Offered for your consideration:
Death threats against political leaders.
Death threats against family members of political leaders.
Death threats against political leaders on national television.
Incitement of violence in the Washington Post.
And so it begins. It doesn’t get much more cynical than this. Unless it is this.
NASA knew climate data was flawed, used it anyway.
Some might call it science, but back in the day I think they called it a circle jerk. Or cluster fu*k.
Seriously, it’s time to take a deep breath here folks and assess where things currently stand. I’ve been thinking for quite some time that you almost need a scorecard to keep up with what is truth and what is fiction. And now comes this definitive article in The Weekly Standard that sorts out the sordid details of what has led us to this strange brew of science, politics, and religion known Anthropogenic Global Warming.
If this is an issue you care about I highly recommend you read the article. And you should care.
The Obamacare bill.
(concept shamelessly stolen from Paul Mirengoff at PowerLine)
Great post by Walter Russell Mead at The American Interest Online taking the NY Times to task for its late arrival to the conclusion that maybe there was good cause to be skeptical of global warming (blessed be thy name) science after all. It’s a pretty important piece, not so much for whether or not man is causing the planet to warm, but that our press has lost what we depend on most–skepticism.
Of the two, I’d say a compliant and unquestioning media is the more immediate threat to life on Earth.
Would you buy a used car from this man?
Jim Bunning is still throwing the heat. And the Dems aren’t liking the chin music.
Although it may appear that Bunning is a solitary voice in opposition to uncontrolled spending, Nancy Pelosi admits his action is bipartisan. Sort of.
I remember watching Bunning pitch back in the mid-60’s with the Phillies. He threw a perfect game against the Mets, and also threw a no-hitter in the American League with Detroit. Finished his baseball career in with the Dodgers in 1969, although he was just about out of gas by then.
Well, technically, Global Warming (blessed be thy name) hysteria. There are consequences for the lies and as usual it is the innocent who suffer.
…being caused Global Warming (blessed be thy name)? Never mind.
What a bunch of freakin’ hypocrites.
Reader Fortuneate has kept the faith despite almost daily revelations of fraud. She is in good company. Hell, I’ve been called everything else, why not a Nazi sympathizer?
And remember, weather like this is not about climate. Except when it is.
But one thing is for sure, things are defintely heating up for climate fraudster Michael Mann.
Donald Sensing is asking whether Obama is already a lame duck.
I can’t say, but I have no doubt that he is definitely a lame fu*k.
It wasn’t so long ago that adherents of Global Warming (blessed be thy name) theory were wishing that skeptics would either “shut the hell up” or die slow and painful deaths from cancer. And now the “true believers” have been shown to be rubes and are being openly mocked.
You gotta love it (watch the video)!
And yeah, Jacob, I’m talking about you!
Does commentary get any better than this?
Note the Left turn…
Interesting news on the Global Warming (blessed by thy name) front:
There has been no warming since 1995.
The Earth may have indeed been warmer in the Medieval Warm Period.
Those “admissions” will be seized on by skeptics…
Everyone should perceive flaws! To talk about “sceptics” as the ones who will “seize” upon “evidence” of flaws is unwittingly to make global warming into a matter of religion and not science. It’s not the skeptics who look bad. “Seize” sounds willful, but science should motivate us to grab at evidence. It’s the nonskeptics who look bad. It’s not science to be a true believer who wants to ignore new evidence. It’s not science to support a man who has the job of being a scientist but doesn’t adhere to the methods of science.
It’s a freakin’ house of cards…
UPDATE: High Priest admits Mary no virgin…
Just as intended, the much criticized Stimulus bill has in fact created jobs. Unfortunately, not American jobs.
According to the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University, nearly $2 billion in money from the American Recovery and Investment Act has been spent on wind power. The goal was to further energy independence while creating American jobs. It has done neither.
Of the money spent, according to the report, nearly 80% has gone to foreign manufacturers of wind turbines.
The only good thing one can say is that at least China is a real place, as opposed to the phantom ZIP codes and congressional districts in which the administration has claimed to have created jobs.
But how does buying wind turbines made in China create energy independence or create jobs?
Last October, on the day the workshop first reported on this story, a consortium of U.S. and Chinese companies announced a deal to build a $1.5 billion wind farm in Texas, using imported Chinese turbines.
The project is expected to create some temporary construction jobs in America. Some 2,000 manufacturing jobs will be created in China. In a message posted on his Facebook page, Secretary Chu wrote that the point of the grant program was “ensuring America leads the world in creating jobs in manufacturing the parts that go into wind farms” and even export components to foreign wind farms. It hasn’t worked out that way.
Of the 1,807 turbines erected on 28 wind farms receiving grants, foreign-owned manufacturers built 1,219, according to the workshop report. The installation of these turbines may have created as many as 6,838 manufacturing jobs overseas.
Seriously, WTF?
Or as they said over at PowerLine: “If the Obama administration were actually trying to damage our economy, it is not clear that it could do a better job.”
Or do they really think the electorate is this stupid?
Biden: Iraq victory a great Obama achievement.
Sometimes it feels like I’m living in an Orwell novel. The war was won because Bush ignored naysayers like Obama and surged troops to quell an escalating insurgency. And now Obama wants to take credit for Iraq while simultaneously blaming Bush for everything else? Of course, we have seen plenty of evidence that this administration holds the American people in contempt, but c’mon, any sentient being recognizes this ploy for the pure BS that it is.
As Mudville Gazette notes:
There’s an odd thing about this administration claiming credit for victory in Iraq – half the country knows Biden and Obama had nothing to do with it, and the other half will never admit there is a victory to claim. However, since they think we’re all stupid, I guess the White House wants to give it a shot.
I’m sure the President sees plenty of ignorance–every time he looks in the mirror. He’s just too ignorant to recognize it. Which reflects poorly on him, don’t ya think? Ahem.
(photo lifted from The Conservative Mom)
That’s my favorite quote from Global Warming (blessed be thy name) fanatic Jacob at ROK Sojourn. Jacob believes that anyone who does not share his faith in anthropogenic global warming religion theory should just “shut the hell up”.
I can only imagine his disappointment that not only have people refused to shut up, the mainstream press has now joined the blogging community in reporting the almost daily revelations of fraud in the UN’s IPCC report.
And now comes this report from the BBC showing a rather significant increase in heretics non-believers in AGW over the past three months (coinciding with the climategate scandal). This graphic shows what happened when the Great Wizard of Global Warming (aka “settled science”) was exposed as just a “man behind the curtain”:
Yikes, that’s a lot of people lining up to “contract cancer and die painful and slow deaths”. Not sure the overwhelmed British health care system can handle the influx.
Perhaps Jacob will show these newly minted non-believers some mercy. Forgive them Jacob, they know not what they do.
UPDATE: Read this from Canada’s Globe and Mail. I think it captures precisely where things stand on this issue.
Seriously, I am having a hard time keeping up with the falling dominoes. Now it turns out the data from China was faked.
And where in the hell has Al Gore been?