I survived another Hash, so there’s that. I did the 4K short trail with only one hill but walked to the start from my house for an extra 2K. The long trail went to the top of Kalaklan Ridge, and I’m glad I avoided that experience. The hill I did was maybe half that climb, and it pretty much kicked my ass. On a more positive note, I was able to defeat that voice in my head trying to get me to wimp out again. I don’t know what the future holds, but it was good to see that I can still push myself to the top of a moderate hillclimb. I do seem to be feeling my age lately. I was going to say, “This too shall pass,” but thought better of it once I considered the alternative to getting older. I may be slowing down some, but I ain’t dead yet. I’m going to keep trying to make the best of whatever the future may bring.
Swan prepared a pre-Hash meal for me that I really enjoyed. That girl loves to cook!
Fueled up and ready to Hash!
I won’t make it to 1000 runs like Pubic Head (he had a big head start), but I’d like to make it to 500 someday. We shall see.
I went home at the end of the Hash circle (they were out of beer anyway) and Swan had dinner ready for me.
This may be my favorite of the cat-eating memes so far:
Today’s YouTube video is a vlogger’s review of BarCelona. The bar is for sale at a reasonable price and it’s a fun fantasy to imagine having my very own beer joint, but I’m sober enough to know it’s not a good idea for me. The video really shows how nice the place is. All it needs is an elevator!
Maybe these are funny:
I had my echocardiogram today but haven’t seen the results yet. From what I understand, one of the three arteries feeding the left side of my heart isn’t functioning properly. I don’t know what the implications are or what fixes are possible. I need to have a doctor explain the way ahead. I’ll have more on this when I know it. I’m staying home tonight to contemplate life at The Rite Spot.
“Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these courageous couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.
Ah, it takes me back to those long ago years when I delivered mail for a living (1976-83). Welp, we weren’t gonna let a little rain stop us from our appointed rounds on the Candy Walk yesterday. I wondered if we’d see many kids out and about in the wet weather, but by the end of the walk, we had sweetened the lives of over 200 children. Mission accomplished!
A few hours later, I was back on the road, this time to Hideaway Bar.
The bar was surprisingly busy yesterday; I’ll take that as a good sign. It really is a nicer vibe when you are not the only customer.
The next stop was John’s place for my Sunday dinner with Swan. Sadly, John is still in the hospital. A crap public hospital. I couldn’t help but wonder whether this would be our last meal while John is still among the living. Hopefully, I’m wrong about that.
We did our nightcap at Green Room and enjoyed the conclusion of our Sunday evening out.
So, it turns out the Philippines is a world leader:
Today’s memory is from those long, long ago high school days when I fancied myself a writer.
I can’t decide if this belongs in the politics section or is it better suited to humor?
Here’s another:
Today’s YouTube video talks about the do’s and don’ts of living rich in the Philippines. My monthly pension puts me in the “elite” category, but other than living in the big house in a gated subdivision and not worrying about money much, I don’t think I flaunt my “wealth.” I could have lived a comfortable life in the USA or Korea (I did for the first five years after retirement), but that life was taken from me, so I chose this one as the alternative. So far, so good. I absolutely disagree with the vlogger’s assertion that living in a big city is the best choice. I enjoy my little town; if I ever left here, I’d find somewhere similar
And now for the non-political humor:
And here it is, another Hash Monday. Let’s see how I do.
Swan wanted to join me for my Saturday stroll, so that meant I had to come up with something other than the usual Barretto street walk. It had been a while since I’d done the Philseco loop, so we grabbed a Jeepney and headed out to the far side of Subic. I planned to do around 7K, but when we got back to the highway, I wimped out again. I just don’t seem to have any staying power these days.
We made it home before some heavy afternoon rainfall, then later broke out our umbrellas for the walk into town. First stop, It Doesn’t Matter.
We didn’t stay at IDM long. After a couple of drinks, we wished Vharry the best and then headed to Myleen’s for dinner.
We changed things up for our nightcap and gave Alaska Club a visit. Owner Jerry is out of town (back home at that other Alaska), and we were the only customers on a Saturday evening. Those two factors are related, I’m afraid. Still, we made the best of our visit. I gave the dancers something to suck on and 50 pesos each for their efforts. They seemed pleased. It’s always refreshing to see the girls in a dancing bar actually dancing, even if there are no customers to buy them drinks.
When it was time to go, we grabbed some pecan pie at Sit-n-Bull and then hopped in a trike for home. Yep, done by 8 p.m. on a Saturday night. I’m such an old man!
Today’s YouTube video offers a more positive outlook on why Filipinos are moving back home from overseas employment. When a nation’s biggest export is its workforce, something needs to change. These folks want to put their talents to work here.
Today’s lame attempts at humor:
A disturbing post on Facebook from John Kim:
Help. I am at Gordon Hospital. I was collapsed this morning. After a few IV, I am able to type. Still cannot sit up my own. Due to rainy season, I am suffering. Not asking for big help. Order a birger or fish & chips. Feel in the mood for big help, order steak. Thanks
That was yesterday, and there have been no updates. Swan and I will dine there tonight to see if we can find out if he is getting better. We’ll go there after I feed the girls at Hideaway.
There were five participants in the Friday group hike yesterday, and as the old-timer of the group, it was up to me to chart a course. It’s been wet, and I deemed the hills too risky an undertaking (hey, that’s my excuse, and I’m sticking to it!), so we did a mostly flat street walk. There was not much new to see, but I took some photos anyway.
I hit my wall at 7K and opted to bail out for a trike ride the rest of the way. Yeah, I felt like a pussy, but it just wasn’t worth it to continue when each step was painful.
Next on my Friday agenda was attending the SOB dance competition at Wet Spot. I only attend once or twice a month these days, and I find it mildly entertaining at best. The home team put on the winning performance. At the other end of the spectrum, all La Oficina could muster was a solitary dancer. She was good, but seeing her have to dance alone was sad.
When the show was over at eight, we called it a night and headed home.
Facebook memories took me back nine years to my dart playing days in Seoul.
I made this meme back in my Pyeongtaek days:
It’s election season, and this is my mantra:
Kevin Kim has a post today in which he mentions the rudeness of Koreans. I had a similar experience last night. Wet Spot has only one comfort room, so naturally, it is co-ed. I’m standing at the urinal, and a woman calls out, “Remember me? I used to give you massages at your house. You’ve gotten fat!” Yeah, I know. Thanks for reminding me. Apparently, she is working at Wet Spot now as one of their GRO/back rub girls. She offered to massage me, but I declined and mentioned my girlfriend was with me. She came to our table later and offered to massage Swan, but she also declined. Whatever her name is looked vaguely familiar, but it’s been years since she touched me. And she never will again. This fat old man is off-limits.
And that’s a good lead-in for today’s YouTube video. I do not subscribe to this vlogger, but he makes some valid points. Indeed, not ALL Filipinos are these kinds of rude, but some are. I will say that I’m guilty of the peeing wherever I am when I need to go thing, but like I tell Swan, I’m just adapting to the Filipino culture. And at my age, when you gotta go, you gotta go. The being obnoxiously loud thing is probably still my biggest pet peeve on the rudeness scale.
I’m not sure these all qualify as funny, but here goes anyway:
Gonna start my Saturday on the town at It Doesn’t Matter to wish manager Vharry a happy birthday. We’ll see where things go from there.
I didn’t venture far from home yesterday other than the afternoon jaunt to visit my pulmonary specialist, Dr. DeLeon. My oximeter reading on check-in was a record-high 99, and when she listened to my breathing, she said my lungs sounded clear. I told her about the morning I registered 85 on the oximeter after some, um, strenuous activity. Still, my bigger concern was the occasions when I experienced heavy breathing while inactive and my blood oxygen was in the high nineties normal range. It could be a manifestation of my COPD, but I want to eliminate other possibilities, such as heart problems. To that end, I’m scheduled for an echocardiogram on Tuesday. If my heart checks out okay, I’ll do a pulmonary function test (PFT) to see what my lungs are up to. When I was first diagnosed with COPD eight years ago, I was judged to be at Stage two (of four) of this progressive disease. I’m curious if I’ve gotten worse since then. So, we shall see what the future may bring.
For some reason, I wasn’t in a bar mood at the conclusion of my doctor’s visit, so we came back home. It just felt like The Rite Spot to be, so I headed up to the roof.
Back downstairs, I tried a dish Swan prepared for dinner:
Watched some crap on YouTube to kill an hour, then called it a night. Another Thirstday satiated.
It is both sad and hilarious to see the left freaking out and pretending we don’t have a refugee crisis. They seem to care more about the claim that Haitians are eating pets in Ohio than they do about the murders and gang violence taking place nationwide. Oh, well. At least it is easy to make heads explode with stupid memes these days.
I’ve never really been a cat lover, but I’ve eaten my share of pussy:
In today’s YouTube video, Reekay weighs in on all the negative takes from vloggers lately, some of which I’ve posted here. He calls bullshit on the notion that things are changing for the worse for expats here in the Philippines. In my six years, not much seems different, for better or worse (other than during the scamdemic). Hopefully, I’ve gotten a little smarter when it comes to the ladies. Not to mention lucky in finding Swan. But if you are sending money to someone you’ve never met in person, then yeah, you are dumb. Rule #1 and all.
Let’s see if I can put a smile on your face:
Oh, well. I’ll try again tomorrow. Going to do the SOB today at Wet Spot, so I’d best start getting ready. Hasta la vista!
The Wednesday Walkers ventured out to the native Aeta village of Iram on the far side of Olongapo for yesterday’s hike. We last visited Iram in December 2023 for our annual charity outreach. A lot has changed in less than a year. A massive construction project is underway to build a solar panel farm. The panels will be placed near the top of the surrounding hills, and new roads and infrastructure will be required to accommodate the solar farm. I have no idea what impact this will have on village life a little further up the road, but hopefully, they’ll get reduced electricity rates (assuming they are even wired for power).
It was a good hike. I’m looking forward to seeing how much the solar project progresses between now and December. Someone has invested a lot of money, so I expect they will want to have some power to sell as soon as possible.
This was the afternoon sky as seen from my patio yesterday:
Here’s the view when we arrived at Kon Tiki less than an hour later:
And that’s how the Wednesday went down.
I posted a meme about the pet-eating story from Ohio and caught a lot of flak from my leftie friends saying there is no “evidence” that has happened. Well, if you listen to what the media is calling unconfirmed instead of what the residents are saying, maybe so. The fact is the government dumped a shitload of refugees in a small town without support. That was Kamala’s doing. I’ll go with what Vance says.
Today’s YouTube video is from vlogger George, who takes us for a stroll on the old Navy base.
And here’s a bonus short my Fil-Am friend, Maksil, sent me. I think the obvious answer must be yes.
To the humor we shall go:
I’m going to visit the pulmonary doctor this afternoon for a consultation on what may be triggering my recent bouts of breathlessness. After that, who knows?
My Tuesdays are typically my most blasé day of the week. No hiking, doing the grocery shopping, and then, later in the day, some bar time. Nothing much to tell you about, so I’ll let the photos do most of the talking.
It was raining pretty hard as the day began, so I skipped walking the dogs. We let them run around some in the cul-de-sac, but they didn’t like the rain much either. Tuesday morning is also my muffin-making time. Danny, my driver, enjoys them, and lately, I’ve been sharing them with “Mama” too.
So, that filled the morning hours, but there was still more to do. I got my daily dose of blogging done, and then it was beer o’clock. So, we took a walk to Baloy Beach to see what was happening.
Some pecan pie a la mode for dessert, and then off to bed bringing my Tuesday to a close. Did any of you readers make it this far?
And, of course, today is the sad 23rd anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11. It is a day that changed everything for me, and I experienced it a little too up close and personal in Washington, DC. Several of my neighbors perished at the Pentagon. The post I did on the 20th anniversary tells the story of that day from my perspective. In short, it was the day I left the herd mentality perpetuated by my primary sources of news, such as the Washington Post and network television. Discovering blogs like Instapundit gave me a much broader perspective, and I realized that the bias in media comes from what they DON’T report.
And I promised to always remember two brave firefighters in NYC who lost their lives trying save the victims of that attack. So, James Raymond Coyle and Samuel Oitice, you are gone, but not forgotten. May you always rest in peace in the land of heroes.
And this song with the 9/11 images is also something I watch and share every September 11.
I’ve been posting some memes like this on Facebook:
Switching gears, let’s enjoy some Filipina Pea for today’s YouTube video. Some poor wanker can’t seem to meet a worthy Filipina even after ten visits. I hired “tour guides” I met on dating sites back when I was a tourist. And yes, perhaps he is lucky to have not found some of the women I hooked up with.
And now for some humor:
That’s it for today. I think we are going to do a KonTiki visit this evening and enjoy some more beach time. Things will be more normal for tomorrow’s post, I promise.
Yesterday’s Hash was a different kind of challenge and one I’m more suited to endure. In honor of the birthday of the Grand Master (who was also the Hare), the Hash trail was a stroll through several Barretto bars with a special celebration at the On-Home venue.
We gathered at the VFW and at the appointed hour (2 p.m.) began our trek.
I guess I shortcut the party by leaving early, but I know when to say when. At least most of the time.
Five years ago, I was still strolling around Saigon (or Ho Chi Minh City, if you prefer).
In today’s YouTube video, Reekay talks about his biggest mistake in the Philippines. No real surprise it involved a woman.
Humor me these:
Halfway through my Tuesday here, and what comes next is going to happen on Baloy Beach. Whatever that may turn out to be, you can read about tomorrow right here at LTG.
And as an added bonus, here is the “hearing the Turtles for the first time” video:
Well, we enjoyed it while we had it, anyway. It’s raining again today, but life goes on. Until it doesn’t. Started the day yesterday with a bit of a scare. I woke up around 4 a.m. feeling frisky, but the happy ending triggered a severe and scary breathing attack. I took a couple of puffs from my inhaler, but it didn’t seem to help much. I stumbled to my desk, and while Swan loaded up my nebulizer, I slipped the oximeter on my finger, which rendered a reading of 85.
Fortunately, my nebulizer had me back up to a 97 in short order, and I’ve felt fine ever since. I’m going to schedule another consult with the pulmonary doctor and perhaps a cardiologist to try and see WTF is going on. My oximeter reading right now is 98, so whatever it is that ails me seems to be something that is triggered, not constant.
It being Sunday and all, we loaded up our bags and ventured out for the weekly Candy Walk.
And then we were forced to alter our planned route by events beyond our control.
At first, my thought was to wade across the river. But after making our way down to the bank and seeing the strong current and not knowing how deep the water might be (or what was on the bottom), prudence dictated a retreat. Instead, we followed a path I’d never seen before, and it turned out that it led to Bridge #3, a pedestrian crossing. It was an interesting walk as well.
Swan slipped one of the guys a hundred pesos so they could enjoy some gin with the meal. I enjoyed a close-up view of how the other half lives and it was nice meeting some happy and friendly folks along the way.
The planned dinner at John’s place went awry due to a lack of red wine availability. I stopped in after Hideaway and asked, and for the third week, there was none to be had. I messaged Swan and had her meet me at Jewel Cafe instead. I also messaged John this morning to let him know. He thanked me and said he would take care of it today.
Jewel Cafe is not one of my regular dining venues (other than my weekly purchase for the Hideaway girls), but the food is always good. A steak for 499 pesos is unheard of (that’s less than half of what John’s charges), so I knew the portion would be small. It was, but the meat was very tender and well-prepared. With the veggies and mashed taters, my appetite was satiated.
We did our nightcap at Wet Spot. We got there shortly after opening and were the only customers.
One of my neighbors, Maksil, came by and joined us at our table. We had a nice chat about how to turn BarCelona, the rooftop bar that’s for sale, into a successful operation. We both had the same ideas–a barbeque grilled meat menu and an elevator to get to the third floor. Our expat community of old men don’t handle stairs well.
Anyway, I don’t think either one of us needs the hassle of bar ownership in our lives.
And that’s how I survived my sweet, sunshiny Sunday.
Facebook memories today are all from five years ago when I visited Saigon. I ought to go back again, I really enjoyed myself.
Today’s YouTube video ponders why expats leave the Philippines. Well, I ain’t going nowhere. And if I ever do, it won’t be back to the USA.
Things you might find funny:
Geez, I’m bad. Anyway, it is Hash Monday. Today is the Grand Master’s birthday, and he is also the Hare. Today’s trail, if I understood correctly, will consist of a Barretto bar hop. It is a good day for one of those. I’ll let you know how it works out tomorrow.
Yesterday’s hike turned out to be a surprising adventure. It all began when Swan said she wanted to come along. She thinks my Standard Saturday Solo Street Stroll route is boring, so I tried something a little more creative. We took a Jeepney out to the Kalaklan barangay area and got off at the hillside cemetery. My plan was to go down to the beach at the lighthouse, then walk the sand to the Bantan Bayan neighborhood, and make our way back to Barretto from there. It had been a while since I walked this route, and I belatedly discovered how much things had changed. One of those changes was the lingering impact of the recent storm, including a higher-than-expected tide combined with rough waters. In the end, these obstacles proved insurmountable. Here’s how things went down:
Splurged for a trike ride home after our abbreviated adventure. Not much distance, but lots of excitement.
Went out for some bar time after a two-day break and started at It Doesn’t Matter. Enjoyed some brews and then Swan’s brother-in-law popped in and joined us for a bit. We went to Wet Spot next, but it was so dead that we carried our drinks next door to Green Room and enjoyed them there. Ordered some food to bring home and called it a night.
And so ended another day in the life.
And now a word from our sponsor:
Today’s YouTube video is from Reekay. I’m not sure what is going on, but numerous vloggers are posting on expat fuckups. Reekay has been around a long time (I was following him prior to my move) and he offers sound advice.
Here’s the funny stuff:
Alright, I’m running late. Got to feed those hungry gals at Hideaway, then meet my sweetheart for our dinner at John’s place. Until tomorrow then.
It’s almost time to bitch and moan about the rainy season and start looking forward to those hot, sweaty days again. Until then, you just gotta make the best of the situation. We had four hearty streetwalkers for our Friday group hike, and we all brought umbrellas for what little good they did. A few sprinkles in the beginning, then some heavy rain for most of the rest of the way. I was soaked when we finished, but as I kept reminding myself, a couple of months ago, I would have been soaked with sweat. At least we didn’t have to worry about heat strokes.
Our journey took us from Barretto, through the backstreets of Matain, into Calapacuan, then some of San Isidro, a taste of Santo Tomas, then back to Barretto. A 9K junket all told.
The other event of the day was attending a dinner party with neighbors Jeff and Divina and the other invited guests.
I fucked up and didn’t do a good job documenting the food. Here’s what I got:
Anyway, hanging out and enjoying the food and beverages with the group was great. I left about the time the videoke kicked in and felt a little rude for doing so. It wasn’t the music, but I experienced a breathing attack for some reason. That’s very unusual for me when I’m not going uphill and just sitting on my ass. My oximeter read 90, the lowest I’ve been in a long time. Fortunately, my nebulizer brought me back up to 97, and I felt fine when I hit the hay an hour later.
More rain during the night, but as forecasted, the rain finally let go this morning.
September 7 will always be a special day in my life.
Today’s YouTube video is from another vlogger I don’t subscribe to, but he offers five reasons why the Philippines might not be for you. I only struggle with one of them: patience. Back before Loraine broke my heart, she taught me this mantra: Take a deep breath. Relax. Accept the Filipino way. I still use it on occasion, and it does help keep my head from exploding.
Some more of what I call humor:
Welp, it’s been over two days since I set foot in a bar. I aim to rectify that situation tonight. I’m not sure where, but I know the bars of Barretto are counting on me, and I won’t let them all down. I’ll tell you about that and the nearly disastrous rock-climbing adventure from this morning in tomorrow’s post. See you then!
Nothing ventured, nothing gained to blog about. I posted about my trip to Pundaquit yesterday and I stayed home last night. So, there’s not much left say. Staying home proved to be a good call because we had some of the heaviest rain of the week during the evening and overnight hours. And yes, it is still raining today. The Friday hikers did an umbrella street walk this morning, but I’ll save that adventure so I have something to post about tomorrow.
We’ve been invited to a “Fajita Party” at the next-door neighbor’s place later this afternoon. I’ve got a batch of brownies in the oven, and Swan will be making some nachos as our contribution to the gathering. I’ll share how the party goes tomorrow as well.
So, what does that leave to write about today? Swan loves to cook, and she surprised me this morning by asking if I wanted a Monte Cristo sandwich for my after-hike lunch. I asked, “You know how to make a Monte Cristo?” She responded, “I know you like them, and I just watched a YouTube video, so I’ll try it.” Ah, ain’t that sweet?
Speaking of videos, I’m part of a COPD information group, and today, I received a link to a video about walking and breathing. It’s pretty simple, really, and I may be doing it naturally, but I’ll give it a try and see if it helps.
Still in video mode, a commenter recently sent me this YouTube of a Filipina giving Tagalog lessons. In my stay-at-home boredom last night, I learned five new words (the first five in the lesson). Swan was quite impressed. Of course, I don’t remember them today, but I’ll go back and review again. Maybe something will stick in my addled brain.
No funeral banners today, but this one caught my eye:
From Facebook memories comes this reminder from eight years okay. It was the last day of our Philippines vacation and we were enjoying our final dinner at the Arizona Resort here in Barretto.
Today’s YouTube video is from someone I don’t subscribe to, and after watching this one, I’m afraid I have to disagree with much of what he has to say. He seems bitter and cynical, and his advice to NEVER do certain things seems a bit overboard. Not all Filipinas are scammers. And if you meet a good one and treat her the way this guy suggests, you will lose her. The trick is knowing the difference. I certainly had my share of fuck ups along the way, but that’s just the tuition to the school of experience. Anyway, it’s worth a watch if for no other reason than as a warning not to become as disillusioned as this gent is.
Okay, let’s cleanse the palate with some humor:
Okay, I’ll stop now. Hopefully back with more substance tomorrow.
I have arrived safely back home after my twenty-four hour whirlwind adventure to Barangay Pundaquit, City of San Antonio, Zambales Province, Luzon Island, Philippines.
We arrived at our destination at noon time. I sent Swan to the beach hotel we didn’t have a reservation for to check availability and price. I had her go to avoid the “skin tax” that occurs when a foreigner is quoted a higher price than a local. She returned to report that the resort was undergoing renovation, and no kitchen or bar was available. They did offer Swan a reduced rate of 3000 pesos for the night (down from 3600). Swan also checked the newer and nicer place next door, and they wanted 5500 pesos for the night. It wasn’t THAT much nicer, so we went with the original plan. We did use the restaurant facilities at the other place for lunch.
The restaurant across the street was devoid of guests, and the upstairs section I had been wanting to try since seeing it on my last trip was closed. The bar was the only area not exposed to the wind-blown rain, so that’s where we sat. Being outnumbered by the staff had an eerie feel about it, but the service was good. The wine prices on the menu were shocking–the cheapest being 500 pesos, so Swan had a beer instead. When I got a closer look at the wine on the shelf, it included Carlo Rossi, the brand we buy at Royal for 350 pesos a bottle. Then the lightbulb in my head turned on, and we asked the waitress if the wine prices were per glass or bottle. It turns out that they only sell wine by bottle. So, getting a whole bottle for 500 pesos was practically a bargain, and we bought one.
After our meal, we walked up the street for a look around. I saw a place I had stopped in once a few years back while on a hike and decided to try it again.
Kevin gave us a tour of the facilities. He also has a variety of rooms available, from Nipa huts to aircon rooms. He’s owned the Surf & Sand for eleven years but said they’ve never recovered from the COVID lockdowns. I was a little surprised because Barretto is booming with mostly Filipino tourists, at least on weekends. He said that’s not the case in Pundaquit, and the foreigners who used to come pre-scamdemic have not returned. That’s a shame. He said the place needs several thousand dollars in renovations, but he doesn’t expect he’d be able to recover that investment. He’s considering just walking away from it all and returning to the USA. Damn.
I began drinking much earlier in the day than I normally do. I was drinking San Miguel Light (5% alcohol) rather than my usual Zero (3%). And I didn’t get my daily afternoon nap. So yeah, I fell asleep at the bar. I also ordered take-out food from the Car Wash restaurant up the road but have no recollection of doing so (the unopened containers were in the room this morning). Swan says I was unsteady on my feet but made it back to the hotel without incident.
Swan asked me this morning what time it was when I went to bed. I checked my Fitbit stats and was surprised to see this:
At some point during the night, the power went out. We had no electricity until nine in the morning. I didn’t even bother unpacking my laptop.
Back at our hotel, the staff kindly heated a pot of water on their gas stove so we could enjoy some morning coffee on our front porch.
After our coffee break, we loaded up a bag with cookies and lollipops and headed out to explore the backstreets of Pundaquit.
I’m back home this afternoon, and the deluge continues. In fact, a new storm is approaching, so there is no relief in sight. They have even canceled tomorrow’s SOB as many employees are home dealing with flooding issues.
So, that’s the story of my adventure. All in all, it was a good one.
We need to stop those crazy Trump voters from stealing the election. Here’s a plan that could work:
Today’s YouTube video is a short expose about the sextortion scams and the impact on its victims. I’ve heard tales of this over the years, but it always seemed to me to be limited to a few whacked individuals. Apparently, it’s an organized racket luring in victims these days.
And now for some humor:
Welp, wind and rain are telling me that tonight is a good night to stay safe and dry at home. And that’s just what I’m going to do. Later, gators!
So, on this stormy Wednesday morning, I woke up in my own bed instead of at the Wild Orchid Hotel in Angeles City. But at least the power is on. I still long for a change of scenery, so on a whim, I messaged my driver to see if he was available for a road trip today. He is, so Swan and I will be heading to Pundaquit in San Antonio for an overnight stay.
And just now, this alert popped up on my phone, and the clouds opened up once again.
Maybe I didn’t think this trip through properly, but what the hell? The rain at the beach can’t be any worse than the rain is here. I’m ready for some new perspectives! We saw a place on the beach last trip we want to try, but neither Swan nor I can remember the name. I doubt they will be full on a rainy Wednesday, so we are going to take our chances and go without a reservation. It’s all part of the adventure!
Instead of hanging out in AC yesterday, I was back to my normal routines, starting with a trip to Royal for my grocery shopping. One of my Tuesday traditions is baking morning muffins. This week, they were cranberry-orange. I share them with my helpers and driver, of course. “Mama,” the homeless umbrella lady I’ve been helping a bit since before I moved here knows my schedule and is usually waiting outside Alta Vista as we drive by. Yesterday was no exception.
It poured rain all day, and I was beginning to think there would be no night on the town in my immediate future. But Jesus loves me, and when it was beer o’clock, the rain became a light sprinkle, and we made a dash for Barretto.
Our next and last stop was the Green Room. As usual, we shared drinks with waitress Chu and enjoyed watching a pool tournament in progress. Swan was talking with a GRO (Guest Relations Officer) that I didn’t recognize. Turns out she is the sister of the woman I mentioned in another post. That woman, also a GRO, helped her daughter get hired at the bar when she turned eighteen. That freaked me out, not understanding how a mom could countenance seeing her child doing what GROs do (basically catering to the whims of male desire, including take-out). Swan knew them from when she lived in their neighborhood and did give the mom some shit about her actions. We hadn’t seen either in the bar recently, and the sister informed Swan that the daughter (her niece) has an enlarged heart, and the doctors say nothing can be done for her. So, the plan is to make her as comfortable as possible at home until she passes. Damn.
I wound up adding the sad sister to my lady drink recipients and also had a pizza delivered from Sit-n-Bull for the girls to share (Hawaiian with pineapple, of course). Swan sipped her wine, and I had my fair share of beers. During the course of the evening, Swan snapped a photo of me in full party mode:
We brought us home some Sit-n-Bull goodness for dinner (roast beef dip for Swan, pulled pork for me) and had pecan pie for dessert. It was a pretty good time for a Tuesday!
And now for the memories:
Four years ago, I was mocking the COVID Nazis:
In today’s YouTube video, the Filipina Pea interviews an OFW (Offshore Filipino Worker). These workers are probably the largest export from the Philippines, and the money they send back is a significant portion of the economy, not to mention essential to the support of the families left behind. I met many OFWs when I lived in Korea, and I know several of them here now. And yes, I’ve heard the horror stories of exploitation that occurs, especially in Middle Eastern countries. I have two friends now looking for OFW work, and I will share this video with them as a heads-up.
And now to soothe your funny bone:
Alright, time for me to pack my bags and get the hell out of town. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow!
Loved this song back in the day. As an added bonus, here is one of those “hearing it for the first time” videos:
I wound up doing the Hash yesterday. I carried an umbrella but didn’t need it. I guess God loves the Hash because the intense rains that had been falling all day abruptly ceased right around our 2 p.m. start time. The Hare, Anal Receptive, had laid a trail in deference to the weather, primarily flat and, for the most part, paved. I opted for the 5K short version (the long was 8K) and only suffered from wet and muddy feet. Well, two inclines on the Govic Highway left me surprisingly winded. I don’t know what’s up with that. My blood oxygen has been in the high 90s, but there is no denying my age and obesity. And yes, I was the recipient of the traditional Hash cake. I’ve gotta say, that icy cold beer poured over my head made my heart race. That would be a hell of a way to die, wouldn’t it? Maybe next year.
So, the Hash turned out better than I thought it would. Lucky me.
In other news, I should be posting today from Angeles City but I’m not. Late in the afternoon yesterday, our power company, Zameco II, posted this:
Anyway, the neighbors had made the plans and reservations in AC based on the assumption that their kids would not have school to attend on Wednesday. When that changed, they had no choice but to cancel the trip. And so it goes.
Facebook reminded me that five years ago I was enjoying my first visit to Saigon.
Some of the internet forums I follow devolve into controversies, like which is better, Angeles City or Barretto. The same goes for the comparisons between the Philippines and Thailand. Everyone has their own preferences, and today’s YouTube video tells why the vlogger prefers life in the PI.
Here’s something to smile about:
Another rainy day here to deal with; we’ll see what’s happening when beer o’clock rolls around. Hasta la vista for now.
There was a huge storm that washed hundreds of starfish onto the beach. A little boy was picking them up and throwing them back into the ocean one by one. An old man approached and said, “Little boy, you can’t save all these starfish.” “Maybe not,” the lad replied as he picked up another and threw it in the water, “but I saved that one.”
I’ve mentioned that we had a chance encounter with a youngster named Jason during a candy walk who wanted to attend school but didn’t have the means to do so. Swan talked to the mother and offered her assistance. Since the mother doesn’t have a phone, Swan interacted directly with the teacher to determine what Jason required.
We did the handoff during yesterday’s Candy Walk.
According to the mother, the next hurdle is securing a birth certificate. Apparently, one wasn’t issued at birth, so there is government bureaucracy and paperwork to be dealt with, which involves money, of course. We are standing by to help if we can.
As alluded to above, we kicked off our Sunday with the weekly Candy Walk through the streets of San Isidro.
A couple of hours later when we were safe at home, we experienced one of the hardest downpours I’ve seen this year.
Luckily, the rain let up some and I could do an umbrella walk to Hideaway without getting too wet.
I opted not to visit John’s place this week. Swan wanted the Mango’s pork chops for dinner anyway, and I was still disappointed about last week’s lack of red wine. I’ll give John another shot next week.
When I arrived at Mango’s, I was surprised to see neighbors Jeff and Divina sitting with Swan. When Swan left the house to meet me, Jeff and the wife were looking to escape the continuing power outage. Swan got a ride into town and company while awaiting my arrival. The neighbors left before our food came, but we agreed to meet up again after dinner next door at Thumbstar.
After our meal, we went to Thumbstar as promised for the meet-up. I don’t go to Thumbstar for personal reasons, but it is a nice enough venue. We had one drink there, then moved to the more familiar and friendlier Green Room to finish our evening out.
Not a bad Sunday. And now it is Hash Monday and things aren’t looking good.
I saw part of today’s Hash trail on the Candy Walk yesterday. It’s not a bad rainy-day walk, except for the muddy roads. Right now, I’m on the fence about doing the trail or just making my way to the On-Home venue at Smokes and Bottles. We shall see if things let up in the next hour or so.
Ah, the memories:
Funny story about that photo. We spent the first night in Angeles City. We went into this bar after midnight and were the only customers. I guess the girls had never seen a Korean female before, and they all came down off the stage for a closer look. They treated Eun Oke like a movie star, and she told me, “Buy them all a drink!” I told her the way it works is you pick your favorite and buy her a drink, but she insisted on getting one for each of them. The next morning, she asked me how much we had spent, and I told her it was 5000 pesos. Then she asked how much do we spend for just the two of us in Seoul? I grinned and admitted it was about the same.
There was a little controversy in the comments yesterday over the political memes I’ve been posting. No apologies, but I also realize it is a waste of time. Nothing I post here is going to change any minds.
Today’s YouTube video from the Filipina Pea addresses women who don’t want their man to act like a man. I’m joking, of course, and I don’t condone cheating on your significant other. That said, couples need to have shared values. I know of guys in open relationships, and both sides enjoy the variety. Pick your partner wisely!
Let me leave you with these:
Still raining out there, so it’s looking like a wet Hash. I also think there is a Hash birthday cake in my near future. Good times! I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Here in the Philippines, they call it the “ber” months, and it is the traditional start of the Christmas holiday season. Yep, decorations will be going up, and Christmas songs will be blasting in the shopping centers. For the next four months. I have found a way to cope at least:
Ah, the first ad of the season from right here in Barreteto!
Anyway, everything is going pretty much as it always does around here. Yesterday, there was a bit of a modification to my Standard Modified Saturday Solo Duo Street Stroll. Swan came along, and we walked a slightly different route than I usually do.
Once again, Swan wanted to go see The Engine Band at Treasure Island on Baloy. They serve cold Zero there, so who am I to complain?
We listened to the band’s first two sets and then headed home at 7 p.m. I fired up the TV and finally got around to watching the second half of Filipina Dream Girlson YouTube. It is a nice trip back in time to the early 1990s in Manila, with some English guys looking to hook up with bar girls. My hearing is not great, and some of those Brit accents were tough to decipher at times, but it is still a good watch.
And so ended another Saturday in my simple life.
Once again, Facebook memories carried me back in time to my former life.
It’s pretty scary when I see otherwise intelligent people regurgitating the lies they’ve been sold about Trump as justification for supporting ignorant Kamala. I guess they are not as smart as I gave them credit for being.
Let’s take a three-minute stroll back in time with today’s YouTube video. I couldn’t help but think how everyone you see is dead now, but I guess that’s part of the time travel phenomenon.
And some humor before I go.
Welp, the lighting is flashing, and the thunder is booming outside my window right now. But I’ve got a feeding to attend to at Hideaway, so hopefully, this, too, shall pass. I’m going to pop into John’s and ask if they have red wine in stock. If not, I’ll take Swan to Mangos for dinner. She’s been craving those grilled pork chops. I’ll be back tomorrow with more of this goodness.
Some cuntry boys from Barretto ventured out to the city called Olongapo yesterday for a walkabout. Once we had enough of that squalor-town, we moved onto the old Navy base (aka SBMA) for some comparatively wide-open spaces. Getting a taste of both made for a pleasant hike.
I sprang for a taxi ride back to Barretto, got some R&R at home, then prepared for our dinner outing with the neighbors at Hops and Brews.
So, Maksil bought a round of tequila shots, and later, Matt bought a round of tequila rose shots. I was polite enough to drink them, but it’s not my norm. They seemed to have hit the women-folk the hardest, and I’m told that over the course of the evening, each of them did a little vomiting (outside or in toilets, thankfully). It was also decided that with the upcoming power outage on Wednesday, our group would take a trip to Angeles City on Tuesday and return Wednesday night when the lights are back on. Davina made reservations at the Wild Orchid Resort for everyone from the table. I used to stay there back in my tourist days fifteen years ago.
After dinner, we ventured over to the Green Room for some more liquid refreshments. When the group said they were going to Red Bar next, Swan and I said our goodnights and wished them well. I do know when to say when. I saw Jeff this morning, and he told me we’d take the drinking much slower during our upcoming Angeles visit. Yep, I know I will.
And that’s the way I lived my Friday.
From the Facebook memories files:
Life goes on until it doesn’t.
How about some political viewpoints:
Today’s YouTube video is from Rose Hall, and she discusses red flags to look out for with Filipinas. Jealousy was always my number one bugaboo. The last thing I want in my life is the drama that comes from a jealous girlfriend. Thankfully, Swan has not demonstrated any such trait (nor have I given her reason to do so). Anyway, Rose always has nice background scenery in her videos, so it is worth the watch for that alone.
Humor time:
And that’s all I’ve got for now. We’ll see what lies ahead and I’ll report back here tomorrow.
Well, I guess I’m not so little, but Swan and I took a morning walk to the marketplace in Subic town. We purchased some school supplies for Jason, the little boy Swan met on one of the Candy Walks, and also restocked our chocolate cache for this coming Sunday’s mission.
The walk itself was mostly on the National Highway, which is never that pleasant. In Calapandayan, we came upon the scene of an accident that occurred minutes before our arrival.
Some more pleasant photos from our trek:
Next on our agenda was a trip to the beauty salon for a foot spa.
With our feet scraped and nails clipped, we crossed the highway and visited Papagayo for some beachside dining.
Needless to say, Papagayo will not be a regular stop on our dining itinerary. Oh, and Swan didn’t get wine because she thought 300 pesos a glass was too pricey. Which means this venue won’t work for a beach bar alternative either.
As we were finishing our meal, Swan got a message from our neighbor Davina asking where we were so they could meet us for a drink. We got together at Green Room.
After a couple of drinks at Green Room, we had a comfortable ride home in Jeff’s car. We’ll be getting together again this afternoon for the dinner meetup at Hops and Brews along with Matt and his wife.
And I’m thinking an out-of-town trip is coming in my near future.
So, I’m sure you’ve read Zuckerberg’s admission that Facebook censored content at the government’s request during COVID and the 2020 elections. Today’s surprise was seeing this cover on a friend’s post:
I shared this on my feed and told folks to see for themselves how fucked up our world has become.
But, thanks for the memories, Facebook:
Today’s YouTube is from a channel I wasn’t subscribed to, but I gave it a watch. For the past two years, this Yank has lived in Bonifacio Global City (BGC), a very upscale area in Metro Manila. He thinks things are changing (for the worse), citing inflation and women’s attitudes, among others. Well, I’ve bitched about higher prices, but there’s no escaping that. I think his real problem is living in Manila. Things are as good here in my neck of the woods as they ever were.
The daily dose of humor:
Today began for me with this beauty:
Well, our group hike took us to Olongapo City, so I couldn’t go collect the gold. Maybe next time. Now it is time to get ready for the Hops and Brews gathering. See you here tomorrow to tell you all about it.
Didn’t do shit yesterday, but the nice thing about dementia is that I won’t remember doing nothing for long. Now, what was I saying? Oh yeah, the day I sat on my ass until beer o’clock. My next-door neighbor, Jeff, messaged that he was meeting Matt and his wife at Hops and Brew at 5:00 p.m., and we were welcome to join in. Jeff said there was room in his car, which was an extra bonus, given the ongoing rain. When five rolled around, I was waiting on the porch for Jeff to come out, and he never did. It is not like a retired Marine Colonel to be late. I sent a message to see what was up and then re-read his original message. The dinner meet-up is for FRIDAY. Damn, I didn’t have reading comprehension on my next-to-go Bingo card.
Well, Swan and I were all dressed up and had nowhere to go, so I made the command decision to spend the rainy evening on Baloy. We walked under umbrellas to the highway, then grabbed a trike to take us to the beach. We hadn’t been to DaKudos for a while, so we started there. It turns out that my old friend Jessa no longer works there. That new owner keeps finding new ways to diminish his business. We had one drink and left. I gave Swan the option of Lagoon Resort or Treasure Island for dinner, and she chose TI because it has bay views. That girl sure does love the water. We plopped down at the bar (the only place with a roof over our heads) and watched the raindrops fall while waiting for our dinner to be served.
When we finished eating, we grabbed a trike for home. And so ended a pretty much empty day, but I have no complaints. I’m still driving the body vehicle on the road of life, and if I occasionally want to spend it at a rest stop, so be it.
Speaking of life and its alternatives, Swan’s dog Snickers died today. He barked his way through eleven years here on Earth (that’s 88 in people years), and I hope I can live a similarly long life. The vet said it was a liver problem (as far as I know, Snickers never tasted alcohol), and he died peacefully here at home.
Facebook shared this memory with me today:
Today’s YouTube video features Reekay providing three reasons expats wind up broke in the Philippines. They all seem to have stupidity in common. I live on a federal pension, so my financial security is every bit as solid as the US government. Oh shit! I’ve got some savings as a safety net, so that’s as strong as the US dollar. Fuck! Well, my fallback plan is that I’m an old geezer who won’t live forever anyway. Dying in a Chinese air strike is rising on my list of ways I might go, but it is still behind crossing the National Highway in Barretto.
Things that pass for humor in my weary brain:
The Smiths were unable to conceive children and decided to use a surrogate father to start their family. On the day the proxy father was to arrive, Mr. Smith kissed his wife goodbye and said, ‘Well, I’m off now. The man should be here soon.’
Half an hour later, just by chance, a door-to-door baby photographer happened to ring the doorbell, hoping to make a sale.
‘Good morning, he said, “I’ve come to…”
“Oh, no need to explain,” Mrs. Smith cut in, embarrassed, “I’ve been expecting you.”
‘Have you really?” Said the photographer. “Well, that’s good. Did you know babies are my specialty?”
“Well that’s what my husband and I had hoped. Please come in and have a seat.”
After a moment she asked, blushing, “Well, where do we start?”
“Leave everything to me. I usually try two in the bathtub, one on the couch, and perhaps a couple on the bed. And sometimes the living room floor is fun. You can really spread out there.”
“Bathtub, living room floor? No wonder it didn’t work out for Harry and me!”
“Well, none of us can guarantee a good one every time. But if we try several different positions and I shoot from six or seven angles, I’m sure you’ll be pleased with the results.”
“My, that’s a lot!” Gasped Mrs. Smith.
“In my line of work a man has to take his time. I’d love to be In and out in five minutes, but I’m sure you’d be disappointed with that.”
“Don’t I know it,” said Mrs. Smith quietly.
The photographer opened his briefcase and pulled out a portfolio of his baby pictures. “This was done on the top of a bus,” he said.
“Oh, my God!” Mrs. Smith exclaimed, grasping at her throat.
“And these twins turned out exceptionally well, when you consider their mother was so difficult to work with.”
“She was difficult?” Asked Mrs. Smith.
“Yes, I’m afraid so. I finally had to take her to the park to get the job done right. People were crowding around four and five deep to get a good look.”
“Four and five deep?” Said Mrs. Smith, her eyes wide with amazement.
“Yes”, the photographer replied, “And for more than three hours, too. The mother was constantly squealing and yelling I could hardly concentrate, and when darkness approached I had to rush my shots. Finally, when the squirrels began nibbling on my equipment, I just had to pack it all in.”
Mrs. Smith leaned forward. “Do you mean they actually chewed on your, uh .. . . .equipment?”
“It’s true, yes. Well, if you’re ready, I’ll set-up my tripod and we can get to work right away.”
“Oh yes, I need to use a tripod to rest my Canon on. It’s much too big to be held in the hand for very long.”
Mrs. Smith fainted.
Swan and I took a walk to the Subic marketplace this morning, and we’ll be going for a foot spa later this afternoon. If the weather cooperates, I’ll treat her to some beachside dining at Papagayo this evening. Yep, we’re getting back to normal—or as normal as it gets around here anyway.