Of this year.
Still feeling subpar. Based on my internet research I’m suffering from bronchitis. I’m hoping it is a bout of acute bronchitis which should clear up in a few days versus chronic bronchitis which can go on for months. Having COPD, of course, makes any respiratory issue more intense. Time will tell what this is and there’s not much else I can do about it in the interim.
I wasn’t feeling good yesterday but went out for the Hash anyway. I figured I’d play it by ear and not push myself should the trail become too intense. Well, we drove and we drove to the far side of Subic-town to begin the trail. I had never hiked this area and had no clue what was in store. In Barretto I can shortcut a trail as necessary, here I wouldn’t’ have that option since I didn’t know where I was. So, I made the decision to follow the highway back to our “on-home” on Baloy Beach. It was a good hour-long walk on flat ground, and given that I was coughing a lot of the way I think I made the right call. Being out of breath on a climb, heart racing, and having a coughing fit is probably not a good thing for an old fart like me.
So, I don’t think it’s a secret that I’ve been using an app called Grammarly as a means of making fewer mistakes in my writing. I’m not sure it has resulted in much improvement, but they did email me a report card today:
Your Weekly Writing Update |
Did you know that you used more unique words than 96% of Grammarly users? Check it out, and keep up the great work! |
You were more accurate than 75% of Grammarly users. |
You used more unique words than 96% of Grammarly users. |
118,797 total words checked by Grammarly since Sep 15, 2019 (6,675 last week) |

1.Missing comma in compound sentence Learn More36 alerts |
2.Incorrect punctuation with quotation mark Learn More27 alerts |
3.Double period Learn More21 alerts |
Missing comma? Where have I heard THAT before?
What else? Well, it was 9 years ago today that I retired for the first time and enthusiastically embarked on my new life. Five years later I hit a brick wall and detoured back into the role of a working man. I’m frankly still amazed how that entire world fell to pieces, but it turns out those additional three years of work were the best and most satisfying of my career. Well, it’s not like I had much of a life outside of work. Everything changes and life will take you where it will. No point in kicking and screaming. Just enjoy the ride.
Alright, let’s get this last night of 2019 out of the way, shall we?