
Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate this holiday.

I’m feeling especially thankful this year to be amongst the living and presumably on the road to improved health. The visit to the radiologist in Olongapo for a gut ultrasound came with the typical frustrations (waiting time), but in the end, the procedure was accomplished successfully. One difference this time was that they wanted my bladder full, so I was instructed to drink water while I waited my turn and that I should not use the comfort room (toilet). When I finally got on the table I needed to take a leak but gritted my teeth and toughed it out.

Later in the afternoon, I had an appointment with Dr. Jo to review the ultrasound results. The good news is that I’m not retaining fluid in my abdomen, and my liver and bladder both appear normal. I have some small stones in my left kidney but they aren’t related to the bruising and pain in my side. So, that issue is likely muscular, and I was advised just to monitor the condition to see if it worsens. This morning, the bruises appear to have faded some, and the pain when I cough is not nearly as severe.

Regarding the cough, Dr. Jo said several other patients have similar problems, and the cough has been more persistent and longer lasting than usual. She advised me to continue my antibiotics and to come back in a week if I’m not better. Dr. Jo also suggested tea with ginger. Her hubby, Dr. Chris, who sits in on the consultations, chimed in and said, “And put some ginger in your beer.” I responded, “Sounds good, which bar does Ginger work at?” They laughed, and Dr. Jo said that I am her funniest patient. See? Bad puns have some value after all.

I planned to head over to Hideaway Bar after my appointment for the Wednesday feeding. I had baked a batch of brownies for gal’s dessert, but instead, I gifted them to Dr. Jo and Chris as a Thanksgiving gift and a thank you for liking my jokes.

On my way to Hideaway, I ordered a pizza (a 16″ thin crust Hawaiian) for delivery from Shamboli’s, then I stopped at Dunkin’ Donuts and got an assorted dozen to replace the regifted brownies.

The pizza. Yeah, that’s pineapple on top. Get over it!
The donuts. If you are curious, that dozen cost 409 pesos, or around $8. The pizza was $16.
It’s been a while, so here you go.

I left Hideaway a bit before dark and made Oasis Bar my next stop. I was the only customer upstairs, and the vibe was dull during my brief stay. One beer, and I moved on. And then, in a moment of impulsiveness, I climbed the steps up to Cheap Charlies.

It’s been a month or so since my last visit to what used to be one of my favorite bars. I stopped coming because of what I considered rude treatment from two of my long-term regulars there, Alma and Nerissa. That was the night the big-spending bellringer (who appeared to be Korean, not that it matters) was repeatedly ringing the bell and buying a round of drinks for all the girls. My issue was that “my” two weren’t sitting with the customer (which I would have understood), but they still acted like I was invisible.

As usual, when I took my seat last night, both Nerissa and Alma sat down on either side. I made some smartass remarks along the lines of, “Ah, now that the big spender isn’t here, you like me again.” They both insisted that it hadn’t been their intent to ignore me (Alma was adamant that she had, in fact, greeted me when I arrived) and explained why they hadn’t joined me–I had come in with three guys that night, and they didn’t want to intrude on our group gathering. Hmm, that’s plausible. Anyway, enough water had flowed over the dam since that night to carry my anger and disappointment away, so I opted to choose the path of forgiveness.

And I bought them each a lady drink to put it all behind us.

It wasn’t quite 6:30, but given my lack of sleep the night before, I was ready to make my next stop home. I invited Swan to pour a glass of wine and join me at the Cool It patio bar (the Rite Spot rooftop bar will be opening soon). I turned on the Bluetooth speaker and picked a playlist Spotify had created for me called “Rock Songs.” And damned if I didn’t like every song that came up. I threw together some cheese nachos with salsa and headed to the patio.

Bar snacks
The nighttime view from here.
The dogs inside the house
And a Swan on the outside

I went to bed early, and once again, I was suddenly awakened by an intense dream that felt real. And once again, I was not able to go back to sleep. So once again, I engaged in a “Shameless” viewing marathon of several Season 2 episodes. If this inability to get a full night’s sleep continues, I may have to consider sleeping pills, something I’ve never taken and would prefer not to use. I’m curious how long I can get by on just a couple of hours of sleep every night before I collapse in exhaustion. Although I don’t want to find out by doing it.

I’m treating my helpers and driver to a lunchtime Thanksgiving feast at Sit-n-Bull. I’m also making my Aunt Pat’s Recipe World Famous Fruit Salad to enjoy when we return home after the meal. I expect a LONG afternoon nap is in my near future.

Of course, remembering the role Native Americans played in creating the tradition of Thanksgiving warrants taking a moment to recognize the difficulty of life they sometimes encounter.
What a headache that must have been!

And one more for the road:

It still seems like a sour note.

And that’s all I’ve got for now. I’ll post pictures of my feast here tomorrow. Enjoy the blessings of life and be thankful for the time we have been allowed.

I’m not really a Kelly Clarkson fan, but the song fits today’s theme, so there it is.

8 thoughts on “Thankfully

  1. As usual, when I took my seat last night, both Nerissa and Alma sat down on either side. I made some smartass remarks along the lines of, “Ah, now that the big spender isn’t here, you like me again.”

    I guess things are returning to normal when we’re back to manufactured drama, however minor, arising from artificial relationships based on money. Sorry to keep harping on this, but I simply fail to see the charm in something so utterly fake. I’d rather read a book by myself than sit with a rent-a-friend.

    On the brighter side, the food looks good, and it seems the news from the ultrasound isn’t horrible. Continued good luck as you keep recovering from this bout of whatever-it-is. And I hope to see pics of the Thanksgiving feast!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, John. I hope a big fat turkey is in your immediate future.



  3. Hey, not looking bad in that pic with the sly feminine company. From your updates, I’d expected you to look like a sack of shit. Good news on the liver and bladder. The liver is a true marvel of recovery -not that I wish to tempt old father fate- but that SOB loves to take a beating then go off on its own to self heal. Plus it probably laughs in the face of that weak pissy beer you drain.

    But boy you so play both ends of the ukelele. Chilling with the rent a chats then home to do the red wine on the veranda thing in good civilised domestic order. Not sure the two have ever been successfully combined long term in the sad history of mankind. Do it right, brother or shit’s gonna fall on your head.

  4. Dan, I was a letter carrier for the Postal Service for eight years, so I can de-liver for you!

    I’m just making the best of the days I have left. I would rather drink with Swan than a bargirl, but Swan chooses not to join me. Anyway, hanging in the bars is in my genes. I’m not suggesting it is good or healthy, but it is what I do, and I make no apologies for it. Different strokes for different folks.

  5. Kev, yes, I know we have different viewpoints on the subject of bargirls. I see guys in the bars touching the girls inappropriately or paying to take them out of the bar, and that just goes against my nature. I mean, if that’s what they like and the girls agree, more power to them. I can drink alone and be okay with it. But I also enjoy chatting and joking with the girls. They make 150 pesos (three bucks) for eight or more hours a day sitting in a bar full of foreigners. Lady drink commissions are what they rely on to pay the bills. So, I consider it an act of charity when I buy them a drink. Yes, the Cheap Charlie girl I’ve known for over five years hurt my feelings with her rude behavior, but that’s on me. It’s good to be reminded that, indeed, I mean nothing to them other than being the means to an end.

  6. John,I agree with you on the lady drinks and your attitude about them. I have spent enough time in less developed countries to understand that buying a lady drink is akin to a tip in developed countries.

  7. Thanks, Brian; I thought you might understand the motivation and rationale for buying the occasional lady drink. Once you see how the system works up close and personal, the urge to help these girls is sometimes irresistible. Honestly, I suppose there is some guilt involved. Paying someone three or four dollars for an eight-hour shift reeks of exploitation. Most of the bargirls are very appreciative when you supplement their salary with drink commissions, and that makes me feel good. Another example of what I call “selfish generosity”–a lady drink purchase buys me peace of mind.

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