Sunday is the day I join Swan for her candy walk. We did a tad over 7K yesterday before the goodies ran out. Counting my blessings that I’m still able to walk that far, although I do get more tuckered out along the way than I used to. I still have trouble with any elevation gain; even the neighborhood dog walk has me huffing and puffing, and that’s distressing. I’m hopeful that I’m experiencing a temporary respiratory infection that will resolve soon rather than a permanent exacerbation of my COPD. I will try and get in to see a pulmonary doctor this week for advice on the next steps.
I’m still fully functioning in the nighttime portion of my life, so there’s that. I did the Hideaway feeding, then spent some time on the Arizona floating bar. For our nightcap, Swan and I enjoyed a visit to The Rite Spot On The Roof. I’m fully in the mode of making the best of what I have while I still have it. No, I don’t mean to come off as feeling morbid, but the reality is that the older I get, the more I feel the looming specter of mortality. My goal is to top the 83 years my father achieved. That would give me fifteen more years to play with. Still, everything can change in a heartbeat (or lack thereof), so I appreciate the daily blessings, even if they are repetitive and mundane.
Anyway, I don’t dwell on this kind of thinking, and I’m a little surprised I regurgitated those words above. While on the floating bar waiting for Swan to arrive and taking in the views, I appreciated all the simple blessings that fill my life. As I admired the awesomeness of the Kalaklan Ridge, I recalled the many times I’ve hiked to the top and taken in those amazing views from on high. Perhaps my climbing days will come to an end, but the memories will not. As I sat on the floater, cold beer in hand, watching the beachgoers, jet skis, and boaters enjoying the late afternoon beauty surrounding us, I realized once again that despite the imperfections of life, I am a lucky man.

Some R&R at home, the Swan headed out to run some errands, and I made my way to Hideaway for the Sunday feeding.

Next up, the Arizona floating bar, conveniently located a block from Hideaway.

We walked down the highway a bit without a clear destination in mind, and then a trike driver pulled up and offered us a lift to the Rite Spot. Off we went, and soon we were up and at ’em.

And that’s how my Sunday went down. Now it is Hash Monday and I’ve got some deciding to do. The trail starts at Barretto High School on Rizal Extension. I can walk to the highway and catch a trike, or I can go the back way on the My Bitch trail. I already have a shortcut for the actual trail in mind, but even that will require a hill climb. The way I’ve been feeling that may be one hill too many. Well, damn, I think I will walk to the start and see how I feel. If I’m not up for the up, I’ll do a flat walk to the On-Home at McCoy’s on Baloy Beach. I’ll let you know how that goes tomorrow.
It could always be worse, I could be this guy:

Facebook memories carried me back to 1988 during my tenure as the Acting Director, Human Resources, for the Postal Service in Roanoke, Virginia:

And then there is this from six years ago–my last winter in Korea:

The dreaded Quora Q&A (don’t worry, I’m running out of questions I answered there):
Q: When a thrown dart gets caught in the flight or shaft of the preceding dart thrown, is it null, or does it qualify for the same score?
A: If the point of the dart is not touching the board, it does not score.
Now you know.
How about this:

And now we’ve reached the end of another post. Thank you for your patience.