I experienced one of my favorite excursions with the Wednesday Walkers yesterday. Once again we tackled the Kalaklan Ridge, this time assisting the Hares for next week’s Hash scout a trail. The route we took to get to the top was interesting. First, we’d go up, then down, circle around some, then back up and down until we eventually made the final push and achieved the ridgeline.
I was once again suffering at the start. My heavy breathing led to a hacking cough. Then I started spitting up hunks of phlegm. And after a while, I could breathe better again. I guess a hard climb is a good extraction method for the shit that accumulates in my lungs. At least it worked yesterday.
A 5K stroll up and down Kalaklan RidgeOur merry band of hikersLet’s get started!This house stood out in a neighborhood mainly consisting of shanties.We’d go up……and we’d go down.Then up again…And down again.Rinse……and repeatThen we finally made the final push to the top.A rest for the weary on the ridgeSometimes I hate getting up there, but I always enjoy strolling on the ridge road.A look to the left shows Olongapo CityAnd on the right, the beauty of Subic Bay.Me taking it all in…Posing for a group shotI think if you drug your girlfriend up that long climb for a “romantic getaway” here at the “Little Lovers Camp,” she likely is an ex when you get back down.And then we left the ridge to find a good Hash trail back down.When you are fast like Ed, you do some waiting for the slowpokes to catch up.Here we come!It got a little rocky in places.I’m not out of the woods yet.People live out here with no vehicular access. I kept thinking of all the ways that would make life so incredibly difficult. It’s beautiful, but no thank you!Doing laundry the old-fashioned way.Leaving the creek behindVisiting with Rolly and leaving some treats for the kiddies.Heading back downWhat’s left of a tree.Back in the outskirts of BarrettoRefreshments at Dynamite Dick’s.I enjoyed this tasty burger for lunch.My route, as seen by Map My Walk
My evening out was pretty much routine. I fed the crew at Hideaway, such as it is. Down to two waitresses, a bartender, and a cashier. Not sure what’s up with that. I’m probably going to cut to a once-a-week feeding on Sunday.
The best view from a comfort room in Barretto is at Cheap Charlies.
Swan was working last night, so I didn’t have meeting up with her to look forward to. I filled some time at Cheap Charlies, then Sloppy Joe’s, before finishing up at The Green Room. I got home around seven and spent some time with my friends from “Shameless.” Swan arrived home from work just before nine, and we enjoyed some couch time before bed.
Swan is working again today but finishes earlier, so we will get together for dinner tonight.
I walked Swan to work this morning.
I was walking the beach at Baloy and had to take a leak, so I stopped at Treasure Island.
It didn’t seem right to use the CR without being a customer, so I ordered some toast.I got it the way the French make it.
It’s funny looking back at all my “conspiracy theories” that have recently been proven to be the truth.
Skepticism is a healthy habit.
And I also came across evidence that I really am a rich man. At least in the Philippines.
Hell, I’m almost filthy rich by that standard.
What am I forgetting? Oh yeah, the puns!
Go to hell, Satan!Read between the lines.Just make the breast of the situation.Almost sounds like stalking.But it is the end of this post!
Was that a big sigh of relief I just heard? Well, I’ll be back with more tomorrow. You have been warned!
That’s her before she brought me into this world.I’m the cute boy on the left.She played a big role in my life as a father, especially after my first wife bailed and left me to raise the kids. I couldn’t have done it without Mom there to show me the way.She was a faithful wife to my father for over fifty years.And she was proud of the boys she raised.Mom and her sisters in the last photo I ever took of her.
Miss you and love you, mama.
Mother, don't worry. I killed the last snake that lived in the creek bed
Mother, don't worry. I've got some money I saved for the weekend
Mother, remember being so stern with that girl who was with me?
Mother, remember the blink of an eye when I breathed through your body?
So may the sunrise bring hope where it once was forgotten
Sons are like birds flying upwards over the mountain
Mother, I made it up from the bruise on the floor of this prison
Mother, I lost it all of the fear of the Lord I was given
Mother, forget me now that the creek drank the cradle you sang to
Mother, forgive me I sold your car for the shoes that I gave you
So may the sunrise bring hope where it once was forgotten
Sons can be birds taken broken up to the mountain
Mother, don't worry. I've got a coat and some friends on the corner
Mother, don't worry. She's got a garden we're planting together
Mother, remember the night that the dog had her pups in the pantry?
Blood on the floor and the fleas on their paws,
And you cried 'til the morning.
So may the sunrise bring hope where it once was forgotten
Sons are like birds flying always over the mountain
Greetings from the land of all-day brownouts. At least they gave us advance warning that there would be no power today from eight until five, but it is still a pain in the ass. I’ve got a cold shower in my future. Luckily, I have my mobile hotspot so I can engage with the internets.
I paid a visit to Dr. Jo yesterday.Swan reacts to the news that I won’t be dying anytime soon.
Well, I’m joking, of course. That’s Swan and my helper Teri in the waiting room. The primary purpose of my visit was to have my blood pressure medications reviewed.
I’ve been in the 140s and 150s since last month.
Dr. Jo prescribed some new pills to add to my daily collection. As I suspected, there is not much to be done with my COPD symptoms except to continue my current regimen of meds.
After the doctor’s appointment, Swan and I hoofed it down to Baloy Beach to spend some time on the floating bar.
Although Dr. Jo didn’t mention it specifically, it goes without saying that drinking plenty of fluids is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. I didn’t drink water, but I drank lots of beers ON the water.Sun was still relatively high in the sky when we arrived.
(I just got a warning that my battery saver is on. We’ll see if I can finish this before my power is gone)
My companionToday’s hike was on that ridgeA dance broke out amongst the girls.And then most of the customers abandoned ship.We stayed for this thoughI drank too much and had a misunderstanding with Swan. We fixed it this morning…
Okay, no battery for additional commentary…here’s the jokes:
I’ll stay off this road!Ouch!That’s the wrong hole!
Things didn’t go as planned for yesterday’s Hash. Although disappointing, perhaps it was for the best. The idea was to meet up with Pubic Head at Barretto High School at 1:50 and do a shortcut version of the Hare’s (Almoranus) trail, bypassing the first climb. I left my place at 1 p.m. to give myself ample time to arrive on schedule. But before I was even out of Alta Vista, I was sucking wind for some reason. As I neared the beginning of my intended route (the My Bitch trail) I had second thoughts about the wisdom of making the trek while out of breath, so I paused to send Pubic Head a message to go on without me. But as I stood there typing the message, my breathing returned to normal and I decided to press on as planned.
The section of the My Bitch trail I was hiking only had one short climb, and I took it slow and easy. When I reached the junction we call Four Corners, I messaged Pubic Head my location so he would know I would arrive on schedule. When I got to the high school at 1:47 Pubic Head wasn’t there, so I sent him a photo:
I’m here, where are you?
I waited until 2:00, the official Hash start time and no one showed. I wasn’t going to do a shortcut version of the trail on my own, so I opted to do a street walk instead. But in the end, I did manage to do a portion of the Hash trail after all:
The last two blocks to our On-Home at Blue Butterfly.Five and a half kilometers is better than nothing, I suppose. Although hiking alone isn’t very Hash-like.
I drank my share of beers during the pre-Circle time. When Pubic Head arrived he explained that he thought I’d gone on to the start of the trail, so he proceeded there without me. Just one of those miscommunications. Shit happens.
I wasn’t feeling very Hashy, so when the Circle began, I stayed outside and continued to drink. When I’d had enough, I moseyed up the highway and decided I’d take a Big Mac and fries home with me. I was a little drunk and not in the best of moods, but damn, the ordering process was frustrating. They have those kiosks where you place your order remotely, and that’s fine. Except they were all occupied, and the woman in front of me seemed clueless when it came to punching in her order. I’m not a patient man normally, and her ignorance frayed the last of my nerves. Anyway, I eventually got the opportunity to push the four buttons I needed–Big Mac, Fries, To Go, and Cash. Then I went to the cash register, paid, and was given a number. There were three numbers ahead of mine, and this being McDonald’s, I figured I’d be out in no time. I figured wrong. Mine was the only takeout, and I saw the paper bag brought to the counter where it sat while the employee fiddled around with the three other orders. I mean, all she had to do was hand me my bag, but I guess they had a first-in, first-out policy. Anyway, when they finally called my number, I tossed my receipt on the counter and rudely said, “It’s about time.” Yeah, I’m not proud of being the ugly American last night. I’ll punish myself by not returning anytime soon. That’ll teach me!
I got home early enough to watch three episodes of “Shameless” last night. I’m halfway through Season 8 now–look at me go!
And I woke up to another beautiful Subic morning.
The view from my bedroom window at a little after six.
Grocery shopping is done, and a doctor’s appointment is coming up at 3 p.m. From there, I’ll head out for my Tuesday routine on Baloy at the Kokomo floating bar. At least, that’s the plan.
I came across a video comparing Subic in the Navy days to how it looks today. I found it interesting; perhaps you will as well.
See y’all here tomorrow, I hope.
California, Arizona, Oklahoma, Arkansas, South Carolina, Virginia, South Korea, and the Philippines. Not that where I have lived has anything to do with this meme. I always married my side chicks.Stick with it and see what happens next!
I was alone in the morning because Swan had a family event to attend. In the evening, Swan joined me on the Arizona floating bar with her friend Mercy. And in between I did a Hideaway feeding. Here’s what the day looked like:
The beginning of my Sunday Solo Stroll featured this Alta Vista street scene.1.6 kilometers provided an Easter Mountain view.3.2 kilometers found me on Sawmill Road in San Isidro.4.8 kilometers had me facing Black Rock Mountain.6.4 kilometers, and I was on the streets of the Sierra Hills subdivision.Eight kilometers, and I was done. I had to sit down for a few minutes during the hike to refresh and reenergize. That’s unusual for me on a street walk like this one.I rode a trike from Baloy Road back up to Alta Vista, although that is not unusual for me to do.Not a bad way to start the day.
And then the time came to head into town for my feeding chore. I stopped at Jewel Cafe and ordered some meals for delivery to Hideaway, then delivered myself there as well.
Crispy chicken wingsGarlic prawnsChicken quesadillaPork sisigAnd I baked a dozen chocolate cupcakes for dessert. (I brought the frosting separate for self-application)Three of the happy dinner recipientsAnd a Joyful fourth
A few beers and lady drinks later, it was time to hit the beach, conveniently located right behind Hideaway.
Lots of Sunday afternoon beachgoers enjoying the sand and water.My timing was in sync with my love of sundowns.A decent crowd of folks enjoying time on the floating bar.The view from here.Here comes the raft with more customers.Hey, I recognize those two!Mercy had a birthday on Saturday, so this was a belated celebration.We had some food delivered from the Arizona Resort kitchen. This chicken enchilada was wonderful.And the girls enjoyed their chicken cordon bleu.A passing banka boat“Don’t let the sun go down on me…““…Although I search myself, it’s always someone else I see…”“…I’d just allow a fragment of your life to wander free“When the sun was gone, the moon came out to smile upon us.Everybody’s so different……I haven’t changed. Well, it’s only been fifty years.
Mercy needed to head back home to feed her husband, and as Swan and I were walking down the highway, a trike driver called out to me by name: “Going home, Sir John?” It seemed like fate, so we decided to screw the nightcap and make it an early night. I cuddled up on the couch with Swan and some “Shameless,” which was a nice way to say goodbye to Sunday.
Now it’s another Hash Monday. The trail begins on Rizal Extension, which is a pain in the ass to get to. I’m going to go over the mountain on my own to get there. Wish me luck! Assuming I survive, I’ll be back with a full report tomorrow.
Take a deep breathDouble your pleasure, double your puns…
But enough is enough, and I’m thankful for that. Even by my low standards, nothing about yesterday was particularly noteworthy, but it was still another link in this chain we call life. A morning walk with Swan handing out candies to the kiddies we encountered kicked things off, and an uneventful bar crawl to end the day. Isn’t that the story of my life?
Swan making final adjustments prior to departure.Burn, baby, burn!Who wants candy?Candy is dandyAt first I thought it was one of Magellan’s boats…Yeah, I know. Take a deep breath, relax, and accept the Filipino way…Street scene in Matain barangay. (I’ve always pronounced in bare-in-guy. Swan corrects me and says it’s “brown guy.” She should know.)As sweet as her candy.Sometimes it’s the little things that count.A little over 6K yesterday…
Erik, a hiking buddy, tagged along for my evening bar crawl. One beer at Sloppy Joe’s, one at Cheap Charlies, and three more at Oasis (Swan joined us there). Then we crossed the highway and had some dinner at Mylene’s. We went international–carbonara for Swan, tacos for Erik, and a chicken burger for me. Everyone professed to have enjoyed the meal. We did our nightcap and Wet Spot, then bid farewell to Erik and triked on home.
See, I told you the day was nothing special. But to give this post a semblance of substance, let me share this video about the US Navy bringing a tanker full of weapons grade fuel for storage at Subic. Why, it’s almost as if someone is preparing for the outbreak of war. But with who? Oh, about those elections in Taiwan–China ain’t pleased.
One of my favorite vloggers posted some advice to avoid losing your Filipina girlfriend.
I should be okay.
A commenter accused me of being a lefty and cited this photo of my insurrection at the US Embassy in Seoul as evidence:
Last night we attended the birthday party for Dr. Jo’s husband, Chris. The party was held at the Pinatubo Brewery in San Marcelino. I’d heard of it, but never been, so I was looking forward to the visit.
It was around 25K, but my driver, Danny, got us there and back safely.Swan dresses up nicely.What a lucky girl!The actual brewery is downstairs. The second floor is the bar/restaurant where the party was held.The bar areaDining/drinking tablesOverlooking a cornfield on one side.And the mountains in San Antonio, on the otherThat’s the birthday boy on the right…The beer menu
When I arrived, I jokingly asked the waitress for a San Miguel Zero. She told me I’d have to go to the 7-11 store for that. Obviously, the only beers on offer were those brewed in the building. And although I am a consummate consumer of beer, I am not a connoisseur. Hell, I don’t even know the difference between a pilsner and a lager. Serious beer drinkers deride my usual preferences as “making love in a canoe” (both fucking close to water). Hey, to each his own. So, last night, I was faced with six locally brewed options with no clue as to where to start (the bar did offer a taste of each in a shot glass, but that seemed pointless to me–you haven’t had a beer until you’ve finished the bottle. Chris suggested I try one of his favorites, The Golden Nectar Pilsner, and that’s where I started.
I wanted to do a lager next to see if I could discern any differences from the pilsner, so I did a Crown Lager. It was good, but I couldn’t say that I liked it better than the Golden Nectar, so I had another one of each to help me make up my mind. Chris dropped by to check on my progress and suggested I try one of the dark beers. I said, I don’t like dark beer, and realized how racist that sounded. So, I checked my white privilege and ordered a Dark Angel Lager.
The Dark Angel wasn’t bad, either. I only had one, so I guess you could say it was a token.Ultimately, I deemed the Crown Lager my favorite and drank that flavor exclusively for the remainder of my visit.The six beer options are poured from kegs in the brewery downstairs. The three I didn’t try were all higher in alcohol volume, and I prefer to stick with lightweight mixtures.
As time went on, I began to feel those pangs of hunger.
The food menu. Oh, did I mention the owner of Pinatubo is a German?
Like the beers, I wasn’t sure what I should order. When I was a kid growing up in Southern Cal, there was a fast food hot dog chain named Der Wienerschnitzel. So, I ordered the Wiener Schnitzel from the menu. Fool that I am, I was expecting a hot dog dish. This is what I got instead:
It was quite tasty, even if it wasn’t a frank.
So, I’m a big fan of open-air bars with a view, and the Pinatubo Brewery provided that. And as an added bonus:
Well done, Mr. Sun.
Anyway, I really enjoyed hanging out at the Pinatubo Brewery last night. I mentioned to Chris that the owner should put up some small cottages to rent for a night for out-of-town guests like me. Another idea I had was that the owner could open a brewery branch in Barretto, and I know just the spot–Subiza! That resort needs a reason to exist, and if they offered freshly brewed craft beers in the open-air setting on the bay, I think it would be a big hit.
Chris and Dr. Jo picked up the tab for everything last night–all the beers and all the food. I’m sure that was a pretty penny for them and much appreciated by their guests. I gave the four waitresses a big tip to thank them for all their hard work serving us. Good times!
The other part of my Friday was the group hike in the morning.
A good turnout with one more arriving after I took this photo.The saddest thing I’ve seen in a long time. There is poor and then there is living under a bridge on the riverside poor. Cookies and lollipops seemed inadequate somehow, but you can’t save everyone.We did some stair work.A barbed view.Some of the group climbed to the top of Black Rock. Some of us took pictures from down below.Trading cookies for smiles.The Easter Mountain shot.
Six years ago I was doing a river hike in Pyeongtaek.
The scenery was a little different than what I’m seeing these days.Spock can be such a killjoy! No laughs for you today, dear readers.
Sometimes, life can be a beach. It was yesterday for me.
It began with walking Swan to work at the Subiza Resort on Baloy. Then, I did a beach walk before returning home.
A morning stroll on Baloy.Not many beachgoers on a Thursday morning.
I had plans to meet Swan at the end of her shift so I headed back to Baloy at beer o’clock. I’ve been wanting to get a feel for how I might like Harley’s as a regular venue for imbibing.
Easy enough to get to from my house.A little over a kilometer away.Let’s go insideDefinitely a pub vibe.A big barI prefer sitting by the dock of the bay, but the best seats were taken at first. I sat behind them, scowling until they got up and left. (not really, but when they did go, I grabbed a seat)The view from here.This beast on the beach was really rockin’ it. The house also intrigued me. It needs some work, but damn, I’d love sitting on that back deck with a cold beer in my hand. Or, I could just come to Harley’s more often for the same view.
I had three or four beers at Harley’s and decided to change things up, so I headed over to McCoy’s.
The passage way to the beach and McCoy’s.You can’t watch the sun go down from Harley’s.Wasn’t that nice?And in a first, I got a pedicure while sipping my beer. I declined her offer for a massage.This little guy kept me company, too.
I chatted with the owner about hosting a Hash On-Home. She was interested but asking for 65 pesos per beer. I told her the most the Hash could pay was 55, and she agreed. We will have our first McCoy’s On-Home on February 26.
Then it was time to head over to Subiza and check in with Swan.
The entrance.The innards.
Subiza was totally devoid of customers at 7 p.m. Swan says there was only one person before I arrived. I have no idea how they stay in business. Or if they will. It had been years since my last visit, and other than Swan, I’d have no reason to return. It’s a nice venue with lots of potential, but I’m not seeing any effort to attract visitors.
My nighttime view from Subiza was pleasant (it is next door to Harley’s).
I asked Swan if she wanted me to order us some food, and she responded, “Let’s eat somewhere else.” Hmm, maybe she knows something about the kitchen I don’t. So, when she got off work we walked up the road to that new restaurant in town for some takeout.
I had the double quarter pounder with fries.
I fell asleep watching “Shameless” again, but all in all, the day was beachy keeno. I’ll have to do it again one day soon.
As much as I love trees, I don’t love them this much. I found this photo online, and the caption was “How paper is made.”Did that guy just commit suicide?Just ask her to make you a sandwich.He’s lucky he didn’t get stoned.If looks could kill, Picard would be a dead man.(did I leave something dangling here?)
I’m off this afternoon to a birthday in San Marcelino. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.
I’ll take as many more days as I can as long as I am able to keep doing the things I enjoy. Getting old sucks sometimes, but it beats the hell out of the alternative. And my little retirement town provides me with everything I need: hills to climb, beaches to walk, and beers to drink. I want to keep on keeping on as long as I can!
By the dawn’s early light, the hills were hiding in the mist.
The Wednesday Walkers gathered up at the usual place and headed up into the hills to see what we could see.
Six of us were ready, willing, and mostly able to make the trek.Some stairsteps to start things out.A brief pause to wait for the fat old guy and take in the view.Still a misty morning.Let the climbing begin.Up we go.Much like on Monday, I was really struggling at the beginning of the climb. So much so that I was having an internal debate about the wisdom of turning around and going back down.The view from halfway up.I kept going with the group, and eventually, my second wind kicked in, and I felt much stronger.Still climbing. This up wasn’t as long as Monday’s Hash, but it was every bit as challenging. Dealing with the tall thatch grass exacerbates everything.The view from here.This was reminiscent of the iconic Hollywood sign in the hills above LA. It used to read “Villanueva,” a candidate during the recent barangay elections.We still had a bit more altitude to achieve.This spot had an otherworldly feel about it.A familiar peak in the distance.And then our path became more pleasant.A view of the Kalaklan Ridge.Cookie kidsThe end of the down.Walked by a funeral/memorial taking place. You see a banner like this, and there will be an awning with tables and chairs on the side of the road. Friends and family gather and just hang out playing cards and the like. On the second or third day, the coffin and body are displayed. The coffin was out and open as we walked by. I didn’t take a picture out of respect, of course, but I did leave some candy for the mourners on the table. Rest in Peace, Jennifer. Thirty is far too young to leave this world.We finished our hike at Dynamite Dick’s. I hadn’t seen Dick (on the right) since last year.From Dick’s I could see that sign on top of the first hill we climbed.Just a tad over 5K yesterday.
In other news, Swan started a new job yesterday. She’s a part-time waitress at the Subiza Beach Resort on Baloy. Her shift is 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and for now, she only works on Wednesday and Thursday. She wanted to work, even though she doesn’t need to work as I would, of course, support her as needed, in addition to her monthly allowance. I’m in favor of whatever makes her happy.
I did the feeding at Hideaway last night. They are down to four girls now, and I was the only customer. Not sure what’s going on with that. I had some SOB coupons to expend, so I made my way to Green Room and stayed for a couple of beers. Next up was Wet Spot, and it was pretty dead as well. I decided to make it an early night, so I could be home when Swan returned from work.
I brought Swan a pecan pie, her favorite, and awaited her arrival on the front porch. When the trike pulled up a little after eight, I pulled out my wallet intending to pay the fare but Swan beat me to it. So, when she came up to me, I handed her the fifty peso note. And she refused to take it, saying I give her enough already and she could manage her budget. I tried again and she still wouldn’t accept my gift. So, I threw the money on the ground, grabbed a beer, and went up to the roof to pout. Yeah, I can be a real asshole sometimes. I don’t handle rejection well, and I thought it was rude to not appreciate my kind gesture. Anyway, I eventually regained my sanity, we talked it through and made peace before going to bed.
Swan made me breakfast this morning, we walked the dogs together, and then I walked her to work. You live, and you learn, and you grow together.
My plan tonight will be to imbibe on Baloy and visit Swan’s workplace before she gets off so we can ride home together. I’ll pay for the trike!
Facebook memories took me back to my final 8th Army days six years ago, when I participated in a meet and greet with the Secretary of the Army.
I’m the civilian in the second row.
I found this on my Facebook feed as well:
Cheaper than a lady drink.
In the land of Star Trek there is this:
They love John Deere green…
One bad pun deserves another:
And that’s just about enough for now, don’t you think?
Yesterday’s big adventure was my weekly shopping excursion to the Royal supermarket on the old Navy base. For no particular reason, I decided to document the trip and share it with you here. You are welcome!
As usual, my driver, Danny, arrived on time and ready to provide transportation.Swan and my helper, Teri, also came along to provide their assistance.It’s about 6K to Royal on the National HighwayA view from the highway along the way.SBMA (the former Navy base) is on the other side of this river. Back in the day, the sailors called it Shit River, apparently because that is what it was full of.SBMA features many good dining options. Since moving here I’ve not tried this Shakey’s. As a kid growing up in Southern Cal, Shakey’s was THE place for pizza. I believe nearly all the USA franchises are closed now, but it remains very popular in the Philippines.A quiet SBMA street. Trikes and Jeepneys are not allowed, and you don’t encounter the shanty towns and squalor so prevalent right outside the gate. I looked at some housing options here before moving, but decided it didn’t feel like living in the Philippines.The BPI ATM at Harbor Point Mall, where I withdraw my weekly supply of cash (40,000 pesos).Next stop, the Royal Duty Free store. Let’s get started!Grab a cart, girls.First things first, Swan’s bottle of wine.I don’t drink much beer at home, but I’ll down a case of Coke Zero every week.Who’s getting the water?Fine, I’ll do it!Restocking my cookies for the kiddies.Food and lodging are part of my helper’s compensation package, so she gets what she needs each week.Same with Swan.Those brownies and muffins ain’t gonna make themselves. I do it the easy way and get good results (or at least no one knows the difference).It stinks having gas while shopping… Joking, I’m looking at salsa options.The healthy sectionMeat and frozen foodsAn overflowing cart at the checkout counter.Ready to pay the piper.Ouch!It’s a good thing I’m “rich”Loaded up and ready to head home with this week’s bounty.And yes, there was indeed some Royal tea in my shopping cart!
But there is more to a Tuesday than shopping alone. There is also drinking to be done, and when beer o’clock rolled around, Swan and I walked to Baloy Beach for our weekly visit to the Kokomo floating bar.
On the raft and heading for the floater!We arrived in plenty of time to enjoy the sunset.It was not really crowded when we arrived.But it wasn’t long before another raft load of guests came aboard.Yep, Kalaklan Ridge is still where we left it.When I was house hunting prior to my move, I wanted this place really bad. It was newly built and vacant. But the foreigner who had it built got disappeared and his body never found. The house remains vacant to this day.Time to get started.There you goUntil next timeMe and my gal.
When we departed the floater we headed to Treasure Island for some dinner.
I went with a grilled chicken leg.And Swan enjoyed some fried chicken wings.
It was a nice night out.
I hope there are no spelling errors in this post. You can’t even trust a dictionary these days, it seems:
It reminds me of the time I looked up the definition of “inexplicable,” and it said, “cannot be explained.” So, I still don’t know the meaning of that word.
Some things are better left unshared:
I showed this to Swan, and she laughed and laughed. Then said, “You’ve been warned.”
Sadly, this is a real thing:
It’s especially embarrassing when I’m out in public with the tell-tale wet spot running down my leg.
Don’t worry, I’ve still got the Star Trek memes to share.
And two in the pink…Just show her your fingers, Spock!
I reckon that’s just about enough for today, don’t you?
Yesterday’s Hash was a long slog but surprisingly enjoyable. About half of the trail was a path I walk regularly, most recently, Sunday morning. The uphill at the end wasn’t steep, but it was lengthy. I’m not sure which is worse–getting your ass kicked but getting it over with or being ground down until you are a wheezing mess. Regardless, I stuck it out and eventually got my second wind. It had been a couple of years since I last hiked up this hill, and I didn’t remember it being quite as difficult, but I was younger and in better shape back then.
The On-Home was at the Hare’s house way out at the end of Rizal Extension. I had three beers there, then left before the Circle rituals began. I wanted to get back down into town before dark, so I hiked the 3K to IDM and enjoyed a couple of more beers. Got some dinner to go from Myleen’s next door (the Flagstaff burrito) and headed home to dine with Swan at my rooftop table. A pleasant way to end the day.
Our trail began right here in Alta VistaOn-On!Heading down to the valleyMostly dirt roadsBeen there done that many times.A valley viewThat rickety bridge again.This begins the section that I infrequently hike.What more do you need?If the bamboo won’t come to you, you go to it.For a first-time Hare, Tiny Cunt did a decent job marking the trail. And getting an arrow and number on this tiny rock was a record-setting accomplishment. I’m not sure how many Hashers actually saw it, but I applaud the effort.A bypass highway is being constructedso folks can avoid Barretto as they journey to Olongapo. I’m looking forward to less traffic in my little town.Yesterday was the first time I’d been out this way since construction began. They seem to be making good progress.Looks to be a solid build.Perhaps it will even withstand rainy seasons to come.The new highway will, of necessity, have to go up and over Kalaklan Ridge, but no one seems to know how and where that will be accomplished.I fear when the highway is completed, the nature of this valley will change from agriculture to suburban sprawl. Presently, the roads here are only suitable for trikes and motorbikes, once cars and trucks have access all bets are off.Meanwhile, us Hashers have some uphill slogging to do. Let’s get going!Never really steep, but seemingly endless.And then, about halfway up, we passed through this old woman’s place. I can’t imagine what it must be like living up here. Well, I can imagine I wouldn’t be able to make it home from the bars at night.I thanked her for allowing us to trespass with a bag of cookies.Taking a rest break in the old woman’s yard.And then it was back to the climbing.It got a bit rocky in places.But at last we made it to the top!Maybe the flat earthers are on to something. A level trail is so much more enjoyable!I guess this would be ideal if you were looking for a peaceful, easy feeling.We’d come too far to let nature’s roadblock stop us!Arriving at Tiny Cunt’s place at last!A good and hard 6K jaunt that left you with a sense of accomplishment at the end.
And there you have the story of another Hash Monday.
It’s hard to see the humor in this one.Hmm, that sounds hauntingly familiar.
Like a Sunday should be. Here’s a taste of the flavors I experienced.
Swan consented to join me on my Sunday stroll.She looks happy to be here.Okay, that’s more like it!The path that path that lies before us.And then a cockfight broke out. “Mine’s bigger,” I thought to myself.A quiet Sunday morning in Marian HillsFor Swan, the best part of our hikes is handing out treats to the kids.The kids love it too.A little sugary energy to make the clothes washing more pleasant.I’d offered Swan a backpack to carry her goodies, but she preferred the bag. It’s a pain to remove the pack to do a handout, and she carries the bag on her shoulder like a purse between stops, so whatever works.Lots of customers along the way yesterday.A sweet shot of Easter Mountain.Rice drying on the road.Enjoy your treats!If it holds me, it will hold her.A housewares vendor had the right of way on Bridge #4 (he got there first).After a quick pee, I had to play catch-up.I love this two-level treehouse.Ben there, done that.A sweetie crossing Bridge #2.A tad over 7K, and Swan handled it like a champ.Swan stopped by the Puregold market in search of some cream cheese. I waited outside and saw a corndog stand someone had raved about on Facebook. So, we ordered a couple to go.Not exactly what I was expecting and really not to my liking, but sometimes you gotta step out of your comfort zone and try the local delicacies.Swan prepared a roast chicken supper for me to enjoy before I headed into town. It was delicious. I had the leftovers for breakfast this morning.Because Swan was using the oven, I couldn’t bake brownies for the Hideaway feeding. The girls seemed happy with the Dunkin’ Donuts.In keeping with my new Sunday traditions, I visited the Arizona floating bar after completing my duties at Hideaway.I arrived in time to enjoy another sunset.I’d never seen the floater this crowded before. Glad they are doing well.Busy beach, tooSwan joined me on boardWait for it……and done!
We did our nightcap at Wet Spot. Aine and Irene were both missing in action. That saved me some money on lady drinks, so I decided to splurge on this:
Two of these pecan pies from Sit-n-Bull. It doesn’t get any sweeter than that!
A couple of commenters mentioned the lack of drama in my life now that I’m in a relationship. That’s true, but there are always potential landmines where you least expect to find them. At Wet Spot last night, I got up to go to the CR. That’s when I had the bright idea to grab some pecan pie next door at Sit-n-Bull. I used the side exit from Wet Spot and was gone for less than ten minutes. When I came back in through the front door with the pies, Swan had a weird expression on her face. She loves pecan pie, so I was expecting something more gleeful. Swan told me that when I didn’t come back right away from the CR, she assumed I was seeing another girl in the bar. She was happy the sweetness that distracted me was pie. So, everything was good after that, and it never reached the level of drama. I still need to watch my step, though.
Home early for pecan pie a la mode and a re-watch of the “Shameless” episode I’d slept through the night before. And now it’s Hash Monday, and the trail starts here in Alta Vista, so that will be convenient. In fact, my stroll yesterday covered a good bit of today’s trail, except for the climbing part. It’s alright; I’m up for it. (ahem)
How about some food puns today?
Okay, I’ll let it be for now. More of this banality tomorrow. Come back and see!
I had no idea this song originated in the 1920s.
I may have to travel back in time and look her up. Don’t tell Swan!
Saturday was pretty much a nothing day. A morning doctor appointment usurped my usual walk, and after that, I just lazed around the house until mid-afternoon. I went out a little after three, got a haircut, and then set my mind on where I might go to ingest some brewed beverages. I considered Snackbar as an option, but as I approached I recalled my dissatisfaction with my last visit, so I kept on walking up Baloy Road. As I strolled past Harley’s, I thought to myself that I needed to add it to my rotation–it has the open-air seating I like and some great bay views. It looked crowded yesterday, so I didn’t stop. I figured I’d pop into McCoy’s for a beer, then continue down the beach to either the floating bar or Laharnyz.
The view from my stool at McCoy’s
Almost as soon as I sat down, this young woman came up and gave me a big hug. I had no clue who she might be, but I played along as if I did. Then she revealed she had been my waitress at the Green Room for Friday’s SOB. How quickly I forget! She was there with another girl and that girl’s boyfriend, an American (retired Air Force) who had recently moved to the Philippines. Mike came over, introduced himself, and sat next to me. We had a nice chat, and I gave him some tips on making life more convenient here (like the best company to use for wire transfers). One beer led to several, and I spent my entire evening at McCoy’s.
My new friend Mike and the Green Room waitress whose name I’ve already forgotten (again).
I stepped out onto the beach to get some pics of my surroundings.
The sun setting behind the mountains.The beachThe beach in the other directionThe part of McCoy’s I was sitting in…And then Swan joined me.The sun finished going down.I was feeling hungry, so I ordered this “taco.” It was okay, or as my daddy used to say, fair to middlin’.One of the reasons I infrequently visit McCoy’s is the loud, bad videoke singing. At least they’ve moved the machine to the outside seating area.My pal Erik also showed up.
No need for a nightcap last night, I’d had enough. Went home, turned on Netflix, and missed an episode of “Shameless.”
Swan documented the reason why–sleep rendered me unconscious on the couch.
It was something different for a Saturday. Met someone new, and had a decent time in a Filipino hangout. My plan for later today is the Sunday Hideaway feeding and then a couple of hours on the Arizona floating bar. Yep, I’m a creature of habit.
I’m not sure why this made me think of Kevin Kim.Well, that would be one way to make a big splash on Broadway.
The Star Trek meme for today:
Okay, I’ll say some “Our Fathers” to absolve my self of guilt for posting this. Well, I won’t, but I’ll say I did. What’s the word for that? Oh, liar.
Today’s song is a 1965 hit from the McCoys. I remembered it from my youthful days and even recalled the lyrics, but I’d never seen the video. That girl dancing was mesmerizing. At least for me. Her name is Lisa Dalton, and there is a really interesting backstory to her appearance in this video. Check it out if you are so inclined. Meanwhile, enjoy a trip back in time with “Hang On Sloopy.”
Yes, the poster of this on YouTube spelled McCoys wrong…
You don’t have to go far in my neck of the woods to change your view. Our Friday group hike demonstrated that loud and clear. A Jeepney ride three kilometers out of town, then a climb up to Kalaklan Ridge, a stroll through a hillside graveyard (nobody whistled), and a long, wet walk on the beach. It doesn’t get much better than that.
It was interesting heading up to the ridgeline again so soon after Monday’s Hash. The trail we took up was within a hundred yards of where the Hash began, but it was a completely different path and experience. For one thing, half the climb was on steps. Most of the rest of the way up was through a hillside shanty village. The big difference came in making a right turn at the ridge (the Hash trail had turned left), which provided a gentle descent instead of the arduous climb in the opposite direction.
It had been a couple of years since I last hiked through the cemetery, so that felt like a fresh adventure. Same with walking the beach from the lighthouse back to Barretto. There had been some changes on the shoreline that necessitated wading into the bay in several places. We were fortunate it was low tide. Otherwise, our route wouldn’t have been walkable.
Lots of pictures taken along the way, and here they are:
We had six in attendance this week.Up we go!On the rocksLife can be hardA roof over your head is all you need, I suppose. Not the life for me, however.Friendly locals were the first cookie recipients of the day.Woo Hoo! Ridgeline achieved.A pleasant downhill stroll lay ahead of us.A view of Olongapo CityAnd on the other side of the ridge, Subic Bay.That’s Scott capturing the view.And the view from the graveyard is to die for!The cemetery is monumental.A good reminder that achieving old age is a blessing. Making our way back down to the highwayShow us the way, Jim!Heading down to the beachI’m coming, I’m coming!Time to rest and regroupThen on to the waterOn the beachOff the beach for a bitIt’s drier up here.StrollersBack on the sandI should claim 1/3 ownership in that boat. At least they spelled my name right!Sometimes there’s just no getting around it. Wet feet, here we come!Trudging on with squishy feetThe inflatable island…actually, we saw two of these monstrosities on our beach walk.A rocky outcrop up aheadTwo options: over like Jim…Or around like Gary.Getting close to Barretto now.Is social distancing still a thing?Where the river meets the bay. Our final opportunity to dampen our feet.My shoes at the end of the hike.The route we took
I had to hurry home to shower and blog; then, it was off to the VFW for the AGPU meeting. I had done some looking for a new Hash truck, but it turns out the Hash is losing money every month, so there is no budget for that. We did elect a new GM:
Congratulations, Buddy Fucker. Our former GM is president of the local VFW chapter and decided he has too many irons in the fire. Good luck to you, Derby.
So, the meeting was over at 3:00–too late to go back home and too early to start drinking. I resolved the dilemma by drinking anyway. I began at Sloppy Joe’s, then moved to the Green Room when they opened at 4:00. The Green Room was hosting the SOB, so I secured the best seats in the house by arriving early.
Swan arrived just before 6:00. The fake smile made me look drunker than I actually was.That’s my only SOB photo, but it came out pretty well.
I was past the stage of had enough when the show ended at 8:00. Still managed to enjoy an episode of “Shameless” before bed.
This morning I decided to bake a batch of blueberry muffins. And then I saw this:
Those black specks in the mix are bugs. And they were alive and moving around. I can only surmise that they hatched in the unopened package, otherwise I have no idea how they got in there. That was a first for me. I’m glad I spotted them before baking.
I had a follow-up appointment with the ENT doc who performed my surgery this morning, and she seemed pleased with the results of my healing. So there’s that.
And here’s something I haven’t seen before–a Lord of the Rings meme/joke:
Just another bump in the road to Mordor.
Today’s Star Trek smile:
I didn’t see that coming…
I’ll close with these words of wisdom that appeared in my Facebook memories:
Maybe I’ll get it right this time.
Sometimes the light's all shining on me
Other times I can barely see
Lately it occurs to me
What a long, strange trip it's been.
That’s the first time I’ve ever seen my name spelled like that.Some bars make you initial for every drink you order to cut down on drunken disputes later.
Just back from my Friday group walk at 11:30. I have the Hash AGPU (Annual Group Piss Up) meeting at 2:00, so this post will be a quickie.
Swan joined me for my Thursday Solo (nee couple) hike through San Isidro, Calpacuan, and Matain.
Swan has her bag full of cookies and popsicles to hand out along the way.Over the river at Bridge #3Purok 3 in San IsidroThat mountain we climb on Easter.
As we passed the Divine Mercy Memorial Park, Swan asked if we could stop for a minute to say hello to her mother. Her brother is also buried there.
Her mother was born one month before me.Back on the road.Another hot, sunny day.And then I saw God.Swan made lots of kids happy on our walk.McDonald’s continues to spread its influence all over town.A subtle message.I’m waiting for the inevitable war between the Jollibee and Ronald McDonald.Right around 7K. Swan held up much better this time.
Later in the day, Swan went for a massage, and I went to Cheap Charlies. She met me there when she was done with her rubdown.
The view outside from CC’s.The inside view. Those are a couple of two-week millionaires buying multiple double lady drinks for most of the girls in the bar. Hey, better them than me!
We had some food delivered from Foodies, the restaurant downstairs from Cheap Charlies.
Swan had a chicken quesadilla.I went with the sweet and sour pork and it was better than I expected.
We did our nightcap at Alaska, then called it an early night and headed home. Two more “Shameless” episodes (I am into Season 7 now) then off to bed.
On the dog walk this morning I saw that I’ll be getting some new neighbors.
It appears I can look forward to more noise in the near future.
And that brings you up to date. I’m planning to do the SOB this evening at The Green Room. A full report tomorrow.
As a former HR professional, this one really resonates. This one won’t offend anyone.
A good reminder yesterday that sometimes taking a chance and changing things up can result in a pleasant experience. The group hike with the Wednesday Walkers provided that opportunity, and we took it.
Four of us met up at our usual gathering spot, the 7/11 on Baloy Road. We discussed various possibilities of where to hike, and the consensus was to get out of town. Gary (a non-Hasher) suggested we do Kalaklan Ridge, but having just hiked it on Monday, I wasn’t ready for a repeat. So, we agreed to take a Jeepney ride to Subic town and do the Philseco Road loop back to the marketplace. Steve wanted to take a detour into the hills, but without an experienced guide with us, I was not confident we would find our way up there. Ultimately, we just headed up the road on the usual route.
Offloading the Jeepney in Subic town.My fellow travelers, (L-R) Erik, Gary, and Steve.Let the adventure begin! Heading up Philseco Road.This is technically a storage lot for recycled garbage. It’s not fenced or organized, and it just looks trashy. Still, I guess it is good to have it all in one place instead of being scattered about town as litter.For a road walk, this one has some nice scenery.The wide shoulders are nice as well.Feeling a little creeky
And then we came upon this narrow passageway:
I must have walked past it a dozen times and never paid it notice.
Someone said I wonder where that leads? Steve responded we should find out. I was the negative Nellie, saying it’s probably a dead end and we’ll have to retreat back. Steve answered, so what? Let’s go for it. I shrugged and said, alright, but I was fully prepared to offer my “I told you so” if it ended badly. It didn’t. I was surprised that it led us past several shanty houses, before turning into a dirt trail through some nice countryside. Best of all, that trail eventually led us back to the road that was our original destination. And it turned out to be a shortcut that was much more pleasant than a street walk. This is the way I’ll be going when I pass by here in the future.
On our pathway through shanty town.On our dirt pathI like the views and the vibes.A tranquil pondBack on the pavement, but there were still nice views to be seen.Then down another narrow passage–one we’ve taken before and was part of our original plan.A gathering of goats.A water crossingLife on the waterside.Alley thugs?Another pond.Stuck in the middle with you.Filipino graffitiCan you make that out? “I love you John Mark” is what it says. This is the second time I’ve encountered that message on one of my hikes. It’s nice to have a secret admirer.I see dead people.Well, we ain’t finished yet. Yesterday’s hike was a good reminder to enjoy life and its challenges while you can.Only about 5.5 kilometers, but a pleasant walk on a hot day.
Lunch, a nap, a blog post, and a shower. And then you know what time it was.
That’s right, beer o’clock!I attended to the Wednesday Hideaway feeding to start things off.
When Swan messaged that she was ready to come out, I suggested we meet at Oasis. I hadn’t been there for a while and thought I might try out their menu for the first time. When Swan arrived, I ordered her drink of choice, a glass of red wine. The waitress came back and advised that they were out of red wine. How does that happen? If you sell enough wine to empty the bottle, you should keep sufficient quantities in stock. The waitress responded, “I’m sorry, I’m just the waitress.” Yeah, I wasn’t blaming her. I know the manager and said I’d take it up with him. Anyway, if I’m running a bar, I’m sending someone across the street to buy a bottle of wine rather than disappoint a customer who was prepared to drop coin on food and beverages for an hour or two. Swan was willing to have a cocktail instead, but I said let’s just go somewhere else, paid for my beer, and left.
Next stop, Sloppy Joe’s. It was good to see Chris and Shay again. Chris was doing the DJ thing, so I had him play a couple of my favorite Traffic songs–a Traffic jam if you will.
I always sit streetside, but there was a decent crowd inside for a Wednesday evening.Me and my girl at Sloppy’s. Sorry about the fake smile; she always insists.
We popped into Green Room for a drink, and I let my regular waitress talk me into a game of pool. She kicked my ass, of course, so I bought her a drink. Then, we headed next door to Wet Spot to finish our night on the town. We finally got to eat when the Sit-n-Bull waitress came by. I had a roast beef dip, and Swan went with buffalo wings. And yes, Aine was there to share in the bounty. It was a good night out.
It was another beautiful morning for a dog walk.I’m sure it is the highlight of the day for my boys.
Swan joined me for my morning hike today, and she handled the 7K jaunt as well as I did. She may have even enjoyed herself. I’ll post some photos of that event tomorrow.
Science has been in the news of late, what with more details of the lies and incompetence during the scamdemic coming to light and the whole global warming/climate change religion being shown to be based on data that doesn’t exist. The science is never settled, and Facebook memories showed me a meme I’d posted back in 2020 that still rings true today:
When the people who say we are in a climate emergency start parking their private jets, maybe I’ll be more inclined to listen to what they have to say.
And my buddy Kevin Kim has seen fit to share a pun on his blog and tag me, so let me slap it up here for your amusement as well.
Good one!
And here’s today’s Star Trek pun:
Hmm, that might be a little flat.
That’s all for now, folks. Hope to see you here again tomorrow.
My Tuesdays are generally nothing to write home about, and yesterday was no exception. Of course, that has never stopped me from blogging about it anyway. So here goes.
Grocery shopping in the morning as usual. And my Tuesday afternoon routine is a walk to Baloy Beach and a visit to the Kokomo floating bar. I baked a batch of brownies for the girls and they got devoured this time, so I guess I satisfied the sweet teeth of the brown knees.
Some of the girls had a bag of McDonald’s delivered.And the fries were buzzin’
On Facebook this morning one of the Baloy resort owners was bitchin’ about customers sneaking in McDonald’s food despite the posted signage saying outside food is not allowed. The advice from commenters was to enforce your rules or shut up–you can’t blame McDonald’s.
One of the views from the floater resonated more than usual.
The part of Kalaklan Ridge I traversed yesterday. My climb began at the arrow on the right. It was a relief to hit the ridge road, And then I remembered I still had to go uphill until I reached the arrow on the left.A Baloy Beach viewAnd the other side. It’s technically called “Baloy Long Beach” because it is one.A “behind” the scenes look at the floater. Sorry to be such an ass.And yes, the sun did go down once again.You can almost set your watch by its descentNice seeing you again!Painting the skyAnd yes, my baby was there to enjoy it with me.
So, the music was fine when I first boarded the floater, but then the volume increased to a level that drowned out any possibility of enjoying the songs. I was a bit surprised because the owner was there and didn’t seem to notice. I asked my waitress if it could be toned down some, and she immediately had the bartender reduce the volume to a tolerable level. With that problem fixed, I was able to rock along with a decent playlist. One of the songs played was “Hotel California,” an old favorite of mine. The next song was “Californication,” and I started thinking, what’s next, “California Dreamin'”?
As a person born and raised in California, the music triggered a flood of memories. It wasn’t a bad place to live as a child. I grew up in Orange County, and in my early years, I was surrounded by orange groves. But they succumbed to a housing boom as subdivisions replaced trees. One of my early childhood memories was having to move because our house was being torn down to build the Garden Grove freeway. I used to ride my bike the eight miles to Huntington Beach and swim in the ocean all day. In those days, my bike ride was mostly through oil fields. They were replaced with houses, too. By 1978, I was twenty-three and married with two kids. The state wanted to bus them to Long Beach to help integrate the schools there. That’s when I knew it was time to leave California behind for good, and the next stop on my life’s journey was Prescott, Arizona.
I don’t know what my new neighbors thought of the California boy moving in, but I became a strident believer in locking the border behind me to keep my new state from becoming Calforniaized.My new home in Arizona.Where does the time go?
Anyway, back here in the present (or yesterday, as it were), Swan and I departed the floater and had a pork chop dinner at DaKudos. We then triked home for some “Shameless” and a good night’s sleep.
Here’s some other stuff I found as I explored the internets:
Hamas lost two of its leaders in one day!Treebeard has retired and moved to the suburbs.Yes, this makes me feel good about myself.A lofty pun, indeed!
One more for the road:
It doesn’t get much lower than that.
Alright, it’s time to shower up and get on with my Wednesday. Hope you check in to see what happened tomorrow.
…doesn’t always win the race, but it usually gets you there alive. That’s how it turned out for me yesterday, at least. I made my long-anticipated return to Kalaklan Ridge, and it was every bit as difficult as I remember. I took my time as I struggled to defy gravity, and in the end, I prevailed. More or less.
The Hash begins at 2 p.m. The trailhead was three kilometers out of town, so I left the house a little after one intending to catch a Jeepney to the start. The first two Jeeps to pass by were full, and as I waited for the next, an empty taxi pulled up. That almost never happens in Barretto (two times in six years for me). I gladly took the comfortable airconditioned option, and the driver charged me 100 pesos (the Jeepney would have been 20), and I threw in a 50 peso New Year’s tip. So, I found myself standing at the beginning of the Hash trail alone at 1:30.
Rather than waiting around for thirty minutes, I decided to get a head start. This was a tad risky for me since I don’t like hiking in the hills alone, especially when I don’t have a clue about what I might encounter. But the Hare is known for a consistently well-marked trail, and as slow as I am, I knew the group would catch up with me before long, so I cautiously but confidently headed out.
And so it begins.Leaving the pavement behind.A meandering path through the woods.The requisite dicey bridge.And then the climbing begins.
I’ve never gone up this way before. It was certainly better than other paths I’ve taken to the top. But there is no easy way, and I was huffing and puffing big time all the way to the ridgeline. It was also a very hot day, which added to the suffering.
A look back down from where I’d been. Still not at the top, though.Under the barbed wire fenceAnd then, the dreaded checkpoint symbol.
I hate checkpoints and this was the second one I’d encountered on yesterday’s trail. When the Hare places the circled X at an intersection it is up to the Hasher to find the true trail. This requires checking out every possible direction until you find a trail marker indicating you are On-On. These marks are usually placed within 50 meters or so. I got lucky and guessed right both times, so I didn’t have to backtrack and look in a different direction.
Looking down on Olongapo towards the old Navy base.And Gordon Heights as seen from Kalaklan.Walking the ridgeline. A bay view from the Barretto side of the ridge.And another from further up the ridgeline.
And then the Hare’s trail took a turn, and I didn’t. I was familiar enough with the area to know that the right turn off the ridge towards Olongapo meant going down and then back up again. Nope, not for me. I still hadn’t recovered from the first climb.
I turned left instead and headed in the direction of Barretto. No one had passed me yet, which meant I would be hiking the rest of the way alone, but thems the breaks.I guess there could be some advantages to living out in the wild, but damn, the commute would be a bitch.I’ve hiked this way often enough to know the Rolly family. I always leave the kids with cookies.And there’s Mr. Rolly. He’s been up here for decades and knows the Hash old timers like Scott by name. Time to head down. Much easier than going up, but gravity is a bitch in both directions.Now, there’s something I haven’t seen before. Wonder what the story is.A hillside village.A peaceful setting as I pass through to Barretto.The way I went.Told you I was taking it slow. Better safe than sorry!
Anyway, I’ll be back for more one day. I do want to do a longer ridgeline trek, but want some company with me.
Hmm, that seems hauntingly familiar. I’m old enough to remember watching this show as a kid. I wonder if any of my readers get the reference?
I just had to go check. Jerry Mathers was born in 1948 and he’s still alive. Way to go, Beaver!
Time for one more?
I don’t get it.[UPDATE: Ah, it’s a song by the Ramones. Thanks to commenter Joe for the heads-up]
Here’s a song my nephew sang at my mother’s wake. She passed thirteen years ago this month.
So may the sunrise bring hope where it once was forgotten Sons are like birds flying always over the mountain
Turning the page once more, and glad to still be in the game.
2023 went out with a bang. Literally. For me, one of the least comprehensible aspects of Filipino culture has been the love of all things loud and the apparent joy in finding creative ways to disturb the peace. And a holiday like New Year’s Eve is the perfect excuse to raise the volume to a whole new level. The most irritating are these hollow tubes that somehow emit a sound like a gunshot, only louder. Then there are those plastic horns that blast a nerve-grating “tune.” Add in the videoke machines and music being played at ear-splitting volumes and you have the unique experience of the local folk welcoming in the new year. And almost every other day of the year. Yeah, yeah, I know. In many US cities, the noise would be coming from real guns and the explosions that come with “peaceful protests.” I’ll continue to count my blessings living here.
Here are some scenes from my 123123:
Yeah, I was surprised to see the snow. Of course, I only saw it on Facebook.Swan joined me for a morning walk on the snowless streets.And some off the street walking too.Swan says her favorite part of our walks is handing out goodies to the kids.The scenery can be nice too.Apparently, a hot and sunny day brings out the Muslim in Swan.Ain’t we sweet?
Swan invited me to join the New Year’s celebration with her family, but I’m just not “up” for midnight celebrations. So, she spent the afternoon making preparations and I tended to my Sunday feeding at Hideaway.
I mapped my final walk of the year to Hideaway just for the hell of it. It turns out it is just over 1.6K from my house. That little bump at Ilollo Street is my stop at Jewel Cafe to place the food order.
With the feeding completed, I strolled out onto the beach and made my way to the Arizona floating bar. Swan joined me there.
Looking up the beach to Kalaklan Ridge. I’ll be there soon.And I made it aboard in time to enjoy the sunset.Waiting for the raft to come fetch me.Looking back from whence I came–the Arizona Resort
Are you ready to watch the sun go down again?
My favorite view from the floater.It never gets oldSee you next year, sunshine!
Swan wanted to take a picture of us together.
That’s my natural pose.But Swan insisted that I smile this time, so I forced it.
Once it was dark, I could see that the mountain on the Subic side of the bay was on fire.
It was massive but hard to get a decent photo of.That’s my zoom shot.
I’m pretty sure it was the annual grass-burning ritual, but I hesitate to call it a “controlled” burn. I have no idea how they manage not to burn it all, but looking at the mountain this morning, I can see the fire is out and can’t detect any evidence that anything was destroyed. Go figure.
Swan and me had our nightcap at BarCelona. We were supposed to meet a friend of hers there, but he didn’t show up. Got back home a little after eight and the noise from across the river was already crazy loud. I closed the door to my bedroom patio and turned on the seldom-used aircon (I prefer fans) to drown out some of the sounds so we could get some sleep. Swan set her alarm for eleven, and her brother came and picked her up to join the family gathering. The partying/noise-making going on outside now made it impossible for me to get back to sleep, so by golly, I was actually awake when the new year rolled in.
And at the stroke of midnight, all hell broke loose across the river from my place.
The fireworks were quicker than my camera (or my ability to use said camera), but I had a great view of the show.These were private launches from different locations, but still good to watch.The weirdest one was this solitary red light. It was much higher in the sky than the other displays, and it stayed up there, never exploding, and seemed to defy gravity. Made me wonder if it was a drone or something.
Anyway, around 12:30, things died down enough that I could go back to sleep. Swan returned home a little before 4 a.m., crawled into bed beside me, and that’s how our new year together began.
I came across this article about age gap relationships and kept thinking: you ain’t seen nothing like what we have here in the PI. I’ll be 69 this year, and Swan will turn 40. And Swan is one of the oldest gals I’ve dated since moving here. Regular readers will recall my brief fling with an eighteen-year-old last year. That was too weird even for me–especially when my granddaughter celebrated her eighteenth while I was still with Mary. Nope, no can do.
Then again, age is just a number, right?
Then I found a link to this article about tipping culture. Now, back in the USA, I was your standard 20% tipper unless I received poor service. I soon discovered that other expat nationalities despise that American custom and revile us for spoiling the ladies. I don’t give a shit about that, but over my time here, I’ve made some adjustments in my manner of tipping. Ten percent is my baseline, but there are exceptions. One thing I learned early on is that in many venues, you are not tipping your server; it goes into a community jar. And when I found out that some businesses take a cut of the tips, I changed my strategy. Now, if I can’t tip the girl directly (usually by sticking it in her pocket or cleavage), I only leave change in the tray. That’s just the way I roll these days.
Speaking of rolling, it’s Hash Monday. And today is a special one for me–my Hashaversary. Yep, it was six years ago today I lost my Hash virginity. I blogged about it here.
About to be deflowered.“What doesn’t go in you, goes on you. Just like a blowjob.”
I was still a tourist back then. The woman next to me is Gemma, a gal I met on one of the dating sights. I saw her a couple of times after I moved here and thought we were friends. Until she scammed me for a thousand bucks (the biggest of several times I’ve been scammed). Last I heard, she was in Israel. Let’s hope her bad Karma didn’t follow her there.
I’ve gotten a lot better at abiding by Rule #1 (don’t be a sucker), but there is always room for improvement.
Anyway, for today’s Hash, Leech My Nuggets is the Hare. His trails are never easy but always well-marked, so it’s hard to get lost. Scott sent me an advance look at the trail, and it will be a challenge.
Yes, indeed. We are going to the top of Kalaklan Ridge. Well, shit. I’ve been talking tough these past few weeks, and now my bluff is being called. But it’s a special occasion, and I’m going to give it a shot. If I can make it up, I should be okay. Although the down appears awfully steep, too.
Assuming I survive, I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
I hadn’t considered that.Let’s hope the evil Krayons don’t capture them.
Alrighty then, on with the year! As always, thanks for dropping by.
I usually do a street stroll for my solo Saturday walk, but yesterday I had a hankering to hike the My Bitch trail one last time this year. And once again Swan surprised me by offering to join me. This was especially nice because I get a little nervous alone up in the hills. I just can’t seem to stop my mind from thinking about all the trouble one false step could get me into. Anyway, it’s good to have a companion along on the trail.
Let’s do that Bitch!And just so there is no misunderstanding, this is NOT the bitch I’m referring to…Where the pavement ends and My Bitch begins…Most of the trail has a woodsy feel about it. Some gentle ups and downs, but not an ass-kicker.A cookie delivery to the young girl doing laundry in the creek…There’s that Kalaklan Ridge thing again.The grass is still high in places. Burn, baby, burn!A shady spot to rest.The Easter Mountain shot.The path aheadA Swan in the woods.The best part of the hills versus streets is that you can catch some shade under the trees.Oh yeah, and no cars!Time to step down.On the road again.
It was a pleasant 5K stroll, and Swan seemed to enjoy it. She joined me again this morning but cautioned it was for the last time—this year. Fair enough.
Swan has been joining me for my nighttime activities as well, but advises she’ll be seeking employment in the new year so she is taking advantage of the opportunity to spend time together while she can. I usually leave the house around four and she joins me around six, so I still have time out alone. Last night I hung with Chris and Shyrel at Sloppy Joe’s.
When Swan arrived, I was ready for some dinner. We went to Mylene’s and sat down to order. The waitress advised that the kitchen was swamped with orders and it would be thirty minutes before our meal could be prepared. I didn’t want to wait, so we said next time and got up to leave. The owner apologized, but hey, I appreciated the heads up and was glad they were doing such good business. Oh, and Mike, the fellow WHS grad I met on Friday, was eating there—small-town life in a small-world scenario.
Plan B was Jewel Cafe, a couple of blocks further up the highway. And by golly, right after we sat down, the waitress advised the kitchen was very busy, and it would be thirty minutes before our food would be prepared. It seemed the fates had ruled against dining out with my girl on a Saturday night, so we went to Wet Spot instead. I did order an enchilada from Sit-n-Bull while there, but eating in a bar isn’t as appealing as it might sound.
Naturally, Aine joined us at our table in Wet Spot. I’m fine with that.
I may have had a beer or two over my limit and had a misunderstanding (alright, I was a dick) with Swan after we arrived home. I apologized this morning, and we are back to normal again.
Facebook memories reminded me of my hill climbing in Korea six years ago.
It was a little chillier there.
I’ve resolved to make no resolutions for the new year.
Onward and upward!
In life, you have to be yourself–everyone else is already taken.