Tuesday is in the books, my shelves are restocked with groceries, and I’m still among the living. Hard to top that!
My big event was a visit to Dr. Jo to review the results of my recent bloodwork. It wasn’t quite as good as I hoped it would be, but not so bad that I’m hopeless. Comparing the results of my previous test in May and this one, here’s the lowdown:
My uric acid is high. Up from 438.74 to 529.52 (high normal is 416)
My fasting blood sugar is high. Up from 6.35 to 6.49 (high normal is 5.49)
I also have increased levels of kidney enzymes:
Blood Urrea Nitrogen. Up from 4.20 to 6.80 (high normal is 8.33)
Creatine. Up from 82.0 to 102.0 (high normal is 104)
In the good news department, my cholesterol is down.
So, I have a couple of new meds to try for the next thirty days. And I have to develop more discipline in my daily dietary habits. Back on low carb and limited sugar intakes. My motivation is not to become diabetic like my mother was and to avoid kidney failure. Wish me luck.
After the doctor’s appointment, I hiked out to Baloy Beach to do my Tuesday gig on the floating bar.
It was only 3:30 when I arrived and the sun was still high in the sky.In an unusual turn of events, I got to sit with some blokes I actually know–Alex on the left, an old dart buddy, and fellow Hasher Steve in the middle. Gary is the guy on the end, and I enjoyed making his acquaintance. An old Navy guy who lived on Baloy in 1985. He has a Filipina wife he’s been with for forty years now. Time was passing as I awaited Swan’s arrival.The girls broke into a dance.The raft carrying Swan approached.Welcome aboard, sweetheart! Glad you are so happy to see me!The moment I’d been waiting for was approaching.A pretty good crowd for a Tuesday.Get down!Swan and the Kokomo owner’s wife hit it off.Going……going……gone!
And when the sun goes, so do we. This time, we visited DaKudos for our supper.
We shared this plate of grilled porkchops.Another nice night out together.
Via Facebook memories came this from five years ago:
Before Lucky was lucky. He was tied up on a short rope with no food or water. I adopted him a couple of days later.
And in the sad news department, Toby Keith has died at 62. I first became familiar with Keith as a performer when I heard “Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue,” which resonated with me after seeing the 9/11 attacks up close and personal in DC. That event also transformed me from a Democrat voter to a person who puts America first. And I hear this song frequently played in The Hideaway Bar and others:
You left us too soon. Rest in peace!
Today’s Quora Q&A question:
Q: If you could go back to 1986 and restart your life from that moment, would you do it?
A: Yes, I would. There would be lots of IPO stocks to buy.
Today’s funnies:
Like looking in a mirror.Ferme la bouche
Alright, got to run. I have a birthday party to attend to at Hideaway this evening.
It’s funny the things you remember sometimes. When I was thinking about how to characterize how I spent my time yesterday, the word “satisfice” came to mind. Then, I recalled the days when I was climbing the ladder through levels of government bureaucracy as a supervisor and manager for Uncle Sam. Periodically, we’d be sent to training seminars at the taxpayers’ expense to learn skills to become more effective leaders. At one such session, I was introduced to the concept of satisficing. Contrary to most of my training, this tidbit proved useful over the years. The way the instructor explained it, as managers, we had to both make efficient use of our time and encourage the growth and development of our subordinates. An example I remember from the training went something like this: You assign a staff member to write a policy memo. When you are provided a draft for review, you find that while it conveys the purpose adequately, it is not written in the manner you prefer. So, you can reject the work and have it redone, or you can waste your own precious time rewriting it yourself. The third option was to accept that while it was not done the way you would have, it did serve to communicate the policy’s intent–it satisfices. Over the years, many things passed my desk for approval, and I would invoke that mantra in acceptance. I did a quick Google search of the word today and was surprised to see a Wikipedia entry for satisficing. They describe a more scientific approach than I took, but the idea is pretty much the same.
About yesterday, then. I mentioned that I had decided to forego the Hash, but I needed to determine how I might best fill those hours in a meaningful way. But as I considered options, nothing particularly appealed to me. I hadn’t spent any time over the weekend in the bars of Barretto, and oddly enough, I wasn’t missing that scene. I thought about doing my own hike, but I wasn’t feeling up for a solo walk either. In the end, I walked across town to John’s place, ordered the Korean wings to go, and took them across the street to Hideaway to share with the crew since I hadn’t been there for the Sunday feeding.
After an hour, I moved on. Blue Butterfly Bar was sold and is now called Roadhouse. I like that name much better. I dropped in to see what was up, but other than some new signage and fewer girls, it didn’t seem much different. I had one beer there and departed. Now what? As I stood on the highway, considering the multiple bar options surrounding me, nothing appealed more than the thought of going back home. So, that’s what I did after stopping in at Sit-n-Bull for some pecan pie (Swan’s favorite) to take with me.
When I walked through the door, I put the pie on the counter, grabbed a beer, and headed up to the roof. Swan was already there enjoying a glass of wine and was happy to have me join her.
The sun was mostly gone by now, but the sky still was full of color.We had some music playing, and Swan was rocking the rocker (which is why the photo is blurry).The night was young.
Later, we went downstairs with the intention to watch some “Shameless,” but for some reason, Netflix wouldn’t load on the TV. We settled for a couple of YouTube videos, then headed off to bed for some bliss before sleep.
It was a far from perfect day, but it satisficed.
Today’s Quora Q&A (from November 2022):
Q: What would you say to someone if they became a millionaire overnight?
A: Sharing is caring.
Today’s attempts at humor:
Stop, you’re killing me!Reminds me of the Meatloaf song: So now I’m praying for the end of time To hurry up and arrive ‘Cause if I gotta spend another minute with you I don’t think that I can really survive I’ll never break my promise or forget my vow But God only knows what I can do right now I’m praying for the end of time It’s all that I can do (ooh, ooh) Praying for the end of time So I can end my time with you
We’ll so something a little more upbeat for today’s song:
The brownout party at the Rite Spot On The Roof turned out to be a lot of fun. It was also a bit of a marathon for a lightweight like me, with the first guests arriving just before noon and the last departure around 9 p.m. During the course of the event, we downed over fifty(!) beers, and the lady folk enjoyed several bottles of wine. There were lots of compliments on the chili and corn muffins, and we didn’t have many leftovers from the other food offerings. I think at the peak, we had fifteen or so in attendance, which was a better turnout than I expected. Ironically, we had ANOTHER brownout late in the afternoon, although this one only lasted thirty minutes. The neighbor said it was scheduled, but I hadn’t heard about it. Anyway, the attendees all said they had a good time, and that’s what a party is for, so I’m calling it a success!
The party was slated to begin at one, but Gem messaged they had to check out of the hotel at noon but would stop by before departing for Manila. So, we started the party early.The rest of Gem’s crew.
I have to conclude that the visit wasn’t about me, and I never got a clear understanding of what was going on with Gem’s situation. She said she has an Israeli significant other, but he is currently visiting Thailand. So, maybe she’s just trying to fill in space until he returns. Anyway, it is nice to be remembered after five years, and I hope things work out well for her.
Pancit was ready for the early arrivalsAnd Christian, Inday’s guy, manned the grill.Kebabs coming up!And the lumpia was served.Then the white folk began arriving.It was too early in the day to enjoy a sunset, so I arranged a fire for my guest’s entertainment.(joke lang)The zoom view. I’ve climbed that hill before, and there is a squatter shanty about halfway up. Hope everyone is okay.Dr. Jo and hubby Chris joined in the fun.The Filipina tableWine, meat on a stick, and cheesecake is how they roll.The testosterone table.Let the good times roll!The party in full swing.As I feared, the afternoon timing of the gathering put us at the mercy of this beast.
The shade provided by the roof was inadequate, and throughout the afternoon, we were rearranging tables and chairs to try and capture what shade we could find.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. Christian hung some sheets to block the sun, but damn, him standing on that railing was freaking me out. A misstep would likely be fatal from up there (a three-story fall)and he’d had some beers.A shady spot. Good job, Christian. I’m going to buy some roll-up bamboo blinds to install before the next gathering.But eventually, the problem disappeared.Happy girls. Wine will do that.The lights of the city.Dave and Jo were the last guests to depart. Thanks to my co-hostess, Swan, for all her hard work.
The best damn party I’ve attended all year, if I do say so myself. Good times!
One of my guests, Jim, gifted me one of my favorite treats. He had his sister include it for me in a care package she mailed from the USA. Thanks again!Another guest, Ron, thought the party was for my birthday, and gifted me this shirt and shorts. It fits!
And now, it is Hash Monday, but after a careful assessment, I’ve decided not to participate today. Vienna Sausage (Guenter) is the Hare, and his trails don’t suit my survival instincts. Strike one. The trail begins at Court 4, near the end of Rizal Extension, which makes it very inconvenient for me to reach (it’s all uphill, and some trikes have difficulty getting there). Strike 2. The On-Home is at a Hasher’s house (Always Wet) and is also at the end of Rizal Extension. That makes getting back home, especially after drinking and in the dark, problematic. Strike 3. Yeah, maybe I’m a wuss, but I don’t expect I’d have a good time, so what’s the point?
I’m not sure what I’m going to do in lieu of the Hash. Fact is, I’m concerned about some lung issues I’m experiencing. Even on the morning dog walk today, I was huffing and puffing. I’ll see Dr. Jo tomorrow, but I may go back to the pulmonary specialist for some advice on minimizing my breathing difficulties.
Today’s Quora Q&A (someone’s question, my answer):
Q: Do people regret moving from their original home country and living abroad permanently or do they feel it was a good decision? If so, what makes them feel that way?
A: I’ve been living in the Philippines for over five years now. No regrets whatsoever. Every time I read the news from back home in the USA I am so thankful to be far away from the nightmare my country of birth has become. Of course, the Philippines is far from perfect, but I’ll take the ups and downs that come with living here over the vanilla American lifestyle any day.
Now for the funny business:
LSD=Let Shoes Dance!Unless you were lying down.
Alright, that’s all for now. Thanks for stopping by.
Which version of this song is best?
While I like them both, I’ve got to go with the upbeat sound of the original by The Drifters.
More or less. Yesterday’s brownout ran a bit longer than scheduled, with power being restored at 6:20 rather than the promised 6 p.m. Early this morning, while I was doing my usual internet browsing, the lights went out again. In typical unscheduled brownout fashion, things were back up and running within thirty minutes or so. Until the next one.
There is an all-day scheduled brownout in Barretto today (I’m on the Subic grid, so it doesn’t impact me), and in a show of sympathy and brotherhood to my comrades in the Barrio, I’m hosting a rooftop party this afternoon featuring cold beer and a variety of food offerings.
I’m unsure how many will show up, so I made a triple batch of chili, the biggest in my history. I hope I got the mix of ingredients correct in the large version.
So, I filled the brownout hours by taking care of some business and then heading out of town to Pundaquit in San Antonio. The business part was picking up my blood work results, then hitting Royal for more beer, some snacks, and another table for the rooftop.
After dropping off my purchases at home, I had my driver take us to Baloy Beach to meet up with Gem and her five companions. I had assumed it was all females in her group, but it turns out three of them were guys. Younger guys, so I hesitate to call them couples. Anyway, my driver said we could squeeze all six in his vehicle, but Gem and her friends opted to take their own vehicle and follow us. Sounded good to me.
I’m not sure who was driving Gem’s car, but I was impressed with his ability to keep up with my crazy driver, Danny. Danny seemed to be as well, saying he must be from Manila (where crazy driving is mandatory). My first stop in Pundaquit (a 45-minute drive) was the Car Wash bar and restaurant, my favorite venue there. It was lunchtime, and I was hungry and, of course, thirsty.
I hadn’t seen or heard from Gem in five years. I’m still not sure if the visit was about me or just getting out of town.
Gem has been living in Israel and said it had been scary times since the latest outbreak of war, with her city being subject to frequent rocket attacks. I can’t imagine that nightmare. I dropped some hints about the purpose of her visit, but she didn’t have much of anything to say in that regard. The money issue didn’t come up directly, but she did pay for our lunch, so there’s that.
I had the everything burger…Swan had pork ribs.
I asked Gem what they wanted to do after lunch, and she said her friends wanted to go swimming. I assumed that meant on the nice ocean beach in Pundaquit, but no, they wanted to return to their hotel and swim in Subic Bay. Well, I still had hours of brownout ahead of me, and Gem assured me they could find their way back without us, so we said our goodbyes. Her crew is supposed to join the rooftop party this afternoon. We shall see.
Swan’s sister and her family had also escaped the brownout by visiting Pundaquit, so we stopped in at Monty’s Resort to pay them a visit.
Half the group was swimming in the river; the other half were enjoying Monty’s pool.I sat at the bar and chatted with these gents (the guy on the right is Swan’s brother-in-law, Jack.)When it was time to head home, I fetched Danny, who’d been napping in the riverside nipa hut.
Being home with no power sucks. Without fans, it is uncomfortably hot. I tried to nap a bit on the couch where I could catch a breeze through the window, but I didn’t achieve forty winks. So, I headed up to the roof to wait things out.
Set up my new table and chairs.Watched the sun do its thing.Buddy kept watch on the road down below.Lazy Lucky just chilled out.And as the sun disappeared, the lights finally came back on.
I finished my beer, went downstairs, turned on the fan and the TV, and enjoyed a few more episodes of “Shameless.” I had a good night’s sleep, then up this morning to start the party prep.
No RSVPs, so no clue. But I can comfortably accommodate up to twenty guests, I think. I’m cooking the chili here rather than carrying a hot crockpot up those stairs again.Forty-eight San Mig Zeros……and forty-eight San Miguel Lights.
And yes, I’ve got them on ice now. When it comes to beer, I’m not worried about leftovers. I spend a lot more time at home these days!
Swan and Teri preparing more food selections…lumpia and……kebabsI baked some cornbread muffins to go with the chiliAnd brownies for dessertSwan made this cherry cheesecake.
Tomorrow I’ll tell you how it went.
Today’s Quora Q&A:
Q: What is the difference between a restroom and a bathroom? What do they call it in other English speaking countries, if anything at all?
A: In the Philippines, they are called a CR—comfort room.
And for your amusement:
Gandalf visited the Philippines and met some bargirls…lucky wizard!I only posted this one because that Vulcan gal is so damn cute.
I’m in the dark this morning and operating on battery power, so I’m going to knock out this post as quick as I can, while I can.
Yesterday Swan joined me on an end-to-end hike of the My Bitch trail. It’s been quite some time since I’ve done the entire length. To make it a tad more interesting (for me), I did the photo every 1000 steps routine. Here’s how it came out:
Zero steps on the front porch1000 steps. A goat road as we left Alta Vista.2000 steps. My Bitch.3000 steps. Mountain mama (Jennifer and her kids)4000 steps. The view from here.5000 steps. Looking down on Naugsol Valley.6000 steps. Off the trail and onto the road (Rizal Extension).7000 steps. A nice home on Rizal Extension.8000 steps. A narrow passage9000 steps. Jasmine StreetBonus shot: You can rent a hoe to use?10,000 steps. The Rizal Market. The tall building on the left is the local jail. I never want to see the inside of that place!11,000 steps. A poser at Hotel Bella Monte.Such a lovely place, such a lovely face.The hike ended at Sit-n-Bull where we ordered some take-out for lunch.When I showed Swan the map of our hike, she immediately burst into laughter. I assured her I wasn’t trying to be a dick.My lunch: A roast beef dip au jus with baked beans.
My visitor from Manila was running late, and since she’s staying on Baloy, I figured we could meet up there, and I’d wait at McCoy’s for her arrival. Swan and I headed out at beer o’clock.
The sky as it appeared when we departed the house.A zoom shot.Baloy Beach upon our arrival.The bay view from McCoy’s.McCoy’s. If you look close you can see my sweetie.The beach portion of McCoy’s as seen from our perch.
That’s the manager on her phone. The big news is that the barangay has disallowed McCoy’s from having videoke. Now, that made me selfishly happy, but I could see how upset she was. McCoy’s is primarily a Filipino hangout, and videoke is a big part of their business. I suggested they try the norebang (private singing rooms) style like they do in Korea. She said they might look into that.
The beach from my seat. That four-wheeler is much more dangerous than videoke, especially when the beach is crowded. I was surprised it was even allowed.Sundown on the beach
My friend messaged that they were still in Manila (there was some issue with their driver), and I said I’d see her tomorrow then. I guess we’ll meet up later this morning.
I wasn’t drunk last night, but I had enough beers where this seemed like a good idea to bring home for dinner:
Typical McDonald’s quality, but service there sucks.
So, we’ll see what the day without power brings. Lights are back on at six, and I plan on killing some of that time in San Antonio. Full report tomorrow.
Today’s Quora Q&A entry:
Q: Can you share any humorous moments that have occurred during a meeting at your workplace?
A: My boss, Sherrie, was holding a meeting with her senior staff members in the conference room. After an hour or so, she said she needed a cigarette break. One of the staffers jokingly said, “Gee, Sherrie, do you smoke after sex, too?” Without hesitation, Sherrie responded, “I don’t know. I’ve never looked.”
Yesterday was a different kind of nothing. It began with a morning fast and then a trip to the clinic in Olongapo to have my blood work done. They require at least an eight-hour fast, but more than ten is a disqualifying “over fast.” I split the difference and did nine. Once the blood was drawn, I was free to eat once again, so we visited the Xtreme Xpresso Cafe on SBMA.
I broke my fast with waffles with a mango topping.Coffee came with the meal.
On the way back home we stopped at DiviMart where I purchased these:
Six more chairs for the Rite Spot On The Roof
I’m planning a rooftop gathering for Sunday afternoon and wanted to be sure I’d have adequate seating for everyone.
Back at the house, I was feeling lethargic and lightheaded all day. I don’t think they took that much blood, so it must have just been one of those days. I blogged and napped, but I just didn’t feel like going out when beer o’clock arrived. That meant sacrificing the last day of validity on my “buy one, get one” coupon at Alaska Club, but some things just can’t be helped.
But The Rite Spot On The Roof was ready and waiting for me.
I settled in to watch Mother Nature’s show with a cooler full of cold beers, a comfortable seat in my rocking chair, and a personally tailored playlist of songs from Spotify.
No bargirls available, but Buddy was there to keep me company.Buddy seemed to enjoy the view, too.
I placed my order for dinner, and it arrived in due course.
Good job, Swan!R&R for the cook.Inday joined us on the rooftop with her mother and daughter.Let the show begin!Ya done good, Mr. Sun.
I enjoyed another beer by lamplight, then headed back downstairs for my daily dose of “Shameless.” I’m into Season 10 now, and it is still holding my interest, which says a lot. There is one more season to go after this one.
A good night’s sleep, and I woke up feeling somewhat better this morning. Still, I bailed on the Friday group hike and took a walk with Swan instead. I’ll post about that tomorrow.
On this morning’s dog walk, it occurred to me that this was the first time I’d left the house in over 24 hours. I don’t think that’s happened since the scamdemic.
Someone posted the virtues of hiking on Facebook this morning and I stole it to share with my faithful readers here:
I didn’t write this, and it is pretty poor grammatically, even by my low standards. But the sentiments are good.
Today’s Quora Q&A (these are questions I’ve answered over the years):
Q: How do I find out what my purpose is in my life?
A: Well, I’m not a religious man, but the other day, I was feeling depressed. So, I got down on my knees and prayed to God, asking, “Why am I here? What is my purpose in life?” Again, I’m not a true believer; I’m just getting it off my chest. I certainly wasn’t expecting an answer. And then, I heard God’s voice. He said, “John, what is your purpose in life? You are my gift to women!” At least, that’s how I remember it.
It has over a hundred views and not one upvote. Go figure.
Luckily, I only saw this sign on the internet. But it brought to mind that scene from “Deliverance.”
I’m not exactly sure what’s on tap for tonight. I’m supposed to meet up with an old “friend” I haven’t heard from in five years. I have no idea why she wanted to see me again, but she traveled to Olongapo from Manila to do so, so I’m curious enough to find out. And don’t worry, she knows I have a girlfriend, and I’m bringing Swan along. I’ll let y’all know how that goes.
Oh, and we have a scheduled all-day (6 a.m. to 6 p.m.) brownout (no power) tomorrow. I’m having my driver take us to Pundaquit to fill some of those hours. I’m not sure when or how I’ll blog, but I’ll do my best to post some form of update. Till then.
Today’s song is even older than me. Not sure why it came to mind.
Apparently, I can’t get enough of a hard thing. With Monday’s torturous Hash trail still fresh in mind, the Wednesday Walkers said, “Hold my beer,” and attacked the Kalaklan Ridge from the Olongapo City side of the mountain. As I’ve frequently said, there’s no easy way up, but the route we took this time was among my least favorites. Still, the beauty we witnessed during the all-to-brief time up top made it almost worth it. Almost. And then, once again, our downward trek on the Barretto side of the ridge proved to me much more challenging than anticipated. The consensus of the group was that we would never go down that way again.
Getting to our starting point required two Jeepney rides. And yes, Swan and my helper Geraldine once again participated in the hike.Our group pretty much filled the entire Jeepneyin Olongapo. (we needed two Jeepneys to get out of Barretto)The largest gathering of Wednesday Walkers we’ve seen in quite some time.Off we go!Or should I say, up we go? A long inclined road started our hike.Yes, that’s me getting ass-kicked ten minutes into the trek.The road ended. The stairs began.And they seemed endless.Motherfucker!The stairs ended, but the climb had just begun.Swan sharing some sweetness.Onward and upward.Our fun in progress!A look back down to Olongapo town.A shady spot somewhere.Be honest, guys. Was that climb evil?Be that way!The Ridgeline is achieved at last!Practically a walk in the park.And then it was time to start down the other side.But first, a pause to take in the views.We’ll be down soon, Barretto!Despite being born and raised in Subic, Swan had never been up here. The vistas wowed her.Down we go.This part was comparatively easy.By golly, Easter Mountain is on fire!A blue sky day.Then the down got a little dicey.Troy lends Swan a helping handNature’s beautyFeeling tiredThe final steps down.
At the conclusion of our journey, Swan, Geraldine, and I popped into Sit-n-Bull for some lunch to bring home.
I went down on this Surfer Dude sub sandwich.
Facebook memories reminded me that 8 years ago I threw the best dart game of my career.
That’s a 15-dart out. A perfect game is a 9-darter. That’s as close to perfect as I ever got. And it was close enough to perfect for me.
Today’s Quora Q&A:
Q: What is a small, everyday decision you made that unexpectedly changed your life for the better?
My answer to this question was sharing a blog post I wrote back in 2010 called “The Road Not Taken.”
On to the fun stuff:
Some folks are crazy about it.Necrophilia is overrated, right Prickhard?
Alrighty, then. Time to get on with the rest of my lazy day. Back tomorrow with more of the usual BS from my so-called life.
Tuesday is gone and I’m still here. I’ll call that a win!
After grocery shopping, I had the driver drop me at Dr. Jo’s clinic. It was time for my second round of treatment for the sciatica nerve repair in my back. This involves drawing some blood, harvesting the stem cells, and then injecting those cells into my back to facilitate healing. I lost count of the painful jabs involved, but I believe it was around fifteen or so. Then I got a shot of testosterone in my ass for good measure.
Always follow doctor’s orders!
She also referred me for blood work to see how things are faring inside my tired old body. I’m going to try to do that tomorrow.
It’s always my fault!
Home from the doctor for a nap and blogging. Then I saw a Facebook post on one of the Barretto forums from a guy who has been in country for a couple of months and has experienced multiple problems, including a motorbike accident and some financial issues. His post was about settling down in Barretto and the place he had found to rent on Baloy Beach. I sent him a sympathy and welcome message and invited him out to the floating bar to join me for a beer. He messaged back and said he didn’t have a beer budget, so I offered to buy him a couple. He didn’t respond right away, and I wondered if I’d creeped him out and gave off an unintended gay vibe with my invite.
Swan finished her tutoring gig at four; then, we made our way out to Baloy for some afternoon fun on the floating bar.
Waiting for our chariot to arrive.The sun is still high in the sky.And the beach is mostly empty.A pretty good crowd for a TuesdayA bay view shows Kalaklan’s rise from the water to the sky.Me and my girl…And so it begins.Going……going……gone.Early leaversOur turn to departRiding the raftSee you next time!
Swan and I weren’t done yet. We stopped into DaKudo’s for some dinner, sat at the bar, and were served by my old friend Jessa. And then I got a message from that guy I don’t know telling me he was on his way to the floating bar. I responded that we’d already left and were now at DaKudos. I thought that was the end of it, but he messaged, “See you there.” Alrighty then.
So, he arrives in a trike escorted by a young Filipino, who I assume is his helper. He didn’t have change for the trike, so I provided some. He didn’t order a beer; he ordered a Coke instead—his choice. We chatted a bit, and I learned he was not yet living on Baloy–the rental he mentioned on Facebook doesn’t begin for a couple of weeks. He told me of some of the places he visited and mentioned his accident and the medical issues that resulted. He was born and raised in Michigan, and I asked him if he liked Kid Rock. He said he didn’t, and my sense was he didn’t like Kid Rock’s political (right-wing) viewpoints. Then I asked him if he hoped to meet a woman here, and he told me, “Actually, I’m looking for a guy.” Ah, that explains his disappointment when he saw me with Swan. He DID think my invite was for something I hadn’t intended to convey. Sorry about that! I’ve actually never met a gay foreigner here looking for a relationship. He finished his Coke and left with his young man.
Swan had her carbonara, which she didn’t like. I enjoyed my chef’s salad. I bought Jessa another lady drink, and then we headed home. A strange but nice night out.
Today’s Quora Q and A:
Q: What has motivated your interest in China and how does your interest in China relate to human resource management?
I think I got this question because there are a lot of Chinese propaganda accounts on Quora. I consistently downvote their bullshit posts. I guess someone wanted to know why. So I told them.
A: It doesn’t. China is an evil empire that will likely cause the outbreak of another World War. My interest is in seeing them stopped before that happens.
Ready to lighten things up? Here you go:
Those breasts are super, man!I should probably cut it off here, but one more!What a gas!
Okay, another grueling hike this morning I’ll tell and show you about tomorrow. Peace out!
I am what I am, and that’s all that I am, but it would take a lot more than spinach to make me a Popeye. I fear my destiny will be a Wimpy one.
My girl is cuter than Olive Oyl, at least.
Yesterday’s Hash kicked my ass. Leech My Nuggets was the Hare, and he is famous for tough but well-marked trails. Run #1586 was no exception. We began on the far side of Subic town and journeyed back through the hills to the On-Home at Smokes and Bottles. The first climb left me breathless, and I had an internal debate about giving up, but retreat wasn’t an appealing option either. So onward I plodded. My relief at achieving the summit was short-lived because the getting down was also long and surprisingly difficult. On the other hand, I’m 68 years old and still getting out and about, so I won’t overly shame my effort. The day may come when I’m only a flat-earther, but that day has not arrived yet.
Prior to departing home for the Hash, I partook in a fine lunch crafted by Swan’s loving hands.
The high life
Then it was time to get to work.
Gathering at the trail headFinal instructions from the HareAnd we are On-On!Our journey began in the backstreets of Subic townWe are not in Madison County anymore. (Does anyone get that archaic reference?)The water we crossed.A narrow passagewayLet the suffering begin! Those steps were tortuous, largely because they were unevenly spaced and of inconsistent height, making it hard to find any rhythm. Strangely enough, at the top of the stairs, we passed a Hasher’s house–Missionary Grinder (that’s her holding her child). She hadn’t been to the Hash for several months. I guess seeing us inspired her because she caught up with us further up the trail, and we walked the rest of the way to the On-Hometogether.A brief respite…And then the climbing resumed.Pubic Head ran into an old pal on the way up. They first met on this hill back in 2008.Onward, we trod. This slight downhill proved to be a sucker punch, teasing us into thinking the climbing was done. It wasn’t.Some rest for the weary.A view from on highAnd anotherIt looks like I wasn’t the only one who took an ass-whuppin’. I rarely sit down when I’m tired–too hard to get back up. I’ll pause to catch my breath some, then move on before I get stiff.Finally, we begin the long trek down.No idea who took this pic.Something sweet for the kids, mama.Back on flat ground once againA field to crossLet’s finish this!On the highway…And On-HomeIt should come as no surprise that our group was the last to arrive.I welcomed Missionary Grinder back with some cookies for her kids.
And so ended a challenging Hash. Glad I lived to tell about it.
In other news, I got asked a question on Quora today about becoming a certified human resources professional (I are one). I’ve not been very active on Quora lately, but I did look through some of my previous answers there. And just for you, my faithful few readers, I’ve decided to start a new daily feature here at LTG–a Q&A from the past. C’mon, admit it, you’re getting bored with hiking pictures, right? Well, I’m still doing those; this is something extra, lagniappe, as we used to say in Louisiana. Here’s today’s:
Q: I’m 1 inch tall and I’m in the palm of your hand. You can do whatever you want with me, with no limits. What would you do with me?
A: I’d have you dance on my hand, then give you a round of applause…
For some reason, that didn’t earn me any upvotes. Oh well, ask a stupid question; that’s what you get.
Hmm, pineapple on pizza flavored Pringles. Why didn’t I think of that?An honor well earned, Mr. Pretend President.Sorry, I couldn’t stop myself.I’ve lost my phone number. Can I have yours?
Had enough of this nonsense for one day? Me, too. Besides, it’s almost time for me to do my Tuesday gig at the Kokomo floating bar. See you here tomorrow!
The blessings of another day are upon me. Notwithstanding the seeming sameness of it all, I’m still enjoying the ride. Yesterday featured a Sunday sweetness stroll with Swan dispensing candies and bringing smiles to the faces of the children we encountered during the walk. In the afternoon, I fed the girls at Hideaway, then headed out to the Arizona Resort floating bar, and Swan joined me there. Back home and “Shameless,” then a good night’s sleep. Here’s how things looked along the way:
Heading out for our stroll togetherI posted a picture a few days ago of some flamesright outside the neighborhood. This is the result.The first delivery of goodnessPassing through a mango groveMarian HillsA couple of my regularsThe path aheadSwan ahead on the path. I had to pee, and she didn’t wait.“Who’s next?”I did an Easter Mountain shot.And so did Swan–while I was taking a piss.Down in the valley, the valley so low…A quiet Naugsol streetOn Sawmill Road. Yeah, I had to pee yet again. Not sure what’s up with that.I think they were just getting home from church. Sweets for the sweet!A friendly ladWord spread and the candy girl was surrounded.Hung out to dryCome and get it!Swan and that mountain again. She told me she’d like to try to climb it with me soon.Bringing joy to the streets of San IsidroCrossing Bridge #3A river runs through itThis happens a lot–Swan approaches two youngin’s……and suddenly six more appear out of nowhere.Delivery to your door!Enjoy, kiddiesCandy? Did someone say candy?The last stop on our hike was for the family living under the river bridge on the highway.Sad.Almost 7K and a shitload of candy. We’ll make this a weekly event.
There was some leakage from a hose on my bedroom toilet. I sent my helper to the hardware store for a replacement.
And had her install it. Good job, Teri! Having a caregiver taking care of me and the house is a blessing.
Later, I was off to Hideaway. Joy is playing on the pool league team now, and they won yesterday. Only five gals working yesterday, which is concerning. It makes it cheaper to feed them, at least. Joy has been promoted and begins working behind the bar instead of as a waitress. The pay is much higher–six bucks a shift versus four. Yeah, you read that right. That way all over town, which is why I don’t mind throwing a lady drink commission their way now and again.
And the girls always appreciate their once-a-week meal from Jewel Cafe.
Hideaway is next door to the Arizona Resort, and I take the back alley to the beach.
Another busy Sunday afternoon on the beachRiding the raft to the floaterThe beach I left behindBanka boat parking lotGoing out in a blaze of gloryBye for nowPosersRealityAnd so ends another day.
It’s Hash Monday, so that’s next up for me. I’ve been feeling weaker than usual, and I hope I don’t bite off more than I can chew today. Only one way to find out. Stay tuned.
Today’s Facebook memory:
Six years ago, nearing the end of my time in Korea, I hung out in a bar in Anjeong-ri without a clue that the bartender liked me. She wound up moving to Germany about the same time I came to the Philippines. I thought this was funny, and I had the balls to post it. I hope that doesn’t make me a big dick.Just put your best foot forward.
Alright, back tomorrow. Hopefully.
I can’t say this group is the best ever, but Abbott and Costello always played them first.
I was feeling lazy yesterday morning, and I blame that on Friday’s overexertion. I overcame the urge to say fuck it and skip my daily hike and instead confined myself to the neighborhood for a relatively leisurely 5K stroll.
Looking up at The Rite Spot from the street below.Passed by my former residence on Shenandoah Bend.My first house in Alta Vista where I resided from 2018-2021.And finally home sweet home again.I managed to cover most of the subdivision on my walkabout.
I was feeling hungry when I arrived back home, and Swan happily prepared some lunch for me.
Should have spun the plate around and gotten a better shot of the burger. It was quite tasty.
I had a dinner date scheduled with Tom and his gal Kate later in the afternoon. I had invited them up to enjoy The Rite Spot On the Roof after our meal. So, I did some final preparations in anticipation of their arrival last evening.
Installed my new signageAnd a solar panel to light the stairsReady to party!
Tom is retired from the CIA and still does security consulting in the Philippines and other parts of Asia. We hold similar viewpoints on the disaster our elites are imposing on the USA, and he has lots of stories to tell about the things he’s seen and done (nothing classified, of course). And we’ll leave it at that to protect his privacy. When he arrived to pick us up for our dinner on SBMA, he informed me that he had been contacted by one of his clients and had scheduled a meeting with him after our dinner. So, the Rite Spot will have to wait for another day.
Seoul is my favorite Korean restaurant. I’d never been on a Saturday night and was shocked to see the place was packed. Luckily, we only had to wait a few minutes for a table.Tom and KateSwan and KateMe and SwanSamgyeopsal on the grill. I prefer the thick cut, but I deferred to my dinner companions preferences.Our other main course was bulgogi stew, the best I’ve found in the area. I miss those shoestring mushrooms that were prevalent in Korea, but other than that, it was close to perfect.And, of course, we splurged on side dishes.The happy double date diners.
All that food plus three beers came to a whopping 2100 pesos (40 bucks). Only in the Philippines!
After dinner, Tom dropped Kate and us off at Wet Spot while he went on to take care of business. Looking forward to having them up on the roof one day soon.
We went home and watched “Shameless” until I fell asleep on the couch, went to bed, and woke up to another day in paradise. And the wheel in the sky keeps on turning.
We didn’t need Spock to know that. Just listen to her talk.I hope he has at least one night stand.
My immediate future includes the Sunday feeding at Hideaway and a sunset on the Arizona floating bar. Back tomorrow with a full report.
Today’s song is something a bit different. A friend sent me this video of a singer who goes by Skuzz Twittly. I’d never heard of him before, but I found the song hilarious. Yeah, it’s “Cuntry” music, but it lasts less than three minutes and is worth the time. Give it a listen:
The Friday group ventured out to Philseco on the far side of Subic and walked the back way to Castillejos. We hadn’t made this trip since April last year, so it all felt pretty fresh. And then we took a different route up into the hills and came down quite a bit further out of town than usual. That long walk back to Castillejos after a climb was an ass-kicker for me. We finished at almost 10K, which is tough for me even on flat ground.
Walk this way!Out of the Jeepney and into the fireLet’s do this!Strolling on Philseco roadHeading for the hills.Roadside food vendorsLeaving the pavement behindScott on the rocksNow what? This road was under construction last year, and little progress has been made since then. Hey, it’s the Philippines.We used to take a trail from here down through the valley.But this time, we decided to follow the new road and see where it leads.No valley? Um…It wasn’t steep, but it was a LONG climb up the road.The view from hereCows in need of a pasture.Jim’s an old farm boy from South Dakota who wasn’t taking any bull…We asked these folks about a way down, and they said to keep going to the top of the road.What? We have to climb more?The way behindThe way aheadSome nice rock work to reinforce the embankment.I’m coming, I’m coming!Summit achieved and the trail down was on the other side of this drainage canal. The rest of group jumped it. Scott and i chose prudence over potential disaster.Heading downThe group ahead of me and Scott kept taking rest breaks for some reason.Slow and easy. That’s how I avoid rolling.A view from the journey back down.Even on the pavement there was beauty to be found.Still going downI like this better than dodging trafficKeep on keeping on.Almost downA short rest at the bottom.And then a long-ass street walk commenced.It was hot and I was tiredA message from God to keep goingOur normal route would have taken us on the edge of this valley and cut a few kilometers off our hike.On and on we plodded.When we came upon these trikes, I was all-in for riding the 2K left to go to the highway. I was outvoted.Where does that Mango?Almost to the highway.Arriving at Mad Willie’s, our lunchtime destination.Ah, that hit the spot!
After lunch (the chicken wings were good), I caught an aircon bus back to Barretto. I took a much-needed nap, blogged, and then got ready for my Friday night at the SOB dance competition. Swan joined me there. When the show was done, we headed home and engaged in our “Shameless” ritual before hitting the hay.
It was a pretty good day, by my standards.
And so ended another day in the life. Tonight, I’ll be going on a double dinner date on SBMA. So, you can look forward to something a little different in tomorrow’s post.
This is one of “my” old jokes. It’s always weird to find one in animated form.That’s a fair question.I want to be cremated, so I won’t need one at all.
This Moody Blues classic came up on my Spotify playlist during my morning walk. It had been quite some time since I’d heard it, so I wanted to share it with my readers here. I was a big fan back in the day. The Moody Blues was the second LP I purchased as a teen (the first was a Doors album). When you are making $1.35 an hour at the car wash, a record purchase is a big deal.
Yesterday was another milestone on my journey to find domestic bliss. It looked like this:
Swan joined me for a morning candy walk on the streets of Barretto.Down we go in search of kiddies to treat.Here’s someNot so many kids around as I expected. Apparently, school was not out like we thought.We still found some scattered about the ‘hoods we walked through.But a lot of empty spaces, too.An Easter mountain glimpse from a different vantage point.We did a 5K street walk then called it quits. Had some breakfast at Jewel Cafe, then headed home.We felt lazy and took a trike home.
And when beer o’clock came around, something strange (for me) happened. I felt no desire to go hit the bars in town. Why should I when I had a beer in the fridge and a rooftop to enjoy them on?
The Rite Spot for evening views like this one.The sun went down……and the flames went up.Swan’s kitchen was open and she served me this delicious bowl of bulgogi.On the other side of the roof, a full moon was rising.Swan chatting with the neighbors. Alan next door said he reads my blog, so I’ll give him a shout-out here.Swan chillin’ in her rocker with a glass of wine.Enjoying the gathering darkness.
Later, I went back downstairs for another dose of “Shameless.” I woke up in the wee hours as usual and noticed the moon had completed its journey to the front side of my house.
Nice to see you again.
Anyway, I enjoyed my stay-at-home night, and I will make some room for more in the future. It was a very nice change of pace, that’s for sure.
A LONG hike today and I’m feeling a little wiped out, but I’m going to try and do the SOB. Or not. We’ll see. It’s good to have options!
We’ll see how that works out for me.It looks great. Can I talk you out of it?
I’m going to do an unrelated song for today in honor of Melanie, who died yesterday. I wasn’t a big fan like I am with Ronstadt, but she was talented and lived a good life. RIP.
A good group hike with the Wednesday Walkers and a good dinner out with my sweetheart made for a good day.
The walk was especially nice because it was something we hadn’t done for quite some time. The reason for that is the logistics–we need transport out to Tibag for the start, and since it is a one-way hike, it has to be a drop-off. Last time we did this route, there were only two of us, so we had a trike take us for 200 pesos. We used my driver this time, and we all kicked in a hundred pesos each for the ride. So, we started out Tibag way and hoofed it through the foothills to Waltermart on the far side of Subic-town, then caught a Jeepney back to Barretto.
The big surprise for me was Swan came along for her first-ever group hike. And she brought my part-time helper, Inday, with her. When I asked her later why she decided to come, she told me it was because I hadn’t been feeling well the night before, and she wanted to be there to help if I needed it. Ain’t she sweet? And she asked Inday to come along because she wanted to make sure she knew someone there besides me. Whatever works. They both seemed to enjoy themselves.
From there to thereLet’s get startedThe old dirt roadThe day’s first cookie stopI was impressed with the tree house lodging.Off the road and onto the trailClimbed up this hill only to learn we had taken the wrong path.So, we retreated and reclimbed on the right path.We must have been bananasAnother cookie deliveryMarching onwardA rustic nipa hutThe closest thing to a group shot, with Scott holding the cameraSeveral water crossings along the way required dancing on the rocks.Some are more graceful than others.I’m happy to report my feet stayed dry the whole wayGood times!We had a couple of youngsters along this time and they made the hike look easy.Just the way I like it.Inday’s group selfie.Me and the sweetieI found this pretty irrigating.Wide open spacesA bald hillThe road into townCrossing the Govic HighwayAnd arriving at Waltermart
Seven kilometers from beginning to end. Most of it was quite pleasant, and I look forward to passing this way again someday.
Swan had afternoon business in Subic, so while she did that, I paid a visit to Cheap Charlies.
My view from there. Yep, that’s her, the Kalaklan Ridge.
When Swan got back into town, I took her to dinner at Sit-n-Bull.
Swan had the pork in mushroom gravy special.I couldn’t remember the last time I had fish and chips, so I went with that. It was good.
So, I’ve switched from feeding the Hideaway crew on Wednesdays to feeding my girl. It must be love.
We were back home by seven, and I enjoyed a couple of more “Shameless” episodes. My lifestyle seems to be transitioning to something more domestic, don’t you think? I had a much better night’s sleep (no oxygen issues) and woke up at my usual early hour of four a.m.
One perk that comes with early rising is saying goodbye to the setting full moon.‘Tis the burning season again. As seen on the morning dog walk.I can’t remember if I posted this one before.He’s correct about that.
Okay, that’s all for now.
It’s funny, I’m a big fan of Linda Ronstadt. When I was thinking of a song for today’s post, in my head I was singing, “you’re so good, you’re so good, you’re so good. Baby, you’re so good.” Of course, the actual song is just the opposite of that sentiment. Ah well, it’s all good.
Tuesday is my nothin’ much day, and yesterday was no exception. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Cashin’ out at Royal was the morning accomplishment
And in keeping with my new Tuesday tradition, I ventured out to Baloy Beach late in the afternoon to spend some time on the Kokomo floating bar.
My objective is in view.Will I be able to see the sun go down?Reminiscing about yesterday’s hike on Kalaklan.Now you see me……and now you don’t.The Kokomo owner’s wifetook the photo of a friend, Billy, with me and Swan.
Back ashore, we went to Treasure Island for dinner. The menu featured some new options:
Not sure what a “Begian” might be.Wasn’t in the mood for these either.The soft chicken tacos worked for me.Swan had a chicken dish that was also quite tasty.
Triked home after dinner and did my “Shameless” thing on the couch until I fell asleep. Again. And then my night took a turn for the worse. I went to bed and awoke around midnight, not feeling quite right. I used my nebulizer, returned to bed, and still couldn’t sleep. I checked my blood oxygen and was shocked to see it was a dangerous 89. It has been months and months since I had that kind of low. So, I fired up my oxygen tank, breathed in some air, rechecked my reading, and it was up to a healthy 97. Back in bed and still sleepless, I got up to check once more, and I was now down to a 91. So, I took in more oxygen. I’m not sure what was up with that, although I have been hocking up phlegm, which may be the cause of my issues. Today, I’m back at 95, which is pretty much normal for me. Weird.
Via Facebook memories, I was provided a glimpse of my life six years ago in Korea.
It was below zero, but the call of duty to drink beer was not to be denied.
I got a compliment on my garlic bread. Here’s my secret recipe:
Sometimes, I bake it in the oven (well, brown it). When I’m in a hurry, I pop a slice or two in the toaster.
I always suspected there was a training class for bargirls. Now, I’ve found the evidence:
Don’t forget “I love you long time, baby”And we all know what happened next!I can relate.
Alright, it’s time to get on with my day. I had a great group hike with the Wednesday Walkers this morning, which I’ll share with you tomorrow. Until then, hasta la vista!
Yesterday’s Hash was all familiar territory thanks to having participated in a couple of the scouting expeditions last week. The route the Hares ultimately chose for the climb up Kalaklan Ridge is, I believe, the best one I’ve taken. As I’ve said before, there ain’t no easy way to the top, but this trail was fairly direct and not overly steep. A pleasant stroll on the ridgeline and a meandering downhill jaunt, then a street walk back to our On-Home venue. Just a tad over 5K when we finished.
The route we walked.The Hashers gather at the start of the trail.Getting uppityThe first cookie delivery of the dayAlways on the up and upSteppin’ upHalfway thereThe final push upRidgeline achieved!Whatever You Want is feeling on top of the world……looking down on creation.This goat herder doesn’t seem to think the view is that big a deal.A ridgeline strollThis must be one of Scott’s shots, but I appreciate how it captures what I love about a ridgeline trek–the bay on one side, Olongapo City on the other, with great views of each.And now for that meandering up and down journey back to Barretto.We briefly lost the trail here but eventually reconnected.What’s a hike without a dicey bridge crossing?Confidence is the keyAlthough a good sense of balance helps too.We’re not out of the woods yet!A fairly well-marked trailOn the rocksThe path wasn’t psycho.Wash day and cookies for the kiddie.The last of the downOur first time having Red Bar as our On-Home hostA bit cramped, but not bad.This week’s Hashshit recipient.
The Hash ended a little after six, but rather than join the group for the after-Hash at IDM, I took a trike home. Why go out when I have The Rite Spot On The Roof?
Swan and I were rockin’ it in our rocking chairs and enjoying the nighttime view.And not a dragon in sight!
Speaking of my homebody ways, I grilled some steaks for lunch before the Hash.
It came out looking like this and tasted even better.
Over at Kevin Kim’s blog, The Big Hominid, he has a post confirming the worst about the fraud that took place during the scamdemic. The video is on Rumble because YouTube still censors talk that goes contrary to the preferred narrative. I wanted to share the video with my Facebook “friends” but couldn’t figure out how to upload from Rumble. So, instead I posted the link to Kevin’s blog post.
That’s how it looks on my Facebook post. We’ll see how long before I’m found in violation of FB “community standards.”
Okay, that’s all the substance I have for today. How about some fun stuff?
Just my luck.Debbie must be a lucky girl!That’s tit for tat, I suppose.But I’ll give it a rest for now.
Reader/commenter Kevin Kim sent me this photo of the view from my roof I had somehow missed. There’s a little Smaug in the air…
I posted the dragon shot on Facebook for shits and giggles. Folks were impressed with the view, and some of my Filipina friends asked if it was real. I answered truthfully that it was real. A real photoshop.
No hike yesterday, I just wasn’t feeling up for it. Hopefully, I’ll have more strength when I attempt today’s Hash trail. In positive health-related news, my blood pressure has been steadily dropping since I started my new meds. 123/76 this morning!
I got back on track later in the day with my Sunday feeding ritual at Hideaway. I told Joy not to count on me continuing the Wednesday feedings as I have other priorities now.
There are only like four girls working in the bar these days, so at least I’m saving some money on the meals. I worry about the viability of the bar, however. Bartender Ace is chowing down. I forgot to turn on my flash…sorry for the poor quality.
After Hideaway, I took the back alley to the beach.
A pretty good crowd for late in the day.A race to the floating bar before the sun was gone.I won. Barely.The view from my barstool.And the gal who was seated beside me.
We did a quick nightcap at Wet Spot; then I scored some pecan pie from Sit-n-Bull for our snack while we watched an episode of “Shameless” at home together.
I got up to pee in the wee hours of the morning and saw this out the window:
A beautiful moonset to start my day. Am I lucky or what?
Even a nothing Sunday was a blessing.
That blows.I know the feeling.
I saw a meme mocking Biden as a nowhere man: “doesn’t have a point of view, knows not where he’s going to…”
A full and fulfilling day is behind me now. Here is how it went down:
Throwing shadows during the morning dog walk
Swan joined me on the morning hike with a bag full of candy to hand out to the children we encountered along the way.
Let’s get started. Leaving the ‘hoodFirst recipientsEntering Marian HillsBeams of lightA quiet streetMy sweetieGoodie two shoesMother and childA passel of kiddiesCandy is dandyThe final delivery of the morning.
At the end of our journey, I was feeling a tad hungry. And the urge struck when a Jollibee was conveniently located across the street. So I went in and brought some home.
I was feeling like a ChampIt’s a fast food burger, not all that special, but okay. And look, the lettuce is on the bottom!
I still needed to make some final preparations for the grand opening of The Rite Spot On The Roof, so I had my driver pick me up and take me SBMA for some shopping. I purchased two rocking chairs and a folding chair at American Hardware.
The new furnishings on the rooftop.
The chili had been cooking all day in the crockpot, but I still had some cornbread muffins to bake.
Mission accomplished!
The party was scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m., so I went upstairs and began getting everything set up before the guests arrived.
Carrying a hot crockpot up the stairs proved to be more challenging than I anticipated. I think next time, I’ll just do the cooking on the roof.The afternoon sun was rather intense, but it only had an hour or so of strength left once the party started.The gathering clouds to the east were also a little worrisome, but they only carried a few light sprinkles and didn’t create a problem. The snacks on the table are Fritos with a cheese dip, and tortilla chips and salsa. Both proved to be popular over the course of the evening.My chili con carne y frijoles garnered a lot of compliments.As did Swan’s sausage casserole.Alright, you had to know this was coming…Sunset comes after beer o’clock, so this was the first time I’d been home to see it from the roof.I liked what I saw.And then it was done.Meanwhile, the party was happening. Food was ate, and beer was drunk (48 of them!)Welcome to The Rite Spot On The Roof!Enjoyable chat at the guy’s table. That’s hiking buddy Erik in the yellow shirt. Aussie Alan (in black) lives on the second floor of that white house in the back, and Jeff, from Texas, lives downstairs with his family. That’s one of his sons next to him.I was in for a bit of a surprise when Alan asked me if I was still posting on my blog. Apparently, he’d come across it randomly several years ago.The other attendeesAnd then, as is often the case when Filipinos gather, videoke breaks out.We kept the volume at a reasonable and non-distorted level, which made the experience more enjoyable than usual.Even the white guys participated. Jeff sang some old country-western classics in his deep voice and sounded good. I contributed three of my standards: Crazy (Patsy Cline), I Started A Joke (Bee Gees), and El Paso (Marty Robbins).Swan made a cherry cheesecake for dessert.
The beer lasted until 9:30 or so; by then, it was past time for this early bird to call it a night. Still, it was a good time and nice to hang out with the neighbors. It was also a pleasant change of pace to take a night off from the bars in town. I’ll definitely become a regular at The Rite Spot.
I took today off from walking; just wasn’t feeling it. I’ll be out for the Sunday Hideaway feeding later and will likely do some time on the Arizona floater. And life goes on.
Shit happens.
Sugar, ah honey honey
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you
Honey, ah sugar sugar
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you
Yep, we did it again. Another group hike, another route to explore and see what we could see on Kalaklan Ridge.
We went thataway…Given our route up, the group met at Savers on the other side of town from our usual 7/11 gathering spot.The longest journey begins with a single step.Halfway upCredit to Scott for this nice shot!Our route up was a zig-zag…less grueling but longer suffering. Not sure which I prefer.An early cookie deliveryStill making our way upOnce you are up top, walking along the ridgeline is one of my favorites.Heading for the vantage pointHave a seat, Jim!A goat’s eye view from here.I could live up here if only there were vehicular access.Me taking a picture of Scott taking the picture that opened this post.A mountain viewI’m coming, I’m coming…Home is where the heart is.OnwardAnd downwardWhy?Don’t forget to duck!A house in the wildernessIt had been months since I last passed this way, but the kids remembered me. Or my cookies.These kids live in that house in the wilderness pictured above. They scored some cookies, too.Jim showing the local kids how it’s done.Making away back to town after our adventure in the hills.
But there was still more highness in my day to come. I ventured out as usual at beer o’clock, making Sloppy Joe’s my first stop. I made the decision not to attend this week’s SOB primarily because the venue (Voodoo) is small and gets crowded. I see it as sacrificing my seat so an out-of-towner can enjoy the show. Once or twice a month is plenty for me.
Lots of familiar faces to socialize with at Sloppy’s.
Fellow hikers Erik, Jim, and CharlesMusic master and Sloppy Joe’s icon, Chris.And the lovely smiles of Shay and Grace.
At six o’clock, I moved on to a new rooftop venue, The Rite Spot. Swan was waiting for me there.
We had the only table in the place to ourselves.My biggest fan was there, too.And yes, the burgers I was served were delicious.The nighttime views were quite pleasant as well.There is nothing quite like an Alta Vista.
The grand opening of The Rite Spot On The Roof will be tonight. I invited my neighbors to join me for some beers upstairs. I also made a crockpot of chili and will serve it with some cornbread. Swan is making a sausage casserole. I went out this afternoon and bought a couple of rocking chairs to add to the seating options. I’ll be sharing photos from tonight’s event tomorrow.
Sounds like a gas!That’s everything you need.
Well, maybe there are spiritual needs. And puns.
I grew up in a Pentecostal Church where people were so filled with the Holy Spirit they spoke in tongues. I never understood a word they said. (true story)I bet that’s not true.
Had enough? Me too. Besides, that cornbread won’t bake itself!
Well, perhaps that’s a bit of an overstatement, but I did enjoy a fine night out with Swan yesterday. Her shift at work ended at four, so I joined her at the Subiza Resort around 3:30. I had a beer while I waited and took in the view.
Subiza is on the water but has no beach. I think I would be happy living in that yellow house next door.And the view of Barretto Beach from the Baloy side of the bay.
I finished my beer, Swan finished work, and we walked the block down the road to McCoy’s to enjoy some beach views. Sadly, McCoy’s didn’t have wine, so Swan had the rare (for her) beer.
The beach when we arrived.This couple came in shortly after we arrived. The guy (yeah, I’ve already forgotten his name) was very friendly, and we had a pleasant chat. He lives part-time in the PI and has a place in Florida, but will be moving here permanently in August. That’s his wife of 48 years with him. He told me that they met on the Navy base in 1971. She worked there, and he served on the USS Kitty Hawk, an aircraft carrier that frequently visited the Subic Bay naval base.They met, fell in love, raised some kids, and now they plan to spend the golden years back where it all began. A sweet love story, for sure.We’ve only just begun.The view as we departed McCoy’s.
It was time for dinner, and Swan suggested we return to Subiza and eat there. I’d never eaten there, so I figured, why not give it a try?
Hmm, if you can’t spell “burrito” I’m not willing to see if you can cook one.In going on sixty-nine years of living here on Earth, this is the first time I’d seen a Sri Lankan menu. And no, I was not adventurous enough to give one of these dishes a try.I went with a grilled pork chop and it was not bad.I also had an order of honey garlic chicken wings, and they were outstanding.Swan shared a pizza with her co-worker. Yes, that’s pineapple. Filipinas love pineapple on their pizza.A profile of my date.Face-to-faceAnd togetherThe view from our dinner table.And a moonshot.
We had talked about finishing the evening with a nightcap at Snackbar, but as we walked up the road, we mutually agreed to head back home instead. Some snuggle time on the couch watching “Shameless.” The next thing I remember is Swan waking me up to come to bed. And so ended our date night.
Facebook memories featured this photo I’d posted ten years ago. The photo itself is from 1986 when I was making the move from Oklahoma to South Carolina, and that required transporting my daughter’s horse.
It was a whole other life back then.
One of my favorite fantasies is having a “do-over” time travel adventure. I’d go back, knowing everything I know now, and see what good that did me when I encountered those crossroads that required making a life-changing decision. Would I make better choices? Only one way to find out, and I don’t have a time machine. So, I’ve been using my imagination. I’d definitely be investing heavily in tech stocks like Google and Microsoft when they had their IPOs. If I suddenly disappear, now you know what happened.
This one left me feelin’ groovy.Man, I hate when that happens.
Alright, that’s all I’ve got for today. Come back tomorrow for another heaping helping of my so-called life.