m good with five hours so that extra bonus was a blessing.

And one of my better days getting in the steps as well.

We are having an all day brownout today. That means a hot house, a cold shower, and a low battery on my laptop. Best I get this posted while I can!

Today is that day of infamy that happened in 1941. Coincidentally, the Arizona floating bar is having its soft opening today. I’m going to take advantage of the opportunity to escape this hothouse and start drinking earlier than usual today.

I also figured out how to do a scheduled post, so I’ll need to get busy on my just-in-case obituary. More to come tomorrow!

Seems plausible.

The final countdown?

I was up early yesterday morning to travel to San Marcelino for a doctor’s appointment with the ENT who will perform the nasal polypectomy. She reviewed the clearance documents from the cardiologist and pulmonary physician and said we were good to go forward with the surgery. She suggested I check into Baypointe Hospital on Friday; she would operate on Saturday, and if all goes well, I could be released on Monday. I responded there was no way I was staying confined to the hospital for that long and reminded her that when we first discussed the procedure, I was going to be admitted on a Sunday and released on Monday. She backed off and said the minimum period for post-op observation was twenty-four hours, and unless I was bleeding or had other difficulties, I could be released the following day. I’ve subsequently read up on the procedure (see link above), and at least in the USA, it is an outpatient operation with no hospitalization required.

So, I will be checking into Baypointe on Saturday morning and having the surgery performed that day. I expect to be set free on Sunday. I’ve been quoted a price of 150,000 pesos ($3000), which covers all expenses associated with the surgery. I’ve been suffering from blocked sinuses for a year now and have had four different doctors say that the only fix was the polypectomy. I’ve resisted getting this done, not because I’m afraid of the operation, but instead, I fear being put under general anesthesia and never waking up again because of my COPD. The surgeon is aware of my lung condition and assures me the anesthesiologist will closely monitor my oxygen levels during the procedure. So, I’m trusting my life that that will be the case. I guess in the worst-case scenario, dying blissfully ignorant in your sleep is not a bad way to go when your time on earth is over. I hope mine isn’t, but there’s only one way to find out.

After the doctor’s visit, we drove back to SBMA and did the weekly grocery shopping. I confess that I passed on some items, telling myself I’d wait and see if I still need them next week. Yeah, I know that’s stupid negative thinking, but sometimes I just can’t help myself.

When beer o’clock rolled around, I headed into town. I decided to skip my regular Tuesday floating bar visit and spend the evening in Barretto instead.

On the way out of the neighborhood, I saw a new road being constructed. This will connect to my old street, Shenandoah Bend, and provide access to several additional lots for construction. It would have made my walk home shorter and less steep as well, but it’s too late now.

Sloppy Joe’s is the first bar I pass on my journey to Barretto, and my pal Chris and his gal Shie waved for me to join them.

We each bought a round of drinks, chatted and joked around, and Chris played some old Beatles tunes on the music machine (it just occurred to me that YouTube videos are the modern jukebox).
There was some additional excitement when our phones blew up with messages saying, “Did you feel the quake? None of us at Sloppy Joe’s did. The epicenter was about 100 kilometers south of us.

I didn’t really have a plan for the evening, but I could see Cheap Charlies in the distance and figured I’d visit there next. But once I was out front, I saw the bar was full of RSL members (the Australian equivalent to the VFW), so I decided to continue up the highway. I hadn’t been to Blue Butterfly for a while, so I rectified that neglect.

I had a batch of brownies with me, and the three girls serving the outside area at BB were clamoring for a taste. I told them that’s what they were for and bought a drink for each to wash them down. Soon enough, the inside gals came out for a brownie, too (no drinks for them, though), and everyone seemed to enjoy them. I cracked my usual lame joke about brownies for brown knees, and they politely laughed. It was an enjoyable visit, and they reminded me that the Hash On-Home would be there this Monday. Hmm, I’d forgotten about that. I don’t expect I’ll be up for a Hash hike, but hopefully, I’ll be sufficiently recovered to come to the Hash Circle. We shall see.

I popped into It Doesn’t Matter next. It was dead, so I had one beer and left. I tried Green Room, and it was too crowded for my tastes, so I settled into Wet Spot and ordered a beer. Neither of my regulars was working, and manager Brett was off too, so I got bored and went to Alaska for my nightcap. I had a nice time there and actually enjoyed the show one of the dancers put on. No lady drink, but I did give her a 50 peso tip. I got home well before 8 p.m. and made up a batch of smoothies for Swan, my helper, and me.

And for the second night in a row, I had difficulty sleeping. My tracker says I went to sleep at 8:23 and woke again at 9:23. Didn’t fall asleep again until 2:34, then awoke for good at 3:50. Making matters worse, my TV wouldn’t connect to Netflix, so I had to settle for mostly lame YouTube videos to fill the sleepless hours. I guess I should be looking forward to Saturday when I know I’ll be in a drug-induced deep sleep. I still want to wake up early, though!

Despite the lack of sleep, I participated in the Wednesday Walkers group hike this morning, and I’ll be heading out to feed the gals at Hideaway a bit later. Life goes on. Hopefully.

Assuming I survive that long, I’ll be 69 next year. It sounds like a good number to me!

Higher or longer?

Over the hills or around them? That was the choice to be made, and five of us elected to walk a bit further on mostly flat ground rather than go up and over on a steep path. After seeing some photos from the climb, I feel good about my choice.

It was kinda funny when the Hare, Leech My Nuggets, was giving instructions at the start of the run, stated, “There’s only one trail, but if you want to shortcut, just follow Scott or John.” Heh, I’m a famous short cutter, I guess, but the fact of the matter is my chosen path was a LONGcut. Not that it matters.

The Hare’s trail is the orange line. Our longcut is in blue.
Gathering at the start in Subic town
And we are On-On!
Making our way through the backstreets of barangay Magnan-Vaca
A river crossing
And a walk along the banks
A view of the river, such as it is this time of year.
The Hare’s trail turns to the right.
But we non-short cutters are taking the Govic highway.
Yeah, a highway walk isn’t too exciting…
…but at least it avoids this type of insanity on the hill climb.
An Easter Mountain view.
Reconnecting with the Hare’s trail
Things are looking a little shady
Across a dicey bridge
Thankfully, the wall didn’t come tumbling down.
Arriving On-Home at Smokes and Bottles
Two of our oldest Hashers, Fucking Old Man on the left, and Roadwhore on the right, both in their 80s, were in attendance.
The Hashers gather prior to the commencement of the Circle rituals.
I enjoyed an after-hike taco for dinner.
It’s nice on ice.
My stats from the hike. I forgot to turn the app off when I first arrived, so the average pace is wrong. On the trail, I was doing twelve minutes and change kilometers.

I enjoyed the hike, which may be further indication that I have morphed into a flatlander. Well, it beats the alternative of being an underlander, I suppose.

I walked to Snackbar after the Hash but left after one beer because I was unhappy with rap music being played at a high volume. When your customer base is old white guys, you need to do better than that. Did my nightcap at Whiskey Girl, and headed back home.

Here’s one I just know you are going to like:

Okay, maybe not.

Tired of Star Trek joke memes? Here’s a gift for you:

The naughty girls will like them…

That’s all for today. I have some real news to share with y’all tomorrow.

Haggis Bash AAR

As promised, here is a quick after-action report from my weekend in Pozorrubio, participating in the annual Haggis Bash with the La Union Hash House Harriers.

Getting There

The Haggis Bash was held at the farm owned by a La Union Hashers.

I caught a ride to Pozorrubio with my neighbor and fellow Hasher, Simon (Leech My Nuggets). On the trip up, there were seven passengers in Simon’s car, which meant we had a middle rider in the backseat with me, making it cramped and uncomfortable. At a rest stop halfway there, Simon’s wife elected to sit in the rear with two other female passengers, giving me the front seat. Much better!

Arriving at our hotel


Mansion proved to be a bit of an overstatement, but as there are only two hotels in Pozorrubio, I guess I can’t complain. Much.
The interior facilities were nice enough, but there was much room for improvement.

I would rate the MGM at two stars. The sad thing is, it has the potential to be much higher rated with better management. There was one of the nicer pools I’ve seen, but it was empty and unmaintained. An outdoor bar and rooftop disco were also closed. My room was similarly in need of attention. I was shocked to discover there was no showerhead in my bathroom, and the thought of standing under a pipe of running water to bathe wasn’t appealing. I found the showerhead lying next to the sink and re-attached it myself. That problem solved; I then discovered there was no hot water. I hate cold showers. No toilet paper either, but I bring my own wet wipes, so no issue there. Two bath towels but no washcloths or hand towels. No WiFi connection. The hallway outside my room was unlit, and I needed to use my phone flashlight to see the keyhole. And they didn’t have housekeeping between day one and day two. All said it was one of the worst hotel experiences I can recall. The room was 2400 ($48.) a night, which was way too much for what I received in return.

The MGM was 8K away from the On-Home farm venue, but luckily, the hotel provided van transportation for only 60 pesos a head. Given the logistics, that proved to be a Godsend.


For a city with over 70,000 residents, I was shocked at the lack of services and conveniences (oh, did I spell bars wrong?) Seriously though, there were very few options for dining out or having fun in this town. Nothing at all within walking distance of my hotel. The other hotel in town is more centrally located, but according to the Hashers who stayed there, the only place to gather was an outdoor beer garden. Better than nothing, but no help to me from where I was ensconced. Luckily, I drank my fill at the Hash, so I didn’t need to go out, but damn, I can’t imagine living in a place like this. Barretto may be small, but we have many restaurants, hotels, and bars to patronize. Pozorrubio is not a nice place to visit, and I definitely wouldn’t want to live there.

Friday on the farm

After getting checked in and unpacked, we took the hotel van to the CIJ farm, which is apparently a local icon. At least everyone seemed to know where it was located. It was 5K on the highway and another 3K on backstreets to get there.

A fair number of Hashers (there appeared to be 50 tents or so) chose the camping option. Logistically, that’s the way to go, I suppose, but my camping days are done. Now, give me an RV, and I might reconsider.

There was a short 4K Hash trail scheduled to begin at 2:30. It was mostly through farm country and blessedly flat. It was a very pleasant hike and I enjoyed seeing some new vistas.

Guidance from the Hare prior to starting
A Hash bag and some goodies came with the cost of admission
And it included a new Hash shirt.
The back of said shirt
That’s me at the Friday circle
The Subic contingent is recognized and welcomed to the Bash.

In keeping with Hash custom, multiple beers were consumed with the added treat of some “Scottish stew” to keep the hunger pangs at bay. Someone called the hotel van and left on the early ride around 7 p.m. A good Day 1 at the Haggis Bash.

Sunday’s marathon

Sunday’s trail began at 9:30 in the morning. I opted for the 6K version, and it was a good fit for me.

I hung with these fellow Subic Hashers during the trek.
Country living
Is it a pond or a lake?
Strolling along on a warm day
Mother nature

Back On-Home for all the after-Hash activities I mentioned in yesterday’s post. I chose not to participate in the games and sat in the shade instead. Had a nice chat with another like-minded Hasher and passed the time with plenty of San Miguel Zeros.

A wet and wild Hash circle followed, then more beers and my first taste of haggis. I was running out of gas by 7 p.m. and asked someone to call the hotel driver. He wasn’t available, so she called for a trike instead. Now, it’s a goodly distance (8K) back to my hotel, and I was prepared to pay 200 pesos for the ride, which is more than fair. Given my lack of options, I could have been talked into 300 pesos, but when the trike driver insisted on 400, I wasn’t willing to pay the skin tax. I told him never mind and walked away. I was pissed but bit my tongue. Nothing good comes from making a Filipino lose face.

We called the hotel again and were told the van would be available at 8:00. Nothing to do but drink more beer and wait it out. Our group exceeded the van’s capacity, but we all squeezed in anyway. All but me and another guy got out at the beer garden in town, but there was no way I was going anywhere but back to my hotel. So, my night ended peacefully with me in one piece.

A Sunday drive

Swan sent this photo of Buddy waiting for my return. I doubt Lucky gave a shit.

The plan was to leave for Barretto at 9:30 in the morning, but I got a knock on the door an hour earlier, saying everyone was ready to go. Luckily, I had packed, so I put my blog post on hold, closed up the laptop, and headed downstairs. Only five of us on the trip back, so much more comfortable. I had the front seat again, which is always nice. Simon took a different route to the expressway, so we were seeing some new sights. And then we went under a bridge that carried the expressway and saw no on-ramps. We kept our northward heading, and I pulled out my map app to show us the way. We wound up taking a 6K detour in each direction through a small town with gridlocked traffic, but we eventually made our way back to the highway home.


We arrived safely just before noon, and I resumed my Barretto life. That included the Sunday feeding at Hideaway. Swan joined me at the new Oasis bar after church, and we spent some quality time imbibing (beer for me, wine for her). We made Sloppy Joe’s our nightcap venue. The Sit-n-Bull waitress came by, and I asked about pecan pie availability, and she said yes. So, two pies to go, please! Came home, had dessert, and then a lovely welcome home from Swan.

And that’s where things stand as of now. I’ll be Hashing again today and likely shortcutting since Leech My Nuggets is the Hare. Still don’t want to push my luck going up into the hills.

And here’s a two-fer in the bad puns of the day offering:

Back tomorrow with the latest happenings!

It’s been a hard day’s night

This year’s Haggis Bash is in the books. Beyond a shadow of a doubt.

A very long day yesterday. The trail started at 0930, and we didn’t leave the On-Home until 8 p.m. My ride back to Barretto is leaving in an hour, so I am just going to dump some photos from the Haggis Bash now, and I’ll write up a post-mortem tomorrow. Fair enough?

There were three trail options: An 8K with two hill climbs, a 6K flat hike, and a 4K short trail. I chose the middle ground, as seen above.
With well over 100 Hashers, the start was a tad crowded.
Things thinned out as the group split into their preferred trails.
I was happy to bring some sweetness into their lives.
And then I sawdust.
We had a couple of water crossings. My hike mates took their shoes off; I just plunged in.
I love this tree. But I didn’t get close enough to check for knotholes.
A narrow, rocky bridge. Once again, I just waded across.
On the edge
A wet and horny carabao
The stats from my hike. Gaining distance but still moving slow.

Back at the On-Home a little before noon. Lunch was provided (I had a hamburger with a spoonful of slaw on the side). And the coolers of beer were open for business. Then the games began. I chose not to participate but found a shady spot to sit and observe. It was almost 5 p.m. when we finally gathered for the circle.

Lots of bagpiping. Despite my Scottish heritage, I don’t particularly enjoy the sound, although I respect the talent involved in playing the instrument.
The setting for the Hash Circle. Dig that old school windmill.
Nearly 150 attendees for this year’s Haggis Bash.
As the circle commenced, we were provided an appetizer.
A Scottish egg, you say?
Not bad
The leaders of the Circle. La Union Hash doesn’t do ice. Instead, they have a crew of women who hit you with multiple pails of water. Thankfully, I avoided that trauma.
Another form of La Union Hash punishment.

At the conclusion of the circle, we were ushered into the dining area.

The Haggis ritual begins. Led into the building to a Scottish tune on bagpipes.
My first experience with the Scottish delicacy called haggis. Based on what I knew of the contents, I expected not to like it. Turns out, it tasted okay. I won’t be craving it, but I’m glad I had the experience.
That would be me after the hike but before my first beer. Don’t I look thirsty?

Alright, that’s how the day went. More to say about it as time permits. Thanks for stopping by.

Still not dead

I survived day one of the Haggis Bash Hash here in Pozorrubio, La Union. Day two kicks off soon, so this will be an abbreviated post out of necessity. You are welcome!

Yesterday’s trail was short and sweet, mostly through flat farmland. Some food and beverages at the trail’s end, then on to a local Hasher’s farm for the On-Home festivities. The main event is today, with a longer trail and some competitive events among the various Hash groups in attendance.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday:

My two-star lodging.
Quite a few Hashers are camping out at the On-Home farm.
A Haggis is a Scottish delicacy, and this Hash has a Scottish theme.
Yes, I am of Scottish heritage, even if they did spell my name wrong.
A touching scene from the trail of mother and child.
Something’s growing
There are over 150 Hashers at this event, and I wasn’t last on trail this time!
Hope you are enjoying this Hash post
I brought candy instead of cookies for the kiddies (easier to pack).
Sweetness is what it is all about
End of trail food and beverages
For the Hash Circle, we gathered around a fire pit
No need to let a good fire go to waste, especially if you have marshmallows
You can’t have a Scottish event without bagpipes
Scottish stew on the fire
And on my plate

So, we are off to a good start. It’s going to be a LONG day today, but it should be fun. See you tomorrow!

Who’s up for a quickie?

I’m fixin’ to head out of town this morning and it is now or never for a post today, so here’s what I’ve got to share before I go.

I invited Swan to join me for dinner at Mango’s. Here’s the view from my barstool perch as I waited her arrival.
My dinner date has arrived.
A view from our table.
Grilled pork chops for dinner
Sun going down
Sun down

After dinner, Swan agreed to join me at one of the new drinking establishments in town, Red Bar. It has dancers, but of course, they weren’t the focus of my attention. It was pleasant enough there except for the music. Why the bar chooses to play (c)Rap music in a town full of geriatrics makes no sense to me. I suggested we go where the music was more to our liking, and Swan was down with that.

But where? The nice thing about Red Bar was that I’m not a regular there (and didn’t know anyone). The next bar up the highway was my regular haunt, Wet Spot. It just seemed weird to be taking a date there. And yeah, I wondered how my “regulars” like Aine would react. I was about to find out because Aine was outside the front door as we arrived. And boy, was I in for a surprise because Swan knew her! They gave each other a warm greeting, and then we went inside and sat at the backslapper’s table. We ordered drinks from my regular waitress, Irene, and settled in. Then Swan asked if I would mind inviting Aine to join us. HaHa! A girl after my own heart!

A lady drink and two old friends reuniting. Good times!

Wet Spot was our last stop of the night, but I was impressed that Swan had joined me for a bar hop and seemed to enjoy herself. That was a first for us.

The morning had been nice as well. I did a 6K solo walk and completed it without issue.

Normally, I have a twelve-minute per kilometer pace on a hike like this. I’m back to walking, but I’ve slowed down some.
An Easter Mountain view from the hike.
‘Tis the season for drying rice. It still boggles my brain that the farmers take over entire roads for this purpose.

And now it is time to pack up the laptop and get ready to roll. Next report will be from La Union. Stay tuned!

At least they didn’t drift apart.

Denied and deprived

Once again, I am suffering from the effects of sleep deprivation after being denied a good night’s sleep. I don’t understand what that’s all about, but at least I’m getting some value from my Netflix subscription. And in the meantime, life goes on.

My big news is that tomorrow morning, I’ll be heading out for La Union, where I will participate in a weekend Hash event–The Haggis Bash. I attended once before, and it was an enjoyable Scottish-themed gathering featuring bagpipes and various competitions between the Hashers, including a beer-drinking contest, sack races, and a tug-a-war. There will be Hash runs on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning as well. I paid several weeks ago, but with my recent ill-health, I was wavering on the wisdom of attending. Now, I deem myself sufficiently recovered to participate, although I will exercise discretion in my selection of activities and trails. Wish me luck!

The Wednesday Walkers group took a 5K stroll through the back streets of Subic-town, which proved to be quite enjoyable. Only three of us (Scott, Gary, and me) participated this week, but we all shared an appreciation for a flat walk on a hot day, and we were not disappointed.

Exiting the Jeep in Calapadayan
The journey begins
I have seen this statue of a gorilla before but never dressed up like Santa Claus.
I’ve only hiked this area a couple of times previously (and from the opposite direction), so it had the feeling of newness that I like.
The first of several rickety bridge crossings.
Walking on a paved path other than a street was nice for a change.
The fat guy always has to cross the bridge last for some reason…
We came upon a group preparing for a feast including roasted pig (Lechon).
The pond has receded.
And there ain’t much of the river left either.
This small lake was still going strong, though.
You can take that to the bank!
A sturdier bridge at last!
Over the river again
And back on the street.
I see dead people.
That’s close enough for me.
Rest stop
Another river crossing
Be it ever so humble…
Where the river meets the bay.
The route we walked.

It was nice to be out and about. Eventually I’m going to have to challenge myself with a hill climb, but for now I’m content with just getting my steps in.

Not a bad day’s work.

I stepped on the scale this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see that I’m down to 232 pounds. It’s disappointing that I’m not seeing a reduction in belly fat yet, but I’ve another thirty-seven pounds to lose to reach my goal. The belly is always the last to go, it seems.

The Wednesday Hideaway feeding was a simple success:

It’s hard to go wrong with pizza and brownies.

There were two other customers at the bar who were friends with manager Griff; everyone but me had a thick English accent. Each of them, in turn, bought me a beer, which is always a nice gesture. Of course, it costs me because Joy gets a lady drink when I get a beer. Oh well, it’s the thought that counts. Before I left, I reciprocated by getting each of them a drink. Good times.

Swan had attended an afternoon Mass at the local Catholic church. She messaged me when the service was over, and we met up at BarCelona and enjoyed a nightcap on the rooftop. Once we were back at home, we sat out on the patio and enjoyed another drink before heading to bed.

I woke up three hours later and could not get back to sleep. So I once again spent the wee hours of morning feeling “Shameless.” It struck me today how this American family struggling below the poverty line lives so much better than the majority of Filipinos. The Gallaghers call their house a “slum,” but it is far nicer than most of the slum villages I walk through. I guess it’s all relative.

Packing for my weekend excursion is next on my agenda. Later, I’ll be taking Swan out for dinner at Mango’s. Stay tuned for whatever happens next!

Is that one of the Ten Commandments?
He should have put an anchor on her heart.

From dusk till dawn

And everything in between. Here’s how I filled those hours yesterday.

An uneventful shopping excursion to Royal allowed me to fill my pantry and empty my wallet simultaneously. Just like magic.

Shortly after I arrived home, a worker installed a new mirrored sliding door on my master bedroom closet. So much nicer than the curtain that previously hung there.

The door is a nice reflection on me, don’t ya think?

I took care of my blogging chore and then finished watching Season 3 of “Shameless.”

It continues to hold my interest which is no easy task with me.

Then I was off for some me time. I’ve sorta penciled in the floating bar as my “go-to” venue for Tuesday nights. Much quieter and laid back on weeknights, and I like that. Had a nice chat with the bar owner and another guy. I found out later the other guy was Swan’s brother-in-law. Small-town living at its finest!

The dusk of which I spoke as viewed from the floating bar.

After disembarking from the floater I walked across the beach to Da Kudos where I had the bar to myself. And my ex, the lovely Jessa, was tending bar and we had a nice chat. When heaven gives me some do-overs, I’ll try to make things right with her.

I got a trike from Da Kudos and had every intention of calling it a night, but when we reached the National Highway, I impulsively asked the driver to drop me at Whiskey Girl instead. I hadn’t been there for a month or so and figured it was overdue for a nightcap visit. My favorites, Jenn and Kim, were both very happy to see me, especially because I was the only customer when I arrived. One lady drink each and a nice tip, and I was out the door after two beers.

Asleep at 8:30, wide awake at 1:30. Will this become my new normal?

Not much to do with those wee hours in the morning but plant yourself in front of the TV and follow the travails of the shameless Gallagher family. Hey, it could be worse! And I was up and about to witness the dawning of a new day:

And it has been a fine day so far. But I’ll write about that tomorrow.

I’d call this the means to an end:

Today’s song is something a little different. I came across it for some unremembered reason several years ago, and Facebook memories shared it with me again today. Wikipedia says this:

“Jaan Pehechan Ho” (“Let’s Know Each Other”) is an Indian rock & roll Bollywood song, sung by Mohammed Rafi, composed by duo Shankar Jaikishan, and with Hindi-Urdu lyrics by Shailendra.[1] It was produced for the 1965 Bollywood film Gumnaam, directed by Raja Nawathe, produced by N.N. Sippy, and starring Manoj Kumar and Nanda. The song has been widely “remediated” in North American circulation.[2]

Anyway, I don’t understand a single word of the lyrics, but it has a very catchy tune and the dancing in the video is fun to watch. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did:

Well, damn. That’s never happened before. Give it a watch on YouTube instead.

Close encounters of the weird kind

Anyone else remember that movie from 1977? My UFO encounters yesterday were of the Unexpected Freaky Occurrences type, which have heretofore been rather alien to me. I’ll tell the story of yesterday’s Hash and intertwine the bizarre events that took place chronologically.

The Hares were Almoranus and Vienna Sausage (Guenther), and I would have avoided their 10K mountain trail under the best of circumstances. Four of us planned an alternative route that would take us from Barretto High School to the end of Rizal Extension, through the hills on the My Bitch trail, then down through Alta Vista to the On-Home at Johansson’s. I figured on leaving the house at 1:45, walking to the highway to catch a trike to Rizal, and meeting up with the others at our agreed-upon 2:30 start time.

The first UFO appeared at 1:00. I heard the dogs barking out front and went to investigate. I was surprised to see Angie standing outside the gate. I had met Angie last year when she worked at Queen Victoria. She had expressed an interest in joining the Hash, and as is my custom, I agreed to sponsor her (i.e., pay the 300 peso entry). She brought a friend along the first time, and some money went missing (she blamed her friend). Anyway, Angie is a certified drama queen, a mother of six, and someone I never had the slightest interest in hooking up with (and regular readers know my standards are low). So, a few months ago, I had lent her some food money and later, she asked if I would sponsor her to join me at a Hash in Angeles. I told her no, that’s not going to happen. Now, this was after a night of drinking at the Hash, but her response of “I hate you!” was uncalled for, in my opinion. I paid my tab and left her sitting there at IDM. I noticed the next day that she had unfriended me on Facebook. She showed up the following week for the Hash, and I paid her entry but didn’t have anything else to do with her that night. She sent me a FB friend request that I have not accepted. It’s been a couple of months now, and I hadn’t seen or heard from her until she showed up at my new place. I’m not sure how she found where I live.

So, I asked Angie what she wanted and she responded she was looking for where the Hash would be. I told her the start of the trail was at Savers (at the far end of Barretto) and that I wouldn’t be doing that trail (and I also didn’t invite her to join the short trail). She asked me if I could give her 20 pesos for Jeepney fare to savers, and I did. Swan was standing there watching all this, but she seemed fine when I explained the situation after Angie departed.

When it came time for me to head out, there was a trike parked in front of my neighbor’s house, and the driver asked me if I wanted a ride. Well, I was going to catch a trike at the highway anyway, so I took it as a sign of God’s grace that I could ride all the way to our meet up.

Where the sane group began the Hash.

Because I had triked all the way, I arrived early and had some time to kill.

So, I captured the beauty of this creek running through the neighborhood.

At the appointed time, we headed up Rizal Extension. It’s about a 2K walk to where the My Bitch trail starts, and it is all uphill. I dislike that walk during the best of times, but after a sleepless night and with low energy, it was especially bad. About a third of the way up, I bailed. I just didn’t want to run out of gas somewhere up in the hills with no avenues for escape. As I made my way back down the road, I questioned my decision, but what was done was done.

Making my way towards Johansson’s on Jolo Street, I encountered my second UFO. As I passed a foreigner, he called out in a German accent, “You are M C, right?” I didn’t understand what he meant, so I said, no, my name is John. He said, yes, you are M C…I read your blog. Okay, well, I’ve never been called that, but it’s always nice to meet a reader. Or should I say, almost always. I stuck out my hand to offer a handshake, and he started telling me what a horrible person I was for destroying his girl’s business and costing her “millions.” I’m thinking, what the fuck are you talking about? It turns out his girl ran the short-lived Finger Monkeys bar. I gave it a good review and ranking at the time. A few months later, after Joy had quit in a salary dispute, I mentioned that I thought she had mistreated her employees and that I would no longer patronize the bar. No big deal; I’m just one person voting with my feet. And, of course, what put Finger Monkey out of business was his gal getting arrested for hiring an underage girl as a waitress. His gal spent some time in jail for that but was recently released. And for the record, I thought that it was an unjust arrest and she didn’t deserve to be incarcerated. I don’t recall blogging about it, but I would not have said anything negative because I thought she was innocent (the employee had apparently provided a false ID). But the man on the street was growing increasingly agitated and saying I was responsible for what happened. I told him I had very few local readers, but he didn’t want to hear that saying that I could be held accountable for my words. Alrighty then, that was over two years ago, and if stating my opinion can get me in trouble, so be it. This kind of confrontation was the first of its kind in eighteen years of blogging.

I arrived at Johansson’s for a much-needed and well-deserved beer. My personal Hash trail was less than 4K, but at least I tried.

That long ass Hares trail kept even the hardiest and fastest Hasher up in the hills much longer than usual. As it was near dusk, I asked some of the late arrivals if they had seen Angie at the start. Yes, she was on the trail. I admit to being a bit worried about her because she is relatively inexperienced at the Hash, and it would be easy to lose the trail. She finally made it back as one of the last arrivals. To her credit, she did the whole damn trail.

The badass Hash trail. The purple line is the sane shortcut. No map available for my wimp trail.
Missionary Grinder (Angie) on the ice as the last female to pay her Hash fee (well, I gave her the cash as her sponsor when she got back)
This is why I never wear new shoes to the Hash…I don’t want to drink out of them!

As I was preparing to leave at the end of the Hash, Angie asked if she could “borrow” 300 pesos and insisted she would pay me back soon. Yeah, right. I “lent” it to her, figuring it was a cheap way never to have to entertain a money request from her in the future. And 300 pesos is less than what I pay for two lady drinks.

I didn’t do the usual after-Hash gathering at IDM–I didn’t want to walk that far out of my way. Instead, I opted for Snackbar, conveniently located on the highway at Baloy Road. Swan had been out with a friend on Baloy, so I messaged her that we could meet at Snackbar on her way home if she wanted. She responded that she didn’t want to drink but could pick me up on her way home. I said my girlfriend wouldn’t like that. That joke response resulted in my third UFO of the day.

When I got home about an hour later, Swan wasn’t there. I went to bed and woke up a couple of hours later. Her side of the bed was empty. I looked into the living room, and she was watching TV on the couch. She didn’t say a word to me, which is the opposite of her usual style. I always get a warm welcome and hugs, but not last night. When I asked her what was going on, she pulled out her phone with the “my girlfriend wouldn’t like it” message. Seriously? Okay, I’ll concede it was a stupid joke, but for her to interpret that I have a girlfriend and was with her is ridiculous. The girlfriend I was talking about was Swan. Anyway, instead of getting all pissy, she could have just said who are you talking about? I guess what really bothered me most was for her to take that joke the wrong way, says that she sees me as the kind of guy who would have a girlfriend on the side. I may be many creepy things, but I’m not a cheater. We are back hugging this morning, but I still feel tension between us. I really despise drama.

Moving on, I know I have at least one reader who is a grammar Nazi.

It makes sense, I suppose. But maybe these grammarians need to check their write privilege.

I reckon I’ll do the floating bar to start things off once beer o’clock gets here. Swan is in Subic, so I won’t be with my girlfriend. Maybe tomorrow.

Hey, they are playing my song!

Rollin’ with the flow

It’s Hash Monday, so I’m gonna dash off a quick post about yesterday before heading for the hills.

I woke up to this view of the morning moon from my bedroom window. It was a nice way to start the day.

I had it in mind to do a Marian Hills/San Isidro/Govic Highway/Santa Monica/Barretto solo hike that would have taken seven kilometers or so to complete. But once I got started, I knew I was having an off day. Just lacking energy and feeling winded, despite not doing any hills. I considered bailing and catching a trike home, but instead, I cut out the Govic/Santa Monica portion and finished my journey in a little over 4K.

My view 1.6 kilometers into the trek.
3.2K found me at Bridge #1.

Back home, I engaged in the usual afternoon routines. I also changed things up by baking a dozen banana-nut muffins instead of brownies for the Hideaway feeding.

As usual, the afternoon sun let me know when it was time to head into town.

The feeding was uneventful, but the girls did seem to enjoy the muffins. After Hideaway, I paid a visit to Oasis and then finished my night at Alaska Club.

And once I was back home, things went south. After a few beers, I have no trouble falling asleep (last week, the problem was waking up after a couple of hours and not being able to go back to sleep). Last night, for whatever reason, sleep wouldn’t come. Plan B is to watch some Netflix (I’m on Season 3 of “Shameless” now), but for whatever reason, Netflix wouldn’t load on the TV. YouTube was working, and one of the movies on my “recommended” list was “End of the World.”

Here’s my review: It sucked.

The characters were so shallow, and the storyline so stupid I wondered if this was supposed to be a comedy. Except it wasn’t funny, either. It even failed at boring me to sleep. Well, there’s an hour and a half of my life I’ll never get back.

I went back to bed after the movie but still couldn’t sleep. So, I watched some vloggers sharing their experiences in the PI and other assorted YouTube crap. I’d doze off periodically in my easy chair for a few minutes at a time, and that was the extent of my sleep last night. We’ll see how that affects my Hash performance this afternoon.

Almoranus is the Hare today, and the inside scoop is he’s prepared an 11K monster up on Kalaklan Ridge. Nope, that ain’t happening for me. I’m meeting up with Pubic Head and we are going to do our own “sane” trail. On Home is at Johansson’s today. Wish me luck!

Nothing like a seasoned ship:

Don’t forget the parsley, sage, and rosemary.

See you here tomorrow!

Feeling a bit dated

Another day in paradise that I managed to survive. I feel good about that. I kicked things off with my Standard Saturday Solo Stroll through the streets of Barretto, a 6K endeavor.

The way it was done

My break in the walking action had a silver lining in that the old familiar felt almost new again. So, I did the photo every 1.6K thing to capture the feeling.

On the National Highway at 1.6
3.2 found me on Abra Street
I was just entering Gomez street at 4.8
And I finished at Sit-n-Bull
The stats for my stroll.

I grabbed a sandwich to go at SnB, and triked home.

I satisfied my craving for a roast beef dip.

And the new window blinds in my bedroom/office were installed while I was out walking.

Much nicer than the curtains that came with the house.

After blogging and showering, it was time to have an old-fashioned date with Swan. I asked her to join me at the beach for dinner and drinks, and she accepted. I suggested we walk the 2K to the Kokomo’s floating bar, and she agreed.

The new McDonald’s at the junction of Baloy Road and National Highway is going up fast.

I was a little surprised at how many passersby we encountered along the way that Swan knew. Then I remembered she worked at one of the resorts on Baloy for a while. When we hit the beach, I was relieved that it wasn’t low tide, so we could board the raft without wading through ankle-deep water.

It was Swan’s first visit to the floating bar and here is some of what she saw:

It was a lot more crowed on a Saturday than it is on my regular Tuesday visits. The music was louder and more youth oriented as well.
The bar was full, so we sat at a small table. This guy was seated at the bar in front of us. No idea what story that tattoo is telling, but it is some impressive work.
The afternoon sun on the bay
A Banka boat passing nearby
A portion of Baloy Long Beach
Me and my date. Yes, she lets me take pictures with her now.

The girls all greeted me by name, but that doesn’t seem to bother Swan as long as they don’t leave lipstick marks on my neck (I still don’t know how that happened). I brought some brownies for the crew, and they went fast, and the gals seemed appreciative. One of the customers banged into our table and spilled my beer. He apologized profusely, and I told him it was no big deal (I’d recovered most of it). He bought me another one anyway, and I thanked him.

Shortly before we departed, this sailboat pulled up and dropped anchor. I was a little surprised that only one older gentleman was manning the boat. He lowered that raft affixed to the stern and joined the party on the floating bar. It takes some big cajones to sail by yourself. One slip, and you are screwed big time. Respect!
Time to head ashore for dinner at Treasure Island.
Treasure Island features probably the nicest pool in Barretto.
We elected to sit at the bar to dine.
This barbeque setup is a new addition since my last visit here and I wanted to give it a try.
The Treasure Island selfie
I went with the grilled pork chop, and it was good.
Swan said she wasn’t hungry, so she just had an order of lumpia.

After we ate, we took a trike back to the house. I had missed my usual afternoon nap and was feeling sleepy, so I went to bed early.

Five and a half hours is a decent night’s sleep for me. The problem is when you go to bed at eight, you wake up before three. Still better than those sleepless nights, though.
And for the second day in a row I achieved my step goal.

As days go, yesterday was a good one overall.

That’s the best I could find for today.

The Sunday feeding at Hideaway is next on my agenda. We’ll see what happens after that.

Now that’s more like it

I am happy to report that I once again feel almost normal. I was beginning to have some doubts that I’d ever recover the strength to engage in the lifestyle to which I’ve become accustomed, but yesterday, I felt like I’d turned the corner on the road to recovery.

The day didn’t start out looking so positive. I had a near sleepless night, and the pain in my side was back, although diminished. I did an abbreviated dog walk and then began to doubt the wisdom of participating in the Friday group hike. Ultimately, I decided to join with the caveat that I’d bail out as circumstances warranted. So, I took a pain pill and headed out.

Only four of us were in attendance, so the decision was made to trike out to the end of Sawmill Road and commence our hike from Bridge #6. Two trikes at 200 pesos each had us there twenty minutes later. Then, we commenced with the mostly flat 5K walk back to Barretto. It was really enjoyable for me to be off the streets for a change, and the route we took was one I’ve rarely traversed. The hike went surprisingly well for me, with only one minor breathing issue near the end after our only climb. I had debated taking a longer route to avoid the hill but ultimately decided I needed to challenge myself. No regrets.

I have lots of photos to share, including the usual contributions from Scott as well as some from the newest member of our group, Bhel. Let’s get to it, shall we?

From Bridge #6 to my house.
Bhel, Scott, and Gary…
Bhel, me, and Gary
The view from where we started
On the other side of the river
Crossing over Bridge #6
The river we crossed
Walking the concrete banks
How now, carabao?
Thankfully, there were no trips, slips, or falls.
Follow me, boys!
There were a couple of dicey spots like this one, but we managed to navigate them.
A river view
One of those other challenges
Bridge #5. I’ve crossed it before and didn’t much care for it. I was glad we were staying on this side of the river.
Riverside residences…
This cracked me up–an advertisement for the Weedman. In the Philippines, you go to jail for pot possession.
Does that qualify as a waterfall?
Life on the river. I’ve seen worse.
Into the jungle briefly to get around a fence.
Excuse us, just passing through.
Over the river and through the woods…
Laid back living
A cookie delivery
Flowers on the vine
Heading for the valley
Working the fields
Bhel leading the way
Another cookie delivery
The Grand Canyon of Naugsol
A Bhel’s eye view of a cookie recipient. Filipinas always seem to take photos askance for some reason.
See what I mean?
Then we ran into Karl, a legendary hiker in these parts. Still going strong in his 80s doing trails I’d never dream of trying.
Still defying gravity
The final hill up into Alta Vista.
Made it!
We didn’t forget you, Easter Mountain.
I invited my fellow hikers to join me on the patio for refreshments at our hike’s end.

It was so good to be back on trail again. Sorry for the overload of pictures, but it was great being back in the embrace of mother nature.

A nap, some blogging, a shower, and then I looked outside.

Yes, indeed. A sure sign that it is beer o’clock.

I had decided not to attend the SOB competition this week. Once or twice a month keeps it fresh for me. And with freshness in mind, I plotted a bar crawl featuring rarely visited venues beginning at my end of the highway. My plan was two beers per bar with a finish no later than 8 p.m.

First stop, Queen Victoria. This bar is known for its live bands, but the music starts after my unnaturally early bedtime. It’s not a bad bar, and I would likely visit more often if it were more conveniently located.

The next “bar” on this side of the street is Johansson’s. While it has a bar and serves alcoholic beverages, it has more of a restaurant vibe about it. Again, nothing wrong with that, but I got bored before I finished my first beer, so I moved on. I’ll be back on Monday for the Hash On-Home.

Then it was Alley Hideout, aka Alley Cats, my old dart bar. Lots of turnover in staff with only one familiar face amongst the waitresses. A dart tournament was in progress, and I recognized some of the players. Jim came in as part of his own bar crawl, so I had someone to chat with as I downed my beers.

I moved up the highway to the next venue, Rosies. This is a bar I might visit twice a year. Before the scamdemic, it employed dancers, but those days are now over. Rosies now has more of a pool hall vibe. There was a pool tournament taking place during my visit. The waitresses were friendly, and one in particular was pretty aggressive in seeking my attention. So, I answered the usual questions and heard her sad story (her boyfriend makes a baby and then leaves, so working in the bar was her last best option). Still, she was pleasant enough to talk to, and I rewarded her with a lady’s drink.

Red Bar is one of the newer venues in town. It is well-lit, plays good music, and has a pool table and dart board. Oh, and a few unenthusiastic dancers. That’s okay; that’s not what I come for anyway. I do like the vibe here, and I ought to try to visit more often.

And that was the end of my crawl–five bars, nine beers. Another sign that I’m back to being my old, hardy self. I headed to the trike stand at the Maze and stopped at Sit-n-Bull for the pecan pie I missed on Thanksgiving to bring home to share with Swan and Teri. Home and in bed before nine.

And here is maybe the best news of the day:

I managed to sleep through the night! Yeah, waking up a little after three is a bit early, four or four-thirty is my normal awakening time. Still, I’ve not had an 83 sleep score in months.
Another indication that my health is improving. Yay!

There you have it–back to my walkaholic and alcoholic ways, with the added ability to sleep it off and start over again the next day. Life is good!

Yesterday’s joke was older than I realized and had been used here twice previously. So, let’s try this one and see what happens:

On a bus two men with strong accents begin a conversation. The lady next to them is eavesdropping.

“Emma come first, the I come. Den two esses acoma together. I come once-a-more. Two esses, they comma together again. I come again, then pee twice. The I come one lasta time.”

“You dirty bastards!” the woman exclaims. “We don’t talk about our sex lives in public in this country!”

“Hey, whattsa matter with you?” the man asks. “I’m justa tellin’ my friend how to spell Mississippi.”

I have a date night with Swan later. I’m going to take her to the floating bar and then we will have dinner at Treasure Island. It’s good to be alive!

Come and go with me

Yesterday was a day to be thankful for. Come along while I share the highlights.

The belly bruise is fading away and will hopefully soon become just a bad memory.

I had a reservation for four at Sit-n-Bull, having invited my driver, domestic helper, and Swan to join me for a traditional Thanksgiving feast.

Swan got dressed up for the occasion. She wanted me in the photo, so I had her stand next to the mantle where my official 8th Army portrait sits.

My driver picked us up at noon for the short drive to Sit-n-Bull, where our table was waiting.

Danny, Teri, Swan, and me.
Feast your eyes on our meal. That’s 860 pesos ($16.) of food on that plate.

No complaints about the food; it certainly filled me up. I was disappointed there was no pumpkin pie or other dessert offered with the meal. The logistics of eating in a restaurant seem to emphasize that the traditional Thanksgiving feast works best as a family gathering at home. I know I like loading up my own plate with all my preferred favorites. And going back for seconds. I also thought about the side dishes my mama would make–like a green bean casserole and candied yams. Damn, I miss that!

We all enjoyed a heaping helping of my Aunt Pat’s Recipe World Famous Fruit Salad when we returned home after our dinner.

It wasn’t perfect, but it was better than nothing.

Another Thanksgiving tradition is the post-meal nap. I took a much-needed one after my nearly sleepless night on Wednesday and felt somewhat refreshed when I awoke. Swan was busy with her tutoring gig, and I was craving some San Mig Zero beer, so I headed into town. My first stop was Sloppy Joe’s, and it was about as busy as I’ve ever seen. I was seated in my preferred streetside table area, but the only available chair was near the music speaker. And for whatever reason, they had the volume set at blaring. Troy was there and joined me at my table, but it was hard to carry on a conversation with all the noise. I finished my second beer and departed.

It had been a very long time since I paid a visit to BarCelona (two floors above Sloppy Joe’s), and I remedied that by climbing the stairs and taking a rooftop seat in the nearly deserted bar.

A view from my seat
And another view. That’s Kalaklan Ridge dead ahead. The yellow building on the right is Cheap Charlie’s.

BarCelona has pne of the best bar ambiances in town. Open air inside features a large bar, several big-screen TVs playing music videos (at a reasonable volume), and a pool table. It’s all very clean and comfortable. I enjoy sitting on the rooftop in the late afternoon/evening hours and taking in the views (not so much when the sun is shining overhead or during rainy season). Why don’t I come here more often? I’ve had multiple incidents of lousy service in the past, and with so many other options available, I just stopped coming. That wasn’t a problem last night. My waitress was a gal who used to work at Whiskey Girl (she remembered me by name; I didn’t recognize her at all). We sat and talked and my impression is that she was the head waitress (or at least she was training one of the other girls serving). I shared with her some of my past experiences, and she assured me that it was unlikely to happen again, at least as long as she was working. Fair enough. I can see myself enjoying some beers here more frequently.

I decided to stay in the Maze for barhopping purposes and went downstairs to the Green Room for my next venue. It was also very busy, but I had a coupon good for a free beer and then 50% off the remainder of the night, so I put it to work. I usually enjoy watching the pool games when I’m here, but no one played last night. After my second beer, I was feeling bored, so I moved next door to Wet Spot (my coupon was good there too). As usual, I sat at the manager’s table (popularly called the backslapper’s table) and enjoyed some chat with my fellow tablemates. Two more beers, and I called it a night, arriving back home at 7:30.

I enjoyed a little time with Swan on the patio; then I got ready for bed. And lo and behold, I finally slept long enough for my Fitbit to track my sleep performance.

Three and a half hours doesn’t sound like much, but it was more than I managed the previous two days. Hmm, I just noticed the 69 sleep score. In my dreams!

So, I fell asleep at 8:36 and woke up at 1:09 in the morning. Of course, I wasn’t able to go back to sleep, so that meant spending more time binge-watching Netflix. Almost through with Season 2 of “Shameless” and I’m still enjoying the show. My normal sleep is usually at least five hours, but I guess last night qualifies as progress.

Facebook memories reminded me of a walk I took six years ago:

Is that white stuff dandruff?

And today’s dose of humor:

A priest offered a lift to a Nun.

She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg.

The priest nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her leg.

The nun said, “Father, remember Psalm 129?”

The priest removed his hand.

But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again.

The nun once again said, “Father, remember Psalm 129?”

The priest apologized “Sorry sister but the flesh is weak.”

Arriving at the convent, the nun went on her way.

On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129.

It said, “Go forth and seek, further up, you will find glory.”

Moral of the story: If you are not well informed in your job, you might miss a great opportunity.

And that’s all I’ve got for today. I did my first group hike in too long this morning; look for a full report and pictures here tomorrow.

One of my favorites from the 1950s


Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate this holiday.

I’m feeling especially thankful this year to be amongst the living and presumably on the road to improved health. The visit to the radiologist in Olongapo for a gut ultrasound came with the typical frustrations (waiting time), but in the end, the procedure was accomplished successfully. One difference this time was that they wanted my bladder full, so I was instructed to drink water while I waited my turn and that I should not use the comfort room (toilet). When I finally got on the table I needed to take a leak but gritted my teeth and toughed it out.

Later in the afternoon, I had an appointment with Dr. Jo to review the ultrasound results. The good news is that I’m not retaining fluid in my abdomen, and my liver and bladder both appear normal. I have some small stones in my left kidney but they aren’t related to the bruising and pain in my side. So, that issue is likely muscular, and I was advised just to monitor the condition to see if it worsens. This morning, the bruises appear to have faded some, and the pain when I cough is not nearly as severe.

Regarding the cough, Dr. Jo said several other patients have similar problems, and the cough has been more persistent and longer lasting than usual. She advised me to continue my antibiotics and to come back in a week if I’m not better. Dr. Jo also suggested tea with ginger. Her hubby, Dr. Chris, who sits in on the consultations, chimed in and said, “And put some ginger in your beer.” I responded, “Sounds good, which bar does Ginger work at?” They laughed, and Dr. Jo said that I am her funniest patient. See? Bad puns have some value after all.

I planned to head over to Hideaway Bar after my appointment for the Wednesday feeding. I had baked a batch of brownies for gal’s dessert, but instead, I gifted them to Dr. Jo and Chris as a Thanksgiving gift and a thank you for liking my jokes.

On my way to Hideaway, I ordered a pizza (a 16″ thin crust Hawaiian) for delivery from Shamboli’s, then I stopped at Dunkin’ Donuts and got an assorted dozen to replace the regifted brownies.

The pizza. Yeah, that’s pineapple on top. Get over it!
The donuts. If you are curious, that dozen cost 409 pesos, or around $8. The pizza was $16.
It’s been a while, so here you go.

I left Hideaway a bit before dark and made Oasis Bar my next stop. I was the only customer upstairs, and the vibe was dull during my brief stay. One beer, and I moved on. And then, in a moment of impulsiveness, I climbed the steps up to Cheap Charlies.

It’s been a month or so since my last visit to what used to be one of my favorite bars. I stopped coming because of what I considered rude treatment from two of my long-term regulars there, Alma and Nerissa. That was the night the big-spending bellringer (who appeared to be Korean, not that it matters) was repeatedly ringing the bell and buying a round of drinks for all the girls. My issue was that “my” two weren’t sitting with the customer (which I would have understood), but they still acted like I was invisible.

As usual, when I took my seat last night, both Nerissa and Alma sat down on either side. I made some smartass remarks along the lines of, “Ah, now that the big spender isn’t here, you like me again.” They both insisted that it hadn’t been their intent to ignore me (Alma was adamant that she had, in fact, greeted me when I arrived) and explained why they hadn’t joined me–I had come in with three guys that night, and they didn’t want to intrude on our group gathering. Hmm, that’s plausible. Anyway, enough water had flowed over the dam since that night to carry my anger and disappointment away, so I opted to choose the path of forgiveness.

And I bought them each a lady drink to put it all behind us.

It wasn’t quite 6:30, but given my lack of sleep the night before, I was ready to make my next stop home. I invited Swan to pour a glass of wine and join me at the Cool It patio bar (the Rite Spot rooftop bar will be opening soon). I turned on the Bluetooth speaker and picked a playlist Spotify had created for me called “Rock Songs.” And damned if I didn’t like every song that came up. I threw together some cheese nachos with salsa and headed to the patio.

Bar snacks
The nighttime view from here.
The dogs inside the house
And a Swan on the outside

I went to bed early, and once again, I was suddenly awakened by an intense dream that felt real. And once again, I was not able to go back to sleep. So once again, I engaged in a “Shameless” viewing marathon of several Season 2 episodes. If this inability to get a full night’s sleep continues, I may have to consider sleeping pills, something I’ve never taken and would prefer not to use. I’m curious how long I can get by on just a couple of hours of sleep every night before I collapse in exhaustion. Although I don’t want to find out by doing it.

I’m treating my helpers and driver to a lunchtime Thanksgiving feast at Sit-n-Bull. I’m also making my Aunt Pat’s Recipe World Famous Fruit Salad to enjoy when we return home after the meal. I expect a LONG afternoon nap is in my near future.

Of course, remembering the role Native Americans played in creating the tradition of Thanksgiving warrants taking a moment to recognize the difficulty of life they sometimes encounter.
What a headache that must have been!

And one more for the road:

It still seems like a sour note.

And that’s all I’ve got for now. I’ll post pictures of my feast here tomorrow. Enjoy the blessings of life and be thankful for the time we have been allowed.

I’m not really a Kelly Clarkson fan, but the song fits today’s theme, so there it is.

On a binge

I saw Dr. Jo yesterday afternoon to discuss the bruising and pain in my side. I was pretty confident it was something muscular causing the problem, but Dr. Jo agreed with my commenters and said there were multiple possibilities, including fluid retention, and she said these could pose serious health risks. She sent me for an ultrasound of my innards, and I’ll be back to see her again this afternoon.

I finished the doctor’s appointment at 2:30 and decided there was no point in returning home only to return to town an hour later. So, I decided to take a stroll down Baloy Beach and visit the floating bar even though it wasn’t beer o’clock yet.

A quiet afternoon on the beach
My destination awaits
It was low tide, so that required wading out to the raft. I couldn’t be fucked with taking off my shoes, so I settled for wet feet.
Beach view
Bay view
Girl view. It’s not a dancing bar, but the girls would get up and dance in unison when one of their favorite songs came on.

As I’ve mentioned before, I enjoy the ambiance of floating on the bay and taking in the views. Yesterday’s experience was less satisfying than normal. My regular waitress wasn’t there, and despite there being at least a dozen GROs aboard, none of them deemed me worthy of a chat. That’s okay; it saved me money on lady drinks, but there was a different vibe about it. I was also disappointed that the floater still doesn’t have San Mig Zero available. SML is fine, just higher alcohol content (3% versus 5%), and since I was drinking an hour earlier than usual, I had to pace myself accordingly. When I finished my third beer, I paid up and headed for shore.

It had been a long time since my last visit to McCoy’s, so I strolled up the beach and popped in for a beer. They also only had SML. They’ve remodeled, and there were no longer any bar stools, so I sat at a table.

A McCoy’s eye view from my table. And you might notice that songbook and microphone on the next table over. Yikes! The dreaded videoke.

No one was singing when I arrived, but a few sips into my beer, a younger Filipino fired up the machine and did the worst rendition of “Hotel California” I’ve ever suffered through. When I finished my beer, I had heard and seen enough, so I took off down the road and made The Snackbar my next stop. It was pretty quiet customer-wise, but my two favorites–Jenn and Roseanne–were ready and waiting. And thirsty. Still, we had a nice catch-up chat, and they laughed at my jokes, so the lady drink commissions were well-earned. My ex popped in for a quick hello, hugged me, and then disappeared. Just like old times.

My watch told me it was “only” six o’clock, but my body said to get my ass home where I belong. And so my beer binge ended and I grabbed a trike. Swan was waiting when I arrived and she fixed me a quick dinner of hamburger patties with cheese. I was feeling tired and went to bed shortly after I finished eating.

And then it happened again. I woke from a dream, and then my racing brain refused to let me go back to sleep. I looked at my watch and said, “Fuck. It’s only nine o’clock.” I fooled around on the internet for a bit, then moved into the living room to continue watching “Shameless.” And I binge-watched the remaining eight episodes of Season 1, finishing around 4:00 a.m. Now that I’m familiar with the characters and the plotlines around living at the poverty line in Chicago, I’ve gotten to enjoy the series more. But with ten more seasons to go, it’s going to be a challenge to see them all, especially if I figure out a cure for insomnia. Oh well. As of now, my plan is to complete the journey I have begun–or die trying.

Here’s the preview clip from Season 1 that gives you the flavor of the show:

What the clip doesn’t show is that some of the scenes are on the racy side, if you consider tits and ass racy.

Needless to say, the lack of sleep has made for feeling miserable so far today. I got back from Olongapo, where I had my belly organs scanned via ultrasound. Now I’m fixin’ to head back to Dr. Jo’s office so she can review the results. I share that outcome tomorrow. I’m hoping to have something to be Thankful for.

Here’s your daily dose of humor:

I like it!

Today’s song is one of my old favorites. I hope I feel lucky after talking with Doc Jo.