A slippery slope

The rain held off for yesterday’s Hash. Until it didn’t. And once it started raining, the dirt path became a semi-liquid Messy Underfoot Disaster (MUD). Especially going downhill. So, when our group of “sane” Hashers realized that the Hare’s had us coming off the mountain on a trail that is steep and treacherous when dry, we sought out an alternative route. Pubic Head knew of a place where we could take concrete steps down which seemed like a good plan. Finding the right trail to get us there was a hit-and-miss affair, but in the end, we got there.

Ironically, those concrete steps had a layer of green algae growing on top. If there is one thing more slippery than mud, it’s algae. I was well aware of this fact and was being extra cautious, side-stepping my way down for better traction. In vain as it turned out. About halfway down my foot slid out from under me and I came down hard on my elbow. Fortunately, only a scratch and a bruise to show for it.

We were two hours into the hike with a long way to go to get back to the On Home in Alta Vista, so we did a shortcut. Good thing, too. Otherwise, we would have missed out on the circle which started less than thirty minutes after we arrived. But as always, it was good to be out and about with my fellow Hashers. Here are some photos:

And we are off!
The beginning of the hike was road work.
And then the climbing began.
It seemed like the stairs would never end.
No wonder we were so tired.
Then it got so steep the locals found it necessary to erect a handrail to pull themselves up. Worked for me!
All that climbing and we still weren’t at the top.
I was glad this carabao didn’t have much interest in us passing Hashers…
Mountain living…
…with a million-dollar view.
A brief rest for the weary, but sane, Hashers.
Show us the way to these fabled steps down, Pubic Head.
I’m coming, I’m coming…
I was proud to have found my way to the sought-after steps down. Turns out pride really does goeth before a fall…
And that’s all I’ve got for this Hash post.

Had a busier than normal Tuesday and now it is time for darts. Full report tomorrow!

Let me leave you with a laugh. Here’s a 3-minute comedy sketch you might enjoy:

2 thoughts on “A slippery slope

  1. Yeah, I watch a lot of Ryan George. He’s pretty funny for a raging Canadian liberal.

    Traction seems to be a constant problem on these trails, especially when it’s rainy. I never have to worry about traction on Korean bike paths: everything is laid out in a simple, straightforward, and usually well-manicured way. You have my sympathies, although you do seem to enjoy these trails despite their dangers.

  2. I never heard of the guy before that video so at least his politics didn’t ruin it for me. This time.

    I miss the first-world infrastructure of Korea for sure. I enjoyed the riverside bike paths for sure, but even the mountain trails like on Bukhansan were well-groomed and maintained. Hell, if those steps I fell down had been LEVEL the slipperiness wouldn’t have been an issue. Ah well, at least the women here like old guys and my money goes further. But I repeat myself.

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