East of here

I keep hearing it’s a happy place

Yesterday began sweet and ended sour. I joined Swan for her weekly candy walk and took a different route that worked out well. It’s still too damn hot to enjoy walking the streets, but the kids were out in force and we were well-stocked with goodies.

Let’s get going! We emptied that big bag of sweets three times on yesterday’s walk.
First customer of the day
The backstreets of Purok 13
Word spread fast, and it wasn’t long before every kid in the neighborhood arrived for their ration of chocolate
Next up was Barangay Matain
The boys in the ‘hood
And the girls too
Mama wanted treats for her kid at home
Bay side
A skilled craftsman at work
More evidence that signs don’t work
Across the highway to a new neighborhood
Our only climb of the day, thankfully
Made it to the top!
No chocolate for you two or your kids!
Crossing Bridge #3 to service our regulars in San Isidro
Taking care of business
We were out of gas and nearly out of candy when we hit the 8K mark, so we grabbed a trike for home.

When it came time to make plans for our Saturday evening, Swan wanted to go to Treasure Island on Baloy to hear the live band. And that’s what we did.

Engine is the band’s name, and they are quite well-known and popular in our little town.

I’ll grant that they have talented musicians and singers, but as always seems to be the case, the sound mixing wasn’t done right, which made everything seem distorted and unpleasant to my ears. Maybe it’s just me, other audience members seemed to be enjoying the performance.

At least I had a cute date

Treasure Island doesn’t stock San Miguel Zero, which forced me to drink SM Light, which has additional calories and alcohol content. But that didn’t slow me down. Over the course of the evening, several friends came by and joined us. So, the beverages were being enjoyed along with the camaraderie.

Steve and his gal Viola
Chris and Shie were there as well (Chris went for a swim in the pool)

And then I forgot how to say when and imbibed to excess. No, I wasn’t falling down drunk, but I was drunk enough not to remember much else about the night. That’s not my style and I strive to avoid it. So, hopefully, lesson learned. I had the rare hangover this morning, so I napped instead of taking my hike. That’s not good either. Anyway, what’s done is done, and hopefully, it won’t be done again.

I’ve never seen this live and in person, but one of the rituals engaged in during Holy Week is crucifixion reenactments. Yes, devout believers are actually nailed to the cross, albeit through the palm and not the wrist, but still.

Philippine Christian devotees take part in the re-enactment of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday in San Fernando, Pampanga province on March 29, 2024. (Photo by JAM STA ROSA / AFP)

Okay, Quora Q&A time:

Q: Why would a girl tell a guy that he looks hot?

A: She is probably worried that he has a fever and might need to get checked for COVID.

Yep, I have all the answers!

Smiles for today:

That’s one of the jokes from my repertoire. I’m always surprised when I see a joke I’ve told often in comic form. I see this was copyrighted in 2014, so maybe I stole it first–I don’t recall when I heard it.
The relationship was obviously unfulfilling…

This has been a dead Easter for me. I’m still unsure about having some hair of the dog that bit me, but I will probably have a couple with dinner. We’ll see how I feel later.

2 thoughts on “East of here

  1. A skilled craftsman at work

    I might want to hang out with that guy. That’s awesome.

    More evidence that signs don’t work

    It’s like in the US, when you see piles of trash around “No littering!” signs, or in Korea, when you see hundreds of cigarette butts around “No smoking!” signs.

    Across the highway to a new neighborhood

    It occurs to me that I’ve heard nightmare stories coming out of India, where Good-Samaritan behavior can get you mobbed by the village the moment people hear you’re distributing goodies or coins or whatever.

    This has been a dead Easter for me. I’m still unsure about having some hair of the dog that bit me, but I will probably have a couple with dinner. We’ll see how I feel later.

    The solution to governmental problems is more government, and by the same token, the solution to alcohol-related problems is… more alcohol! Some of us are just monkeys lolling about on fermented fruit, I guess.

  2. Yes, I can manage small groups, but the other day on that basketball court, there must have been 50 kids crowding around me. I knew I couldn’t accommodate them all. A fellow hiker told me don’t even think about opening your backpack or you’ll get mobbed. So, I just told the kids, “Sorry, nothing today,” and took off down the street. Several followed me for a while, but I just kept going.

    Everything in moderation! I am actually quite proud of my ability to moderate my intake to avoid intoxication. Saturday was a rare exception, and I blame the SML’s higher alcohol content and my failure to reduce consumption accordingly. Lesson learned!

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