“It’s a contraction, not a possessive”

So says Glenn Reynolds regarding Obama’s Katrina.  Hard to argue the fact that there seems to be one common denominator to the problems we are facing in America these days.

Well, according to Bill Press, the problem is not Obama.  The problem is Americans.

I think this says more about the American people than it does about President Obama. I think it just shows once again that the American people are spoiled. Basically, spoiled– as a people, we are too critical. We are quick to rush to judgment, we are too negative, we are too impatient. Especially impatient. We want it all solved yesterday, and if you don’t, I don’t care who you are — get out of the way.

And again, basically spoiled. To the point where it makes me wonder if it’s even possible to govern today. I gotta tell you, I don’t think Abraham Lincoln — who certainly didn’t get everything right the first time — could govern today. I’m not sure Franklin Roosevelt could govern today, the way we are again. Just about like spoiled children. And it’s Americans, and it’s the media, and if we don’t get instant gratification, then screw you is basically our attitude.

Well, ok then.  I’m spoiled for wanting competent leadership.  Mianhamneeda.

Then again, Charles Krauthammer takes a look at the man behind the curtain and finds an empty suit.   All I can say in response is: Krauthammer, grow up and stop acting like a spoiled child!”

And pass me some more of that Kool-Aid.

Your tax dollars at work

Er, not so much

“This week’s spending cut, developed by Phil Gingrey, addresses one of the perpetual roadblocks to American private-sector job creation and economic recovery: federal-employee unions,” Cantor announced.  “There are many who collect generous salaries and benefits entirely paid for by taxpayers while simultaneously working for unions that spend a lot of money on political activities and lobbying. Taxpayers shouldn’t subsidize a union’s activities. Not only is this a bum deal for the American people, it also wastes well over $100 million a year and more than a $1 billion over the next decade. I encourage my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to vote for this fair and fiscally responsible proposal.”


The schizophrenic American left is always entertaining:

  • It was wrong for George H.W. Bush to have left Saddam Hussein in power.
  • Regime change of Iraq under Bill Clinton: Good!
  • Regime change of Iraq under George W. Bush: Really, Really, Really Bad!
  • It was wrong for George W. Bush to have removed Saddam Hussein from power.
  • General Petraeus under George W. Bush’s command: General Betray-us.
  • General Petraeus under Barack Obama’s command: help us Obi-Wan Petraeus, you’re our only hope!

And let’s flash back to good ol’ Harry Reid:

Liberal advocacy groups and senators at the time accused Petraeus of misrepresenting the success of the surge of nearly 40,000 troops. …

[Harry] Reid told CNN in April of 2007 he did not believe Petraeus’s claim that the surge was working in Iraq.

“I don’t believe him, because it’s not happening,” Reid said. “All you have to do is look at the facts.”

At a press conference a few months later, Reid said: “For someone, whether it’s Gen. Petraeus or anyone else, to say things are great in Baghdad isn’t in touch with what’s going on in Baghdad, even though he’s there and I’m not.”

Well Harry, someone is a fool but it ain’t the General…

Arrogant and Incompetent

“Only the mediocre are always at their best.”

Of course, “it’s smarter to be lucky than it’s lucky to be smart.”  

And then there’s this warning from Germany:

“If Barack Obama isn’t careful, he will become the Jimmy Carter of the 21st century.”

Meanwhile, on the world stage it’s amateur hour.

What is most interesting about the items linked above is that these are the sentiments of Obama supporters!

So once again I have to ask: who are the rubes now? (which is far more polite than “I told ya so!”, don’t you think?)


Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve weighed in on the whole global warming global cooling climate change issue.  And no, I’m not going to get snarky and mock Al Gore’s marriage woes.  I’ve noticed that the alarmists have been oddly quiet of late (hey, less hot air is a good thing right?).  And it’s no wonder given recent events.

All I’ve ever argued was that the science was far from settled.  So, with this I’ll consider myself vindicated.

Britain’s premier scientific institution is being forced to review its statements on climate change after a rebellion by members who question mankind’s contribution to rising temperatures.

The Royal Society has appointed a panel to rewrite the 350-year-old institution’s official position on global warming. It will publish a new “guide to the science of climate change” this summer. The society has been accused by 43 of its Fellows of refusing to accept dissenting views on climate change and exaggerating the degree of certainty that man-made emissions are the main cause.

The society appears to have conceded that it needs to correct previous statements. It said: “Any public perception that science is somehow fully settled is wholly incorrect — there is always room for new observations, theories, measurements.” This contradicts a comment by the society’s previous president, Lord May, who was once quoted as saying: “The debate on climate change is over.”

Maybe now I won’t have to die a slow and painful death from cancer, right Jacob? (heh, I see Jacob has sent his blog posting down the memory hole.  Not as sweet as an apology and admission he was wrong, but sweet just the same).

Sold down the proverbial river

Meanwhile in the Middle East, Obama continues to undermine Israel.  Supporting a resolution in the UN for “a nuclear-free” Middle East while doing nothing to impede the efforts of Iran in acquiring nuclear weapons.  Nothing good can come of this of course.  I suspect Israel will do what she must for self-preservation and it will likely get ugly.

I think the growing anti-Semitic sentiment among the Left generally and in Washington in particular is also pretty scary.  I mean there is fairly recent history that should raise some red flags when folks start talking about  “good Jews and bad Jews”.  And no, I’m not referring to Nazi Germany.


hat tip: Lileks

Calling all white people

I’m asking all you white males in the USA to stand together this November and vote as one to defeat any member of Congress who supports the President’s policies.

What?  You think that is racist?  It can’t be, because the President himself said:

This year, the stakes are higher than ever,” he said, according to a transcript of his remarks provided by Democratic officials. “It will be up to each of you to make sure that young people, African Americans, Latinos and women who powered our victory in 2008 stand together once again.

Racist is as racist does.

Getting it wrong exactly…

You absolutely cannot make this stuff up:

The federal stimulus act has performed “exactly” as the Obama administration expected it to, Council of Economic Advisers Chairwoman Christina Romer said Sunday.

Ok then, let’s hop into the WABAC machine  for a reminder of what the Obama administration promised us:

I’m gonna give Romer the benefit of the doubt here and agree that the stimulus produced exactly the result expected.   Which would be this:

A Goy and his Blog deems this “fiscal suicide by Democrat”.  As apt as it is sad I’m afraid.

Promises, promises

“I can make a firm pledge under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” (Video here)

–Barack Obama, September 2008.

The individual mandate, which amends the Internal Revenue Code, is not actually a mandate at all. It is a tax. It gives people a choice: they can buy health insurance or they can pay a tax roughly equal to the cost of health insurance, which is used to subsidize the government’s health care program and families who wish to purchase health insurance. (NY Times blog)

–Jack Baldwin, Constitutional Law Professor