Who knew?

Bush was not the problem.  Obama is not the solution.  So says French news organ Le Monde.

This is of course shocking news for folks with BDS (Bush derangement syndrome), not so much for the rest of us.

Bush was not the problem. Obama is not the solution: one year after the arrival at the White House of a Democratic president, disenchantment is mutual on either side of the Atlantic. The Allies are discovering — if indeed they were unaware of it before — that misunderstandings go beyond individuals.

Having denounced Mr. Bush’s imperialism, Europeans are criticizing Mr. Obama for his impotence. They are complaining of his not being able to bend China at the Copenhagen summit on the fight against global warming. “We overestimated his room for maneuver,” said adviser to the French executive; “The Chinese were facing a weakling”, said a person close to Mr. Sarkozy.

Sad and scary.  And oddly hilarious.

You gotta laugh

Newfoundland Premier leaves province for undisclosed location south of the border.

Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Danny Williams is set to undergo heart surgery this week in the United States.

Yes, the rich and powerful in the Great White North don’t cotton much to that vaunted Canadian socialized medicine.  Lord knows, waiting in a queue for substandard service is only for the little people.

Not sure what will happen to those poor souls should Obamacare become law.  Best take care of those health needs now I suppose.

I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning…


Rest in Peace Global Warming

A must read obituary for the global warming movement.

The global warming movement as we have known it is dead.  Its health had been in steady decline during the last year as the once robust hopes for a strong and legally binding treaty to be agreed upon at the Copenhagen Summit faded away.  By the time that summit opened, campaigners were reduced to hoping for a ‘politically binding’ agreement to be agreed that would set the stage for the rapid adoption of the legally binding treaty.  After the failure of the summit to agree to even that much, the movement went into a rapid decline.The movement died from two causes: bad science and bad politics.

Read the whole thing, it makes some excellent points.  Including this one, which pretty much captures my sentiments on AGW:

The urge to make the data better than it was didn’t just come out of nowhere.  The global warmists were trapped into the necessity of hyping the threat by their realization that the actual evidence they had — which, let me emphasize, all hype aside, is serious, troubling and establishes in my mind the need for intensive additional research and investigation, as well as some prudential steps that would reduce CO2 emissions by enhancing fuel use efficiency and promoting alternative energy sources — was not sufficient to get the world’s governments to do what they thought needed to be done. Hyping the threat increasingly doesn’t look like an accident: it looks like it was a conscious political strategy.

Emphasis mine.

UPDATE: I swear, I just can’t keep up with all the new revelations of fruad.  What a fiasco.

And the hits just keep on comin’

Man, I think I’m gonna need a scorecard to keep up with the hits the on UN’s IPCC report that purports to prove man-made climate change.

Let’s see, we have the emails showing that certain data sets were “tricked” to show temperature gains over time.

Then there was the fudged numbers from weather stations in New Zealand and other locations.

The it turned out that those melting glaciers in the Himalayas wouldn’t be gone by 2035 after all.

Next we learned that the increase in weather related property damage couldn’t be tied to AGW after all.

And now the Times of London is reporting this:

A STARTLING report by the United Nations climate watchdog that global warming might wipe out 40% of the Amazon rainforest was based on an unsubstantiated claim by green campaigners who had little scientific expertise.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said in its 2007 benchmark report that even a slight change in rainfall could see swathes of the rainforest rapidly replaced by savanna grassland.

I’m just glad that AGW is “settled science”.  Otherwise, folks might begin to wonder what the hell is going on.

The shot heard ’round the world!

Well, I heard it all the way in Korea at least.  Yes, the Bay State has a new Republican senator!

Comments are open for any of my liberal friends who want to argue that this election was not a repudiation of Obama’s leftist agenda.  I really like to hear them.  Virginia, New Jersey and now bluer than blue Massachussets. 

Meet the new Senator, Scott Brown:


And the Democrat’s reaction to his election:


Ah, ain’t life grand?

The Great Uniter

Hey, got to give credit where credit is due.  Obama promised to unite the country and it looks like that has now been achieved–at least the left and right are coming together more and more these days.  In opposition to Obamacare.  But still…

But once again we see that the wonders of ObamaCare seem not so wonderful to liberals. They don’t like the idea of consumers being forced to buy health-insurance policies from big, bad insurance companies. They don’t like the idea of smacking middle-class employees who managed to obtain generous health-care plans from their employers. And you don’t hear too many of them cheering for the massive cuts in Medicare. (Liberals always told us our society was to be judged by how generously we treat the old and sick.)  So why did all those Democrats vote for this thing? Ah, it was historic!

Only rare pieces of legislation attract opponents as diverse as does ObamaCare. But this is what comes from passing something, anything, in a mad holiday rush with the purpose of delivering a political “win” for the White House and avoiding a humiliating failure for the Democratic congressional leadership. But as the Left and Right discover what’s in that legislation, there may in fact be a broad consensus building over the need to just start over. There has got to be something that makes more sense than this.

In the words of another famous liberal (Joni Mitchell) “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you got till it’s gone…”

The truth will set you free

It is beginning to look more and more like the frenzied effort at damage control in the wake of revelations of questionable scientific practices regarding climate change is failing.  Even the MSM (in this case CBS) is reporting on the apparent conflicts of interest amongst leading proponents of AGW who are receiving millions in grants and government funding that would be at risk should another cause of the recent warming trend be discovered.

As the science scandal known as ClimateGate grows, the largest U.S. physicists’ association is finding itself roiled by internal dissent and allegations of conflict of interest over a forthcoming review of its position statement on man-made global warming.

“It is Socolow whose entire research funding stream, well over a million dollars a year, depends on continued alarm over global warming,” says William Happer, a fellow Princeton University professor and head of the Happer physics lab who has raised the question of a conflict of interest. The reason: the ostensibly neutral person charged with evaluating a statement endorsing man-made global warming is a leading proponent of precisely that theory whose funding is tied to that theory.

Petr Chylek, a fellow at the Los Alamos National Laboratory and an adjunct professor at New Mexico State University, said in an open letter that climate scientists “have substituted the search for truth with an attempt at proving one point of view.” And 141 scientists have signed a statement at CopenhagenClimateChallenge.org that says actual evidence of human-caused global warming is lacking and “unproven computer models of climate are not acceptable substitutes for real world data obtained through unbiased and rigorous scientific investigation.”

The point I’d like to emphasize is that questioning the scientific methods and integrity of AGW proponents does not make you a climate change heretic skeptic.  And although the zealots for global warming want the rest of us to “shut the hell up”, true science demands that the inquiry continue.

Claudia Rosett praises North Korean acts of courage

One of my favorite left-of-center political commentators, Claudia Rosett, weighs in on recent happenings up north related to the recent devaluation of NORK currency.  As usual, she is pretty much right on point.  Whether or not this opportunity is something that could be exploited is debateable, but it is certainly a positive indication that even the most severly oppressed have their limits.  We’ll see.

While climate delegates are quarreling in Copenhagen, and President Barack Obama is collecting his Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, an important story is unfolding in relative obscurity, in North Korea. Furious over a confiscatory currency “reform,” citizens of the world’s most repressive state have begun publicly criticizing their government.

It is hard to overstate just how bold a move that is. North Korea’s military “is on alert for a possible civil uprising,” according to a major South Korean newspaper, the Chosun Ilbo. Reports have been filtering out of North Korea that the country’s markets have become arenas of protest, with traders–many of them women in their 40s and 50s–publicly cursing the North Korean authorities.

Please read the rest for some fascinating insights and historical perspectives.

On a related note, last week I attended a lecture by Mr. Hwang Jang-yop, the highest level defector from North Korea to date.  He was for the most part pessimistic about any change in attitude from the North as long as Kim, Jong-il remains in power.  As he noted, if China can’t influence North Korea, there is nothing to be gained from the appeasement efforts of South Korea and the USA.

During the Q&A Mr. Hwang was asked about the potential for political upheaval as result of the money devaluation.  He saw little liklihood of any lasting impact, explaining that the people most impacted were the black market profiteers.  As usual, the ruling elite had plenty of advance warning and exchanged their won for Euros weeks ago.  Still, he saw it as one step closer to the destabilazation that will one day lead to the collapse of the North.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Heh.  I’d been working on a long and thoughtful post concerning the global warming fiasco, but it somehow deleted instead of posting.  Thinking it a quirk of fate rather than some cosmic commentary regarding my take on the future of mother Earth, I will likely resurrect those thoughts one day in the future (assuming we have one).

In the meantime, I think this Dilbert panel pretty much captures the gist of what I wanted to say:

Well, there is also this little treatise on the hypocrisy of those attending the Copenhagen climate conference:

The airport says it is expecting up to 140 extra private jets during the peak period alone, so far over its capacity that the planes will have to fly off to regional airports – or to Sweden – to park, returning to Copenhagen to pick up their VIP passengers.

Taking a private jet to a conference on stopping global warming is a bit like traveling in a sedan chair carried by indentured servants to a summit on stopping human trafficking. Except we’re the ones they want to enslave. If they get their way, they’ll crush us with taxes, make our energy bills skyrocket, and otherwise cut our standard of living back to 19th-century levels.

Hmm, it does seem that actions speak louder than words.


You know, the funny thing is I’m pretty much agnostic on the warming issue.  But I never quite bought in to the whole “the science is settled” screed, because the science is never settled. I can accept that the Earth may be experiencing a warming trend, but that’s not to say the cause is man-made.  And even if it were, the proposed cure strikes me as being just as harmful as the “disease” and clearly unlikely to be effectively implemented.

So, if the problem is burning fossil fuels why aren’t our green friends advocating for building more nuclear power stations?  And parking their f’n limos and private jets….

Oh, and I had a mostly friendly discussion with another blogger in Korea (K-blog as we say in the parlance), ROK Sojourn. You should follow the link to read his views and our exchange in the comments. His basic premise was if you don’t believe the Earth is warming, you should just “shut the hell up”.  Seems to me that pretty much means you’ve lost the argument.  Akin to putting your hands over your ears and yelling “LA LA LA LA I can’t hear you!”.

So, if the science is so settled what are they afraid of?

What could go wrong?


UPDATE:  See that stack of paper in the photo above.  That’s 1990 pages constituting the 900 billion dollar House health care bill.  Or to put it another way…$2.24 million per word.  Yikes!
So, Nancy Pelosi and the House Democrats passed historic health care legislation today.  Over 1900 pages of it.  At a cost of “only” 900 billion dollars.  Excluding increased expenses for the Medicare/Medicare programs.  And assuming “fraud and waste” are eliminated.  And we know the government is real good at that.  No worries though, Ms. Nancy assures us that this plan will save everyone money.  Except for those it doesn’t I suppose.  Like taxpayers.

But at least we have some recent models out there that demonstrate big government intervention can make a difference.  Like the Stimulus program:

An early progress report on President Barack Obama’s economic recovery plan overstates by thousands the number of jobs created or saved through the stimulus program, a mistake that White House officials promise will be corrected in future reports.

The government’s first accounting of jobs tied to the $787 billion stimulus program claimed more than 30,000 positions paid for with recovery money. But that figure is overstated by least 5,000 jobs, according to an Associated Press review of a sample of stimulus contracts.

Oops.  Ok, that’s probably not a good example of success.  So, ok then, no one can argue that the “cash for clunkers” program paid off:

A total of 690,000 new vehicles were sold under the Cash for Clunkers program last summer, but only 125,000 of those were vehicles that would not have been sold anyway, according to an analysis released Wednesday by the automotive Web site Edmunds.com.

The average rebate was $4,000. But the overwhelming majority of sales would have taken place anyway at some time in the last half of 2009, according to Edmunds.com. That means the government ended up spending about $24,000 each for those 125,000 additional vehicle sales.

Hmm.  On second thought, maybe we are screwed.


The best laid plans…

…or no plan at all.  When it comes to The One, I’m not sure which is worse.

It is important that the nation is suddenly awakening to the possibility that the president has no real plan for anything whatsoever, and never did. He literally seems to be making it up as he goes along, and his strategy is to do nothing at all but procrastinate.

In the recent past, we have watched the White House and its branch offices gaze glassily past Iran, the Taliban, North Korea and Moscow in hot pursuit of their real enemy, which appears to be the dissenting media.

Economic policy, formerly the purview of rooms that at least contained Larry Summers, is now directed by a Chicago-hood playground pal named Valerie, and its focus is on the compensation levels of 200 people.

Joe Biden is the commander in chief.

The national health care bandaid will provide improved coverage for a group estimated at between 5 and 20 million people, some of whom are US citizens, at a cost of roughly an MRI machine per newly-covered patient.

The “most ethical Congress ever” — well….

Meanwhile, in international affairs…

So, we’ve already gotten a pretty good taste of what’s in store domestically under the guiding wisdom of The One.  Let’s now turn our eyes to foreign policy.

Ed Morrissey notes that our Nobel laureate leader is, well let’s be generous and just say clueless.

Barack Obama campaigned on restoring America’s standing with its allies, accusing the outgoing Bush administration of insulting and alienating our closest friends with his alleged unilateralism.  How has Obama done as President?  He has repeatedly insulted the British, insisting that there is no “special relationship” and demonstrating it by denying Gordon Brown the usual joint press conference on his visit to the US.  Reuters reports that another close ally has taken the measure of Obama and started looking elsewhere for cooperation:

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, initially dubbed Sarko the American for his pro-U.S. stance, is finding it much tougher to deal with Washington than he had anticipated and is recalibrating his policies accordingly.

Now who’s the go-it-alone cowboy?  Obama has damaged relations with the UK, France, the Czech Republic, and Poland, which even Joe Biden was forced to admit yesterday.  Instead, Obama has focused his friendlier attention on Russia and Iran.  What has Obama and the US received in return?  Laughter over Hillary Clinton’s amateurish “reset button” and zero cooperation on Iranian nuclear weapons.  And this is “smart power”?

I’m finding it increasingly impossible to believe the Obama’s ultimate goal is to dismantle the U.S. status as a superpower.  If that is what his mission is then I have to admit he’s off to a fine start.

Hope and change.

It ain’t news if you don’t report it…

That seems to be what the White House is saying according to this report in the NY Times.

Mr. Ailes, who had reached out to Mr. Axelrod to address rising tensions between the network and the White House, told him that Fox’s reporters were fair, if tough, and should be considered separate from the Fox commentators who were skewering President Obama nightly, according to people briefed on the meeting. Mr. Axelrod said it was the view of the White House that Fox News had blurred the line between news and anti-Obama advocacy.

By the following weekend, officials at the White House had decided that if anything, it was time to take the relationship to an even more confrontational level. The spur: Executives at other news organizations, including The New York Times, had publicly said that their newsrooms had not been fast enough in following stories that Fox News, to the administration’s chagrin, had been heavily covering through the summer and early fall — namely, past statements and affiliations of the White House adviser Van Jones that ultimately led to his resignation and questions surrounding the community activist group Acorn.

There followed, beginning in earnest more than two weeks ago, an intensified volley of White House comments describing Fox as “not a news network.”

“It was an amalgam of stories covered, and our assessment of how others were dealing with those stories, that caused us to comment,” Mr. Axelrod said in describing the administration’s thinking.

Ok, let me see if I’ve got this down.  Fox News is breaking stories the administration doesn’t like.  Other news outlets admit they were too slow in reporting those stories.  So, according to the White House, Fox News is not news because if it wasn’t reporting the news, it wouldn’t be news.

Alrighty then.  I’ll give the administration props for not hiding the fact that what they are trying to achieve is a news blackout from the other networks.  The fact that this story is in the NY Times indicates that strategy may fail.  Imagine that, Obama failing.  Who woulda thunk it possible?

Oh, and I actually laughed out loud when I read this:

Speaking privately at the White House on Monday with a group of mostly liberal columnists and commentators, including Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann of MSNBC and Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich and Bob Herbert of The New York Times, Mr. Obama himself gave vent to sentiments about the network, according to people briefed on the conversation.

That is pure comedy gold.  Obama bitching to Olbermann et al about the bias at FNC.  It’s good the President has provided us with an example of the type of “real” news organization he prefers.

Well, the Soviet Union had Pravda and now Obama has his MSNBC.  Makes sense.

Jack and squat

And people (even some media types) are beginning to notice.

Recently an MSNBC personality accused the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of lobbying for policies that amount to being “treasonous to this country.” Remember how liberals roared in outrage at any hint of their patriotism being questioned for criticizing the Iraq War? Well, it’s the left that doesn’t shy from attacking the patriotism of those it dislikes. Recall the repulsive Moveon.org “General Betray-us” ad against Iraq commander Gen. David Petraeus. Recent opposition to Chicago’s Olympic bid was cast as a sign of a lack of patriotism among Obama critics.

The MSNBC blast against the chamber appears to dovetail with what the Politico newspaper reports is a White House and Democratic effort “to marginalize” the business organization. That echoes the administration assault on the Fox News Channel: It says Fox isn’t a news organization.

The White House trying to dictate who’s a news organization. Democrats out to gut a business group. Obama media allies damning Americans as racist, unpatriotic and treasonous. Is this the America Obama promised when he campaigned to end the cynical and divisive politics of the past?