Well, I didn’t have time to get bored, that’s for sure. Here’s how all those hours got filled yesterday.

Anyway, it was a good hike and nice to be out in an unfamiliar area for a change of scenery.

I got back home, did a post here at LTG, took a shower and a short nap, and then headed back out for my 4:30 appointment with Dr. Jo. The blood work results weren’t back yet, but she and hubby Chris reviewed the ultrasound workups. For some reason, my left kidney is bigger than my right kidney, but the pain I’m experiencing is on my right side, so that’s probably not it. I also have some small kidney stones. They are too small for any procedure but ripe for some proactive actions to help expel them naturally. I got another tablet to take and a recommendation for some local plant-based tea my helper will look to find. The bottom line is I’m supposed to drink plenty of fluids. I asked, does that include beer? Chris said it couldn’t hurt. Dr. Jo shook her head and advised we’ll see about that when we get the liver results. It looks like I have a window of opportunity in the meantime. The pain in my side has subsided significantly, so that’s a hopeful sign.
After the doctor’s appointment, I headed out for the liquid refreshment my kidneys so desperately need. I thought I’d start by checking out the new Sloppy Joe’s.

And here are some shots of the new version:

So, I stayed drinking with Jim at Sloppy Joe’s for several beers; then, he suggested we go upstairs to La Oficina. Why not? Up the stairs, plopped down at a seat near the dance stage, and ordered more beer. This was SOB night, so only a couple of dancers were performing. One of them was a real cutie, and with my usually stellar judgment impaired by the kidney medication I’d been drinking, I called her down to join us (Jim was buying drinks for a couple of waitresses. The dancer is named Chloe, and she was fun to hang with, especially since all my old jokes were new to her. I bought her two single-lady drinks before leaving.
Jim was supposed to meet Troy at Adam’s Bar, another venue I almost never visit, so I figured I’d tag along. When we got back downstairs, Troy was at Sloppy Joe’s. He downed his beer and joined us, but wanted to visit Lux bar (next door to Adam’s) first. That’s another bar I rarely patronize. It’s kind of weird because it is one of the nicer bars in town, but for some reason, I just don’t go. Anyway, the door girl latched onto me right as I entered and joined us at our table. An older gal (40, she said) named April. She was also very nice, and I found her worthy of a lady drink. After a couple of beers, Jim and Troy headed upstairs to Adam’s, and I followed them there.
I was very surprised to see Eunice when I arrived. Eunice was one of my regulars at Cheap Charlies, but I hadn’t seen her there recently. Last night was her first night of work at Adam’s, so I naturally welcomed her with a lady drink. I asked what happened at Cheap Charlies, and as I understood her, she missed some work days, and they let her go. Imagine that. My kidneys by now had all the meds I could withstand, so I said my goodnight to all and caught a trike for home.
Quite a day, eh? When I checked to make sure this post title wasn’t duplicated, I came across a post I wrote back in March 2005, shortly after my move to Korea. You may or may not find it of interest. I was a different kind of busy in those days.
And on my morning walk today, I saw there is a new bar coming to town.

There are two other new bars in the process of opening as well. I honestly have no idea where the customers are going to come from to support them all. Even I have my limits. We need more tourists and two-week millionaires!
But Saturday night is fast approaching now, and I’m going to go out and do my best to help out the local business community. Provided they serve San Mig Zero.