Screw jihad!

Where have all the comfort girls gone?                                                                            Long time passing                                                                                                            Where have the comfort girls gone?                                                                                 Long time ago                                                                                                                 Where have all the comfort girls gone?                                                                           Gone to Syria everyone                                                                                                   When will they ever learn?                                                                                                      When will they ever learn?

with apologies to Pete Seeger

I suppose it’s an inapt comparison to the Korean comfort women of WWII since there is no indication these Tunisian lasses are being forced to fuck the Syrian terrorists rebels freedom fighters.  The folks back home are none to pleased that their women folk are returning preggers.  But as they say, terrorist babies don’t grow on trees.

What I find interesting is that apparently in Islam everything goes–murder, torture, sexual intercourse–provided you announce that you are doing it for the purpose of jihad.  Hey, it worked for the Prophet!

Remembering when everything changed


Forgetfulness occurs when those who have been long inured to civilized order can no longer remember a time in which they had to wonder whether their crops would grow to maturity without being stolen or their children sold into slavery by a victorious foe.

They forget that in time of danger, in the face of the Enemy, they must trust and confide in each other, or perish.

They forget, in short, that there has ever been a category of human experience called the Enemy. And that, before 9/11, was what had happened to us. The very concept of the Enemy had been banished from our moral and political vocabulary. An enemy was just a friend we hadn’t done enough for — yet. Or perhaps there had been a misunderstanding, or an oversight on our part — something that we could correct. And this means that that our first task is that we must try to grasp what the concept of the Enemy really means.


The Enemy is someone who is willing to die in order to kill you. And while it is true that the Enemy always hates us for a reason — it is his reason, and not ours.

–Lee Harris


This is a test to see if I’ve managed to figure out how to post documents from Word and Excel on a WordPress blog.

CSL standings


Hmm, I was hoping to actually display those pages as opposed to creating hyperlinks.  Now, the only way I’ve been able view them is to right click and open them in a new window.  At least it works that way on my computer, but then, I have the documents saved to my hard drive.

Will some lucky reader try the links above and advise if they can access the documents?  Thanks in advance.

UPDATE:  Interesting.  Once I actually published the post, those hyperlinks turned into sweet little document-like looking things.  Again, they work when I click them, do they work for you?

I’ve installed another WordPress plugin, let’s see how (if) it works.

Leader Board



I’m number 12,296,726!

Yesterday I was waiting in the car while Jee Yeun had her physical therapy session.  I was fooling around with the smartphone and when I tried to do a Google search for LTG, this website popped up.

Imagine my surprise and delight at discovering that out of 30 million domains, is sitting pretty at 12,296,726!  That’s practically the big time.  Even better, according to LTG is worth an astonishing $1364.00!  Not bad for just under nine years of work.

I should have left well enough alone I suppose.  Instead I went and checked out  That was my original domain, but through some miscommunication with my host the registration expired and some spammer puke in Poland purchased my name. My former domain, which only publishes spam (currently an ad for payday loans) is ranked 2,630,595 and is valued at $2820.00.

It’s all good, a deflated ego never killed anyone.

We’re number 2!

Via Drudge comes this story about Mexico displacing the United States as the world’s most obese nation.  Damn.  I reckon if the immigration bill passes we can reclaim our fat crown.

Sorry if I’ve let my country down.  This week I broke the 240 barrier, weighing in at 239.5.  That’s a sweet 39 pounds lost since February.

Onward and downward!

Korea Life

This is a video I made documenting my last stay in the Land of the Morning Calm, October 2012-February 2013.  I’m anxious to get back!

It was the best of times (mostly)

I’m trying to figure out how to operate my new fangled blog.  Like putting up YouTube videos that show up as a video rather than a link.  Did it work?

I was at least able to create a blog roll, something that had stopped working here years ago.

Update:  Nope, no dice on the video.  Hmmm.


Let’s try it this way:








Welcome to the New and Improved* Long Time Gone

*format, font, and user interface have been upgraded. Actual content will remain weak and generally uninspired.

Bigger! Better! Badder! And once again featuring photos and videos (applications that over time had deteriorated and finally stopped working).

I believe the upgrades are almost complete. Still a couple of tweaks I want to incorporate, but I’m generally happy with the new appearance. I like that the blog is actually bigger and that the font size makes for easier reading. Also, I no longer have to manually resize photos prior to uploading. Photographs now post as thumbnails which can be expanded to full size with a simple mouse click. I also like the captioning feature.

So, easier for me to post, easier for you to read and respond.

Let me add my thanks to Alex at WordPress Customization Service for his most excellent assistance.

Welcome to my new home!

A shout out

As mentioned in the previous post, I’ve been despairing about the fate of my blogging history.  In an act of desperation I contacted the former owner of my current blog host, Lisa Sabin-Wilson and asked if she could assist.  This morning I received an email from someone at Blogs-About, I told him what I needed (the Cpanel login and password) and within the hour I had the info I’ve been seeking for weeks.

Anyway, I really appreciate that Ms. Sabin-Wilson took some time to help me out with this.  What a relief.

Of course, I won’t rest easy until everything has transferred over to my new host (HostGator, who have also been great) and the WordPress update has been completed.

I can’t promise bigger and better blogging than ever before, but at least I’ll be able to post photos again.  So there’s that.

I’ve got a bad feeling

The effort to update my blog has failed.  It seems I need a Cpanel access login to move data from the servers of my current blog host, Blogs-About.  Blogs-About has been totally unresponsive to my repeated requests for assistance.  I gave their website some close scrutiny today and discovered nothing has been updated there since 2010.

I did an internet search of Blogs-About’s founder and noted that she is with a new company.  I emailed her and asked what the heck was going on with Blogs-About.  Hopefully she’ll respond.

In the meantime, I am faced with the prospect of losing everything I have written these past 9 years.  Which means nothing to anyone but me I suppose.  It makes me sick to my stomach though.

We’ll see what happens.

Battlin’ Buddhist Bastards of Burma

“You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad dog.”

The New York Times is shocked, shocked I tell ya, that every single Buddhist in the world is not temperamentally exactly like the Dalai Lama.  They must have missed stories like this.

I obviously do not approve of these tactics, no matter who the perpetrator. Still, it is quite fascinating to see radicalized Buddhists utilize the same methods that radicalized Muslims have been employing against Christians and Jews for centuries.  Dare I say it?  This Crusade is quite the Revelation.  Ahem.

Farewell Blogs About

You’ve been with me from the beginning of Long Time Gone.  But when I reached out to you in my hour of need, you turned your back and ignored my repeated pleas for assistance.  I suppose it’s the age old story of one outgrowing the other in a relationship.  I may be just another small fry to you, but damn I was loyal.

So, it is with some sadness and regret I say goodbye to you forever.  There’s a new blog host in my life now, Host Gator, who’s catchy little motto is “we eat up the competition.”  Blogs About, consider yourself devoured.

Not sure how long the transition will take, but have no fear, should LTG disappear for a couple of days, I will be back bigger and better than ever before.  Kinda like a bad dream.

To blog or not to blog…

…is that the question?

It was the best of posts, it was the worst of posts.  Bloggers of the world unite!

No, I have no idea where I’m going with this blog post.  Apparently the latest grammatical faux pas is to call something you write on your blog a blog.  As opposed to a post on your blog.  Me, I’ve never been a slave to grammatical correctness but this whole kerfuffle strikes me as much adieu ado* about nothing.  A tempest in a teapot.  And don’t even get me started on the overuse of cliches.  Personally, I avoid trite phrases like the plague,  but that’s just me.

But seriously, I don’t see why this whole “blog versus post” issue matters enough for someone to actually to actually blog about it.  Or to warrant writing a post on your own blog in response.  I have a blog and sometimes I even write some worthless crap and post it here.  My mother used to say “oh, I loved that blog you wrote today.”  I’d dearly love to hear those words again.

Anyway, when I see something that strikes my fancy I’m liable to blog about it with a post like this.  Can’t we all just get along?

*Thanks to Kevin Kim for noticing my brain fart.  Sometimes I’m too smart by half.  I knew what I was trying to say, why I wrote it the way I did is a mystery.  Kevin generously would have let me play it off as an intentional gaffe, but when your wrong your wrong.  And yes, you’re right, that last one was intentional.  I guess it might be wise for me to keep y’all guessing whether I’m really that ignorant or just bad at being funny…

What’s a pound of flesh worth anyway?


Beats me, but the nice folks at Samoa Airlines could tell you no doubt.  Or at least the price of a kilo of flesh.

I’m a big guy, but charging by weight instead of by the seat makes some sense.  It’s how the airlines have always charged for freight.  And lord knows, passengers are treated pretty much like cattle these days anyway.

Heh, I was just wondering if I’d be able to afford to fly my fat ass belly back and forth to Korea.  But with what I’d save on Jee Yeun’s ticket I could probably swing it.  And what a great incentive for dieting–every pound lost would be like a discount on air travel!

So, this is Saint Patrick’s day

Isn’t that special.  I’m not that much into delving into my cultural heritage.  Like most Americans, I expect I’m more of a mongrel dog than anything.   Indeed, family rumor has it that we’ve even got some Native American blood coursing through our veins.  I did ask my father once if the McCrarey clan was Irish or Scottish.  He said “well son, I drink like an Irishman and I’m cheap like a Scot, so I guess we’ve got some of both.”

Who knows?  And more importantly, who cares?  The whole purpose of this post is to share a short video clip that I found funny.  Enjoy!