Out of kilter

This post is a little askew…

So yesterday’s date with Jessa went fine for the most part. But something seemed a little off in a way I can’t put my finger on just yet. The date started with her arriving 30 minutes late. I get the whole “Filipina time” cultural thing, but it is still a little offputting. We dined at the Arizona resort, the first time I’ve eaten at one of my favorite restaurants since this whole COVID pandemic hysteria ruined the world as we knew it.

The food was fine. We were the only diners. It was a creepy vibe.

Jessa had a T-bone steak (950 pesos!) and I went with the grilled chicken breast. After our meal, she wasn’t interested in walking back to my place so we took a trike. Upon arrival, I made us some banana smoothies (she preferred no strawberries!) for dessert. Then we opened up some beers and settled into the couch to watch a couple of episodes of The Outsider. It’s based on a Stephen King novel I haven’t read. We’ve watched five of the ten episodes now and I’d rate it a solid “okay”.

Then we went upstairs for boom-boom which was more satisfying than watching television for sure. She really is a sensuous young woman with a very sexy body. Even though she doesn’t shave her legs. Afterward, she asked for a massage which I gladly provided. She didn’t offer to reciprocate. She likes to cuddle when we sleep. I rolled over while sleeping and was hugging a pillow and she nudged me to come back and hold her instead.

Later in the night I actually dreamed about her. In the dream, she told me she loved me. When I awoke and laid there thinking about it I wasn’t sure how that made me feel. And that’s pretty much how I’ve felt since. Ambivalent maybe. Or maybe it’s all just too soon. Or maybe I’m just a fucked up mess when it comes to relationships. I don’t know, maybe I’ll figure it out. There’s nothing wrong with Jessa, like I said, it just feels “off” somehow.

This morning I was up a couple of hours before her. I made up a batch of blueberry muffins and served them with bacon and eggs. She seemed to enjoy the meal. I sent her home with a bottle of wine, some leftover muffins, and a bag of candy for her daughter. As I walked her to the trike stand she asked me if expected her to join me at the Hash. I told her honestly that I didn’t want her to feel obligated to do ANYTHING with me that she didn’t really want to do. I said I know you have no interest in Hashing or hiking but I appreciated her asking me about it. Then I put her in a trike and sent her home.

So, that’s the down and dirty on the date. Again, for the most part, it was quite enjoyable. She’s good company, good looking, has some passion about her, and enjoys getting physical. I don’t know why I’m not crazy about her.

Met up with the guys a little later and we did a long, mostly flat, 11K hike.

Our only real uphill of the day…
Life in the countryside…
…and on the trail.

After the hike, we visited Harley’s on Baloy beach for lunch and beers.

I had to sit at a separate table to ensure proper social distancing. More or less.
But I had a very nice view from my seat.

The other news is that as of today we are now under Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ). I’m not sure what that will mean in terms of things that matter (like bars reopening) but at least there is this:

So, I got three hours of my life back every day (it was 7 to 5). And oh yeah, no more Sunday lockdown!

I reckon that’s progress in the right direction. In these trying times perhaps that’s the best we can hope for. Says the 64-year-old man who can’t figure out why he’s not crazy about a hot 32-year-old who seems to be into him.

Is that a first world or a third world problem?

Steps in the right direction

Well, I did get off my lazy ass this morning and took a good old fashion solitary hike.

Sorry for the crappy map. Just over 9K in a little more than two hours.

That’s more steps than I’ve managed in the last two days combined. I’ll get out for another brief walk later this afternoon if things go as planned.

My downstairs neighbor died this week (the guy who lived in the servant’s room under my house). He’d been fighting advanced diabetes for quite some time. They amputated his leg recently and he never made it back out of the hospital. Rest in Peace, Tony.

Just a couple of years older than me.

Otherwise, nothing much has changed around here. Well, I did have a nice chat with the ex and told her I had no problem maintaining a friendship but the girlfriend thing wasn’t going to happen. She seemed accepting of that proposition so we’ll see. I also told her I would help finance her return to Manila. Hey, what are friends for?

I also chatted some with Jessa and I’m still not sure what the next step is for us and whether I’m ready to take it. I’m such a coward when it comes to love. I guess I’ll just wait and see what happens.

In the meantime, I’ll just walk on.

Strange days

Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday. Tuesday is normally an easy day for blogging, just throw up some photos from Monday’s Hash. But then things got weird.

How weird? Well, the ex-GF showing up to the Hash weird. Granted, she’s got the right and I don’t begrudge her that. She is friends with some of the female Hashers after all. It was a short trail and she was up ahead of me for almost all the hike. Back at the On-Home, she’d fetch me a beer when I was empty but didn’t spend much time with me and I was fine with that too. I left before the circle activities were completed because they ran out of light beer and I’d probably had enough to drink anyway. The ex followed me out of the Hash. Well, the way home did go past her house so I could understand it. When we got to her place she said she wanted to come home with me and see the dogs. I told her no and kept on walking. I was surprised when I looked back and saw she was following me. So I stopped and asked her what was up. She again said she wanted to stay with me. I told her no, that’s not going to happen. After a little back and forth, I walked off alone.

The whole thing threw me for a loop so I decided to pop into “Gomans” for a beer to clear my mind. The ex started sending text messages that I tried to ignore. And then Jessa messaged me which was a pleasant distraction. Meanwhile, I kept on drinking. And I don’t remember much after that. I got home safely and before curfew so there’s that.

I felt like shit yesterday but I got my visa renewed and went grocery shopping. The ex messaged me an apology and said she was going to sell all her stuff (most of which I bought for her) and move back to Manila. I wished her good luck. Apparently, in my drunkenness the night before I had invited Jessa to the house. I wasn’t really in the mood to see anyone but I felt bad because her side of town had a scheduled all day “brownout” while the electric company did maintenance. So, I kept the date. She arrived in the early afternoon and I grilled up some hamburgers for lunch.

The way I served it…(well, with a single patty for Jessa).
I call that my double McWhopper.

After our meal, we watched some TV. I had some hair of the dog that bit me (beer) and started feeling a little better. Jessa drank wine. I’m not sure who started feeling frisky first, but after awhile we were making out on the couch. She’s a passionate kisser, I’ll grant her that. Things were heating up and I invited her to come to my bedroom, but she declined saying she is not ready yet. Okay then. It was reminiscent of those days with my high school girlfriend–getting all fired up but then no follow-through. I told her as much and she just laughed and said “next time”.

We watched some more TV and continued drinking. Then with curfew fast approaching I told her I would walk her out to the trike stand to get a ride back home. As we walked I could tell she was quite inebriated. A few minutes down the road she surprised me, saying she wanted to spend the night, provided I promise to abide by her no intercourse dictate. Gentleman that I am I did so and kept my vow. It was hard though. *ahem*

Anyway, Jessa likes to cuddle and it was nice to have a warm body next to me again. I woke up early as usual but she stayed in bed until almost eight. Made my standard bacon, egg, and toast breakfast for her which she seemed to enjoy. I walked Jessa and the dogs to the trike stand and gave her a peck goodbye. And that was that.

I’ve been out of sorts all day today and I’m not exactly sure why. For some reason, I’m feeling bad for the ex, sympathy for her situation perhaps or maybe just missing the good parts of what we shared. Jessa is much more passionate and I’m almost certain she’ll give me a better girlfriend experience, but I don’t know what is making me hesitate. Maybe it is just too soon. Anyway, I’ll figure it out eventually I suppose.

How messed up am I? Well, I haven’t done any walking for two days now which is a big deal for me. I’ll try and get back with the program tomorrow.

It’s all so strange.

What he said

Just a quick post before I head out for today’s Hash. I suspect that I will be in no condition to blog when I return from that endeavor. Not that I’ve got much to share now either, but what I’ve got is yours!

I’m not sure what it is about the Sunday lockdown, but they really do a number on me. I let things get up all in my head where they fester to the point of depression. And it really is my fault. Across the bridge in Subic, there is no lockdown and I could easily make my way there to get some walking in and clear my mind a little. But nope, I just make excuses and don’t do shit. Anyway, it’s somewhat better now and maybe come next weekend I can be a little more disciplined. We’ll see.

So, in the depths of my despair, I’m scrolling through the Quora forums and I randomly came across this:

So I’m 72 and a bachelor never married, no kids. And not lonely. To tell you the truth, there’s lots of peace and quiet around my apartment, I like that. Altho certainly it would be nice to have a “Besty” but I’ve found that relationships are a real give and take thing and I just like the idea of me doing what I want and not having someone over my back, giving me suggestions/advice every day all the time, (not that every relationship is like that but….) or having to get their approval to do something. You call it loneliness, I call it freedom. If your not happy with what’s flying around inside your head, well, you gotta do something about that, and depending on someone else may work for you or the 2 of you but someday, your gonna be alone and if you don’t know how to handle it its gonna be a rough ride. I realize that I’m probably going to be one of those that end up dead in their apartment, but thats ok, I’ll have lived my life how I wanted.

Man oh man, I really admire that old geezer. He has achieved the state of mind I long for. Whether I can actually get to that level of bliss is another matter, but his words were inspirational regardless.

I’m still not clear on where things are going with Jessa. The potential is there for something special I think but she has a relationship to end before we can really get started. I have no reason to doubt that she is as she claims “worth waiting for” but I’ve never been a patient man. Although she calls what we are doing “dating” it sure doesn’t feel that way to me. Especially the part about nothing physical happening between us.

Pretty much how I’m feeling about now.

Anyway, on the plus side, I’m enjoying our online banter. Jessa’s got a good head on her shoulders and a better command of English than anyone I’ve “dated” for years. Today I shared some poetry with her and she professed to like it. A girlfriend I could recite poetry to would indeed be something special. Here’s one I shared with her:

It was a night of early spring,
The winter-sleep was scarcely broken;
Around us shadows and the wind
Listened for what was never spoken.

Though half a score of years are gone,
Spring comes as sharply now as then—
But if we had it all to do
It would be done the same again.

It was a spring that never came;
But we have lived enough to know
That what we never have, remains;
It is the things we have that go.

Sare Teasdale

Oh well, I’m going to take it slow and easy (as if I have a choice) and see where it leads. Perhaps by some miracle, I will come to enjoy being alone with myself and not need to engage in these fruitless pursuits of love. Probably not though.

Time to Hash. I can maybe clear my head on trail and then drown whatever sorrows remain at the On-Home.


Before the fall

Yesterday’s “date at home” went just fine, thank you very much. No surprises, no disappointments. Well, I did teasingly suggest a nap after the movie and she declined with a “maybe next time”.

Chili came out good I think. Jessa finished hers which I always take to be a good sign. And yes, I added pineapple chunks again. Sue me. Brownies with vanilla ice cream made for a tasty dessert as well.

Jessa seemed to enjoy the movie, laughing in all the appropriate spots and nudging me when the dialog struck close to home re: my messed up love life. It was pleasant being snuggled up with her on the couch for a couple of hours. I didn’t get frisky other than gently rubbing her leg now and then. Oh, and she doesn’t shave her legs. Not that that bothers me, just hadn’t seen it (or felt it) in quite a while.

We chatted a bit after the movie then I walked her to the highway so she could get a trike home. A quick peck on the lips goodbye and that was our date. I imagine we’ll do it again one day soon. Still no idea where this might lead, but I guess that’s what the adventure is all about.

Speaking of adventure and the potential to fall, I’ll be hiking with Scott this morning up to Tralala, the highest point in Olongapo. It’s a lot of steps and then a decent climb. Did it once before and thought to myself “never again”. For some reason, I actually suggested it today. We’ll have my driver drop us in Gordon Heights so we can begin our ascent at full energy levels.

I’m doing this post now on the chance that I’ll be in no condition to do so by the time I make it back home. We shall see!

Here we go again

On the cusp of a kinda sorta first date this afternoon. Although I’ve considered the repercussions, good and bad, about taking these tentative steps towards a potential relationship, I’m afraid I don’t have any great insights on just what I might be getting myself into. Does anyone ever though?

Here’s what I do know. I’ve been acquainted with Jessa for two years now. I made some effort back when we first met to make her my girlfriend, to no avail. I realized later that it was my own cowardice in putting myself at risk by pursuing a potential loving romance that doomed any chance of success. I felt like I was better off safe than sorry and I’ve pretty much been sorry ever since.

The past several days I’ve been chatting online at length with Jessa. I really appreciate the fact that she can carry her end of the conversation better than most. She is perceptive and offers some significant insights. She can also be brutally honest, but I kinda like that too. She has a great sense of humor and also seems to get mine which is always nice. I can tell already that she will not hesitate to challenge and push me as she deems necessary. Time will tell how she reacts when I push back. She is, however, open-minded and appears to have a healthy appreciation for the physical aspects of a relationship. At least she verbalizes them, time will tell if she is willing to demonstrate them in person.

On the downside, Jessa is exactly half my age. That’s really not a big deal in this culture, but it can be a bit disconcerting and somewhat intimidating. She has a 6-year-old daughter I’ve yet to meet but Jessa seems impressed by my experience as a single father (back when I was her age. Yikes!). I’m not sure at this point what else we may have in common, but I do know that Jessa is not into the hiking aspects of my life. I admit that it is a bit disappointing because I’ve fantasized about having someone to share my walking and Hashing experiences.

So, going into today’s date I’m keeping my expectations in check. I’m looking at it as having some pleasant company for the afternoon so I doubt I’ll be disappointed. I’ve got a batch of chili in the crockpot and I’ll bake up some brownies for dessert. Like many Filipinas, Jessa enjoys watching Korean dramas so I’m going to share one of my old-time favorites, My Sassy Girl, with her. After that, who knows? I’ve got plenty of beer. Or maybe a nap.

That’s Jessa on her 30th, going on two years ago now.

Here are some photos from yesterday’s walk that Scott took:

Not this time…
“Yeah, right down there. That’s the place.”
A scene from the GOVIC highway…
My first candy recipients of the day went away happy…
The ass side of Easter Mountain…
The landfill. At least they weren’t burning garbage yesterday…
Hoofing it on down the path…
It was my treat to treat these sweeties with some sweets!
“Candyman please!” The candyman can…
The best view of the day was from my neighborhood…

And that’s where things ended. Now to get ready for what may (or may not) be a new beginning.

Stay tuned!

UPDATE: It seems I used the “here we go again” post title way back in 2009. That’s from those days when I use to write about meaningful stuff like politics. What impressed me the most though was the robust and heartfelt discussion in the comments. Well, I’m still getting great feedback from the few that still come by to read my diary. Thanks for that!

Wet bark in the dark

Well, at least I have a good excuse for not posting yesterday. I had the “pleasure” of experiencing life without electricity for over 24 hours. I think the only longer period of living without power I’ve experienced was going several days in the dark after a hurricane in Virginia way back when. No more, please!

A downed power pole was the apparent cause of the blackout. Why it took so long to restore power is just another frustrating example of incompetence I suppose.

In somewhat related news, the rainy season also has arrived in full force, driven by some tropical depression/storm off the coast. Two days of the wet stuff precluded getting any meaningful hiking accomplished.

The National Highway flooded as usual. The worst part about that was I couldn’t visit my usual meat store, Bretto’s. It’s on the ground floor of the building pictured above and it appeared the water was above the door. Of course, they were closed.
So I went on up the highway and was able to find what I wanted at another store.

As for the bark in my convoluted post title, it went down like this. No power=no aircon or fans. So, I went to bed with my sliding glass door open. Sometime around 0300 a dog started barking. Now, the neighbors on the next street over have a passel of dogs that always bark. But when my doors and windows are closed it pretty much drowns out the noise (especially when I’m running my fans). So, I get up and close the door, lay back down, and sure enough, the barking resumes, just as loud as ever. It sounded like it was right out in front of my house. So I get up and go out on the balcony and sure enough, some fucking dog was in the street barking at my house (or maybe Buddy and Lucky through the glass, but they weren’t responding). I yelled for him to shut up and he took off down the street. As soon as I crawled back in bed, he returned and commenced his barking routine again. This time I went downstairs, grabbed my walking stick, and chased the bastard down the street in my bare feet and underwear. I’m sure that sight would have scared anyone, including the rude dog who left me alone for the remainder of the night.

Anyway, that’s the roundabout way of saying I had a very depressing day yesterday. The worst I can remember in a long, long time in fact. And here I am on the other side of it, relatively unscathed.

It wasn’t all bad though. I heard from two old girlfriends that hadn’t been in touch for quite some time. Not sure if it was a coincidence or maybe they still read the blog. Anyway, it was nice to be remembered. I’ve also made some tentative contact with a gal on the Date in Asia site. Her profile says she lives in Olongapo, but now she tells me she moved to Pampangna (about an hour from here). We’ll see how that goes.

The big news (relatively speaking) is I’m having dinner/supper/late lunch guests at the house this afternoon. Jessa and her entourage of friends (Kat, RuRu, and Mylene) will be joining me. Apparently during my aborted courtship of Jessa last year I had invited them to experience my cooking. So I am going to fulfill that obligation. Doing up some baby back ribs and grilled pork chops.

Left to Right: Jessa, Ru Ru, Gwapo, and Kat. I don’t have a photo of Mylene. Actually, I don’t even remember her. She worked at Treasure Island back in the day too, so I reckon I’ll recognize her.

I don’t expect I’ll get lucky as two of the gals (Jessa and Ru Ru) have boyfriends that I know of, not sure about the others. Still, it should be fun to have some company to entertain.

Today’s “interesting” photo is from the Jeepney stop on the road out of my subdivision.

The Jeepneys used to just run up and down the highway picking up and dropping off at the wave of a hand. These days they can only fill to half capacity and only stop at designated locations. Also, you have to provide your name and phone number. Additional half-assed measures that will be more inconvenient than they will be effective.

So, David Chappelle is a comedian I like and he pretty much calls folks out as he sees fit, regardless of their politics. Of course, I don’t always agree with him, but he’s funny in a non-PC kinda way that if pretty rare these days. Here’s his latest:

So, he goes after one of my favorite right-leaning commenters, Candace Owens, saying:

“I don’t care if he personally kicked Candace Owens in her stanky pussy I don’t know if it stanks, but I imagine it does. If I ever find out, I’ll let you know for sure.”

And how did Ms. Owens respond? In a fashion that is kinda extraordinary in these humorless times:

To every Democrat tweeting me the clip of #DaveChappelle insulting me:

I’m not a leftist. I have a sense of humor & I think comedians SHOULD make fun of people.

Dave Chappelle is one of the greatest comedians of all time and I made it into one of his specials.

That’s POWER!

We’ve arrived too suddenly into a culture where people can’t laugh at themselves, or want to restrain comedians.

I will never be a part of that culture. @DaveChappelle —you are legend and I’d love to meet you and challenge you to say any of that to my face!

All love!

She’s my hero!

And just because I’m an asshole, here’s an old picture of me from when I was older and heavier.

No idea who I was with that night…

Good days and bad days come and go. But a dog’s love is always there.

Things are bound to get better soon.

Time to take a Stand

Oh boy, what a day. Lockdown Sundays are the worst in no small part because of the way I react to them. Which is basically just being flat out unmotivated. Nope, couldn’t even be bothered to post my usual drivel here at LTG.

Anyway, I tried to make the best of it. Downloaded Stephen King’s The Stand. I made it through the first two hours before the beer kicked in and I lost interest. I’ll get back to it though, I’m sure. I was always a big King fan, although these days his politics get on my nerves. I read The Stand when it was first published way back when then I read it again when the expanded version (much better IMO) came out. The film version (made for television) was released in 1994. I’m sure I saw it but honestly didn’t remember it much. What stood out was seeing people like Molly Ringwald and Rob Lowe back when they were in their prime. Molly has a sweet “girl next door” look about her that I find attractive. Not bad for a white girl.

After pausing the movie I actually hung out with my Filipino neighbors in the back yard for a while. First time I’d done that. And yes, drinking was involved. The conversations were mostly in Tagalog so I didn’t have much participation but it was an okay change of pace.

Later that night things went to shit big time. I’m still processing that event and I’m not prepared to write about it here. Suffice to say it was the worst experience I’ve had in a very long time.

I really, really need to get off my ass and start taking steps to make some positive changes in my life. I’ve been in a “satisficing” mode for too long and to my own detriment. I believe I deserve better but it’s up to me to make that happen.

Ah well, going to Hash today and maybe that will help clear my head. Or drown my sorrows.

Dreaming man

Time is a one way street. So why does the past loom so large?

You know it’s a slow day in paradise when I’m reduced to blogging about a dream. Actually though, I don’t remember the dream that woke me from my slumber last night even though I told myself to not forget it. Ah well.

What I do recall is laying in bed unable to go back to sleep and thinking about things. And one of the things I thought about was a TV show I used to enjoy called Newhart. Or to be more precise, I was thinking about the final episode of that series, which surprising aired 30 years ago this month. Man, that makes me feel old!

For you youngsters or those who’s middle of the night memory is not as strong as mine, the Newhart show starred Bob Newhart as Dick Loudon, an innkeeper in rural Vermont. Mr. Newhart had previously starred in The Bob Newhart Show as a psychologist in Chicago. The Newhart series concluded after eight seasons with the Loudon character waking up as Dr. Hartley in Chicago. Yep, everything that happened during the show in Vermont had only been a dream.

Here”s the last couple minutes of the finale. Funny stuff!

Anyway, the point of all this, to the extent I have one, is just that I got to thinking about how I would feel if I woke up back in my Korea life, and all that has happened since that time was only a bizarre dream. I guess not knowing the answer to that kept me awake for a while.

Do I miss Korea? Yes, I do. Do I long for the relative stability and comfort I used to enjoy when I was married? Sometimes, although I don’t often allow myself the luxury of thinking about that very often. And on the flip side; do I regret moving to the Philippines? No, I can’t say that I do. Am I happy here? Hmm, perhaps not as much as I thought I would be. This is not to say there is anything wrong with my life, just perhaps that it is not all that I hoped for.

That’s the rub, I suppose. Looking back on the year I spent in Anjeong-ri, I realize now that I missed a great opportunity to embrace and enjoy that experience. Instead, I was so wrapped up in what I didn’t have there and what I was looking forward to here, that I forgot to fully live the life I had. So last night was wrestling both the demons of the past and the fears of the present. I’m not sure I came to any resolution before sleep finally overcame my troubled mind. I miss what I had but I know it’s gone. And I’d miss this life now if I left it for something else. Maybe that’s just the way it works.

Speaking of the past, I came across a photo of those long-ago days when I was just a glimmer in my father’s eyes:

I’m guessing this was circa 1950 or so. My father died 9 years ago this week.

And now I’ll return to the lockdown reality that is my current life.

Now the night is gone,
a new day is dawning
And our homeless dreams
go back to the street
Another time or place,
another civilization
Would really make
this life feel so complete.

I’ll always be a dreamin’ man
I don’t have to understand
I know it’s alright.

Seven year ache

Thanks for the reminder, Facebook. This is how I spent my day seven years ago:

Who knew “forever” would pass by so quickly?

And even though that old fat guy is dead and gone, the pain still lingers. What’s done is done and what’s gone is gone. Sometimes though I still have to tell my brain to shut the fuck up and let it go.

Facebook also provided this happier memory from five years ago:

A nice afternoon meetup at Shenanigans with a couple of my favorite authors, Kevin Kim and Young Chun. Cheers!

Today I crossed the river into the Subic municipality for my morning walk without incident. Didn’t even ask to see my quarantine pass, just took my temperature (36.3C). Well, they are spraying cars entering with some kind of disinfectant and I got squirted as I passed by. I’m pretty sure it was unintentional.

The subdivisions (Santa Monica and Sierra Hills) I normally walk through were closed to visitors (as is my own), so I just walked the highway. Lots less traffic than normal, so that was a plus. When I got to where I cut back over to get home I encountered this roadblock:

Isn’t that “interesting”? Not sure who erected the barrier or why. It was harder to get around than it looks, but I managed.

I’m not sure what to expect next from the powers that be, but one article I read said everyone might be required to jump off a bridge.

That makes about as much sense as a lot of the other bullshit being asked of us. And at least this would definitely go a long way to stop the spread of the Wuhan virus…

.Man, I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired. And now my Fitbit is malfunctioning. I went online to see how to go about resolving the problem and saw quite a few folks had had a similar failure. Fitbit resolved the issue by sending them a new device. Obviously that’s not going to help me though. I also can’t order a new one because all the delivery services here have been shut down.

I feel like a canister of Morton salt.

Maybe I’m just depressed.

UPDATE: I see that I had another “seven year ache” post back in January 2018 as I marked the anniversary of my mother’s passing.

Here’s to health!

Well, the state of my mental health is as good as it ever was I suppose (shuddup!). Yesterday I enjoyed this view from the Arizona floating bar and it gave me a peaceful, easy feeling.

Sometimes I think it’s a shame when I get feeling better when I’m feeling no pain.

The physical health seems to be a bit of a mixed bag at the moment. I did sleep through the night for the first time in a week and achieved a sleep score of 73, as measured by my Fitbit. I began the week in the 40’s, so it is good to be trending upwards. But my resting heart rate is at 77 instead of the mid-60’s which is my normal. And my blood pressure is in the low 140’s, up from the normal for me low 130’s. I’m maintaining my weight at just under my 200-pound goal.

Oh, and I haven’t vaped since last year, which makes it over a week now. I didn’t quit vaping (yet) because I think it is a danger to my health. In some respects, I think vaping can be helpful in opening up my COPD damaged lung passages, and at least one study seems to confirm this. The reason I stopped vaping was in an effort to deal with this latest episode of bronchitis. I’ve recently started using vape juice I purchased locally instead of importing it from the USA and I’m unsure of the quality of the contents. So, I’m taking a break to see what impact if any that has on my breathing. Oddly enough, I haven’t missed vaping as much as I thought I would. I had previously reduced my nicotine level so low I’m probably no longer addicted. So, we’ll see what the future holds as to whether I start again.

No coughing fits today or last night, so it could be I’ve turned the corner on the bronchitis attack. I still feel very tired and lethargic. I actually aborted my morning hike halfway through because I felt like shit. Came home and took a nap instead. I have the Hash this afternoon and I’m a bit worried. Even climbing the slight incline on the street up to my house leaves me panting. God only knows how I’ll deal with a mountain. Well, I ain’t gonna be no hero, so if I ain’t feelin’ it, I ain’t climbin’ it.

But enough about me! I’m still finding funny ass shit on the internet to keep me amused. Even the Soleimani stuff is still going strong…

“I’m delivering it via drone…”
She’s hunting for a Red November I suppose…
Don’t go breakin’ my heart…
The truth will set you free!
Damn, I hate when that happens! Well, it hasn’t happened to me. Yet.

Alright, wish me luck at the Hash. Or call an ambulance. One of those.

Beam me up, Scotty*

A nice day on the water, as seen from the Kokomo’s floating bar.

The sunbeams with a partial camera zoom…
…as seen with full zoom.
And finally with no zoom.

Oh, and the beer was cold too.

In other news, I visited the newest business in town, a small hotel called Outback. In addition to a sports bar (which I’ve not as yet checked out), there is a very nice outdoor poolside bar. Both times I’ve been there I was the only customer. Which gave me the opportunity to chat up the bartender, Lyann. I’m not lyin’ when I tell you that is how her name is pronounced. Which provides plenty of opportunities for a jokester like me to have some fun.

I lifted this photo from her Facebook page so I have no idea what’s up with the Bounce.

Anyway, she’s got a wicked sense of humor (and not just because she laughs at my jokes, she’s funny in her own right too). She can hold her own in a conversation, and while not classically beautiful, she’s cute enough to trip my triggers. Anyway, I enjoy her company but the fact that she has FOUR kids (the oldest is 12) is pretty much a deal-breaker for me relationship-wise. Oh well.

And then there is Jen. I got a Facebook friend request from someone I’d never heard of. That in and of itself is not unusual. I normally look to see if we have any mutual friends and if not, I will just delete the request on the assumption that it is spam. For some inexplicable reason, I made an exception and accepted her friend request. A few hours later I got a message from her and we chatted a bit. I was still clueless about who she was, but I was enjoying our talk. She had obviously been perusing my FB page and mentioned a poem I had posted. Okay, now I was impressed and curious to learn more. I can’t remember the last time I met a woman who actually cared about words in general and poetry in particular. Who is this mystery woman and how did she find me? Finally, she told me her “real” name and sent me a picture.

“Do you recognize me now?” she asked.

Why yes, yes I do! Jen used to work at Double D, a videoke club that closed down several months ago. We are actually Facebook friends on her true account. Although I had met her on the several occasions I had been a patron at Double D, I really didn’t know much about her other than she loves to sing and that she works out at the gym. I had almost always been with Marissa back then, so I didn’t even flirt with her properly.

Anyway, she told me that she had thought of me as someone who is “not serious”, but after reading some of my FB posts she could see there was more to me than bad jokes and off-key singing. Hmm. I suggested we have dinner and find out more about each other. Jen responded that she is tied up with a work project through December 31. Ah. Not sure if that was a polite rejection or if we’ll get together in the New Year. We shall see. I’m definitely intrigued.

Then again, this song came up in my playlist as I did my morning walk:

I thought by now I was too smart
Thought I was through givin’ my heart
It’s only a game, tears you apart

Falling in love

My poor soul was about to mend
Honey, then you smiled at me and then
Lord help me, here I go again

Falling in love

Looking back through the bridges I’ve burned
Each heartache was a page I turned
Never forget the lessons I’ve learned

Falling in love

And I was all through
‘Til we met
Never gonna love again and yet
Funny how we all forget

Falling in love

And I’m falling in love, falling in love
When will I learn?
I think I’ll get burned
Falling in love

Nothing is worse than a fool like me
Think that I would finally see
Heaven knows I shouldn’t be
Falling in love

One day at a time.

*It’s not Scottie, it’s Scotty. Names matter! Thanks for the education, Kevin.

The art of dying

No, not me. Not yet anyway. I’m too busy trying to figure out how to find my “happy place”. I’m pretty sure the first step is to stop wallowing in self-pity. Anyway, more on that later. And in the meantime, I’ll be okay.

So, I came across this story written by a dying art critic named Peter Schjeldahl. I’d never heard of him but I found his insights and reflections quite interesting. Food for thought and putting things in perspective kind of stuff. It’s long but entertaining. Give it a read if you are so inclined.

Me? I’m going to shower up and go drown my sorrows. Such as they are.

Praise the Lourdes!

Our Lady of Lourdes International Health Center that is.

Finally got to see a doctor about my eye this morning. I wouldn’t call getting that done an ordeal, but it did qualify as a pain in the ass. It’s Tuesday and that’s my grocery shopping day. Figured I’d take advantage of having a driver and get the medical chores out of the way as well.

Well, we left my place at 0900 and the domestic helper advised that the Lourdes eye clinic wouldn’t open until 1000. Okay then, let’s head out to Baypointe Medical Center for the third of five rabies shots. Maybe I can see a doc there about the eye. Nope, no one available until late afternoon. Did the song and dance that is a prerequisite for getting my shot: pharmacy for meds, supply room for an invoice for the needle and shot paraphernalia, cashier to pay, back to supply to pick up the stuff I paid for, then upstairs for the actual shot. Even my helper was shaking her head at the hoops this poor patient was forced to jump through. The next shot is due on Christmas Eve and the clinic is closed, so I get to use the emergency room which bypasses everything but the cashier. Woot!

After shopping, I had my driver pop into Lourdes. The clinic was open but the doctor was not in yet. Clinic hours are 10:00 till 12:00 on Tuesday, it was after 10:00 and the doc was “on his way”. Hmm, well I had frozen food in the car so home I went. After the groceries were safely stored away, I took a trike back to the hospital, the doctor was in, and after a short wait, it was my turn to be examined.

The swelling is down quite a bit but the eye is itchy and sore. I showed the doc a picture from yesterday. As others had speculated, he immediately declared it a sty, most likely from an infection. So now I’ve got ten days of four times a day eye drops to add to my daily medication regimen. And a boiled egg.

Doctor said as hot as I can stand it, several times a day. I went to bed with ice on the eye which turns out was the opposite of what I should do to reduce sty swelling. Who knew?

That’s actually a pretty nifty trick for applying heat, lasts a lot longer than a hot rag and you get a tasty snack afterward!

What else? Well, on the walk back home from Lourdes I saw this shop selling rice:

Maybe it’s just my love of puns, but I found the signage worthy of a photo.

I was hungry when I got home so I got busy in the kitchen.

It’s been a while since I’ve enjoyed a tasty burrito… Oh, and Buddy and Lucky in the background is just a bonus. I used ground beef. Honest!

And finally, Facebook reminds me that I posted this five years ago:

Damn, the more things change, the more they remain the same.

Well, I am sleeping alone these days.

your life is your life
don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission.
be on the watch.
there are ways out.
there is a light somewhere.
it may not be much light but
it beats the darkness.
be on the watch.
the gods will offer you chances.
know them.
take them.
you can’t beat death but
you can beat death in life, sometimes.
and the more often you learn to do it,
the more light there will be.
your life is your life.
know it while you have it.
you are marvelous
the gods wait to delight
in you.

@Charles Bukowski

One of my favorites, I’m sure I’ve posted it before. That’s the nice thing about poetry. It’s always there to remind you of the lessons you’ve already learned.

Eye don’t know

What’s this all about?

The way I looked when I awoke this morning.

It seems to be more of a sty than something like pink eye, although I do have some itchy irritation in the corner of my eye. I figured it was best to get it checked out by a doctor. I asked my helper to call the eye clinic at Lourdes hospital. She said we could just go there at 9 a.m. I told her no, I want to be sure the doctor is available. So she calls and we leave. Get there, and the clinic is closed. She hurried off to the information desk, probably as much to escape my wrath as anything. She came back and said the clinic had changed their hours and the receptionist she had spoken to on the phone didn’t know. Bottom line, they are closed on Mondays.

Deep breath, relax and accept the Filipino way. I’ll go to Baypointe Hospital tomorrow and have it looked at. Need to get my rabies shot there anyway.

Otherwise, I’ve been in a bit of a funk lately. I’m sure it will pass. Just need to maintain my patience and wait for the next big thing to come along. In the meantime there’is always:

Sunday dinner at Sit-n-Bull., probably my overall favorite restaurant in town. First time I’d tried their roast beef and it was outstanding.
Sunsets on the water to enjoy…
And the full moon shining down on my house to guide my drunken feet home.

Even when it doesn’t feel that way, life is good.

Cavorting with a teenager

I have a confession to make. I’ve been spending time today with a 15-year-old. Yeah, I know how creepy that sounds but I hope you won’t judge me too harshly. After all, you are doing it too. Which is my way of saying today marks fifteen years of blogging here at Long Time Gone.

What a ride it has been! I started this blog in preparation for my upcoming move to Korea way back then. Here’s an excerpt from that very first post:

I have lived a very comfortable life. Too comfortable perhaps. The chance to live and work overseas in a totally alien culture seems to be an exciting opportunity to get out of my box and experience a new lifestyle. Yes, I am looking forward to the adventure. Of course, the nature of adventure is the not knowing how things will turn out. I know I will miss my family and friends and everything that is familiar and wonderfully American. I have made a two-year commitment to the Army, and if I am miserable and lost and lonely, well I will deal with it and learn what I can from the experience. Going in, I have a positive attitude and believe that I have the power to determine what I gain and how I grow as I live this new life.

Yeah, the writing has not improved despite all these years of practice. But it has indeed been an adventure and that adventure continues. I certainly had no clue just what a life-changing event that move would turn out to be. But it’s all documented here in the LTG archives. Along the way, I’ve lost two wives, experienced numerous other heartbreaks, made (and repeated) lots of mistakes, learned some things about myself, and discovered a lifestyle beyond anything I’d ever previously imagined. My only real regret is that I didn’t start this quest when I was younger.

Anyway, there is no turning back. I honestly cannot imagine living a vanilla American life again. As mundane and boring as my daily routines may appear in my posts here at LTG, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Who knows what the future will bring? I might wind up changing it all down the road. Or dying on the road I’m on. It’s all about the ride.

And finally, a big thanks to you my faithful readers. Your support and advice over the years have meant more to me than you’ll ever know. Some of you I’ve had the pleasure to have met in person, but most remain anonymous strangers. That you care enough to stop by and read my diary entries makes it all worthwhile. I’ll keep on keepin’ on! You’ve been warned.

Then take it as far as you see and beyond
With eyes you don’t use enough to gather up strength
As thoroughfare gap, what awaits is whatever you see
When you get there of even before

It’s no matter, no distance, it’s the ride

A hate crime?

Well, all I know is that I hated it.

Anyway, all is well on the home front. I’m putting the loss behind me and feeling more secure here everyday. I still wake up in the middle of the night and sometimes I”ll venture downstairs for a quick look see. It’s gonna be hard for someone to break in now without actually breaking something. Me and my machete will be waiting for them this time!


I make a lot of unforced errors when I write. Some of that is just old fashioned sloppiness. And the rest is simply ignorance. Back in high school, English was one of my better subjects. But even in those long-ago days, I would earn an “A” for content and a “D” for mechanics.

Don’t believe me?

Obviously, grammar, spelling, and punctuation have never been my strong suits. Thank God for spellcheck! And as I write this I’m downloading an app called “Grammarly” which purports to flag the kind of mistakes I frequently make here at LTG. We shall see.

What prompts this newfound interest in getting it right after almost 15 years of blogging? Shame mostly. My buddy and grammar Nazi regular reader Kevin Kim will occasionally point out my most egregious errors, either via comment here or in an email. I actually do appreciate his willingness to help me improve the quality of my writing. He’s threatened to use me as a bad example in a post on his blog concerning proper comma usage. In a recent email exchange, I foolishly asked if he had noticed my efforts to improve my comma placement. His reply was along the lines of “not so much.” He then proceeded to point out no fewer than six usage errors in the first three paragraphs of my most recent blog post. Ouch!

Honestly, I was very impressed with his sincere efforts to educate me in an area where I’ve been pretty much clueless. And it also prompted him to finally begin writing about commas on his blog. You need to go give it read, whether you care about proper punctuation or not. It’s really quite in-depth and fascinating. Who thought a mere comma could be so interesting? And his post is just part 1 of a six-part effort. I’m not being facetious when I say that when it comes to all things grammar, Kevin Kim is a freakin’ genius.

I’m going to make a sincere effort to apply this new-found knowledge, starting with the concept of “FANBOY”. If like me, you hadn’t heard that term, it relates to using a combination of a comma plus a coordinating conjunction: for, and, nor, but, or, yet-FANBOY, get it?

Now, what I need to avoid is being self-conscious when I write. I’m kind of in a storyteller mode when I blog. I don’t want to feel like I’m back in high school writing an essay. But given the low-quality of my content here, I do hope to improve on the composition grade!

Have at it!

UPDATE: I did run this post through my new Grammarly app. How did we do?

Not to be flip about it

So, the other day I did a Google search of my name. Yeah, I was that bored. It had been awhile but there wasn’t much new I hadn’t seen before. Well, it was a little shocking to see that one of those “find me” sites said I was 91 years old and still living in Lexington, SC. The other thing I found interesting and/or amusing was a blog called Joyful Public Speaking (from fear to joy), written by one Richard I. Garber, who back in March referenced a post of mine from 2010 about diversity training. Specifically, the term “flip” and its offensiveness to Filipinos.

Here’s what he cited:

A 2010 web article by John McCrarey titled Concerning Diversity Training had the following discussion:
 “Anyway, as an example of insensitivity the instructor solemnly informed us that the visual aid commonly referred to as a ‘flip chart’ was offensive.  Seriously.  You see, ‘flip’ is a derogatory term applied to Filipinos.   And so according to the trainer we should henceforth call the flip chart a rip chart.

To our credit, we didn’t let the trainer get away without asking some clarifying questions.  Like, it is wrong to ‘flip a coin’?  Is it permissible to ‘flip through the pages of a book’?  Or how about if someone cuts you off in traffic–can you ‘flip them the finger’?  Yeah, it’s true.  We were certainly being ‘flip’ about the subject.”

Heh, indeed that was one of my finer moments. And I was in good company because the next reference in Garber’s post is from Jordan Peterson, as quoted by the New York Times. The Times being the Times it is unflattering of course, calling Peterson the “custodian of the patriarchy”. I’ll just call him “my hero”!

I’m always honored when someone links to my blog, whether it brings me any new readers or not. And it seemed like the least I could do was leave Garber a comment. And this is what I said:

HaHa! I just did a Google search of my name and found a link to your blog citing a post I made referencing “flip charts”. A belated thank you for the mention.

I actually live in the Philippines now. I certainly would never call any of my neighbors a “Flip”. I still wouldn’t have a problem referring to a “flip chart” in the context of a presentation board. But since I’m retired now I doubt I’ll have the need. 

Here’s a funny anecdote: A web forum where I’m a member automatically corrects any usage of the term “flip” to Filipino. So, were I to type “everyone here wears flip flop shoes”, it becomes “Filipino flops”. Cracks me up every time. And by the way, do you know what Filipinos call that type of shoe? You guessed it–flip flops.

You gotta laugh.

So, if any of y’all think my using the term flip in the context of a flip chart is offensive, well, all I can say is I don’t give a flip.

Or maybe I’ll just say “you’re right”.

One lifetime, many lives–Chapter 5: Working for a living (part 2, safety first!)

The story of a lifetime continues. Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, part 1.

1985-1986–Safety Specialist, USPS–Fort Smith, AR

Bobbie McLane was the Human Resources Director, my first boss as a member of management, and a great mentor. I needed that, because I was pretty much clueless.

How clueless? This clueless: After I had applied for the safety job but before I was interviewed, there was a labor-management meeting scheduled up in Fayetteville. Bobbie came down to my work station and asked if I’d like to ride to the meeting with her. I politely declined. I mean, after all, I was the union steward; I didn’t want it to appear I was cavorting with management! A bit later, Bobbie’s secretary came to see me and asked me “John, don’t you want the safety job?” I told her of course I did. She gave me a look that said “are you really that stupid?” but the words she used were “Bobbie wanted you to ride with her so she could get to know you better and talk about the job”. Oh shit! Well, I made sure I was seated with Bobbie for lunch and a few days later it was announced that I had been selected as the Fort Smith, Arkansas Management Sectional Center (MSC) Safety Specialist.

I was actually quite surprised to have been picked because I had absolutely zero background or training in safety. I had met with Bobbie numerous times in my union capacity and she told me she picked me for the safety job because she liked the way I handled myself in those meetings. I guess that just goes to prove that sometimes it’s not what you know, but who you know. And that’s not always a bad thing.

So that first year I spent several weeks at the Postal Service training facility in Potomac, MD learning how to do my job. Most of the courses were two or three weeks in duration, which gave me a good opportunity to explore DC on weekends, a city I had never previously visited. I wound up doing quite a bit of traveling, and I came to enjoy meeting women the perks associated with traveling on the government dime. I’m just now recalling a wild time an important meeting in Chicago. And in kind of a weird turn of events, I was attending an accident investigation course in Norman, Oklahoma on the day the space shuttle Challenger exploded.

One of the nice things about working in a small MSC (consisting of around 100 post offices in Northwest Arkansas) was that I was given the opportunity to take on additional duties and fill various voids that were not staffed. For example, I was designated as the MSC Public Affairs Officer, where I answered media inquires and dealt with disgruntled customers. It was pretty cool to come home from work one day and have my kids excitedly tell me “daddy, we saw you on TV today!”.

Bobbie started having me write her grievance decisions as well and once she was satisfied that I was firmly in management’s camp I became her designee for dealing with the union. It was strange at first to be arguing over labor disputes from a management perspective, but I reasoned it was really just about interpreting the words in the collective bargaining agreement.

Labor relations work was what I liked best so I started applying for labor vacancies all over the country. I got interviewed for a job in Charleston, SC and selected for one in Columbia, SC. So I loaded up my family (had a new wife now) and made the move. I felt bad about leaving Bobbie in the lurch after all that training and only 18 months or so on the job. But as a good HR manager should be, she was happy to see me progress in my career and was glad that she had given me the opportunity to learn and grow.