Tweet for tat

Call me a dinosaur if you will, but I don’t use Twitter.  But I sometimes encounter “tweets” as I plumb the depths of the internets in my daily quest for photographs of scantily clad women a broader understanding of the issues of the day.  One of the minor controversies taking shape of late revolves around this column by Richard Cohen in The Washington Post.   Now, I don’t read much of what Cohen writes and I care even less about what he thinks.  I find him to be an intellectually dishonest sycophant whose opinions are little more than a regurgitation of left wing talking points.  But I guess even mindless liberals can stray too far off the reservation at times.  In the column linked above Cohen talks about how the extremist Tea Party types are little more than misogynist, homophobic, racist hatemongers.  Eh, what else is new was my reaction.

What makes this kerfuffle somewhat interesting is the reaction of Cohen’s fellow travelers.  In penning his vitriol some folks on the left believe Cohen inadvertently outted himself as, well, a misogynist, homophobic, racist hatemonger.  And the tweets started flying.  I find it all mildly amusing.

Long time readers will know that I generally support what the Tea Party represents.  Essentially, that means less taxes (we are after all Taxed Enough Already) and a smaller, less intrusive federal government.   Those issues have nothing to do with interracial marriage, gay rights, abortion rights, or any other form of bigotry.  The fact that some on the left (and right for that matter) want to demonize the Tea Party and its adherents tells me that the powers that be are truly terrified of this increasingly popular grassroots movement.

Anyway, one of my favorite bloggers who doesn’t weigh in much on political topics lists his tweets in the sidebar.  And that is where I found this gem: “I’m not a Tea Partier myself, but I find the blind slagging of the Tea Party to be evidence of great ignorance.”  He also included a link to this piece on the Cohen controversy which pretty much captures where I stand.

Now, you may be thinking “if that’s the case, why didn’t you just link to that article and be done with it?”  To which I can only respond “because”.  Which also explains why I don’t tweet.  Why limit yourself to 140 characters when you can say the same thing in 400 words?

Saving the world one city at a time

The collapse of Detroit has of course been much in the news of late.  Detropia does a nice job of documenting the decline of this once great city.  A quick Google search reveals hundreds of articles and opinion pieces from all  points on the political spectrum pontificating about the root causes of Detroit’s death spiral and its implications (or lack thereof) for the rest of America.  Paul Krugman (bless his Nobel Laureate heart) weighed in blaming the fall of Detroit on urban sprawl (shhh, nobody tell Los Angeles!).  All of which of course ignores the elephant that truly devoured Detroit: political corruption, union cronyism, and irresponsible short-sightedness of greedy corporate executives.  Or take your pick. See, there’s plenty of blame to go around.

But really, as Hillary Clinton might say, what does it matter now?  Our focus should turn to how we fix the mess that was once one of America’s richest cities.  Now, the mayor of Boston had a pretty good plan–blow it up and start all over again.  Assuming that course of action may be a bit extreme for my gentle readers, let’s look for something else.  A Facebook friend posted this story on why Toronto is succeeding while the rest of the rust belt is, well, rusting.  The solution proposed is to bring in a bunch of immigrants and repopulate the city.  Which is a fine plan I suppose except for the parts about there being no jobs and the city can’t be expected to provide much in the way of social services when it can’t even keep the streetlights burning.  Lord knows though, there is plenty of available housing.  Unfortunately, Detroit can’t even give houses away these days because no one can afford the outrageous property taxes.  So, adding more jobless people (even if they are not homeless) won’t fix Detroit’s problems.

We need a radical solution here and after stewing on the problems for awhile I came up with a plan.  Let me present to you The Free City of Detroit.  My idea is sort of built around the concept of Free Trade Zones, but with much, much more to entice people, and just as importantly, businesses and manufacturing back into this forlorn and nearly abandoned city.

Here’s how it works.  Residents of Detroit will still have to pay federal and state income taxes (I just don’t see a Constitutionally viable way around that).  However, under the Charter of the Free City of Detroit all those taxes will be refunded to the city.  With that money the city will be able to provide necessary services and infrastructure making the city a much more pleasant environment in which to live.  But more importantly, the city would not be permitted to impose any additional taxes on people or businesses.  No sales tax, no property tax, no business licensing fees, no corporate taxes.  It’s a Free City after all.  Any federal or state tax dollars not spent by the city would be returned to the people–not unlike what Alaska does with it’s oil revenues.  Think about it–you could actually be paid to live in Detroit!  It would also be a good way to keep the politicians in check (more on that later)–the people would not stand idly by when money is wastefully spent that would otherwise be in their wallets.  The beauty is that the more people who move back to Detroit (along with  the businesses that support and employ them) the richer the city becomes.

But wait there’s more!  In a Free City the only laws that would be enforced are those reasonable and necessary to protect property and the people from violence.  Gambling, prostitution, drugs–all legal in the Free City of Detroit!  No longer will residents be victims of victimless crimes.  Just making drugs legally available would go a long way to reducing violent crime.  Here’s some science to back up that claim.  Who wouldn’t want to live in a libertarian paradise like the Free City of Detroit?

Alright, let me answer the questions the preceding paragraph may have sent careening through your brain.  Most federal laws and regulations would still apply, unless specifically exempted by Congress.  I’m not looking to have workers unprotected, so OSHA standards would remain in place.  And any racists out there should not rejoice, the equal protection clause of the Constitution (and all other Amendments) would guard the rights of all citizens.  Feel a little better now?

But what about jobs?   Detroit didn’t lose it’s historic manufacturing base because of some inescapable natural phenomenon.  Rather they were driven away by an unholy trinity of high taxes, unsupportable wages and benefits, and corporate greed.  Well, I’ve already addressed the tax issue.  Michigan has adopted right-to-work laws which should keep jobs protected from unscrupulous union demands.  And hell, corporate greed is what will bring the jobs back!  Automobile manufacturers are building cars for a profit in Tennessee and Alabama.  If you make it cheaper to build them in the Free City of Detroit, they’ll come rushing back to do so.

Finally, the toughest nut to crack might be political corruption.  Lord knows that played a significant role in the demise of old Detroit.  So, I propose a five member board of governors to rule the city.  And given that I have a certain fondness for democratic principles, the Chair of that board would be elected.  The other four would be appointed to represent the various constituencies with an interest in the health and welfare of the city: one from the State, one from the Feds, one for corporate interests, and one for small business owners.  They would be required to manage the city in strict accordance with the terms of the Charter, and no funds could be dispersed for any purpose other than for the overall interest of the city at large as determined by a majority of the Board of Governors.  As a safeguard, the Board would also be limited to 3 year terms with no reappointment or reelection.  Not perfect, but what is in this world?

So there you have it.  A viable plan to save the city of Detroit by destroying it (without bombs of course!).  And from the ashes of failure a new and free Detroit will arise, built on the principles of freedom, justice, and good old fashioned American ingenuity.  Have you heard any better options?

Yes we can!  Do we have the courage and foresight to try another way?

Yes we can! Do we have the courage and foresight to try another way?

Mordor in their hearts?

Uncle Sam is watching You!

Uncle Sam is watching You!

I don’t delve much into politics these days here at LTG.  It’s not that I don’t care or that I don’t often think about how everything is seemingly spinning out of control.  I’m just in a state of despair I suppose because I don’t see any viable fix on the horizon.  The Democrats are worthless scoundrels, and the Republicans are two-faced bastards.  Neither party seems interested in moving beyond meaningless platitudes and red meat rhetoric offered for consumption of each side’s political base.  The ineptitude and corruption of our political class provides little hope that there will ever be a serious discussion about the critical issues facing our nation.

Having said that, I’m prompted to write about the NSA spying scandal by this article in Slate.  The authors make a case that it was Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings rather than Orwell’s 1984 that better predicted our modern surveillance state.  Their basic premise being that the Eye of Sauron “saw” everything, yet missed what was in plain sight.  Having spent a career watching how the federal government makes it’s sausage, I can attest that having absolute power over the lives of us proles citizens does not necessarily breed competence.  It is telling that despite the fact that the NSA was invading the privacy of millions of Americans (and with a warning from the Russian government as well) our security agencies were unable to stop the Boston bombers.

Am I prepared to accept that our government overseers have the same evil intent as the Dark Lord?  I don’t want to believe it.  I’m most troubled by the fact that the NSA blatantly lied to it’s Congressional oversight committee about its activities.  When the bureaucracy flaunts the law and ignores the checks and balances the Constitution provides for our protection with impunity, our liberty is in peril.  The politically motivated shenanigans at the IRS amply demonstrates just how far down that slippery slope we’ve traveled.

And while I agree that freedom can easily be sacrificed on the alter of national security, I’m not prepared to accept a terrorist nuclear attack on a major U.S. city in exchange for a less intrusive government monitoring program.  On the one hand, you have to believe in the good intentions of your government.  On the other, nothing in the news these days inspires much confidence that our government can or should be trusted.  How bad is it?  I started to write my Congressman asking him to intercede with USCIS to speed up the processing of Jee Yeun’s green card.  I decided against it because I feared that I would be subjected to retaliation if I rocked the boat.  Maybe I’m just paranoid, but then again, maybe I should be.

It’s a thought provoking article.  Give it a read.

 When the government fears the people, it is liberty. When the people fear the government, it is tyranny. – Thomas Paine


What he said

This pretty much sums up my political philosophy as it relates to the purpose and necessity of government.

It is not the business of government to make men virtuous or religious, or to preserve the fool from the consequences of his own folly. Government should be repressive no further than is necessary to secure liberty by protecting the equal rights of each from aggression on the part of others, and the moment governmental prohibitions extend beyond this line they are in danger of defeating the very ends they are intended to serve. – Henry George

If you could burn farts for fuel…

…we wouldn’t be in this mess.  C’mon, you know it’s true.


In California people double the value of their car every time they fill the tank!

Energy Secretary Cho said it was desirable for U.S. fuel prices to rise to European levels.  Finally, an Obama administration success!

Meanwhile we sit on oil reserves equal to all the known reserves in the Middle East.  Unemployment soars, and we won’t drill oil, build pipelines, and jump start the economy by reducing our dependence on expensive imported oil.

I keep hearing Obama talk about raising taxes on the middle class.  Hell, the price of gas has almost doubled on his watch.  And that has a disproportionate impact on the poor and working class.

The country is in the very best of hands.

Send in the clowns

So, a friend of mine at the Department of Defense shared an excerpt from Congressional testimony regarding pending cuts to the Defense budget and it’s impact on the civilian workforce.  Clearly, the country’s in the best of hands…

FORBES: (Congressman)
Can you tell me any proposal that you’ve seen floating right now that would
suggest that it’s going to be addressed?
VOLLRATH: (DoD Deputy Assistant Secretary)
Personally, I have not.
Who would make the decision within your department to start this analysis?
That — that would have to start with the secretary of defense.
And the secretary of defense has given you no instruction at all to begin that
analysis to date?
I personally do not have that kind of instruction.
But you would know — you would know if that was going to take place based on
your position, would you not?
Not necessarily, because this is a large strategic movement.
So then as the principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for readiness and
force management at the Department of Defense, if you wouldn’t know, who would
know above you?
At — at this stage, I would defer to the secretary of defense and to the
president and where they intend to…
Well, the president and the secretary of defense aren’t going to do the actual
planning. They would have to give that instruction. But who would know in the
department if such instructions have been given to begin the planning, if you
wouldn’t know? Could this planning take place if you didn’t know it?
Probably not.
So then you would know it if — if the planning was going to take place?
I am not aware of any planning, but that does not mean that there is no
Well, help me with this. It’s your testimony that if the planning were taking
place, you would know it. Then you said you don’t know it. But then you said the
planning could still be taking place.
If there were any planning taking place that had any specificity to it, I would
anticipate that I would be aware of that.
And today in your testimony, you are not aware of that. Is that your testimony?
That is correct.
Are you aware that anyone has told you not to do the planning?
No one has told me not to do planning.

That’s comedy gold I tell you.  Better than any skit I’ve seen on Saturday Night Live lately…

Monkeying around

Got this bit of wisdom via email today:

If you start with a cage containing five monkeys and inside the cage, hang
a banana on a string from the top and then you place a set of stairs under
the banana, before long a monkey will go to the stairs and climb toward the
banana.As soon as he touches the stairs, you spray all the other monkeys with cold

After a while another monkey makes an attempt with same result … all the
other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon when another monkey
tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.

Now, put the cold water away.

Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one.
The new monkey sees the banana and attempts to climb the stairs.To his
shock, all of the other monkeys beat the crap out of him. After another
attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs he will be
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys, replacing it with a new
one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes
part in the punishment…… with enthusiasm, because he is now part of the
Then, replace a third original monkey with a new one, followed by the
fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs he
is attacked.
Now, the monkeys that are beating him up have no idea why they were not
permitted to climb the stairs. Neither do they know why they are
participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
Finally, having replaced all of the original monkeys, none of the remaining
monkeys will have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, not one
of the monkeys will try to climb the stairway for the banana. Why, you ask?
Because in their minds…that is the way it has always been!
This, my friends, is how Congress operates…and this is why, from time to
time, ALL of the monkeys need to be REPLACED AT THE SAME TIME.

Bully pulpit


I’ve mostly been confining my political rants to Facebook, but a recent issue had a (slight) Korean angle, so I’m going to run with it here at LTG.

It starts with the Washington Post running an expose hit piece on presumptive Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.  Yes, the paper that brought you Watergate used all the powers of investigative reporting to discover that Romney may have been a bit of a prick.  In 1965.  In high school.

The other night at darts, a friend’s Korean wife who is just about as apolitical as you can be, expressed outrage that anyone could be held accountable for adolescent behavior occurring half a century in the past.  Her husband, who doesn’t like to talk politics but leans well to the left, was equally nonplussed, saying “That is just wrong.  If people are going to be judged based on how they acted in high school, no one will be qualified to be president.”

Of course, their anger at this smear job is understandable.  They have the good fortune to be living in Korea where they are not subjected to “news” stories that read like press releases from the Democratic National Committee on a daily basis.  Otherwise they might not have been so surprised at just how low the Fourth Estate has fallen.  The press cannot fulfill its historical watchdog role when it is in the tank for the party in power.  Jennifer Rubin, the token conservative blogger at the Post, has a nice column up showing just how one sided “reporting” has become.

What always gets to me though is the blatant hypocrisy.  It was just days ago that presidential adviser David Axlerod was making the rounds saying how outrageous it was for Obama to be criticized for eating dog.  After all, Axlerod reminded us, he was just a child.

But it is worse than that really.  See, it turns out that Obama has some bullying in his past to account for as well.  In his so called autobiography Dreams of my Father, Obama recounts how he shoved a girl because he was being teased by his classmates that he was her boyfriend.  Hey, I’m all in favor of what happens on the playground, stays on the playground.  But it’s got to cut both ways.  That’s just basic fairness.

Anyway, the latest attempt to demonize Romney was not particularly well received.  Even the leftist left leaning Time magazine felt compelled to offer a lukewarm defense of Romney, noting that Obama wasn’t disqualified from office based on his admitted pot-smoking, coke-snorting past.

Anyway, I think bullying is bad and wrong and that it has been a part of the socialization of children since the beginning of time.  So I’m not attempting to condone the behavior of either man when I say that of the two, Obama comes off worse in my view.  It sounds like Romney was a smart ass instigator.  Obama was pushed into his abusive behavior by peer pressure.  To the extent it matters (and of course, it doesn’t), I know who I would rather see as the leader of the free world.

In the end the Post failed in its attempt to change focus from the abysmal Obama economy to Romney’s alleged bad character as a high school boy.  You can’t really blame them for trying, because after four years of utter destruction, Obama has nothing else to run on.

UPDATE: A musical accompaniment.

Did my Congressman just tell me to go BLANK myself?

So, I wrote my Congress-critter a nice letter indicating my opposition to the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) currently pending before the house.  Today via email I got this response:

Chairman, Personnel Subcommittee
* parts of
January 18, 2012

Mr. John McCrarey
301 [redacted] Dr
Columbia, SC

Dear Mr. McCrarey,

It is an honor to serve the people of the Second Congressional District of South Carolina.

If I may ever be of assistance please do not hesitate to contact me.

Joe Wilson
Member of Congress
Sign up for Joe Wilson’s E-Newsletter!

Now, he’s the guy who called Obama a liar during the State of the Union speech.  And I can appreciate that he says what he thinks.  Still, I think I deserve better than a somewhat ambiguous “BLANK”.  Was he just trying to be polite?