Out of gas

Something weird is going on with my left leg. I first noticed it Wednesday evening while crossing the National Highway en route to Hideaway. I had to go from a walk to a jog as I had misjudged the speed of an oncoming Jeepney. When I took the first step in running mode, my knee gave way. I somehow managed to regain my balance and avoided falling down on the road, which may have been fatal if the Jeep were unable to stop. The leg felt weak afterward, but there was no pain. After a few beers at Hideaway, I felt fine, so I walked to Harley’s for the meet-up with my friend. By the time I reached Baloy Road, the leg was acting up again–it felt numb, and I had a slight limp. I took a trike home from Harley’s, so the leg got plenty of rest.

On my morning walk yesterday, I felt a twinge in the leg early on, but I kept going, and eventually, the leg felt normal again. You might say I walked it off. Today for the Friday group hike, we took a Jeepney all the way to Castillejos for a long loop walk. About a kilometer into that trek, the leg flared up again. This time, the more I walked, the worse it got. I pressed on until the 3.5K mark, and then it felt like my knee was going to collapse. I miraculously found a trike to take me back to the highway. Until it ran out of gas about a half kilometer from our destination. I hoofed it the rest of the way without much problem, then caught a Jeep back to Barretto. After the rest during the ride, the leg feels normal again. I’ll test it out again tomorrow and see how it holds up. It would really suck to lose my ability to hike. Still, I was thankful we were on the pavement today. I’m not sure what I would have done if we were somewhere up in the hills.

Last night, I began my beer-drinking ritual in Calapadayan for the grand opening of a new “resort” called 13 One Three. It was formerly known as Hunter Jo’s Inn and was a regular stop in the Hash On-Home rotation. Monday night, the Hash will be returning to One Three to give it a try.

It’s an odd name. I just say “thirteen” to keep it simple.
Of course, the bay views haven’t changed since my last visit to Hunter Jo’s.
The interior has been totally updated. The best addition are the comfort rooms there in the back. If you are getting a biker vibe from the clientele pictured, you wouldn’t be wrong. And regular readers will no doubt recognize Martin and his 18-Kilo Ass.
The view from my bar perch.

It’s a fifteen-minute Jeepney ride from Barretto, so I don’t expect I’ll be a regular visitor here, but it’s a nice change of pace from the same-old, same-old once-in-a-while. Last night, the guests received a free beer upon arrival, and you could purchase a beer card for 500 pesos, good for six more. So, I had my seven and headed back to my little town.

It was too early to call it a night, so I camped out at Wet Spot for a bit and had a nice chat with some visitors from Angeles. These guys have been in the PI for over twenty years, and it was interesting hearing their perspectives on how things have changed. All in all, it was a good evening out.

Facebook memories reminded me of the night six years ago that I helped Loraine celebrate her 50th birthday on the beautiful island of Boracay. I was still living in Korea then and Loraine was slated to become my caregiver in retirement.

Happy times. They never last it seems.

Three weeks later, we were professing our love for one another. A love that lasted two days before she shattered my heart. I wrote about that in a post entitled “FUCK ME!”

We are still connected on Skype and this morning I sent the picture above and wished her a happy Birthday. This was her response:

Hi John
Thank you very much!
Nice and very memorable photo.❤️
Hope all is well for you.
I’m doing fine and thankful to God for all the people who became His channel of blessings for me and my family.You’re one of them.😊
Thank you very much and take care always.❤️

Hmm, a channel for God’s blessings. I’ve been called worse, I suppose. Still, it is good to remember your past, no matter how painful, so you don’t repeat the same mistakes. Not that that has ever stopped me before. Knowing and doing are two different realms. I’ve still not mastered the latter. And for the record, I am happy that Loraine says she is doing well.

I had another blast from the past when I checked to ensure I hadn’t used the “out of gas” post title before. That led me to read this post about a typical day spent with my most recent lost love. I don’t know if there was an intended message for me from the Love Gods, but I couldn’t help but note that mundane twenty-four hours included eating and drinking together, walking the dogs together, and doing the group hike together. Perhaps it is high time I got my shit together. Lots to think about.

Friday night is on the horizon. I’m thinking I’ll forgo the SOB tonight. We’ll see where I wind up.

Mucho gusto!
Is everything all right?
I just called to say how lost I feel without you
Miles away
I really can't believe I'm here and how I still care about you

Hearts can break
And never mend together
Love can fade away
Hearts can cry
When love won't stay forever
Hearts can be that way

Is everything the same?
Do you ever think of me and how we loved one another?
Will you change your mind?
Will you want me back again or have you found yourself a new lover?

Hearts can break
And never mend together
Love can fade away
Hearts can cry
When love won't stay forever
Hearts can be that way

Is everything okay?
I just thought I'd write a song to tell the world how I miss you
'Cause each and every day
I think of all the words I never said and all the chances that I had to

Hearts can break
And never mend together
Love can fade away
Hearts can cry
When love won't stay forever
Hearts can be that way
Hearts can be that way
Hearts can be that way

Something great is coming your way

Told ya so!

But wait, there’s more! Like the photos from the Wednesday Walkers street and beach walk in Matain, Calapacuan, and San Isidro.

It had been a rainy morning, but six brave souls ventured out onto the mean streets anyway.
Heading up the highway
Over the river
And onto the quiet backstreets of Matain.
Walk this way!
Boats on the water under an angry sky.
On the beach in Matain
Heading for Calapacuan
Friendly locals
A narrow passageway
And then onto the beach in Calapacuan.
I’m not sure what that is, but it looks like it could float some.
More boats on the bay
And crap on the beach.
Still in Calapacuan but on the other side of the highway.
If you come down to the river, bet you’re gonna find some people who live…
Rollin’ on the river
Look at us go!
The Black Rock Mountain rises majestically above the blossoming thatch grass.
Martin brought some lollipops along with him, which was good because I was about out of cookies.
This captures the way I feel when a woman breaks my heart.
Up the steps to bridge #3
One last river crossing
A stroll through suburbia
The wet streets of San Isidro
One last neighborhood. I ran into a gal from The Green Room who lives in one of these shacks. See? Those lady drinks I buy help pay the rent.
No, I didn’t forget you, Easter Mountain!
You can see Alta Vista from here.
Our 8K+ trek ended at my house, where my helpers served up some fish and chips to go with the beers I provided my thirsty hiking mates. It was a good day on the streets and beaches.

Later in the afternoon, I did the Wednesday feeding of the Hideaway girls. On the way there, I got a call from an old friend I had not heard from in several months. I met her shortly after she arrived in Barretto a couple of years ago when she participated in one of our group hikes. I tried courting her, but she rejected me as a potential boyfriend after a couple of dates. She hooked up with an alcoholic instead (and if I use that term to describe someone, you know they must be bad). She joined him in his European homeland, and based on her Facebook posts, she seemed to be having a good time. I noticed the drunk guy was back and with a new girl and was wondering what happened to her. She asked if I would meet her at Harley’s for a chat, and I agreed to do so.

Harley’s is down Baloy Road, and it’s a bit of a bitch to walk there after dark. The gal I was meeting wanted to come there to avoid running into her ex and his pals.

So, she told me her sad tale, which didn’t come as a surprise to me. I reminded her of the loser she came to Barretto for and the one she left with and asked if she detected a pattern. And yeah, I get the irony of me pointing out the relationship failures of others. Alas, she expressed no regret about the one who got away. She’s moving back home to her province today, so we said our goodbyes, and I departed with John Greenleaf Whittier echoing in my head: “For of all the sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these–it might have been.”

My morning sky.

The move has not allowed me to escape from the construction noise I suffered at the old place, but at least now the work is to my benefit.

The roof on my rooftop is taking shape. I’m looking forward to spending time up there soon.

So, my days as a would-be Sugar Daddy are over and done with.

Always glad to help, sweetheart.

You know I’m a punny guy, and this meme was right up my alley:

This one reminded me of the time from my childhood when I was visiting my grandparents. We were all enjoying some family time on the front porch when suddenly, my grandmother got up, walked over to my grandfather, and slapped him across the face. In shock, my grandfather rubbed his cheek and asked, “Why?” My grandmother responded, “That’s for fifty years of bad sex!” Well, my grandfather sat there for a minute, then he got up, went to my grandmother, and slapped her face. “Why?” she cried. “That’s for knowing the difference,” my grandfather said.

Thanks. I’ll be here all week.

Grillin’ and chillin’

It’s too soon to say but things don’t seem so different. I’m going to give it some more time before making up my mind once and for all. In the meantime, life goes on.

The big excitement at Royal was finding a frozen Sara Lee cherry pie on sale for 50% off. How could I refuse?

Out of the box, then into the oven. It came out looking like this.

Of course, man does not live by dessert alone. So, while the pie baked, I got busy setting up my grill.

I placed it on the veranda behind my carport.
Gas tank attached and ready to fire it up.
A cook’s eye view
Ribeyes on the grill
The makings of a meal
Dinner is served

Around beer o’clock, Swan and my helper departed for a shopping expedition in Olongapo. Left to my own devices, I ventured into town and found myself nursing a beer at Sloppy Joe’s. Jim was there with Rob, another hiking group member, so I joined them at their table. A couple of beers later, Rob left for darts, and Jim and I moved on to The Green Room. I enjoyed watching Jim get his ass kicked by a waitress in a couple of pool games. They both played well, so it was entertaining to watch. After more beers at Voodoo, we paid a visit to Alley Cats, where the dart tournament was still in progress. Once Troy was eliminated from the tourney, we continued our bar crawl with a stop at Queen Victoria. Jim and Troy moved on to Lux, but I’d had enough and headed home.

I slept alone again. Heavy rains during the night woke me up twice. But with the sunrise the storm subsided.

My morning view.

I’m refraining for now from commenting on other aspects of my life until I get things sorted out. No need to rush to judgment.

That settles it!

I did a 69 yesterday

Not THAT kind of 69. But I like the way you think!

Yeah, don’t let the arrows fool you. They were all over the place, and not one led to an actual 69.

What it was really all about was run #1569 of the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers.

The long version of the trail is in red. The Hares also provided a shorter version (the green line bypass). I opted to start from my house in Alta Vista rather than make the unnecessary walk to the VFW only to turn around and return to the neighborhood. Start to finish was right at 4K for me.

It was a pleasant enough walk with no surprises, especially because I had participated in the Hare’s scouting mission during our Wednesday hike. My only real complaint was once we came down out of the hills, there were no trail markings on the streets leading back to the On-Home at Blue Butterfly.

That was the final trail mark that I saw. I guess the Hare assumed everyone knew the way back to town, and that’s probably true for us locals. But we often have out-of-town guest Hashers who wouldn’t have a clue. I’ll be doing Hashes in La Union and Angeles City later this month, and that’s my nightmare scenario–not knowing where to go or how to get back because of a poorly marked trail. Okay, rant over.

Here are some photos from the trail (some mine, some taken by other Hashers):

The main body of Hashers departed from the VFW at 2:00 p.m. I left my house at the same time.
Just a few minutes after I joined the official trail, Leech My Nuggets and Bug Fucker jogged past me. Leech is the fastest member of the kennel, and I’m one of the slowest.
There was something about this tree I found interesting.
Or maybe I just have a dirty mind.
Let’s wash away that nastiness with a gander at Easter Mountain.
And another group passed me as I paused to make a cookie delivery to the my mountain family friends.
The hardest thing on the trail was stepping over this wall that had barbwire on top. I was fearful I would snag my balls, but I managed to avoid that tragedy.
It was all downhill from here.
Improvised stair steps.
Into the village
I’ve seen worse.
Cement sidewalks and bridges
Easy living
Heading On-Home
At Blue Butterfly
Twenty-six Hashers in attendance this week, including the Gash contingent
First, I couldn’t find the 69, and now I see that blowjobs aren’t allowed in the CR. Damn.

And that’s how things went down (well, not literally) at the Hash.

In non-Hash-related news, I saw this Jeepney crashed on the side of the National Highway this morning. Hope no one was hurt.

Not designed for off-road travel!

It is funny how things turn out. In high school I dreamed of being a journalist.

And I grew up to become a conspiracy theorist. Who’d a thunk it?
Tom waits for no man. Oops, I guess I’m an example of what he was talking about. Sorry!

And sticking with our sexual innuendo theme, I’ll leave you with this:

Damn, I hate when that happens!

By the dawn’s early light

My first morning wake up in the new place. I rose a bit before five, enjoying my morning coffee as I scrolled my favorite blogs on the internet. Then I glanced out my window and saw this:

That view gives me a peaceful, easy feeling

I spend a lot of my home time at my desk, or should I say, on my laptop, so I decided to take advantage of those windows to the outside world:

The only potential downside is that the afternoon sun hits this side of the house full-on. I guess I can always close the curtains.

I had coffee on the patio with Swan before she left for her Sunday “me” time.

It’s early yet, but nothing much has changed so far with Swan. She still doesn’t want me taking her photo and is not interested in going into town with me. And to be clear, I was talking about a restaurant environment, not a girly bar, but she still declined the invitation.

Lots of questions about what happens next are filling my head, but the rent is paid in full for the next twelve months, so I don’t need to hurry to resolve them.

The hand I woke up with this morning. Still sore as hell and oozing juice.

I went back to the old place and fetched Lucky today. He was sheepish around me but allowed me to leash him up and walk him to his new home. I’m leaving him out in the yard for now until I can decide whether he can be trusted again or forgiven for his transgressions against his master.

I’ll be doing the Hideaway feeding later since I’m home alone anyway. After that, who knows? I reckon it will involve my partaking in some additional San Mig Zeros. Hey, it’s what I do best.

Here’s a chart I came up with to illustrate the likelihood of my giving up the bar life:

And I’m not a whiz in the kitchen, but I’m thinking I could make this low-calorie meal:

And this one struck just a little too close to home:

Or at least she wants to maintain plausible deniability.

One day at a time and see what happens next. That’s the mode I’m in. But, I’ve got both feet firmly on the ground so I won’t have far to fall if things go wrong.

I get this feeling I may know you
As a lover and a friend.
But this voice keeps whispering in my other ear,
Tells me I may never see you again.

'Cause I get a peaceful easy feeling.
And I know you won't let me down
'Cause I'm already standing
I'm already standing
Yes, I'm already standing on the ground

So much to unpack

And I have no power. Nothing like a brownout on moving day. Trust me, that bites. This post will be short and sweet to ensure I finish it before my laptop battery is depleted.

The “truck” I hired turned out to be a trike with a sidecar basket. It took five trips with the trike and my drivers car full of crap to complete the move.
It was a little dicey with a heavy load of a fridge and freezer, but we got it done without an accident.
Now I have to unpack and rehang things like the television.
Turns out Lucky didn’t want to move

When it came time to load the dogs, Lucky wouldn’t come. When I reached under the table to pick him up, he went into full attack mode. He was out for blood and he got it, inflicting several deep bites. A couple are still oozing blood hours later.

The finger bite is most painful
The arm bite is plenty deep.
And another on the front of the arm.

So, Lucky has now literally bit the hand of the one who feeds him. He is that stupid and disloyal. My first response was to retaliate in kind, but I let him live despite my anger. I’m still not sure how I will deal with this long-term, but at the moment, I’m feeling no love. He is still at the other house, but my helper will dog-walk him back here later. As of now, my plan is to make him an outside dog 100% of the time. I don’t want to be around him.

Power is not due to be restored until 5 p.m. It is hot inside with no fans to stir the air. I hope I haven’t moved into a cursed house. Nothing to do but ride it out.

My daughter messaged me this morning asking if I had a picture of her when she was in the Homecoming Court during high school. It seems my eldest granddaughter (the one who just turned eighteen) is following in Mama’s footsteps.

My daughter Renee with me as her escort all those years ago.

While I was searching for that photo above, I came across pictures of some houses from my past.

My house in Lexington, South Carolina. With my Dodge Ram pickup truck and Jeep Grand Cherokee in the driveway. Damn, I was living large back then.
And that’s where I lived in Stafford, Virginia.

Let’s hope my life here on Bryce Street in Barangay San Isidro, Subic, is a good and long one!

A titanic undertaking

And so it is just about time for the maiden voyage to life in my new digs on Bryce Street. The movers will be here at 0900 tomorrow, and it shouldn’t take long to load up my meager possessions and carry me to whatever the future will bring.

Kitchenware and pantry items all boxed up and being guarded by my Buddy-boy
I’ll be home in the morning

The consensus of the commenters on this post is that disaster awaits me. I was impressed with the insights my readers offered and quite touched by their concern. Welp, there is no turning back now, and I’m going into this with eyes wide open. If it works out for me, great. If not, well, I’ve been there before, and I’ll find my way back to wherever it is I belong.

Swan has promised me that things will be different for us once I move in. So, in that sense, my time has come. In my heart, I believe that Swan is a good woman without bad intent. She may not share in all my interests and activities, but I think we’ll find things we enjoy doing together (like travel), and I’ll convert some of my bar time to home-together time. I trust we’ll both make compromises and that we will be comfortable together. We’ll both maintain our share of “me time” as well, and I’m good with that. Again, I respect the views expressed by those with contrary opinions and recognize that I could be completely wrong in what I believe to be true, but there is only one way to find out. We will know one way or the other soon enough.

Swan told me in a message this morning, “I love you.” Prompted by something a commenter suggested, I asked her what it is she loves about me. She responded that I respect her, that I’ve been patient with her, and she loves everything about me. Hmm, it’s hard to argue with that!

Last night, I treated myself to dinner at John’s Place.

I perched myself at the third-floor open-air bar and enjoyed the view from there.
The Philly cheesesteak sandwich was pretty good, too.
It would have been nice to have some company. Oh well, maybe next time.

After dinner, I planned to use more of my voucher at Whiskey Girl. On the way, I ran into Troy, and he told me Jim was drinking alone at It Doesn’t Matter, so I decided to join him for a beer. We had a couple, and then Jim accompanied me to WG. Whiskey Girl has a “buy one, get one” happy hour, so I didn’t get to use my coupon much. Gary, another hiking buddy was there, and between him and Jim buying drinks, I didn’t have any more room. I did, however, keep the thirst of Jenn and Kim satiated with lady drinks.

There’s yet another new bar that just opened in Barretto, and since it is next door to Whiskey Girl, we decided to check it out.

It’s called Klimaks and bills itself as a “comedy bar.”
Me and Jim were the only white guys in the place, and most of the dialogue was in Tagalog. Yep, it’s probably not a venue that will cater to my tastes, but everyone was friendly, and I wish them well.

We finished our night on the town at Queen Victoria. I rather enjoyed my next to last night of “freedom,” or whatever it is I’ll call this chapter of my life that is now drawing to a close.

My full moon view from the balcony. It will be lovely from the new house too, I’m sure.

Ready for some memes?

There are plenty of consequences, though.
Right, Mr. Brand?
I’ve already gotten a couple of laughs using this line…

Anyway, that’s where things stand with me as of now. I’ll be doing the SOB later today at The Green Room.

I baked my final batch of brownies here to share with the girls tonight.

And now for my last shower and shave on Shenandoah Bend.

And all I can do is keep on telling you
I want you
I need you
But there ain't no way
I'm ever gonna love you
Now don't be sad
'Cause two out of three ain't bad
Now don't be sad
'Cause two out of three ain't bad

What do you call an undercooked steak?

Rawhide, of course. (There’s a method to my madness; wait for it.)

Shall we start with some photos from the Wednesday Walkers trek? Alright, here you go:

Behind that green wall is the construction site for what will be Barretto’s newest culinary experience. Yes, McDonald’s is finally coming to town!
We had seven walkers show up (Jim couldn’t be fucked with getting in the shot, and Scott took the photo)
Off we go into Alta Vista
The shortcut to Shenandoah Bend
Heading out of the ‘hood
Marching along the My Bitch trail
Those clothes ain’t gonna wash themselves!
A brief rest stop at Four Corners
The Easter Mountain view
A cookie delivery at Onelia’s mountain hideaway.
Beginning the downward portion of our journey
I’ve seen worse. Much worse!
On the outskirts of a village
Down we go…
You got this in the bag, Scott.
Like a walk in the park
Evidence that the wheel was indeed invented in the Philippines.
On the road again
Creekside living
Strolling through the backstreets of Barretto
Short and sweet (around 5K), just the way I like it!

A shower, a nap, and a blog post filled the afternoon hours. Thanks again for those comments with words of wisdom and advice. The jokes were good, too!

Before heading out for the Hideaway feeding, I fed myself. The pork chops (cooked in the crockpot with cream of mushroom soup) came out tender and tasty. I took a couple of servings along with me for Joy and the girls to sample; they all seemed to like them, too. I know it ain’t pretty, but looks can be deceiving.

The vendor lady I’d been buying meals from on Wednesday wasn’t available, so the girls ordered some food from a local Korean eatery.

They deliver for a 30 peso fee, which is fair, I suppose. The food cost 1800 pesos versus the 1000 I normally spend on the vendor lady.
The hungry faces of anticipation.
Don’t ask me. It looks like rice with some Korean sides, but the girls seemed to enjoy it. Something different for a change.
Joy with chopsticks is a first.

I had a pleasant visit in Hideaway. I took over the DJ duties and played some shit no one there had heard before. The kind of music my daddy listened to when I was a boy. Like the Frankie Laine classic “Rawhide.” And there you have the big reveal of why I came up with the convoluted post title referencing uncooked meat. I was surprised to find a post from 2009 titled Rawhide, so I had to get creative for this one.

My view as I walked up the highway after my departure from Hideaway.

Of course, I wasn’t done yet. I’ve got SOB coupons to expend, and I decided to put that 1500 peso voucher to work for me. Woohoo! Free beer. I started in Alaska and had three there (and two lady drinks). Then, I moved next door to Wet Spot and used the voucher for two additional beers. The coupon is only good for customer drinks, so I was out of pocket for the drinks I bought Aine, my waitress, and the bartender. Manager Brett comped me a beer, and so did owner Dave. That provided me the satisfactory level of inebriation I require of myself, so I called it a night and triked on home.

Six hundred pesos spent, 900 more to go. Looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me tonight!

What do y’all think of this:

Do you see what I see?

He’s gonna have a Rawhide in the morning!

Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday

Not that I have anything to worry about. It is what it is, and what will be will be. Of course, living in the moment is even easier when you drown any dissenting thoughts in copious amounts of San Mig Zero. I’ve become a master of that technique!

You can’t go wrong starting the day with banana-walnut muffins…

I brought groceries from Royal home to Shenandoah Bend for the last time yesterday morning. Everything is on for the big move on Saturday. I packed some more boxes and don’t have much furniture besides a stove, fridge, freezer, and bed to haul to the new place. I arranged for a crew with my driver to do the heavy lifting.

I am meeting with my current landlord’s representative and the new tenant tomorrow morning. I’m not worried about it, though. Over two years of wear and tear on the furniture, but no real damage to the apartment. Since I broke the lease, I don’t expect to see any of my security deposit returned anyway. I’m still glad a new tenant was found so my landlord doesn’t suffer any loss with my move.

I asked Swan to join me for dinner last night. I had a hankering for some barbeque meats at Pujon Corner. Swan declined my invitation with a curt “I don’t want to.” Alrighty then. Looks like I’m still at the bottom of her priority list. Honestly, these past couple of months have been my loneliest time since moving to the Philippines. Since I consider myself in a relationship, I can’t be with anyone else, but the one I care about doesn’t seem to want to be with me. Something will change soon, and I expect the move will resolve the questions lingering in my head. One way or the other, I am not going to continue living in no-man’s land.

When I left the house for my evening in town, I planned to visit John’s place for my solitary dinner. But halfway there, the skies opened up, and even the small umbrella I carried couldn’t keep me dry. I had a “buy one, take one” coupon in my wallet for Green Room, so I took shelter there. And wound up staying until my quitting time. That’s very unusual for me not to change my venue over the course of a night out.

One thing that made it easier to extend my stay (besides the half-price beer) was I finally put my foot down and told the girls “no” when they surrounded my table. That Rule #1 ain’t gonna enforce itself, after all! I enjoyed having some quiet time, but I also purchased one lady drink each for my two waitresses, but not until after my third beer. Now, that’s self-discipline!

When hunger pangs occurred, I satiated them with a pizza from Sit-n-Bull. I ate my fill, then shared the leftovers with the waitstaff.
I posed for a selfie with Crazy Horse, who keeps watch over the Green Room. The bar manager saw the pic on Facebook and commented that I made the statue look better. I hope that’s worth a free beer!

During the course of my time in Green Room, I got to hang out with two different buds, Bruce and Jim. I was actually in the process of leaving (I’d already paid my tab) when Jim arrived, so I stuck around for another beer. We discussed changing our scenery, but in the end decided, why bother? I admit my discount coupon may have influenced me.

But that was yesterday, and yesterday’s gone. A pleasant group hike this morning, some pork chops are stewing in the crockpot, and a feeding for the Hideaway girls is on tap for later today. And I’m just not going to worry about the future; whatever happens, I’ll deal with it. Maybe a solitary life is my destiny.

These are golden oldies, but it’s the best I got for today:

Meet the family

This afternoon is the long-anticipated “coming out” gathering. Well, maybe that is overstating it, but Swan has select family members and friends coming to the house to eat, drink, and meet me. I know it is a big deal to her, and culturally speaking, being introduced to the family is an important step on the relationship ladder. I’m not sure if this is a test I could potentially fail, but all I can do is be my usual charming self, and they can love me or leave me. I’m curious to see if today’s get-together means that Swan will be more open about our relationship status. I hope so; this pretending we are not a couple is beyond tiresome. Next week, we’ll be living under the same roof. As roommates or lovers remains to be seen.

Swan is preparing a feast for the family, including fish and pork in Filipino fashion. I’m contributing a pot of chili with cornbread. I’m also baking brownies for dessert. At least no one will go home hungry.

Chili in the crockpot

Since I will be otherwise occupied this evening, I did my Hideaway feeding last night.

The delivery from Jewel Cafe. It was kind of funny when I went in to place my order, and the waitress told me, “It’s not Sunday yet!” I acted surprised and said, oops! And turned to walk out. Then we all had a laugh.
The Hideaway crew enjoying their meal.
As is Joy

With my duty done at Hideaway, I headed back to my side of town. Last night was the 15th anniversary of the opening of Wet Spot, so I popped in to say congrats.

Unfortunately for me, the party wasn’t slated to begin until 9:00 p.m. Welp, that’s my bedtime, so I knew I wouldn’t be around for the celebration. I had a couple of beers and treated Aine and my waitress to a lady drink before departing.

I wasn’t quite ready to go home just yet, though. I’d heard Barretto’s newest drinking establishment was having its soft opening last night. It’s only a block away on the highway from Wet Spot, and I wanted to see what it was all about.

Welcome to Red Bar!
My first impressions were very positive. It was well-appointed, well-lit, and offered something for everyone: dancers on stage, a pool table, and a dart board. The dart set-up was actually quite nice, and I could see myself coming here to practice if the urge to play again strikes me.
The bar also has several of these couch seating setups that look quite comfortable. That’s a big step down to the floor, though, and I can foresee a drunken fool taking a tumble one night soon. I’ll stick to the bar or a table just to be on the safe side.

So, as I’m sitting at the bar, taking it all in, I hear a voice from the dance floor calling out to me. Well, I’ll be. It was Tin-Tin, formerly a waitress at Queen Victoria, now dancing for Red Bar. I hadn’t seen her for a couple of years, so I invited her down to say hello and buy her a drink.

Nice to see you again!

A couple of hiking buddies, Troy and Ric, also showed up, so it was good to share the opening experience with them. But as always seems to happen, time passed, and I knew I should be making my way home, and that’s just what I did.

It was a good night out, though. Let’s hope things go well at my meet-the-family event today.

Well, I drink twice that many, and I don’t give a fuck.

Finding a way to persevere

When I posted that cartoon before yesterday’s hike, I had no idea how prescient it would be.

It was only the two slow old fogeys who showed up for the Friday group hike, me and Scott. Scott said he wasn’t up for a hill climb, so I suggested we try the Naugsol valley walk. The problem is that a lot of our normal paths are flooded during the rainy season, but me, in my infinite wisdom, thought I recalled an elevated trail we could take to avoid the wet spots. Things went south pretty quickly, and we had wet feet from wading through puddles by the time we reached the higher path. And that’s when things started really going wrong. As we marched along the higher road, I recall seeing a path on the left leading to the valley floor, but it seemed too early in the hike head down–I felt sure we could stay on high until we reached the far side of the valley and avoid dealing with the rice paddies. It turns out that wasn’t the case, or at least, if such a trail exists, we couldn’t find it.

So, when we lost the path, our options were to retreat or bushwhack our way forward, hoping to find a new trail to take. That really sucked because this time of year, the grass is high, and the bushes are thick. Even worse, there are stickers, and some of the blades of grass have sharp edges.

Here’s how my knees looked when I got back home. I never fell; that’s just what pushing my way through the growth caused.

Poor Scott was really struggling with some stamina issues yesterday, and they got progressively worse as we extended our hike. At one point, it seemed that he would have to stop and rest every hundred yards or so. I felt bad for him and sorry that I had extended his suffering by getting us lost. Once we eventually made it back down to the valley and onto a dirt road, I went ahead to try and find a trike to carry us back to Barretto. I eventually did get lucky and rode back to pick up Scott. We then crossed over Bridge #4 (the first time either of us had ever done anything other than walk across) to Sawmill Road and the 3K or so ride back to Barretto. It was quite the adventure, but not the good kind. Still, it might have been worse. Shortly after arriving home, a massive thunderstorm poured down rain for an hour. Had we still been struggling to find our way back, it would have been an even more of a nightmare.

Here are some photos of our miserable journey:

Things didn’t go as planned. This is the first time we’ve had to abandon the hike and catch a ride home.
Our journey began with a stroll through Alta Vista and a nice view of Easter Mountain.
Exiting the neighborhood with Easter Mountain still prominently on display.
Scott was feeling fine early in the hike.
These kids from Marian Hills seemed happy to score some cookies.
One of my regulars
I’m not sure if school was out or what, but I gave away most of my goodies during the first kilometer of the hike.
That’s all…the only thing left to deliver was disappointment.
Easter Mountain from the valley floor.
The path ahead. What could go wrong?
This guy seemed attracted to Scott but, thankfully, didn’t attempt to consummate the relationship.
We had already been forced to wade through water at this point, so we had the freedom of not caring as we moved forward.
These ducklings seemed to be enjoying themselves.
The view from the higher path.
So far, so good.
Did I miss a branch in the trail?
Okay, what happened to our trail? It was here a minute ago…
Scott took a break while I poked around, looking for the way ahead. We could hear dogs barking in the distance, and Scott was blowing his whistle, hoping a local might come by and offer some guidance, but no one did.
We made our way through here in search of an easier way back down to the valley.
Eventually, we found this abandoned shack where Scott took another rest.
So that’s where pineapples come from!
At last, we made it back down to the rice paddies. We had to do the tedious walk across the berms, but so be it.
A rest along the way.
I recognized this house and knew we’d have an easier path to walk from there.
Scott took advantage of the opportunity to lie down for a bit.
A fallow field.
As I walked ahead in search of transportation, I was stumped by what kind of creature this might be.
We gave the trike driver 200 pesos to carry us back to Barretto. It probably made his day.

All’s well that ends well.

My day wasn’t over yet, though. I still had an SOB to attend. Last night’s performance was at one of the newer bars in town, La Oficina. It was their first time hosting an SOB, and I arrived early to ensure I had a comfortable seat.

The empty stage from my elevated vantage point. That’s one feature of this bar I like–tiered seating.
The stage with the regular La Oficina dance crew
And the stage with all the SOB participants gathered at the show’s start.
Queen Victoria finished 4th last night.
Wet Spot took 3rd
The Alaska team was 2nd.

And last night’s champions:

The La Oficina crew. That’s the first time they’ve ever won, although I voted them first the previous two weeks. I seem to be out of sync with my fellow judges of late, but last night, there was no dispute. Congratulations!

As usual, I’m toasted by the show’s finish at 8:00 p.m. It was a good time, though. Oh, there is always a raffle for a set of coupons in which I rarely participate, but last night, I splurged and bought a package for 2000 pesos.

I wonder how much these will wind up costing me. My favorite is the 1500 peso voucher. The one I’m sure I won’t use is the all-you-can-drink in one night in one bar for 1000 pesos.

I’m doing the Sunday feeding at Hideaway tonight because I’ve got plans of a different kind tomorrow. Yep, I’m going to hang out with some of Swan’s friends and family at what will be our place in a week. This is a pretty big deal. Let’s hope I pass the test!

Coup on the highway

But first a little Voodoo in the kitchen.

Threw all the ingredients for a beef stew into the crockpot.
And eight hours later, I filled a bowl and then my stomach.

On my way into town, I dropped some stew off at my future residence for Swan and the landlord to enjoy as well. They gave it a good review.

My mission for the evening was to expend the 500 peso voucher coupon for Voodoo that was due to expire at midnight. Voodoo doesn’t open until 6 p.m., so I killed an hour drinking beers at Sloppy Joe’s and hanging with Chris and Shyrel. Jim showed up a bit later and joined the party. When the witching hour for Voodoo rolled around, Jim joined me there.

Beers at Voodoo are 100 pesos each, so I needed to consume five to achieve full value for my coupon. And by golly, I did it! When it came time to pay my tab, I only owed 1130 pesos for the lady drinks I purchased for Josie and Lyn. I’m not good at math, but I’m sure that coupon saved me big time!

Jim and I crossed the highway for a nightcap at Cheap Charlies, and then I knew I’d had enough. Caught a trike and was homeward-bound.

I also got some confirmation that I’m not the biggest sucker in the Philippines. Reekay, who does the Life Beyond the Sea vlog, posted this story of a slow learner:

Now, I’ve been scammed a few times and been overly generous to undeserving recipients occasionally, but never in the amounts that this guy routinely gave. And that fuck up with the last girlfriend’s niece was something I never would have even thought about trying. So, perhaps there is hope for me after all!

I had quite an adventure on today’s hike that I’ll write about tomorrow. Now it’s time to prepare for another SOB Friday, and this will be the first contest at the La Oficina bar. It’s a small venue, so I’ll try to arrive early and grab a good seat. That’s all for now.

It’s one of those Hendrix songs that didn’t stick with me, but nice to hear it again fifty years later.

Darting through time

I’m trying not to sweat the small stuff, but we are in the midst of the scheduled brownout now and I’m sweating like a motherfucker as I sit down to write this post. Y’all are the only fans I have at the moment!

While not completely resolved, the traffic situation I mentioned in yesterday’s post has at least improved quite a bit. I was able to get to Royal for my groceries without much trouble. Getting off the base to the highway going home, there was a back-up in traffic, but only about a fifteen-minute delay, not the hours folks experienced earlier in the week.

This too, shall pass

My appointment with Dr. Jo went well. We discussed the dosage of some meds I’m taking because they aren’t as effective at the lower levels I’ve been trying. She agreed to a brief two-week increase to try and clear my sinuses. Still, she reiterated that the problem would persist until I submitted to the necessary surgery to remove the nodules in my nose. She understands my reluctance to undergo general anesthesia with my COPD but reassured me with a quality anesthesiologist, I would be fine. Dr. Jo will assist me in finding a good doctor and said she’d stand by during my surgery if needed. So, that’s the way ahead.

And now for the big news. After my appointment, I walked to Alley Cats bar. It was just a little after three in the afternoon, and I was the only customer at that early hour. The girls were surprised to see me, but the shocked look on their faces when I pulled out my darts was priceless. Yes, it has been over a year since I retired in June 2022, and yesterday was the first time I’d thrown since then. Suffice it to say the time away did not improve my game. The gals asked if I was resuming my darting life, and I told them that was not my intention. Troy talked me into filling in for an absent player on his team in today’s Dart League match. I guess I’m better than a forfeit. So, I’ll be throwing in a competition this afternoon at the VFW. The Alley Cats crew asked me to stay for the Tuesday tourney, but getting beat in practice games was all my pride could handle. I do plan to install my dart board after I move, so hopefully, I’ll be motivated to start practicing at home again. Stay tuned.

Yet another new bar is slated to open in Barretto. I fear we are reaching the saturation point.

After my darts excursion, I had dinner at Sit-n-Bull, then hung out at Wet Spot until it was time to go home. I had a “buy one, get one” coupon, and I really did try to make it have some value. But Aine plopped down next to me as soon as I took my seat, so any potential savings were devoured in lady drink commissions.

I did give my personalized coozy a workout.

And that was how I spent my Tuesday. Well, goading my lefty Facebook friends was part of the fun:

No dumber than the other shit he says.

And speaking of dumb:

Let my sheeple go!

Completed the lease process with my landlord this morning. Well, I still need to transfer 308,000 pesos ($5000+) to her bank account, but I’ll get that done soon.

Thanks for everything, Alicia.
No extra charge for the view.

So, dart league, and then I will stumble over to Hideaway to feed the girls. I reckon it will be an early night since I’m starting before 2:00 p.m. this afternoon. Even if I take up darts again, I will not be playing in the league. It just doesn’t fit into my 4-8 drinking window.

Just like my dart game.

Lights out!

Nothing like a morning surprise

Tomorrow we are due for a day-long scheduled power outage. That’s something to look forward to. Ah well, I’m still counting my blessings. At least I’m not living in a Manila slum eating a local delicacy called pagpag. My foodie friends should check this out if they have the stomach for it:

I’ll take a pass, thank you.

Anyway, here’s the down and dirty on yesterday’s Hash. As I mentioned, there was a reworking of the trail brought about by the inaccessibility of the National Highway due to construction. So, we started at the entrance to Alta Vista instead, and the Hares laid out a very nice trail, especially for a last-minute effort. I naturally took a shortcut with the other oldies, but the 4K effort was still enjoyable.

Yesterday’s trail with a purple shortcut.
Gathering at the start. We had a smaller-than-normal turnout yesterday.
And we are On-On!
On the streets of Alta Vista
Off the streets and into the wild.
Follow me boys!
The same hills as the My Bitch trail, but a different path this time. It had been long enough that it felt new again.
A tree and a goat
Living a recycled lifestyle
Getting back to our woodsy roots…
Granny kept a watchful eye as I handed her little granddaughter some cookies.
The path took us down through this guy’s front porch…he was friendly and nice about it, though.
This portion of the trail was a real downer.
On-Home in back of It Doesn’t Matter
Hash Gash
Circle up!

We went back up front to the bar for more imbibing after the hash, and then a few of us crossed the highway for a couple more at the Annex bar. And then, with bedtime looming, I called it a night and headed back home. And so ended the day of my two-hundred and sixty-fourth run with the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers.

I’m off to see Dr. Jo this afternoon for some advice on my meds and after that I’ll roam the streets of Barretto so you don’t have to. Glad to be of service.

Here’s my provocation on Facebook today:

I don’t always believe the shit I post on FB, but I do enjoy the reactions.
It seems that way sometimes!

Back tomorrow!

And on the seventh day…

Or is Sunday the first day? Not that it matters; when you are retired and a slave to your routines, every day is pretty much like all the others. Here’s a brief recitation of how I spent my yesterday.

Some banana-nut muffins to start the day
And then a sweet little 7K stroll through Marian Hills, San Isidro, Santo Tomas, and down Baloy Beach.
Over the Matain River on Bridge #1. That’s my future home way off in the distance (the one to the right of that big white monster).
The shippy waters of Subic Bay as seen from Baloy…

Later in the day, when it was time to head to Hideaway for the Sunday feeding, I knew something was up when the traffic on one of the backstreets I walked was crazy with cars. Gabaya Street parallels the highway, so I figured there must be an accident or road work causing people to seek alternatives. Once I reached the National highway, my suspicions were confirmed.

The worst I’ve ever seen. Apparently, a road collapse/landslide in Kalaklan reduced the highway to one lane. So, all that weekend traffic trying to get back home was jammed up. (I lifted this photo from a FB post; it ain’t mine.)
A friend who lives on SBMA told me it took him 2 hours to get home from Barretto (it’s usually a ten-minute drive). He said people were getting out of Jeepneys and trikes and walking because it was faster. (this is another stolen photo)

I don’t know how long this situation will persist. Today’s Hash was supposed to start about 2K up the highway towards Olongapo but has been changed to the 7/11 in Barretto instead. I’m now worried about my shopping excursion to Royal in the morning. Surely, they will have something in place by then. Oh, wait. This is the Philippines. They really do need to build that bypass road they’ve talked about for years. There is no alternative route to take from here.

The food from Jewel Cafe arrived at Hideaway, but I guess the delivery girls had to walk to get there. Sorry about that! I tipped a little extra for the trouble.

The food has arrived. The girls ordered tapsilog and sisig dinners…
I added chicken wings to the mix
In Joy

It was crazy walking back to my side of town. I always walk facing the traffic, but that might have been a mistake. With the backup, the scooter drivers were more insane than usual, and it felt like I was playing dodgeball (dodgebike?). I took refuge in Cheap Charlies for a bit to calm my nerves.

Definitely safer upstairs
Alma and Nerissa provided some companionship.

I made it an early night. Crossed the highway (which is actually easier with traffic stopped for intervals) and grabbed a trike for home.

Now it’s time to prepare for a mystery Hash. I feel sorry for the Hares having to rework a trail with so little notice, but they are old-timers and shouldn’t have much trouble coming up with a plan B.

One of the Hashers posted this photo he took on last week’s trail. Said the spider was as big as his open hand.
Apparently, it was one of these. I don’t like spiders and snakes, so I’m glad I missed it.

Here was what I shared on Facebook yesterday for my liberal friends to attack me over.

It is rather entertaining to listen to the argument that trains are a better method of transport than pipelines. But what about climate change? Hypocrites.

And can you imagine not liking Tolkien?

I like it!

Here’s today’s funny:

What a way to go!

Back tomorrow with another dose of goodness! And just a reminder that not all Traffic is bad:

Money for nothin’

I got lucky last night! No, not in THAT way, but still. Here’s how it went down.

I had promised Nikki, the waitress at Whiskey Girl I drank with on Thursday, that I’d bring the brownies she’d been craving on Saturday. So, I baked up a batch before heading out. Whiskey Girl doesn’t open until 6:00, and I didn’t want to wait that long for liquid refreshment, so I made Sloppy Joe’s my first stop.

I arrived a little before five and was surprised to see so few customers and no one I knew. The music was playing loud, but at least the playlist was classic rock that I could enjoy. I started into my downing San Mig Zeros routine and ignored my waitress’s not-so-subtle hints that she was thirsty for a drink commission. I’m really trying to up my game in that regard. Anyhoo, around about 5:30, the Sit-n-Bull waitress came by, so I ordered a burrito for me and some lumpia to share with the girls. I also relented and sprang for a lady drink for the waitress. When the food arrived, I started to chow down, and my waitress friend informed me she was off-duty at six and going home. Ah, so much for my dinner party. She didn’t share the lumpia either. Lesson learned. Or, knowing me, maybe not.

I ordered my last beer and paid my tab. Just before I finished my beer, Jim came in and joined me at my table. He plays golf on Saturday and had been drinking at other venues all afternoon. I told him I was heading out to Whiskey Girl and invited him to join me, and he indicated he would come by later. When I arrived at WG, my regular gal Jenn escorted me to my table, and my backup Kim was close behind. Well, Jenn was there first, and I gently let Kim know I wouldn’t be buying them both lady drinks all night. I sensed a slight attitude shift, but she continued to provide good service.

The owner of Whiskey Girl was in town and throwing a big party for his customers last night. The festivities included a raffle drawing for cash once an hour. The first drawing was at 8:00 with a 1000 peso prize. The amount would double every hour until 10:00. There was also a big pot for a pool tournament scheduled to begin at 9:00. The same guy also owns Voodoo and La Oficina, so he had some select dancers from those bars join the Whiskey Girl crew for the night. It’s good I got there when I did because, by 7:00, the place was getting packed. Some familiar faces were there, including Dr. Jo and her husband Chris.

Oh, and what about Nikki and the brownies? Nikki didn’t show up for work, so she missed out again. The other gals seemed to enjoy them a lot, though. So, her loss.

Jim eventually arrived and sat next to me and Jenn. He relieved me of some pressure by buying Kim and another waitress lady drinks, and we settled in to enjoy the party atmosphere. Every time you purchased a drink (or a lady drink), you received a raffle coupon. By the first drawing, I had accumulated a nice little stack with my name on them. Sure enough, when the first drawing took place, they called out “Gwapo!” (my bar name). I walked to the stage and happily collected my prize.

A crisp new 1000 peso note.

Jim was done for the night, and I wasn’t far behind. Didn’t want to miss my 9:00 p.m. bedtime! I gave Jenn half of my winnings and tipped Kim 170 pesos (the same amount I would have paid for the lady drink I would have bought her eventually, but she got it all), and everyone seemed happy when I left. When I said goodbye to the group at the table where Dr. Jo was seated, I announced, “I’m leaving early because my doctor says I need to drink in moderation.” That got a laugh. I had to walk all the way to the 7/11 to catch a trike, but I made it home safe and mostly sound.

In other news, I heard from my current landlord yesterday, and he has found a replacement tenant for me. I was happy to hear that because I felt guilty about breaking my lease. My landlord asked if I would mind answering some questions for the incoming resident, and naturally, I agreed. We got hooked up on Messenger, and he is coming by on Monday to chat and look around.

I move into the new place in two weeks and began packing some stuff I don’t use much yesterday. I’d forgotten about this Hash shirt I never wear:

It’s from our outstation run in San Antonio in November 2019. I don’t wear it because that depiction of the spiritual adviser is just a tad too crude for public consumption.
That’s the one where we got detained by the Philippine Navy for trespassing on their firing range. Oops! Well, we all survived, and we weren’t deported, so all’s well that ends well.

I mentioned yesterday that I’ve been sharing mask and vaxx memes to show support and solidarity with the growing chorus of voices saying we won’t get fooled again. Unlike during the scamdemic, Facebook hasn’t been blocking them. Yet. Still, they are causing some of my liberal friends to offer rebuttals–all saying I’m stupid. I just respond, “thank you for your feedback.” Here’s today’s version:

I’m not in total agreement with this one. You can argue that life begins when the fetus can survive outside the mother’s body. I don’t believe in abortion, but I’m not on board with making it illegal from conception. I think eight weeks is a fair compromise.

I don’t follow many expat vloggers, but this guy is one of the better ones. I just happened to come across this account of how he discovered his Filipina fiancée was cheating on him. Some of the circumstances were a little too close to things I’ve experienced for comfort. Anyway, he offers some good insights and advice. Give it a look if you are so inclined.

Let’s end today’s post on a lighter note:

You can say that again.


My Friday began with a pleasant morning stroll. Only one other participant showed up for the group hike, but hey, four legs are better than two, right?

The morning view from Alta Vista
Gary is the only one who showed up for the Friday hike.
So, they missed views like this…
And Easter Mountain
Just about 7K all in…

I confined myself to one bar last night–Queen Victoria for the SOB competition. I arrived around 4:30 to ensure I got a good seat and so I got to watch the Queen Vic girls practicing their routine. I was very impressed with the energy and devotion to detail they demonstrated. All the teams put on a good show, but in the end I ranked the top four as La Oficina, Queen Victoria, Alaska, and Wet Spot.

The other judges didn’t see it quite that way:

Final results: Alaska, La Oficina, Wet Spot, Queen Victoria

A slight controversy developed after the SOB when the Queen Vic owner posted on Facebook that his girls were discouraged from having finished fourth two weeks in a row despite all their hard work. It happens that way sometimes. I thought they were very good and are definitely improving week-to-week, but so are most of the other competitors. Don’t give up!

I don’t have any photos from this week’s performance, but here is a video of La Oficina last week if you care to see them in action:

And here are my raffle prizes this week:

The 500 peso voucher is always my favorite, so I will be back to Voodoo at some point to put it to work. I also appreciate a “buy one, get one” ticket. It almost feels like half-price!

I don’t bother much with politics on social media these days, it just seems so pointless. But I have witnessed a groundswell of memes being posted mocking the scamdemic Nazis. I’ve taken to sharing them to help spread the word that we won’t get fooled again.

My body, my choice
One commenter asked if that applied to the polio vaccine as well. Yeah, if COVID were polio AND the vaxx had been tested like the polio vaccine and proven effective, I’d get the jab. But, of course, that didn’t happen.
It has been satisfying to see some of the things I posted back in 2020 that I was mocked for believing have proven to be correct. If we all stand together they won’t be able to fuck us this time.
Never forget!

A wet Tibag

The Wednesday Walkers ventured out to Tibag for a change of scenery. I always enjoy the beauty of the area, but because there is no easy way to get there without a vehicle, it’s a trip we only make once or twice a year. There were eight of us yesterday, and Ed squeezed us all into his Toyota Club cab pickup truck. It was a beautiful morning for a hike, right up to the point where we began to head back (meaning the furthest we would be from our transportation) when it began raining. Oh well, it did have a cooling effect, and once you are wet, what difference does it make?

A Google-eye view of our there and back again 7K route
Gathering up at our meeting spot for the drive out to Naugsol and the start of our hike.
We have arrived. The two gals are friends of my new landlord and were visiting with her from Manila. They invited themselves along, and I told them everyone was welcome. They seemed to enjoy themselves and found the mountainous surroundings awesome. Of course, compared to the shithole city of Manila, Tibag is paradise on earth.
Our pre-hike group shot.
Let’s roll!
This house sits right on the river, and it’s for sale. Hmm. I do love this area, but it is just a tad too isolated for my blood.
The proverbial house on the hill
Passing through the unmanned military checkpoint
Marching onward
On the road to Tibag
Mushrooms growing on a log is a rare thing to see.
A view of mountains I don’t see every day is a nice change.
The road goes up to get to Tibag. It’s nothing crazy, just a gradual climb.
How the locals live
Getting close now.
When you ain’t the fastest or the slowest in the group, you frequently walk alone.
Scott and one of the new girls, Doris, bringing up the rear.
Tibag countryside
Some of the group crossed this bridge and looked for a suitable trail on the other side of the river. This time of year (rainy season and high grass), it is not a good option.
I didn’t feel compelled to take my chances on this dicey construction.
We hung out with a couple of the locals, waiting for the bridge crossers to return.
Here they come.
The local schoolhouse
A happy cookie recipient
Leaving the pavement behind for a bit.
A horny goat
Stuart’s new friend
Splendor in the grass
A stare fight with a carabao…I won!
Regrouping on the pavement after the rain began coming down.
They’ve built a landfill just past Tibag, and periodically we’d make way for these big-ass trucks full of garbage to pass by.
A farm in the dale…
What a rainy day in Tibag looks like
The ducks seemed to be enjoying the weather.
We all made it back to the truck, wetter but no wiser. Fortunately, the rain stopped and the guys riding in the back didn’t have to suffer.

I went straight home after the hike as I had a meeting with the landlord to sign a lease extension. Basically, I’ll pay my rent one year in advance, which helps her fund the ongoing repairs on the house. I initially only agreed to pay four months in advance, but I’m more comfortable now that everything is legit. Swan is moving her stuff out this weekend, so the time for the realignment is nearly upon us. We are going to have a get-together next week with some family and trusted friends of Swan’s, which I guess is our coming out with the “we’ll be living together” announcement. I’m still taking it one day at a time, but I feel a little more confident now that we can work it out.

The feeding at Hideaway went well. I again purchased food for the girls from the local vendor.

That’s her and her basket of goodies. I guess selling thirteen dinners in one go makes her day. She seemed happy about it.
Joy loved her some chicken.

After Hideaway, I headed to the Green Room. Turns out, I’ve really created a problem for myself there. As soon as I sat down, I had several girls surrounding me. I absolutely hate that! It’s worse than dogs begging at the dinner table with those hungry eyes. Again, I’m not opposed to buying a lady drink or two, but I get to choose the when and the who. I finished my beer and left without buying any. And I even had a coupon that gave me a free beer if I bought a lady drink. I’m either going to have to toughen up and tell the girls there to leave me the hell alone or find another bar. There are plenty of options, after all.

Like next door at Alaska Club.

It was the day after Joy’s birthday, so I bought her a drink and used my coupon to get me a free beer. I only bought one, though.

I did my nightcap next door at Wet Spot (the Maze really is aMAZEing in that regard), got myself a beer, and had a sandwich delivered from Sit-n-Bull (also next door) along with some food for my waitress and her pals. And that was it for me last night.

Tonight’s challenge. This is the last chance to use the coupon before it expires. There are seven SOB bars. Can I make it to all of them without losing consciousness? Only one way to find out!
Facebook memories reminded me of a meme I created years ago in Korea. It seems appropriate for tonight’s challenge.

Drink responsibly, you say?

Wish me luck!

Back tomorrow with a full report. Hopefully.

For what it’s worth

When you ain’t got nothin’, but you owe your loyal readers their daily bread, this is what you get. Sorry!

Tuesdays are always on the blah side, but even the mundane chores need attending to, and I’m happy to report that the weekly grocery shopping excursion has been accomplished. I stayed when we dropped Swan off at her place to meet with the landlord. Progress continues on the repairs and improvements, and the house should be good to go, or at least good enough, come 1 October.

Here comes the rain again! My view of Easter Mountain as I walked back to my place. I wondered if I would make it home before the downpour hit me. I did. Barely.

It rained for an hour or so, but by the time beer o’clock rolled around I was able to leave the house without an umbrella. I didn’t have an agenda in mind, but walking past Sloppy Joe’s I saw Chris, so went in the join him for a beer or three. Jim showed up a bit later, and we started an impromptu bar crawl with stops at Cheap Charlies, Voodoo, and Wet Spot. I ended my evening out there, and came home to enjoy some pecan pie a la mode before hitting the hay.

That’s how the pie looked before being smothered in vanilla ice cream.

Tomorrow’s post will have more substance, including photos from the Wednesday Walkers hike in Tibag. I’ve also got the Hideaway feeding to attend to later today.

I’m not sure that this qualifies as a trend, but I’m seeing more and more memes like this one on my Facebook feed. Will people stand up to the authorities if they attempt another variant of the scamdemic? Perhaps there is hope.

Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
Step out of line, the man come and take you away

Who knew I’d be singing and relating to those protest songs for the 1960s again.

The long way home

I will never forget that fateful morning 22 years ago. I was working in DC at the time and had an up-close exposure to the mayhem that ensued. Several of my neighbors in suburban Virginia died at the Pentagon that day. The subdivision erected a monument in their honor.

My life was changed as a result of those attacks. It opened my eyes to some realities I had ignored as a member of the liberal hivemind. I came to understand that my primary source for news, The Washington Post, was little more than a purveyor of propaganda. I discovered other sources on the internet, like Instapundit, that helped me see the big picture and think for myself. I learned that the bias in the MSM is as much about what they DON’T report as it is about the lies they peddle. Coincidentally, I haven’t voted for a Democrat in a national election since. And ultimately, it led me to leave the cocoon of a sheltered American life and seek employment overseas. I was proud to spend the final years of my working life in support of the U.S. Army in Korea. It’s been said there is no going back, and in my case, that proved to be true. That’s why I live in the Philippines now.

After my morning coffee with Swan yesterday, I took the long way back to my place.

Right at 6K, door to door.

When the time arrived to pursue my love affair with beer, I hit the streets once again.

The way things looked as I left the ‘hood.

I popped into Jewel Café and placed the dinner order for the Hideaway crew.

Forty dollars worth of grub, but who can put a price tag on good feelings?
Enjoy your meal, ladies!
Joy just can’t help herself…

After my aMAZEing experience the night before, I knew I wasn’t up for a bar crawl last night. I did, however, step up to Cheap Charlies for my nightcap.

There I enjoyed the sunset view…
And the company of Alma. It occurred to me that I’ve been sharing lady drinks with her for over five years now. Time flies!

I brought home a pecan pie from Sit-n-Bull as my bedtime snack and chalked up another day of stayin’ alive in the Philippines.

And I enjoyed sharing a morning coffee with Swan to kick off the new day.

Here are a few Philippines-related tidbits I came across that some readers may find of interest.

It’s a Filipino movie filmed in Angeles City. Its plot revolves around Alma’s life as a bargirl. It’s not realistic in the sense that in the film, her customer love interests are all Filipino men, but it is a movie by and for local audiences, so that’s understandable.

There is also this news story about a foreigner who claims he was framed on drug charges by the government drug enforcement authorities. Scary shit, especially since he has been in jail for TWO years waiting for a hearing. That’s my nightmare scenario, so I try to avoid putting myself at risk as much as possible. I don’t drive here, I won’t allow myself to be around underage females, and I have no interest in illegal drugs whatsoever. This guy must have pissed off the wrong person, and that’s something you have to avoid as well. Good luck to him, although I wouldn’t bet on his chances to survive long enough to have a day in court.

Speaking of crime, there was a Filipino serial killer in Angeles City back in 2010 who targeted foreigners:

As of 2018, when this video was made, the killer had not been convicted. I read somewhere that he has now been sentenced to life in prison. Still, when it comes to criminal violence, I feel much safer in the Philippines than I would back home in the USA.

And that’s about it for now. It’s Hash Monday, and I’ll be meeting up with Pubic Head for our shortcut version of the trail. Getting to the start has me hiking some of My Bitch by myself again, but I’ll take it slow and watch my step. Assuming I survive, I’ll be back tomorrow with a full report.

Never forget! Remembering James Raymond Coyle and Samuel Oitice.

YouTube doesn’t want to make it easy to see the images from New York City on 9/11 because of “violent imagery.” You have to click on the link to see it on YouTube, but it is worth the trip.