And no man is an island. So, what better place to spend a Saturday evening than Treasure Island?
Okay, the exception to the rule.
The day began with my Standard Saturday Solo Street Stroll—pretty boring, actually. I’m happy to report that I overcame the near-constant urge to shortcut during the walk, so there’s that.
I had a follow-up appointment with Dr. Jo, and she seemed satisfied that I was progressing in the right direction. So, we will continue with the same drug regimen for another couple of weeks anyway.
I asked Swan if she wanted to spend the evening at The Rite Spot On The Roof or go to Treasure Island to hear the band. You already know which one she chose. The nice thing is that the band starts around four. Most venues don’t have live music until after my bedtime. Bar bands don’t usually impress me for a variety of reasons, but mainly because the music tends to be loud and distorted. That wasn’t the case with Engine, a popular local group. I quite enjoyed their performance. We also had a nice meal during our visit.
I thought the saying on the uniform front was appropriate.And the back was nice, too.We didn’t do the BBQ last nightA shot of the pool as the band warms upA beach view from TIAnd another. Despite the overcast skies, there was no rain last night.The Engine band rockin’ it…There was a pretty girl sitting at the bar. I’m happy to report that she went home with me last night.I enjoyed my pulled pork sandwich. Those onion rings were also excellentSwan once again had the biggest and best enchiladas in town
After a pleasant evening at Treasure Island we stopped at Snackbar for our nightcap.
It was nice to see the old crew again.
And that’s how our Saturday went down. This evening, I’ll do the feeding at Hideaway. With the Arizona floating bar gone for the season, our new Sunday tradition will be dinner at John’s place. Looking forward to that!
Seems like only yesterday that people said I looked like Magnum P.I. Well, that was thirty-five years ago.
Everybody’s so different; I haven’t changed.Thank God that’s a Busch and not a Bud Light!
Today’s YouTube video gives you a tour of Treasure Island if you’d like to see more. I love the beachfront setting and the food. It’s a great pool, but I’ve never used it. I stayed there a couple of times as a tourist but never liked the rooms. There are better lodging options nearby, but I’d still come back to sit at the bar and take in the view.
To the humor, then:
That sucks.Islands in the streamI can relate. It’s been a long time since I thought of my seven years as a letter carrier. I mostly enjoyed it.
Only Erik and I turned out for the Friday group hike. We walked out to the end of Baloy Long Beach Road, then took the boat across the river to Matain and continued our walk there. Circled back around through Calapacuan and then on to Barretto. A little over 8K. I brought home a Big Mac for lunch, likely canceling any benefits derived from the hike. I guess that’s just the way I roll.
Exiting the boat after the river crossingI understand they are building a retaining wall on the river bank. Not sure what impact that will have a future boat crossing to/from BarrettoA view of the bay. The old Hanjin shipyard in the distance will be the new home of the Hyundai shipbuilding company. Anyeonghaseyo!A narrow corridor between houses in MatainAnd a narrow alley in CalapacuanBoats on the waterHouses on the waterHanging out on the basketball court. At least it is shady there.I’d hate to try and access this house once rainy season is in full swing.The path we walked
Swan was back at the barangay in San Isidro for the follow-up meeting with the vicious dogs’ owner. He was a no-show. Another summons will be issued for a meeting next week. When I walked by this morning, they were out in attack mode. I carry a stick with me, and I will go postal on them if they get within range.
We attended the SOB last night at La Oficina. It was the same old, same old routines but it was a decent venue for watching the show. I reckon I’m going to become a once-a-monther.
I saw this on Facebook, and it brought back some memories of my days as a youth.
We put the “high” in high school!
Today’s video talks about money transfer issues. The big one I hear about is missing the “proof of life” letter from the Social Security folks and losing your pension. Luckily, that’s not a requirement for my retirement, which is deposited on the first of the month into my credit union account in the USA. I pay my helpers through wire transfers from my account to their Filipino bank. I make my charity allowances via Western Union. I do weekly ATM withdrawals for my pocket money. Hopefully, I won’t encounter the problems these folks have had to deal with with.
And on to the jokes:
What do you get when you cross a tangerine with a submarine? A naval orange. You know why the little strawberry was sad? Because his parents were in a jam. Yep, I’m a father.He’s nuts if he thinks that will sell.
Ouch! This one hits a little too close to home. As always, thanks for reading my online diary.
A very nice day in the life yesterday. During the dog walk, Swan mentioned needing to go to the Subic marketplace to buy candy for this week’s candy walk. She then surprised me by suggesting we walk there together. Works for me! Here’s how we did it:
On Alta Vista AvenueWe took the back way to avoid the National Highway as much as possibleEntering San IsidroStill making our way through the backstreets of San IsidroOn the other side of the river nowSwan chatting with a friend in her old neighborhoodOn the Govic HighwayA cookie delivery in CalapacuanUp the alleyBetween the walls. Flood control?Our path leads onwardA sight that makes eyes soreA sight for sore eyesOn the National HighwayHeading into Subic townOver the riverThe busy marketplace roadThe store with the candy bagsA box of sweets for delivery on Sunday’s candy walkOur journey to the marketplace was just a tad over 7K. We took a Jeepney back to Barretto.
Not a bad walk on a sunny and warm day. Some R&R at home, and then I asked Swan out on a date. When I told her my plan for dinner and drinks at the Kon Tiki beach bar in Kalaklan, she enthusiastically agreed. So, we headed down to the highway and grabbed a Jeepney for the Samba Resort, about 3K away.
Arriving at our destinationAt the Kon TikiA beer with a view…er, I mean a bar with a viewThe best viewOn the beachLooking the other wayKon Tike from the beachThat girl againOur friendly waitress.The menu. A bit higher than I’m used to paying in Barretto, but this is resort pricing.I did the fish and chips, and I was pleased with the quality of the fish and the thick sliced fries.Swan had the chicken fajitas. She was expecting a wrap, but requested rice on the side. I had a taste, and it was fine; I just don’t think it was to Swan’s liking. She gave her leftovers to our waitress.
We were the only customers during our visit, but I got to meet the owner, Paul. He’s a nice guy—Swedish, I think. He is partners with the owner of Harley’s on Baloy. On weekends, they offer a buffet menu, which he says is very popular. They have plans for opening similar venues in Barretto and on SBMA. Swan and I both enjoyed our visit, and I expect I’ll be back on a bi-weekly basis for my beach bar fix. Oh, another thing I liked about the place was the laid-back music played at an appropriate volume. I complimented the owner on that, and he said there is a set playlist that the staff is not allowed to alter. Good on him. It was cool to be sitting on the beach listening to The Beach Boys’ hits from the ’60s. Although, the thought did occur to me that in the 1960s I never heard music from the ’20s being played.
The best customers at Kon Tiki
It was seven-ish when we finished and walked back out to the highway to catch a Jeepney back to Barretto. I was surprised that the first several to pass by were all full. I thought the commute from Olongapo would be over by then. A trike pulled up and dropped a passenger, so we happily filled the vacancy and rode in comparative comfort to Wet Spot for our nightcap.
It was good to see owner Daddy Dave back after his recent hospitalization. We had a nice catch-up chat, and he’ll be holding court at tonight’s SOB after a two-week absence. I’ll see him there later.
And so ended a better-than-average day in my neck of the woods.
Of course, the big news is the jury verdict in the political trial of former and future President Trump. I’ll confess to being disappointed in the outcome. My money was on at least one juror standing up for justice despite personal animosity towards Trump. I hope this travesty serves as a wake-up call for the American people, but I have my doubts. I guess we’ll know soon enough.
Surely, there can’t be 81 million Bobs out there.But then again, Biden voters aren’t the sharpest knives in the drawer.
I’m glad to be living in the Philippines, where I don’t have to observe the destruction of America up close and personal.
Today’s YouTube video is of the SOB dance team from La Oficina bar. They will be hosting tonight’s event.
And now, for some laughs:
What about herstory, bigot?Sounds like my kind of place!
Today’s song is one I probably haven’t heard in fifty years or so. I saw it mentioned on Quora and had to go check and see if it was the same one I remembered from those long ago days. It was. It is the only Japanese language song to become a top forty hit in the USA.
Yesterday, the Wednesday Walkers group made our way out to Tibag to commence our hike. We only do this a couple of times a year, so it always feels fresh and new. Since the first time I visited the Tibag community, I’ve had a good vibe about it. It’s small and remote but surrounded by beautiful scenery. I sometimes find myself imagining what it would be like to live there, but then the reality of its inconsistency with my chosen lifestyle slaps me in the face. So, I reckon it will just remain a fantasy.
We hiked under mostly cloudy skies but only had a few sprinkles near the end of our journey. It was nice to catch a break from the heat, especially since we walked more than 9K, which was a lot for us. I was feeling whupped at the end, that’s for sure. Here are some photos to give you a feel for our trail:
I hired my driver to drop us off at our starting point. And yes, Swan came along for the hike.And off we go in search of Tibag.Walk this way!This place wasn’t here the last time we passed through. It looks pretty nice, and now, if I somehow wound up living in Tibag, I’d have somewhere to quaff a cold brew now and then.The last time we saw the only white guy living in Tibag, he had just begun building his house; now, it is nearly completed. He told us he’d never leave here.The local schoolhouseLeaving the village behindA brief journey through the wildThen back on the road againHung out to dryThat’s a huge rooster farm in the distanceThe path that will eventually lead us to SubicI love the countryside out hereCountry living. We sweetened their day with some cookies.Another family living in the middle of nowhereA goat hangoutA tree I likedBananaramaThe station wagon of motor scootersOn and on we goOne of several water crossings. I managed to keep my shoes dry by dancing on the rocks.Jim showing this horse who is bossA newly constructed road that appears to go nowhereCow in the pastureHikers in the fieldOver a bamboo bridgeA busy street in Maga VaccaAnd finally, the WalterMart and a Jeepney ride back to Barretto
A good hike and we avoided the rain.
The view from my patio an hour after the hike. The rain was coming down in torrents.But then, miraculously, the rain stopped at beer o’clock. I took it as a sign.
Swan chose to stay home, so I had an evening on the town by myself.To kick things off, I visited Cheap Charlies. A beer into my visit, Erik came to join me. Just when we were getting ready to depart for a change of scenery, the skies opened up once again. So, we ordered food from the Foodies restaurant downstairs and had some more beer.
The rainy view from the Cheap Charlies comfort room
The rain let up a little, and we headed down the highway to Whiskey Girl for our nightcap. It was nice to see my old waitress friend Jhen again. It turns out today is her birthday, so I left her a 500-peso gift tip. It was raining again when I went outside to leave, but luckily, a trike pulled up to carry me home. And so ended a rainy night in paradise.
That post about the Rite Spot I made on the Westminster Facebook group page is still getting a lot of attention. A couple of commenters added a picture:
The Rite Spot menu. Seeing this again did bring back some memories. I recall it was hung in the dining room (that was equipped with a jukebox), and it was kind of like a Happy Days vibe when the high school kids came in (of course, I didn’t know what a Happy Days vibe was back then). I remember the fifteen-cent burgers but had forgotten how extensive (and cheap) the menu was.And an old advertisement.
Speaking of Facebook memories, today brought more of my scamdemic rantings:
This is from two years ago. We need to remember because they’ll likely try it again. Does anyone know how to spell bird flu?And from four years ago during the lockdowns. I remember arguing then: if you are scared, stay home, and whatever I choose to do won’t impact you.
And I’m going to go political for a moment or two now:
Many lefties like living in shit, apparently.You get what you voted for.
Alright, I learned a long time ago that most minds won’t be changed by anything I post here.
Look what I’m up against
So, let’s move on.
On YouTube today, George visits the Margarita Station restaurant where I dined on Saturday night in Angeles City.
And a little humor to finish things off here:
Yeah, it takes balls for me to joke about bad grammar. Just horsin’ around
Today’s song is an oldie I grew up with (one of my dad’s favorites). I picked this version because it was performed live at the Grand Ole Opry on my tenth birthday in 1965.
Nothing to get down about. Nothing to write home about, either. But this is a blog, so here I go anyway.
The weekly excursion to Royal for groceries went according to plan. Another week with no ice cream in the cart, but thems the breaks.
Swan and two expat neighbors visited the barangay office. There are some aggressive dogs down the street from us who go into attack mode whenever we walk by. I carry a stick when I pass, and they back off when I fight back, but it feels like being in a bar brawl. One of the neighbors was bitten recently. So, the complaint has been filed, and the dog owner has until Friday to respond to a summons from the barangay. We’ll see what happens.
Our Tuesday ritual of visiting the Kokomo floater is on hold, but we still headed out for Baloy Beach at beer o’clock. First stop was the Kokomo Resort bar, a venue I’ve never visited before. Not surprisingly given the threatening skies, we were the only customers. And during our brief stay the clouds opened up and the wind and rain forced us to retreat to the backside of the bar.
Where the floating bar used to beLooks like the rain is heading our wayThe view from our stools at Kokomo’sThe view of the ones on the stoolsSome of the old crew from the floating bar are working on land now. I bought them all a lady drink as a welcoming gesture.And then the deluge chased us from our seatsWas this the message in those clouds?
Kokomo’s doesn’t serve food, so we moved next door to DaKudos (which is apparently changing its name to Foxhole) and had a bite to eat. We took a trike to Snackbar for our nightcap, then headed on home. Around one in the morning, the power went out. I woke up when the fans stopped blowing the comforting air. When the power was restored an hour later, I was a sweaty mess. Not the best start to the day!
In other news, I got invited to join a Facebook group called “Westminster, CA Residents Past-Present.” I grew up in Westminster so it’s been kind of fun exploring the old memories of places I’ve been. One post was about Blinky’s Pizza, a place I worked as a teen. Anyway, I posted that picture of my dad doing his thing at The Rite Spot and was shocked at the response from people who remembered the place as a popular hangout with good food. One commenter said they have the old Rite Spot menu board being prepared for display at the Westminster museum (I didn’t even they had a museum, but I’ve been gone since 1978.) Another commenter asked my permission to use the photo of my father for display next to the menu in the museum. I was happy to oblige.
You are practically famous, Dad!
Today’s video is a morning walking tour of Barretto that features the newest bar in town. I stopped in there after the Hash on Monday and it was packed with bikers (not that there is anything wrong with that). I don’t know if that was a one-off or if it will be the local hangout for motorcycle clubs. Anyway, good luck to them!
I think that should read “Gentlemen’s,” but who am I to criticize?
Another Monday, another “run” with the Subic Bay Hash House Harriers. I modified yesterday’s trail to suit my purposes, but distance-wise, it was the same length as the Hare’s short version (5K). The Hash trail traversed a good portion of My Bitch, so rather than start at the VFW in town, I left from my house and met up with my regular group at Mountain Mama Onelia’s place and continued on with them from there. It was more challenging than what I did in Angeles on Sunday, but not overly difficult. It was hot again, though.
By starting at my house, I missed this portion of the trail and the wonderful view of my little town by the bay.At Onelia’s place, I joined my fellow Hashers for the remainder of the trail.Easy peasyMe and Buddy Fucker are proudly wearing our newly acquired Angeles City Hash shirtsI love this recently built cabin with the mountain view. I can see myself sitting on the front porch sipping a cold beer. Passing through the Marian Hills neighborhoodWe ran into this lola who knew my name. I honestly don’t recall meeting her, but she said something about cookies in broken English, so I guess that’s the connection. The dreaded hill climb into Alta VistaArriving at our On-Home venue, Johansson’sCircle up!“I got the Hashit, the Subic Hashit, for being stupid on trail today. I have to hold it until I pass it. Won’t someone take my Hashit away”
A couple of after-Hash beers, then some takeout from Sit-n-Bull, and my day was done.
In the memory category, I’m reminded that today marks thirteen years since my father passed away. I marked that occasion in a post called “Finished With Engines.”
That’s dad at the original Rite Spot, a burger joint he managed in the early 1960s.Mom and Dad before they were my mother and father.
I’m getting over 57 pesos to the dollar these days, the best it’s been since I moved here. Of course, prices keep going up for many of the things I purchase, but it could be worse. I’d be screwed if my pension were paid in pesos. And I guess it makes things even tougher for the economically challenged Filipinos.
Today’s attempts at humor:
You can say that againLook at how Caesar is dressingI’m sure he’s just dicking around
No more Tuesday on the floating bar, but we will try Kokomo’s Tiki Bar and take in the views from there. I’ll share that adventure here tomorrow.
Back from my weekend in Angeles and need to rush this post because I’ve got the Subic Hash to attend to soon. Yesterday’s Hash went well, I suppose. After a forty-minute Jeepney ride to the starting point, we had two options–6K with a hill climb or a flat 3K walk. I opted to play it safe and took the short route, but it was too easy and a little boring. The skies had been threatening rain, and the cloud cover finally provided some relief from the oppressive heat. That was nice. Just before the Hash circle began, the rain came down hard, so we retreated to the Premier Hotel (the AC Hash home base) and finished the Hash there.
After the Hash business was done, Swan and I joined my fellow Subic Hashers, Dave and Jo, for a mini-bar crawl on our way back to the hotel. That was the most fun I had all day. Especially the last bar, a hole-in-wall place down a side road near our hotel. The kind of place I’d never venture into on my own. But it was very friendly and welcoming and we rewarded all the gals with lady drinks, lollipops, and cookies. A good time was had by all!
And we are On-On for the ACH3 anniversary Hash runKeeping it flatThe longer trail went up that wayMy only cookie delivery of the day…not many houses or kids around out here.Where the kids livedThat appeared to be a huge swingOff road for a bitNew trails and new sights are always niceOnwardThe way aheadBack up to the Hash campA river runs through itThe circuit is complete. No shelter here from the rain that started an hour after we finished the trail.Wetting my whistle before the rainI’m such a poserWhen the rain interrupted our beer-drinking, we loaded up the Jeepneys and cars and reconvened at the Premier Hotel.Short and sweet. I could have done it twice but that would be boring. Besides, the beer was cold and free.On the walk back to our hotel, we passed by Candy Bar. Dave (who used to be in the bar business) knows the manager here. A small but pleasant bar.Black Satin was across the street from Candy Bar. I’d heard of this one, but I really wasn’t impressed. One beer and out.Had a lot of fun in this one. The gals weren’t “hot,” but they were friendly and appreciative. If I lived here, this is the kind of place I’d hang out at. Dancing girl bars just ain’t my thing.Dave and JoMe and my galOur stay at the Boomerang Hotel was pleasant. The food from the small kitchen was also surprisingly good. This sweet and sour chicken was yummy!
This morning, Swan and I walked to Walking Street, a couple of kilometers away, for breakfast at Kokomos (which is not affiliated with the Baloy version).
I went with the sausage, cheese, and egg sandwich. I was expecting an English muffin, but it was good on bread, too.The message on my coffee mug was touching. That’s why we do the candy walks.
Made it back to Barretto safe and sound and ready to Hash!
I’d mentioned that both floating bars were put away in storage this weekend until late in the year when the storm season ends. Here’s why:
That’s what was left of the Arizona floating bar after it got caught in a storm three years ago.
Today is Memorial Day, and I always remember the only family member I’m aware of who died in the service of our nation, my great uncle Frank.
He was buried in Luxembourg if memory serves.
Here dead we lie Because we did not choose To live and shame the land From which we sprung. Life, to be sure, Is nothing much to lose, But young men think it is, And we were young. –Alfred Edward Housman
Meanwhile, this scoundrel is destroying the nation so many died for:
We won’t survive four more years of this airhead.
Today’s YouTube video takes you on a stroll in Cebu for a taste of life in the Philippines.
Humor me:
There’s something to die for…I guess he doesn’t want to be the butt of a joke.
Gotta run. Well, I’m gonna walk, but you know what I mean.
Greetings from Angeles City, Pampanga province, Luzon Island, Philippines. The internet sucks here at the Boomerang hotel, but I’ll do my best to knock out a post before heading off to the ACH3 anniversary Hash this afternoon.
We began our Saturday with a San Isidro candy walk.
Come and get it!There she goes, just a walkin’ with her sweets…I’m burnin’, I’m burnin’, I’m burnin’ for you…This woman is bringing a bag of mangos for Swan. That happened twice yesterday. What goes around, comes around.That’s why we’re hereNow, this has never happened before. Apparently, there was some sort of gathering for the neighborhood kids, and when Swan showed up, they got in line for some sweets.What the hell? You almost never see this kind of nasty graffiti around here.That mountain I likeAnd the girl that I loveWorking hard
We got in 5K before the candy ran out.
Back home for the usual, plus packing our bags for the upcoming trip. Our ride was picking us up at It Doesn’t Matter bar somewhere between four and five (it wound up be closer to five). So, with everything ready to go, we headed out to Baloy Beach to say our goodbyes to the Kokomo floating bar.
A going away present of browniesA bay viewThe crew putting on a showYou can almost feel the excitement!
We’ll be back when the seasons change.
We grabbed a trike for Alta Vista, loaded up our bags, and then got dropped at IDM. Our ride came, we had a pleasant drive out to Angeles, then checked into our hotel.
It’s the first time I’ve stayed here. A bit off the beaten track but not far from the Hash On-Home at the Premier hotel. Clean and comfortable, but the crap internet makes this post frustratingly difficult.
We enjoyed dinner last night at the new Margarita Station. It was located near Walking Street for many years but lost its lease. This new location is a bit out of the way, but the food is as good as ever. I had a chicken quesadilla, and it might have been the best one I’ve had—at least as far as I can remember, which these days isn’t much.
The new venue is huge and has aircon (the old one was open air)Not only do they have pool, they have a swimming pool. Never seen that in a restaurant before.
And now it’s time to prepare for today’s adventure. The AC Hash is usually pretty tame, so hopefully I won’t get my ass kicked climbing hills. Only one way to find out.
Today’s YouTube is weather related. Yeah, it rained last night and it appears rainy season is finally arriving. Of course, I’d prefer not to Hash in a storm, but I’m gonna be wet with sweat or with water, so I guess it doesn’t matter much.
A busy day yesterday. How busy? I skipped the morning group hike and passed on attending the SOB. I had other things to do to fill the hours. Here’s how it went:
I needed to go to Olongapo to pick up my blood work results. The plan was to take a Jeepney, but on the way out of the neighborhood, my neighbor (and Westminster High School classmate), Mike, drove by. It turns out he was on his way to SBMA, too, so we got a much more comfortable ride with him. Mike is one of the more interesting guys I’ve met here, and not just because he comes from my hometown (what are the odds of that?). Professionally, he was a record producer who worked with some of the biggest rock groups of the 70s and 80s. He showed me some really cool photos from those days at the rooftop party. Speaking of which, at the party, he reminded me that he had been to the original Rite Spot–the burger joint my dad managed in the early 60s. What a small world.
Anyway, I picked up the blood results, hit a couple of stores in the mall, and then we started the walk back home. I didn’t get far in the blistering heat before saying, “fuck this,” and grabbing a taxi. I got home, blogged, showered, and then walked back into town for my appointment with Dr. Jo. When Dr. Jo and hubby Chris reviewed the blood work and compared it to my previous results, they were shocked. In a good way. Almost all my high readings, including the ones predicting future diabetes and kidney failure, had dropped back into the normal range. So, I guess ignoring my sweet tooth has paid some dividends. I still miss ice cream, though.
We discussed my recent breathing issues, and it appears I’m retaining fluids again, which is likely impacting my lung functioning. Also, my blood hemoglobin level is slightly lower than normal. As I understand, hemoglobin carries oxygen through the bloodstream, and the low level could be a factor in my feeling short of breath. I received an injection of vitamin B1, which should help strengthen my hemoglobin levels. Dr. Jo also tweaked a couple of my prescriptions to address fluid retention and my recent bouts with high blood pressure. Overall, though, I left her office feeling encouraged.
It was still early, around 2:30, and we had initially planned to return home after the appointment. Since I’m going to be out of town on Sunday, I asked Swan if she would mind my taking care of the Hideaway feeding before I went home. She was fine with that, so we parted company for the time being. On my way to the bar, I ordered a pizza and a roast chicken. The girls were surprised to see me two days ahead of schedule, but they were hungry.
The chicken went fastBite me!
I stayed for an hour or so, then headed back down the highway. I thought about stopping somewhere for one more beer but decided I’d rather be at home with Swan, so I grabbed a trike. When I arrived, Swan was surprised to see me. She had sent me a message I hadn’t seen yet saying she was going to attend a memorial service for a recently deceased friend at the Palm Tree Resort. Well, damn, if I knew that I would have stayed in town. I didn’t want to go to a remembrance for someone I didn’t know, but I walked back into town with Swan and waited for her next door at Mangos.
My Mangos beach view. As you can see, there was some rain on the horizon. It never made it into Barretto, though.I got a tad hungry and ordered this tasty Caesar salad.
There were quite a few lightning bolts flashing over the water, and I decided to move next door to Palm Tree to enjoy the show from the upstairs balcony.
A view from my new perch at Palm Tree.
Swan saw me come in, and the service had just concluded, so she came and joined me at my table. She introduced me to some of the other attendees, but I still felt awkward, having not known the honoree. When I finished my beer, we said goodbye and departed. We decided to do a nightcap at Outback before heading home.
The view from our Outback stoolsThe dusky sky was a nice backdropThat girl what lives in my houseA lucky couple.
So, the day turned out to be another good one.
It’s a big weekend in store, as we are traveling to Angeles City this afternoon. Swan and I will be participating in the ACH3 anniversary Hash on Sunday.
In other news, today is the last day of the season for both floating bars.
Our ride to Angeles doesn’t depart until 4:30, so we are going to try and drop by before we go to say farewell.
Today’s YouTube video is the latest from The Filipina Pea and covers a topic I’ve often wondered about–why don’t Filipinas use birth control? It’s insane. I’ve met two different gals working in the bars trying to eek out of living, and I was gob-smocked to learn that each of them has SIX children. Much of the poverty in this country is self-inflicted.
Today’s funnies:
I’d never willingly jump out of a perfectly good plane. Then again, I wouldn’t want to take it up the ass, either. Decisions, decisions.Blinded by love!
I will be back with a change of venue report tomorrow!
The good, the bad, and the ugly. On my street walk yesterday, I observed that it was trash day, and the garbage trucks were doing a brisk business. This triggered me to document some of the litter that isn’t subject to collection. Hey, you gotta find something to keep a familiar walk marginally interesting.
Loading it upPlenty more where that came fromThe river bankLitter hide outOut of sight, out of mindA picture with no litter. But wait to see what is left behind on the beach at low tide.Why would you litter right next to your house?Picking up the trash on the National HighwayShit creekStacked up and waiting for the garbage truck to arriveAn almost pristine neighborhood street. Well done!I took a short rest break from the walk, but there was no escaping the litter.A recycling center I passed along the wayA trashy 7K trek
And the next thing I knew, it was party time! I had some chores to complete in the kitchen before the festivities began, though:
Chili con carne in the crockpotCorn bread muffinsBrowniesSwan and my helper Teri put together the meat on a stick for grillingThe place to be!All set up and ready to goThe view from hereThe view from my rocker as I awaited the arrival of my guestsSunsetNight fallsThe Filipina tableThe fellasAnd of course, karaoke broke outThe party in full swingFull moon rising
It was a swell time on the roof. The chili received lots of compliments, and the cornbread muffins were also very popular. I’m looking forward to the next gathering at The Rite Spot.
Another sad Facebook memory today:
Eight years ago, my dearest friend Bridget Werner passed away.
In happier news, my youngest granddaughter, Sydney, finished sixth grade and begins the middle school journey this fall. Not to brag, but she’s one of the smartest kids I’ve ever met.
Keep on keepin’ on!
This is no joke, it is our president:
I do not believe he will be on the ticket come November.
Sometimes you come across a meme that just totally resonates. This is pretty much what I see in the mirror these days:
I’m trying. Kind of.
Todays YouTube is another one from Reekay offering some words of wisdom on relationships in the Philippines:
On to the humor, then:
That’s so bad it is almost painful.Oh heavens!
Alright, I’m off to see Dr. Jo soon. Hopefully, I can get back on track.
I parted ways with the Wednesday Walkers yesterday morning and then had a boy’s night out to say farewell to Gary, who is heading home to the UK for a couple of months. The days keep rollin’ on, and I’m still rockin’.
I fancied a flat walk yesterday, but the group opted to find some shade up in the hills. I tagged along for a bit, but when I saw the up they were taking, I said farewell and went my own way. Martin (18 Kilo Ass) who has been having some knee issues chose to join me. We did the My Bitch trail and came back to town via Rizal Extension.
I took this photo near the beginning of the hike and didn’t take another. I was focused on survival.
Yeah, that’s being a bit melodramatic, but something ain’t right, and I was feeling it yesterday. The lung issues have flared up again, although not as bad as they were previously. I’m also feeling pain in my lower legs and feet and a generalized lack of energy. I think these symptoms are exacerbated by the intense heat we are still experiencing. At least I felt better during the shady portions of the hike.
Oddly enough, when we reached the mountain family’s place, Onelia said something about another group of hikers passing by earlier. And when Martin and I finished our journey, we stopped by Dynamite Dick’s for refreshments, and some of the Wednesday Walkers group were there. They, too, had done a portion of My Bitch, but had taken a different way down and back to town. So, while my route had avoided a hill climb, it was 2K longer than what the rest of the group had done. That felt like vindication.
Not to be a dick about it…
Gary messaged that he wanted to meet at the Annex bar at four, and I was there on time. We had two beers and then moved on to Cheap Charlies. Erik messaged wanting to join us, so now there were three in our group. I checked my SOB coupons that were due to expire and saw I had a couple that provided a 50% discount on customer drinks. So, we made the Green Room our next stop.
The three drunkenteers. That’s Gary in the middle. Safe travels, buddy.
We had talked about moving on to Red Bar next, but after the manager bought us a round of beers, I had had my fill. I had a 15% discount coupon for Sit-n-Bull I needed to use, and the roving waitress conveniently came by our table with a menu. I told her I was bringing something home for my girlfriend and asked if she had any suggestions. She immediately said, “bring her the roast beef dip.” That cracked me up because that was what I had intended to order. It’s another small-town moment when the waitress remembers your gal’s favorite foods.
I opted for the ham sandwich from the specials menu. Half for dinner, and half for breakfast today.
Woke up this morning a little after four and saw something peeking in at me through the window:
Sneaky bastardI was just talking to the moon…
A rooftop gathering at The Rite Spot is on tap later today. Chili is in the crockpot, muffins and brownies are baked, and Swan has prepared the meat-on-a-stick for grilling. I’m looking forward to a good time.
Today’s YouTube video is from someone I only recently discovered. He lives in Pundaquit and I’ve walked past his house before (without realizing it until I saw one of his vlogs). Anyway, this one shows the beauty of one of my favorite weekend getaway areas, just an hour away.
Here’s some more poor attempts at humor:
Me too!So, she wasn’t your Maine squeeze, then…It’s more sad than funny because it is true.
Alright, have you had enough? Me too! See you tomorrow…
I started my day with a trip to the blood lab. They withdrew several vials of my precious liquid from a vein and 7500 pesos from my wallet. They will be testing for twenty-five elements, including a prostate PSA. I’ll pick up the results tomorrow and then schedule a meeting with Dr. Jo to see what it all means.
Of course, part of the bloodwork routine is the requirement to fast for 10+ hours prior to the withdrawal. That’s why I scheduled an early morning arrival at the lab, so most of the fasting was spent sleeping. After the samples were taken, I was ready to eat. The lab is located at the Harbor Point Mall, and as I was leaving, I spotted a Pancake House franchise. I rarely frequented this diner back in the USA because I had better options like Waffle House and Cracker Barrel. Those options not being available here, I decided to give it a try.
The chain has been around for a while
I was tempted to order a caramel waffle, but I opted instead for a ham and cheese omelet and cinnamon toast. I can’t remember the last time I saw cinnamon toast on a menu—how could I resist? After placing my order, the waiter returned and advised that they were out of raisins for the toast. I told him no problem; I wasn’t expecting raisins anyway.
The omelet was just okayBut damn, that cinnamon toast didn’t disappoint!
With my hunger satiated, we headed out to do the weekly grocery shopping chore.
Another overflowing cart
Home for the usual afternoon activities, and at beer o’clock, we ventured out to Baloy Beach. I wasn’t sure if the floating bar was still out, but there she was, bouncing in the rougher-than-normal bay waters.
A bumpy raft ride got us thereSeveral other customers were aboard enjoying themselvesThe girls did a danceThe sun was shining, more or lessChillin’ with my sweetie
After our time was done on board, we headed ashore to Treasure Island for some dinner.
Swan went for the biggest enchiladas in town. I had the leftovers for breakfast today.I enjoyed some chicken wings.
A nice night out and a happy ending to a busy day.
The Facebook memories took me back to 2016.
I was making the most of a nice morning in Seoul.I really do miss those Han River walksLater that evening, I attended Matt and Sohee’s wedding. Things didn’t end well for them. A divorce, and Sohee committed suicide. Damn, memories are such a bitch sometimes.
Today’s YouTube is from another vlogger I’ve enjoyed over the years, The Filipina Pea. She has some advice for men coming to the PI in search of love.
Some more lame humor:
I’ve got to hand it to her…I can relate…I am happy to announce that my relationship with Swan has reached the level of intimacy where I feel free to fart around her with impunity. I think it is great when you can share what’s inside of you with your love.
That’s all for today; we’ve reached the end of the line.
I came, I walked. I lived. Mission accomplished! It was another hot day on the trail, and our “sane” group opted to bypass the three hill climbs the Hare had included. We still walked a tad over 6K, and that was plenty for my tired old lungs. There was an incline on the road near the end, and I needed to pause halfway up to catch my breath. Other than that, the hike went fine.
Unfortunately, there was some controversy at the Hash Circle. One of our On-Home venues overcharged the Hash to the tune of fifty beers. So, naturally, we crossed them off the list for future visits. Word got back to the owner that folks were talking about the ripoff, and he went livid, issuing threats of physical violence to members of the Hash. The Grand Master told the gathered Hashers about the threats, and one Hasher got very upset and said this was all an overreaction and blamed the Hash leaders for not handling the situation more discretely. Fine, he is welcome to that opinion, but he wouldn’t let it go and continued to rant and rave at the Grand Master. The Grand Master finally ordered him to leave. I don’t know if that means he has been permanently banned from the Hash or not. The venue owner in question did post an apology for the threats to the Hash Facebook page today.
After that incident, my buzz was pretty much chilled, so I left right away when the Circle was over. My neighbor had invited me to join him and some friends when I was finished with the Hash, so that’s what I did. It turned out to be an enjoyable gathering, and I’ll be reciprocating this Thursday at The Rite Spot.
We started in Alta Vista once again which makes things easy for me.And we are On-On!Leaving Alta Vista behindThe cow must think we are crazy. It may be right.Off the beaten pathAnd through the fields, we go. This will be an impassable rice paddy when the rains return.What’s your hurry, Gary?These kids were a little too aggressive for comfort.To hell with the hills, we’re keeping it flat!That was a tall old tree at one time. Now, it is just firewood.Walking the dry river bedUnder the bridge instead of over itAs usual, Leech My Nuggets provided a well-marked trail for us to follow.Long and straightThe trail turns right and goes up a hill. We didn’t.On the Govic HighwayOn the National HighwayOn HomeThis is my favorite Hash venue—nice outdoor ambiance after a hot hike.Hash GashIt’s nice on ice!We deflowered three virgin HashersThe trail the Hare laidThe path I walkedMade it back home before the sun was downMaking new friends at the next-door neighbor‘s place.Neighbor Davina served us some blackened salmon, which was amazingly good.
And that’s the story of my day.
Down on Facebook’s memory lane, I posted this eleven years ago:
And now the jokes on me as I find new ways to butcher the grammar rules on a daily basis
Four years ago, I was railing against the scamdemic with posts like these:
Hopefully we’ve learned enough to not let this happen againI still laugh at the mask fanatics
Here is a short two-minute video about China’s latest provocation against the Filipino people:
The war drums are beating
Okay, gonna go with some off-color humor today. Sorry in advance:
Maybe he could teach her…It takes a licking and keeps on ticking!You fucked up, dude!That was always my dream!
And now we are done. I’ll be back, just wait and see.
A Sunday candy walk through the streets of San Isidro was a sweet beginning to the day. It has become our semi-regular route, and I noticed yesterday that many of the kids seemed to be waiting for us to arrive. That’s nice in some ways, but it also makes me feel guilty on the occasions we elect to change things up and visit different neighborhoods. So much goodness to share, so little time! The other limiting factor is capacity. We start with a large bag filled with various candies, and we stuff our backpacks with enough to refill the candy bag twice. It never seems to be enough. Still, we turn what candy we have into smiles, and that makes the effort worthwhile.
Bags of candyCandy in the bagThe quest beginsSome of our regulars waiting for our arrivalOn the quiet streets of Marian HillsAnother regular stopPour a little sugar on itNow this cracked me up. We heard shouts from across this field, and then we spotted three kids running towards us. I guess Swan’s fame is spreading.Beauty is in the eye of the beer holderThere it is!Kids hanging aroundAnd waiting for some chocolateCome and get it!Goodness graciousSee you next time, San IsidroI love this big old tree. I wish I had the photographic skill to capture it properly.You can see it’s huge top from my patioJust shy of 5K
And the feeding continued later at Hideaway.
Only four girls working yesterday, but they look ready to eat. Hmm, that sounds a tad Hannibal Lectorish, doesn’t it?In Joy
With my weekly good deed complete, I headed for the beach.
Looking to my rightAnd to the leftAnd here comes my rideOvercast skies blocked any visible sunset yesterday. Oh well, at least the girls enjoyed my brownies.
Swan was hungry and said she was craving a pulled pork sandwich. Luckily, the best one in town was right up the street at John’s place.
A hungry girl passing the time until her food arrivesTime to pig outI had the birria tacos and they hit the spot. Here’s how Kevin makes them.
We did our nightcap at It Doesn’t Matter. We were the only customers sitting outside. The music was crap rap bullshit, but at least it wasn’t being played overly loud. We left after one drink anyway.
I made smoothies when we got home, which was a sweet ending to a sweet day.
Sometimes, the memories hurt. Like this one:
Thirteen years ago, I bought this house in Columbia, SC, where I thought I would spend my retirement years with Jee Yeun (when we weren’t in Korea). I put a lot of time, effort, and money into making it our dream home. Then, the dream became a nightmare.
Seven years ago, I was finding my way around after moving to Pyeongtaek.
Whatever you say…
Today’s YouTube is from Reekay, who does the Life Beyond The Sea vlog. Prior to making the move to the PI, I was a regular viewer and learned a lot of useful tips about do’s and don’ts. I don’t follow many vlogs now as an expat, but Reekay almost always has good advice for those willing to listen.
And now for today’s dose of so-called humor:
Without the machine it would be a hand job I supposeThat does not computeHe might need to prune his expectations
Another Hash Monday lies ahead. I’ve already got my shortcuts plotted out. I did an elongated dog walk this morning, and it seemed to go well, so hopefully, I’m on the road to recovery from whatever has been ailing me. I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
I Googled Frankie Valli, and he is still performing at 89 years old.
My yesterday didn’t begin well. For the first time ever, I had to abort my dog walk. By the time I got to the end of my street, less than 100 yards and slightly uphill, I was breathing hard. I didn’t feel like I could make it the rest of the way, so Swan took over and gave Buddy and Lucky their exercise. It did freak me out, though.
My agenda for the day included taking my new phone back to the Samsung store at the mall to see about getting it repaired. We walked to the highway without any issues (it’s all downhill) and caught a Jeepney to the Kalaklan gate at SBMA. From there, we walked the 1.5 kilometers to the SM Mall, again without a problem. I didn’t expect I’d be able to get the phone repaired at the store–it is manned by sales clerks, not technicians. Still, I almost laughed when the guy helping me held a small fan up to the charging port in a lame attempt to dry it out. I told him I had placed the phone in front of a fan for hours three days ago without success. He kept trying for a while but eventually called the repair facility in Pampanga and did the paperwork to send my phone there for a fix. So, my hopes that they would just replace the phone with a new one were dashed. They told me the repair process would take one or two weeks. Whatever. I had brought my old phone with me and had them change out the SIM cards so I could put it back in service until my new phone was ready.
We exited the mall and caught a cab for the trip back home. A few blocks later, Swan gets a call from the Samsung store. A late-arriving female employee had managed to fix the phone. So, we had the taxi driver turn around and take us back, and he agreed to wait for us while we retrieved my phone. I was very curious about what she had done to get the phone to accept the charger. She explained that I should leave the phone connected to the charge, despite the warning message to immediately unplug it, then turn the phone off using the button on the settings screen. Hmm. I wasn’t convinced that was a “real” fix, but the phone was taking the charge, so I shrugged, thanked her, and headed back to the taxi.
I had no problems with the phone or my breathing for the rest of the day. This morning, I was able to complete my regular dog walk route, with only some heavy breathing on the uphill portions.
A flowering tree I saw along the way. Why, it is almost as lovely as a poem…
Back home after completing the dog walk, I plugged my phone into the charger and guess what happened?
I was a little surprised because it had been a short walk and the phone never left my pocket. But as I suspected, whatever is wrong with the phone wasn’t resolved at the Samsung store.
I used the method of shutting it off that the salesgirl had demonstrated, and it did work. I carried the phone on the longer candy walk this morning and had no problems when I plugged it in when we got back home. Still, I’m not comfortable having to do a Mickey Mouse fix whenever this happens. A $500 phone shouldn’t be such an inconvenience. Swan called the store and is going to take the phone back for a proper repair tomorrow.
Swan and I walked back into town a little after four. I had a 1500 peso voucher from the SOB to spend. The plan was to start at Alaska Club and go from there. I baked a batch of brownies to share with the Alaska crew. We arrived a few minutes before opening time, so we took a seat at Sloppy Joe’s for a drink while we waited. Our waitress, Vanessa, used to work on the Kokomo floater and she recognized my brownies container. I promised to bring her one after we did the cutting at Alaska. I drowned her disappointment with a lady drink before we departed.
Sitting outside at Sloppy’s, I saw all my regular Alaska servers heading into work. We followed them in shortly thereafter. What was weird was that my two favorites ignored us despite us being the only customers. Now, the gal who served us was fine and friendly and enjoyed her lady drinks. She also cut and distributed the brownies to the dancers and wait staff, so good on her. Owner Jerry greeted me and bought me a beer, so I felt very welcome. We left after an hour or so, and as we were leaving, the two who hadn’t even bothered to greet us came by our table. I asked what happened, and they said they were shy to sit with us and get drinks since we had brought them all a treat. There is a word in Tagalog for that–bola bola. It loosely translates to “bullshit.” Anyway, I wasn’t upset about it, just confused. As I noted to them both, they saved me money, but since they work for commissions, it wasn’t a good deal for them. Oh, well.
We went next door to Wet Spot to expend the remainder of my voucher coupon. Aine wasn’t working, but a friend of Swan’s was in town, and she came by to join us for a drink. Owner Daddy Dave has been hospitalized and the manager told me he had just been released that afternoon. That was good news, I was very worried we were going to lose one of the biggest icons in town, not to mention a great guy. Get well soon, Dave!
We ordered some takeout from Sit-n-Bull and called it a night.
A low-calorie Zero smoothie
In the news from back home, my first-born granddaughter Gracyn graduated from high school.
Congratulations and well done, sweetheart. Where does the time go?
My pal Scott attended a birthday celebration yesterday and he sent me a picture of the cake:
It does look tasty!
Today’s YouTube video is a tour of the S&R store, the Philippines’ version of Costco. The nearest one is over an hour away, so I only go there every few months for those hard-to-find items.
I discovered a depiction of the hierarchy of humor:
As I suspected, my kind of laughs are at the bottom. I guess that makes them the foundation of humor.
Here, I’ll prove it to you:
He’s probably not an only childBetter than vomit, I supposeYeah, I have to go to a new bar to get that result.
Anyway, that’s enough of this nonsense for today. I’ve got the feeding at Hideaway to attend to and then the Arizona floating bar, assuming it remains open. Only one way to find out.
A fun-filled Friday, by and large. Well, except for that going to the dentist part. A nice morning group hike and swell dinner at The Rite Spot were the bookends that held it all together. I’m going to change it up and do the day in reverse order this time. Let’s get to it!
Welcome back to The Rite Spot!A view from hereAnd anotherThe VIP rocking chairs reserved for me and Swan…
Speaking of rocking, I connected the music box to my Spotify app and looked for the evening’s playlist. Neil Young has recently put his politics aside and rejoined the Spotify family (he quit in an ill-fated attempt to cancel Joe Rogan). Now, back in my glory days, I was a HUGE fan of Young’s music, and I owned all of his albums from the 70s and 80s. Back then, we shared the same political viewpoints, primarily being anti-war. The hit CSNY song “Ohio” was my high school protest anthem. Anyway, I grew up, and my politics changed; Young’s didn’t. So, I don’t like hearing him spout his bullshit these days, but I still enjoy his music. Last night, listening on the roof was like a trip back in time.
Because of the cloud cover, I couldn’t capture a classic sunset. This was the best I could do.The lights came on, and I was still Rockin’ in the Free World.
Meanwhile, Swan went downstairs to prepare some dinner, and my basement dwellers all came up to join us for the meal.
It had been quite some time since I’d enjoyed a big plate of spaghetti with meat sauce.The crew. That’s Christian taking the photo, his gal Inday, my helper Teri, Swan, me, Swan’s niece Aya, and Swan’s sister Chloe.
It was a fine night to be at The Rite Spot On The Roof.
In the afternoon, I visited my dentist, Dr. Barrera. Fortunately, I don’t see him often. At my cleaning last week, he spotted a couple of cracks in some old fillings, so yesterday, he restored them to their original glory.
Swan was there to capture the work in progress. I’m glad someone cares about my fillings.
I’m sorry to report that I’ve been experiencing some shortness of breath issues these past couple of days. Nothing like before, when I check my oxygen level, I haven’t been lower than 95. That said, my normal remedies, like the nebulizer, don’t seem to help much. It seems to occur mostly in the mornings during the dog walks. Hopefully, this, too, shall pass. Anyway, I’ve got to keep pressing on, so I overcame my reluctance and attended the Friday group hike. The plan was to take a trike out to Naugsol, then walk a trail that is rarely traveled and involves a climb of unknown difficulty. As we exited the village of Naugsal, I saw a path we’d done before and suggested that as an alternative. I was relieved when my fellow hikers concurred. So, we had a mostly flat hike through familiar territory, which provided some relief to my troubled mind.
Heading out on the streets of barangay NaugsolLeaving the village behindInstead of turning right towards the unknown, we took a left and headed in the direction of our old friend, Easter Mountain.A brief moment in the shadeThe cows had enough sense to stay out of the sun. Yeah, it is still crazy hot here.The carabao preferred the mud holeAnd the kids like cookiesGrabbing a moment in the shadeThe slaughterhouse–it sounds a bit cruel and unusual. Another cookie deliveryFilipino culture on displayAnd onward we marchThrough some wide open spacesAin’t that the shits?Through the backstreets of CalapacuanThen headed for home on the National HighwayGood thing he’s not a vendor!A very pleasant 6+K stroll
And that was how my Friday began.
Here’s a quick update on that “fuck you, China” mission. The objective was achieved. Supplies were delivered, and China defied.
It’s only just begun
As I mentioned yesterday, my old Quora posts have all been shared here, so we are done with that. I think what I will do to fill that space is occasionally share a Philippines-related YouTube video from some of my favorite vloggers.
Okay, George isn’t one of my favorites, but I have met him and he’s a nice guy. I’m sharing this one because it’s about a local dude on Baloy (never met him) and his passion for cooking equipment might be of interest to some readers here.
And now it is on to the humor:
No need to give him/her a hard time.A woman from New York was driving through a remote part of Arizona when her car broke down. An American Indian on horseback came along and offered her a ride to a nearby town. She climbed up behind him on the horse and they rode off. The ride was uneventful, except that every few minutes the Indian would let out a Ye-e-e-e-h-a-a-a-a!’ so loud that it echoed from the surrounding hills and canyon walls. When they arrived in town, he let her off at the local service station, yelled one final ‘Ye-e-e-e-h-a-a-a-a!’ and rode off. “What did you do to get that Indian so excited?” asked the service-station attendant. “Nothing,” the woman answered “I merely sat behind him on the horse, put my arms around his waist, and held onto the saddle horn so I wouldn’t fall off.” “Lady,” the attendant said, “Indians don’t use saddles.
We’ll leave it at that for now. It’s time for me to get on with my Saturday. I’ll let you know how that goes tomorrow.
Comes a time when you're driftin' Comes a time when you settle down Comes a light feelin's liftin' Lift that baby right up off the ground.
Oh, this old world keeps spinning round It's a wonder tall trees ain't layin' down There comes a time.
You and I we were captured We took our souls and we flew away We were right we were giving That's how we kept what we gave away.
Oh, this old world keeps spinning round It's a wonder tall trees ain't layin' down There comes a time.
Not the greatest day and not the worst. It’s all about taking the bad with the good, I suppose. Thursday is my day for a longish highway walk. My new Merrells handled that task well. Swan came along for the journey, which is always nice. We made it a dual-purpose hike, with our final destination being a phone repair shop at the Subic Marketplace.
Every time I plug in my new phone, I get this message. It never got wet, but I followed the drying guidance anyway without success. It’s been three days now, so moisture isn’t the problem. I don’t see any “foreign material” in the charging point, either.
I had a similar problem with a previous phone, and the repair ship was able to resolve it while I waited. When we arrived at the shop yesterday after more than 8K walking, the guy briefly looked at the phone, then told me to take it back to the Samsung store. He said the phone innards are very sensitive, and he didn’t want to open it. Damn. Looks like I’ll be going back to Olongapo tomorrow. At least the phone is still under warranty.
A good hot walk on the backroads. A new record distance for Swan, and she had no complaints.
I chose not to take any pictures, but Swan couldn’t resist taking one of me:
A man can’t even pee in peace around her!
Back home for some rest and afternoon routines, then at beer o’clock, Swan joined me for the walk into town. The heat still hasn’t relented, and although I prefer outdoor drinking venues, we opted for the refreshing aircon at the Green Room. I also had a “buy one, get one” coupon. Swan sipped her red wine, and I downed several San Mig Zeros. With our thirst satiated, we went up the highway for dinner at Myleen’s.
I had a tasty beef enchiladaAnd Swan enjoyed a Caesar salad
We called it a night after dinner and headed back home without the customary nightcap. So much for Thirstday!
I came across an interesting article, “Not Your Grandfather’s Philippines,” explaining how well the Philippines is growing and progressing as a nation. I found it educational from both a historical and current events perspective.
The article also includes an update on the “fuck you, China” mission I talked about yesterday. Apparently, there was no violence–this time—and the objectives were achieved.And one of the fishing boats in that flotilla even had my name on it. Glad I could be there in spirit at least.
It’s a crazy world these days. How crazy? This crazy:
Facebook memories took me back thirteen years to my heydays in Itaewon:
Good friends, good beer, good darts, and a good life. Nothing lasts forever, I suppose.
And there was this “joke” from twelve years ago:
Man: Haven’t I seen you someplace before?
Woman: Yes, that’s why I don’t go there anymore.
Man: Is this seat empty?
Woman: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.
Man: Your place or mine?
Woman: Both. You go to yours, and I’ll go to mine.
Man: So, what do you do for a living?
Woman: I’m a female inpersonator.
Man: Hey baby, what’s your sign?
Woman: Do not enter.
Man: How do you like your eggs in the morning?
Woman: Unferrtilized.
Man: Your body is like a temple.
Woman: Sorry, there are no services today.
Man: I would go to the end of the world for you.
Woman: But would you stay there?
Man: If I could see you naked, I’d die happy.
Woman: If I saw you naked, I’d probably die laughing.
Six years ago I used the urinal in the Hot Zone bar for the first time.
What a pisser!
Anyway, I’ll confess that these memories from my past lives often make me feel melancholy with a sense of loss. And then I saw this today as I surfed the internet:
He has a good point. I’ve had a lot more than four past lives (hell, each wife represented a life), and you have no choice but to move forward and make the best of the next stop along the road of life. Perhaps I’m on my last life this time.
Let’s see what I had to say on Quora Q&A back in the day:
Q: Why is Route 66 famous?
A: It’s played a significant role in USA history and has also been featured prominently in the media over the years. Prior to the construction of the Interstate Highway System, U.S. Route 66 was the major east-to-west route as the population migrated to California, especially during the Great Depression. Route 66 was featured in John Steinbeck’s novel “The Grapes of Wrath” and also the film adaptation starring Henry Fonda. Later, there was a popular song called “Get Your Kicks on Route 66” and also a television show bearing the highway’s name. It also passes through and near some of the most beautiful scenery in the American West.
Indeed, Route 66 is famous. There is even a bar here in Seoul, Korea, bearing that name.
I answered that one a lifetime ago, back in 2015. I’ll double-check later, but this may be the last answer I have to share from my Quora participation days. Now, I need to come up with a new feature to fill space here on LTG.
I’ll never run out of humorous memes to share. Here’s what I have for you today:
He probably couldn’t open up to the doctor anywayShe’s such a dick!At least she’ll never be the one that got away.
So, I had a morning hike and an afternoon dentist visit, and now I’ve decided to skip the SOB and stay at home this evening up on the roof. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.
Yesterday’s adventure with the Wednesday Walkers group really nailed me to the cross. Three of them, in fact. We journeyed out to barangay Santa Rita in Olongapo City and made our way up to the locally famous Three Crosses religious shrine. The climb was all concrete steps, but it still kicked my ass. Once our objective was achieved, we took a pleasant stroll through the woods until we were stymied by some newly constructed fences. We had to dismantle one to reach a path back down (we reassembled it after crossing). The down was steep and rocky in places, but all’s well that ends well. Here’s some of the scenery from our journey:
On the streets of Santa RitaSaw this sign along the way and it gave me a chuckleThen we walked through this narrow passage……and the stair-stepping commencedI’d done this hike once before years ago but had forgotten how endless it feelsOn and on, I’ll just keep on climbing……and I’ll rest when I feel like dying…On and on…Not the life for me!Taking it slow, one step at a timeAnother brief rest to take in the viewAnd then onward and upwardThe final push to the topTreating the caretaker to some cookies and candiesThe view from the topNailed it!My fellow Wednesday WalkersPerhaps that cemetery down there is full of those who didn’t make it to the topHeading out in search of a different way downThe woodsy portion of the hike was much more enjoyableAnother mountaintop residenceJim stepped in a big and fresh pile of cow dung and had to stop and clean his shoe.Don’t be cowed, GaryThe pleasant portion of the downward trekAnd the not so pleasantSome friendly hillside dwellers we met on the way downAnd back on flat ground in Santa Rita once againThe path we walked
After the hike, we stopped at John’s place for lunch. Everyone seemed to enjoy their meal. John also has some shelves of food products imported from the UK. Some of them I’d never heard of.
Like this. No, thank you, I don’t leek cocks. Not that there’s anything wrong with it.
I was still recovering from my over-indulgence at the floating bar on Tuesday, so I stayed home last night. I did engage in some R&R up on the roof.
Got my sundown fixBehind the clouds instead of the mountain this timeBut still a nice finish to the dayThat girl who lives in my house is also a good cook.The baby back ribs she served me for dinner last night.
What do I have to complain about?
The big news in these parts is the escalating pushback by the Philippines to China’s aggressive attempt to steal Filipino territory. Today, a flotilla of a hundred or more Filipino fishing boats and some Coast Guard vessels swarmed into the waters China is claiming. It even made the news back home in the USA. And here is a Filipino news account of what is going on. I’ve not seen any clear updates on whether the Chinese tried to stop them, but some accounts indicate that the Filipinos achieved their objective. The best news is that the country under the current President Marcos is not willing to bend over and take it up the ass from China like his predecessor. Interesting times.
Facebook memories reminded me of this bit of wisdom I posted twelve years ago:
He said.. I don’t know why you wear a bra; you’ve got nothing to put in it.
She said..You wear briefs, don’t you
He said.. Do you love me just because my father left me a fortune?
She said.. Not at all honey, I would love you no matter who left you the money.
She said.. What do you mean by coming home half drunk?
He said.. It’s not my fault.. I ran out of money.
He said.. Since I first laid eyes on you, I’ve wanted to make love to you in the worst way.
She said.. Well, you succeeded.
He said.. What have you been doing with all the grocery money I gave you
She said.. Turn sideways and look in the mirror.
He said.. Let’s go out and have some fun tonight.
She said.. Okay, but if you get home before I do, leave the hallway light on.
He said.. Why don’t you tell me when you have an orgasm?
She said.. I would, but you’re never there.
He said.. Shall we try a different position tonight?
She said.. That’s a good idea, you stand by the ironing board while I sit on the sofa and fart.
I guess that’s still as funny as it ever was.
Just because you don’t share my viewpoints doesn’t make you dumb:
What makes you dumb is not thinking for yourself
Ready for some Quora Q&A?
Q: Do people of the Philippines have pale skin?
A: They run the gamut. Some are very fair-skinned, and some are very dark, notably the Aeta indigenous people.
An Aeta native boyFilipina actress Sharon Cuneta
The woman I’m dating is originally from Manila. I’ve introduced her to my hiking hobby, which she seems to enjoy EXCEPT for it turning her skin dark (or “negra,” as she puts it). She recently went to visit her mother in Manila, and her mom accused her of looking like a “province girl.”
Yeah, being light-skinned is a pretty big deal here. I remember being surprised when I first came to the Philippines and saw all the billboards and advertisements for “whitening cream.” I laughed to my girlfriend that in the USA, women pay money to go to tanning salons, and here, they pay to get whiter.
I guess it is a cultural thing. I have noticed that most movie stars and the elite are fair-skinned. Anyway, to each his own. I personally am very attracted to brown-skinned beauties!
Maybe it is just a coincidence, but I’ve turned a lot more brown than I used to be.
An action-packed Tuesday. Well, more action-packed than usual. And I’m stretching the definition of action somewhat. Anyway, here’s how it went down:
I started things out with the grocery shopping excursion at Royal. That went as usual, although I did spend a little less this week. After the groceries were loaded into the car, I sent my driver and helper home. Swan and I walked to the mall to do some shopping. First stop: the Samsung store.
My new playmateset me back $450.
I guess I’m rough on phones. I’ve had an A53 and an A54 previously. I’ve been a back-pocket kind of guy and that eventually leads to damage. I’ve vowed to carry this one in the front pocket. I took it on today’s hike, and now I’m getting a moisture warning when I plug in the charger. Not a good start! I’ve got it in front of the fan now, and hopefully, it dries out soon.
Next stop, the SM Department Store. I’m a walking man, and those miles take a toll on my footwear.
I purchased these lightweight Merrells for my roadwork (I’ve got two other pairs for my off-road hikes)
After dark, I’m a sketchy kind of guy, but I like comfortable footwear for my walks to the bars.
These Skechers are a good fitAnd since they were on sale, I bought a blue pair too…
Another $150 on the credit card, but I wasn’t done quite yet. I was off to the computer store next.
My old mouse died, so I was trapped into buying this one.
We also got Swan’s sister a cheap phone so she could do all the things teenagers do on their phones nowadays.
With the shopping done, we grabbed a cab for home. This shot of Swan snoozing is the first photo I took with my new phone.
Once home, I dashed off yesterday’s blog post, and then it was time to hoof it back to town for a visit with Dr. Jo. This time, Swan was the primary patient–she’s been dealing with an itchy rash on her face and chest for a couple of weeks now. Dr. Jo gave her an injection of something and advised her to use a hypoallergenic soap for the time being. Hopefully, that’s all it takes. As for me, I just updated the doc on my current state of being, which is mostly the same but with some added muscle aches and pains, especially in the morning. Now, I’m taking Glucosamine along with my other meds. She also gave me the info I need to take to the lab for some updated blood work.
That hasn’t changed, but I was able to report that I’ve had zero ice cream for these past couple of months. Dr. Jo seemed impressed.
It was too early to stay in town, so we took a trike home and had a quick nap before heading out to the Kokomo floating bar. I had arranged to meet my hiking buddy Gary there at 4:30 and he was waiting when we arrived. Gary lives on Baloy, but this was his first time on the floater.
Another foreigner was on the raft ride out to the bar, and we exchanged greetings. He said he used to live in the area but has been residing on Bohol Island for the past few years. He was visiting family with his wife and staying at Treasure Island. When we arrived at the floater, I joined Gary on one side of the bar, and he sat on the far side, away from us. A few minutes later, he walked over and told Gary that he knew him. After some brief chat, Gary remembered him as well, and we invited him to join us.
It’s a small world, after all! That’s Chris on the right and Gary on the left.
It turns out that Gary used to own a couple of bars in Angeles City, and Chris was one of his regular customers. I really enjoyed hearing some their wild stories from back in the day, including one about Gary being incarcerated in a Filipino jail for several months. That’s my nightmare scenario, and his description of the hell-like condition put a shiver down my spine.
These days, Chris owns a resort at Alona Beach in Bohol. I perked up at that news because Bohol has long been on my bucket list of places to visit. And now I have a place to stay and a friendly host to show me around when I go. I’m thinking I’ll pull the trigger next month. Swan was excited about that, too.
One of the bar stories Chris and Gary told involved a customer who was known for drinking copious amounts of a beverage called Sambuca. Now, I’m almost exclusively a beer drinker, but when Gary (or was it Chris?) ordered up a round of shots, I was too polite to decline.
Cheers! And one good turn deserving another, I bought a second round of shots.
Last night was definitely the best time I’ve had on the floating bar. It may be the last for a while because it is scheduled to be moved into storage until the storm season is over.
So, until next season……I’ll have to watch the sun go down……from some other venueI’m not sure what the bargirls are going to do in the interimBut we’ll all be seeing each other again soon.
We drank a shitload of beers before and after the shots, and I was feeling no pain when we left the floating bar. I was feeling a bit hungry, so we stopped into DaKudos for a bite to eat. I recall having a roast chicken salad and not much else. I know I made it home safe and sound because Swan sent me this picture from last night:
Just spending some quality time with Buddy. For what it is worth, I did wake up in bed.Well, I rarely overindulge to the extent I did last night.
I’m staying home tonight, although I do expect I’ll visit The Rite Spot for a beer or two.
How about a nice political meme?
I fear for the future of our nation when people like this dunce actually get elected.
How about some memories?
That’s me in 1976 in Westminster, California, doing softball league stats with a high-tech calculator.Thirteen years ago, I engaged the finger block maneuver after a dart game at Dolce Vita in Itaewon.Eight years ago, I was still at Dolce Vita handing out trophies at the end of the Seoul Sunday Singles dart league season. Founding and running that league was among my proudest accomplishments as a darter.
And now for the Quora Q&A:
Q: Would you rather live in the Philippines or in Thailand? Why?
A: I chose the Philippines as my retirement home. It’s a beautiful country, and the natives are friendly. What sets it apart from other neighboring Asian nations is that English is widely spoken here. Going on two years now and no regrets.
I visited Thailand, and it is beautiful. What put me off was that it felt like a police state. They don’t make it easy on foreigners, in my opinion.
My Plan B if I ever feel the need to leave the PI would be Vietnam or Cambodia. I don’t even want to visit Thailand, let alone live there.
I wrote that four years ago and have subsequently softened my view of Thailand. I even visited Pattaya last year and enjoyed my stay. One of my issues in the past was vaping being illegal (that was before I kicked that habit once and for all). Also, during my initial visit, the King died, and the police came out in force and shut everything down. It was pretty freaky. Of course, having lived through the scamdemic, I now know that most countries can put on the police state hat whenever they want.
Time for some humor (as I define it anyway):
Have a beer or three and chill out thenThat sucks. Or doesn’t.
I couldn’t decide which of these two songs to use for the closing today, so I’m giving you both. Enjoy!
Yesterday’s trail wasn’t particularly hard or otherwise challenging, but I wussed out anyway. I’m going to blame the heat. I told myself the light-headedness I was experiencing was a warning sign for heat stroke, so I decided prudence dictated that I refrain from strenuous activity. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it! Anyway, I followed the shortcutters as usual, and then I shortcut the shortcutters. I still logged a hot and flat 5K to the On-Home at McCoy’s on Baloy Beach.
The green is the trail as intended by the Hares. I followed the green and then turned right instead of going up the hill. The blue line is my route back.This week’s trail started in Alta Vista, so that was easy enough for me.And we are On-On!Leaving Alta Vista behindOn the street in San IsidroThese kids chased me down on their three-wheeler, saying, “biscuits? biscuits?” Their efforts were rewarded accordingly.Through the fields we goFor some reason I found myself reminiscing about Neil Armstrong’s moon landing.Three fellow shortcuttersParting ways with the shortcutter group and heading onward on my ownArriving at McCoy’s. This is only the second time we’ve used this venue as an On-Home. It is nice in many respects, but they’ve raised our beer prices, so we likely won’t be back.Hashers gather before the circle commencesA view from McCoy’sIt’s Nice On Ice! (the last female Hasher to pay weekly dues is “punished” with holding this dildo while seated on the ice. Most of them don’t seem to mind.
After the Hash, I walked back to the highway and had a couple of more beers with my friends at Snackbar. I might have been a little generous with the lady drinks, but I hadn’t seen them for a while as this venue is no longer one of my regular stops.
On my way to Snackbar, I saw this unique CR. I didn’t feel the need to use it, but I hope my aim would be true if I ever did! It’s located near a trike stand, so I suppose the trike drivers find some relief here.
So that was my Hash Monday. Been a busy Tuesday so far, and I’ve got a visit to Dr. Jo coming up later this afternoon. Tell y’all about it tomorrow.
Today’s Quora Q&A:
Q: Where can I find a city in the Philippines that is safe, has a high-quality lifestyle with a low budget, has greens and beautiful sea view sights everywhere, that is not far from commercial areas and a place to start a new life?
A: Well, I chose Olongapo/Subic Bay, and it meets all of those criteria. Safe is a relative term, but I certainly feel as safe here as I would anywhere in the USA. As for the quality of lifestyle, that’s somewhat subjective and contingent on your personal preferences. For me, hiking in the mountains and on the beaches are my favorite daytime pursuits. For the nighttime, lots of good restaurants and bars. I like to play darts, and there are venues with tournaments and a dart league available. Pool leagues, too, if that’s your thing. There is a close-knit expat community and a small-town feel about living here that I like.
Here’s the view from my living room:
Plenty of green, along with views of the bay and the mountains. I shop at the duty-free grocery stores on the old American Navy base, where I can find most of my favorite American comfort foods. There are several shopping malls, all within 30 minutes of my house. A convenient international airport (Clark) is just over an hour away in Angeles City. In the worst-case scenario, I can go to Manila if necessary, but other than doing business at the embassy there, I try to avoid the big city hassles and traffic.
I started my “new life” here about 18 months ago, and I’m very happy with my choice so far.
That was answered over four years ago. My view has changed since then (I think for the better), and I’m still convinced that Barretto is the best fit for me.
Some quick humor before I go:
It was almost plague-like I betThat would probably be a good Hash name for my wimpy ass.