Sold down the proverbial river

Meanwhile in the Middle East, Obama continues to undermine Israel.  Supporting a resolution in the UN for “a nuclear-free” Middle East while doing nothing to impede the efforts of Iran in acquiring nuclear weapons.  Nothing good can come of this of course.  I suspect Israel will do what she must for self-preservation and it will likely get ugly.

I think the growing anti-Semitic sentiment among the Left generally and in Washington in particular is also pretty scary.  I mean there is fairly recent history that should raise some red flags when folks start talking about  “good Jews and bad Jews”.  And no, I’m not referring to Nazi Germany.


hat tip: Lileks

2 thoughts on “Sold down the proverbial river

  1. Wow. This is about the most ignorant thing you have ever posted. Your cartoon is in poor taste and the comments in your article aren’t any better.

    Jews by and large count themselves on the left of the policitical spectrum. Evangelical Christians who tend to populate the right wing really have no truck with Jews except when exploiting them for political gain. According to their mythology, the only Jews who will go to heaven at the time of the second coming of Christ are those that convert to christianity. Oh yes they love Jews.

    Yes the US has indicated tentative support for a nuclear free middle east conference contingent upon real progress in the Middle East peace process. Now some might read that to mean “never.”

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