Slip sliding away, slip sliding away
You know the nearer your destination, the more you slip sliding away
Not much of interest to report, but that’s never stopped me before…
The rain this week failed to dampen my lust for walking (ahem). Although I do hate carrying an umbrella. I hate getting soaked even more though.
Yesterday I hoofed it over to the Samsung service center to buy a spare battery for my new phone. My lack of Korean and their limited English made the transaction more complicated than necessary. They thought there was something wrong with the battery in my phone. Through hand gestures and saying “extra battery” repeatedly I eventually made my point and walked away W47,000 poorer. That included one of those box chargers as well.
Maria mentioned that I never mention her on my blog. And now I have.
After work I decided to get an extra hour of walk time in by taking a roundabout way to the bar. It was still misting rain and as I walked down the sidewalk near the Itaewon gu office I was introduced to one of the perils of my new hobby. It is a nice new and wide sidewalk made with paving stones. There was a very slight downhill grade.

I was wearing my everyday shoes which purportedly have a sole suitable for comfortable street walking…
Nevertheless, one minute I was walking along and the next I was flat on my back on the wet sidewalk. It was quite surprising and also embarrassing.

I came down hard on my left arm. Hurt like hell and I’m glad I didn’t break it. Came away with a bruise and some swelling…
At least it wasn’t my dart arm.
I picked myself up and continued walking. Sorta like getting bucked off a horse I suppose. Made it to Shenanigans and commenced to self-medicate with copious amounts of gin and soda. A couple of guys I know who work on Yongsan Garrison came in and we engaged in some friendly chatter. One left around 9:00 and I invited the other to join me at the new Debut, conveniently located nearby.
And then we proceeded to get crazy drunk. How drunk is that? Well, my bar tab was W228,000, you can do the math. Actually, I’m sure I was doing the stupid buying rounds for the house thing. I think I must have had a good time though. When I got back home I was floored. Again.
This morning I was up at 7:00 no worse for the wear. I rarely seem to get hangovers which is fortunate seeing as how drunkenness is my evening pastime these days. Had a nice breakfast of bacon and eggs and went surfing (via the internet).
Then it was off to tackle Namsan. Climbed up some stairs and came back down. Circled around and went up more stairs, then followed the perimeter road from the cable car terminal to the Hyatt then to my humble abode at Naksapyeong. Two and half hours, 14,584 steps. Which seems kind of low. I’m using a new pedometer app, so maybe it’s right and the old one was wrong. Or vice-versa.

It was a pleasant day to be out and about. The mountain was crowded with other like minded folks, but what are you gonna do? I took a brief rest on the banks of this babbling brook.
After I eat, I’ll shower up and walk to the base, and catch the bus to Osan. Gonna get me some Songtan style darts in tonight and get drunk in a new venue.
The adventure continues.
I know a woman, (who) became a wife
These are the very words she uses to describe her life
She said a good day ain’t got no rain
She said a bad day is when I lie in the bed
And I think of things that might have been
Slip sliding away, slip sliding away
You know the nearer your destination, the more you slip sliding away