Trailers for sale or rent

We got it done. Not to perfection or even to my complete satisfaction. I guess you might say that goes with the territory when laying a Hash trail. Sometimes it gets a little Hare-y. Okay, I’ll stop.

It happens that things get lost between what you intend to do as a Hare and what actually happens. We scouted the front half of the trail last Wednesday and had a pretty good idea of where we were going to go. Our efforts on Friday to walk from the endpoint to a logical rendezvous with the front part of the trail were not as successful as we hoped. That meant we were winging it more than I like on Monday morning. We made a wrong turn once and had marked that trail with powder and paper before realizing our error. Did our best to erase the mistake, but I heard from a couple of Hashers they had followed the faux trail. I hate when that happens, but at least they were able to recover and retreat back to the true trail.

The descent we wound up doing was not at all to my liking. Very steep and very slick, and worse yet, it ended up in a creek bed. I hate walking through creek beds. Especially in rainy season. The rocks were covered in algae and slippery as hell. I told my fellow Hares I wasn’t happy with putting the Hashers through what we had done, but it was too late to do anything about it. I was expecting some negative feedback at the Hash circle but I was surprised again. The gung-ho die-hards like Guenter really liked the trail. Leech My Nuggets said he thought it was the best trail of the year. I told him I didn’t think so, how about that going down to the creekbed? He laughed and said, “I was surprised to find that on one of YOUR trails, but I rather it enjoyed it.” I confessed that I had been overruled by my fellow Hares about that route, so the praise belonged to them.

Anyway, all’s well that ends well. No one got hurt and no one was irrevocably lost. Those are my goals as a Hare and they were achieved. Here are some photos to enjoy:

Right at 6K with a challenging climb and a crazy descent.
An early start on Monday morning…
Let’s get ‘er done!
Pubic Head (Scott) did the chalk, manned the camera, and dispensed advice. Blow My Pipe (Jim) dusted the trail with powder. I carried the shredded paper. It’s light. I like it.
Up top.
Looking back down.
The natives were friendly. Mostly. Early in the trail-marking process someone came out and yelled that we were on private property. We were polite but kept on with the business at hand.
Flowers along the way.
And I enjoyed this “poem”.
Fresh goat’s milk.
Up the creek without a paddle.
The crazy descent ended at this water tank out in the middle of nowhere.
Country living. That gal cooking was hotter than the charcoal fire she was tending.
The conversation taking place in my head: “Are you sure it will hold me?” Her: “It holds me, doesn’t it?” Me: “Good point!”

Alright, those are the photos taken while we were laying trail. Here are a few taken by the Hashers later while hiking the trail:

A river crossing early on.
No one said it was going to be easy…
Heading down to the creek.
Be careful!
It gets better. I promise!
These are the only falls I heard about, so that’s good!
Back on flat ground, who cares about a rickety bridge?

And a few shots from our On-Home venue at Hunter’s Jo Inn in Calapadayan.

Old fuckers enjoying their beers before the Hash circle.
Circle up!
Hares and their enablers on the ice! (if you express positive thoughts about the trail, you join with the Hares on the ice)
Don’t wear new shoes to the Hash. If you do, you’ll be drinking out of them…
It was great to see Tinkerbell (Betty) back after being stuck in Belgium for the past two years.
I was honored to be placed on the ice for a second time in recognition of my completing 100 consecutive Hash runs.
What else am I going to do? Thank you, COVID for making this possible.
And then the sun went down on another Hash Monday.

Hope you enjoyed the trail.

5 thoughts on “Trailers for sale or rent

  1. Dan, I’ve never heard of NAC, I’ll check it out. I don’t consider the FDA a legitimate authority on anything.

    Kev, yeah we filled the ice but that happens most weeks. I was more surprised that the criticism I expected didn’t really happen.

  2. There are some very cool trails that you are able to walk. Kudos to making one that seems to have checked all the boxes of your hash group – which I am sure is not an easy thing to do!! LOL

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