Strike that

Today is once again Hash Monday. I’m not going to do the trail though. Not even going to try. I have my reasons.

Strike One–It’s a long-ass ride to Olongapo in the uncomfortable and unsafe Hashmobile. Alternatively, you can take a Jeepney, but that involves a transfer to a different Jeep in Olongapo. Too much of a pain in the ass for me.
Strike two–Vienna Sausage (Guenter) is the Hare. His trails are not conducive to my continued good health. I’m not being critical, the Hare has the discretion to make the Hash trail as difficult or as easy as he chooses. Just as I have the right to decline to participate in a Hash that puts me in danger. I’ve not totally boycotted Vienna’s trails–I’ll generally do the sane parts and shortcut the rest. The start in Olongapo makes shortcutting more difficult because it is unfamiliar territory.
Strike three–Vienna posted this picture of the scouting expedition for the trail. Climbing that hill is not in my future.

Three strikes and I’m out. I’ll be doing my own hike this afternoon and will attend the On-Home activities afterward at Queen Victoria.

Not sure where I’ll hike today, but yesterday I took a Jeepney to Subic town and did a 9K walk back home from there.

I must be feeling my age. That’s only 4.5 kilometers per hour on mostly flat ground. I did take a few pics along the way, but still, that’s slow.

You can Relive the hike here:
A Subic street scene.
A Subic street scene.
The name of this place had an oddly familiar ring to it in a not quite right kinda way…
A road…
…a river…
…and a mountain.

I’ll probably go in the opposite direction today and see what there is to see.

A hard truth about dating, although I guess it cuts both ways.

Of course, the woman currently professing her love for me is NOT single. Should I change my luck?

Well, damn. So much for that idea.

I’m sure there will be new and better adventures to come. Or should I say train wrecks?

Time fades away

Welp, yesterday got away from me, that’s for sure. What is normally my “lazy Tuesday” was so full I didn’t have time for a nap or a post here. Sorry about that. I’ll do a post later this afternoon about what was keeping me so busy.

I did want to slap up the photos from Monday’s Hash for those of you who enjoy the scenery in these parts. It was actually a very nice trail, at least the part I did. Familiar territory, but an area I enjoy hiking. Here you go:

Our Hares, Anal Receptive, and his gal, Anal Intruder.
The path they laid.
Waiting to get started.
We are On-On!
And ON-UP!
Nice view, eh?
Looks good from behind too!
Snakes in the grass?
Another month or two and this will be tough going…
What are you guys looking at?
Ah, okay…
On the trail…
Getting passed by the runners. We had a 30-minute headstart…
In fact, Leech My Nuggets passed us twice…once before and once after our shortcut.
Crossing the creek…
…and heading On-Home…
The gash waiting for the circle to commence…
And the menfolk shooting the bull…
Two of our newly named Hashers (you get a Hash moniker after completing five runs). On the left is Boom Boom Everyday and on the right is Dickens Cider.
Props to Pubic Head on creating these logos for the girls…
That’s it for this Hash post!

I’ll be back with more after my Wednesday Walkers hike. See you then!

A sudden departure

The expat community here consists primarily of retired folk. Not surprisingly, that means most of us are well into our “golden” years. I’d estimate that at 65, I’m the median age amongst my peers. And with an older population, we are frequently reminded of the inevitability of death. I’ve heard of two foreigners that I didn’t know personally dying here this week. All we can do is keep on living as best as we are able until time runs out. That’s my plan anyway.

It appears that is exactly what Derek did. I met Derek (Derelick) through the Hash, and he was also well known in the bar community. We spent an enjoyable couple of hours drinking and chatting on the Kokomo’s floating bar earlier this year. Regular readers may recall that since the pandemic we have frequently used his palatial house on Rizal Extension as our Hash On-Home. In fact, we were just there three weeks ago. That turns out to have been the last time I saw Derek alive. HIs domestic helper posted this morning that Derek had a heart attack and died last night.

I don’t know the specifics of Derek’s story, but he always impressed me as a man who lived life on his own terms. He was a medical professional and spent most of his career working overseas. I understand he spent a lot of time in Thailand and I believe his last job before retiring a couple of years ago was in Dubai. His health has not been so good for several months, but he seemed resilient and was back to the life he loved between bouts of whatever it was that ailed him. I remember seeing his posts on Facebook this past Saturday about his barhop adventure, and another friend said they were together drinking and chatting on Sunday night. Well, Derek, you lived your life with gusto right up to the end. We should all be so lucky!

Rest in Peace…no, the hell with that–party hardy at that big ON-ON in the sky!

We had our usual Hash yesterday and Leech My Nuggets was the Hare. He laid down this challenge on the Subic Hash Facebook page:

Leech my Pussy and I are the hares; sign up at VFW from 2.00 PM; trail marked from VFW, starts 2.30 PM …… short (5.5 KM) and sweet, so surely the Sick, Lame & Insane can do it without to many short-cuts

That last reference was aimed at our “sane” group of Hashers. Call us what you will (and the “sick, lame, and insane” name is in jest, just Hash talk) but we far outnumber the hardcore group. Still, 5.5 is a short trail, especially for Leech. I started out with every intention of completing the entire path as he intended It may have been short, but it wasn’t easy. Two decent climbs on the first half left me gasping and thirsty. It was then that I discovered I had somehow forgotten to pack water. Prudence dictated that I forgo the final (and hardest) climb. But I really, really wanted to do it. Promise!

The trail sans shortcuts...
The sane group with our traditional early 2:00 start is underway.
The beginning of the first up…
The normally clear skies (when it is not raining I mean) have been absent for the past few days. I assumed it was just a hazy moisture effect. But I heard it is some residual dust from a volcano down south that might be waking up again.
What goes up, must come down…
We weren’t down for long though…
A picture stop before the next climb…
Up the dreaded tire climb…
And then the tires turn to bags…
And still, we climb…
Scrambling up and over rocks
Summit achieved!
Splendor in the grass.
Back down again.
Watch your step!
A couple of bridges to cross.
Sorry, kids. I shortcut the trail and couldn’t bring you your cookies this time. I’ll be back!
And that’s as far as this post is going.

And life goes on. For some of us at least. We will all miss you, Derek.

A sane and insane day at the Hash

Hashing during rainy season is always hit and miss. I mean, our motto includes “rain or shine”, but sometimes that means doing a pub crawl rather than a trail. It wasn’t that extreme yesterday, but because it had been raining on and off all day long, our “sick, lame, and sane” group decided to forgo the Hare’s trail which included a mountain climb. We stuck to the pavement but did a hike almost as long as the actual route laid by Leech My Nuggets.

On-Home was at Derelict’s place on Rizal Extension. His health hasn’t been the best lately, and he wasn’t looking good yesterday. Just before the circle started someone took him to the hospital in Angeles City. Hope they can cure what ails him there.

Derelict has a one-bedroom unit on his property that he rents out. His tenant was there yesterday and wanted to join in with the Hash activities. So, he met the only requirement for doing so–the 350 peso entry fee–and that was that. It is rare that I meet a person that just strikes me as not all there, and even worse, not all there in a bad way. This guy was obnoxious, argumentative, creepy, and honestly, he struck me as potentially dangerous. I kept my distance but overheard some of the shit he was saying and it left me with an uneasy feeling.

After the Hash was over, one of the Hashers discovered her phone was missing. Hmm. I wonder who is the most likely suspect? No evidence, just a suspicion. The victim is also my part-time employee and lives in my basement maid’s quarters. I took her shopping today and bought her a new phone.

Here are a few photos for your enjoyment:

The trail I didn’t take. Didn’t seem like the best day to be up in the mountains.
Leaving the VFW sign-up location for the official starting point of the trail.
A kilometer or so down the National highway.
Here we all are, let’s get this show on the road!
The Hare’s trail went up those steps to a muddy path leading to the top of the ridgeline…
So, the Hashers divided themselves into sane and insane groups…some went up…
…and the rest of us stuck to the pavement. Such as it was.
The sun did come out now and again…
A babbling brook…
Hash gash engaging in a classic Filipina pose.
It’s a long, steady climb going up Rizal Extension. I’d forgotten just how much I despise it…
We reached Derelict’s and some of the gals were showing their ass.
Drinking beer and waiting around for the circle to begin…
The call was for the Filipinas to sit on the ice. The asshole (on the left) insisted on joining them. What a dick.

Anyway, the rain and the theft put a damper on the evening. It will be better next week. I’m one of the Hares and we’ll have a trail suitable for hiking when wet.

And so ends antoher worthless Hash post.

A slippery slope

The rain held off for yesterday’s Hash. Until it didn’t. And once it started raining, the dirt path became a semi-liquid Messy Underfoot Disaster (MUD). Especially going downhill. So, when our group of “sane” Hashers realized that the Hare’s had us coming off the mountain on a trail that is steep and treacherous when dry, we sought out an alternative route. Pubic Head knew of a place where we could take concrete steps down which seemed like a good plan. Finding the right trail to get us there was a hit-and-miss affair, but in the end, we got there.

Ironically, those concrete steps had a layer of green algae growing on top. If there is one thing more slippery than mud, it’s algae. I was well aware of this fact and was being extra cautious, side-stepping my way down for better traction. In vain as it turned out. About halfway down my foot slid out from under me and I came down hard on my elbow. Fortunately, only a scratch and a bruise to show for it.

We were two hours into the hike with a long way to go to get back to the On Home in Alta Vista, so we did a shortcut. Good thing, too. Otherwise, we would have missed out on the circle which started less than thirty minutes after we arrived. But as always, it was good to be out and about with my fellow Hashers. Here are some photos:

And we are off!
The beginning of the hike was road work.
And then the climbing began.
It seemed like the stairs would never end.
No wonder we were so tired.
Then it got so steep the locals found it necessary to erect a handrail to pull themselves up. Worked for me!
All that climbing and we still weren’t at the top.
I was glad this carabao didn’t have much interest in us passing Hashers…
Mountain living…
…with a million-dollar view.
A brief rest for the weary, but sane, Hashers.
Show us the way to these fabled steps down, Pubic Head.
I’m coming, I’m coming…
I was proud to have found my way to the sought-after steps down. Turns out pride really does goeth before a fall…
And that’s all I’ve got for this Hash post.

Had a busier than normal Tuesday and now it is time for darts. Full report tomorrow!

Let me leave you with a laugh. Here’s a 3-minute comedy sketch you might enjoy:

Bass Ackwards

A somewhat unusual Hash experience yesterday. Leech My Nuggets was the Hare and he laid a trail that was relatively easy compared to what he normally puts us through. It was long though, coming in at 10K. Of course, I’m in the “sane” group and we shortcut when and where we please. Our version of the trail was a comfortable 6K. What made it different was that through a misunderstanding or bad assumptions, we did the trail in reverse. We started in Alta Vista because our intel told us the trail passed through the neighborhood shortly after leaving the starting point at the VFW. Nope, turns out Alta Vista was near the end of the trail. Oops! It made following the marks much more difficult, especially the chalk arrows that were all pointing in the wrong direction and were usually out of sight unless we turned and looked behind us. Anyway, we overcame the challenge and made a nice hike of it.

The trail as the Hare intended.
The “sane” Hashers on the march.
I remember crossing this bridge before it collapsed. Glad I wasn’t on it when it finally did. Made the crossing a tad more challenging though.
The portion of the hike we did was mostly ‘urban”–passing through subdivisions and squatter villages.
We did have a bit of trouble in one neighborhood. A couple of the residents said we were on private property and they didn’t want us there. Pubic Head ignored them, went on ahead, and confirmed we were on the Hare’s intended path, albeit in reverse.
So, as politely as we could we said “salamat (thank you), we are just passing through” and went on our way.
We did gain some elevation during our hike…
On our way down, we encountered the first Hasher who was actually doing the trail in the intended direction. Folks were very surprised to see us going the opposite way.
On Down!
A brief respite from civilization…
Back amongst the living.
Our final climb begins…
It felt like the stairs would never end.
Cookie delivery…
On Home at Queen Victoria.
Refreshing beverages after a hot hike…
Celebrating Fuck Buddy’s birthday in true Hash fashion. You might say she got to eat her cake and wear it too…
And so concludes another trashy Hash post…

But wait, there’s more! At the conclusion of the Hash circle, I caught a trike for home. Except his machine wasn’t powerful enough to make it up the last hill to my place. No big deal, I paid him and got out to walk the rest of the way. But when I looked up I saw this:

I’m not sure my limited phone/camera skills captured the full beauty of the moment, but it was almost breathtaking. Put a little spring in my step as I marched the two blocks home.

I’m looking forward to a Joyous afternoon. I’ll write about that tomorrow. See you then!

Getting off on the mountain


I had the pleasant experience of receiving my first massage under the hands of Judy, the gal I a couple of weeks ago. She rode her scooter to my place this afternoon, although she wasn’t able to follow the simple directions I provided and got turned around here in the subdivision. Oh well. She’s not a great conversationalist either, but let’s just say she has other talents that left me completely satisfied. When she departed she told me she was heading to the store to buy food for her kids, so I guess it worked out well for both of us. I’m sure I’ll be inclined to help her out again in the future.

Money well spent for both of us.

I got up and off of another mountain during yesterday’s Hash. It didn’t compare with today’s adventure, but it was still quite pleasant. I had gotten a preview of the trail on Wednesday’s hike, which is a good thing because the earlier rain had obliterated many of the powder markings making parts of the intended path hard to follow.

Here to powder is still visible; that wasn’t the case in other parts, especially the beginning.

With the advantage of foresight, I also made the decision to shortcut one of the downs and ups. I figured the mud in both directions would take the fun out of that part of the hike. Otherwise, it was not a bad trail at all, coming in at right under 6K, just the way I like it!

Too bad we couldn’t follow the trail the way Google Earth saw it…
Our “sane” group seems to be getting larger and larger each week. Actually though, quite a few of them didn’t take our shortcut. That’s pretty natural though–on trail it is up to each Hasher to decide what they are going to do.
We are On-On!
Coming down into Alta Vista at the start of the hike.
Then headed for the hills.
It doesn’t appear that Buddy Fucker even broke stride getting over that fallen tree…
The first climb begins…
Looks like the hill slowed Buddy Fucker down some…
A view from the top…
Onward Hashers!
Definitely more fun going over an obstacle than under one.
This isn’t so bad, right?
Hello again, cutie!
Rest stop.
I guess technically it has everything you need…except electricity, internet, flushing toilets…
For you Easter mountain fans…
Splendor in the grass…
“Y’all coming, or what?” I’m waiting to see why that chicken is crossing the path!
Valley view…
On-Home was at the VFW and we did the circle outside for the first time. Still crowded, but at least no one fell into that nasty swimming pool.
Bye-bye virgins…
None of them did very well with the “down-down” either. What doesn’t go in you, goes on you!

And so ended the one thousand four hundred and fifty-second running of the Subic Bay Hash.

I hope this post wasn’t too long!

You can go your own way

I didn’t do yesterday’s Hash trail. I wasn’t alone in deciding to go my own way. Seven others joined me for a pleasant hike in the rain, clocking in with a mostly flat 7K walkabout. It was the right call. By the Hare’s own admission, out of 60 Hashers, only five chose to do the entire trail. Granted, twenty+ others did the first hill, then rode the Hashmobile back to our On-Home. Still, you might say that people voted with their feet in making the rational decision that prudence precludes doing insane shit at the behest of the Hare.

I’ve seen the pictures and I definitely made the right call. To begin, the Hashmobile was jammed packed. If my group had shown up there wouldn’t have been room for everyone. I hate riding in the back of that truck anyway, but a long haul out to the trailhead over rough roads was a non-starter for me, notwithstanding the difficulty of the trail itself. The pictures showed some tough rock scaling and wading through water. No thank you!

Some people give me shit about being a wuss and say it is disrespectful to the Hare to take out a group of Hashers on my own trail. Bullshit! I Hash to have fun, not to prove how manly I am by risking life and limb by putting myself in unsafe situations. Been there, done that, and I ain’t doing it no more. I honestly don’t begrudge a Hare like Guenter doing the kind of trail he personally prefers. I just expect the same consideration when I choose to do things my way.

Anyway, no hard feelings really on my part. Last night I was awarded a new Hash patch:

Yep, 150 runs now with the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers. Let’s hope I live long enough to do 150 more!
The presentation by the Grandmaster during the Hash circle.

Not many pictures this week since I was not on the official trail, but here’s a few for your perusal:

This week’s “sane” Hash group.
You can see the rain heading our way…
Wet with sweat or wet with rain feels about the same. Although it is nice to have some relief from the heat.
Crossing bridge #4 in Naugsol and turning to head On-Home.
60 Hashers at Smoke and Bottles, including a large contingent from Angeles City.

San Miguel Zero beer was not available, so I was downing San Mig Light (5% alcohol versus my usual 3%). I neglected to moderate my intake accordingly and wound up a little more inebriated than normal. Laid down on the floor for a bit when I got back home and woke up feeling just dandy this morning.

It was a rainy night with plenty of lightning and thunder. But the sun came out in the morning to greet me.

My afternoon today had a bit of twist. I’ll share that story tomorrow.

In the meantime, here’s my Buddy boy keeping an eye on things in his new digs.

That’s a worst

The first climb on yesterday’s Hash trail was insane. Hands and knees crazy. Pulling myself up by grabbing hold of the grass in front of me nuts. Definitely a once-in-a-lifetime experience–I’d have to be a lunatic to attempt that ascent again, and I’m just not that bonkers.

It didn’t have to be that way. Pubic Head, the putative leader of our “sane” Hash group, tried to warn us. But the rest of our group had already gone forward and from where I stood it looked steep but doable. Pubic Head wound up breaking his trekking pole, so turned back before the real beserk shit started. It’s good that he did. His first words when I saw him at our On-Home venue was “I told you so.” Yes, you did. I’ll listen to you next time for sure.

So, having survived that climb, the trail (or at least the part I did) wasn’t bad. A lot of it was the familiar “My Bitch” terrain, although the down was new to me. Once back on the flat ground I made the determination that I’d had enough, and we shortcut our way back to Da’Kudo’s for the Hash circle festivities. I probably completed a little over 5K of a 9K trail. No regrets about not doing more.

Here are some photos:

The climb started sanely enough…
But then it went from this… this. Told you it was a crazy-ass climb.
Looking back from half way up…
Grab that grass and pull yourself up as best as you are able.
This wasn’t the highest mountain around, but definitely the steepest ascent I can recall in my 3.5-year Hashing career…
The view from the top…
Enjoying the sanity of “My Bitch”…
My kind of trail.
Yes, it was harder than the notorious climb up Easter mountain.
For you Preying Mantis fans…
Let the shortcutting commence…
The On-Home Hash circle was held on Baloy Beach for the first time since the pandemic insanity started…
We had good weather for our rituals…
Although the skies were threatening.
Some Hash Gash for your viewing pleasure.
And so ended another day beside the the lovely waters of the Subic Bay.
I trust this post has served its purpose.

I’ll tell you about my Joy full day today, tomorrow.

Stay tuned!

Our way

That’s the way the sane group did yesterday’s Hash. We completed a goodly portion of the first climb on the Hare’s trail, but when we reached the part that is aptly named “Motherfucker” we chose to take a different path. Worked out just fine. A challenging, yet enjoyable, 6K hike.

Our Hash circles are getting more and more out of control, and are also getting longer and longer, which makes them less and less enjoyable. At least for me. I’ve taken to giving myself some time-outs when it gets to be too much, but last night when the circle finally concluded I was in a bad mood. That’s no way to finish an otherwise good day. I’m going to need to take a new approach I reckon. I’m not sure what that will be, but I’ll think of something.

To the photos then:

The Subic Bay Sane Hash House Harriers.
We are On-On…
And the climb begins…
Tired yet?
It’s bound to get easier. Eventually.
That’s more like it.
ISD takes a tumble. The trail was wet and slick in places.
Our virgin Hasher enjoying the trail. Well, maybe enjoy is too strong a word.
A village in the woods.
Heading for our On-Home at Derelick’s house.
Watch your step!
A Preying Mantis drinking water.
One more bridge to cross…
A bay view.
A carabao blocking my path. I went around him.
For you Easter mountain fans…
The virgin initiation. You have to Down-Down a full beverage without it leaving your lips. As we say, this process is like a blow job because what doesn’t go in you…
…goes on you!
And so concludes another Hash post…

Time to eat. I wonder if I can find this place:

It’s looks f’n good!

Hash crash

I survived another Hash yesterday. Barely. I exaggerate, but damn, at the start, it was as hot as I remember it ever being. Later in the day some clouds rolled in and thunder rumbled, but no raindrops fell on my sweaty head. If the weather forecasts are to be believed, we’ll be seeing some monsoon-like rains here by next week. Can hardly wait!

The trail itself was on the short side, around 5K. It featured two moderate climbs, a lot of which consisted of steps. The biggest challenge was the portions that were covered in bamboo leaves, making the path treacherously slippery. Despite my best efforts to be prudent, I did take a fall. It could have been worse, but as I was sliding down the steep side of the mountain on my ass, I managed to reach out and grab a tree trunk. It was tough enough getting back up on the trail from where I wound up–not sure what I would have done had I slid all the way down to the bottom. And to think that just the other day I was complaining about the lack of excitement in my life. Yesterday’s adventure ought to hold me over in that regard for a while, I reckon.

Let’s go to the photos, shall we?

Yesterday’s Hash trail. The detour I took on my ass is not shown.
We are called the “sick, lame, and insane” group because we leave early and shortcut as we please. I’d say that makes US the sane Hashers. It seems each week our group grows larger. I expect before long we will be the majority in the Subic Bay Hash.
The first climb of the day begins.
Looking back from whence we came.
When the trail was like this I had no problems.
But a lot of it was like this.
Shortly after taking this photo is when I fell. My downhill right foot slipped out from under me, spinning me around, and dropping me on my ass. That’s when the ride down the hillside began. I was still gaining speed when I grabbed a tree to stop my momentum.
Buddy Fucker encouraging me to hurry my slow ass up.
Having reached the top, we began the journey back down.
Standing tall in my element–flat ground!
What’s a Hash without a rickety bridge crossing where one false step imperils life and limb? You can’t tell in this photo, but there was about an 8-foot drop to the creekbed below.
Time for the second climb of the day…
And it wasn’t all stairsteps…
Rest time.
Near the top of the climb up I heard a voice calling, “John, this way!” It was Olivia (on the left), my mountain family friend.
The rest of the trail was the familiar and relatively easy “My Bitch.” Here’s the view of Easter mountain from there.

The On-Home was at the Alta Vista community center. Once again, my chili sold out; that’s the best review possible. Hmm, it just occurred to me the review could also mean, “I was so damn hungry I actually ate that shit!”. Well, there were other choices available:

A couple of the Hash Gash put in the time and effort to generate some cash from food sales.
Hard at work preparing the kebabs…
Our newest named Hasher: Get Your Rocks Off.
My Hash crash cost me some time on the ice…
We also initiated a virgin Hasher (the girl on the right).
And we prepared the traditional Hash birthday cake for Salty Cum and Anal Receptive.

All in all, it was a pretty good day. Got some exercise, didn’t die falling down a mountain, and drank lots of beers. Does it get any better than that?

And that concludes another worthless Hash post

In the shadow of the mountain

Three straight days of Hashing has resulted in three consecutive posts here about Hashing. I’m not sure which is harder to endure. This is the last one until next week, I promise!

Perhaps the most interesting thing to happen took place at our sign-up venue, the VFW. A youngish guy (comparatively speaking, probably in his 40s) came in and was asking about joining the Hash. I let the Grandmaster do the explaining, but later as the guy was leaving he said, “you’re McCrarey, aren’t you?” I nodded and asked how he knew my name, he responded “I’ve read your blog.” I asked him how he happened upon my humble ramblings and he told me he just did a Google search for pictures of Barretto. It’s a little scary being reminded that I’m not quite as anonymous as I think I am. Oh, well. From day one of blogging I believed if you didn’t put your name on what you wrote, it didn’t deserve to be read. Back then I was more political, having your name publically associated with what is essentially a diary is a little more uncomfortable. I’m not going to censor myself, although I might try to be a bit more discrete discreet on some topics so people other than me are not identifiable. It’s a small town and in some ways it’s small-minded.

The Hash trail itself was nothing to complain about. Familiar territory, but some new paths. That’s always a nice touch. Our shortcutting efforts backfired and we wound up adding a couple of extra kilometers in an effort to avoid a hot climb. That’s the way it goes sometimes. Here are some photos for your enjoyment:

We left the VFW and made our way to Alta Vista…
walked the streets of the subdivision for a bit…
…and then headed on down to the valley.
A bit of a steep descent ahead, so I got my camera ready to document any Hash crash…
But ISD made it with no problem…
…and so did Pubic Head.
Down then up.

And now a quick break in the action to meet the girls:

Hello there, Preying Mantis.
Nice to see you, Cum In My Basement.
Looking good, Whatever You Want.

Alright then, now where were we?

Oh yeah, we were Hashing.
That seems to be a prominent landmark.
We may be in the shadow of the mountain…
…but there ain’t much shade.

Things went awry for my group a short time later. We missed a right turn and took a left. So we made our own way back, but it wasn’t as pleasant as what the Hares had prepared for us.

It’s never much fun to hike the National Highway!
On Home was also at the VFW. We had over 50 in attendance and, frankly, that’s more than this venue can handle comfortably. It was really frustrating because it seems the noise and chatter were amplified in such a way that the circle events could not be heard. I sat outside and sulked instead.

And there you have it. Still taking a break from darts, I might go back to that next week. Tonight I hear It Doesn’t Matter calling to me.

Nailed it!

The Angeles City Corona Hash outstation run has been successfully completed. By that I mean it appears everyone survived which is never a sure thing when Guenter is the Hare. His trail took over 5 hours to complete and involved several big mountain climbs. A few folks came back covered in dirt and with some scrapes and bruises from falling. I’m told one of the downhills was so steep that sliding on your ass was the only viable way to get down. Well, not for me, but most of the folks who did that trail seemed to enjoy the challenge.

I got drafted to help mark the “sane” trail. It was a 6K jaunt up the paved road to Tibag and back again. We did have a 1K section that was off-road, but nothing real challenging other than the first half being gently all uphill. We started marking at 11:30 and finished just before the scheduled 1:00 p.m. start time (the folks braving Guenter’s long trail had started at 10:00). We were basically camping out riverside in the middle of nowhere so it was surprising when our group was confronted by a couple of armed soldiers. They asked what we were doing (hiking) and if we had a permit from the barangay in Naugsol (no). I guess they decided we were not terrorists or otherwise a threat because they wished us well and continued on with their patrol.

The only interesting event I experienced on the short trail was stepping on this:

Not exactly sure what it is…not really a nail, more like a piece of wire…maybe from a fence.

So, I’m walking along and I feel something sharp poking me in the foot, kind of like having a rock in your shoe, only pointed I shook my foot around some trying to dislodge whatever was stabbing me, to no avail. I had no choice but to remove my shoe.

This is the recreation of what I saw.

I stepped on that wire in such a way that it fit perfectly into the tread of my shoe, almost as if it was designed for that purpose. The short pointed end went through the sole of my shoe and poked me in the foot. It wasn’t quite long enough to penetrate through the cushion inside the shoe (or pierce my skin) but made it impossibly uncomfortable to walk. Pulling that wire out was reminiscent of the dentist trying to yank my tooth, but I managed to free my shoe of this unwanted intruder. Call it fate or maybe Karma, but that wire had to be perfectly positioned in the dirt and I had to step on it in precisely the right way in order for it to have the impact it did. What are the odds?

Let’s get to the good stuff–pictures from the Subic Hash Facebook page from yesterday’s event.

Guenter’s trail in yellow, the sane trail in blue.
Since we were basically camping out, all our gear (beer and ice) had to be transported out to our outstation location.
My fellow Hares, Buddy Fucker and Pubic Head.
Let’s get this trail marked!
In downtown Tibag, such as it is…
The long slog up…
No wonder I’m so slow…looks like I’m taking baby steps.
Gave this hardworking family we encountered some cookies
Heading back across the river to our campsite.
Surrounded by some awesome mountains. I’d rather look at them than climb them!
The Hashmobile arrives…
Pubic Head guiding some late arrivals to the trailhead…
Yougini grilling up some meats…
Anal Intruder guarding the Hashmobile…
Hiking the sane trail…
People started returning from the long and short trails and it was beer o’clock!
Building the camp fire…
Happy campers.
Brown in white looks pretty good to me!
And so does Preying Mantis…
Washing off the dirt from the trail…
Our improvised campground.
The last returners…
Circle up!
Doing my time for some Hash crime…
Sorry for the short post!

I’m running late for today’s Subic Hash. I’ll be back tomorrow with more!

Beach, please

Yesterday’s hike with the Corona Hashers from Angeles turned out to be a beach walk. Not real surprising, I suppose. I had it in mind that we would be hiking from the Treasure Island meet-up and finishing at the Da’ Kudos On-Home venue. That was true for the long (10K) trail, but the 5K trail I took required a truck ride out to barangay Kalaklan, then basically just following the beach all the way back to Baloy. I’d done that hike numerous times, but not recently. Yesterday was a good reminder of why I don’t take the beach route more often. I’ll let the pictures tell the story.

I really, really dislike riding in the Hashmobile. It’s as uncomfortable as it looks and my mind can’t help but think of all the potential disasters associated with this unsafe mode of travel.
But we made it safely to the drop-off point and began our march to the beach.
Making our way down from the highway…
…passing some shanties along the way…
…before finally arriving at the water.
The tide was high.
Looking for a way to get across an inconveniently placed river…
…but in the end wading proved to be the only option.
The sand before the rocks…
And what rocks they were! Always a pain in the ass to scramble over, but the high tide required taking a higher and more treacherous route.
She’s got some mountain goat in her…
The worst is over now.
Glad to put that behind me…
Oh, good. My shoes are almost dry and here’s another river crossing…
Life’s a beach sometimes.
Back On-Home at Da’ Kudos the Subic contingent gives a welcome to the visiting Hashers from Angeles City.
And in return I was welcomed to have a seat on the ice.
And then the sun set on another day of Hashing.

Today I’ll also being Hashing with the Angeles crew. This time we are meeting up in Tibag. There are three trails–long, medium, and short; I’ll be taking the short route which doesn’t involve climbing the highest mountain in the area (up to Tralala). Should be fun, regardless. I like the area and we will be doing a cookout and enjoying our beers out there in the wilds.

Full report tomorrow!

Hellish Hash

I’ve never been there, so I can’t attest that it was hotter than hell on yesterday’s Hash. Hot enough for a governmental heat warning to be issued, not that that stopped us. Apparently, it was 95 degrees. and the heat index made it feel like 107. Yeah, it’s been hot lately, but I do most of my walking in the mornings. The Hash starts at 2:00 which apparently is the peak time of the day for hotness. When I hit the 3K mark it felt like I had been nearly drained of energy, and every step I took was harder than the last. For the first time in my Hash career, I actually stopped at a sari-sari store for some Gatorade.

No complaints about the actual trail, or the portion I did anyway. I took a shortcut that eliminated a climb and a little distance. Mother Nature just whupped my ass. Here are some photos from the day:

We are On-On!
Hello there, Praying Mantis. There’s an old joke about the only thing better than long legs wrapped around your back is short legs trying. I can picture this gal saying “wanna bet?”
I guess this doesn’t qualify as a climb, but it is uphill. I’ve used this sidewalk numerous times and it’s tougher than it looks going up.
We’ve only just begun…
Ah, the familiar streets of Alta Vista.
That’s me walking away from my house. Back to the future!
Steep and slippery, a dicey combination.
Easy for your skinny little ass to march across that rickety bridge.
This bridge is much more to my liking…
Trying to avoid the sun. Good luck with that!
I really dislike jumping down this wall…Fuck Buddy is much more graceful at it than I am.
Once rainy season arrives walking across this field will be less pleasant.
Stopping at the sari-sari store for some refreshments about half way through the trail.
And a much needed rest break.
Back at it.
My favorite view on the day…
At least these seemingly endless steps were going down…
Don’t drink the water!
On-Home was at Hunter Jo’s Inn. Definitely the Hash venue with the best views.
And cute waitresses too! After a few beers, I got the courage up to ask the one on the right if she had a boyfriend. She immediately and enthusiastically answered “Yes!”
Pubic Head doing what he does best…
We deflowered three Hash virgins.
Fucking Cupcake putting his time on ice to good use chatting up one of the virgins…
And the sun finally ended its torment of the hapless Hashers.
And that’s all for this lovely Hash post.

I’ll be back with more tomorrow, now I’m off to see the dentist.

It’s not unusual

A rather pleasant 6K Hash run yesterday. A couple of small climbs; otherwise we covered a mostly flat, urban trail. It was all very familiar territory, in fact, I had unknowingly walked a portion of the trail during my Sunday solo hike. I guess nothing new isn’t surprising given that we do organized hikes three times a week in a relatively small geographic area. I’ll be one of the Hares for next week’s Hash, and I doubt we’ll have anything new to offer either. Well, I’ll be throwing down more powder than I saw on yesterday’s trail, but that’s just the way I roll.

Here are some photos from our trek. As usual, these come from multiple sources:

The trail as seen from the eye in the sky.
And so it begins. Black And Dick Her looks tired already! Cum In My Basement just looks hot. As usual. The official start time is 2:30, but our small group of “sane” Hashers left at 2:00. We are slow, and even with a headstart we pretty much always finish last in.
And I thought it was raining rocks. (just kidding, never knew they were up until I saw the photo).
On the familiar streets of Alta Vista. The trail actually went right past the place I expect to be moving into next month.
We didn’t do a lot of elevation, so this was probably the best bay view of the day.
Country living. What else do you need? Water, you say?
Well, there you go! *ahem*
A couple of Hash Gash lovelies, Whatever You Want and Anal Intruder.
She also has a great sense of humor. “Kate, you look better when you don’t wear glasses.” Kate replies, “You look better when I don’t wear glasses, too.”
Living large on the mountain.
Marching onward,,,
Through the backroads of San Isidro…
Crossing the Matain river over what we have dubbed bridge #2.
Show me the way, Pubic Head.
There was a time when I would have just jumped off this wall. Those days are gone for this old man.
I still do alright on flat ground, though.
Looking to the left…
…and looking to the right. Damn, I love this country.
Heading on down to the highway…
Do you smell that, Pubic Head?
Ah, I thought so. I can almost taste it!
We finally arrived at our On-Home venue…
I really do enjoy the outdoors ambiance at Smoke and Bottles.

During the Hash circle I sang a Hash song I wrote a few months ago.

(sung to the tune of Battle Hymn of the Republic)

His eyes have seen the horror of the steepness of the trail

His ears have heard the bitching of all the ones who fell

His lips have felt the passing of the PI’s finest Ales

This Hasher’s done it all!

Glory! Glory! Subic Hashers

Glory! Glory! Subic Hashers

Glory! Glory! Subic Hashers

May you always be ON-ON!

Yeah, I won’t quit my day job.

After the Hash, I didn’t see a trike so I started walking towards home. Then I came upon the Jollibee that opened a few months ago. I don’t really eat fast food these days, but most Filipinos are crazy about their Jollibee, so I figured I’d give it a try.

Ordered up the Champ burger, which on the menu looked a bit like a Quarter Pounder...
This is how it looked on my table. Sorry the photo isn’t better, I’d had a few beers at this point.

My verdict: better than a Quarter Pounder, maybe not as good as a Whopper. But the Champ hit the spot, and that’s what it’s all about.

And that concludes this week’s Hash post.


Yeah, I just made up that word but I’m running out of things to name these weekly Hash posts. And that’s just what this is gonna be!

It was a good day on trail overall, albeit a little convoluted. The Hares had set up a couple of different starting points, and I opted for the short trail, which began in barangay Matain (Subic). Including the hike from the VFW in Barretto, I did just under 8K all told. It was all familiar territory, and the Hares were good enough to offer an alternative route for those who were disinclined to climb Black Rock mountain (including me). My only real complaint was that once again, there was a failure to adequately mark the trail. Part of the problem was the Hares, for some reason, used blue chalk to draw the arrows and markings, and that proved very difficult to see. The also chose to be very frugal with laying powder for reasons known only to them. So, there were a couple of places where I got off trail and had to retreat, but I eventually found my way. I also did a bit of a shortcut at the end, but that was of little consequence.

I’ve got a few pictures to share:

Google was watching. (aren’t they always?)
It actually took me a while to find the start of the trail in Matain. That blue chalk was practically invisible to me. But this is where it started after my 2K walk from the VFW.
Sometimes climbing up steps is easier than a steep dirt trail. But when the stairs are uneven and irregularly spaced, not so much.
And there were a LOT of steps…
A little village basketball court near the top. That’s my hiking companions on the day, Cum In My Basement, and Black And Dick Her.
Praise the Lord, we made it to the top! Reminds me of one of our Hash songs that include reasons why Jesus can’t go Hashing. In this case, Jesus can’t go Hashing ’cause He’s hanging on a cross. The last verse always asks for forgiveness for our blasphemy.
Now that’s what I call an outhouse!
Do I smell beer?
Why, yes. Yes, I do! The Hares kindly provided a beer stop along the way. I chose not to participate, however. Wanted to stay focused on getting back to our On-Home before imbibing.
In the shadow of Easter mountain.
That bridge looks perfectly safe to me…
Some Hash Gash lovelies…front to back: Whatever You Want, Leech My Pek Pek, and Leaking Pussy.
Chili and brats to feed the kennel.
I bet you can do that wiener in ONE bite, Wonder Woman.
That’s me performing my duties as Circle Jerk, trying to keep those unruly Hashers in line during our Hash circle.
Here’s a useful tip: Don’t wear new shoes to the Hash. Unless you enjoy drinking out of them…
Socializing after the circle concluded.
Watching the sun go down…
…and the smoke go up.
And another Hash Monday came to an end.

I’ll be back tomorrow with an update on my housing situation and some other tidbits from my so-called life.

Lonely sadness

That’s what love is. At least according to a Japanese animated film called Garden of Words. I haven’t watched it, but Althouse did and blogged about it today. Interesting stuff, even if you don’t understand a lick of Japanese. The writer of the film says “lonely sadness” can be interpreted as “longing for someone in solitude”. I can relate to that sentiment.

Here’s the trailer for the movie:

I guess it resonates for me because I’m not really looking for love anymore, although I do have my moments of longing. Longing for something I lack the courage to pursue is a whole other level of fucked up. Might not even translate into Japanese (or any other intelligible language). Ah well, it’s the path I’ve chosen. We’ll see where it leads.

Meanwhile, I did have a little Joy in my life this afternoon. My safe haven program I call “friends with benefits” is actually proceeding according to plan. Joy has stepped up and is playing her part exactly as I intended–she checks in with me frequently, sends sweet messages, and acts as if she sincerely cares about me. Just as I hoped and imagined my beneficiary would respond. Good job, Joy!

Today we met up and had lunch at Treasure Island. She’s not much of a conversationalist, but we watched what was on television together (a show called Blacklist that looks pretty good) and had a couple of beers. Then we came back to my place and had some nice boom-boom. We are actually quite compatible in the sexual intercourse aspect of our “relationship”. So, I guess I can deem myself satisfied.

Except I’m not. Even though everything is going just as I hoped and imagined it would, it still feels empty and meaningless. I mean, I enjoy being In Joy, and the sex is much better than it would be with a stranger/prostitute, I miss the passion that comes when you have feelings for someone. But passion brings the risk of pain, and I have traveled that road too many times in this life already. So, I guess I just need to content myself with the safety of settling for less.

I still let my imagination carry me away sometimes though. Take Padz, for instance. She’s been working at Alley Cats for a few months now. I mentioned her in an earlier post and shared this picture:

Oddly enough, when I first met Padz I wasn’t attracted to her at all. Too chubby for my tastes (yeah, like I’ve got room to talk). But as sometimes happens, as I got to know her, I saw that beauty inside. One day I found myself thinking “when did she get so pretty?” Alas, Padz has been decidedly non-responsive to my flirtations. It’s weird, her job is to pretend to like her customers, but even when I buy her a lady drink, Padz seems reluctant to even sit with me. Maybe she’s just shy, but more than likely, she just doesn’t share the feelings I’ve developed for her. It’s too bad really because I can imagine us sharing some laughs and enjoying our times together. Hell, I confess I’ve even dreamed about her. Oh well.

So all that said, I was surprised when she accepted my offer of sponsoring her at yesterday’s Hash. Well, it’s not like she actually Hashed with me, she hung out with the other girls and was usually far ahead of me on trail. Still, it was nice to see her outside of the bar context and she professed to have enjoyed herself.

Thanks for joining me, er, us! You might have noticed that’s a selfie. I stole it from her Facebook page.
She got all shy when I tried to take her picture.
Padz (real name Jiselle) on her first ever trail.
Ain’t she sweet? I cropped everyone else out of this shot.

So, Padz being a Hash virgin, I explained in advance the basic Hash rules. One is don’t point with your finger and another is don’t use someone’s real name. We even practiced several times before the Hash circle commenced. And then when the Grandmaster asked her who brought her to the Hash, she pointed at me and answered “John”.

As the sponsor, I was duly punished for her transgressions.

Another part of the deflowering ritual requires that you drink an entire bottle of beer, without the bottle leaving your lips. If it does, the remaining contents are poured over your head. As we say at the Hash, “it’s like a blowjob. What doesn’t go in you, goes on you!”

Now, Padz isn’t a big beer drinker so I expected she’d be getting her head wet. But nope, in what may have been the slowest “down-down” in Hash history, she managed to finish all the beer with the bottle never leaving her lips. Good job!

Anyway, Padz is a sweet gal, and if she were willing to give me a try I’d probably go for it. Looks like she is going to save me from myself though. Likely for the best I suppose.

Alright, it was a good Hash yesterday. I did a couple of shortcuts, but stuck with most of the trail. We climbed to the ridgeline again and there ain’t no easy way up. The route we took wasn’t as hard as some of the others at least. Here are a few pictures to give you a taste:

Around 7K all told…
It was a hot day which made the climb all the more challenging…
Right, Pubic Head?
Just a bit more to go to reach the ridge…
So, I don’t always mention it, but this guy deserves credit for a lot of our hiking photos. Thanks, Scott/Pubic Head.
A rewarding view of the bay…
I wonder why the air is hazy? Oh, never mind. It’s burning season.
The obligatory Easter mountain shot.
Catching our breath….
I pass by this way maybe once a month at best, but these kids always remember me…
Well, they remember that I bring them cookies at least.
What’s this nonsense? The Hare wants us to go down here then climb back up? I don’t think so!
Walking the ridgeline…
Starting our descent…
Fuck Buddy monkeying around…
The old watering hole–bathing, laundry, and drinking…
The view on the way down…
The last of the down, then a walk across town to our On-Home at Queen Victoria…
In addition to the virgin deflowering, we helped Black And Dick Her, Whatever You Want, and Leaking Pussy, celebrate birthdays in the traditional Hash fashion.

And that’s pretty much how my day went. Running late for darts, so I’ll end this post with this bit of wisdom:

I choose to broadly define living, but I do appreciate every day I’m granted…

My kind of trail

Here’s a surprise for you–no bitches or complaints about the Hash trail yesterday. I did the whole thing (just under 6K) without a problem–no shortcuts required! Only one climb and it was not too difficult. Actually, most of the trail covered the very familiar My Bitch terrain. A good day to be on the mountain!

Let’s go to the photos (credit to Pubic Head for a lot of these):

A trail suited to my tastes.
Kids in the ‘hood…
Hashers invading Alta Vista…
Gash on trail in Marian Hills…
A cookie stop.
Excuse us, folks. Just passing through...
Leaving civilization behind…
Hello old friend!
Heading on up…
Valley view.
Black And Dick Her on trail…
Looking towards Baloy…
…and down on Barretto.
Heading On-Home–Beer is Near!
On-Home at the VFW...
A Hash circle in action!

So, you may have noticed there ain’t much social distancing happening in the photo above. The VFW is one of our smaller venues and frankly, keeping your distance just isn’t possible. I heard one Hasher actually declined to join in the after-Hash activities because he wasn’t comfortable with the crowd. To each his own. Anyway, shortly after the circle concluded the security guard came and advised us the police were outside. That was the end of the Hash–we all grabbed our shit and headed out before the cops came in.

The next stop for a few of us was the It Doesn’t Matter bar. We took up the outdoor seating and were enjoying our beers until this happened:

That looks like the same vehicle that was parked outside the VFW. I don’t know if they followed us or just spotted us in our new location.
I didn’t stick around to find out what was going to happen next–paid my tab and left. Apparently, they were enforcing social distancing requirements. Hopefully, the bar got off with just a warning.

That was enough excitement for me for one day, so I headed out and took a trike back to my house. Made myself a smoothie, then hit the sack.

Let me close today’s post on a lighter note:

I thought it was funny. Your mileage may vary...

The path not taken

So, yesterday was the Subic Bay Hash’s traditional annual trek up Easter mountain. I decided that prudence dictated that I not attempt the climb this year. I’m not 100% “back” quite yet, it’s hot outside, and the long trek to the top is without shade. Not a good combination of factors for a somewhat frail 65-year-old man. Maybe next year.

As an alternative, I did lead the “sane” group on a hike beginning at my house and ending at our On-Home venue, Hunter’s Jo Inn. It was a flat walk that took us an hour and a half to complete. I was actually going to do one of the smaller hills on the Hare’s trail, but one of the members of my group was a pregnant female who wanted to avoid a climb. Well, being the gentlemen that I am… Anyway, the beer was cold at the end of our boring trail, so there’s that. Oh, and I got my Easter Hash shirt.

The long, hard trail I didn’t take…
…and the mountain I didn’t climb. Another day, my friend...
These guys made the climb.
On top of Easter mountain…
A view from the top.
Well, us “sane” hikers were on-trail for a while. The flat parts anyway…
The climb I aborted when the preggers gal called me back…
A stream you wouldn’t want to swim in. Unless you were feeling suicidal…
The “sane” hikers making their way On-Home.
Yesterday’s menu at Hunter’s Jo. I went with the ham and cheese sandwich and doubled the price by adding bacon, lettuce, and tomato.
The owner of Hunter’s is a nice guy and I do enjoy the venue. But the food sucks. Consistently. One thin slice of ham, a slice of cheese, and the mess on the side. Still, it was only $4., so what if I could only eat two bucks worth?
The front side of my Easter Hash shirt...
And the backside. Has my Hash name and everything…

My group got back earlier than most of the folks who did the full trail, so I wound up drinking more beer than usual.

But I was still standing when the sun went down!

And that was pretty much it for my day yesterday. Now it is time to get ready for darts. Haven’t played (or practiced) in over a week. I have my singles league match against Cristy, so I’m sure there is an ass-kicking in the very near future for me.

I will leave you with this little story that I found quite funny: