
I am just in some kind of funk. No motivation to do anything, not even blog. What’s up with that?

Things are hoppin’ at work though, which is good. Makes the days go by quickly. Tomorrow I have a training course on how to supervise Koreans (I have three working for me). That should be interesting. I’m also meeting with one of our lawyers to strategize on how to deal with a pending union issue.

And in other news they have lifted the curfew for civilians. Although we are “strongly encouraged” to observe the curfew, there are no sanctions for not doing so. Well, as I have said previously, the curfew is not really a problem for me because I am just not likely to be out and about at the witching hour. Still, it was a big issue for lots of folks and for that reason alone I am glad to see it done away with.

And that my friends is the sorry state of my life, such as it is. Ah, tomorrow is another day. I will try again. Goodnight.

Good intentions gone wrong

Well, I had every intention to come home last night and get back into the swing of things by writing a most excellent post. Alas.

Last night was my first Korean language class. I learned my ten vowels. And practiced writing them in the Hangul script. It was quite a flashback to those long-ago days in elementary school. My director and her husband are also in the class. After class they invited me to join them for a drink at the Dragon Hill Lodge. And I had two.

I had walked in to work, so I said my goodbyes and began the trek home. It takes about 25 minutes normally. Having decided to vary my routes (not paranoid, just prudent) I figured I would find a new way home. It didn’t really work out that well. The back streets here, well, they are more what we would call alleys, don’t run on anything like a grid, they just sort of meander. And then abruptly end. I’m not going to say I got lost. I just didn’t know where I was for awhile. Quite awhile to be honest. Anyway, I wound up going in circles and finally came to a street that was somewhat familiar, and eventually made my way home. I was kinda tired and frustrated at that point, so I fixed a frozen dinner and turned on the TV to unwind. I have about 60 channels on cable, and 50 or so are in Korean. Still, I enjoy watching and listening even though I am clueless about what is being said. Long story short, I woke up on the couch about 2:00 am.

This morning I discovered my coffee maker has stopped working. And that it is snowing heavily. There’s already a couple of inches on the ground and if this keeps up it is going to be ugly. I’m going to walk into work this morning. Glad I bought those boots before I left.

Anyway, need to get hiking. I will carry my good intentions forward and hopefully have something of interest for you tonight.

Moving day

This is goodbye for awhile. I’m finally outta this hotel. Sadly, I won’t get Internet at my new place until Wednesday or Thursday next week. If I can get to an Internet cafe I will try and drop in to say hi to my faithful readers (both of you! :))

I am very excited. Spent over $1000. last night at the BX. Got more to buy today, but probably no more the $500., so I am being as frugal as possible.

OK, I will no doubt miss y’all more than you miss me, but don’t forget me while I’m gone.

One of those kind of nights…

Scrolling through the photo albums on my laptop and listening to old music on my portable CD player….

Comforting and disconcerting at the same time. Or maybe Neil Young will just do that to you late at night alone in a hotel room….

Motion pictures on my TV screen
A home away from home
And I’m living in between
Well I hear some people
Have got thier dream
I’ve got mine.

I hear the mountains
Are doing fine
Morning glories on the vine
And the dew is falling
The ducks are calling
Yes, I’ve got mine.

Well all those headlines
They just bore me now
I’m deep inside myself
But I’ll get out somehow
And I’ll stand before you
And I’ll bring a smile
To your eyes.

Motion pictures, motion pictures…

Goodnight. Tomorrow is a new a better day.

Not a good start to the day

So, I am making my coffee this morning and I dropped the pot. Shattered into shards covering a surprising radius. Called for housekeeping to bring a broom and new pot. They got here promptly and cleaned up the mess. The coffee maker they brought does not work however.

Guess going without coffee this morning is my punishment for being a clumsy oaf.

UPDATE: Day turned out ok. Got my SOFA stamp from Korean immigration, got my permanent ration card, have an appointment for transport of household goods tomorrow, and some more work piled on the desk. Hey, it doesn’t get much better than this!

I write like a girl!

I was over at A Small Victory this morning and Michele was complaining that some readers assumed she was male. She linked to this interesting site called “the gender genie” that predicts your gender based on your writing. So, I plugged in the text from my post below and the gender genie predicts that I am female! I’m not really sure how to take that.

Just for fun, I plugged in one of Mrs. LTG’s comments and she writes like a man.

I am so confused. I might be on the verge of a gender identity crisis. Although it appears I am heterosexual, which is somehow comforting.

Busy day

Sorry that I have not given y’all an update recently. Yesterday was a full and interesting day. I will give a full accounting of my activities later today.

This morning I have to go register a car, find out why I didn’t get paid, secure my permenant ration card, meet with my realtor to go over the lease on my apartment, and see the transportion office to find out what’s involved in getting some stuff shipped over here from home. Oh yeah, I need to devote some time to my actual job too.

Things will settle down soon and I will once again be able to regularly provide you with the fascinating and thought provoking insights you have come to expect here at LTG. 🙂

Thoughts on the blogging experience

Ok, a little disclaimer. I admit to keeping an eye on my numbers. And I do like knowing people are coming by for a read and hopefully a comment. I went into this almost two months ago, and I did so with low expectations. But I also knew that if my only readers were family and friends, it would still be a great way to stay in touch and document this period of my life.

And I am having a great time blogging. I post things that I find interesting. Selfish or not, that really is my standard. Obviously, a lot of the stuff I write or link to is not for everyone. So if at times I bore you, I hope I keep things varied enough that you will come back another day. Or not if my view of interesting is something that rarely appeals to you. I don’t know how I would catergorize this blog or its readers, but I appreciate you all. If I attract a larger audience over time that would be great. If it remains just “us”, hey, that’s cool too. Sometimes it’s not the destination that matters, it’s the ride.

So, last week I got linked for the first time by the blogfather himself, Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit fame. It was actually a “sub” link (an update to a previous post, which does not generate the traffic of a “unique” link.) For those who don’t know, Glenn gets 200,000 readers a day on average, I am somewhere just over 100 (a little rodent in ecosystem). Take a look at this chart for an idea of what even a sub link from Glenn will do:

Pretty amazing, huh? Anyway, it is truly an honor to be linked by anyone, whether or not it generates a spike in traffic. It means someone likes something you posted well enough that they are willing to send people your way to check it out. That’s the ultimate compliment in the blog game.

So what I guess I meant to say when I started this post is thank you all. Sincerely.

Hmmm, I want to believe this is true…

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.

You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.

found at Cao’s Blog

101 things

Ok, I have wasted the night fixing up the “about me” page. No, I still have the same crappy passport photo, but if it is good enough for Uncle Sam, it is good enough period! Got it? Good!

I did the obligatory “100 Things” as well. Ok, it is not obligatory, probably more like cliche. But what else are you going to put on an about me page? And boy, it was a real pain in the rear. First I had to think of things to write, then I had to do all that stuff with with the symbols and letters for each entry.

I also added the flag you see to the right. Which I like because it pretty much captures my state of mind these days.

Anyway, all that hooey left no time to write or read blogs, so dear reader, this is the only bone I’ve got for you tonight. Hey, I do my best work in the morning anyway. Check back then.