So, I attended the Angeles City Corona Hash outstation run yesterday out on the far side of Subic town. It turned out to be a bit of a fiasco but overall it was a good day. We encountered heavy rain on trail and the Hares got lost but otherwise no complaints. The rain did mostly stop by the time the circle commenced, so there was that to be thankful for.
Speaking of rain, it’s pouring down again this morning. Looks like our Subic anniversary Hash is going to be a messy one later today. Power went out a couple of hours ago, I saw the sparks flying down the street so it is probably a blown transformer. Not sure how long that will take to fix. I’m operating on battery power and my phone wifi hotspot for now. I reckon I better get these photos posted while I’ve still got juice.
In fact, after the first crossing, Scott and I said “fuck this” and set about finding a different path.
So, I learned that the Corona Hash was formed because the leaders of the Angeles City Hash refused to reconvene until such time as this COVID hysteria has passed. So a group of like-minded members broke away and formed a new Hash group. I think with that context the shirt seems to be a subtle dig at their AC brethren.
Today’s run should be interesting. Guenter is one of the Hares along with Simon. One long trail of 8K and one shorter version at 5K. Both require us to be trucked out to the starting point. That will be a miserable ride if the rain continues. Oh well, I’ll just suck it up and make the best of it I suppose.
I’ll let you know how it went tomorrow. Stay tuned!
I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast; A tree that looks at God all day, And lifts her leafy arms to pray; A tree that may in Summer wear A nest of robins in her hair; Upon whose bosom snow has lain; Who intimately lives with rain. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree.
I’d say we pulled off a damn fine Hash trail yesterday. Came in at around 6K with two hills, or one hill and a street walk for the lazy ones. Got good feedback from most of the twenty or so people who did the hike. That’s always gratifying.
As one of the Hares, I was out marking the trail in the morning prior to the noon start. It took a little over two hours. I then went home and showered up and headed over to the On-Home at Queen Victoria a little after 1:00. I was surprised to see Leech My Nuggets already there. So, he did the entire trail in about an hour and fifteen minutes. He’s fast, but that’s still impressive. The next arrivals were at least twenty minutes behind him. As usual, I’ll recount the day through photos (some mine, some Scott’s, and some from Hashers on the trail):
I woke up this morning again and that’s always a good thing. Especially when you are treated to a view like this one:
The morning wasn’t perfect though as I noticed Budai had somehow injured her paw.
So, this is my lazy Tuesday. I forego trying to get my steps in and just focus on getting my grocery shopping chore achieved and then taking it easy. Turns out I’m pretty good at that last part.
With my shopping done I came home and realized it was time for a nap. I was gonna say no rest for the weary but I rested just fine thank you. I did wake up hungry though, so I ventured out to Sit-n-Bull to see what they might have on offer for the daily specials menu. Some good choices today and after some dithering, I selected the Salisbury steak.
Alright, that takes care of my comings and goings today. Here’s the report from yesterday’s Hash.
Actually, it had rained most of the morning as well. Stopped a couple of hours before we started. That made for a lot of puddles and creeks flowing higher than normal. I knew before I left I’d have wet shoes before I was finished.
The starting point was in San Isidro which from Barretto is most easily accessed via Alta Vista. In fact, my house is technically within the jurisdiction of San Isidro. So, a group of us met up at my place to make our way to the start together.
So, we went around the mountain rather than over via the highway arriving at our On-Home venue, Hunter’s Jo Inn, safely.
Next week I’ll be the Hare along with Pubic Head and Blow My Pipe. We’ve already got a general idea about the path we will lay. Of course, it will once again be the best trail ever!
Yesterday’s Hash turned out to be a relatively pleasant hike, especially when you consider what usually lies in store for you when Guenter (Vienna Sausage) is the Hare. But this time one of the assigned Hares was tasked with doing an “easy” trail for those of us who prefer not to risk life and limb. Bum Burgler did a long (around 7K) but mostly flat trail on which the biggest hazard was muddy feet from walking across two rice paddies. I’ll take it.
Pubic Head and I actually walked to the starting point rather than riding in the Hashmobile. So that added a couple more Ks to the mix. We ran into Leech My Nuggets who was also walking to the start along the way. When we reached the beginning of the trail, Leech took off to get a head start on the difficult course. The two trails reconnected near the end of the hike and Leech passed me on his way to the On-Home. I asked him how he liked the hard trail and he shook his head and said he wouldn’t be surprised if someone wound up injured. Damn, coming from Leech who I reckon does the second hardest trails in our kennel that’s really saying something. Of course, I learned my lesson long ago and won’t even consider doing a Guenter trail again. I hope none of my fellow Hashers wind up learning that the hard way.
As it turned out, out of 20+ hashers, only four took the hard trail. I guess you might say people voted with their feet yesterday. Good for them. The three other than Leech didn’t get back to the On-Home until almost an hour after everyone else. But they all made it safely, so that’s the good news.
Let’s go to the photos, which are of course featuring the easy trail:
Then it was on up one small hill and into Alta Vista then on to Queen Victoria for the Hash festivities.
At the conclusion of the Hash, I staggered meandered across the street to Mango’s and put something in my belly besides beer:
Thanks for coming along!
UPDATE: Damn it! I really try not to use the same title for a post more than once. I usually check before starting a new post but got lazy today. Now I see that I used “between a rock and hard place” back in August 2015. Ah well, if I didn’t remember probably no one else does either.
Grocery shopping day and as usual, a mixed bag Royal. Coke Zero finally in stock, but none available in the 24 pack case. So, I pulled two dozen individual cans off the shelf. Pretty much cleaned them out again. Still no frozen fruit, but I did find this long-unseen item:
Although I wasn’t able to buy frozen strawberries, I scored some fresh ones from Baguio. Iline has a friend who brings them down once a week. A bit pricey at twenty bucks for two kilos, but what are you gonna do.
That pretty much covers today’s “adventure”. Yesterday was Hash day…
We did something a little unusual and not really planned–two separate trails. The Hare’s had some challenging ups and downs in store for the group, but some of us weren’t in the mood for that kind of adventure. What made it unusual was there was about an equal number doing the “old man” hike as there were doing the actual trail. I felt a little bad for the Hare’s who had invested a lot of time and effort in laying out their chosen path but it occurs to me that maybe having a harder and easier trail to choose from might be a good option for our future Hash hikes. For example, Guenter is the Hare next week so I already know I’ll be looking for an alternative. Anyway, it all worked out fine yesterday.
And that was how the day went down. Well, except for the me getting drunk part. But I don’t remember much about that. I’m pretty sure I had a good time though.
My lazy Tuesday shopping day. Royal is STILL out of Coke Zero. Three weeks now. I was able to clean out the local 7/11 which will get me through the week, but damn. [My Grammarly app says no comma after week, but I like it that way.]
After completing my shopping excursion I took an abbreviated nap. Abbreviated because during my slumber the power went out and without a fan blowing on me it didn’t take long to become a sweaty mess. So I decided I may as well take a walk to the vape store on the far side of town. I completed my purchases there, then headed over to Sit-n-Bull for lunch.
Right about the time I was finishing up my meal a big thunderstorm blew through. Lots of lighting and heavy rain, then the power went out. I sat there for a while waiting for things to calm down, then finally just said fuck it, paid my bill and headed out.
Damn, there was a six-inch deep river flowing where the street used to be. As I was wading my way back to the highway a beggar accosted me for money. I gave him 50 pesos and then he asked for more. WTF? I was not a happy camper to begin with but I let his ingratitude of my generoisty get the better of me. I’m ashamed to admit that I blasted him with some choice curse words. I need to do and be better than that.
So, that’s my day up to this point. Now, about yesterday’s Hash. It was a GĂ¼nter trail so I was expecting the worst and was prepared to deal with it by shortcutting his trail at the first sign of trouble. The first climb of the day was steep, but not too long. So far, so good. I was on familar terrain and had the new girl Hashers and one other guy with me at the back of the pack. When the trail took a turn down into what appeared to be a creek bed, I said no thanks! The girls were happy to keep it easy, the guy kind of wanted to follow the trail. I told him to go for it, but he didn’t want to do it alone so stayed with us.
My plan at this point was to circle back to the four corners intersection on the My Bitch trail. But before I got to that point I was surprised to see that GĂ¼nter’s trail was once again crossing our path. It looked sane enough so I opted to follow it and see where it might lead. And it really wasn’t bad at all. Still, when we got back down and his trail began another climb, I wasn’t feeling it. Unfortunately, I no long had a clear idea where I was. I looked for alternatives but finally had to concede that going up as GĂ¼nter intended was the only option. Again, it wasn’t that bad a climb, and the down, while steep, was manageable. But when he started a THIRD up, I told the group no way I’m doing that. It was vaguely familiar and I knew it was going to suck big time to go that way. I also knew where I needed to go from here (back to my subdivision) but wasn’t exactly clear on how to get there. I led us to one deadend, then retreated and took another path. Eureka! I found the way and we made it back On-Home safely. I’d call that a successful afternoon!
Well, best trail this week at least. When I Hare my priorities are that no one gets lost or hurt on trail. Secondarily, I want the Hashers to enjoy the hike. I think me and my co-Hare accomplished all that. Yesterday was the first time I’d gone out ahead of the pack to make sure the proper trail markings were still in place. By all accounts, it was a well-marked trail.
I left an hour ahead of the appointed noon starting time and three newbie females came along with me (my helper Gina and two of her friends). I was surprised to be passed by two runners shortly before I reached our On-Home location at 12:40. I asked them if they had taken a shortcut and they denied it. The also said they didn’t start early. Well, I’m sorry but I don’t believe you could cover that terrain in a mere 40 minutes. Turns out they fessed up to having missed the final down/up that we had added to the trail. Rather than turn around they just kept going which significantly shortened the journey.
Leech My Nuggets is one of the fastest Hashers around and he didn’t make it back until after 1:00. He too had missed that same turnoff but went back when he realized it. He told me that once he saw the turn he was surprised he’d missed it initially because it was heavily marked. I think the problem was that everyone is so used to going straight on that portion of My Bitch that they just blew on past the turnoff and then kept going. Oh well, that’s how it goes sometimes.
A relatively small group of Hashers (22 instead of the usual high thirties) for yesterday’s run. I’m guessing the On-Home being at Derelick’s scared some folks away. The last time we were there someone called the police on us for having an “illegal” gathering. Sure enough, the police showed up again based on a neighbor’s complaint. They just told us to “hold it down” and practice social distancing and then they left us. Still, it was a buzz killer.
Another Hash Monday and that means I’ve got a full day ahead of me. So it is blog now or not at all. After this post, I’m pretty sure you’ll agree I’m choosing the wrong option. Ah well, what else is new?
So, I’m the Hare and that means I’m responsible for laying a trail my fellow Hashers can follow without getting lost and perhaps even being a fun hike. My co-Hare and I have hopefully achieved both aspects for today’s Hash. It didn’t rain last night but I’m going out later this morning anyway to re-walk the trail and make sure everything is still well-marked. The On-Home today will be at Derelick’s house on Rizal Extension. Actually, doing my trail isn’t much longer than the walk to Derelick’s on the pavement. Going to take along some sausages to grill up for my lunch once I arrive On-Home. And there will be plenty of cold beer to wash them down.
In other news, Facebook is getting lots of pushback of late for their less than honest fact-checking and outright censorship of political views the lefties in charge disagree with. I posted this today for shits and giggles:
Speaking of giggles, I thought this was funny:
I liked this one too:
And I do believe that’s just about enough for now.
UPDATE: Geez, I used the Hare today, gone tomorrow title last October. You’d think I could go a year at least before re-using a bad pun like that. Sorry!
That pretty much sums up yesterday’s Hash, assuming wet implies muddy because it was that too. The trail was more difficult than most but not all that surprising with Leech My Nuggets being the Hare. I opted to walk to the trail start rather than ride the Hashmobile which put me right at 10K for the hike.
Of course, there was a mountain to climb as part of the fun. I’d never done this particular portion of this mountain and didn’t realize just how high it actually is. The trail going up was reasonable for the most part but it seemed like it would never end. I was relieved to have finally reached the summit and start back down the other side. But maybe halfway down, we started back up again. Leech you bastard! And then it started to rain. Pouring down rain. Nothing to do but march on.
I also had some newbies with me at the back of the pack and felt duty-bound to see them On-Home safely. Which made me even slower than usual. I was a little surprised that several Hashers ahead of me wound up losing the trail altogether and had to find their own way back. Leech is about the best there is at marking a trail and yesterday was not really an exception. I too got briefly lost but had the good sense to backtrack to the last trail marker (shredded paper) I had seen and proceed from there. And sure enough, I soon saw where I had missed a turn. A Hasher needs to stay alert and not assume he knows what’s coming next.
Anyway, my group all got safely down a muddy and steep descent and found the cold beer waiting for us at Hunter’s Jo Inn. I ordered up the foot-long hotdog duo to satiate my hunger but the circle started up before they arrived. It sucks to be so late arriving On-Home. I opted to eat instead of participating in the beginning of the circle activities without regret.
Here are some photos from yesterday’s journey:
And then the rain started coming down so I slipped my phone inside a baggie and put it away.
An exhausting day on trail. Janey and the ex were also both in attendance at the circle which was a little weird. They both independently told me later they wouldn’t come to the Hash again. I advised them that wasn’t necessary on my behalf but they should do whatever makes them happy. I’m wrapping my mind around my new acceptance of a life alone and will not be sucked into unwanted drama. Or so I say.
Twenty Hashers showed up at the designated location at the appointed time.
And that was a few steps closer to getting back to some kind of normalcy. I think next week we’ll even order up some ice.
And so it goes. I’m having some folks over to the house tomorrow afternoon. Went out today to buy some stuff to accommodate guests. More on that next time.
I haven’t touched a dart in way too long, but this cracked me up anyway:
I had the honor of participating yesterday in the historic first running of the COVID Hash. With the easing of quarantine restrictions, some members of the Subic Bay Hash decided to push the envelope and get On-On again.
Now, the quarantine rules still don’t allow us to do what we did, but we did it anyway. We did, however, try to be discreet about it. In that regard, we met up on the mountain so as not to draw unwarranted attention to ourselves. Our regular meet-up location (Johannson’s) is still closed anyway. For our On-Home beer drinking and Hash circle activities, we camped out at a fellow Hasher’s residence. I guess our illicit plan worked out okay because we were not accosted by the authorities. In fact, we intend to do it again come Monday.
We did a short 5K trail, although I did another 5K going to and getting home from the Hash. Here are some photos as promised:
I wound up getting pretty a good buzz on because I was drinking stronger beer than normal (still no Zero’s and they ran out of SM Light). The shortest way home was taking My Bitch back, but I wasn’t so drunk that I thought THAT was a good idea. Walked the back streets and took advantage of that by popping into my favorite eatery–Sit-n-Bull.
Instead of blogging like I promised to do I popped open a beer, turned on the TV, and watched a couple more episodes of Game of Thrones. Sorry ’bout that!
I guess little by little we are moving back towards normalcy. Here’s hoping it continues.