There comes a time

Comes a time
when you're driftin'
Comes a time
when you settle down
Comes a light
feelin's liftin'
Lift that baby
right up off the ground.

Oh, this old world
keeps spinning round
It's a wonder tall trees
ain't layin' down
There comes a time.

A time for what, I’m not so sure about. But does it even matter? I’m enjoying the ride as best I can and I reckon that’s good enough for as long as this ride of life might last.

I never sausage a hike like we had yesterday up in the mountains of Cawag, a remote barangay of Subic. Hiked up there once before a year or so ago but this time our group had a sausage cookout after the hike. And a refreshing swim mid-hike. I’d call that a good start to the day. Pictures to follow later in this post.

I skipped out on darts last night and had some beers at BarCelona instead.

Where I watched the full moon rising up over the Kalaklan ridge.

Kira, my favorite BarCelona waitress, was looking particularly stunning last night. Alas, nothing has changed her mind regarding her lack of interest in me since my last visit. I was a little surprised though when she brought over another waitress and introduced her by saying, “she needs a boyfriend”. Alright then. Nice to meet you too, Samantha.

I did get a chance to chat a bit with Sam. She is 30 years old, widowed for three, with two kids. She started working at BarCelona a couple of weeks ago. Said it was her first time waitressing but she needed the money to support her kids. She is cute enough but I didn’t feel a strong physical attraction right away. Maybe that’s a good thing. What’s inside is much more important anyway. Still, I was ambivalent towards her until she approached me later and invited me to go on a hike with her near where she lives in Subic. Now, that’s showing initiative! So, we are connected on messenger now and I’m looking forward to arranging a date with her soon

My weekend date hasn’t arrived from Angeles yet, but I’m hoping we’ll hit it off. I’m actually looking forward to bringing her to the Hash for her first appearance in 20 years or so. Welcome back, Sweet Hash Hole!

The other gal I’m regularly chatting with these days is the school teacher from Olongapo. I’m not sure what, if anything, we may have in common but I suppose I’ll try and find out. We have tentative plans for meeting up next weekend.

Whew! Not bad for an old fucker, eh?

That’s me at 21 trying to calculate all the women I would spend quality time with over the course of a lifetime. Four marriages and fifteen loves. So far!

Speaking of the Hash, I came across this Venn diagram that does a good job explaining what we are all about:

Yep, that’s the sweet spot!

Alrighty then, to those photos from yesterday’s hike/cookout:

A goodly long ride out to Cawag, home to the defunct, but recently purchased Hanjin shipyard. Our trails were there and back again type. The green, longer and steeper and 10K, the pink a more moderate 7K hike.
Getting loaded. We had a much bigger than expected turnout. Several folks drove their own vehicles to provide additional capacity.
En route.
Heading out and up.
Shyrel hands out school supplies for the kiddies.
Max on the “easy” trail.
Ed on the high trail.
Getting there is half the fun. Or all of it, depending on your outlook.
A view.
Enjoying the view. Oh yeah, I forgot to bring my trekking stick (Let’s Go, Brandon!) so had to improvise. The bamboo worked well enough to get me through the day.
We came, we saw, we took photos!
Martin in the mud.
The water hole.
Crossing the water hole.
A mid-hike swim in the water hole was a nice change of pace.
Mountain views.
A waterfall.
Onward they march!
I had the biggest tits there!
Headed back to camp.
Time to chill out.
Brats on the grill.
The neighborhood kids were intrigued by the foreigner invasion. We placated them with cookies and candy.
Hanging out at the campsite.
Heading out after a good day in the countryside.

Sometimes when you are living in the best of times you need to not take all the good for granted. I’m a lucky man!

Yeah, he’s a leftist cunt. I like the music, not the man.

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