The Watcher

And so the saga continues. I attended a birthday party at Snackbar last evening. Once again, the short walk to the highway took my breath away. I made it, though, and camped out on a barstool for the rest of the evening. It was a little strange to see my ex loving on her new guy/fiancé, but that ship sailed for me long ago and the pain is gone. My sincere hope is that the path she has chosen will lead to the fulfillment of her dreams. It was nice to have Swan by my side for the first hour or so as well.

Coincidentally, Mary, the eighteen-year-old I briefly dated, turned nineteen yesterday. We exchanged some messages, and she told me she was drinking alone at McCoy’s on Baloy. I invited her to stop by Snackbar, and I would treat her to a birthday drink. It turns out she was walking to the highway from Baloy, so she was passing Snackbar anyway. It has been several months since we’ve seen each other, so having another birthday girl at the party was nice. A guy friend of mine got introduced to Mary, and to hear him tell it, it was love at first sight–at least for him. They exchanged Facebook info, so maybe they’ll get together again.

I headed for home about 8:00 and was in bed before 9:00. And then I woke up at midnight and couldn’t get back to sleep. So, it was back to the TV for me. I needed something to watch to pass the hours, and a short series called The Watcher looked interesting. And so I became one, binge watching through my sleepless night.

Eight one-hour episodes for a story that could have been told in two hours.

By morning time, it had gotten tedious, and I found myself closing my eyes and dozing for a minute or two and then looking back at the screen to discover I hadn’t missed anything new. I guess it served its purpose, but it was not particularly entertaining.

This inability to sleep through the night is frustrating. I’ve never experienced insomnia, and I’m not sure how to deal with it. The weird part is that it isn’t about the coughing or the breathing–it’s in my head. I can’t seem to turn off my brain. Maybe this has something to do with the prescribed medicines I’m taking. Hopefully, I’ll return to normal sleeping habits soon.

In the making progress department, I did the regular dog walk this morning, and then a bit later, I gave myself a walk here in the neighborhood and didn’t experience much discomfort. I really, really want to get back to hiking soon. I miss it!

On my stroll, I encountered this lost shoe and kept thinking I might run into Cinderella. Sadly, I did not. I guess I’m not Charming enough.
Is that you, Lucky?

I reckon I’ll try once more for an afternoon nap. It’s feeding day at Hideaway, and the walk to get there will be challenging. But I need to make the effort–Never surrender!

5 thoughts on “The Watcher

  1. Even too much vit B can mess with sleep taken at the wrong time, sounds like you’re glooped up on stimulants. Try l-theanine, magnesium, and chamomile tea but don’t take my word for it. Seems a harsh result for a non lifelong smoker. Point of interest, how many a day smoker were you…?

  2. I can only hope there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and not a heavenly light. I doubt they serve beer in heaven, the prudes.

  3. Dan, I am currently taking vitamin B in the morning. I’ll look into the other remedies you mention.

    I’m about as dumb as they come when it comes to smoking. I didn’t smoke in my teens and twenties (well, other than pot) but started around 30 (had a girlfriend who smoked, so I would join in). Anyway, twenty years of 1 to 2 packs a day took its toll and permanently damaged my lungs. All I can do now is try to keep it from worsening.

  4. I was going to say that, if there’s no beer in heaven, you may have to check downstairs.

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