Well, it’s been quite awhile since I’ve wieghed in on the subject of Korean women. I’m prompted to do so today after reading what I presume is a tongue-in-cheek article in the Korea Times by Michael Breen.
This part especially cracked me up:
Now, if all western men in Korea were from Scotland, the answer to our question would be simple. Research shows that the Scots speak the clearest English. We look like Sean Connery, our lifestyle of running after sheep and tossing cabers gives us chiseled shoulders and muscular thighs. We can play the bagpipes and do the sword dance. We have deep hearts because our country is mountainous and we have four seasons and we have been oppressed by foreigners.
But not all aliens are Scots. There are men here from America, India, New Zealand, Belgium, Wales, Pakistan, Egypt ― the whole world in fact. Korean women even go out with men from Canada, a country that is covered in snow and has three time zones.
Heh. My pal Alasteir is from Scotland and even after knowing him 2 years I still understand only about 50% of what he says. He does have a cute girlfriend though. In fact, most of my friends here have lovely Korean wives, even the Canadians!
It wasn’t so long ago that interracial relationships in Korea were frowned upon (to put it lightly) by polite Korean society. Not unlike the USA in the 1950s. In the social heirarchy here, foriegners are for the most part considered the bottom rung of the ladder. A woman who would “lower” herself to date a waeguk was considered little better than a whore. I still occasionally hear stories of ajosshis (older Korean men)berating women when they have the audacity to been seen in public with their roundeye boyfriends. And I know a guy who dated a Korean woman for over a year, but was kept a secret from her family because they were “conservative” and wouldn’t accept the relationship. This was a woman in her 30s but she was in constant fear because if her father knew he would force her to move back home.
But things are changing, and the young people seem to be much more open to dating outside their race and the social stigma of doing so is diminishing. Then again, I’m a denizen of Itaewon. And as anyone will be quick to tell you, Itaewon is not the “real” Korea. Whatever.
In my considered opinion, Korean women are by far the most beautiful in Asia. At least on the outside. They just have a “look” about them somehow. Sexy and stylish, feminine to the extreme. I like the way they talk, I like the way they walk. Makes me wish I was 30 again. Alas, I’m surrounded by eye candy, but I’m on a sugar-free diet. Actually, that’s not true. It’s just that like anywhere else in the world, an attractive young woman is attracted to attractive young men. It is a blunt reminder that I no longer reside in the latter category when I am addressed as “ajosshi”. Which is the respectful way to address an older man, but in my head I hear “grandfather”. Which of course is what I am. And proud of it! Most of the time…
But I digress. We were talking about Korean women, not me. One of the sweetest gals I’ve met here is Min Young. She’s the girlfriend of a friend from Dolce, Jeff. She worked in the bar briefly and was always a lot of fun to tease. She still comes in with Jeff occasionally and always generates the same two responses in my head: Damn, she’s gorgeous and Damn, Jeff is the luckiest SOB I know. Don’t take my word for it, see for yourself:

Actually, that is probably too small to see and appreciate. Min Young did a photo shoot with a fantastic photographer I know from dart league, Dave New. I lifted this example from his Flickr website. To truly appreciate his skill and Min Young’s beauty, go here. You’ve got to check out the one of her in the school uniform which is my favorite. But they are all good!
Final question: How old do you suppose Min Young might be? I had the pleasure of attending her most recent birthday party (at Dolce Vita of course) so I know the answer. My rule of thumb in guessing a Korean woman’s age is to add 5 years or so to what you think is the correct answer.
Min Young is now 30 years old. I teased her brutally about soon turning into an ajumma (older woman). It is another unique aspect of Korean womanhood, this whole transformation that occurs in the late 30s, early 40s. They cut off that beautiful long hair, stop dressing sexy, and start fleshing out into frumpiness. Now, that is not universally true, but as a general rule it seems to occur with distressing frequency. It is a fascinating phenomanon regardless.
So, there you have my perhaps ill-considered insights on Korean women. Of course, it is just one man’s opinion and I am far from having any real expertise in this area. I mean, what can the kid without a nickel really tell you about that taste of the chocolate bar in the candy store?
One more thing before I go, somewhat off topic. I was sitting in a bar in the Philippines. The place was full of Korean men. I asked the bar girl why Filipinas seemed to like Korean men so much. She laughed and said we call them triple 3s. I asked what does that mean? She said, “you know, 3 minutes, 3 inches, 3 thousand pesos”. I think that’s pretty damn funny.
Hat tip to the Marmot’s Hole for the link to the Korea Times story.