
Tough weekend of darts in Nashville.  Just could not achieve any level of consistency and consequently lost matches I was in a position to win.  Only real highlight was a top 8 finish in the Saturday blind draw and a couple of solid performances in singles (followed up by exceeding poor ones).  Alas.

I also showed some regression in the war on fat, gaining a half pound.  Stuck to the diet, so I can only assume that low carb beer in quantity is not conducive to weight loss.  Alas.

Onward and downward!



The Weight

A fine, fine song from The Band.

Speaking of taking a load off Fanny, after last week’s flat line I am pleased to report a three pound drop this week.  That puts me a 236.5, a 42 pound overall reduction and that brings me to within 20 pounds of my goal.  The original objective was a 60 pound loss, which I have slightly modified to getting somewhere between 215 and 220 and then maintaining that weight long term.

The other good news is that my girth now stands at 44″, which constitutes a reduction of 7.5″.  I’m wearing my 38 inch waist jeans again for the first time in years (I had tried to give them to Goodwill but Jee Yeun had insisted I keep them “just in case”).   My triple XL shirts fit me like a tent now as well.

That's me at 25.  See that belt?  I've still got it.  And I can actually wear it again.  Of course, I'm on the notch closest to the end and it's a tight squeeze, but still...

That’s me at 25. See that belt? I’ve still got it. And I can actually wear it again. Of course, I’m on the notch closest to the end and it’s a tight squeeze, but still…

Onward and downward!

Life’s a beach

Just back from a weekend at Sunset Beach in North Carolina. We “roughed it”, staying in a one room log cabin. We had power and AC, but no indoor plumbing. It was a trek to the community restroom, although truth be told once the sun went down I peed where I pleased.

On the front porch

On the front porch

The small but functional inside.  Jee Yeun brought along luxuries like a coffee maker and of course her rice cooker....

The small but functional inside. Jee Yeun brought along luxuries like a coffee maker and of course her rice cooker….

Spent Saturday on the beach with my Korea buddy Duke Gates and family...

Spent Saturday on the beach with my Korea buddy Duke Gates and family…

whenever I go to the ocean I'm reminded of those long ago days of youthful indiscretion.  Like the time my buddies and I went down to Mexico, got drunk, and ran over a Mexican weatherman.  How do I know he was a weatherman?  When he stood up he shook his fist and yelled "sunny beaches!"  Bada bing.

whenever I go to the ocean I’m reminded of those long ago days of youthful indiscretion. Like the time my buddies and I went down to Mexico, got drunk, and ran over a Mexican weatherman. How do I know he was a weatherman? When he stood up he shook his fist and yelled “sunny beaches!” Bada bing.

Anyway, it was a good time sitting around the campfire, drinking beer, and shooting the bull.

That’s the way, uh huh uh huh, I like it

uh huh uh huh.

My yobo said she wanted English lessons for her birthday.  Her English is certainly good enough to get her by, but she feels like she misses out on a lot of the conversation when a group of us native speakers are talking.  Also, some folks don’t always understand her, especially upon first meeting.  She has a pretty strong accent that takes some getting used to I suppose.  Anyway, she is motivated to improve her vocabulary and pronunciation and works every day with an old high school textbook from Korea.  We both agree that some focused study with an experienced tutor will help her develop her English language skills much more quickly and effectively.

So, I wasn’t exactly sure where or how to start my quest for a tutor.  I wrote to a friend who is in the business up Virginia way and he advised that finding someone local would be more beneficial than attempting lessons via Skype, especially for working on pronunciation.  This being the 21st century and all, I decided to see what I could on Craigslist.  There really wasn’t a lot.  Most of the folks listed were looking to work with school age children on academic subjects.   I finally reached an ad that was a couple of weeks old that at least mentioned helping non-native speakers with English.  So, I sent an email and was pleasantly surprised when I got an almost immediate response.

Even better, the person who responded (Stephanie) is a kyopo who taught English at Samsung in Seoul before returning to the states three years ago.  Also, she lives only about ten minutes away.  I had Jee Yeun give her a call and they had a nice chat–in Korean.  Stephanie came by the house and took Jee Yeun out for coffee and from all reports they hit it off quite well.  The plan is lessons twice a week on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.  What are the odds that the first (and only) ad I responded to would be such an apparently perfect fit?  I’d call that kismet.

The other reason I’m smiling this morning is that the scale has been kind to me.  Down three pounds this week which puts me at 243.  And it appears that I’m finally making some progress on my middle.  My girth measurement is 45″, down 1 1/2″ from last week.  I’ve also had two people I see infrequently comment on my weight loss, a particularly satisfying measurement of progress.

So, twenty weeks into the LCHF diet plan (with a little treadmill on the side) I can report a 35.5 pound overall weight loss and a 6 1/2 inch reduction in the midsection.  That’s the way I like it!

Onward and downward!  Uh huh uh huh.


Back from a weekend of darting in Winston-Salem, NC.  I played pretty well overall, just not well enough to, you know, actually win.  The worst part was being on the cusp of victory only to throw it away (no pun intended) with a couple of poorly thrown darts.  Ah well, still not ready for prime time I guess.

On the drive home got caught in a massive traffic jam caused by a six car chain reaction pile up on I-85.  It happened a mile or two up the road from me, but two ambulances, two fire trucks, and a state trooper vehicle kept both lanes bottlenecked for quite awhile.  The accident occurred in the left lane and it doesn’t take an accident investigator (although technically I was trained as an accident investigator back in my USPS days) to figure out what happened–driving 70 plus miles per hour right on the ass of the car in front of you.  Someone taps the breaks and all hell breaks loose.  Idiots.

My final frustration was weighing in and finding I achieved no weight loss this week.  My own fault really.  Had the grand kids most of the week and that kept me off the treadmill (yeah, it was ALL their fault!).  There was a Wendy’s next door to our hotel in Winston-Salem and  I found it impossible to resist those soft ice cream waffle cones.  I had two.  I guess I should be glad I didn’t gain weight.  So, holding steady at 246 (down 32.5 pounds overall).  Girth also was unchanged at 46.5 inches, down 5″ since February.

Onward and downward.

Playing with my ASS and reaching a milestone

I had a great day yesterday throwing darts in the ASS.  Aiken Singles Series Dart League finals that is.  The top six finishers in league play met at the VFW in Aiken, SC to determine a champion and your humble blog host was among them.  The format was a round robin (each of the six played each other 3 games of 501) and then the top 4 finishers would advance to the championship round.  I took 9 of 15 legs in the semis which was good enough to move on.

In the championship round each player faced off in full 9 game matches–a total of 27 games each–and the top two finishers would earn some dough.  I went 4-5 against my first opponent, 3-6 against my second, but finished 7-2 against the third.  And through the wonder of mathematics (the guy who beat me 6-3 lost to the guy I beat by a wider margin) that was good enough for the second place prize, a cool $100.00.

If you are keeping score that was 42 games of darts.  We started at 1:30 and finished at 8:30.  At the end it was more about endurance than skill.  And I know folks joke about the athletic qualities of darters; but standing, walking, throwing, and intensely competing over such an extended period of time is both physically and mentally demanding and quite exhausting.  Plus, I’m old and fat.

But not as fat as I once was!  18 weeks into the LCHF diet plan I’ve surpassed the halfway point in reaching my goal of losing 60 pounds.  The previous couple of weeks I seemed to have flatlined, so I began walking the treadmill to get the weight loss jump started again.  The payoff was a drop this week from 251 pounds to 246!  That makes a net loss 32.5 since February 19.  Color me pleased about that.  I also managed to whittle away some of my stubborn girth, cutting my middle down to 46.5″, 5″ smaller than I was when I started the diet.  My jeans are definitely riding higher these days!

Onward and downward.

Getting nowhere fast

Although technically speaking it’s more accurate to say I’m not getting anywhere at a brisk pace.  3.5 miles per hour to be exact.  Yes, I’m back on the treadmill again.  I fear I’ve hit a plateau on weight loss through diet alone so I’m going to try and kick the ol’ metabolism up a notch or two and see what happens.

Onward and downward.

On the road to hell…


…or maybe Itaewon.  Although I suppose it could be argued that one leads to the other.

Speaking of being paved with good intentions, this week’s weigh-in finds me at 251 pounds.  Down one from last week, which is exactly 1/3 of the previous week’s weight gain.  I was a little sinful, having made a (sugar free) banana pudding.  And then proceeded to eat the whole damn thing in one hellacious sitting.  I reasoned that eating it all at once would be no different than enjoying the same amount spread over several days.  That must have been satan talking, because I know better.  So, now I have repented and have refocused on my efforts for a heavenly weight loss.


I’ve been watching the television series Arrested Development on Netflix and enjoying the hell out of it.  It’s #16 on the list of best written television series.  In the episode that ended season one the family is doing the low carb diet thing which made the jokes especially funny to me.  Anyway, highly recommend this show.

And now I must get on the road to Aiken for a long ass day of darts exercise.  Onward and downward!

Tongue tied

At the risk of turning this otherwise mundane and generally pointless blog you’ve come to know and expect into a worthless compilation of diet news, I can’t resist linking to this story about the latest Beverly Hills weight loss craze–the tongue patch.  The way it apparently works is they sew a plastic patch onto your tongue which makes eating solid food extremely painful.  The doctor selling this $2000 surgery reports his patients lose up to 30 pounds a month.  That’s the power of a liquid diet so he says.

Of course, my problem is I’m drinking too much liquid–mostly of the beer variety.  I’m quite certain those Korean beers I consumed in great quantity are what caused my massive weight gain to begin with (light and/or low carb beers are not commonly found and the American imports cost twice as much as the local brews).  So, the tongue patch is not really an option for me, especially given my well-developed aversion to pain.

Today I took Jee Yeun to the GNC store so she could restock her supply of fish oil.  She also bought something called Biotin, which is apparently some kind of B-vitamin supplement.  According to Jee Yeun that 100 year old woman we met (I wrote about her here) swears by the stuff.  I guess we’ll see, but I reckon it can’t hurt either.

Anyway, I browsed the store while Jee Yeun found her stuff and came across these:


By golly, “a clinically studied white kidney bean extract” that “decreases the caloric impact of carbs!”  Does it actually work?  According to Wikipedia in three double blind studies folks who used Phaseolamin lost significantly more weight than the placebo group.  Will it work for me?  I don’t see how it could hurt.  Mind you, I’m sticking with the low carbohydrate regimen but hopefully this will help counter my “liquid diet” problem.  And if it assuages the pangs of guilt when I have the occasionally slip (did you know Wendy’s is selling soft-serve ice cream in a waffle cone?) then it is worth it at twice the price.  Truthfully, the bottle only cost me 23 bucks for 120 humongous tablets, which is just about the price for two buckets of beer.  And who can put a price tag on peace of mind?

And so it goes


It’s Memorial Day so of course today I’m remembering the brave men and women who answered our nation’s call to duty and paid for our freedom with their blood.  I wrote about one of them, my great Uncle Frank, last year.  Have a read if you are so inclined. 
Back home from a weekend of darts action in lovely Greenville, South Carolina.  I’d like to say I’m seeing noticeable improvement in my game, but I’m still throwing entirely too inconsistent to be truly competitive at tournament level play.  There were some islands of brilliance in a vast sea of mediocrity, but nothing worth blogging about.  Well, two things I’ll call progress.  I’m over the jitters of playing against outstanding darters, and I did manage to advance to the third round in singles cricket which was one of my goals going in.  Yeah, that qualifies as setting the bar pretty low.  But it’s my damn bar to do with as I please, right?

Came home and hit the scale for my weekly weigh-in and was pleased to see a loss of three pounds.  That brings me down to to 249.  Glad to put those 250s behind me, hopefully forever.  Total weight loss thus far is 29.5 pounds, pretty nearly half of my 60 pound goal (see, I can set the bar high too).  Oddly enough, my girth measurement is up one inch to 47″.  It boggles my brain to lose weight and get bigger at the same time.  Jee Yeun says it’s from all the beer I drank this weekend.  Well, I did put away some brewskis, but they were of the low carb (2.5 grams per bottle) variety.  I’m more inclined to think it was the watermelon I scarfed down, which was pretty much my only major diet violation this week.  Ah well, I guess the old saw that less is more has proven to be accurate in this case.  Onward and downward!

A walk in the park

Actually walks in the parks.  Thursday I hiked throughout the Magic Kingdom.  Friday I spent the day strolling the pleasant environs of Epcot.  And Saturday found my feet wandering around Hollywood Studios.  And when I wasn’t walking, I was standing in a long-ass line waiting to experience the most popular attractions.

I also stuck to the LCHF diet for the most part.   Had a Wendy’s burger on the drive down and on Saturday I gave in to temptation and enjoyed (thoroughly enjoyed!) an apple pie sundae.  I don’t know why, but I just remembered the story about Robinson Crusoe inviting his native companion over for a treat: “Hey Friday, come over Saturday and we’ll have a sundae.”

Anyway, this week’s weigh-in finds me at 252, down two pounds from last week.  Girth remains unchanged at 46″.

Onward and downward!

Ups and downs

Today marks 13 weeks on the LCHF diet.  The halfway point in my quest to lose 60 pounds in six months.  Although I’ve been making pretty steady progress and have done pretty well at sticking to the diet, I’ve got a long way to go to achieve my goal.  One thing I’m going to have to do in the next 13 weeks is actually get serious about adding some exercise to my daily routine.  I’ve got a treadmill in the spare bedroom and a bicycle in the garage.  I need to start actually using them.

Anyway, I actually lost ground this past week, gaining one pound which puts me back to 254.  I’m not overly distressed because I had a three pound loss the week before which seemed somewhat unnatural.  Plus I was in travel mode this week which is always tough (fewer food options, lots of sitting behind the steering wheel).  Overall I’ve lost 24 1/2 pounds, so there’s that.

In the good news department, this week’s girth measurement has me at 46″, down 1″ from last week 5.5″ overall.  Now, the week I lost three pounds I saw no reduction in my belly.  The week I gain a pound, I lose an inch off the middle.  Go figure.

Onward and downward!

I walk the line

Who says dart players aren’t athletes?  I did the math and I can prove what a physically demanding game darts truly is.  For example, I played in a round robin format event on Saturday with 8 other players.  That means I played each player three games (legs).  That’s a total of 24 legs.  Now the throw line (oche) is 5′ 8″ from the dart board.  Each turn (throw) consists of three darts.  So after every throw you walk from the oche to the dart board and back, a distance of approximately 12 feet.  It’s actually more, because you don’t walk directly back to the oche, you move behind your opponent while s/he thows.  And usually you walk ever farther, because normally between throws you go back to the table area for a swallow of beer (aiming fluid).  So, it’s fair to say the distance traveled for each throw is around 20 feet.

Now, I’m an average (at best) darter.  And I reckon it takes me 30 darts to finish a leg (sometimes less, sometimes more).  So, that’s 10 trips to and from the dart board, or 200 feet.  That means each 3 leg match equals 600 feet of walking.  What with warmups and trips to the restroom to recycle the aiming fluid, I walked over a mile during Saturday’s round robin.

But wait, there’s more!  I played in a blind draw Saturday night (although I only lasted 9 legs before being eliminated).  And on Sunday I played another 27 legs in the ASS (Aiken Singles Series) league.  That’s a lot of walking!  Come to think of it, maybe that’s why they call each game a leg!  Hell, Johnny Cash even wrote a song about it.

Anyway, the above is a round about way of getting to this week’s progress report on my LCHF diet adventure.  Other than darts, I’m really not managing much exercise.  I am sticking pretty close to the dietary requirements without being fanatical about it.  I have small helpings of fruit and berries occasionally and on Saturday I had a few fries because I was hungry and there were no other readily available options. But no bread, no starches, no sugary sweets.  I dearly do miss them.
And so I was very pleased when my scale reported my weight as 253 pounds.  That’s an incredible FOUR pound drop from last week!  Overall I’m down 25 and a half pounds since February 19.  It’s good to see that the self-sacrifice is showing some results.  Now, I’m not sure where the weight is coming from.  My girth is at 47″, just a half-inch reduction from last week and 4 1/2 inches overall.  Still, my pants are riding higher these days, and that’s a much more comfortable fit.

Onward and downward!

A pound of flesh

That’s what I theoretically dispensed with this week.  Although it didn’t come from the belly as my girth is unchanged from last week’s 47.5″.  Disappointing that.  But for the Buddha-like proportions of my mid-section I’m actually relatively slim.  Meaning my legs and ass are more muscular than fatty.  And no, my thighs do not rub together when I walk.

Anyway, this week finds me at 257 pounds, down one from last week and 21.5 overall.  Onward and downward!

Breaking the pound barrier

Week nine of the diet finds me blasting through two, count ’em, two barriers on my journey to svelte-ness.

Today’s weigh-in finds me tipping the scale at 258 pounds.  That’s an amazing 4 pound drop from last week.  I’ve been averaging around a pound a week for the past few weeks, so the amount of weight loss this week is quite unexpected, especially since I haven’t done anything different that I’m aware of.  So, getting under 260 feels like an accomplishment.  An accomplishment tempered by the fact that the last time I was in the 250s was 2009 and back then I was thinking “damn, you are fucking fat!  You better get off you ass and do something about it!”  Now four years later here I am in the 250s and feeling sorta good about it.  As Einstein might say, everything’s relative.

The other noteworthy barrier is the magical, mystical, irrelevant but still awesome, achievement of a 20 pound weight loss.  20.5 pounds to be exact if you are keeping score.  That’s about a third of way on the journey I’ve undertaken.  I don’t expect it’s gonna get any easier down the road.  In fact, I fear this was the easy part.  Sometime soon my body is likely to find its low carb equilibrium and I’m going to have to try something radical, like exercise, to continue losing weight.

Girth remains unchanged from last week’s 47.5”.  So, wherever those four pounds disappeared from, it wasn’t my belly.  Shame that.

Ah well, I’m encouraged that my deprivation has not thus far been in vain.  Onward and downward!

A matter of inches

I overheard a couple of Naval aviators discussing the fact that female pilots have a difficult time mastering carrier landings.  “It’s completely understandable” one of them explained “because they have a serious depth perception problem.”  “Yeah” said the other “but you really can’t blame them.  Their whole life they’ve been told that this…


…is six inches.”

Speaking of inches, it’s time for this week’s weigh-in report.  Today marks eight weeks of denying myself all the carbohydrate-rich goodness I’ve come to know and love.  I wouldn’t say it’s getting easier–man, did I have a craving for ice cream last night–but I’m more or less resigned to going without.  At least until I reach my goal, which sadly is still 42 pounds away.

Today’s weight: 262.0, down .5 from last week and 16.5 pounds lost overall.  Slow and steady as she goes I suppose.

In somewhat more encouraging news, today’s girth measurement is 47.5″ which is down 1.5″ from last week and 4″ since February 19.  A couple of people say they can tell I’ve lost weight.  They are family members who know about the diet though so they could just be telling me what I want to hear.  Although my yobo says she felt my hip bone while we were lying in bed for the first time in the 5 years she has known me.

I’ve actually noticed that my Levi’s are riding higher up on the belly (I wear suspenders BTW) and that my shirts are not quite as ridiculously stretched across my middle as they used to be.  So there is that.  Onward and downward!

Marathon man

It’s tough to stick to the LCHF diet when I travel. And this weekend I went slightly off plan.  Friday night I succumbed to the Mexican restaurant featured in the Tuscany casino that was arranged by Good Luck Mate. Had the shredded beef taco and enchilada plate ($6.95!).  To my credit, I didn’t touch the rice and only indulged in dipping three tortilla chips in the salsa.  I did better Saturday night, satisfying my hunger with a nice slab of prime rib (with sides of slaw and baked beans for $12.99).  Sunday I threw caution to the wind and enjoyed a Carl’s Jr. burger and an authentic hand dipped strawberry shake (gawd it was so good!).  I forsook the fries however.  At the airport in Phoenix last night I consumed a Coney Island hot dog (chili and cheese) but didn’t eat the bun.  Limited myself to two french fries.  So, I wasn’t totally bad and hopefully what you eat in Vegas stays in Vegas.

On the other hand, I got in quite a bit of exercise.  In addition to my sprint across the Charlotte airport I participated in a marathon of darts on Saturday.  I was in the dart hall from 3:00 until almost 11:00, mostly on my feet and walking, and all I consumed during those 8 hours was a mixture of diet cokes and light beer.  I won 16 of the 45 legs (games) I played, exceeding the goal of 10 wins I had set for myself going in.  Keep in mind, this was a professional tourney.  In fact, one of my opponents, John Part, is a three time world champion (he kicked my heinie pretty good, although I had one opportunity to win a leg but I blew it).  Anyway, I was physically exhausted when it was over so I must have gotten in some pretty good exercise, right?

This week’s weigh-in finds me at 262.5, down .5 from last week and 16 pounds overall.  Girth is holding steady at 49″ (down from 51.5″ in February).  I’m a little disappointed that I’m not getting smaller around the middle, but I think that’s about the last place you lose your excess weight.  I’m also a little worried that my carb binge hasn’t registered yet.  We’ll see next week I suppose.

I’ll never do that again!

Got through the day yesterday with only one hitch.


At the Clark County courthouse for a marriage license.


At the cheesy Las Vegas wedding chapel where our vows were exchanged.


I count myself a lucky man.

After the ceremony was concluded it was time to rush back to the hotel and start the honeymoon.  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I’m talking darts.  The blind draw doubles event of the New World Dart Series.   Hey, Jee Yeun was a darts widow even before I married her!


Puttin’ on my game face.