Take the high ground

I didn’t, I took the short cut. One climb on yesterday’s Hash was enough for me and my tired lungs. I felt a little bad about it though because I had a passel of newbies following me and when I pointed out the trail leading up the mountain and encouraged them to go forward they all declined and played it safe with me. So, we had a flat but boring highway walk to the On-Home at Hunter’s Jo Inn. Here are some photos from my abbreviated hike:

And we are On-On! I wasn’t necessarily born to follow but I do recognize the benefits of being, um, behind.
Across the rice paddy. I like how one gal is looking left and the other right. But there ain’t no dry way around it…
Another way to look at it.
Hello, my friend.
Leading the group through what turned out to be our only climb of the day.
Through a mango grove…
Country road, take me On-Home…
A message from the Hare…
Youngun’s frolicking.
Through the narrow streets of a village…
Over a bridge…
…and over another.
Back On-Home and Snap-On Jarhead demonstrates how to quench a thirst…
This is why you don’t wear new shoes to the Hash…
We initiated two new virgins into the kennel…
And celebrated a birthday in the Hash traditional manner…
I had a craving for some French food, so after the Hash, I enjoyed a ham and cheese croissant at Sit-n-Bull
After eating, I joined up with a group of Hashers hanging out on the rooftop at BarCelona.
The Gash were out in force as well…
Now, this was kind of a surprise…the woman on the right is a Hasher named Black and Dick Her. That’s her daughter on the left who was our waitress at BarCelona.

And so ended another Hash Monday. Next week, I’ll be a Hare along with Pubic Head for the annual Candy Run. We are plotting a 4-5K stroll through the streets of Barretto handing out candy (and cookies!) to the kids. Rumor has it that Santa Claus himself may be joining in on the fun!

This post was a little rough around the edges but I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

Fee? Ask Ko!

Yep, it was a fuck up. Something I’ve never seen happen before and hopefully, never will again. The trail wasn’t particularly well-marked but that wasn’t the worst of it. Turns out there were TWO trails, the one the Hares marked on Saturday and a different version they marked on Monday morning. Hey, nothing wrong with changing your mind but here’s a pro tip: erase the marks on the abandoned trail! Yep, you guessed it. The group I was hashing in followed the wrong trail.

It was kinda funny the way it went down. Black and Dick Her, a relatively new Hasher, was out front. We got to an intersection and she turned to the left. We called her back and pointed out that not one, but two trees, were marked with arrows pointing to the right. We teasingly chided her for not paying attention. So we headed off to the right and weren’t seeing many marks, but eventually, we’d find an indication that we were On-Trail. A bit later we encountered Anal Receptive, a very experienced Hasher, coming back towards us saying he had lost the trail. We reassured him we had just seen a trail mark and this trail was the only option, so he joined our group and we trudged on. A good bit later we did find another tree arrow confirming we were indeed on trail. And that was the last one we saw.

Luckily, we all knew where we were and took a trail that led back down to the Columban College area. On the way, we encountered another group of Hashers who had lost the trail and were taking an alternative route back to the On-Home in Alta Vista. We wished them well and continued on, not quite ready to give up yet. As we walked we discussed the best way to go and then we encountered the Hash trail mark heading towards Rizal Extension. Hmm. We all wanted to know just how we had lost the proper trail, so we decided to walk the trail backwards to see where we had gone wrong. That’s what we did and that’s how we found out that Black and Dick Her had been correct when she instinctively turned left. We also photographed the arrows indicating the right turn that we took. We continued to backtrack to the On-Home where the Hares acknowledged the error of their ways.

Anyway, no great tragedy and it did add an element of adventure to our hike. I saw the map of the second half of the trail we didn’t take and I’m not sorry I missed it. Here are some photos from the day, most of them taken by Pubic Head:

We are ON-ON!
On the trail. Or are we?
I’m not seeing any marks here guys?
Pubic Head and Snap-On Jarhead carrying on.
Still no marks…what kind of trail is this?
Now we are backtracking the trail. See that powder on the tree root? That’s how you are supposed to mark the trail and there should be a mark at every possible intersection.
Living in the sticks. She actually knew my name. I’d met her when she was visiting the mountain family on My Bitch trail.
I did a post on erections, but get a load of this ‘cock!
Some ups and downs along the way.
Back to the scene of the “crime”. We followed this arrow…
…and this one. Whoops!
Ah well. Safe and sound at the community center in Alta Vista.
The Hares: Bum Burglar and Almoranus.
Shooting the shit with the guys…
Circle up!
The Hares on ice right where they belong.
It’s all about perspective I suppose. This Husky LOVES spending time on the ice. Imagine that!
Pubic Head did a nice photo collage of Flaming Asshole getting a Hash-style birthday cake…

I wound up getting drunker than normal and went straight home after the Hash. Up earlier than usual since I was in bed before eight. Yeah, no shit, that’s just sad.

But it was nice to see the sun come up from my desk.
Inspired me to make a healthy breakfast.
If yesterday’s trail was a post, it would look like this one.

It’s all good though. Well, at least I hope so.

I’m stumped

It pains me to say this but yesterday’s Hash proved to be, well, interesting. And not necessarily in a good way.

Things took a turn for the unexpected when I arrived at the meet-up location only to be told that a large group had already departed. I checked my watch and it was only 11:40. The run was supposed to begin at noon. What got my goat though was that the group of female Hashers I “sponsor” (pay their $7.00 entry fee) had left without me. I’m not sure why that bothered me so much, I guess it just made me feel like a chump. So I started the trail in a foul mood.

I can’t say that my state of mind was a contributing factor, but early in the climb up Black Rock mountain I somehow got distracted and tripped over a stump in the trail. The resulting loss of balance caused me to fall over sideways and onto another tree stump. My pride was hurt as much as anything, but I did spill some blood on the trail.

The scratch was long and deep, but it cleaned up just fine.
In addition to earning some time on the ice for my crime, I’ve earned another one of these badges.

I was still pissed when I arrived at the On-Home venue and made it clear that I wouldn’t be paying sponsor fees in the future Yeah, I can be an asshole like that at times. One of the girls left in tears. It was probably as much a matter of misinformation as bad intent I suppose. I’m over it now. Mostly.

Anyway, here are some pictures from Subic Bay Hash Run #1421. As usual, I pulled these off our Facebook page so not all of them are mine. Credit where it is due and all that.

A high-flying birds-eye view of the trail. Easy to spot the Black Rock climb.
And it’s On-On!
And On-Up!
The steps at the beginning of the climb were tall and uneven making it all the more challenging.
That’s more like it!
A little rock climbing along the way.
Some eye candy to enjoy…
A bay view from on high.
This tree caught my eye.
Almost to the top!
Not sure if you can make it out in this photo, but those houses in the center on the far side of the valley are in the Alta Vista subdivision where I reside.
A Filipina in the wild. Probably the most dangerous thing encountered on trail. I like it!
The view is great from here.
Black Rocks Matter!
Getting down was a whole other kind of challenge…
Luckily the rocks were not particularly slippery. Wouldn’t want to do this descent in the rain though.
There are only two ways down…this one or the quick one. The quick one won’t kill you, but the sudden stop at the bottom might!
And what would a Hash post be without the obligatory photo of Easter mountain?

I skipped the last portion of the trail and took the highway. Just didn’t have another climb in my tired old body. Plus, I had lost a lot of blood. Yeah, that’s my story! Actually, I did hear that one of the Hashers had to go to the hospital for stitches after taking a fall coming down Black Rock. I guess I got nothing to complain about.

Not that that has ever stopped me.

Shall we Hash?

Why not? What else is there to do? Oh, Vienna Sausage (Guenter) is the Hare? Well, how bad can it be? Let’s go!

Oddly enough, the trail was not all that bad. Yes, the anticipated steep up but it was at the beginning before my strength had ebbed. And it was a new path I had actually been curious about, so now I know not to do it again! The down was steep and semi-treacherous and there were better and less dangerous ways to go, but again, no surprise that this Hare took the hard way. Actually, the biggest complaint besides my usual whining was that the trail was poorly marked. Saw quite a few Hashers along the way who had lost the trail. My group did too on one occasion and we had to spend several minutes looking for the trail again later. That’s very unusual for Guenter.

Anyway, here’s some pictures from the afternoon:

The trail from above. The yellow line is the longer version. I also bypassed the last mountain, so had a more comfortable 6K hike.
Gathering at the starting point.
Getting last-minute guidance from the Hare.
The hard up. This wasn’t hiking, it was literally climbing. I would not have even attempted it. Fortunately, there was an easier start to the ascent for those who desired it.
Note that I said “easier” not easy.
Hard and steep it was.
Onward and upward.
Did I mention it was steep?
Let’s catch our breath and enjoy the view.
And we still ain’t at the top!
Back at it.
This “scarehasher” didn’t deter us…
Watch out for that fence!
Finally some relatively flat ground…
“No, I ain’t shittin’ you. I started WAY down there!”
What goes up, must come down.
We didn’t see that coming! Actually, we did and thus posed for this picture. What we didn’t see was the strand of barbed wire stretched about one inch off the ground. Luckily for me, Pubic Head tripped over it first.
Looking down on the way down…
And no, I didn’t forget to snap a shot of Easter mountain. I know y’all look forward to that!
Yes, you are!
You still with us, Pubic Head?
I don’t know what she is doing, but I like it!
Going down, down, down…
Of course, this is the easy part. Once it got steep, rocky, and slippery I couldn’t be bothered with pictures. It took all I had to keep my feet!
Well, well, well. I made it down with only one time on my ass. Not bad for a Guenter trail!
On the ice!
Gash ass on the ice…
Slot Licker with the Hashit,
Bush Diver was recognized for 300 runs with the Subic Bay Hash. All the more impressive because he lives in Angeles City and makes the two-hour trip every week.
After the circle, I had dinner at Sit-n-Bull, then a nightcap at Mango’s. A nice way to finish the Hash Monday.
And so concludes another Hash post. Hope you enjoyed it!

That went well

If I do say so myself. And that’s one of the benefits of writing this blog, I get to say whatever the hell I want!

The feedback from yesterday’s Hash was very positive. As I had hoped, several of the Hashers expressed surprise because they had been expecting an “old man’s trail” and instead got something a tad more challenging with TWO climbs! Yeah, I was actually surprised myself when we laid the trail. It took the runners a little over an hour to finish which is on the long side for a 6K trail. One thing about this trail was that it was difficult to shortcut so almost everyone did the entire distance. No one got lost that I know of although a few missed one of the early turns and had to retreat to find the right path. That’s the benefit of a well-marked trail. If you don’t see some powder or chalk every 50 yards or so you know it’s time to turn around and figure out where you went wrong. So, I’ll say mission accomplished for this Hare experience.

I’m also happy to report that our first time using the Alta Vista community center as our On-Home venue was by all accounts successful. People seemed to enjoy both the ambiance and the pool. The staff were all very friendly and enjoyed having us, saying they’d like to have us come every week. Well, that won’t happen but hopefully, we will add them to our rotation.

The only issue with the food was it turned out there wasn’t enough. I think we sold out before the last of the walkers returned. Definitely will need to at least double the quantity next time. One guy ate three of those sausages. He’s a German so they must have been good. I had been a little nervous about my chili. I’ve cooked for friends and workmates before but I don’t think I’ve ever actually sold anything I’ve made. It went quickly too and several people complimented me on the flavor. One person even ordered a serving for take-out. Ha! Honestly though, I don’t do anything special, just the standard ingredients and a store-bought seasoning mix. Well, I do one can of pinto and one of kidney beans but otherwise, it’s just a lazy man’s crockpot recipe. Didn’t even put pineapples in it this time! Anyway, I’m glad people liked it.

I was feeling no pain when the Hash concluded but that didn’t stop me from joining a group of folks going to check out a new place in town called Beach Please. I love the name and we are considering them as another option for hosting a future Hash. From there some of us visited Cheap Charlies but I was one and done after that. Hell, I was done when I got there. I vaguely recall going to Sit-n-Bull for some grub before taking a trike back home. Woke up in one piece this morning and that’s always a good thing.

I have a few pictures to share:

From God’s point of view. Looks like the best trail ever to me!
I greeted the Hashers as they arrived for the noon start…
…gave them some last-minute guidance then sent them on their way…
Had the place pretty much to myself waiting for the Hashers to finish the trail and arrive On-Home…
…so I killed time enjoying the view from the community center.
And an hour and ten minutes later the first three to complete the trail arrived; Leech My Nuggets, Vienna Sausage, and Anal Receptive. Well done!
My co-Hare, Pubic Head, did the back half of the trail while I held the fort On-Home. He was able to get a few shots of some Hashers doing what Hashers do…
Here come some now!
No surprise it was the runners, Anal Receptive, Demolition Derby, and Blow My Pipe.
Anal Intruder making her way through the grass that is taller than she is.
Leaking Pussy making her way On-Home…
And here comes the lovely Preying Mantis…
44 Hashers in attendance. I was expecting 25-30.
The limited food offerings.
Food on the grill but not enough to go around.
Wonder Woman was a satisfied customer…
My Boyfriend Sucks Dick and Preying Mantis sharing some smiles.
The Hares on ice.
We initiated two virgins…
Recognition for completing 50 and 25 runs.
After the circle was over some of the Gash decided to have a swim…
In the shadow of Easter mountain.
Our after-Hash watering hole and possible venue for future Hashes…
A little rustic…
…but it could work.
It’s right up the beach from Mango’s. That sunset does look familiar, doesn’t it?

And that was my day. I declare it a good one.

Made it by a Hare

Greetings and welcome to another Hash Monday! A bit different this week because I’m one of the Hares. That means we did the trail yesterday and won’t be re-walking it today. I will greet the Hashers at our Alta Vista Community Center starting point then send them on their way over our carefully prepared and well-marked Hash trail.

Our On-Home is also at the community center, a first for the SBH3. Because of pandemic-related restrictions, only two venues have been willing to accommodate the Hash. That gets tiresome and frankly, both locations are far from ideal. Of course, the community center may not be a great option either but at least it is worth a try.

Here are some photos from yesterday’s Hare work:

Yours truly and my co-Hare, Pubic Head, at the starting point for run number 1,419 of the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers.
As you may recall, we actually scouted the trail last Wednesday. Yesterday’s mission was to leave the Hash marks for the Hashers to follow the trail. The big storm on Friday had downed some trees across the path, but we found walk-arounds.
The Hashers will enjoy views like this…
…and this from our trail.
We marked our trail with powder (calcimine I’m told). This mark is at an intersection so is longer than usual in order to show direction…
Chalk is another tool in our bag to keep the Hashers on trail.
Here’s Pubic Head showing how it is done.
We also carry toilet paper for special situations and hazards. Like this barbed wire crossing the trail knee-high. That’s a big ouch if you don’t see it coming.
Being a Hare can be hard work. Pubic Head is the king of the roost while taking a break.
All good things must end, including our trail. About 6.5K all-in, with two moderate climbs. Actually, the trail is a bit harder than what us old farts would usually lay. Should surprise some of the Hashers expecting an easy day of it.

One of the drawbacks of the community center On-Home venue is the lack of food availability. Then again, the food at the other venues basically sucks. Today a couple of the female Hashers have taken on the kitchen duties to feed a hungry kennel after the hike. Not totally altruistic as they see it as a potential profit-making opportunity.

Menu options will include:

BBQ meat on a stick.
Grilled sausages…
…with buns from Angel’s bakery.
I’m contributing a crockpot full of chili to the effort.

Here’s hoping for a good day of Hashing and a fun time at the circle afterward. As a Hare, my goal is always that no one gets lost or injured on trail. I’ll post an after-action report here tomorrow.

See you then!

It’s hard to be easy

There’s a first time for everything they say, and yesterday was the first time I was pleasantly surprised when hiking a trail laid by Vienna Sausage (Guenter). Don’t get me wrong, it was plenty challenging it just wasn’t insane. I appreciated that. I actually mentioned to the co-Hare, Anal Receptive, that he must have exercised some strong arm twisting to prevent the creation of a Guenter-style nightmare. He admitted that he did have to work hard to convince Vienna to avoid being overly extreme. Their compromise was adding a “hard” section to the trail for those crazy people who enjoy such nonsense. Anyway, it worked for me.

The green line represents the “easy” bypass to avoid a much more difficult undertaking. Easy is a relative term though. We had a very steep climb at the beginning and a slippery descent as well. One of each was more than enough for me!
We had a nice turnout of 30 some odd (well, truthfully most of us are odd) Hashers.
It was On-On and then almost immediately On-Up!
To the Hare’s credit, they actually found a new trail for us to experience. That’s unusual indeed. Pubic Head (Scott) has been Hashing in Subic for 15 years or so and he remembers ALL the trails he’s hiked. Said he’d never been on this one.
I’m not sure I’d do this one again voluntarily, but one thing about a steep trail, it gets you to the top sooner.
That’s Pubic Head bringing up the rear. And I was back there with him to, um, photograph the event.
And that’s the behind of K9 Linguist.
Near the top was this neatly stacked pile of wood. It is destined to be turned into uling, which is Filipino charcoal used for cooking.
A view from up top.
And off in the distance the ever-present Easter mountain.
Almost to the top girls, don’t give up now!
Western Union Sperm Bank stands at the junction of Easy and Hard. She also had the good sense to take the easy route.
I’ll end the suspense right now. Even out in the wilderness, I was able to find some mask litter to photograph.
Ah, the joys of walking on almost flat ground. Comparatively easy it was.
This was the one thousand four hundred seventeenth running of the SBH3. The Hare’s were feeling a little creative I guess.
Yes, indeed I did get the Kilroy was here reference. I’m an old fucker though.
Always nice to encounter some Gash on trail.
A young father and child. Or maybe brother, hard to tell these days.
Pubic Head still bringing up the rear and I’m right there with him!
The way ahead.
Our destination in Barretto awaits us, but it’s a long and slippery descent indeed!
Pubic Head says “I’ve got this, follow me!”
And so we did.
Safely ensconced at our On-Home in Queen Victoria enjoying some liquid refreshment after our hike.
And later we enjoyed watching Vienna Sausage being recognized for his 69th run with the SBH3,

And so ended another day with the Hash. Considering how I figured we’d be precluded by a typhoon it turned out to be an unexpectedly nice time indeed.

Down in the Bundok

Tuesday is supposed to be my day off from walking. It’s a whole other kind of excitement for me on grocery shopping day. This week things went a bit out of the norm though. To begin, my driver had a court appearance (no, I didn’t ask why) and couldn’t pick me up until 10:30. No big deal. Also, I had to go to the immigration office in Olongapo to renew my tourist visa for another 60 days. That went fine. Then it was off for the groceries.

I wanted to hit Pure Gold, another grocery store on the old Navy base, first to see if they were stocking some of the things I can’t seem to get at Royal lately. I was pleasantly surprised to find the coveted frozen strawberries I hadn’t seen for months. Also got a few other hard to find items, then went to the old Royal store nearby for the rest of my shopping. Given the late start and detours, I wasn’t back home until 1:00 p.m.

When I checked my phone I found a message from H.I.V. asking if I was coming to the Bundok Hash he was hosting. Well, a couple of weeks ago I had signed up and never got a response. I figured it wasn’t happening. Then I heard it mentioned at Sunday’s COVID Hash so I emailed to ask what was going on and once again got no response. I sent another message on Monday and still got no answer. I just figured I wasn’t welcome. And now the Grand Master is asking me when I’m going to arrive? Well, fuck it. Changed clothes and headed out to Hot Zone a few minutes before it was time to hit the trail.

I paid my 3500 pesos ($70) and got ready to head out. Guenter was once again the Hare, but I was pretty familiar with the territory so wasn’t too worried about getting fucked over on a fucked up trail.

We started out on the beach…
I’m thinking, this is too easy for a Guenter trail…
It wasn’t even raining!
Ah, but of course. We had to do the crossing where the river enters the bay. I could have taken a shortcut to avoid the wet feet but wanted to be a good example of our out-of-town Hashers…
I did find a discarded mask amongst the flotsam on the beach…
We circled back around on the streets of Barretto and had a beer stop at the 3K mark. I stuck with water. I like walking and I like drinking but I try and keep those activities separate and distinct.

The second half of the hike was also slated to be 3K and it went up the mountain and on to the familiar My Bitch trail. Guenter’s trail went down to a creekbed/waterfall that I’d done once before and swore I’d never do again. But I knew a better way to go and that’s what I did.

A short but steep climb to the top.
These guys were both Hash virgins and were even slower than me. So I hung back to make sure they found their way. When we got to the intersection where my trail turned off I gave them fair warning about what was ahead of them on Guenter’s trail. They opted to stick with me instead. Smart guys!

Made it back to Hot Zone a little after 4 p.m. We had a circle and all the virgins had to wear a diaper on their head for the duration. Our food arrived promptly at 5:00, wings and potato salad from Sit-n-Bull. Then another brief circle to prepare for Phase II of the Bundok.

I’ll need to be discrete discreet in my description of those activities. All the Hashers are randomly given a key to a room at a nearby short time motel. So we can, um, take a shower. The rooms do come equipped with “software” that each individual is free to utilize in any manner that pleases them. Or not at all. Of course, whether the software actually works is also an individualized undertaking. This was my third Bundok and the first time I maximized the capabilities of the software to my ultimate satisfaction. The shower was refreshing as well.

A knock on the door shortly before the hour was up meant that it was time to head back to Hot Zone (we were on the roof, not in the bar) for our final circle and after-action report. Apparently, a good time was had by nearly everyone in attendance. I know I was Charmed.

Oh yeah, here’s this year’s version of the coveted Bundok shirt.

The front.
The back. Fuck you COVID.
And the discrete disclaimer inside the shirt.

So, that was that. Another day in paradise with a dash of the unexpected to spice things up a bit. Back to my normal routines now. Long (for me) walks yesterday and this morning and I’ll do some darts out on Baloy beach this afternoon.

It’s all good.

Happy Hashaversary!

Sorry I was unable to post here yesterday. Sometimes life intrudes and not always in a bad way. More on yesterday tomorrow. For now, let me recap the events of Monday’s 27th Anniversary of the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers.

I guess a good place to start is with what I got at the finish–the traditional anniversary Hash shirt:

The front. Actually, this is something of a fuck-up. I don’t like sleeveless shirts, but I did specify a v-neck. Apparently, the only way to get a v-neck is to go sleeveless. Oh well, I ordered another one better suited to my desires.
Hey, wait a minute. What has it got in its pocketses?
And the clever design on the back. Fuck you, COVID!
The path we took. The long trail had an additional 3K at the start.

We had 75 in attendance which is about triple our usual pandemic numbers. We took two truckloads out to the starting points, one for the long 8K and the other for the 5K trail.

We were packed in like sardines for the ride out to our trailhead. So much for social distancing, eh?
And we are On-On!
I’d been here once before. There is poor and then there is dirt poor. This is the poorest village I’ve seen in our area for sure.
See what I mean?
And then we commenced our long, LONG climb to the top. It wasn’t always steep but it took us an hour to get to the top.
One of the things that slowed us down was the jungle-like terrain.
What I disliked the most was frequently having to do a limbo dance to get under low branches.
But we prevailed and made our way onward.
And the scenery was nice.
You can almost feel that jungle vibe, right?
By the time we reached the top, Moaning For Boner looked as tired as I felt.
My favorite view from the hike.
“Yes son, that is indeed the ass of the famous Easter Mountain!”
Either the Hares are liars or they have a sick sense of humor. Or both. We still had a long, steep, and slippery descent ahead of us. I fell hard on my ass about halfway down and have the bruises to prove it (sorry, no pic available).
But I eventually did make it back down to civilization on the other side of the mountain. It was my pleasure to give this pretty mama a bag of cookies for her kiddies…
And yes, I did find my daily ration of mask litter to photograph.
On-Home was at Hunter’s Jo Inn and we overwhelmed the place with our volume of bodies.
Circle up!
I’m the one in blue.
On the ice for my Hash crash.
7/11 Sucker celebrated his 69th run with the Subic Bay Hash in the traditional manner.

And that’s pretty much how the day went. I was snockered by the end and triked directly home at the conclusion of the circle.

So, that made two Hash runs in a row and it turns out that yesterday I did an unanticipated third–a Bundok run. That’s the “men only” Hash. I’ll tell some of that story tomorrow and some can simply not be disclosed due to the “what happens at the Bundok, stays at the Bundok” rule.

See you there!

Corona Hash…

…with a side of water, please.

So, I attended the Angeles City Corona Hash outstation run yesterday out on the far side of Subic town. It turned out to be a bit of a fiasco but overall it was a good day. We encountered heavy rain on trail and the Hares got lost but otherwise no complaints. The rain did mostly stop by the time the circle commenced, so there was that to be thankful for.

Speaking of rain, it’s pouring down again this morning. Looks like our Subic anniversary Hash is going to be a messy one later today. Power went out a couple of hours ago, I saw the sparks flying down the street so it is probably a blown transformer. Not sure how long that will take to fix. I’m operating on battery power and my phone wifi hotspot for now. I reckon I better get these photos posted while I’ve still got juice.

The event was held in the area known as Fallon Falls.
As I mentioned yesterday, we had scouted the trail last week. Things change though. For example, the water was running higher and faster after all the recent rain. That made crossing the stream much dicier…

In fact, after the first crossing, Scott and I said “fuck this” and set about finding a different path.

We still had the cross the creek twice more, but nothing like we would have faced if we followed the course laid by the Hares. We did do one climb and it was muddy and slippery on both the up and the down. But I actually really enjoyed the path we took. Around 5K.
We wound up passing through a remote enclave of Aeta (native) people and it was interesting to see how they live. Very friendly and welcoming.
And it turns out that Aeta children like cookies too!
This carabao didn’t seem to mind us foreigners passing through his ‘hood either.
I don’t know what it is about some of these big old trees that I find so pleasing. They are like poetry I suppose.
This was my favorite stream crossing of the day. Didn’t even get my feet wet. Well, wetter anyway. I was already soaked by this point.
I was despairing that I wouldn’t find a discarded face mask to share here. In fact, hardly any of the locals we encountered we even wearing masks. And then, as if by magic, right as we completed our trail this one appeared on the road.
Scott and I enjoying a well-earned beer at the conclusion of the hike.
Preparing for the circle. It turns out the Corona Hashers do use ice in their ceremonies.
A Corona Hash shirt.
The back side. Of the shirt I mean.

So, I learned that the Corona Hash was formed because the leaders of the Angeles City Hash refused to reconvene until such time as this COVID hysteria has passed. So a group of like-minded members broke away and formed a new Hash group. I think with that context the shirt seems to be a subtle dig at their AC brethren.

Circle up!
Hares on the ice. Yeah, they lost the trail but I can’t rag on them much because it happened where I got lost myself last week.
A lot of the Corona Hashers are staying in town for our anniversary run today.

Today’s run should be interesting. Guenter is one of the Hares along with Simon. One long trail of 8K and one shorter version at 5K. Both require us to be trucked out to the starting point. That will be a miserable ride if the rain continues. Oh well, I’ll just suck it up and make the best of it I suppose.

I’ll let you know how it went tomorrow. Stay tuned!

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast;
A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
A tree that may in Summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;
Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

–Joyce Kilmer

That’s how you do it!

I’d say we pulled off a damn fine Hash trail yesterday. Came in at around 6K with two hills, or one hill and a street walk for the lazy ones. Got good feedback from most of the twenty or so people who did the hike. That’s always gratifying.

As one of the Hares, I was out marking the trail in the morning prior to the noon start. It took a little over two hours. I then went home and showered up and headed over to the On-Home at Queen Victoria a little after 1:00. I was surprised to see Leech My Nuggets already there. So, he did the entire trail in about an hour and fifteen minutes. He’s fast, but that’s still impressive. The next arrivals were at least twenty minutes behind him. As usual, I’ll recount the day through photos (some mine, some Scott’s, and some from Hashers on the trail):

My fellow Hares, Pubic Head, with the chalk and…
…Blow My Pipe with the powder. I carried the shredded paper.
Our trail in all its glory…
Hashers gathering for the start…
And then it is On-On!
Where the going up starts.
A quick time-out while I deliver some cookies…
A harder climb than it appears.
I made it!
Blow My Pipe doesn’t seem impressed.
One view from the top…
…and another.
On the Great Wall of Barretto.
A Kodak moment…
There were bridges to cross…
And cows to avoid.
Oops! Who let the cows out? One of the Hashers said she got chased.
Are we there yet?
Movin’ on out…
The lonely lives of the Hares…
You first!
A Filipina in the woods…
Hey, there she is again!
Coming down…
Never give up!
A sure sign of a well-marked trail…
I wonder if there are bears in these woods?
Back at the On-Home, the Hares sat on ice along with the Hashers who admitted liking the trail. Thanks, guys!
I sat on the ice again later when I received recognition for 50 consecutive Hash runs. Of course, with the travel bans there ain’t no other place I can go, but still…
Once the Hash circle was completed, I crossed the street to my hangout at Mango’s. Had me some roast chicken and coleslaw for dinner.
The bay was calm…
The beach was empty…
And the sun was going down. So I headed my drunk self home…
…and arrived in time to see the sunset. I went to bed shortly thereafter. It was a long day.
And that’s it for this Hash post.

Rash Hash

I can’t say that this galaxy of itchiness that suddenly appeared on my back is Hash related. I do suspect it might have something to do with my daily propensity to be bathed in sweat though.

I woke up this morning again and that’s always a good thing. Especially when you are treated to a view like this one:

Maybe it’s good that I’m not a sailor, although so far at least the weather has been fine. Especially compared to yesterday.

The morning wasn’t perfect though as I noticed Budai had somehow injured her paw.

I hope it gets better soon. She did hobble along with me as I did the dog walk routine though.

So, this is my lazy Tuesday. I forego trying to get my steps in and just focus on getting my grocery shopping chore achieved and then taking it easy. Turns out I’m pretty good at that last part.

Royal didn’t fail to disappoint, still being out of some items I need and want. At least they have shredded cheese again. Provided you are willing to pay almost ten bucks for a bag that would cost me $3. back home.

With my shopping done I came home and realized it was time for a nap. I was gonna say no rest for the weary but I rested just fine thank you. I did wake up hungry though, so I ventured out to Sit-n-Bull to see what they might have on offer for the daily specials menu. Some good choices today and after some dithering, I selected the Salisbury steak.

It came with two sides as well. Of course, coleslaw was going to be one of them. The baked beans are always tasty too. A good hearty lunch!

Alright, that takes care of my comings and goings today. Here’s the report from yesterday’s Hash.

An okay, mostly flat 8k trail. Well, it was totally flat for me. About 30 minutes into the hike it started pouring down rain. Stopped raining after about 45 minutes, but the damage was done. If being soaked to the bone counts as damage. Anyway, wasn’t going to do the climb at the end in the muck and the mud.

Actually, it had rained most of the morning as well. Stopped a couple of hours before we started. That made for a lot of puddles and creeks flowing higher than normal. I knew before I left I’d have wet shoes before I was finished.

The starting point was in San Isidro which from Barretto is most easily accessed via Alta Vista. In fact, my house is technically within the jurisdiction of San Isidro. So, a group of us met up at my place to make our way to the start together.

Or as I jokingly refer to us as the Alta Vista Hash House Harriers.
And we are On-On!
A rare shot of Pubic Head actually LEADING the pack…
See what I mean about the creeks?
Luckily we found a bridge. And luckily it held up under the weight of us foreigners which appeared to exceed the design standards. One of the residents insisted we go one at a time and got no argument from us.
We met the Hare’s (Banana Cock Bender and Pecker Checker) at the designated start point 15 minutes early only to discover everyone else had already left.
Alright then let’s get started too!
I walk this area pretty frequently so I was surprised to see that someone has opened a Korean market…
…right up this road. Um, not today, thanks!
On we plodded. Or splashed.
A couple of cookie deliveries along the way.
Here you go, kiddos…
Then we had the downpour so the phones got put away in the plastic bags we bring for such a contingency. Once the rain stopped photography resumed as normal. And yes, that’s the road and we did indeed need to wade through that muck.
Water always finds a way, especially when aided by her old friend gravity.

So, we went around the mountain rather than over via the highway arriving at our On-Home venue, Hunter’s Jo Inn, safely.

Our waitresses and food selections. I’ll have the one on the right, please. Sorry sir, sold out. Damn it!
The bay view…
…and the inside view.
During our Hash circle, we deflowered another virgin Hasher.
And that’s pretty much it for this Hash post.

Next week I’ll be the Hare along with Pubic Head and Blow My Pipe. We’ve already got a general idea about the path we will lay. Of course, it will once again be the best trail ever!

Stay tuned!

Between a rock and a hard place

Yesterday’s Hash turned out to be a relatively pleasant hike, especially when you consider what usually lies in store for you when Guenter (Vienna Sausage) is the Hare. But this time one of the assigned Hares was tasked with doing an “easy” trail for those of us who prefer not to risk life and limb. Bum Burgler did a long (around 7K) but mostly flat trail on which the biggest hazard was muddy feet from walking across two rice paddies. I’ll take it.

Pubic Head and I actually walked to the starting point rather than riding in the Hashmobile. So that added a couple more Ks to the mix. We ran into Leech My Nuggets who was also walking to the start along the way. When we reached the beginning of the trail, Leech took off to get a head start on the difficult course. The two trails reconnected near the end of the hike and Leech passed me on his way to the On-Home. I asked him how he liked the hard trail and he shook his head and said he wouldn’t be surprised if someone wound up injured. Damn, coming from Leech who I reckon does the second hardest trails in our kennel that’s really saying something. Of course, I learned my lesson long ago and won’t even consider doing a Guenter trail again. I hope none of my fellow Hashers wind up learning that the hard way.

As it turned out, out of 20+ hashers, only four took the hard trail. I guess you might say people voted with their feet yesterday. Good for them. The three other than Leech didn’t get back to the On-Home until almost an hour after everyone else. But they all made it safely, so that’s the good news.

Let’s go to the photos, which are of course featuring the easy trail:

The path I took leaving Alta Vista on my way to the starting point.
Some kids I encountered loving that muddy river water
We had about a 15 minute wait for the Hashmobile to arrive.
Everybody out!
Here I am marching along…
…and enjoying the view in front of me.
So far, so good.
An easily forded creek.
About 2K into the hike, we came to this junction. Only four brave souls chose to turn left. Godspeed and good luck!
All I really missed out on was a hellacious mountain climb (the yellow loop at the top).
Hey, Kevin Kim, here’s a Filipino-style shwimteo for you!
We had some forest…
…and a lot of rice!
Pretty easy going though for the most part…
…even the cows left us alone.
Well, there was one spot where we momentarily lost the trail. But we found our way again.
The Gods of Easter mountain were keeping their eyes on us…
More rice…
…and with rice comes mud.
One last paddy to cross.

Then it was on up one small hill and into Alta Vista then on to Queen Victoria for the Hash festivities.

Where we initiated two new virgins…
And awarded Pubic Head the Hashshit…

At the conclusion of the Hash, I staggered meandered across the street to Mango’s and put something in my belly besides beer:

I guess you could say these are my salad days. Roast chicken salad with ranch dressing to be precise.
I was checking out this gal on the beach. And then my waiter matter-of-factly stated: “her penis is bigger than mine.”
And so ended another day in paradise. Such as it is.

Thanks for coming along!

UPDATE: Damn it! I really try not to use the same title for a post more than once. I usually check before starting a new post but got lazy today. Now I see that I used “between a rock and hard place” back in August 2015. Ah well, if I didn’t remember probably no one else does either.

Two ways to skin a cat…

or Hash a trail. More on that in a bit.

Grocery shopping day and as usual, a mixed bag Royal. Coke Zero finally in stock, but none available in the 24 pack case. So, I pulled two dozen individual cans off the shelf. Pretty much cleaned them out again. Still no frozen fruit, but I did find this long-unseen item:

Yeah, I’m a lazy bastard when it comes to baking, but these are actually really good. Sometimes I add a little honey to the mix to sweeten them up some.

Although I wasn’t able to buy frozen strawberries, I scored some fresh ones from Baguio. Iline has a friend who brings them down once a week. A bit pricey at twenty bucks for two kilos, but what are you gonna do.

Cutting them up and putting them into the freezer. I smell a smoothie in my future!

That pretty much covers today’s “adventure”. Yesterday was Hash day…

…so the remainder of this post will be about that.

We did something a little unusual and not really planned–two separate trails. The Hare’s had some challenging ups and downs in store for the group, but some of us weren’t in the mood for that kind of adventure. What made it unusual was there was about an equal number doing the “old man” hike as there were doing the actual trail. I felt a little bad for the Hare’s who had invested a lot of time and effort in laying out their chosen path but it occurs to me that maybe having a harder and easier trail to choose from might be a good option for our future Hash hikes. For example, Guenter is the Hare next week so I already know I’ll be looking for an alternative. Anyway, it all worked out fine yesterday.

The yellow line is the mountain path chosen by the Hares. The purple is the flat trail some of us preferred. Our trail was longer but easier.
Our group met at my house and started from there. I jokingly announced it was the first run of the Alta Vista Hash House Harriers.
It was a beautiful day for a hike. On-On!
We had a couple of kilometers to cover to reach the official meeting location at APO resort.
The official trail had the Hashers being trucked from APO to the start part, After “stealing” a couple of additional folks for our flat trail, we opted to walk the 1K to the trailhead.
Here’s where the truck dropped everyone else off. A parting of the ways came next–mountain climbers turned right, flatlanders went straight.
Regular readers ought to recognize that mountain which seems to make its way into most of my hiking posts.
Why don’t we do it in the road? Four lazy bastards and a covey of women.
Through the narrow streets of Calapacuan.
Everyone made it safely across this marvel of engineering.
I wouldn’t want to drink the water.
Enjoying the greenery…
Yours truly catching some shade.
The final portion of our hike was along the National highway.
Leading us to our On-Home destination.
Featuring shipyard views…
…and the Subic Bay.
The Hares on ice. My complaint about the trail was that it was “too flat”. *ahem*
And this is why you NEVER wear brand new shoes to the Hash!
My helper Gina completed her 5th Hash and earned her Hash name. Welcome to the kennel Western Union Sperm Bank!

And that was how the day went down. Well, except for the me getting drunk part. But I don’t remember much about that. I’m pretty sure I had a good time though.


Are you back for more? Alright, let’s get to it.

My lazy Tuesday shopping day. Royal is STILL out of Coke Zero. Three weeks now. I was able to clean out the local 7/11 which will get me through the week, but damn. [My Grammarly app says no comma after week, but I like it that way.]

I’m okay with with the meaning of words, but my grammar and puncuation is subpar. Well, if it weren’t for spell check I’d really be screwed.

After completing my shopping excursion I took an abbreviated nap. Abbreviated because during my slumber the power went out and without a fan blowing on me it didn’t take long to become a sweaty mess. So I decided I may as well take a walk to the vape store on the far side of town. I completed my purchases there, then headed over to Sit-n-Bull for lunch.

The shaved ham sandwich was one of the daily specials. I went with double meat and honey mustard sauce with a side of coleslaw. As usual, it was all quite delicious.

Right about the time I was finishing up my meal a big thunderstorm blew through. Lots of lighting and heavy rain, then the power went out. I sat there for a while waiting for things to calm down, then finally just said fuck it, paid my bill and headed out.

Damn, there was a six-inch deep river flowing where the street used to be. As I was wading my way back to the highway a beggar accosted me for money. I gave him 50 pesos and then he asked for more. WTF? I was not a happy camper to begin with but I let his ingratitude of my generoisty get the better of me. I’m ashamed to admit that I blasted him with some choice curse words. I need to do and be better than that.

So, that’s my day up to this point. Now, about yesterday’s Hash. It was a Günter trail so I was expecting the worst and was prepared to deal with it by shortcutting his trail at the first sign of trouble. The first climb of the day was steep, but not too long. So far, so good. I was on familar terrain and had the new girl Hashers and one other guy with me at the back of the pack. When the trail took a turn down into what appeared to be a creek bed, I said no thanks! The girls were happy to keep it easy, the guy kind of wanted to follow the trail. I told him to go for it, but he didn’t want to do it alone so stayed with us.

My plan at this point was to circle back to the four corners intersection on the My Bitch trail. But before I got to that point I was surprised to see that Günter’s trail was once again crossing our path. It looked sane enough so I opted to follow it and see where it might lead. And it really wasn’t bad at all. Still, when we got back down and his trail began another climb, I wasn’t feeling it. Unfortunately, I no long had a clear idea where I was. I looked for alternatives but finally had to concede that going up as Günter intended was the only option. Again, it wasn’t that bad a climb, and the down, while steep, was manageable. But when he started a THIRD up, I told the group no way I’m doing that. It was vaguely familiar and I knew it was going to suck big time to go that way. I also knew where I needed to go from here (back to my subdivision) but wasn’t exactly clear on how to get there. I led us to one deadend, then retreated and took another path. Eureka! I found the way and we made it back On-Home safely. I’d call that a successful afternoon!

Here’s some pictures from the trail:

The trail as the Hare intended. You can see the Alta Vista subdivision in the lower left. I deviated from Gunter’s trail where the orange line on the far left comes closest to Alta Vista. That was one long ass miserable climb at the end we had the good sense to avoid.
The first up. Steep it was. In one place for every step I took up, I slid back two in the mud. Finally overcame though and made it to the top.
Harder than it looks.
And steeper than it appears. Not sure why my photographs rarely capture the inclines…
It wasn’t so bad up top though.
Except for the ubiquitous thatch grass…
Poor rural living…
…featuring rich vistas…
I did encounter a group of some of my biggest fans. They greeted me with shouts of “Chocolate! Chocolate!” Luckily I had some in my backpack.
I burst out laughing when I saw this. That’s my Hash name on the post. I assumed Gúnter figured I’d never make it that far on his trail. He told me later though that he knows I like to post posts on Facebook…still funny though.

I’m keeping my eye out for low branches these days!
The requisite view of Easter mountain.
After we left Alta Vista and headed to the On-Home venue at Queen Victoria, I chuckled when I saw that we were once again back on the trail the Hare intended us to take.
During the Hash circle, I was recognized for completing my 111th run with the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers. Leech My Pussy was required to assume a deferential position while being honored for her 55 runs. Damn, I’ve got to do something about that beer belly! And just to be clear, that’s sweat on my shorts.
Hanging out with my posse after the circle…

And a good time was had by all!

Best trail ever!

Well, best trail this week at least. When I Hare my priorities are that no one gets lost or hurt on trail. Secondarily, I want the Hashers to enjoy the hike. I think me and my co-Hare accomplished all that. Yesterday was the first time I’d gone out ahead of the pack to make sure the proper trail markings were still in place. By all accounts, it was a well-marked trail.

I left an hour ahead of the appointed noon starting time and three newbie females came along with me (my helper Gina and two of her friends). I was surprised to be passed by two runners shortly before I reached our On-Home location at 12:40. I asked them if they had taken a shortcut and they denied it. The also said they didn’t start early. Well, I’m sorry but I don’t believe you could cover that terrain in a mere 40 minutes. Turns out they fessed up to having missed the final down/up that we had added to the trail. Rather than turn around they just kept going which significantly shortened the journey.

Leech My Nuggets is one of the fastest Hashers around and he didn’t make it back until after 1:00. He too had missed that same turnoff but went back when he realized it. He told me that once he saw the turn he was surprised he’d missed it initially because it was heavily marked. I think the problem was that everyone is so used to going straight on that portion of My Bitch that they just blew on past the turnoff and then kept going. Oh well, that’s how it goes sometimes.

A relatively small group of Hashers (22 instead of the usual high thirties) for yesterday’s run. I’m guessing the On-Home being at Derelick’s scared some folks away. The last time we were there someone called the police on us for having an “illegal” gathering. Sure enough, the police showed up again based on a neighbor’s complaint. They just told us to “hold it down” and practice social distancing and then they left us. Still, it was a buzz killer.

My companions and I just prior to heading out from the starting point at Angels bakery…
Commencing the day’s first climb…
Now there’s something you don’t see every day…
“Follow me, girls!”
The high point of our first climb…
Potentially more dangerous than snakes in the grass…
The mountain family resides at the top of our second climb. I paused here to dispense with some cookies for mama Olivia…
Time to move on out!
As seen from the summit of our third and final climb of the day…
So close I could almost taste it!
On-Home at last! Our host, Derelick, wasn’t there having checked into the hospital in Angeles City experiencing breathing issues. He’s struggling with a lot of health issues these days. Hope they resolve soon so he can enjoy that fine house he had built.
Enjoying an after hike sausage…
As is our custom, the Hares sat on the ice while receiving feedback from the other Hashers regarding the quality of the day’s trail. I responded to any and all complaints graciously.
We also initiated two virgins to the Hash. Here the deflowering ceremony is about to take place.
And then the beer-guzzling ritual. We say it is a lot like a blow job…
…because what doesn’t go in you, goes on you!
Our newest named Hasher (you are named after completing five Hashes). She doesn’t seem too pleased, does she? Her boyfriend, I Suck Dick, got named last week…
And that’ concludes this week’s broken Hash post.

Hare today, gone tomorrow

Another Hash Monday and that means I’ve got a full day ahead of me. So it is blog now or not at all. After this post, I’m pretty sure you’ll agree I’m choosing the wrong option. Ah well, what else is new?

So, I’m the Hare and that means I’m responsible for laying a trail my fellow Hashers can follow without getting lost and perhaps even being a fun hike. My co-Hare and I have hopefully achieved both aspects for today’s Hash. It didn’t rain last night but I’m going out later this morning anyway to re-walk the trail and make sure everything is still well-marked. The On-Home today will be at Derelick’s house on Rizal Extension. Actually, doing my trail isn’t much longer than the walk to Derelick’s on the pavement. Going to take along some sausages to grill up for my lunch once I arrive On-Home. And there will be plenty of cold beer to wash them down.

Here’s a peek into the future. Today’s trail comes in right at 5K. It’s probably a little more difficult than folks are expecting for an old fucker like me. Three decent climbs. Still, it should be fun.

In other news, Facebook is getting lots of pushback of late for their less than honest fact-checking and outright censorship of political views the lefties in charge disagree with. I posted this today for shits and giggles:

Suck it, Zuck!

Speaking of giggles, I thought this was funny:

But then again, I guess that comes as no surprise to my faithful readers.

I liked this one too:

That joke is made to order for someone who loves puns the way I do!

And I do believe that’s just about enough for now.

UPDATE: Geez, I used the Hare today, gone tomorrow title last October. You’d think I could go a year at least before re-using a bad pun like that. Sorry!

Hot, High, and Wet

That pretty much sums up yesterday’s Hash, assuming wet implies muddy because it was that too. The trail was more difficult than most but not all that surprising with Leech My Nuggets being the Hare. I opted to walk to the trail start rather than ride the Hashmobile which put me right at 10K for the hike.

Of course, there was a mountain to climb as part of the fun. I’d never done this particular portion of this mountain and didn’t realize just how high it actually is. The trail going up was reasonable for the most part but it seemed like it would never end. I was relieved to have finally reached the summit and start back down the other side. But maybe halfway down, we started back up again. Leech you bastard! And then it started to rain. Pouring down rain. Nothing to do but march on.

I also had some newbies with me at the back of the pack and felt duty-bound to see them On-Home safely. Which made me even slower than usual. I was a little surprised that several Hashers ahead of me wound up losing the trail altogether and had to find their own way back. Leech is about the best there is at marking a trail and yesterday was not really an exception. I too got briefly lost but had the good sense to backtrack to the last trail marker (shredded paper) I had seen and proceed from there. And sure enough, I soon saw where I had missed a turn. A Hasher needs to stay alert and not assume he knows what’s coming next.

Anyway, my group all got safely down a muddy and steep descent and found the cold beer waiting for us at Hunter’s Jo Inn. I ordered up the foot-long hotdog duo to satiate my hunger but the circle started up before they arrived. It sucks to be so late arriving On-Home. I opted to eat instead of participating in the beginning of the circle activities without regret.

Here are some photos from yesterday’s journey:

The route we took. That big loop in the middle is climbing up the mountain, down the other side, then back up again. Tortuous it was!
I was followed to the trailhead by these two virgin Hashers. The gal in blue is Gina, one of my domestic helpers. The other is her friend, Sheila. They both did remarkably well on a rather difficult trail. Hope they come back again.
Gathering up at the trailhead. Everyone else came via the Hashmobile.
And we are On-On!
We don’t stay bunched up like this for long. Nature has a way of separating the old and the slow from the rest of the pack.
Me stopping to take photos is one of the reasons I’m usually last on trail. That and I’m comparatively slow as fuck
Into the meadow…
And across the rice paddy.
I think that I shall never see/a trail as lovely as this tree…
It was my first time passing through this particular squatter village…
A bit like living in a dump.
A view from near the top…
That’s Easter mountain from the backside. It’s a pretty high mountain in its own right, but we got higher yesterday.

And then the rain started coming down so I slipped my phone inside a baggie and put it away.

But I do have this shot of the virgins being deflowered.

An exhausting day on trail. Janey and the ex were also both in attendance at the circle which was a little weird. They both independently told me later they wouldn’t come to the Hash again. I advised them that wasn’t necessary on my behalf but they should do whatever makes them happy. I’m wrapping my mind around my new acceptance of a life alone and will not be sucked into unwanted drama. Or so I say.

And that concludes this Hash post.

Marching on

Yep, another post about the Hash. COVID run #2 to be exact.

Twenty Hashers showed up at the designated location at the appointed time.

The trail itself was pretty short, but when you added in the getting there part it was about right.
And we are off! Er, on. Make that On-On!
Hello out there, Easter Mountain!
What’s everybody looking at?
Oh, I see. Just another beautiful day in Barrio Barretto.
Moving on…
…and on.
The old man’s house is a landmark on the My Bitch trail. Sadly, the old man who resided here died last year.
An old man on My Bitch. Glady he is still with us. (Is it weird to talk about myself in the third person?)
On-Home was once again at Derelict’s house near the end of Rizal Extension.
A little socializing prior to the circle. Left to right: Anal Receptive, Cum Together, Blow My Pipe, and Fucking Old Man.
The Grandmaster, H.I.V., and his assistant, Buddy Fucker.
We initiated yet another virgin…
We didn’t have our customary ice block this week, so us violaters didn’t suffer the pain of sitting on the ice.

And that was a few steps closer to getting back to some kind of normalcy. I think next week we’ll even order up some ice.

And so it goes. I’m having some folks over to the house tomorrow afternoon. Went out today to buy some stuff to accommodate guests. More on that next time.

I haven’t touched a dart in way too long, but this cracked me up anyway:

I really need to start practicing. I messaged the owner of Alley Cats today to ask about the rumors that the bar would not be reopening. She denied it, but did admit it’s been a struggle dealing with ongoing expenses and no income.

I’ll be back!

COVID Hash Run #1

I had the honor of participating yesterday in the historic first running of the COVID Hash. With the easing of quarantine restrictions, some members of the Subic Bay Hash decided to push the envelope and get On-On again.

Now, the quarantine rules still don’t allow us to do what we did, but we did it anyway. We did, however, try to be discreet about it. In that regard, we met up on the mountain so as not to draw unwarranted attention to ourselves. Our regular meet-up location (Johannson’s) is still closed anyway. For our On-Home beer drinking and Hash circle activities, we camped out at a fellow Hasher’s residence. I guess our illicit plan worked out okay because we were not accosted by the authorities. In fact, we intend to do it again come Monday.

We did a short 5K trail, although I did another 5K going to and getting home from the Hash. Here are some photos as promised:

Pubic Head was kind enough to add my path (in pink) to our meet-up point.
Early arrivals. We met up at “4 corners” an intersection of trails that is a landmark on My Bitch. Around 1.5K from my house.
Is everybody here? Let’s go!
On-On! Here we are actually passing through the yard of my mountain family friends.
Marching on…
…and up. That’s me practicing social distancing way back there second to last…
It was a steady climb but really not a bad one.
Up top. Then we went down to the valley and back up again.
Keep on Truckin’ onwards…
Without a marked trail, we pretty much all stayed together. That’s unusual for the Hash, but it was nice to not be alone on trail for a change. Yeah, I’m the old slow guy. Although actually, Buddy Fucker and Pubic Head both fell way behind on the final climb. They knew the way to the On-Home so we let them set their own pace.
Don’t give up yet!
It was another hot ass day, so Pubic Head took advantage of this shady spot to catch his breath…
A valley view from the trail.
Passed by this lonely virgin in the woods…
On-Home was at Derelict’s house. This is the driveway…
We did the Hash circle inside a huge screened porch area.
Initiating a virgin Hasher…
Buddy Fucker got the Hashit for being DFL (dead fucking last).
Not a bad turnout for a bunch of lawbreakers!

I wound up getting pretty a good buzz on because I was drinking stronger beer than normal (still no Zero’s and they ran out of SM Light). The shortest way home was taking My Bitch back, but I wasn’t so drunk that I thought THAT was a good idea. Walked the back streets and took advantage of that by popping into my favorite eatery–Sit-n-Bull.

They are only open now for takeout, so I brought me home a great tasting pulled pork sandwich and some baked beans. Hit the spot it did.

Instead of blogging like I promised to do I popped open a beer, turned on the TV, and watched a couple more episodes of Game of Thrones. Sorry ’bout that!

I guess little by little we are moving back towards normalcy. Here’s hoping it continues.