It’s Children’s Day in Korea…And for my Mexican friends, it’s Cinco de Mayo!But as far as I’m concerned this sweetie’s birthday is the best thing about May 5.Granddaughter Gracyn turns 14 today. I don’t see how that is mathematically possible seeing as how I identify as a 30 year old. Shut up! Don’t be a hater!I reckon I’ll celebrate in my traditional way–copious amounts of beer!
So, it turns out yesterday’s journey wasn’t to a remote island after all. Instead we traveled to a remote cove, Sampaloc Cove to be precise. A scenic place with some interesting history. Feel free to read more at the link above. Here’s some photos and commentary from the trip:
The boat what took us.My fellow passengers waiting to load up. On board and ready to travel!Departing from the Arizona Resort and leaving the floating bar behind…Across the bay we must go. The trip took right at one hour…My hung is better. *ahem*Off in the distance is the now defunct and bankrupt Hanjin Shipyard. Rumor has it the Chinese would love to come in and take over. Which is why I have an exit strategy….Some purdy mountains…The lighthouse at Redondo Peninsula…Around the bend and coming into Sampaloc Cove.On the beach……beach viewSetting up camp.Girls chillin’A Yank, a Kiwi, and an Aussie went to the beach…Cookin’ Filipino style…“Damn it, isn’t that food ready yet?”A traditional Filipino card game broke out. I don’t know what it’s called or how it’s played, but I did see money changing hands.I did a little walkabout….Native children…The local tribe is called the Aeta. They live a hard and poor life, but like most Filipinos they are happy and friendly. We paid them 100 pesos ($2) a head for letting us use “their” beach. Money well spent!Some of our group frolicking in the clear waters of Sampalic…Late in the afternoon we loaded up and headed on home…Arriving back at Barretto beach before sundown…It was a good day for the beach. Unlike this morning…
Just a quick update on the health front. Most of my leg pain is gone although the swelling has not entirely dissipated. The nebulizer has helped some on the breathing front. I was still feeling lethargic and unmotivated yesterday but perhaps that’s a side effect of the drugs I’m taking. Or maybe I’m just lazy. I’ve had two days of great BP readings in the one-teens but my resting heart rate is way up in the mid seventies. Weird. Anyway, I feel like I’m making progress on the road to recovery.
In fact, I’m feeling well enough to take a boat trip out to some remote island I can’t recall the name of at the moment. Going with some friends from the Hash. Should be interesting, or at least more interesting than blogging about my health.
More to follow. In the meantime, I’ll leave you this:
The more things change, the more they remain the same.
Sorry. I’ve got a real dislike of our so called “fourth estate”. The media has a traditional role in keeping our government honest which they’ve abdicated for partisan purposes. And now they have no credibility whatsoever. That does not bode well for our future. Luckily, I’m just a grouchy elderly man and maybe won’t be around to witness the fallout.
Last night was the first night since moving to the Philippines almost one year ago that I haven’t gone out drinking. And no, I didn’t have some kind of epiphany that nothing good will come from the pleasures you find at the bottom of several bottles of cold brew. Rather, my abstinence was a reflection of just how damn sick I truly was.
The illness seemed to come out of nowhere. Everything went fine at the Hash on Monday. The only thing that was unusual was a couple of Hashers happened to wander into the bar where I was enjoying an after Hash beer. Well, one thing led to another and the next thing I knew someone had bought a round of vodka shots. Of course under the rules of bar etiquette, I was obligated to reciprocate. So the back and forth continued until I had consumed at least four shots. As a low alcohol beer drinker, those shots hit me pretty hard. Yeah, I went home drunker than I’ve been in quite some time.
So, the next morning when I woke up feeling poorly I assumed it was merely a hangover from my over indulgence. But then I noticed some pain in my leg, light-headedness, and a lack of energy that gives new meaning to the word lethargic. I actually had a hard time just making it down the stairs. I knew then whatever was ailing me was not about alcohol consumption.
My domestic helper Tere is also a certified caregiver and she went into full-on care giving mode. She took my temperature and I was in fact running a fever. While I was napping on the couch (too damn hard to get up the stairs) she scheduled an appointment with a doctor at our local hospital.
That would be Our Lady of Lourdes International Medical Center.
I really didn’t want to go. First of all it seemed pointless and secondly I just didn’t have the energy to get up and go. Tere was insistent saying the doctor was waiting on me and finally I didn’t have the energy to keep saying no.
I thought the doctor seemed okay. I mean, I knew there wasn’t much he could do. He took my blood pressure and it was sky high (160!). He listened to my breathing and noticed right away that I’ve been having some issues. I told him I have COPD but that it’s been a lot worse for a few weeks. I suggested maybe because of the heat and he nodded but said I might also have a bronchial infection. He also referred to me as “elderly” once. Bastard! Bottom line, he wanted me to schedule a chest x-ray and some blood work which I may do tomorrow. In the meantime he wrote prescriptions for two antibiotics, some other stuff that is supposed to help clear my lungs of phlegm, including some juice for a nebulizer.
My old nebulizer I brought from Korea wasn’t functioning well, so I picked up this one yesterday. Ain’t she a beaut?
Anyway, by my count I spent around 18 hours in bed/on the couch yesterday. After a nebulizer session I did feel like I was breathing easier and lost the hacking cough. I still have no idea what’s going on with my leg. I was so out of it yesterday I forgot to mention it to the doc. A few days ago I got what I thought was a mosquito bite, but it was bigger than most and never really went away. Then I was thinking maybe I got poked by a thorn on one of my hikes. Whatever it is it got infected. My leg was very swollen this morning and quite painful. Oddly enough, it hurts more when I am inactive. I got my morning 10,000 steps in without much problem. And maybe the antibiotics are kicking in because the swelling appears to be down this afternoon.
And yes, it crossed my mind that the water with the nasty ass ice the half drunk guy provided me on Sunday’s hike may indeed have made me sick.
Not much to report on the Hash this week. A little over 8 KMs, but completely flat (both the Hares are in their 70’s). Not really new territory for me either, although one section is where I had been exploring a few days ago when the trail I was walking on dead ended in someone’s yard. The kids that live there showed me how to get back on the road and I rewarded them with 20 pesos each. Monday’s Hash trail went through the same damn yard! The kids really smiled when they saw me coming.
And I did run into a bunch of cocks on the trail as well.
Here’s to your health!
UPDATE: I’ve used the “sick and tired” heading twice previously. Interestingly (to me at least), in November 2016 I wrote about the coughing fits I’d been having. They continued and got a lot worse before I was finally diagnosed with COPD.
The other post was from February 2012 when I still had a wife to share my illness with. Oh well.