Raising Cain

Glenn Reynolds links to this NYTimes column regarding the slippery slope of the ever expanding definition of sexual harassment.  Since no one has offered any substantive specifics on just what Cain did or didn’t do, and whether it crossed any legal or moral boundaries, it seems to me this situation is as likely to be political dirty tricks as it is inappropriate behavior. 

Having recently retired after 34 years of federal government service, this post brought back memories.  We had annual mandatory workshops on “sexual harassment” and “diversity” and sometimes the content was downright Orwellian.  My favorite story was the time the diversity instructor told us solemnly that the paper easel he was using for his presentation should not be called a “flip” chart as that term would be considered offensive to people of Filipino origin.  Instead, we should call it a “rip chart”.  To our credit, several folks immediately burst out laughing.  And then we started asking what we should do if called upon to “flip a coin”.   Or if we could no longer “flip the bird” when cut off in traffic.  In went on in that vein until the flustered diversity expert gave the class an unscheduled coffee break.  I guess he was surprised we all flipped out on him by being so flip about such a serious matter.

What they are teaching in school these days…

Well, at least at Lake Carolina elementary.  My daughter-in-law shared this gem brought home by her fourth grader:

“A Moo Way to Look at Isms”

Socialism: You have two cows.  Give one cow to your neighbor.

Communism: You have two cows.  Give both cows to the government, and they may give you some milk.

Fascism: You have two cows.  You give all the milk to the government, and the government sells it.

Nazism:  You have two cows.  The government shoots you and takes both cows.

Anarchism: You have two cows.  Keep both cows, shoot the government agent and steal another cow.

Capitalism: You have two cows.  Sell one cow and buy a bull.

Good stuff.

Welcome to the unemployment line

Well, it was certainly heartening to see so many scumbag losers Democratic incumbents tossed out on their sorry asses held accountable by the uneducated angry masses American voters.

My favorite amongst these recently unemployed individuals is NC Representative Bob Etheridge.  You remember him, don’t you?

Anytime an arrogant ignorant asshole like this is removed from a position of power and authority it’s a good thing.  What makes this particular case all the sweeter is that it represents a big victory for new media over the corrupt gatekeepers of the liberal press.

This was also a victory for New Media. As we’ve seen time and again, the same corrupted MSM that endlessly looped the assault on that MoveOn crazy woman at the Rand Paul (I mean, Senator-Elect Rand Paul) event would’ve most certainly ignored the video of Etheridge’s assault like they do most stories that might create a narrative damaging to the left.

But YouTube and these here Inter-Web-Dot-Nets make it possible for truth-tellers to go around the self-appointed MSM Gatekeepers and get the word out. And when something goes viral, as this did, it can have the same effect it would have if the MSM weren’t corrupt and did their jobs honorably. 

I don’t want to say that New Media took a scalp with Etheridge, because it’s not about that. It’s about breaking the MSM monopoly and letting the American people decide what information is important and relevant and what isn’t.

The masses are not asses, the MSM knows this, which is why they so desperately want to control the flow of information. The rise of righteous New Media may not be fast enough for some but just take a moment to remember what the media landscape was like just ten years ago — and it’s only going to get better.

Oh yeah, the best is yet to come.  The jig is up folks.  There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

Who’s gonna be punished? Who’s the enemy?

The president had this to say to Hispanic voters:

“If Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies, and we’re gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us’ — if they don’t see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election — then I think it’s going to be harder. And that’s why I think it’s so important that people focus on voting on November 2nd.”

House Republican Leader John Boehner responded:

In remarks prepared for delivery at an election-eve rally in Cincinnati, Boehner seized on the “enemies” passage: “Ladies and gentlemen, we have a president in the White House who referred to Americans who disagree with him as ‘our enemies.’ … Mr. President, there’s a word for people who have the audacity to speak up in defense of freedom, the Constitution, and the values of limited government that made our country great. We don’t call them ‘enemies.’ We call them ‘patriots.'”

Hell, I don’t know who’s right.  Let’s let the ignorant, angry and unwashed voters decide the issue.  I’m guessing the patriots will defeat the enemy, but what do I know?

If you are looking to start the week with some good news…

try this:

While the Senate race remains extremely tight, most polls are pointing to a Republican takeover of the House. And as Michael Barone has noted, the shift to the GOP could be the biggest since 1894, let alone 1994. For President Obama, this is a nightmare scenario, with his legislative agenda lying in ruins, and facing a campaign for the repeal of his hugely controversial and costly health care reform law. November 2nd could well be the worst day for America’s Left in more than a decade, signaling the start of another conservative revolution and a firm rejection of Barack Obama’s Big Government agenda.

It’s a little too little….

….it’s a little too late.

As a result, we are seeing something unique in our history: an uprising of voters trying in every way possible to roll back an act that was always unpopular, and was passed by means most people think of as borderline legal, and without legitimacy in any sense of the word.

Whether people object to the act or the way it was passed is a moot question, as the answer is “both of them.” And its chances of surviving in the form it was passed in grow less and less every day.

Perhaps Democrats should have spent less time trying to buy and bully their members into stiffing their voters, and more time trying to build up the public’s support.

Perhaps when the Tea Parties began, they should have tried to pre-empt or defuse them, and not dismiss them as racists and “Astroturf.” Perhaps they shouldn’t have listened to liberal bloggers and listened instead to the voters.

But it is not too soon to say “I told you so!”

Speaking as a racist, nativist, homophobic hater of Islam…

…let me just say that at least I’m not a liberal scoundrel.  Pardon my redundancy.  Charles Krauthammer nails it:

Liberalism under siege is an ugly sight indeed. Just yesterday it was all hope and change and returning power to the people. But the people have proved so disappointing. Their recalcitrance has, in only 19 months, turned the predicted 40-year liberal ascendancy (James Carville) into a full retreat. Ah, the people, the little people, the small-town people, the “bitter” people, as Barack Obama in an unguarded moment once memorably called them, clinging “to guns or religion or” – this part is less remembered – “antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.”

Do yourself a favor and read the whole thing. 

And while we on the subject, I suggest this as well.

How low can it go?

Talk about your summertime blues.  Obama’s “recovery summer” is driving the economy to unprecedented depths.  So bad people are talking about when Herbert Hoover ran things back in 1929.

How bad? The housing market’s worst-on-record June for new construction was followed by its worst-on-record July. In each case, the year-over-year decline from 2009, when what I have been calling the POR (Pelosi-Obama-Reid economy since the middle of 2008 supposedly hit its trough, was about 10%. In what are usually two of the best months of the year for builders, in a nation with almost 130 million housing units, construction began on barely over 100,000 new ones. That’s about 65% lower than the 1959-2007 average for the same two months.

An economist quoted by the Associated Press on August 19 described the construction situation for office buildings, malls, and hotels in three words: “Dead, dead, dead.”

Send in the clowns.

The truth will set you free…

Man, I wish I’d written this:

But it wasn’t only liberal illogic that caused me to dump the whole program—much of it had to do with gradual changes in liberal attitudes and behavior. I’m old enough to remember when liberals were free-speech absolutists and conservatives tended to be the book-burners. But historical forces can blur, erase, and often invert party lines.

Over the years, I watched as liberals slowly became the group most likely to flat-out refuse discussing certain topics and answering certain questions, their purportedly “open” minds snapping shut like a giant clam. They became the group most likely to try and silence their opponents by shouting them down, defaming them, assaulting them, and even urging legislation to ban the use and expression of certain terms and sentiments. They became the group most disposed toward emotional appeals, double standards, wishful thinking, and wretchedly malodorous sanctimony.

Read the whole thing.  It’s good.

Hat Tip: Spleenville.

UPDATE:  I actually found the above on a blog a rarely read these days.  Following some links on even less frequently read blogs I came across this:

The book’s French cancellation is, I realize, a rather small cultural event. Yet it gives specific color to the recent revelations on the Daily Caller website that left-wing journalists conspired to suppress scandals that might harm Barack Obama and to the brouhaha over Breitbart’s online release of a video that resulted in a government worker’s momentarily losing her job. In both stories, one thing leaps out at me: everywhere, the Left favors fewer voices and less information, and conservatives favor more. Everywhere, the Left seeks to disappear its opposition, whereas the Right is willing to meet them head-on.

Take the e-mails that the Daily Caller obtained from the now-defunct lefty Web service Journolist. Never mind the personal or psychological implications of a radio producer who lovingly imagines Rush Limbaugh’s death or a law professor who doesn’t know that the FCC has no power to deprive Fox News of a license or a reporter who wants to smear Fred Barnes and other right-wing commentators as racist in order to distract the public from the hateful radicalism of Jeremiah Wright, then Obama’s pastor. The point is not these people’s animus or ignorance or wickedness. The point is that what they desired was not victory in open debate but silence—the silence of censorship, intimidation, or the grave.

When has Rush Limbaugh ever wished a liberal’s mouth closed forever? Really, who can deny that Rush would happily argue a point with absolutely anyone anywhere? When has Fox News ever done anything to its rival cable stations but trounce them in a free competition for ratings? When has Fred Barnes ever tried to bully or intimidate someone into shutting up?

But wait, on yet a third blog, I found this:

Progressivism offers — rather, promises: less freedom; less mobility; less prosperity; less comfort; less autonomy and sovereignty for individuals; less integrity and straightforwardness; less transparency among the ruling class, oversight of their capricious usurpations, and recourse to address the wrongs they encourage; less satisfaction in life; less self-respect and dignity; less of everything that makes life living, in sum.

But there are in fact some things they offer us more of: more government; more taxation; more overweening bureaucracy to exercise more control over our lives; more intolerance for differing ideas; more restriction; more strangulation.

Wow.  I’ve been saying this for the longest time…liberal, progressive, whatever you call it, is in fact just the opposite of what those terms have historically meant.  I am still the liberal here.  The rest of you have gone mad…