Another Wednesday group stroll. After Monday’s ball-busting Hash, we gave ourselves a bit of a break with a comparatively easy 6K walkabout.
A good morning on trail and a good evening in store. I started the drinking portion of my life at Sloppy Joe’s and enjoyed some camaraderie at Chris’ table. We were telling stories from our past and having some good laughs. It’s strange the things I can remember from way back when, but I am so forgetful in my day-to-day dealings. Oh well, I’m grateful for the life I’ve had and hope to continue enjoying the one I have for as long as I can.
Swan joined me after her family time, and wanted to go to Wet Spot. Aine had messaged her that she had some news to share. Turns out that Aine has a new Swedish boyfriend and he doesn’t want her working in the bar. That’s understandable. So, it wasn’t exactly a goodbye, her fella lives on Baloy and we invited her to bring him out to the floating bar on Tuesday. Looks like my lady drink tab will henceforth be lessened, but it was nice having someone for Swan to chat with during our Wet Spot visits.
We brought some food home from Sit-n-Bull and called it a night.
Over at ROKDrop, a Korean blog I still follow, there is a post about the littering problems during the cherry blossom festivals. When I lived there, I noticed more litter than I grew up around in the USA, but since moving to the Philippines, Korea seems almost immaculate. Here’s the comment I left:
I lived in Korea for twelve years, then retired and moved to the Philippines. The litter culture here makes Korea seem pristine by comparison. There is no such thing as public trash receptacles; people toss their garbage on the street with impunity. It’s a beautiful country otherwise, and I admire the Filipino people in many ways, but I just don’t understand the mentality of trashing the environment.
That’s one of my biggest pet peeves here, but the good far outweighs the bad.
The Quora Q&A thing:
Q: Many older male expats move to Southeast Asia because of the foreign exchange. Why don’t more older female expat Westerners do the same thing? Why aren’t older women attracted to cheap living in Philippines? Why does it appeal more to men?
A: I’m a man, so take my answer with a grain of salt, as I can’t really speak for women. The few Western women I’ve seen living in the Philippines were almost always part of a couple or had some other ties here. I often laugh about my hometown here being like a retirement community for old white guys. There are bars, restaurants, beaches, and other things to do, shopping nearby, and rents are comparatively low. What’s not to like?
I guess one obvious answer as to why a single woman wouldn’t move here is that they would likely stay single or have a harder time finding male companionship. Guys here don’t have to be lonely unless they choose to be.
It may also be that while making progress, the Philippines remains a developing nation. Infrastructure can be poor and there are also inconveniences to be dealt with on a daily basis. It could also be that a single woman might not always feel safe living here alone.
So, I guess my bottom line answer is that for women there may be better options.
A single white woman here does stand out, something very rarely seen.
It has been said that two things in life cannot be avoided: death and taxes. Welp, I finally got my taxes filed. I’ll continue putting off the other for as long as possible. The taxes proved to be a bigger pain in the ass than usual. I have an accountant back home in South Carolina who does the actual tax forms and calculations. All I have to do is complete and sign the intake forms, scan all my tax paperwork, and email it back. So, I pulled my seldom-used printer off the shelf, plugged it in, and hit the print button. What came out was unreadable. So, I bought some ink, poured it in, and it still didn’t work. Okay, off to the local print shop to get the forms printed. Brought them home, filled them out, and hooked up the printer again to scan them. And I couldn’t get the laptop to connect with the printer to scan the documents. No idea what that’s about or how to fix it. So, it was back to the print shop to have everything scanned there and emailed to me. Then, I forwarded it all off to my accountant. I usually get a decent refund every year, but who knows what to expect from Bidenomics?
Pretty exciting stuff, no? Well, there was also the weekly excursion to Royal for groceries. I have a Royal Customer Card that gets scanned weekly when I shop and earns discount points. I never gave them much thought, but yesterday, I noticed a sign that said to use the points or lose them by April 15. So, naturally, I had the cashier cash me out, and damn, my points were worth 7000 pesos ($140) off my grocery bill. Not bad.
My other big event was my visit to Dr. Jo. She took another blood sample, and we’ll review the results to measure my progress next week, but the external indicators are all on the positive side. She and her hubby, Dr. Chris, were happy to hear of my new efforts at dietary discipline but had some suggestions about excluding some of the fruits I’ve been snacking on—like mangos and bananas.
Anyway, the weight is slowly coming down, and this week, I’m going to work on reducing the beer ingestion to see if I can speed things up.
So, the appointment with Dr. Jo finished a little after 2:30. Rather than go back home for an hour and then head to Baloy, I elected to start my time on the floating bar early. Swan was with me, but she insisted that if we start early, we finish early. I was on board with that.
Zero carbs, but 97 calories in the gin shot. My Zero beer has 60 calories but 2.5 carbs per bottle. But I have the shot of gin served in a tall glass and buy the full can of soda water. In that way, I water down the gin into three drinks instead of one. I also drink fewer gin and sodas than I would beers. So, overall I think it is a decent reduction. The downside is that drinking that way costs almost twice as much. On the Kokomo floating bar, the gin shot is 120 pesos (the same price as a beer), and the soda water can is 90 pesos. Still, since I’m drinking fewer drinks in total, it should average out.
When we arrived on the floater, we were the only customers.
Swan had two wines and I had four gin and sodas. And since we started early, we left early.
It was also too early for dinner or the sunset, so I had the bright idea of visiting another one of my favorite venues:
Sadly, The Rite Spot doesn’t have gin and soda on the menu (yet). But I had cold Zeros in the fridge, so I made do.
I started watching Climate: The Movie on YouTube. For me, it was preaching to the choir, but I hope folks will watch it and see the lies they are being fed about the coming doom. Give it a gander and share it with your indoctrinated friends. Maybe they will learn to start thinking for themselves again.
And here’s evidence that there is a bright side to everything, even Bidenomics:
I had mentioned the four-nation naval (Philippines, USA, Japan, and Australia) exercise taking place next week. Looks like the US Army is coming to play as well. Sure does seem like something is brewing. I hope China rethinks any plans to invade.
Okay, Quora Q&A time:
Q: What would you do if you woke up in the middle of the night and the Grim Reaper (aka Death) was in your room?
A: Most likely, I would die.
Well, I’ve done my taxes; maybe death will give me the fifteen more years I long for.
Another week, another journey up to the Kalaklan Ridge. I’ve taken the path to the top the Harriettes chose a couple of times previously, but damn, yesterday was a lot harder than I remembered. Might have had something to do with the heat. Once we were on the ridgeline path, I opted out of doing another down and up, choosing instead to carry on my way until I rejoined the trail for the steep down to Barretto. Even with the shortcuts, my path was 6+K, although I counted the 2K I walked from my house to the start in that total. Here are some photos from yesterday’s Hash:
Speaking of which, my friend Kevin Kim, a frequent reader and commenter here at LTG, reports he has been hospitalized in Seoul. Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Kevin.
Just in case anyone missed the Eclips yesterday, I found this picture for your viewing pleasure:
And now for that Quora Q&A thing:
Q: Have you ever been treated differently because of the car you were driving?
A: Back in the early 1970s, I was a recent high school graduate living in Orange County, California. My high school sweetheart had moved to San Diego. I’d go down to see her a couple of times a month. There was an immigration checkpoint in San Onofre, and every time I’d get stopped for a search. I was a long-haired hippie type back then, and I figured I was being singled out because of the way I looked. One day, in frustration, I confronted the immigration officer and said you are harassing me because of the way I look, right? He laughed and said, “No, it’s your car. It fits the smuggler’s profile.” Who knew a ’64 Chevy Impala was so popular for bringing in folks from Mexico? Well, it did have a big trunk.
Yeah, back in those days, our nation actually defended its borders.
What’s so funny?
Okay then, time to get ready for my visit with Dr. Jo. Back tomorrow with a full report.
But this post is about Sunday, so let’s get to that.
Next up on my agenda for the day was the Hideaway feeding.
A bar devoid of customers can’t survive for long, and Hideaway was deserted when I arrived. I’m only there once a week now and only for a couple of hours, so I can’t say for sure what’s going on. Joy tells me she goes home every night around 7 p.m., even on the weekends. Not good!
One thing Barretto doesn’t lack is options, and I exercised mine with a visit to the Arizona floating bar.
But we weren’t done with our night on the town just yet. The manager at Green Room was celebrating a birthday, so we popped in to extend our greetings.
I’m trying to watch my food intake, so I passed on most of the offerings. But for some reason, I just couldn’t resist this cupcake:
Anyway, it was a pretty good day.
Quora Q&A time:
Q: What was the age difference of the youngest/oldest person you ever slept with? Was it a fling or did it last?
A: Well, we didn’t sleep a wink, but a couple of weeks ago, I had sex with a 22-year-old woman. I’m 65. Not that unusual, really, because, as they say in the Philippines, “age is just a number.” It only lasted about 30 minutes or so, which doesn’t even qualify as a fling. It was a basic transactional relationship. We both got what we wanted.
That was over three years ago. Subsequently, my lowest threshold was achieved with an eighteen-year-old. That was too weird even for me. And thankfully, those days of meaningless casual dalliances are behind me.
Speaking of perversion, there’s this:
Alright, time to get on with the rest of the day. The map of the Hash trail I saw looks like a tough one. Only one way to find out!
The day’s big event was the candy walk with Swan as she handed out sweets to the kids we encountered along the way. Here’s how it looked:
I took Swan out for a Saturday night dinner at Myleen’s.
After dinner, we had a nightcap at Wet Spot. Then, we made it an early night and headed home at 7:30. I’m getting so damn domesticated.
Speaking of the diet, I’ve lost 3.6 pounds this week (7.1 overall). A little frustrated that I haven’t lost anything since Wednesday, but at least I’m not gaining. I may have to do something radical like reduce my beer consumption. We’ll see. I’m back to see Dr. Jo on Tuesday for a follow-up visit and progress check.
To be fair and politically balanced, I’ll post this Biden campaign ad:
Facebook memories reminded me of an incident back in 2015 when I was still a smoker.
I went to the neighborhood 7-11 to buy some smokes. As is my custom, I told the clerk, “dongbae Marlboro silver chuseyo”. He pointed at the black pack, and I said, “Anio, silver.” He pointed at the gold pack, and I repeated, “Silver.” I finally had to gesture to where the ones I wanted were. He pulled them from the rack, pointed at the word silver, and proceeded to instruct me on how to pronounce the word “silver.” Apparently, it’s “sil-buh.” Who knew? Still, it was a unique experience having a Korean try and teach me how to properly say an English word.
On this day in 2017, I attended a meeting with the USFK Korean Employees Union reps and the American Ambassador to Korea.
Over at Althouse, there was a post where a young American woman talked about the advantages of being with an older man.
“I could study all I wanted, prove myself as exceptional as I liked, and still my fiercest advantage remained so universal it deflated my other plans. My youth. The newness of my face and body. Compellingly effortless; cruelly fleeting…. I could diligently craft an ideal existence, over years and years of sleepless nights and industry. Or I could just marry it early. So naturally I began to lug a heavy suitcase of books each Saturday to the Harvard Business School to work on my Nabokov paper. In one cavernous, well-appointed room sat approximately 50 of the planet’s most suitable bachelors…. I could not understand why my female classmates did not join me…. Why ignore our youth when it amounted to a superpower?…”
Anyway, it made me smile because almost all foreigner/Filipina relationships feature a considerable age gap (mine is 68-39). But it is no surprise that there are advantages for all concerned in these autumn-spring romances.
Let’s do the Quora Q&A thing:
Q: Who, as a previous boss, canceled the vacation time of an employee? Why? Did you offer something else?
A: I wasn’t the boss, but had it happen to me. Back when I was a letter carrier with the USPS we had to “bid” on vacation dates based on seniority. Only a certain percentage of employees were allowed to be off at any given time. Anyway, I had the first week in June, and another guy had the second week. A few days after the bidding was over, the other carrier came to me and said his plans had changed and would I mind switching with him. I didn’t have anything going on that week, so I said sure, let’s clear it with the boss. So we approached the supervisor and told him what we wanted to do. He replied, no problem and instructed us both to fill out a leave form canceling the approved time off and then fill out another form requesting the new dates. And so we did just that.
Once he had our cancellation forms, he took our names off the board showing approved leave. And then he DENIED our new leave requests, saying another carrier was on extended leave, and so the maximum number of carriers was already off. In other words, both of us lost our planned leave. He was gleeful as he told us, and it was obvious he had suckered us into canceling our prior approved leave.
So, all these years later, I just want to say thank you, Mr. Frank Nathan. Your actions that day caused me to join the union and later become a shop steward and eventually the president of the local union branch. My work with the union impressed the HR Director, and she promoted me into my first management job. I had over 35 years of government service when I retired as GS-15 Human Resources Director, and I’m now living a happy life on my pension in the Philippines.
No hard feelings, Frank. I’m still alive, and I’m sure you are not.
Time for the daily dose of (so-called) humor:
Sunday feeding at Hideaway and some Arizona floating bar time are on tap for this evening. Hasta la vista for now.
But first, here is the story of our group hike yesterday. There were no slips or trips, and only one falls. Martin Falls this time. We loaded into Ed’s truck and drove out to the far side of Olongapo City to begin our trek. Some of us had done this hike in 2022, but the way things change, it still had a fresh feeling. It’s less than 3K up to the falls, and then a retrace of our steps coming back. It’s relatively easy compared to some of our more recent hikes. Still hot as fuck, though, but at least we had some shade along the way.
I went back home for the usual R&R activities (blogging, napping, showering), and then it was time to head back into town for the SOB dance competition. This week’s event was held at Queen Victoria, a nice venue with ample seating. It was needed; they really packed them in yesterday. A lot of unfamiliar faces, and a group of what I presumed to be some of the civilian sailors from those Navy supply ships in port. And then I got introduced to this fella:
I’ve been blogging for going on twenty years now, and during that time, I’ve randomly encountered several folks who turned out to be readers here at LTG. Stan was the latest addition to this group. He’s visiting the PI from the USA with his wife of fifty years. In preparation for their trip, they watched YouTube videos and read blogs, including mine. Thanks for that! As I’m sure has been said, no blog is totally worthless; it can always serve as a bad example.
I voted Alaska first and Queen Victoria second. My fellow judges did not agree.
And now I’ve got a full supply of “discount” coupons to put to use in the bars for the next two weeks.
After the show, a flower vendor came by our table, so I gifted Swan with some roses.
We went home after the SOB; sometimes enough is enough. A good night sleep and another day of life today. Keep ’em coming!
Facebook memories are not always happy ones. I was reminded that yesterday was the thirteenth anniversary of my marriage to Jee Yeun.
Facebook shared a happier memory as well.
Let’s do the Quora Q&A thing:
Q: If police officers were truly operating PROPERLY within the legal constraints of the U.S. Constitution, …then what would happen in a scenario where a motorist with no infractions, flips the bird at any officer in U.S. when driving by an officer?
A: I’ve been arrested once in my life. It was under circumstances similar to those described in your question. Except I uttered the words “fuck you, pig!” to go along with giving the finger. I was 17 years old at the time. Here’s what happened:
In the interest of full disclosure, I’ll share the text of the charges levied against me:
“On or about July 4, 1973, at 18900 Gothard Street, Huntington Beach, County of Orange, [John McCrarey] did willfully, unlawfully and maliciously disturb the peace and quiet of Mrs. Hal Westley Shirey by offensive conduct, and the use of vulgar, profane, and indecent language, in a loud and boisterous manner, in violation of Section 415 of the Penal Code of California.”
I was found guilty, fined, and released with time served (about 4 hours in a concrete holding cell). No one appeared to testify against me other than the arresting officer. But the judge kept talking about some woman I’d never even heard of, a Miss Demeanor. (bada bing).
Now, as bad as those charges sound, I was not completely without justification for my behavior. Here’s the rest of the story:
It was Independence Day and my girlfriend, Gail Weed (yes, real name), and I were planning on enjoying the Huntington Beach 4th of July parade. Gail was driving (she had a sweet ’65 Mustang Coupe). Finding a place to park was a bitch, and for some reason, they had blocked off Gothard street with a single barrier saying “road closed”. We observed several cars driving around the barrier and I told Gail to follow them as there may be a place to park down there.
So, after bypassing the barrier we went down a slight hill, and at the bottom were several police cars. And they were issuing tickets to everyone who had taken the detour. Yes, my friends, it was a classic trap. We were set up like bowling pins. Back in those days, I had a bit of a temper, and I was pretty pissed about being suckered in such a fashion, especially on America’s birthday! After the girlfriend received her ticket and we were driving away I expressed my opinion about the whole situation by leaning out the window, extending my middle finger, and shouting in “a loud and boisterous” manner FUCK YOU PIGS!
Apparently, the First Amendment doesn’t cover the heartfelt expression of speech in this fashion. We hadn’t gotten a mile down the road before the police helicopter was hovering overhead. And then a cruiser was behind us with red lights flashing (they were red, not blue, in those days). We pulled over and were then surrounded by no less than three police cars! Shortly thereafter the cop who had issued our ticket arrived and announced “yeah, that’s the sonofabitch”.
I was pulled from Gail’s Mustang and was required to answer a series of questions. One of them that I remember was “do you have any scars, tattoos, or other identifying marks?” I responded that I had a Battleship tattooed on my ass, and when I shit, it sinks. That seemed to really make him even angrier, and the next thing I knew I was being thrown up against the police car, my arms were roughly yanked behind my back, and they slapped the handcuffs on me. Then it was off to the jailhouse. For the record, I don’t really have a tattoo.
Dad came and bailed me out a few hours later, and he was even madder than the cop had been. This is why I found myself living on my own at the tender age of 17. But that’s a story for another day.
Anyway, keeping things in perspective, I take solace from knowing that there were numerous occasions of certain other acts in which I regularly engaged that the state deems criminal and for which I was never arrested. So it all balances out in the end, doesn’t it?
Ah, memories. And Rest In Peace, Gail. I wish I had been a better boyfriend back then.
With a stop in BarCelona along the way. A quick post today because I’m running late and don’t have a lot to report anyway. Here goes:
I did my solo Thursday walk as usual. It was hot, and I wasn’t really feeling it, but I overcame the urge to shortcut and managed to log almost 9K when I was finished.
Swan had some business to attend to, so we agreed to meet up when she was done. As I was heading out, Erik messaged, asking where I was going to be hanging out. I decided a trip to BarCelona was overdue, so we got together there. I really do like the ambiance of this bar (and it is still for sale), but I’m at best a once-a-month customer. I’m still not sure why.
Alaska Club lay two floors below us, so we popped in there to check on Daddy Jerry. He greeted us at our table and said he was through with ladders. Good! The surgery went well, and he had high praise for the newly reopened hospital in Barretto. I was especially glad to hear that. Hopefully, there will be no more trips to Baypointe, and while I don’t ever want to need an emergency room nearby, I’m glad we have one.
We had an enjoyable visit in Alaska, quenching the thirst of our waitresses, and I tipped the dancers 50 pesos each for their effort. Jerry played almost all 60s music, including some of my favorite old country songs. I grew up listening to Patsy Cline, Marty Robbins, and Johnny Horton when my dad came home from work, put on an album, and opened a bottle of beer. Quite the stroll down memory lane hearing some of these songs for the first time in many years. I even looked up Johnny Horton to see what he’s been up to and was shocked to learn that he died in 1960 in a car wreck at the height of his fame. I didn’t know (remember?) that.
Dinner to go from Sit-n-Bull, then home sweet home.
Anyway, let’s do the Quora Q&A thing:
Q: How can a US citizen stay in the Philippines for a one-year vacation?
A: You can extend your tourist visa for up to 3 years before having to physically leave the country. I get an extension every 60 days. Of course, getting here now is the hard part with the COVID restrictions in place.
Well, the scamdemic nonsense is over now, but my three years ran out, and I had to get the jab. No repercussions so far, anyway.
Today’s funny business:
Sorry! I am heading out for tonight’s SOB soon. Hopefully, I’ll do better here tomorrow.
I made it through another hotter-than-normal day, so that’s an achievement. The Wednesday Walkers postponed our out-of-town hike in Cawag, opting to stay on mostly shady trails close to home. We found some paths we have not used recently, which is always nice. Lots of ups and downs, but nothing long or overly difficult. Our hike suited the weather!
I glanced out the window after my shower, and saw this:
Swan is participating in a feeding at the native Aeta village in Alibang this Sunday. So her and and a friend went shopping for the food yesterday afternoon. Left to my own devices, I did what I do best–celebrating beer o’clock in town. Started at Sloppy Joe’s and chatted with Chris and Shie. The I paid a visit to It Doesn’t Matter. I had a couple more there, and then I decided to give Roadhouse a try. I guess I just wasn’t feeling it, so I caught a trike for home. I grabbed a couple of beers and headed up to The Rite Spot On The Roof. Swan messaged me, “Are you having fun?” I responded that it’s not fun without her. She said, “I’ll join you, where are you?” At the Rite Spot. I think she was pleasantly surprised and came home to be with me.
It was nice to have some quiet “we” time in our rockers on the roof.
On the dog walk this morning, Swan said I was farting again last night. When I showed her my underwear after my hike, she burst out laughing.
While checking to be sure I hadn’t used today’s post title before, I came across this June 2006 post, which talked mostly about some darting activities in Itaewon. It has lots of pictures and memories of a whole other life. I was still married to #3 then and blissfully ignorant of all the heartache to come. But here I am, on the other side, alive and kicking.
It’s election season, so I’ll just put this out there:
Ready for a Quora Q&A?
Q: I forget words while speaking and repeat certain words again and again when I forget the word coming after them. This happens when I’m in my relatives’ house. What should I do?
A: What should you do? Why not run for president? It worked for Biden.
I answered that over three years ago. Things have only gotten worse.
Today’s smiles:
I’m not sure what’s going to happen next. Check back tomorrow to find out.
Every few months, I get frustrated with fruitless searches for things I want and need at Royal. Well, fruit isn’t the problem, but you know what I mean. So yesterday, my driver hauled us out to the S&R membership store in the neighboring province of Pampanga. It’s a pain in the ass drive that takes over an hour with heavy traffic much of the way. For the most part, the effort was disappointing. Many items I was specifically searching for, like sugar-free pudding, were unavailable. Other items I wanted but couldn’t have, like some of my old favorite brands of ice cream, tortured me as I resisted the urge to place them in my shopping cart. I did come away with things I’ll enjoy snacking on, like this:
A couple of other pictures from the journey:
I’ll likely make another trip before my membership expires in September and then decide if renewing it is worthwhile. Some items were a little cheaper than Royal, others more expensive. But the main issue is the time and expense of making the journey and still not coming home with everything I wanted.
I also maintained my Tuesday tradition of visiting the Kokomo floating bar. Music was loud again, making it difficult to talk, so I just sat there and sipped my beer, taking it all in. There was a large group of Filipinos on board (I understand they are guests at the Kokomo Hotel), and it was surprising (to me) to see them engaged in behaviors normally only seen from “two-week millionaire” tourists. They rang the bell to buy all the girls a shot (3500 pesos) and lots of bottles of beer as well. I was certainly in no position to complain; it is folks like that that keep the floater afloat.
I didn’t stick around long enough to watch the sun go down because I’d had enough of the loud party vibe. We walked up the beach to McCoy’s, and I was gobsmacked to hear the videoke blaring as we approached. The last few times I’d visited, the barangay Captain (also named Baloy) had banned videoke, but that’s now been lifted, which is a shame. We started to sit down, but I just couldn’t take it, so we moved on.
Where to next? I suggested Snackbar, but Swan didn’t like that idea (there were too many memories there for her), so we tried Subiza. It was totally empty; no one greeted us as we entered, and her friend was not working. Nope. It was too depressing for my blood. So, we made our way to the highway, and the first bar we went to was Queen Victoria. But when we walked in, the bartender advised there was no San Miguel Zero in stock. Well, damn. After my bad experience with SM Light on Saturday night, I’m trying to confine myself to Zero. So, we turned around and walked out.
Next, we crossed the highway and popped into Whiskey Girl. It was shortly after opening, and we were the only customers. I ordered my Zero, but they didn’t have any wine flavors that Swan prefers, so she drank a San Miguel Apple beer. A bit later, my buddy Chris and his gal Shie arrived with a couple of other folks. We exchanged greetings, and they went to play pool. Then suddenly, the bar came under attack by moth-like critters that were attracted to light. I’ve never seen them swarm indoors before, but there they were out in force. The bar turned off as many lights as possible, and we moved to the back, but the bugs were still bugging us, so we finished our drinks and left.
Our night out seemed cursed, so I suggested we grab some food and head for home. Swan agreed, and our best option was Sit-n-Bull. Now, we could order take-out inside the restaurant, or we could go next door to Wet Spot and order from there. Wet Spot it was, then. While we waited, Swan got her wine, I had my Zero, and her friend Aine and our waitress Irene got a lady drink. And nothing went wrong! Our food arrived, we said goodnight and headed for home.
And that was how I filled the hours on Tuesday.
I posted this on Facebook, and not surprisingly, some of my lefty friends weren’t happy.
Ah, politics. It is pointless trying to change the minds of people who are unable and unwilling to reject the dogma they are being fed each day. I’m still hoping people wake up and see what is happening before it is too late, but I have my doubts about that.
It has been so hot here lately that the schools are closed. That’s the first time I’ve heard of that happening. Closer to home, I’ve used the air conditioner in my bedroom for the last four nights in a row, and I almost never use aircon. We changed our hike today to a location where we could mostly walk in the shade. Yeah, it is always hot here, but not this hot.
And one of the FB pages I follow about life in Angeles City gave me a laugh today. Lots of expats there are moaning about the Korean “invasion”–lots of their old favorite bars have Korean owners and some of the girls working the bars prefer Korean men, aka “triple three.” So, with that background in mind, this strikes me as funny:
How about we chill with some Quora Q&A:
Q: Does living in Korea make you feel like just giving up?
A: I spent almost 12 years living and working in Korea. Loved the country. Had my heart broken a couple of times but that’s not unique to Korea. I don’t believe in giving up.
I still miss much about my days in Korea. A lifetime ago now, though.
Another week, another Hash, and another ass-kicking. I’m not complaining, mind you; I love to Hash and live to tell about it. And my group only did half the trail, bypassing Easter Mountain and doing the Black Rock climb. We did leave from Alta Vista which added a couple of flat kilometers to the trek.
Black Rock Ridge was a tougher up than I remember, and the down was challenging as well. Adding to the suffering was the heat being on full blast, and there wasn’t much wind or shade on the trail. But all’s well that ends well, and the beer at our On-Home was cold and plentiful. The pictures tell the story better than I can, so here goes:
I bitch and moan a lot, but I am very thankful I am still about to push myself and make these hikes. When the day comes that I can’t, I’m going to miss it.
While I was Hashing, Swan went shopping in Olongapo.
When I returned home in my semi-inebriated state last night, I plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. I figured I would try a YouTube video to help me sleep. Now, I watch very few vloggers in the Philippines and have never heard of this guy (he’s an Aussie), but he held my attention for the 40+ minutes of his video. Most of it takes place in one of the poorest neighborhoods in Manila (Tondo, but popularly known as Happy Land). My foodie readers might find what poor people eat in the slums of interest (the vlogger enjoyed what he ate). And the craftsmen making swords out of scrap metal was good, too. You see a lot of crabs being sold, even here in Olongapo, and this video tells the fascinating story of where they come from. Hey, this is practically a review! Here it is:
Facebook memories took me back to Istanbul in December 2004:
I reckon that brings us to today’s Quora Q&A:
Q: Why do people treat their fellow human beings as illiterate?
A: I don’t understand the question.
I also don’t understand why I’m not more popular on Quora. Not that I care.
I spent most of Easter Sunday dealing with the after-effects of my overindulgence on Saturday night.
But after a day of laziness, I found the strength to take Swan out for an Easter dinner. I chose one of my old favorites, Mangos, for our meal.
We had a leisurely dinner and then lounged about, enjoying watching the the beach crowds.
When the sun went down, we moved up the highway to another old haunt I rarely visit these days–Cheap Charlies. Treated my favorites Alma and Nerissa to a lady drink, Swan enjoyed a glass of wine, and I nursed a San Mig Zero.
On the other hand:
So, I’ll add reducing consumption to my to-do list.
Today is the day that honors fools like me. And in the spirit of the holiday, I posted this joke on my Facebook feed this morning:
REWARD! I got drunk last night and left my girlfriend at the bar—I can’t remember which one. If anyone finds her, please let me know. I have no idea who is going to fix me breakfast now.
Most people seemed to get it. One person asked how many girlfriends I have. I wondered where that came from until I re-read my post and caught the ambiguity of “I can’t remember which one.” I meant I can’t remember which bar. Oh well, the jokes on me!
Speaking of breakfast, here’s what Swan prepared for me this morning:
So, it is Easter Monday with the Hash. The main group will take a rented Jeepney to the starting point at the base of Easter Mountain. Us shortcutters who did the mountain climb on Wednesday will start in Alta Vista and pick up the second half of the trail for a hike along the Black Rock ridgeline. I haven’t done that for a while and I’m looking forward to seeing it again.
And now it is time for a Quora Q&A:
Q: In the spirit of the “Festivus” season, I would like all of you to participate in the “airing of grievances”. What are your grievances?
A: My grievance is having no grievances. It is not fair that I have nothing to complain about!
I used to deny grievances for a living back when I worked in labor relations.
And here’s a fool’s attempt at humor:
Alright, it’s time to get on with the only day on the calendar devoted to me. Look for the Hash update tomorrow.
Yesterday began sweet and ended sour. I joined Swan for her weekly candy walk and took a different route that worked out well. It’s still too damn hot to enjoy walking the streets, but the kids were out in force and we were well-stocked with goodies.
When it came time to make plans for our Saturday evening, Swan wanted to go to Treasure Island on Baloy to hear the live band. And that’s what we did.
I’ll grant that they have talented musicians and singers, but as always seems to be the case, the sound mixing wasn’t done right, which made everything seem distorted and unpleasant to my ears. Maybe it’s just me, other audience members seemed to be enjoying the performance.
Treasure Island doesn’t stock San Miguel Zero, which forced me to drink SM Light, which has additional calories and alcohol content. But that didn’t slow me down. Over the course of the evening, several friends came by and joined us. So, the beverages were being enjoyed along with the camaraderie.
And then I forgot how to say when and imbibed to excess. No, I wasn’t falling down drunk, but I was drunk enough not to remember much else about the night. That’s not my style and I strive to avoid it. So, hopefully, lesson learned. I had the rare hangover this morning, so I napped instead of taking my hike. That’s not good either. Anyway, what’s done is done, and hopefully, it won’t be done again.
I’ve never seen this live and in person, but one of the rituals engaged in during Holy Week is crucifixion reenactments. Yes, devout believers are actually nailed to the cross, albeit through the palm and not the wrist, but still.
Okay, Quora Q&A time:
Q: Why would a girl tell a guy that he looks hot?
A: She is probably worried that he has a fever and might need to get checked for COVID.
Yep, I have all the answers!
Smiles for today:
This has been a dead Easter for me. I’m still unsure about having some hair of the dog that bit me, but I will probably have a couple with dinner. We’ll see how I feel later.
And I made the best of it. Starting with a long hot group hike.
And that’s how I spent my morning. When evening rolled around, Swan and I decided to visit the Arizona floating bar. Yeah, that’s our Sunday thing, but this Sunday, the girls are going to have a party, and everyone gets wet, even the customers. Nope. Not my thing. So, I baked a batch of brownies off we went.
And shortly thereafter, so were we. We were headed to John’s place for dinner.
John wasn’t there, but we were surprised to see my waitress friend Em Jhae back. She said she had time off for the holidays and John messaged asking her if she could help out for the weekend, and she agreed.
Swan got a message from a friend that she was at It Doesn’t Matter for a pool tournament, so we visited there for our nightcap. And John was there playing. It was great to see him on his feet and enjoying playing pool again. How Good was my Friday? I stayed out until the ungodly hour of nine p.m.! Hey, sometimes you just have to let go and party hard!
Facebook memories included this old joke from 2012:
A Scotsman, an Englishman, and an Irishman are playing darts at Dolce Vita in Itaewon (you guys know who you are, so I won’t mention any names…).
“Y’know” said the Scotsman, “I still prefer the pubs back home. In Glasgow, there’s a wonderful little bar called McTavish’s. The landlord there goes out of his way for the locals, so much that when you buy 4 drinks he’ll buy the 5th drink for you.”
“Well,” said the Englishman, “at my local, the Red Lion, the barman there will buy your 3rd drink after you buy the first 2.”
“Ahhhhh, that’s nothing, laddies,” said the Irishman.
“Back home in me own Dublin, there’s Ryan’s Bar. Now, the moment you set foot in the place they’ll buy you a drink, then another, all the drinks you like. Then, when, when you’ve had enough drinks, they’ll take you upstairs and see that you get laid. All on the house.”
The Englishman and Scotsman immediately scorn the Irishman’s claims. But he swears every word is true.
“Well,” said the Englishman, “did this actually happen to you?”
“Not to me meself, personally, no,” said the Irishman… “but it did happen to me sister.”
Still as funny as it ever was.
Today’s Quora Q&A:
Q: How is it that amnesiacs don’t forget as much as most people think they do?
A: I don’t remember…
We are on a roll here, so let’s get to the rest of the humor.
It’s been hot as hell all week, and now it’s Good Friday. Thursday wasn’t bad either, if a tad on the bland side.
When it came time to walk me, I had it in mind to do a long highway walk out to Olongapo and back. But it is Holy Week, and that’s a really big deal in these parts. I noticed the hotel parking lots were full, and traffic on the highway was even worse than usual.
Swan is still doing her meat distributor business. She takes orders, the wholesaler delivers the goods (from Angeles, I think), and then she goes around town making deliveries. That usually happens on Fridays, but not the Good ones. So, while Swan was taking care of business, I hit the bars. I had a half-off coupon for Green Room, so I went to work. It was almost like old times, drinking beers and watching some pool games, buying lady drinks for my waitress and massage girl, and just chillin’.
When it was time to move on, I went next door to Alaska and used my free beer voucher. Jerry was still in the hospital, but reportedly, the surgery went well, and he is due to be released today. Then Swan messaged that she was finished with her deliveries, so we decided to meet up at Wet Spot. Beer and wine, some chat with Daddy Dave, and take out from Sit-n-Bull to finish our day.
Yep, nothing to write home about, but I blogged it anyway.
My pal Scott messaged me early this morning that his girl had climbed Easter Mountain with her hiking club. At 2:00 a.m.! I cannot imagine doing that climb in the dark, but they did. Others went up just before dawn to see the Good Friday sunrise. God bless them.
I found this story about a man marrying ONE of the conjoined twins, and the implications boggled my brain some. Twitchy handled it in typical humorous fashion, but wow, good luck to them. I can’t imagine the wedding night.
And here is an excellent description of the paradox of being old.
I’ve been seeing some posts on Facebook touting Biden’s accomplishments, and in the spirit of fairness, I’ve been sharing them.
And there’s this:
Enough with politics, let’s do the Quora Q&A:
Q: Why do a lot of Koreans go to the Philippines?
A: I took my Korean girlfriend with me on one of my visits to the Philippines. We landed at Clark airport in Angeles City. While waiting in the immigration line, my girl looked around and said, “There must be 100 people in line, but only three of us are women. Why?” I thought for a moment about all the girly bars in the area and then answered truthfully: “The men are here for the golf.”
True story.
Ready for some humor?
So, a Good Friday group hike this morning, and now I’ll try to make it a Good Friday night on the town. I’ll let you know how that goes tomorrow.
Why did we climb the mountain before Easter Monday? Because it was there! Actually, I think the thinking for some of us was we’d do the Easter Mountain climb on Wednesday, and then for Monday’s Hash, we’ll do the the second half of the trail over the Black Rock Ridge. As yesterday proved, there is no way most of us could do both in one go.
It was a hot and hard up and a long steep down. The good news is I made it without any breathing issues. Which is not to say it didn’t kick my ass. We’ll see how I feel about making that climb again next year. On a brighter note, Swan came along and really seemed to enjoy herself. She was sore and tired when we were done, but she told me this morning she wants to do it again someday. She did say we should start earlier in the morning when it is not so hot.
The actual climb up top and then back down was less than 3K, but my Fitbit told the story of my cardio workout:
I’ve got a shitload of photos from the adventure to share, so let’s get to it:
Too tuckered out to hit the bars after our hike, but with a shower and a nap, I headed up to The Rite Spot.
Anyway, I guess you could say we got rode hard and put up wet. Still, I’m happy for the experience.
Facebook memories carried me back to springtime in Seoul seven years ago:
What does Quora Q&A have for us today?
Q: Why do some clubs in Korea not allow foreigners inside?
A: Well, I lived in Korea for 12 years before retiring and moving to the Philippines. I do recall the clubs with the “Koreans only” signs out front. I didn’t really care because I didn’t want to go where I was not wanted.
I can only speculate on the reasons why foreigners weren’t welcome. But after moving to the PI, I was amused to learn that the Filipina bargirls have a universal nickname for Korean men: “triple three”. Of course, I had to ask what that meant. They laughed and said “three inches, three minutes, three thousand pesos”.
Not trying to start a cockfight here, just repeating what I heard and thought it was funny.
How about these?
Anyway, life is good. I’m glad to be feeling healthy again. Haven’t even needed my nebulizer lately. Weighed myself after that ass-kicking climb and I lost almost a pound. Water weight after all that sweating, no doubt, but still. Back to the bars tonight!
And many moments make up a day. Here are some of the moments that made up my Tuesday.
Off to Royal for the weekly grocery shopping.
Our next stop was DaKudos for some dinner. I ordered a chef salad and Swan asked for chicken parmesan. Apparently, the cook overlooked our order. After waiting over thirty minutes, our waitress went to check and discovered the fuck up. It was getting late (for me), so we had our orders prepared to go.
The chef salad was excellent, and I ended my Tuesday with a nice night’s sleep.
I’m wiped out today from climbing Easter Mountain with the Wednesday Walkers. I have tons of pictures from that adventure to post tomorrow. Tonight, I’ll be hanging out at The Rite Spot.
Some sad news this morning. Daddy Jerry from Alaska Club (featured in yesterday’s post) was painting the walls of his building at the top of a twenty-foot ladder, and it collapsed, sending him crashing to the floor. He was taken by ambulance to our newly reopened hospital in Barretto and underwent surgery to repair his broken humerus bone. He was lucky it wasn’t worse. Jerry was the first bar owner I met on my first visit to the Philippines in 2007. Back then, his bar was in Angeles City. Get well soon, Jerry!
This gave me a bit of a headache, but I’m sure Kevin Kim will appreciate it:
• An Oxford comma walks into a bar where it spends the evening watching the television, getting drunk, and smoking cigars.
• A dangling participle walks into a bar. Enjoying a cocktail and chatting with the bartender, the evening passes pleasantly.
• A bar was walked into by the passive voice.
• An oxymoron walked into a bar, and the silence was deafening.
• Two quotation marks walk into a “bar.”
• A malapropism walks into a bar, looking for all intents and purposes like a wolf in cheap clothing, muttering epitaphs and casting dispersions on his magnificent other, who takes him for granite.
• Hyperbole totally rips into this insane bar and absolutely destroys everything.
• A question mark walks into a bar?
• A non sequiturwalks into a bar. In a strong wind, even turkeys can fly.
• Papyrus and Comic Sans walk into a bar. The bartender says, “Get out — we don’t serve your type.”
• A mixed metaphor walks into a bar, seeing the handwriting on the wall but hoping to nip it in the bud.
• A comma splice walks into a bar, it has a drink and then leaves.
• Three intransitive verbs walk into a bar. They sit. They converse. They depart.
• A synonym strolls into a tavern.
• At the end of the day, a cliché walks into a bar — fresh as a daisy, cute as a button, and sharp as a tack.
• A run-on sentence walks into a bar it starts flirting. With a cute little sentence fragment.
• Falling slowly, softly falling, the chiasmus collapses to the bar floor.
• A figure of speech literally walks into a bar and ends up getting figuratively hammered.
• An allusion walks into a bar, despite the fact that alcohol is its Achilles heel.
• The subjunctive would have walked into a bar, had it only known.
• A misplaced modifier walks into a bar owned by a man with a glass eye named Ralph.
• The past, present, and future walked into a bar. It was tense.
• A dyslexic walks into a bra.
• A verb walks into a bar, sees a beautiful noun, and suggests they conjugate. The noun declines.
• A simile walks into a bar, as parched as a desert.
• A gerund and an infinitive walk into a bar, drinking to forget.
• A hyphenated word and a non-hyphenated word walk into a bar and the bartender nearly chokes on the irony.
You are welcome!
Something for my redneck friends:
Time for some politics:
Facebook memories took me back to the streets of Seoul eight years ago:
Alright, to the Quora Q&A we go:
Q: When will I ever find whatever I’ve been looking for so long?
A: It’s always the last place you look.
Yes, thousands of comedians are out of work, and I’m trying to be funny.
Let’s try some more humor before I go:
It’s time to head for the roof and watch the sun go down. Back tomorrow with more.
I attended the SOB Pool Party instead of Hashing yesterday. It was something different, but nothing I will make a habit of doing (they are only held every few months anyway). The big problem for me, besides not getting my steps in, was drinking so early in the day. The entry fee is 995 pesos, and the event runs from noon until four. The price of admission includes five drinks and a buffet lunch. Swan is a slow drinker, so I used a couple of her tickets. And then, some random stranger came up, said he was leaving and handed me four unused drink coupons. I definitely had my beer-drinking capacity tested, but in the end, I ensured that no coupon went to waste.
Swan and I were comfortably seated at a shady table in the back with Brett, Wet Spot manager and party host. A couple of the events took place on the beach (limbo and a sack race), but I couldn’t be bothered to leave my comfort zone to watch. I could see the poolside games well enough, but I guess I was just not that into the competition. I did enjoy seeing the gals having a good time outside of the bar environment.
A photographer pal of mine was there, but he’s not posted anything yet, so my random shots from the day will have to suffice:
When the event ended at four, we walked up the beach and had our “nightcap” at McCoy’s. At five o’clock, I was spent, so we headed home. According to my Fitbit, I was sound asleep at 6:17 p.m. Naturally, I woke up at midnight, having gotten my usual night’s sleep. I fiddled on the internet for a bit, then forced myself back to bed for some additional fitful sleep.
A nice change of pace but also a good reminder of why I choose not to be a daytime drinker.
So, this was posted on my Facebook feed today:
So, my longstanding concern is that war with China may be inevitable–here, in Taiwan, or both. I’ve been asking around what the purpose of those Navy supply ships is since I never see them docked for offloading. I’m told they are fully loaded and ready for deployment wherever and whenever the need arises. So, they move around between ports here in East Asia, standing by for any contingencies. I haven’t seen more than three in one place, but apparently, there are several more ships at least.
Maybe I’m just paranoid, but it sure feels like something is brewing.
Let’s delve into the Quora Q&A quagmire, shall we?
Q: Should we take a walk in other’s shoes before we judge them?
A: I personally always try on shoes before I buy them to make sure I have a good and comfortable fit. If I judge them uncomfortable, I won’t walk in them.
I’ve had especially bad luck ordering shoes online. They always seem to get the size wrong.
And round and round we go. Another Sunday fun day in the life. Here are the highlights:
I accompanied Swan on our weekly candy walk. This time, we brought twice as much candy, and I plotted a much longer course. Alas, we dispensed all we could carry in a mere six kilometers (last week, it was five). Still, we brightened the day of a lot of poor youngins, and that’s what it is all about.
Swan spent the afternoon with some friends in Naugsol, and I took care of the Sunday feeding at Hideaway. As usual, we met up again on the Arizona floating bar.
We had our nightcap at Mugshots and then popped into Sit-n-Bull for some takeout. I was in bed before nine and woke up early to see this guy peeking in my window.
I won’t be attending today’s Hash. Instead, I’m going to the pool party at Treasure Island. It’s an SOB-like event, except the girls are in bikinis and competing in poolside games. These are done every couple of months and always on Mondays, so I haven’t been to one in a very long time. So, you’ll get to see something different here tomorrow!
Here’s today’s Quora Q&A:
Q: What’s it like working at a convenience store? What are some tasks you do? What was your most memorable moment while working?
A: I worked in a convenience store back in the 1970s. Graveyard shift (11 p.m. – 7 a.m.). My most memorable experience was the night three guys came in and robbed me at knifepoint. When they took me to the back storage room, I figured I was going to die. Instead, they left me there and said if I came out, they would kill me. They ransacked the store for cigarettes, beer, and the cash in the register, then left.
The next day, corporate headquarters called me to come in for a polygraph to verify I wasn’t involved in the robbery. I told them they could stick their $2.00 per hour job up their ass and quit. Things turned out okay for me after that.
I was not in on it, but I had left too much cash in the register instead of doing the required safe drop, which raised suspicions.
Who’s up for a little humor before I go?
We're captive on the carousel of time
We can't return we can only look
Behind from where we came
And go round and round and round
In the circle game
Ha! Low and slow is a good description of old age, grilling meats, and my day. Here’s how it went down:
I did the long dog walk (3.5 versus the normal 1.5) to change things up a tad and get some extra steps in. The boys’ tongues were flopping when we finished. Then, I embarked on my Standard Saturday Solo Stroll through the streets of Barretto. I lengthened that up some, too, by walking all the way home instead of stopping at Sit-n-Bull for takeout.
The power was still out when I got back home and my laptop battery was about gone. No fans to cool things off either, which made taking a nap difficult. I got up to find out what Swan was doing and saw this:
I don’t recall any girlfriend, wife, or lover of mine actually reading a book of poems. I sometimes subjected them to my recitations, but no one ever showed much interest in this old passion of mine. Needless to say, I was impressed. Then I noticed she had folded the page corner of her favorites. This was one of them:
Power was restored, I blogged and showered, then asked if Swan would join me for dinner. She’d been hinting around that she wanted to eat at Pugon Corner Smoke Yard, so that’s where I took her.
I was disappointed to get the “sorry, sir. out of stock” reply to my request for the baby back ribs. We decided to get an order of pork ribs and some pulled pork and share.
Both came with sides of coleslaw and fries. Swan gave me her slaw, and she got my high-carb fries. I thought the portions were a tad small, but they tasted good. It was after six on a Saturday night, and we were the only customers. That can’t be good. Then again, an acoustic duo was setting up for live music as we left, so maybe they get a later crowd. I’ll be back one day and try for the baby backs again.
We had our nightcap at Alaska Club, then made it an early evening and headed home. I served some sugar-free butterscotch pudding for dessert, and we were off to bed. I’d rate it a good day.
Today’s Quora Q&A:
Q: Why do Western people want to retire in the Philippines?
A: I imagine everyone has their own reasons. It is a beautiful country with warm and friendly people. What’s not to like? The cost of living is cheaper for some things, while it is more expensive for others(like imported goods). Overall, though, I do live better here on my pension than I could back home.
Here’s a little anecdote that might shed some more light on the question. I was living in South Korea prior to retiring. I brought my Korean girlfriend with me once for a visit. She had a great time, but she broke up with me on the last night of our stay. I asked her why and she said we don’t have a future together because I wanted to retire and move to the Philippines. “Who wants to live in a poor country?” she asked me. I responded that you can live in your rich country and pretend this world doesn’t exist, or you can move to a place like the Philippines and make a difference. I choose the latter.
I have been living here for three years now. I have a full-time helper and several other folks I employ on a part-time as-needed basis. I may not be changing the world, but my presence has made a difference in their lives, at least.
One of my more popular answers, with over 100,000 views and 514 upvotes.
Things I found funny:
Had enough? Me too. Back tomorrow with the Palm Sunday report. Oh, and welcome to Holy Week. It’s a big deal here in primarily Catholic Philippines.
He’s back! Well, the power is, I mean. So, here’s the rest of the story about my yesterday.
The Friday group hike commenced from the Alta Vista Clubhouse and finished at The Rite Spot On The Roof. Yep, we came full circle and in the middle of that trek stood Easter Mountain (the real name is Mount Booitlao). The Hash will be mounting that mountain on April 1st. At least the fools will be. It was an enjoyable 7+K journey and ended with some liquid refreshments and snacks. Here’s how it looked:
I wrote about my appointment with Dr. Jo in the previous post. She says I’m on the right path and to continue eating healthy. I’ll see her again in two weeks. After the doctor’s visit, Swan and I headed to Wet Spot to attend the 1000th SOB event.
Last night’s SOB crowd was not the usual expat old man faces.The Navy MSC ships are crewed with civilians, and many of the attendees were youngish-looking guys, I suspect merchant seamen. I was glad to have them, although some were acting like drunken tourists—loud voices, throwing money on stage during a performance, and buying lots of lady drinks. There’s nothing wrong with having a good time, and I’m sure the gals loved the attention.
Because of our early arrival, Swan and I were a little drunker than normal when we returned home. But the sun rose on another day in paradise, and here we are living it. Life is good.
Facebook memories carried me back to Korea today.
Life goes on until it doesn’t. I’m glad I’m still around to remember the old days.
Today’s Quora Q&A:
Q: Would a person who applied to work for the federal government lose their job if they had smoked marijuana in the past, and once again recently?
A: Depends on the job and the level of security clearance required. Some jobs also require a drug test screening, so depending on how recently you ingested, that could be an issue. To be clear though, even when certain states began legalizing marijuana, the Federal government still prohibits employees from doing so.