On the road to hell…


…or maybe Itaewon.  Although I suppose it could be argued that one leads to the other.

Speaking of being paved with good intentions, this week’s weigh-in finds me at 251 pounds.  Down one from last week, which is exactly 1/3 of the previous week’s weight gain.  I was a little sinful, having made a (sugar free) banana pudding.  And then proceeded to eat the whole damn thing in one hellacious sitting.  I reasoned that eating it all at once would be no different than enjoying the same amount spread over several days.  That must have been satan talking, because I know better.  So, now I have repented and have refocused on my efforts for a heavenly weight loss.


I’ve been watching the television series Arrested Development on Netflix and enjoying the hell out of it.  It’s #16 on the list of best written television series.  In the episode that ended season one the family is doing the low carb diet thing which made the jokes especially funny to me.  Anyway, highly recommend this show.

And now I must get on the road to Aiken for a long ass day of darts exercise.  Onward and downward!

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