Not much Tue do

Other than grocery shopping, Tuesday is pretty much my lazy day. I take a break from walking and then usually just hang out until it’s time for darts. Yesterday wasn’t much of an exception, but I’ll fill you in any way.

On the way to the grocery store, we stopped by Baypointe hospital to pick up the results of my PSA blood test. I came in at 1.14 and the normal range goes up to 4.5, so it looks like it won’t be prostate cancer that kills me. In other health-related news, the meds I’m taking for my nasal polyps are having some positive impact. Still congested, but at least now I can breathe some air in and out of my nose again. A few days of pills to go, so hopefully, I can avoid getting surgery to remove the polyps.

I also had the mountain girl I’ve been helping to support give me a massage yesterday. It was her idea (she needed extra money for her daughter’s medicine). I ended the “friends with benefits” program because I felt like I was being exploitive of desperate women in need. I still hear occasionally from some of the past beneficiaries and they remain desperate. Now I feel guilty because I’ve closed the door on an avenue they had found to make life a little easier. Then I came across this article “why sugar babies do not deserve the negative stigma”. Hmm. The description of the relationships between a sugar daddy and the women he supports sounded eerily similar to my FWB offering. Two consenting adults assisting one another with their needs, why is that a bad thing? I don’t know if I’ll reconsider that program or not. I’m still kind of in an “I’d like to find a girlfriend” mode, but I am readapting to being single, and given my history, that might be the wisest choice. Being alone doesn’t mean you have to be lonely. Especially in this town! We’ll see.

A good night of darts last night. It was like old times in Alley Cats with the bar full of drunk Swedes. Yep, the part-timers and tourists seem to be back in force. Even had enough players to have a doubles tournament.

I drew the John from Wales as my partner. Coincidentally, he lives in the upstairs apartment from me too. We went undefeated in the winner’s bracket, but called it a tie for first and split the winnings rather than play the championship round. That’s my style, everyone goes home a winner. We had beat them earlier that night, so there was nothing left to prove anyway.

After darts, I crossed the highway and went to Mangos for dinner. I was the only customer.

I enjoyed this roast chicken salad…
…and the nighttime bay views as I dined.

After eating, I decided to drop in and say hello at Outback. It’s been a while since I visited that bar. Once again, I was surprised to see that I was the only customer. My friend the bartender and five waitresses with no one to serve. Maybe the tourist invasion has not hit in full force after all, although Bhel (the bartender) said they usually get a later crowd. Anyway, I wound up doing something I rarely do–buying everyone a drink. The gesture seemed appreciated. It set me back a little over1000 pesos ($20) but I reckon I can afford it. My beers alone would have cost me that much in Korea.

This morning I copied and scanned the documents for my income tax prep and emailed them to my accountant back in the states. Then I led the Wednesday Walkers group halfway through a hike. I left them on their own so they could tackle another climb, I needed to get back home to write this post and then head out to darts.

And now that I have, that’s what I’ll do. See you tomorrow!

The long and the short of it

Good morning! Paradise as seen during my dog walk today.

But this post isn’t about today, it’s about yesterday. Hash Monday to be precise. We did a trail mostly through the foothills surrounding Naugsol valley as laid by our Hares, Leech My Nuggets, and Bug Fucker. Most of the Hashers caught the truck and rode it out to the trailhead but I chose to hike out to the start and that added 2.5K or so to my day. I did a shortcut around the last climb near the end, so it evened out I suppose. My tracker said I did a little over 8K–not bad for a hot day. To the photos then:

The trail as plotted by the Hares. It started at Bridge #4 as seen above to the left and ended at Leech’s house here in Alta Vista. So, I started and ended in Alta Vista. That bubble at the center-top is the climb I avoided–I just kept going straight instead.
Heading out of Alta Vista. Only one other Hasher was with me at this point, Black And Dickher.
We did catch up with two other like-minded Hashers, Almoranus and Fireman, along the way.
A glimpse of Easter mountain.
We arrived at the Bridge #4 start point about 10 minutes before the Hashmobile came rolling up.
And finally, we were On-On the real trail.
As usual, I quickly fell behind most of the other Hashers. Yeah, I’m slow, especially on hills, but I’m that guy always stopping to take pictures along the way, so that slows me down too.
Some of the other slowpokes.
Heading for the hills.
A hot day, but very beautiful scenery.
It’s the dry season so not much water to be found. That will be changing in a couple of months.
It was pleasant walking, for the most part, which is a little surprising given Leech’s reputation.
Hello there, Tinkerbell. She’s heading back to Belgium and doesn’t know when or if she’ll be back. Nice gal, she’ll be missed.
Country living.
My only climb of the day.
If you are behind me you are definitely a straggler!
A view from on high.
Hello again, Easter mountain.
Picture time!
As is always the case, Leech marks his trails well. If you get lost when he’s the Hare you just ain’t paying attention.
Eeking out a living in the backwoods.
Where uling (charcoal) comes from.
Almoranus showing off. He’s one of the handful in our Hash who actually runs a good portion of the trail.
When I rejoined the trail after my shortcut, I encountered this group of Hashers.
I also got to experience a new back way into Alta Vista by following this trail.
That’s always a good sign!
Getting up to Alta Vista always involves a climb, but this was a bit much.
And it ended with having to climb up and over these big rocks. Won’t be taking this path again anytime soon. No thanks!
Back in the neighborhood. That’s Leech’s roof straight ahead…
Leech’s backyard at last and the end of Run #1490 of the SBH3.
On-Home! Leech and his gal tied the knot this week and they provided some great eats to create a reception-like flavor to our Hash circle.
Some of the food available (there was another table full as well)
Onto my plate and into my belly! That’s Leech sitting in front of the banner proclaiming his marriage to Leech My Pussy (Reylyn).
The food line…You snooze, you lose!
Oh, and we celebrated the birthday of Bug Fucker, who just recently returned from being trapped in Australia for two years.

The circle ended but the drinking fun didn’t stop. A bunch of us made our way to It Doesn’t Matter and continued to party.

From what I can remember, at least two rounds of birthday shots were raised in honor of the birthday boy.

Well, I can handle my beer but when you mix hard alcohol into the equation, all bets are off. I knew I needed to get while the getting was good, so I headed out for home. No trikes were available outside IDM so I continued down the highway. When I got to Sit-n-Bull I remembered I didn’t have the makings at home to satisfy my drunken sweet tooth, so I popped in to see what they had in their pie fridge.

I usually go with their outstanding carrot cake, but when I saw this pecan pie I knew it was coming home with me.
And I found just enough vanilla ice cream in the freezer to top it off.

A sweet way to end a great day of Hashing.

Closing the loop…

…on another meaningless weekend. Hell, when you are retired even the word “weekend” is meaningless. Here’s are some scenes from my Sunday:

I got bored sitting around the house waiting for beer o’clock to roll around. At 3:00 p.m. I finally convinced myself that since it was Sunday it was perfectly acceptable to start a little early. How could I argue with logic like that? My original intent had been to start at the nearest bar to my house (not owned by my ex) and go from there. So, that would make Queen Victoria my first stop. But as I neared that venue I listened to the other voice in my head saying it was still too early and kept on walking. I figured the extra steps wouldn’t hurt anyway (I wound up with 18,000 for the day).

On the other side of town I reached John’s place and decided, what the hell, it’s a restaurant after all. More sound logic from a thirsty soul. Of course, I proceeded directly to the third-floor bar and plopped down on my usual seat overlooking the highway below. There was a pool league match taking place and I was surprised to see one of the female Hashers I know playing. It was nice to see a familiar face. The beer was cold and wet and I took in the view as I drank.

Very heavy traffic leaving town on a Sunday afternoon. Post scamdemic, this area has really become a weekend destination for the big city dwellers down south.
Even the waitresses were taking pictures of the traffic.
I felt sorry for the groups of folks waiting on Jeepneys back to Olongapo. By the time they reached this side of town, they were all full.
I tried John’s hamburger for the first time. He grinds his own meat and uses high-quality beef. It really was quite delicious.
Since the sun was leaving I figured I ought to go too.

I found a break in the traffic and scurried across the highway, then made my way to Cheap Charlies.

Alma, one of my favorites, seemed really happy to see me again.
She cheered up some after I bought her a lady drink.
And so we enjoyed the end of the day together.

After a couple of more beers, I decided to head on down the highway. There is a new bar called Sloppy Joe’s I wanted to check out. It’s tiny but has a nice outdoor seating area. Alas, the outside space was insufficient for me to comfortably join the other patrons already ensconced there. Another time, perhaps. I wound up ending my evening at the bar where I intended to begin–Queen Victoria.

The birthday girl I had met last Wednesday during dart league was there and seemed happy to see me. She goes by “Tin-Tin” in the bar, and without the distraction of darts, I got to know her a little better. Of course, I told her upfront that 21 was way too young for me. That didn’t seem to deter her at all. She was quite the touchy-feely type, which is fine, but I prefer it somewhere other than in public. After two beers, it was just past nine, which as you probably know, is my quitting time. As I was paying my tab, Tin-Tin came up with keys in hand offering me a ride home. Hmm. Well, I know she rides a scooter and I could tell she had been drinking, and I also suspected what she might have in mind at my place, so I thanked her and declined. I may be a fool but I ain’t stupid. Or at least I wasn’t this time.

And that was my Sunday evening entertainment. This is Hash Monday, so I have mostly been lazing around and surfing the ‘net all morning. Well, I did get an email from Google saying I was nearing maximum storage capacity and giving me the option to buy more space or delete some old emails and photos. I took the delete option, but I did look at some things to make sure I really didn’t want them. Glad I did because I found some pics from my first ever trip to the Philippines back in July 2008.

It was the day of the pool party I held with the bar girls I had met from Alaska Club in Angeles City. Hmm, looking up that link I see that most of the photos I “rescued” this morning I have posted on the blog. That post was written in 2017. What’s odd is that I didn’t do a blog post at the time of the visit in 2008. I’m guessing I was either still technically married to wife #3 or didn’t want my employer to know I was cavorting with prostitutes. Or both! Anyway, you can see the photos and the story of what led to the pool party at the link above. Here are some teasers:

The Alaska girls at the pool of my hotel, The Wild Orchid in Angeles City.
I made all the girls wet that day!
Filled them up too!
Sweet Sheryl. My first ever barfine. A really nice young woman who I understand is now living her dream life in Australia.

You know, sometimes I wish I could go back in time. Even if I couldn’t change a thing. I’d just like to re-experience memories like these from the perspective of knowing I didn’t appreciate it as much as I should have at the time. I’m actually trying to do that in the present as well. When I start feeling down or disappointed, I remind myself that someday I’ll look back and this time of my life will seem wonderful. Enjoy it while you can!

In my weekend condition

Well, I’ve survived so far but I still have Sunday night to go. Here’s how it has been so far.

Decided to start my Saturday on the town with some food in my belly, so Sit-n-Bull was my first stop.

Man does not live by bread alone. You need all that other good stuff that comes on a club sandwich as well. I used the food mode on my new phone camera and it came out pretty nice and clear.
After dinner, I headed around the corner to begin my night of drinking at BarCelona.

I was disappointed my waitress friend and potential future date, Samantha, wasn’t there. I sent her a message and she confirmed she was taking the night off. Alrighty then, saved me the cost of the lady drinks she would have consumed.

So, I contented myself with the view from my seat. That’s the Kalaklan ridge in the background.

A couple of beers later I’d seen enough so I moseyed down the street a ways. Where was I headed?

Glad you asked. Now you have your answer.

A bunch of Hashers came in and occupied that table a bit later, but I maintained my counter seat where I shared company and drinks with Roan and Agnes. Always a good time with Roan, lots of laughs. Wish I could get her interested in something more than being a bar friend, but she’s been honest and upfront about her lack of desire for anything else. No complaints about that.

It was getting close to 9:00 and that’s when I generally shut things down, but I decided to up my game and have one for the road at Cheap Charlies. The place was really busy and that’s good to see. Well, all my favorites were otherwise occupied. Still, I didn’t have to drink alone.

My company. She’s a cutie, but not my type. I’m sure I’m not hers either.
And I’ve always got the view.

When I got out of the trike at home I saw this unusual sight:

Easter mountain was ablaze. Looked fine this morning though.

So, I pushed the envelope last night and wound up going to bed at the ungodly hour of 10:30! Wowza! Slept in until 5:00 this morning though, so all is well.

I did my solitary Sunday stroll this morning. Decided to do one of those “photo every 1000 steps” so I could get some practice with the camera. Here’s how that worked out:

Leaving home.
1000 steps later.
Friendly kids got rewarded with some cookies at 2000 steps.
3000 steps took me to the streets of San Isidro. Right after I took this photo, a young woman approached and asked me if I had any sweets for her kids. I gladly handed over a bag of cookies. She didn’t look familiar to me at all but said she had seen me walking in Barretto before. Small world.
4000 steps and I was on the backside of Black Rock. No intention of climbing up there again on my own though. Those pictures will have to wait.
On a backstreet in Calapacuan at 5000 steps.
On the Calapcuan market street at 6000 steps.
On the National Highway at 7000 steps.
And still on the Highway at 8000 steps.
Close to home at 9000.
The rocky path to my house at 10,000.
The stats from the hike. You can see there was some malfunction with the tracking app near the beginning. That might have added some distance, although just checked my Fitbit and the distance is consistent with what is recorded there. Not that it matters.

You can always Relive the stroll if you have the gumption:

I made a discovery as I sat down to do today’s post. I always check to make sure I have a unique title. In doing so I came across something I had written back in November 2007 called the Korean cookie lady. I had totally forgotten about the events described in that post. So, maybe my blog isn’t totally worthless after all. It is a repository of memories from a life slowly fading away with the passage of time.

No idea what is in store for tonight. I was hoping for a first date with the teacher, but we are having a difficult time getting on the same page. So, it looks like another evening of beer and loneliness. Not that I’m complaining!

Phoning it in

I led the group hike yesterday and we did about 7K up and over Black Rock, then roundabout back to Barretto. I was excited about doing the Black Rock hike because it has just about the best views from up top in the area and I wanted to give my new phone camera a tryout. The hike was great and the views were awesome on a sunny clear day. I took a shitload of photos but I won’t be posting any of them here. Here’s the convoluted story of why:

I mentioned that I bought a new phone. It’s a Samsung Galaxy A53. My old phone is an A50. I’d gone online to research which Samsung phone features the best camera. Of course, the best cameras are on the S-series phones, but they cost a thousand bucks. The review I read said the A52 had the best camera in the mid-price range. I went to the Samsung store at the mall and the salesman showed me an A52, but then pointed out that the A53 was this year’s upgrade of that model and it was on sale. Sold!

After the purchase, they helped me do the transfer of all my data, photos, and apps to the new phone. That went smoothly. Of course, the real pain in the ass was opening up my apps and programs on the new phone. Everything required a password and in a lot of cases it had been years and I couldn’t remember what some of those passwords might be. Well, the fix for that is the app will email me a code to insert in lieu of a password. I remembered my Google password, but not the one for my AOL account, so that upped the level of being a pain in the ass. But I eventually got everything functioning again on the new phone and I was good to go.

So, I did the hike, took my photos, came home. I’m going to donate my old phone to someone in need here, but first I had to delete all the data, apps, and photos there. Someone had shown me how to do the factory reset, and I set about doing it. The hitch came because Samsung required that I log in to my Samsung account before I could implement the delete function. Well, I didn’t even know that I had a Samsung account and none of the usual old passwords I tried were working. And when I tried the email recovery option, the emails from Samsung were in Hanguel–making them virtually unreadable to an ignoramus like me. So, I’m going back between my new and old phones–trying to respond to the emails on the one, and trying to implement the delete function on the other. And then somehow I finally got the delete function to work! And almost instantly noticed that I had mixed up the phones, both being the same size and feel, and had started the delete process on my new phone. And there was no way to stop it. Yeah, I’m that stupid. Probably karma for my mocking our demented President.

I was able to re-initiate the data transfer process from the old phone to the new one, just like I had done the day before. But alas, all those photos I had taken on the new phone were lost forever. This morning I successfully completed the deletion of data from the old phone and hopefully, that marks the end of the transition trauma.

You’ll have to Relive the hike without photos.
Nothing to see here, move along.

Going through all that crap with my phone put me behind schedule, so I didn’t bother with darts last evening. Instead, I went to It Doesn’t Matter and had a few cold ones to help me forget about my recent ordeal with the phone. My friend “Jenny” is heading down to Manila for her new job and I had promised her dinner before she departs. We agreed to meet at John Kim’s new place, so I moved my ass up the highway, climbed to the third floor, and waited for her there.

And here it is, the first picture from my new phone camera to be shared here at LTG:

Too much clutter, but the photo seems crisp enough. Especially considering the level of lighting available.

Jenny and I had a nice meal (can’t remember what she ate now, I had fish and chips), shared some banter (she gets my sense of humor!), and had a pleasant evening together. I drank beer, she had soju. I was crushing on her when we first met, but she has convinced me to back off, at least for now. I’m back in my living for the moment mode, so I’m comfortable saying we have no future. Still, nothing wrong with sharing some platonic time and a few laughs when circumstances allow.

The photo of my fish and chips didn’t come out well. Not sure if the blame is with the camera or the photographer. I still need to learn the various functions and settings on the phone cam. I know there is a food setting that maybe I should use more often. My guess is this didn’t come out though because I moved before the camera was done taking the shot in poor lighting.

Jenny and I left John’s place together and went home and went to bed. Well, she went to her home and I went to mine, but you know what I mean.

Up this morning and took care of the usual business. I did a street hike through Barretto and listened to music on my headphones. Not much worthy of a photograph anyway. Well, I did take a leaving the neighborhood shot:

That one came out alright I think.

I had ordered some stuff on Lazada (the Philippines version of Amazon) and for some reason had the foresight to leave some money with the helper “just in case”. And sure enough, when I got back from my hike, two of the items had arrived:

This is the one I’ve been waiting for. My old Fitbit Charge 4 was giving up the ghost. The battery wouldn’t hold a charge for 24 hours (supposed to last 3+ days) so it was getting to be a pain in the ass.

Best of all, I was able to set it up, sync it to my phone, and get it fully functioning without incident. Hey, let’s see Joe Biden do that!

And that’s pretty much all there is to say for now. Let me leave you with these important facts of life I came across on the internet (so you know they must be true!)

Until tomorrow then. Assuming tomorrow comes.

The ebb and flow of daily life

Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday. My good intentions were overridden by laziness unforeseen events. Anyway, here’s what’s been happening.

The construction behind my place continues. As far as I know, no one has died yet. Yes, that guy is standing on top the crane. The other is crawling across the beam. Neither has a safety harness. I guess OSHA doesn’t translate into Tagalog.

Started my Wednesday in the usual fashion, including a pleasant hike with the Wednesday Walkers group. Photos from that event later in this post. Home in time for a shower and a quick post here, but no nap. Then it was off to the dart league match being played at Queen Victoria.

It’s actually a pretty nice darts venue.
I did find one of the opposing players to be quite distracting. Sexy legs. I wonder what they lead to?

The lady in red told me her name is Cristina and that it was her twenty-first birthday. I asked one of the other waitresses if they were going to have a celebration later for her. Nope, nothing was planned, she responded. So, that didn’t seem right to me. After all, you are only 21 once. I sent one gal off to pick up a birthday cake and had another order a pizza. They partied while I played darts.

And now I have a new Facebook friend. Don’t worry, I’m not going there.

We wound up winning the dart match 9-4, although we should have done much better than that. Too many distractions–that’s my excuse! After darts I did a bit of a bar crawl, seeing Samantha at BarCelona and sharing a couple of drinks with her. I don’t expect that is going anywhere either. Popped into It Doesn’t Matter for a bit, then finished my night at Cheap Charlies. It was a long day for this old man.

This pretty well illustrates where things stand with me relationship-wise.
Oh, when I got home my helper told me a package had come in the mail for me.
Kevin Kim’s new book! Signed by the author and everything! Thanks again, Kevin! The rest of y’all can got to Amazon and buy your own damn copy!

And then it was Thursday. I didn’t do a hike. I took the morning off to prepare for my appointment with an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. The plan was for my helper to get there an hour before the doctor’s scheduled arrival at 2:00. She’d get me all signed up thereby reducing my wait time by having me near the front of the queue. Since my driver was picking us up at 12:30, I figured I’d spend some time at the mall. Why the mall? Well, my friend Joy needed a new phone and I was the sucker nice guy expected to provide it. Okay, I don’t mind helping a gal in need and I agreed, so no big deal. To her credit, she was happy with the cheapest decent phone available, about $150. And since we were there anyway, I did some shopping too.

I was looking to upgrade my camera and from the reviews I read, this phone has the best camera for a mid-range priced phone ($500.)

The shopping excursion took a little longer than planned and we had to rush back to Baypointe hospital so I didn’t miss my place in line to see the doctor. I wound up waiting about 30 minutes anyway. I scheduled the visit with ENT doc because I’ve had head congestion for the past three or four months and over-the-counter meds were having little to no effect. The first thing I noticed when I walked into the doctor’s office was that she was pretty damn hot. I like that in a physician! Makes the exam much less stressful. The first thing she asked me was “what brings you here today?” I responded, “I came in a car.” Yeah, I know. She laughed politely though, and then we got down to business. I described my symptoms and she had me move to an examination chair. She put on her face shield, grabbed a tube-like instrument, and stuck it up my nose. I guess it was some kind of microscope. Then she did the other nostril. She did a tsk, tsk, and said that’s the problem–Grade II nasal polyps. Now what, doc? She explained that once you reach the Grade II level, surgery may be required. In my case, since I have to take meds for high blood pressure and an enlarged prostate, she couldn’t give me the stronger drugs she would normally prescribe (steroid-like if I understood correctly). So, we are trying a two-week regimine of lower dose meds and if that doesn’t work I’ll need to schedule surgery. Out patient? No, it requires general anesthesia. Damn it! Lets hope the meds work. As pretty as she is, I don’t want her poking around in my nose with a scapel.

After the doctor’s visit, I took my driver, helper, and Joy out to lunch at the nearby Seoul restaurant.

…and bulgogi stew.

By the time we got back to Barretto it was already beer o’clock. Had my driver drop Joy off at her house and had him take me out to Baloy Beach. I started and ended my evening at McCoy’s.

The bar area was packed with Filipinos singing karaoke loudly and poorly, so my manager friend graciously offered me use of this nearby nipa hut. The folks in the hut next door were also singing, but oddly enough, having bad music on both sides seemed to cancel each other out. Or maybe I just went to my happy place in my mind.
The view from inside…
Watching the sun set.
How I filled the lonely hours.

And so ended another day in paradise. I had some more adventures today, but I’ll share those tomorrow. I need to head out for darts now.

Here’s the pics I promised from the Wednesday hike:

The path we walked. The white line shows the deviations some in our group took.
The said group of Wednesday Walkers.
Starting out in Alta Vista.
Into the wild.
Scott was our fearless leader for the day.
Yours truly trying to make his way.
An early view.
Yeah, I got some cookies in here.
Mountain top.
Looks like ANTIFA passed through here.
Scott in the grass.
The compound of my favorite mountain family. Chickens and goats galore, but no electricity.
Mountain mama Olivia and her granddaughter.
Some more cookie recipients.
Scott getting down.
And back on his feet.
More mountain dwellers.
Jim in view of Easter mountain.
On the trail.
Them too.
Mountain home.
Mountain view.
And now I am (finally!) done with this long ass post!

When one door closes…

…another door opens. Or so it has been said. I’d like to see the scientific data supporting that proposition though.

Anyway, on the way to do my grocery shopping yesterday, I had my driver drop my weekend guest off at the bus station so she could return to her life in Angeles City. She has subsequently been messaging things like she misses me and wants to come see me again. I haven’t been brutal in my responses, but I think I’ve made it clear those feelings are not mutual. Again, I think she is a good-hearted woman, just someone who is completely wrong for me. I made her cry her last night here with my bluntness, I wasn’t even angry, okay, maybe a tad rude and impatient, but nothing like my worst behavior. Anyway, trying to have a relationship with her would be a disaster for us both. Not sure what lessons I can take away from the experience, maybe something to do with selectivity.

I did share my insights on caring about someone who doesn’t care for you with “Jenny”. I told her I understood better how she must have felt with me trying to worm my way into her heart when she had no reciprocal feelings for me. She told me she was sorry I felt that way and that I misunderstood her. She said she thinks I’m a nice and caring man with a good sense of humor and that she enjoys my company. She just does not want to be in a relationship with a “white man” right now. Yeah, that’s how she put it. She explained that she has some personal goals she is working hard to achieve and it is important to her that she achieve them on her own. Having a white boyfriend would diminish whatever she accomplishes because people would assume I made it happen for her through financial support (all us foreigners are considered rich in the eyes of the Filipino community apparently). Whatever her reasons, I’m not gonna chase or beg for her time and attention. Maybe I’ll be here when she’s ready for a relationship, maybe I won’t.

I was surprised to hear from another former love of mine yesterday. Her engagement to a foreigner has ended (she didn’t say why, and I didn’t ask) and she inquired about me providing a work reference. I did and it appears she will indeed be hired. Happy about that. And yes, the thought did cross my mind about trying to rekindle that old flame. I’ve regretted maybe giving up too soon during our first go-round and with the benefit of hindsight and getting to know her better during our ensuing years of friendship, perhaps we could make a go of it this time. Way, way too soon for me to even consider acting on that possibility. I need to stand back and give her some space and time to make the transition back to singleness. I can think about it though and let my imagination run wild.

Am I asking too much?

Played darts last night and got knocked out early. First time in a long time we’ve had enough players for a doubles tournament. I’m not going to blame my partner for our poor performance though. Wait a minute, yes I am! Not that I cared. The blessing of an early defeat was that I had more time to do a bar crawl. I started at BarCelona and visited my new favorite waitress there, Samantha. Her only off-day is Wednesday and since my Wednesdays are whacked with hiking and dart league, I’m not sure what we are going to do to get to know one another better. We talked about doing a hike and perhaps we will next week. She works too late (midnight or later) to get together after quitting time. Maybe a lunch date prior to work would be possible. We’ll see.

After BarCelona, I dropped by The Green Room, hoping to see my friend Novi. She wasn’t around (I found out later she quit) so it was one beer and out for me.

Next stop was Alaska. I greeted the owner, Jerry, then took a seat. Three gals up on stage and not much else happening. Music is always good with Jerry as DJ though, so there was that. Still, no one I knew to talk to, so a couple of beers and I said my goodnight.

That’s how I was looking and feeling at Alaska.

It was nearly my bedtime (9 p.m.) but I decided to have one more for the road so I headed down to Queen Victoria.

The bar was featuring some drink specials. I’m sitting at the bar when another customer comes up and asks the bartender “what comes inside a wet pussy?”. He asked this in all seriousness and without irony. I’m thinking, dude, if you don’t know what to put in a wet pussy…

Queen Vic had a live band and they sounded surprisingly good. Also, some pretty hot waitresses who looked very thirsty, but I just wasn’t in the mood to engage. A couple of more beers and I called it a night.

Just before I went to bed, I got a message from the schoolteacher. I hadn’t heard from her in several days. As you may recall she got pissed because I didn’t respond to her messages fast enough. Anyway, I was too tired and drunk to deal with her last night. I’ll keep her in the queue notwithstanding some red flags she’s displayed.

That was my Tuesday. Did a nice hike this morning, and now it is time for dart league. I’m really tired, but I’ve got no choice, my teammates are relying on me. I’ve already announced that I’m not playing next season.

Finally, Facebook reminded me that today is the third anniversary of me acquiring my dog Lucky. Here’s how he looked when I brought him home that day:

Skinny and mangy he was back then.
And here is just now. He’s my Lucky boy!

It’s all good.

A country Hash

We did the Hash On-Home way out at the end of Rizal Extension. Almoranus has a lot up there, so we had a bit of an end-of-hike campout. Since I wasn’t sure what the food situation would be, I decided to chow down at Sit-n-Bull before we started the hike.

The Salisbury steak was on the specials menu…came with two sides. Of course, I went with beans and coleslaw...
And then it was time to Hash. Our “sane” group shortcutted the first 2K or so by riding the truck out to the valley. Then we did a pleasant enough walk on that flat and rarely dry ground, before beginning a moderately difficult climb up to the ridgeline. It was hot out which didn’t make life any easier.
Off we go!
Easy peasy so far.
The lowdown. Most of the rice fields were dry, thankfully.
Girls on trail.
Heading towards Easter mountain. Turned off before we got there though.
We took no off fence.
Not my kind of hangout, but at least it was shady.
Hup, two, three, four!
Leaving the flatness behind.
What an ass! Rumored to be 18 Kilos…
For the most part, it was a well-marked trail.
The first runner to overtake us head-starting, shortcutting, sane Hashers was Leech My Nuggetts. As usual.
The only water hazard we encountered.
On up!
A house in the wild. The kids here were too shy to accept my cookie offer. I guess they don’t see many white folks in these parts.
It wasn’t a steep up, just a meandering continuous climb.
More runners passing us slowsters by.
It was a woodsy trail for the most part which was a relief on a hot and sunny day.
The end is near for this weary Hasher.
Our campsite, courtesy of Almoranus (in the white pants).
Chillin’ out in the shade.
Grillin’ up some dogs.
My weekend guest, Sweet Hash Hole, hanging out with Black And Dick Her.
It ain’t camping without a fire, right?
Returning Hashers on the ice. It had been twenty years or so for Sweet Hash Hole.
I didn’t eat at the Hash, but did enjoy a nice bowl of chili when I returned home.

And that was pretty much how my Hash Monday went down. Said goodbye to my weekend guest this morning. More thoughts on that in tomorrow’s post. Got darts on tap for tonight.

Take it as it comes

It’s Hash Monday, so just a quick update before I hid out to hit the trail.

Day 2 of my entertaining an out-of-town guest. Nothing has changed, although I do think my post yesterday may have sounded harsher than I intended. She seems to be a kind and good-hearted woman, just not the one for me. My epiphany I suppose was coming to understand that “Jenny” probably feels about me the way I feel about my guest. Doesn’t matter how good the other person may be, if they aren’t connecting with you on an emotional level it ain’t gonna happen. That’s just the way it goes sometimes.

Anyway, my guest didn’t want to join me for my Sunday hike because it was “too hot”. Well, I’m used to walking alone, but here is some of what she missed:

The Matain river is loaded up with garbage just waiting for the first big rain to come and wash it all into the bay.
It had been quite some time since I walked through the Santa Monica subdivision. Not much had changed.
I passed through Easter mountain’s neighborhood too.
And finally, a shot from my street in Alta Vista just before arriving back home.

You can Relive it here if you have a hankering to do so.

Once back home, I had some time to kill before beer o’clock rolled around, so opened up my Netflix. She picked a movie called “Black Crab”. I guess it was okay and somewhat entertaining. Not sure I’ve watched a Swedish-made film before. Anyway, it killed a couple of hours so it served its purpose. Here’s the trailer if you want a taste:

For one of those “too much time on my hands” kind of days.

So, it was finally time to head out and I decided we’d walk to John’s place for food and beers.

The enchiladas are excellent but damn, spicy enough to leave a tingle in my mouth. I’m not criticizing, that’s probably authentic. Most places serve them so bland you wouldn’t know it’s supposed to be Mexican.
You can never go wrong with John’s bulgogi. I’d add some of those string mushrooms they use in Korea, but that’s just me. No complaints.
The bar portion of John’s is on the third floor. I enjoyed the view of watching the sun go down while downing my beers from up there.

Wound up staying at John’s until it was time to head back home for my 9 p.m. bedtime.

Up early this morning as usual. My guest did join me for the dog walk.

One of the morning views I always enjoy.

Came home and put together the ingredients for some chili in the crockpot.

Should make for a nice after-Hash meal this evening, along with the cornbread muffins I baked.

And there’s a snapshot of my life here in the Philippines. Don’t be too jealous! Facebook sent me a reminder of how life was four years ago in Pyeongtaek.

Perhaps I’m just as lonely but I have a better attitude about it now.

I really am making progress. This weekend was a good reminder to not settle for less than what I want. I’ll be just fine alone if that is what it comes down to.

Nope, ain’t gonna happen.

Not a single trigger was tripped by my out-of-town visitor. Unless getting frustrated and irritated counts. She really doesn’t look anything like her pictures either, not that looks are the most important feature. Communication is a crapshoot as well. She doesn’t get my humor and I can’t understand what she is saying half the time. Even the sex was disappointing. Now, I have two days to fill with my new “friend” before she returns home. Wish me luck!

We had dinner beachside at Mango’s. This random young woman I watched from my perch reminded me of what I had been hoping for. Thanks for noting Date in Asia!
Some roads wind up leading nowhere. But until you explore them, you never know.

In a rather bizarre turn of events, the schoolteacher I’ve been chatting with got pissed because I didn’t promptly respond to her messages last night. I had told her I was going to be busy this weekend, but I guess I’m supposed to be at her beck and call 24/7. Glad she showed me this side of who she is before I wasted more time.

Looks like I’m on a roll. There’s a word we say here in the Philippines when you encounter this kind of situation. “Next!”

It’s been as hot as I can remember these past few days. I came across a picture that illustrates why:

Well, it will be rainy season soon enough. Then I’ll have something else to complain about.

Anyway, wish me luck getting through the next couple of days. Another example of “there are worse things than being alone.”

There comes a time

Comes a time
when you're driftin'
Comes a time
when you settle down
Comes a light
feelin's liftin'
Lift that baby
right up off the ground.

Oh, this old world
keeps spinning round
It's a wonder tall trees
ain't layin' down
There comes a time.

A time for what, I’m not so sure about. But does it even matter? I’m enjoying the ride as best I can and I reckon that’s good enough for as long as this ride of life might last.

I never sausage a hike like we had yesterday up in the mountains of Cawag, a remote barangay of Subic. Hiked up there once before a year or so ago but this time our group had a sausage cookout after the hike. And a refreshing swim mid-hike. I’d call that a good start to the day. Pictures to follow later in this post.

I skipped out on darts last night and had some beers at BarCelona instead.

Where I watched the full moon rising up over the Kalaklan ridge.

Kira, my favorite BarCelona waitress, was looking particularly stunning last night. Alas, nothing has changed her mind regarding her lack of interest in me since my last visit. I was a little surprised though when she brought over another waitress and introduced her by saying, “she needs a boyfriend”. Alright then. Nice to meet you too, Samantha.

I did get a chance to chat a bit with Sam. She is 30 years old, widowed for three, with two kids. She started working at BarCelona a couple of weeks ago. Said it was her first time waitressing but she needed the money to support her kids. She is cute enough but I didn’t feel a strong physical attraction right away. Maybe that’s a good thing. What’s inside is much more important anyway. Still, I was ambivalent towards her until she approached me later and invited me to go on a hike with her near where she lives in Subic. Now, that’s showing initiative! So, we are connected on messenger now and I’m looking forward to arranging a date with her soon

My weekend date hasn’t arrived from Angeles yet, but I’m hoping we’ll hit it off. I’m actually looking forward to bringing her to the Hash for her first appearance in 20 years or so. Welcome back, Sweet Hash Hole!

The other gal I’m regularly chatting with these days is the school teacher from Olongapo. I’m not sure what, if anything, we may have in common but I suppose I’ll try and find out. We have tentative plans for meeting up next weekend.

Whew! Not bad for an old fucker, eh?

That’s me at 21 trying to calculate all the women I would spend quality time with over the course of a lifetime. Four marriages and fifteen loves. So far!

Speaking of the Hash, I came across this Venn diagram that does a good job explaining what we are all about:

Yep, that’s the sweet spot!

Alrighty then, to those photos from yesterday’s hike/cookout:

A goodly long ride out to Cawag, home to the defunct, but recently purchased Hanjin shipyard. Our trails were there and back again type. The green, longer and steeper and 10K, the pink a more moderate 7K hike.
Getting loaded. We had a much bigger than expected turnout. Several folks drove their own vehicles to provide additional capacity.
En route.
Heading out and up.
Shyrel hands out school supplies for the kiddies.
Max on the “easy” trail.
Ed on the high trail.
Getting there is half the fun. Or all of it, depending on your outlook.
A view.
Enjoying the view. Oh yeah, I forgot to bring my trekking stick (Let’s Go, Brandon!) so had to improvise. The bamboo worked well enough to get me through the day.
We came, we saw, we took photos!
Martin in the mud.
The water hole.
Crossing the water hole.
A mid-hike swim in the water hole was a nice change of pace.
Mountain views.
A waterfall.
Onward they march!
I had the biggest tits there!
Headed back to camp.
Time to chill out.
Brats on the grill.
The neighborhood kids were intrigued by the foreigner invasion. We placated them with cookies and candy.
Hanging out at the campsite.
Heading out after a good day in the countryside.

Sometimes when you are living in the best of times you need to not take all the good for granted. I’m a lucky man!

Yeah, he’s a leftist cunt. I like the music, not the man.

Best of all possible worlds

Spent a very nice day yesterday at the lovely Sampaloc Cove. I went with my old Treasure Island friends and also invited “Jenny” along with us. This was my third visit to Sampaloc, but the first time I did the relatively easy hike up to some very nice waterfalls. We had a nice lunch on the beach, the girls all swam, and it was a relaxing chill-out afternoon.

The boat ride was longer than I remembered, about an hour and a half. Our destination is outside the bay around that point of land at the top left of this photo.
A sure-footed crew member.
Jenny’s perch.
Passing by Baloy Beach.
A rocky coastline.
Around that bend, we will be in the South China Sea and near our destination.
Our boat and all passengers have now safely anchored at Sampaloc Cove.
Looking up the beach…
...and down the beach.
Our nipa hut for the day. 1300 pesos ($26.) including the entry fee. The Aeta natives support themselves with revenue generated by tourist visits like ours. Glad to be of help.
The girls all wanted buko (coconut) juice when we arrived.
Grilling up some meat for lunch…
My pal Kat (Katrina), one of the waitresses I met at Treasure Island when I moved here almost four years ago.
And Jessa, another TI girl. We had a failed romance back in 2020, but have maintained a friendship since then. She is happily engaged now.
Jessa, Roann, and Mylene.
Kat posing on the beach.
Me posing on the beach…
A room in the trees. I guess some folks stay overnight here, but with no electricity and no internet, I’d probably not enjoy it.
This restroom was real pigsty…
Hiking out to the falls…
The lower falls.
The upper falls featured this nice swimming hole.
Lounging by the waterside.
Jenny in the water.
Jenny on the beach.
Our Aeta tour guide.
Loaded up for the trip back to Barretto.
On the water near the end of a pleasant day.
It was nice spending some quality time with this woman.
Homeward bound.

Perhaps I’m living in the best of all possible worlds after all.

Cause there's still a lotta drinks that I ain't drunk
And lots of pretty thoughts that I ain't thunk, oh yeah
Lord there's still so many lonely girls 
In this best of all possible worlds

After the falls

Another early morning post here because I’ve got big plans for the day–I’ve hired a boat to take me and a group of friends out to Sempoloc cove, a secluded area accessible only by water outside the bay. More on that tomorrow.

Yesterday’s big event was a hike out to Balon Falls, on the far side of Subic town. Hadn’t been out that way for well over a year, so it felt almost new again. Let’s tell the story through pictures, shall we?

The falls, around the mountain, and through an Aeta (native people) village.
We used the Hashmobile as our mode of transport. Uncomfortable, but convenient.
Let’s roll!
Only in the Philippines…we had to detour around the rice dryer (aka paved road) to reach our destination.
Parked, off-loaded, and ready to hit the trail!
The first of several water crossings. Yep, more wet feet. You could technically dance across on rocks, but one misstep, and you are soaked. Why risk it?
Let’s march single file!
Jesus, look at that belly. Me loves the beer a bit too much these days.
On the rocks.
Um, yeah. Those are these famous Balon Falls behind Shyrel.
It’s dry season, so not much water to “fall” down the rocks.
We came, we saw, we marched on!
I guess I’m not woke enough to know what they mean by a “diversified farm”, but at least we were welcome.
He wasn’t real friendly.
Some farm folk.
Another water crossing.
Much better to walk around than over this hilltop.
Taking in the view.
Some of the locals we encountered. Shyrel is handing out school supplies to the kids.
Another remote farmhouse.
A group shot.
Cookie time!
Yeah, way out there in the back Easter mountain is hiding in the haze.
More water to maneuver over.
Keep on walkin’!
“Jenny” in the jungle.
Jenny in the woods.
Jenny on the road. Yes, I’m growing rather fond of her.
Village life.
A gathering of like-minded individuals.
Road work.
Walking the carabao.
This guy popped out of the woods carrying two just-harvested papayas. The girls promptly purchased them from him, making all involved happy..
Laundry day.
I hadn’t been here in over a year, but I apparently made some kind of impression. Good or bad I can’t tell from this rendering.
Headed back to the truck.
Loaded up and heading back to Barretto.

That was the best part of the day. I felt like shit later in the afternoon but went to darts anyway. Played like shit, got eliminated, came home, and went to bed at 8:00 p.m.!

Better this morning, up at 3:30 and preparing for my big day on the ocean.

Brownies and blueberry muffins baked and ready to go. Also bringing sausages to grill up for lunch.

Looking forward to a nice change of pace. See y’all here tomorrow!

It’s electric!

I’ve got the power. At least until 0800 when a scheduled shutdown of the electricity in this neck of the woods kicks off. Supposed to last until 4 p.m. so I reckon I’d best get this post done while I can. Oh, and when I don’t have power I don’t have water. Unlike my previous residence, my water here is pumped up from a storage tank in the basement. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get a shower in sometime after this morning’s hike and before darts this evening. Isn’t my life a thrill a minute?

Here’s a quick recap of my yesterday.

I baked up a batch of banana walnut muffins for breakfast. I shared some with “Jenny” and she was impressed that I could bake. I didn’t want to disappoint her by admitting Betty Crocker gave me an assist.
Speaking of Jenny, here she is waiting for me to arrive on the highway so we could commence with our hike together.
But first, we popped into 7/11 so she could have her morning coffee as we hiked.
Flowers on the trail. Oh, in case you are wondering, Jenny is 4’11” tall.
This little piggie went to market… Well, not so little.
Was surprised to see this newly constructed barbershop smack dab in the middle of nowhere.
On the backside of our hike.
Jenny talked some about joining the annual Hash climb of Easter mountain.
Heading to my house for a burrito lunch.
One of my standard walks, just done in reverse. Also, that time is about 30 minutes long–I forgot to turn off the tracker when I got home.

Relive the hike here if you want.

Jenny will be joining this morning’s group hike as well. Looking forward to that.

The other “big” happening in my day was the “introduction” to Ruchilyn, a school teacher looking for a boyfriend. Suffice to say, she is still looking. We had a nice dinner (pork chops and roast chicken) but not much chemistry. She seems nice enough and we are Facebook friends now, but I don’t expect it will go any further than that.

Home early and in bed by 9 p.m. again. What a life!

So many beaches, so little time

I was once again tasked with leading the Wednesday Walkers group hike yesterday. Honestly, it is challenging to think of a trail we all haven’t done recently. That’s one of the downsides of group hikes three days a week I suppose. I’m not familiar enough with the out-of-town areas to try and get that creative, so I settled on doing a beach walk to the old Navy base, then a climb up the Kalaklan ridgeline, and coming back down into Barretto. It had been over a year since I’d personally tried the beach walk and some things have changed. Twice we had to wade across small rivers where they emptied into the bay, and once we had to go into the water to get around a recently constructed fence. Other than that it was rather pleasant to see the beaches outside of Barretto. Then ridgeline is always a pain in the ass to climb, but we took the path that is easiest among difficult choices. All in, we did 8K and my hike mates seemed to have enjoyed it. Mission accomplished. Pictures later in this post.

The remainder of the day was also filled with fun and a dash of excitement. Well, maybe fun is an overstatement, but the hours got filled and that’s what it is all about, right? Started with our dart league match against Blue Butterfly bar. We won 12-1 but I wasn’t happy with my performance. I was involved in our one defeat and it is ridiculous how poorly I threw. I take full responsibility. We are playing the #1 team in the league next week and all of us are going to have to throw a hell of a lot better than we did yesterday.

“Jenny” didn’t show up to watch me play, which was disappointing. She was drinking with her neighbors at a resort hotel on Baloy and invited me to join in but after an afternoon of beers, I just wasn’t feeling it. No problem though, she joined me this morning for a very nice walk, then came over to my place for a burrito lunch. She really is a special woman, but we are taking things very slowly and that’s fine too.

Then I got a surprise message from Novi, a gal I had met last year when she worked at BarCelona. Actually, she quit the day after we met and although we remained Facebook friends, we never interacted. Last night she said she had started working again at a bar called The Green Room (located on the ground floor under BarCelona) and hoped I’d come to visit. Having nothing else to do, I popped in. It was good to see her again and I remembered why I had liked her that night I had met her long ago. We shared some drinks and laughs, and pizza. It was a good time. Oh, and she wants to go to the Hash on Monday. I guess we’ll see how serious she is about that soon enough.

She’s cuter in real life…

One of my former friends with benefits wanted to come over this afternoon to give me a “massage”, but I told her I wasn’t interested. I’m really not wanting to get back in that mode where I pay for intimacy.

I previously agreed to meet with an acquaintance who wants to introduce me to her schoolteacher friend. I’m kind of regretting it now because I’m a little bit uncomfortable with the idea of crushing someone’s expectations. Yeah, I don’t currently have a girlfriend and unless this new woman (I’m not sure of her age, but her kids are grown) is an angel sent to rescue my lost soul and heal my broken heart, I’m probably going to take a pass. I made it clear in my message to her friend that this is a “meet, greet, and eat” event, nothing more.

I don’t know, maybe it’s good to have options. It’s hard to go all-in with Jenny when she’s been pretty adamant that she’s not willing yet to take the plunge with me. Still, I enjoy her company and don’t want to fuck up a budding friendship by getting distracted with other women.

Yeah, look at me. Suddenly, I’m seemingly popular with the ladies. I’m going to take it slow and easy and just wait to see what happens next.

To the Wednesday Walkers photos then:

This week’s iteration of our group.
Standing on the beach.
We are heading all the way around to where the ridge exits the picture frame on the right.
On the beach.
Where the river meets the bay resulted in our first wet feet of the day. No other option but to wade across.
Life’s a beach.
Sunny beaches.
Then things got a little rocky.
But we overcame the obstacle.
No more beach and more wet feet.
Leaving the beach behind us.
Making our way up to Kalaklan ridge.
One of the finer homes in this village.
Looking back at the beach we traveled.
Hello, Olongapo City!
“Are you down taking pictures now? We came to hike, not wait on you!” Sorry, guys!
Heading back down to Barretto.
Rehydration at Dynamite Dick’s. That’s Dick in the middle.

Feel free to Relive it here:

All in all it was a good day. Better than most in fact. More about today, tomorrow.

Girlfriend shopping

Though half a score of years are gone,
Spring comes as sharply now as then—
But if we had it all to do
It would be done the same again.
It was a spring that never came;
But we have lived enough to know
That what we never have, remains;
It is the things we have that go.”
–Sara Teasdale

Yeah, I’m still missing my ex-girlfriend. I think about her all the time and hope she is happy. Meanwhile, life goes on and I need to make the best of it. “Jenny” went grocery shopping at Royal with me yesterday. I was prepared to let her fill a basket at my expense, but she just picked up a couple of things and didn’t want me to pay for them. I insisted though. I really do enjoy her company, but she’s made it clear that she is not looking for a relationship right now, always emphasizing that we are just friends. Okay. I can always use a friend.

Jenny did come home with me after shopping and made a drink that consists of coffee and vanilla ice cream. Can’t remember what it is called, but sounds like avocado. Might be French. We sat out on the back deck and enjoyed the view while we had our drink. She’s just accepted a new job as an online recruiter so had to cancel her planned trip to Germany. Said she might take an alternative vacation in Thailand. “Alone?”, I asked. She said she almost always travels alone and talked about backpacking in Cambodia by herself. I admit I was quite impressed and told her I respected her courage in doing so. She shrugged like it was no big deal. Good for her!

I told Jenny again that I’m out every night and I would love for her to join me anytime she wants. She said she might, but next time it was her turn to pay. I told her that wasn’t necessary but she said wanted to repay my kindness. I looked at her and smiled and she said, “It is still too soon for that.” I burst out laughing and said, “oh shit, you can read my mind!”. She laughed too and said it was pretty obvious what I was thinking. Still, I’m glad we are on the same wavelength even if she is unwilling to take it to the next level. Yet.

We finished our drinks and I walked Jenny out of the neighborhood. I told her I have dart league this afternoon and she said she might come by and cheer for me. I hope she does, I’d love that. This may be going nowhere, but at least it helps me stop thinking about my last love. We’ll see what happens next. If anything.

Speaking of darts, I was shit in the tourney last night. Once I was eliminated I decided to change my venue. So I made my way down to Wet Spot. Was surprised to see a large crowd on a Tuesday night, it looks like the tourists have indeed returned. And maybe not so coincidentally, the girls were dancing on stage again. First time I’d seen that since the scamdemic started. Perhaps things really are getting back to normal.

The waitress from Sit-n-Bull came by and I was feeling a little hungry so I ordered up a pizza. Yeah, I got Hawaiian with pineapple. I knew I’d be sharing and the Filipinas love this one. Sue me.
My “regular” Wet Spot girl wasn’t working, so I had my waitress join me for dinner and a drink. Nice to meet you, Grace. There was plenty of pizza left for the other girls to enjoy too.

After a couple of beers at Wet Spot, I made my way home via trike. Was in bed by 9 p.m. Up this morning at 4 a.m. Yep, I am back on my “lonely old man with no girlfriend” schedule once again. Oh well, there are worse fates I suppose.

An interesting morning hike with the Wednesday Walkers this morning. I will write about that tomorrow. Right now I am running late for dart league. Man, these whacked Wednesdays are tough!

This too shall pass.

Time to move on?

“Life is unfortunately designed to let us down. People die, we can get sick and marriages end. We need to use the fragility of life as a reminder to be present and savor the happy moments when we have them, and to remember that as day moves to night, so too does night turn to day.”

Seen on Quora

The construction behind my residence continues with all the noise and dust inherent in such a project.

Still a LONG way to go before the house is completed.
And judging by the height of these recently installed beams, the house is going to obliterate my cherished bay view.
Got to give props to the construction workers though. No way I’m doing the high work.

Anyway, my lease here is up in June and I’m thinking it may be time to move on to somewhere else. Well, I don’t mean leave Barretto, just find a more comfortable place to live. My current digs are a bit smaller than I prefer and it is not really great for the dogs. Hmm, my old place is still vacant. Maybe the former landlord is ready to make a deal to get me back? We’ll see.

I guess the other news from my Saturday is that I went out on a date. Asked her to dinner and she accepted. We enjoyed a fine meal at Da’Kudos (grilled pork chops and roast chicken salad) and a couple of beers afterward at Johan’s.

The sunset we shared.

As far as first dates go, I’d call this one a success. I didn’t know much about “Jenny” other than she occasionally joins us for the group hikes. I was pleasantly surprised to discover that she is smart (college degree), articulate, witty, with a pleasant personality, and a good sense of humor. What’s not to like? Oh, she is 39 years old and hoping to have a baby while she still can. That doesn’t bode well for a future with me, but I’m always happy to make a new friend.

She’s not the type physically I’m normally attracted to, but she’s strong and healthy. And a great personality.

No great expectations, but perhaps we’ll share some best of times in the future. (Yeah, I’m quite the Dickens, aren’t I?)

And here we are filling in the hours on another Sunday. I started my day with a pleasant dog walk.

And saw fire on the mountain.

I’m one of the Hares for tomorrow’s Hash run, so we were out scouting and marking the trail this morning. It came in at around 7K, with one moderately easy climb and an optional visit to the top of Black Rock for those adventurous souls who want another mountain to climb. I’m going back out with co-Hare Blow My Pipe tomorrow morning to do some bushwhacking on some overgrown areas of the trail.

Us Hares rewarded our hard work with lunch at John’s place.

First time I tried his pulled pork. It was tasty, although I think I prefer it saturated in sauce like I make it at home.

And that pretty much is where things stand as of now.

Still carrying on

One morning I woke up and I knew you were really gone
A new day, a new way, and new eyes to see the dawn
Go your way, I’ll go mine, and carry on

When I post here I do a quick search in an effort to avoid duplication of the title. After 17 years of blogging, that can sometimes be a challenge. And sure enough, the title I had in mind for today was “Carry on” which I had used back in September 2017. That was another of my typical navel-gazing posts lamenting the patheticness of my life in Pyeongtaek, Korea. I was surprised at how familiar it all sounded–things never seem to change with me. Of course, looking back on those days now, I realize I was living a good life but was too blinded by wallowing in self-pity that I couldn’t see that truth. And it occurs to me I might be making that same mistake again. Perhaps I’ll put this perspective to good use and embrace and enjoy my life for what it is now, rather than be disappointed for what it is not. We shall see.

Anyway, an interesting Friday in my little corner of the world. I led the Friday group hike and we covered the familiar ground of the My Bitch trail in its entirety, then took a path down to the Naugsol valley, then back to Barretto. 6.5K back to my house, a little longer for the rest of the group. Folks seemed to enjoy it and we had a couple of newbies along as well. Also joining us were Betty and Todd, who recently returned to the newly opened for tourists Philippines. Welcome back. Photos at the end of this post.

A successful evening of darts as I went undefeated in the Alley Cats tourney. I play to have a little distraction from the usual “sitting there having a beer mode”, but I’d still rather throw well than not. Winning is secondary, but I guess I still have some of that competitive fire deep down inside.

Wound up going head-to-head with Jocelyn again. This time I didn’t lose on purpose and prevailed after a hard-fought battle.

After darts, I took the long walk to the other side of town and enjoyed some bulgogi and Korean-style chicken wings at John’s new place. Then I finished my night at It Doesn’t Matter. Stayed out until nearly midnight which is quite unusual for me.

Here we go again.

The truth of the matter is I miss having a girlfriend. I guess I got spoiled, but these days the time I spend in the company of bargirls is just not very satisfying. I’d love to have a partner to share things with, to take care of each other, and yeah, to cuddle with and wake up beside. To find that I’m going to have to find someone who feels the same way. I’m not really even talking about a passionate “love” thing necessarily, a companion who enjoys my company too would satisfice.

Of course, that’s easier said than done. My first tentative steps in that direction have borne no fruit. One gal I asked about whether she’d be interested in dating me flat out said “no, I think of you like a daddy.” Ouch! Well, she is young enough to be my granddaughter so I can kind of understand. The other one I asked is mid-30s but she also wasn’t interested in being more than friends. She says she’s been burned too many times and prefers living her life without a man, focusing instead on her children. I tried to convince her that I was different, but she made it clear she had no interest in spending time with me other than at the bar. I respect her brutal honesty.

I did have one gal say she is tired of the bar and asked if she could work for me. I told her I already have a full-time and a part-time helper. She clarified that she would like to work under me as a companion. Hmm, paying to have a girlfriend. I’m not quite that desperate yet. In some ways, the idea is intriguing though, but then again, it would all be so fake that I doubt I’d find much joy in it.

Granted, all three of the above are bargirls. I am trying to expand my horizons. Been spending some time on the dating sites and there is one gal who occasionally hikes who has caught my interest. I’m thinking about asking her on a date to find out more.

To be, or not to be?

So, I guess that’s as good a segue into the hiking photos as anything, so let’s get to it:

Around the mountain on My Bitch and back again through the valley below.
Our group at the beginning. Yeah, I totally fucked up the lighting for this shot.
Some stairs to start our journey.
Hello there, cutie pie.
Up we go!
Still climbing.
Looking back from whence we came.
Looking forward to where we are going.
Taking it to the Max!
In the mountain garden.
It’s a jungle out there. Eh, not so much.
Another vista.
A place to worship our good fortune.
If you look closely you will see your favorite mountain behind the fountain.
Our hardy group near the end of the hike. Everyone survived!

Relive it all here if you care to:

Hiking? Check. Darting? Got it. Drinking? Yep. Whining about my love life (or lack thereof)? Of course. Yes, indeed. This post has it all!

Carry on, then.

Changing it up some

Feeling like a king again after having my crown re-installed by my dentist. 4000 pesos ($80.) for the rebuild of the crown and gluing it to the stub of my old tooth. We’ll see how long it holds this time.

After the dentist visit, I decided a haircut was in order. I wound up getting scalped despite asking for just a trim. That is twice in a row by two different barbers. I guess the military look is fashionable. Doesn’t really matter though, I wear a hat all the time, and the shorter the cut the longer it will be before I get scalped again.

Popped into Sit-n-Bull for some lunch on the way home. The taco platter was the daily special, so I went with that. I wasn’t disappointed and with the hunger satiated, I hoofed on home.

Pretty exciting day so far, huh? Well, here’s the thing. When it was time to head out for the evening I realized that I just can’t keep going into Barretto every night to drink copious amounts of beer. You just have to realize when it is time to make a change, and that time had finally come. So, I went to Baloy Beach instead to engage in my beer drinking ritual.

My plan was to start at McCoy’s, a nice little beach bar, and go from there. The only issue I have with McCoy’s is they have a damn loud videoke machine and as I approached, sure enough, I could hear someone singing. My intent was just to walk on by, but the manager saw me, and knowing how much I hate bad singing at high volume, signaled that I could sit in one of the nipa huts on the beach. Well, that was such a nice gesture, how could I refuse? Sat down and ordered up my first beer of the day.

The view from my nipa hut.
The view of my nipa hut.
A view of Baloy Beach in front of McCoy’s.
A view of the dreaded karaoke singers from my perch in the nipa hut. Yes, I could still hear them, but I was far enough away where I wasn’t being blasted by soundwaves.
That face I make when the beer is good but the music is bad.

I was on my third beer when the customers who had reserved the hut I was squatting in arrived, so I moved to the bar. Fortunately, the singers were drunk and only had a couple of songs left in them, so I stayed for another beer. Then my friend Erik arrived, so another round was in order.

The sun was going down, reminding me it was time to add some food to the mix. So, Erik accompanied me to Treasure Island.
The view from the bar at Treasure Island.

I had the meatball sandwich and another beer. Or was it two?

It was dark when I finished.

After dinner, I decreed a nightcap was in order, so we walked a block or so up the road to Johan’s.

No beach views from the bar at Johan’s, but a pleasant enough atmosphere.
Thanks for joining me, Erik.

My thirst for beer finally satiated, I called it a night and caught a trike home. I failed at drinking my blues away, however, and had a mostly restless night trying to get her off my mind.

Filling the hours…

…however comfortably and well.

It only hurts until the pain goes away.

A full day yesterday. The Wednesday Walkers morning hike was a mostly pleasant excursion. We did the Monday Hash trail in reverse, including most of the parts we had skipped as “sane” Hashers. As is my custom, I’ll share photos from the hike at the end of this post.

Our dart league match against the VFW team was a wipeout–13-0. And yes, we were on the winning side of that equation.

After darts, I hoofed it over to the other side of town to check out John Kim’s new place. Other than an inconvenient (for me) location, it is definitely an upgrade from his old location at The Pub.

It is now known as “John’s Sushi and Steakhouse”. The restaurant is on the second floor, the bar area is on the third floor.
Owner John Kim in front of the sushi bar…
The second-floor restaurant…
The upstairs bar area.
I had a Philly cheesesteak and fries for my dinner.
My view out front…
...and out back.

Good luck to John in his new venue. I probably won’t be a frequent visitor to this side of town, but then again, the food and ambiance make it worth the trip.

After leaving John’s place, I crossed the street and paid a visit to my old friends at The Hideaway bar. I hadn’t been here for months since I was making an effort to be a good boyfriend, but now that I’m “free” I may as well start acting like it again. Some more beers and lady drinks and a belated birthday gift (cash) for Joy. They seemed happy to see me again. Or at least my wallet.

I wasn’t done yet though. I marched myself up the highway and dropped into It Doesn’t Matter. Damn, I’d never seen the place so crowded, a waitress brought a stool from inside so I’d have a place to sit. My favorite, Roan, wasn’t working, so I settled for the company of Agnes. She’s nice too, just not as witty and engaging as Roan. A couple of beers and I was ready to move on.

The next stop was BarCelona. There I enjoyed the company of my waitress, Kira.

She has an intriguing look about her, don’t you think?

Not that it matters. I know listening to my banter in exchange for lady drinks is just her job. Some are better at it than others, and Kira is fun to engage with. I have no illusions or any real interest in trying to make it more than it is. I have no reason to believe she feels otherwise either. That’s the whole emptiness and meaninglessness about the bar life I’ve mentioned before. Why bother at all? Well, none of them have the power to cause me emotional pain, and sometimes it’s simply better than drinking alone.

I always go home alone though. And after nearly 8 hours straight of beer drinking, I was definitely feeling no pain. That’s the problem with dart league, the early start throws me off schedule. Oh well, at least it is only once a week.

Pictures from the hike:

If it looks familiar, it’s because that’s Monday’s Hash hike. We just did it backward.
This week’s Wednesday Walkers.
Leaving Alta Vista.
Off the pavement…
…and onto the beaten path.
One of several moderate climbs.
The grassy knoll.
Near the top of another climb.
A garden fence.
Marching onward and upward.
Through the woods.
A gathering of like-minded individuals.
Look out below!
We got this.
Ups and downs, downs and ups.
Some womenfolk who knew Scott by name. Friends of his gal I suspect.
A little inconvenient to get to, but I reckon the rent is reasonable.
Follow me!
Friendly locals.
Happy kiddies.
Watching and waiting.
Heading on home.
For you Easter mountain addicts.

And that was my whacked and drunken Wednesday. Now I’m off to the dentist. Livin’ large and waiting for the next big thing to come along and slap me upside of the head. Stick around!